コード例 #1
    void sonarCallback(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud::ConstPtr& msg)
        double pf_Start = ros::Time::now().toSec();
        std::cout << "I was called : (ms)" << (pf_Start - lastTimeCalled)*1000 << std::endl ;
        lastTimeCalled = pf_Start;
        for(int i=0; i< msg->points.size(); ++i)
            Eigen::Vector3d obstacle(msg->points[i].x,msg->points[i].y,0.0);
                //if((obstacle.norm()>robot_radius)&&(obstacle.norm()<laser_max_distance-0.01)) // check if measurement is between the laser range and the robot
                //ROS_INFO_STREAM("INSIDE THE LIMITS:"<<obstacle.norm());

        //ROS_INFO_STREAM("obstacles:" << obstacles_positions.size());
        //ROS_INFO("I heard sensor data : [%f, %f , %f]", msg->points[0].x , msg->points[0].y , msg->points[0].z  );

       // feedbackMaster();
        double pf_End = ros::Time::now().toSec();
        //std::cout << "Call back took : (ms)" << (pf_End - pf_Start)*1000 << std::endl ;
コード例 #2
// Computes acceleration to every control point of the jello cube, 
//   which is in state given by 'jello'.	
//   Returns result in array 'a'.									
void computeAcceleration(struct world * jello, struct point a[8][8][8])
  // for you to implement ...  

	int x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;	// Index variables for looping through all 512 points

	point typeP, curP;			// typeP = one of the 32 nodes to which the curP point is connected
	int collided = 0;

	memset( (void*)a, 0, sizeof(a));
	memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
	memset( (void*)&curP, 0, sizeof(curP));
	memset( (void*)force, 0, sizeof(force));
		// Check for force field
			// compute the force field cube size and store it in the global variable
			forceFieldCubeSize = ((double)4)/jello->resolution;
			noOfCubesInRow = (int)(((double)jello->resolution) / forceFieldCubeSize);

			// Compute the effect of force field and update the forces due to it on all the nodes

	for(z = 0; z < 8; z++)
		for(y = 0; y < 8; y++)
			for(x = 0; x < 8; x++)
				memset( (void*)&curP, 0, sizeof(curP));
				curP.x = x;
				curP.y = y;
				curP.z = z;

				// Checks whether any of the nodes is colliding with the bounding box and Sphere
				checkForCollision(curP, jello);


	for(z = 0; z < 8; z++)
		for(y = 0; y < 8; y++)
			for(x = 0; x < 8; x++)
				curP.x = x;
				curP.y = y;
				curP.z = z;

				// Check for all the springs possible = 32
				// TYPE 1 -> (x+1, y, z) structural spring
				typeP.x = x + 1;
				typeP.y = y;
				typeP.z = z;
				updateForce(curP, typeP, jello, STRUCTURAL);
				memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
				// TYPE 2 -> (x-1, y, z)
				typeP.x = x - 1;
				typeP.y = y;
				typeP.z = z;
				updateForce(curP, typeP, jello, STRUCTURAL);
				memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
				// TYPE 3 -> (x, y, z+1)
				typeP.x = x;
				typeP.y = y;
				typeP.z = z + 1;
				updateForce(curP, typeP, jello, STRUCTURAL);
				memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
				// TYPE 4 -> (x, y, z-1)
				typeP.x = x;
				typeP.y = y;
				typeP.z = z - 1;
				updateForce(curP, typeP, jello, STRUCTURAL);
				memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
				// TYPE 5 -> (x+1, y, z+1)
				typeP.x = x + 1;
				typeP.y = y;
				typeP.z = z + 1;
				updateForce(curP, typeP, jello, SHEARSIDE);
				memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
				// TYPE 6 -> (x+1, y, z-1)
				typeP.x = x + 1;
				typeP.y = y;
				typeP.z = z - 1;
				updateForce(curP, typeP, jello, SHEARSIDE);
				memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
				// TYPE 7 -> (x-1, y, z+1)
				typeP.x = x - 1;
				typeP.y = y;
				typeP.z = z + 1;
				updateForce(curP, typeP, jello, SHEARSIDE);
				memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
				// TYPE 8 -> (x-1, y, z-1)
				typeP.x = x - 1;
				typeP.y = y;
				typeP.z = z - 1;
				updateForce(curP, typeP, jello, SHEARSIDE);
				memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));


				// TYPE 9 -> (x+1, y+1, z)
				typeP.x = x + 1;
				typeP.y = y + 1;
				typeP.z = z;
				updateForce(curP, typeP, jello, SHEARSIDE);
				memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
				// TYPE 10 -> (x-1, y+1, z)
				typeP.x = x - 1;
				typeP.y = y + 1;
				typeP.z = z;
				updateForce(curP, typeP, jello, SHEARSIDE);
				memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
				// TYPE 11 -> (x, y+1, z+1)
				typeP.x = x;
				typeP.y = y + 1;
				typeP.z = z + 1;
				updateForce(curP, typeP, jello, SHEARSIDE);
				memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
				// TYPE 12 -> (x, y+1, z-1)
				typeP.x = x;
				typeP.y = y + 1;
				typeP.z = z - 1;
				updateForce(curP, typeP, jello, SHEARSIDE);
				memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
				// TYPE 13 -> (x+1, y+1, z+1)
				typeP.x = x + 1;
				typeP.y = y + 1;
				typeP.z = z + 1;
				updateForce(curP, typeP, jello, SHEARDIAGONAL);
				memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
				// TYPE 14 -> (x+1, y+1, z-1)
				typeP.x = x + 1;
				typeP.y = y + 1;
				typeP.z = z - 1;
				updateForce(curP, typeP, jello, SHEARDIAGONAL);
				memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
				// TYPE 15 -> (x-1, y+1, z+1)
				typeP.x = x - 1;
				typeP.y = y + 1;
				typeP.z = z + 1;
				updateForce(curP, typeP, jello, SHEARDIAGONAL);
				memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
				// TYPE 16 -> (x-1, y+1, z-1)
				typeP.x = x - 1;
				typeP.y = y + 1;
				typeP.z = z - 1;
				updateForce(curP, typeP, jello, SHEARDIAGONAL);
				memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
				// TYPE 17 -> (x, y+1, z)
				typeP.x = x;
				typeP.y = y + 1;
				typeP.z = z;
				updateForce(curP, typeP, jello, STRUCTURAL);
				memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));

				// TOP LAYER

				// TYPE 18 -> (x+1, y-1, z)
				typeP.x = x + 1;
				typeP.y = y - 1;
				typeP.z = z;
				updateForce(curP, typeP, jello, SHEARSIDE);
				memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
				// TYPE 19 -> (x-1, y-1, z)
				typeP.x = x - 1;
				typeP.y = y - 1;
				typeP.z = z;
				updateForce(curP, typeP, jello, SHEARSIDE);
				memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
				// TYPE 20 -> (x, y-1, z+1)
				typeP.x = x;
				typeP.y = y - 1;
				typeP.z = z + 1;
				updateForce(curP, typeP, jello, SHEARSIDE);
				memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
				// TYPE 21 -> (x, y-1, z-1)
				typeP.x = x;
				typeP.y = y - 1;
				typeP.z = z - 1;
				updateForce(curP, typeP, jello, SHEARSIDE);
				memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
				// TYPE 22 -> (x+1, y-1, z+1)
				typeP.x = x + 1;
				typeP.y = y - 1;
				typeP.z = z + 1;
				updateForce(curP, typeP, jello, SHEARDIAGONAL);
				memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
				// TYPE 23 -> (x+1, y-1, z-1)
				typeP.x = x + 1;
				typeP.y = y - 1;
				typeP.z = z - 1;
				updateForce(curP, typeP, jello, SHEARDIAGONAL);
				memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
				// TYPE 24 -> (x-1, y-1, z+1)
				typeP.x = x - 1;
				typeP.y = y - 1;
				typeP.z = z + 1;
				updateForce(curP, typeP, jello, SHEARDIAGONAL);
				memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
				// TYPE 25 -> (x-1, y-1, z-1)
				typeP.x = x - 1;
				typeP.y = y - 1;
				typeP.z = z - 1;
				updateForce(curP, typeP, jello, SHEARDIAGONAL);
				memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
				// TYPE 26 -> (x, y-1, z)
				typeP.x = x;
				typeP.y = y - 1;
				typeP.z = z;
				updateForce(curP, typeP, jello, STRUCTURAL);
				memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));


				// TYPE 27 -> (x+2, y, z)
				typeP.x = x + 2;
				typeP.y = y;
				typeP.z = z;
				updateForce(curP, typeP, jello, BEND);
				memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
				// TYPE 28 -> (x-2, y, z)
				typeP.x = x - 2;
				typeP.y = y;
				typeP.z = z;
				updateForce(curP, typeP, jello, BEND);
				memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
				// TYPE 29 -> (x, y+2, z)
				typeP.x = x;
				typeP.y = y + 2;
				typeP.z = z;
				updateForce(curP, typeP, jello, BEND);
				memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
				// TYPE 30 -> (x, y-2, z)
				typeP.x = x;
				typeP.y = y - 2;
				typeP.z = z;
				updateForce(curP, typeP, jello, BEND);
				memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
				// TYPE 31 -> (x, y, z+2)
				typeP.x = x;
				typeP.y = y;
				typeP.z = z + 2;
				updateForce(curP, typeP, jello, BEND);
				memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
				// TYPE 32 -> (x, y, z-2)
				typeP.x = x;
				typeP.y = y;
				typeP.z = z - 2;
				updateForce(curP, typeP, jello, BEND);
				memset( (void*)&typeP, 0, sizeof(typeP));
				// Check if the point obtained in this type is valid -> inside cube check
				// blah blah
				// check if the point obtained in this type is already parsed -> check for the x,y,z loop comparison
				// blah blah
				// if not parsed then find the hooks force and damping force.
				// add the force value to both the end points, i.e; current looping point and the type obtained point
			}	// for indexX
		}	// for indexY
	}	// for indexZ
	memset( (void*)a, 0, sizeof(a));
	for(z = 0; z < 8; z++)
		for(y = 0; y < 8; y++)
			for(x = 0; x < 8; x++)
				a[x][y][z].x = force[x][y][z].x / jello->mass ;
				a[x][y][z].y = force[x][y][z].y / jello->mass ;
				a[x][y][z].z = force[x][y][z].z / jello->mass ;
