コード例 #1
//-------- execute ---------------------------------------------------------

  stk::mesh::BulkData & bulk_data = realm_.bulk_data();
  stk::mesh::MetaData & meta_data = realm_.meta_data();

  const int nDim = meta_data.spatial_dimension();

  const double dt = realm_.get_time_step();

  // define vector of parent topos; should always be UNITY in size
  std::vector<stk::topology> parentTopo;

  // define some common selectors
  stk::mesh::Selector s_locally_owned_union = meta_data.locally_owned_part()

  stk::mesh::BucketVector const& face_buckets =
    realm_.get_buckets( meta_data.side_rank(), s_locally_owned_union );
  for ( stk::mesh::BucketVector::const_iterator ib = face_buckets.begin();
        ib != face_buckets.end() ; ++ib ) {
    stk::mesh::Bucket & b = **ib ;

    // extract connected element topology
    b.parent_topology(stk::topology::ELEMENT_RANK, parentTopo);
    ThrowAssert ( parentTopo.size() == 1 );
    stk::topology theElemTopo = parentTopo[0];
    MasterElement *meSCS = sierra::nalu::MasterElementRepo::get_surface_master_element(theElemTopo);

    // size some things that are useful
    const int num_face_nodes = b.topology().num_nodes();

    const stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type length   = b.size();

    for ( stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type k = 0 ; k < length ; ++k ) {

      // pointer to face data
      const double * areaVec = stk::mesh::field_data(*exposedAreaVec_, b, k);

      // extract the connected element to this exposed face; should be single in size!
      stk::mesh::Entity const * face_elem_rels = b.begin_elements(k);
      ThrowAssert( b.num_elements(k) == 1 );

      // get element; its face ordinal number and populate face_node_ordinals
      stk::mesh::Entity element = face_elem_rels[0];
      const int face_ordinal = b.begin_element_ordinals(k)[0];
      const int *face_node_ordinals = meSCS->side_node_ordinals(face_ordinal);

      // get the relations
      stk::mesh::Entity const * elem_node_rels = bulk_data.begin_nodes(element);

      for ( int ip = 0; ip < num_face_nodes; ++ip ) {

        const int opposingNode = meSCS->opposingNodes(face_ordinal,ip);
        const int nearestNode = face_node_ordinals[ip];

        // left and right nodes; right is on the face; left is the opposing node
        stk::mesh::Entity nodeL = elem_node_rels[opposingNode];
        stk::mesh::Entity nodeR = elem_node_rels[nearestNode];

        // extract nodal fields
        const double * coordL = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates_, nodeL );
        const double * coordR = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates_, nodeR );

        const double tempL = *stk::mesh::field_data(*temperature_, nodeL );
        const double tempR = *stk::mesh::field_data(*temperature_, nodeR );

        // nearest nodes; gathered and to-be-scattered
        const double * dhdxR    =  stk::mesh::field_data(*dhdx_, nodeR );
        const double densityR   = *stk::mesh::field_data(*density_, nodeR );
        const double thermalCondR = *stk::mesh::field_data(*thermalCond_, nodeR );
        const double specificHeatR = *stk::mesh::field_data(*specificHeat_, nodeR );
        double *assembledWallArea = stk::mesh::field_data(*assembledWallArea_, nodeR);
        double *referenceTemperature = stk::mesh::field_data(*referenceTemperature_, nodeR);
        double *heatTransferCoefficient = stk::mesh::field_data(*heatTransferCoefficient_, nodeR);
        double *normalHeatFlux = stk::mesh::field_data(*normalHeatFlux_, nodeR);
        double *robinCouplingParameter = stk::mesh::field_data(*robinCouplingParameter_, nodeR);

        // offset for bip area vector
        const int faceOffSet = ip*nDim;

        // compute geometry
        double axdx = 0.0;
        double asq = 0.0;
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          const double axj = areaVec[faceOffSet+j];
          const double dxj = coordR[j] - coordL[j];
          asq += axj*axj;
          axdx += axj*dxj;

        const double inv_axdx = 1.0/axdx;
        const double aMag = std::sqrt(asq);
        const double edgeLen = axdx/aMag;

        // NOC; convert dhdx to dTdx
        double nonOrth = 0.0;
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          const double axj = areaVec[faceOffSet+j];
          const double dxj = coordR[j] - coordL[j];
          const double kxj = axj - asq*inv_axdx*dxj;
          const double GjT = dhdxR[j]/specificHeatR;
          nonOrth += -thermalCondR*kxj*GjT;

        // compute coupling parameter
        const double chi = densityR * specificHeatR * edgeLen * edgeLen
          / (2 * thermalCondR * dt);
        const double alpha = compute_coupling_parameter(thermalCondR, edgeLen, chi);

        // assemble the nodal quantities; group NOC on reference temp
        // if NOC is < 0; Too will be greater than Tphyscial
        // if NOC is > 0; Too will be less than Tphysical
        // grouping NOC on H reverses the above, however, who knows which is best..
        *assembledWallArea += aMag;
        *referenceTemperature += thermalCondR*tempL*asq*inv_axdx - nonOrth;
        *heatTransferCoefficient += -thermalCondR*tempR*asq*inv_axdx;
        *normalHeatFlux += thermalCondR*(tempL-tempR)*asq*inv_axdx - nonOrth;
        *robinCouplingParameter += alpha*aMag;
コード例 #2
//-------- execute ---------------------------------------------------------

  stk::mesh::BulkData & bulk_data = realm_.bulk_data();
  stk::mesh::MetaData & meta_data = realm_.meta_data();

  const int nDim = meta_data.spatial_dimension();

  const double dt = realm_.get_time_step();

  // nodal fields to gather
  std::vector<double> ws_coordinates;
  std::vector<double> ws_temperature;
  std::vector<double> ws_thermalCond;
  std::vector<double> ws_density;
  std::vector<double> ws_specificHeat;

  // master element
  std::vector<double> ws_face_shape_function;
  std::vector<double> ws_dndx;
  std::vector<double> ws_det_j;
  // array for face nodes and nodes off face
  std::vector<double> ws_nodesOnFace;
  std::vector<double> ws_nodesOffFace;

  // define vector of parent topos; should always be UNITY in size
  std::vector<stk::topology> parentTopo;

  // define some common selectors
  stk::mesh::Selector s_locally_owned_union = meta_data.locally_owned_part()

  stk::mesh::BucketVector const& face_buckets =
    realm_.get_buckets( meta_data.side_rank(), s_locally_owned_union );
  for ( stk::mesh::BucketVector::const_iterator ib = face_buckets.begin();
        ib != face_buckets.end() ; ++ib ) {
    stk::mesh::Bucket & b = **ib ;

    // extract connected element topology
    b.parent_topology(stk::topology::ELEMENT_RANK, parentTopo);
    ThrowAssert ( parentTopo.size() == 1 );
    stk::topology theElemTopo = parentTopo[0];
    MasterElement *meSCS = realm_.get_surface_master_element(theElemTopo);
    const int nodesPerElement = meSCS->nodesPerElement_;

    // face master element
    MasterElement *meFC = realm_.get_surface_master_element(b.topology());
    const int nodesPerFace = meFC->nodesPerElement_;

    // size some things that are useful
    int num_face_nodes = b.topology().num_nodes();
    std::vector<int> face_node_ordinals(num_face_nodes);

    // algorithm related; element

    // pointers
    double *p_coordinates = &ws_coordinates[0];
    double *p_temperature = &ws_temperature[0];
    double *p_thermalCond = &ws_thermalCond[0];
    double *p_density     = &ws_density[0];
    double *p_specificHeat = &ws_specificHeat[0];
    double *p_face_shape_function = &ws_face_shape_function[0];
    double *p_dndx = &ws_dndx[0];
    double *p_nodesOnFace = &ws_nodesOnFace[0];
    double *p_nodesOffFace = &ws_nodesOffFace[0];

    // shape function

    const stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type length   = b.size();

    for ( stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type k = 0 ; k < length ; ++k ) {

      // get face
      stk::mesh::Entity face = b[k];

      // pointer to face data
      const double * areaVec = stk::mesh::field_data(*exposedAreaVec_, b, k);

      // gather nodal data off of face
      stk::mesh::Entity const * face_node_rels = bulk_data.begin_nodes(face);
      num_face_nodes = bulk_data.num_nodes(face);
      // sanity check on num nodes
      ThrowAssert( num_face_nodes == nodesPerFace );
      for ( int ni = 0; ni < num_face_nodes; ++ni ) {
        stk::mesh::Entity node = face_node_rels[ni];
        // gather scalars
        p_density[ni] = *stk::mesh::field_data(*density_, node);
        const double mu = *stk::mesh::field_data(*viscosity_, node);
        const double Cp = *stk::mesh::field_data(*specificHeat_, node);
        p_specificHeat[ni] = Cp;
        p_thermalCond[ni] = mu*Cp/Pr_;

      // extract the connected element to this exposed face; should be single in size!
      stk::mesh::Entity const * face_elem_rels = b.begin_elements(k);
      ThrowAssert( b.num_elements(k) == 1 );

      // get element; its face ordinal number and populate face_node_ordinals
      stk::mesh::Entity element = face_elem_rels[0];
      const int face_ordinal = b.begin_element_ordinals(k)[0];
      theElemTopo.side_node_ordinals(face_ordinal, face_node_ordinals.begin());

      // gather nodal data off of element
      stk::mesh::Entity const * elem_node_rels = bulk_data.begin_nodes(element);
      int num_nodes = bulk_data.num_nodes(element);
      // sanity check on num nodes
      ThrowAssert( num_nodes == nodesPerElement );
      for ( int ni = 0; ni < num_nodes; ++ni ) {
        // sneak in nodesOn/offFace
        p_nodesOnFace[ni] = 0.0;
        p_nodesOffFace[ni] = 1.0;
        stk::mesh::Entity node = elem_node_rels[ni];
        // gather scalars
        p_temperature[ni] = *stk::mesh::field_data(*temperature_, node);
        // gather vectors
        double * coords = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates_, node);
        const int offSet = ni*nDim;
        for ( int j=0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          p_coordinates[offSet+j] = coords[j];

      // process on/off while looping over face nodes
      for ( int ip = 0; ip < num_face_nodes; ++ip ) {
        const int nearestNode = face_node_ordinals[ip];
        p_nodesOnFace[nearestNode] = 1.0;
        p_nodesOffFace[nearestNode] = 0.0;

      // compute dndx
      double scs_error = 0.0;
      meSCS->face_grad_op(1, face_ordinal, &p_coordinates[0], &p_dndx[0], &ws_det_j[0], &scs_error);

      for ( int ip = 0; ip < num_face_nodes; ++ip ) {

        const int nearestNode = face_node_ordinals[ip];
        stk::mesh::Entity nodeR = elem_node_rels[nearestNode];

        // pointers to nearest node data
        double *assembledWallArea = stk::mesh::field_data(*assembledWallArea_, nodeR);
        double *referenceTemperature = stk::mesh::field_data(*referenceTemperature_, nodeR);
        double *heatTransferCoefficient = stk::mesh::field_data(*heatTransferCoefficient_, nodeR);
        double *normalHeatFlux = stk::mesh::field_data(*normalHeatFlux_, nodeR);
        double *robinCouplingParameter = stk::mesh::field_data(*robinCouplingParameter_, nodeR);

        // offset for bip area vector and types of shape function
        const int faceOffSet = ip*nDim;
        const int offSetSF_face = ip*nodesPerFace;

        // interpolate to bip
        double thermalCondBip = 0.0;
        double densityBip = 0.0;
        double specificHeatBip = 0.0;
        for ( int ic = 0; ic < nodesPerFace; ++ic ) {
          const double r = p_face_shape_function[offSetSF_face+ic];
          thermalCondBip += r*p_thermalCond[ic];
          densityBip += r*p_density[ic];
          specificHeatBip += r*p_specificHeat[ic];

        // handle flux due to on and off face in a single loop (on/off provided above)
        double dndx    = 0.0;
        double dndxOn  = 0.0;
        double dndxOff = 0.0;
        double invEltLen = 0.0;
        for ( int ic = 0; ic < nodesPerElement; ++ic ) {
          const int offSetDnDx = nDim*nodesPerElement*ip + ic*nDim;
          const double nodesOnFace = p_nodesOnFace[ic];
          const double nodesOffFace = p_nodesOffFace[ic];
          const double tempIC = p_temperature[ic];
          for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
            const double axj = areaVec[faceOffSet+j];
            const double dndxj = p_dndx[offSetDnDx+j];
            const double dTdA = dndxj*axj*tempIC;
            dndx    += dTdA;
            dndxOn  += dTdA*nodesOnFace;
            dndxOff += dTdA*nodesOffFace;
            invEltLen += dndxj*axj*nodesOnFace;

        // compute assembled area
        double aMag = 0.0;
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          const double axj = areaVec[faceOffSet+j];
          aMag += axj*axj;
        aMag = std::sqrt(aMag);
        double eltLen = aMag/invEltLen;

        // compute coupling parameter
        const double chi = densityBip * specificHeatBip * eltLen * eltLen 
          / (2 * thermalCondBip * dt);
        const double alpha = compute_coupling_parameter(thermalCondBip, eltLen, chi);

        // assemble the nodal quantities
        *assembledWallArea += aMag;
        *normalHeatFlux -= thermalCondBip*dndx;
        *referenceTemperature -= thermalCondBip*dndxOff;
        *heatTransferCoefficient -= thermalCondBip*dndxOn;
        *robinCouplingParameter += alpha*aMag;