コード例 #1
ファイル: conmenu.cpp プロジェクト: bbonev/vslib
int con_full_box( int x, int y, const char *title, VArray *va, ConMenuInfo *menu_info )
  ScrollPos scroll;
  scroll.wrap = 0;
  scroll.set_min_max( 0, va->count()-1 );
  scroll.set_pagesize( con_max_y() - 3 ); /* one title and two status */
  scroll.go( 0 );

  char pos_str[32];

  con_xy( 1, 1 );
  con_puts( title, menu_info->ti );
  con_ce( menu_info->ti );
    VString str;
    int z;
    for( z = 0; z < scroll.pagesize(); z++ )
      if ( scroll.page() + z < va->count() )
        str = va->get( scroll.page() + z );
        str = "~";
      str = str_dot_reduce( str, con_max_x()-1 );
      con_xy( 1, z + 2 );
      int c = ( scroll.page() + z == scroll.pos() ) ? menu_info->ch : menu_info->cn;
      con_puts( str, c );
      con_ce( c );
    sprintf( pos_str, " %5d of %5d", scroll.pos()+1, scroll.max()+1 );
    con_out( con_max_x() - 15, 1, pos_str, menu_info->ti );
    int ch;
    switch( (ch = con_getch()) )
      case 27 : menu_info->ec = 27; return -1; break;
      case  8 : menu_info->ec =  8; return -1; break;
      case KEY_BACKSPACE : menu_info->ec =  KEY_BACKSPACE; return -1; break;
      case 13 : menu_info->ec = 13; return scroll.pos(); break;
      case KEY_UP    : scroll.up(); break;
      case KEY_DOWN  : scroll.down(); break;
      case KEY_NPAGE : scroll.npage(); break;
      case KEY_PPAGE : scroll.ppage(); break;
      case KEY_HOME  : scroll.home(); break;
      case KEY_END   : scroll.end(); break;
        if ( tolower(ch) == tolower(menu_info->ac) )
          menu_info->ec = menu_info->ac;
          return -2;
コード例 #2
ファイル: vfudir.cpp プロジェクト: svilendobrev/svd_bin
void tree_draw_page( ScrollPos &scroll )
  VString str = " ";
  str_mul( str, con_max_x() );
  str = "          SiZE DiRECTORY" + str;
  str_sleft( str, con_max_x()-16 ); 
  con_out(1,3, str, cHEADER );
  int z = 0;
  for(z = 0; z < scroll.pagesize(); z++)
    if (scroll.page() + z <= scroll.max())
      tree_draw_item( scroll.page(), z );
      con_xy( 1, 3+1+z );
      con_puts( "~", cCYAN );
      con_ce( cCYAN );
コード例 #3
ファイル: vfudir.cpp プロジェクト: svilendobrev/svd_bin
void tree_draw_item( int page, int index, int hilite )
  if ( page + index >= dir_tree.count() ) return;
  VString s1 = dir_tree[page+index];
  VString s2 = s1;
  int j = str_rfind( s1,'/');
  for(j = 0; j < str_len(s1); j++)
    if (s1[j] == '/')
      str_set_ch(s1,j, '|');
    if (s1[j] == '\\')
      str_set_ch(s1,j, '\\');
      str_set_ch(s1,j, '+');
  if (opt.tree_compact)
    str_replace(s1,"+", "");
    str_replace(s1,"|", "|  ");
    str_replace(s1,"\\","   ");
    s1 += "--";
    str_replace(s1,"+", " ");
    str_replace(s1,"\\", " ");
    s1 += "--";

  VString str = dir_tree[page+index];
  str_tr( str,"\\", "/" );
  VString sz;
  sz.fi( size_cache_get( str ) );
  if ( sz == "-1" )
    sz = "n/a";
    str_comma( sz );
  str_pad( sz, 14 );
  s1 = sz + " " + s1;

  int m = con_max_x() - 1; /* doesn't speed the code... :) */
  if ( str_len( s1 ) > m )
    str_sleft( s1, m );
    s2 = "";
  else if ( str_len( s1 ) + str_len( s2 ) > m )
    str_sleft( s2, m - str_len( s1 ) );

  if (hilite)
    con_puts( s1, cBAR );
    con_puts( s2, cBAR );
    con_ce( cBAR );
    con_puts( s1, cSTATUS );
    con_puts( s2, cMESSAGE );
    con_ce( cSTATUS );
コード例 #4
ファイル: vfuview.cpp プロジェクト: svilendobrev/svd_bin

extern const char *FTIMETYPE[]; /* in vfuopt.cpp */
void vfu_redraw() /* redraw file list and header */
  char t[MAX_PATH];
  VString str;

  str  = "Mask: ";
  str += files_mask;
  if ( work_mode == WM_ARCHIVE )
    con_out( con_max_x()-34, 1, " [-ARCHIVE-] ", cWARNING );
  con_out(con_max_x()-17,1,"Press H for help",cINFO);
  con_out(con_max_x()-20,1,"VFU " VFU_VERSION " <H> for help",cINFO);

  str = "Path: ";
  str += work_path;
  if ( work_mode == WM_ARCHIVE )
    str += "[";
    str += archive_name;
    str += "]/"; /* NOTE: to simulate root dir visually */
    str += archive_path;
  str = str_dot_reduce( str, con_max_x()-1 );

  str = "";

  if ( opt.sort_order == 'N' ) str = "NAME";
  if ( opt.sort_order == 'M' ) str = "NAME#";
  if ( opt.sort_order == 'E' ) str = "EXT";
  if ( opt.sort_order == 'A' ) str = "MODE";
  if ( opt.sort_order == 'O' ) str = "OWNER";
  if ( opt.sort_order == 'G' ) str = "GROUP";
  if ( opt.sort_order == 'T' ) str = "MTIME";
  if ( opt.sort_order == 'H' ) str = "CTIME";
  if ( opt.sort_order == 'C' ) str = "ATIME";
  if ( opt.sort_order == 'S' ) str = "SIZE";
  if ( opt.sort_order == 'Y' ) str = "TYPE";
  str += opt.sort_direction == 'A' ? "+" : "-";
  str = "(SORT:" + str + ")";
  con_out( con_max_x() - str_len( str ) + 1, 2, str, cHEADER );

  str = "";

  t[0] = 0;
  char *spos = t;
  if (opt.sort_order == 'D') opt.sort_order = 'T'; /* hack anyway */
  if (!opt.long_name_view)
    if (opt.f_mode  ) spos += sprintf( spos, "%10s ", MODE_STRING );
    if (opt.f_owner ) spos += sprintf( spos, "   OWNER " );
    if (opt.f_group ) spos += sprintf( spos, "   GROUP " );
    if (opt.f_time  ) spos += sprintf( spos, "%s  TiME ", FTIMETYPE[opt.f_time_type] );
    if (opt.f_size  ) spos += sprintf( spos, filesize_fmt, "SiZE" );
  if ( opt.f_mode + opt.f_owner + opt.f_group + opt.f_time + opt.f_size + opt.f_type == 0 )
    opt.f_type = 1; /* a hack really :) if all fields are off -- turn on type one */
  if (opt.f_type || opt.long_name_view) spos += sprintf( spos, "TP" );
  tag_mark_pos = strlen( t );
  sel_mark_pos = tag_mark_pos + 2;

  spos += sprintf( spos, "  #NAME    %s",
                   opt.long_name_view ? "( long name view )" : "" );

  str_pad( t, - con_max_x() );
  str_sleft( t, con_max_x() );

  con_out(1,3, t, cHEADER );
  show_pos( FLI+1, files_count );

  int z;

  for ( z = 0; z < PS; z++ )
    ASSERT( FLP + z >= 0 );
    if ( FLP + z >= files_count )
      con_out( 1, z+4, "~", cPLAIN );
      con_ce( cPLAIN );
    else if ( files_list[FLP+z] == NULL )  /* FIXME: if NULL?! */
      con_out( 1, z+4, "~", cPLAIN );
      con_ce( cPLAIN );
      vfu_draw( FLP + z );
  if ( files_count <= 0 )
    con_out( ( con_max_x() - 20 ) / 2, 10, " *** No files found *** ", cHEADER);
