コード例 #1
int dhd_check_module_cid(dhd_pub_t *dhd)
	int ret = -1;
	unsigned char cis_buf[CIS_BUF_SIZE] = {0};
	const char *cidfilepath = CIDINFO;
	cis_rw_t *cish = (cis_rw_t *)&cis_buf[8];
	int idx, max;
	vid_info_t *cur_info;
	unsigned char *vid_start;
	unsigned char vid_length;
#if defined(BCM4334_CHIP) || defined(BCM4335_CHIP)
	const char *revfilepath = REVINFO;
#ifdef BCM4334_CHIP
	int flag_b3;
	char rev_str[10] = {0};
#endif /* BCM4334_CHIP */
#endif /* BCM4334_CHIP || BCM4335_CHIP */

	/* Try reading out from CIS */
	cish->source = 0;
	cish->byteoff = 0;
	cish->nbytes = sizeof(cis_buf);

	strcpy(cis_buf, "cisdump");
	ret = dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_GET_VAR, cis_buf,
		sizeof(cis_buf), 0, 0);
	if (ret < 0) {
		DHD_ERROR(("%s: CIS reading failed, err=%d\n",
			__FUNCTION__, ret));
		return ret;

	DHD_ERROR(("%s: CIS reading success, ret=%d\n",
		__FUNCTION__, ret));
#ifdef DUMP_CIS
	dhd_dump_cis(cis_buf, 48);

	max = sizeof(cis_buf) - 4;
	for (idx = 0; idx < max; idx++) {
		if (cis_buf[idx] == CIS_TUPLE_START) {
			if (cis_buf[idx + 2] == CIS_TUPLE_VENDOR) {
				vid_length = cis_buf[idx + 1];
				vid_start = &cis_buf[idx + 3];
				/* found CIS tuple */
			} else {
				/* Go to next tuple if tuple value is not vendor type */
				idx += (cis_buf[idx + 1] + 1);

	if (idx < max) {
		max = sizeof(vid_info) / sizeof(vid_info_t);
		for (idx = 0; idx < max; idx++) {
			cur_info = &vid_info[idx];
			if ((cur_info->vid_length == vid_length) &&
				(cur_info->vid_length != 0) &&
				(memcmp(cur_info->vid, vid_start, cur_info->vid_length - 1) == 0))
				goto write_cid;

	/* find default nvram, if exist */
	DHD_ERROR(("%s: cannot find CIS TUPLE set as default\n", __FUNCTION__));
	max = sizeof(vid_info) / sizeof(vid_info_t);
	for (idx = 0; idx < max; idx++) {
		cur_info = &vid_info[idx];
		if (cur_info->vid_length == 0)
			goto write_cid;
	DHD_ERROR(("%s: cannot find default CID\n", __FUNCTION__));
	return -1;

	DHD_ERROR(("CIS MATCH FOUND : %s\n", cur_info->vname));
	dhd_write_cid_file(cidfilepath, cur_info->vname, strlen(cur_info->vname)+1);
#if defined(BCM4334_CHIP)
	/* Try reading out from OTP to distinguish B2 or B3 */
	memset(cis_buf, 0, sizeof(cis_buf));
	cish = (cis_rw_t *)&cis_buf[8];

	cish->source = 0;
	cish->byteoff = 0;
	cish->nbytes = sizeof(cis_buf);

	strcpy(cis_buf, "otpdump");
	ret = dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_GET_VAR, cis_buf,
		sizeof(cis_buf), 0, 0);
	if (ret < 0) {
		DHD_ERROR(("%s: OTP reading failed, err=%d\n",
			__FUNCTION__, ret));
		return ret;

	/* otp 33th character is identifier for 4334B3 */
	cis_buf[34] = '\0';
	flag_b3 = bcm_atoi(&cis_buf[33]);
	if (flag_b3 & 0x1) {
		DHD_ERROR(("REV MATCH FOUND : 4334B3, %c\n", cis_buf[33]));
		dhd_write_cid_file(revfilepath, "4334B3", 6);
#endif /* BCM4334_CHIP */
#if defined(BCM4335_CHIP)
	DHD_TRACE(("%s: BCM4335 Multiple Revision Check\n", __FUNCTION__));
	if (concate_revision(dhd->bus, rev_str, sizeof(rev_str),
		rev_str, sizeof(rev_str)) < 0) {
		DHD_ERROR(("%s: fail to concate revision\n", __FUNCTION__));
		ret = -1;
	} else {
		if (strstr(rev_str, "_a0")) {
			DHD_ERROR(("REV MATCH FOUND : 4335A0\n"));
			dhd_write_cid_file(revfilepath, "BCM4335A0", 9);
		} else {
			DHD_ERROR(("REV MATCH FOUND : 4335B0\n"));
			dhd_write_cid_file(revfilepath, "BCM4335B0", 9);
#endif /* BCM4335_CHIP */

	return ret;
コード例 #2
int dhd_check_module_cid(dhd_pub_t *dhd)
	int ret = -1;
	unsigned char cis_buf[CIS_BUF_SIZE] = {0};
	const char *cidfilepath = CIDINFO;
	cis_rw_t *cish = (cis_rw_t *)&cis_buf[8];
	int idx, max;
	vid_info_t *cur_info;
	unsigned char *vid_start = NULL;
	unsigned char vid_length = 0;
	board_info_t *cur_b_info = NULL;
	board_info_t *vendor_b_info = NULL;
	unsigned char *btype_start;
	unsigned char boardtype_len = 0;
	unsigned char cid_info[MAX_VNAME_LEN + MAX_BNAME_LEN];
	bool found = FALSE;
#if defined(BCM4334_CHIP) || defined(BCM4335_CHIP)
	const char *revfilepath = REVINFO;
#ifdef BCM4334_CHIP
	int flag_b3;
	char rev_str[10] = {0};
#endif /* BCM4334_CHIP */
#endif /* BCM4334_CHIP || BCM4335_CHIP */

	/* Try reading out from CIS */
	cish->source = 0;
	cish->byteoff = 0;
	cish->nbytes = sizeof(cis_buf);

	strcpy(cis_buf, "cisdump");
	ret = dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_GET_VAR, cis_buf,
		sizeof(cis_buf), 0, 0);
	if (ret < 0) {
		DHD_INFO(("[WIFI_SEC] %s: CIS reading failed, ret=%d\n",
			__FUNCTION__, ret));
		return ret;

	DHD_ERROR(("[WIFI_SEC] %s: CIS reading success, ret=%d\n",
		__FUNCTION__, ret));
#ifdef DUMP_CIS
	dhd_dump_cis(cis_buf, 48);
	max = sizeof(cis_buf);
	idx = find_tuple_from_otp(cis_buf, max, CIS_TUPLE_TAG_VENDOR, &vid_length);
	if (idx > 0) {
		found = TRUE;
		vid_start = &cis_buf[idx];

	if (found) {
		max = sizeof(vid_info) / sizeof(vid_info_t);
		for (idx = 0; idx < max; idx++) {
			cur_info = &vid_info[idx];
#if defined(BCM4358_CHIP)
			if (cur_info->vid_length  == 6 && vid_length == 6) {
				if (cur_info->vid[0] == vid_start[0] &&
				    cur_info->vid[3] == vid_start[3] &&
				    cur_info->vid[4] == vid_start[4])
				goto check_board_type;
#endif /* BCM4358_CHIP */
			if ((cur_info->vid_length == vid_length) &&
				(cur_info->vid_length != 0) &&
				(memcmp(cur_info->vid, vid_start, cur_info->vid_length - 1) == 0))
				goto check_board_type;

	/* find default nvram, if exist */
	DHD_ERROR(("[WIFI_SEC] %s: cannot find CIS TUPLE set as default\n", __FUNCTION__));
	max = sizeof(vid_info) / sizeof(vid_info_t);
	for (idx = 0; idx < max; idx++) {
		cur_info = &vid_info[idx];
		if (cur_info->vid_length == 0)
			goto write_cid;
	DHD_ERROR(("[WIFI_SEC] %s: cannot find default CID\n", __FUNCTION__));
	return -1;

	max = sizeof(cis_buf) - 4;
	for (idx = 0; idx < max; idx++) {
		if (cis_buf[idx] == CIS_TUPLE_TAG_START &&
			cis_buf[idx + 2] == CIS_TUPLE_TAG_BOARDTYPE) {
			boardtype_len = cis_buf[idx + 1];
			btype_start = &cis_buf[idx + 3];

			/* Check buffer overflow */
			if (&cis_buf[idx + 1] + boardtype_len
				<= &cis_buf[CIS_BUF_SIZE - 1]) {
				DHD_INFO(("[WIFI_SEC] %s: board type found.\n",
			} else {
				boardtype_len = 0;

	if (strcmp(cur_info->vname, "semco") == 0) {
		vendor_b_info = semco_board_info;
		max = sizeof(semco_board_info) / sizeof(board_info_t);
	} else if (strcmp(cur_info->vname, "murata") == 0) {
		vendor_b_info = murata_board_info;
		max = sizeof(murata_board_info) / sizeof(board_info_t);
	} else {
		max = 0;

	if (boardtype_len) {
		for (idx = 0; idx < max; idx++) {
			cur_b_info = vendor_b_info;
			if ((cur_b_info->b_len == boardtype_len) &&
					(cur_b_info->b_len != 0) &&
					(memcmp(cur_b_info->btype, btype_start,
					cur_b_info->b_len - 1) == 0)) {
				DHD_INFO(("[WIFI_SEC] %s : board type name : %s\n",
					__FUNCTION__, cur_b_info->bname));
			cur_b_info = NULL;

	if (cur_b_info && cur_b_info->b_len > 0) {
		strcpy(cid_info, cur_info->vname);
		strcpy(cid_info + strlen(cur_info->vname), cur_b_info->bname);
	} else
	strcpy(cid_info, cur_info->vname);

	DHD_ERROR(("[WIFI_SEC] CIS MATCH FOUND : %s\n", cid_info));
	dhd_write_cid_file(cidfilepath, cid_info, strlen(cid_info)+1);

#if defined(BCM4334_CHIP)
	/* Try reading out from OTP to distinguish B2 or B3 */
	memset(cis_buf, 0, sizeof(cis_buf));
	cish = (cis_rw_t *)&cis_buf[8];

	cish->source = 0;
	cish->byteoff = 0;
	cish->nbytes = sizeof(cis_buf);

	strcpy(cis_buf, "otpdump");
	ret = dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_GET_VAR, cis_buf,
		sizeof(cis_buf), 0, 0);
	if (ret < 0) {
		DHD_ERROR(("[WIFI_SEC] %s: OTP reading failed, err=%d\n",
			__FUNCTION__, ret));
		return ret;

	/* otp 33th character is identifier for 4334B3 */
	cis_buf[34] = '\0';
	flag_b3 = bcm_atoi(&cis_buf[33]);
	if (flag_b3 & 0x1) {
		DHD_ERROR(("[WIFI_SEC] REV MATCH FOUND : 4334B3, %c\n", cis_buf[33]));
		dhd_write_cid_file(revfilepath, "4334B3", 6);
#endif /* BCM4334_CHIP */
#if defined(BCM4335_CHIP)
	DHD_TRACE(("[WIFI_SEC] %s: BCM4335 Multiple Revision Check\n", __FUNCTION__));
	if (concate_revision(dhd->bus, rev_str, rev_str) < 0) {
		DHD_ERROR(("[WIFI_SEC] %s: fail to concate revision\n", __FUNCTION__));
		ret = -1;
	} else {
		if (strstr(rev_str, "_a0")) {
			dhd_write_cid_file(revfilepath, "BCM4335A0", 9);
		} else {
			dhd_write_cid_file(revfilepath, "BCM4335B0", 9);
#endif /* BCM4335_CHIP */

	return ret;