コード例 #1
void ConfigurationManager::loadConfig(const boost::filesystem::path& path,
    boost::program_options::variables_map& variables,
    boost::program_options::options_description& description)
    boost::filesystem::path cfgFile(path);
    cfgFile /= std::string(openmwCfgFile);
    if (boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(cfgFile))
        std::cout << "Loading config file: " << cfgFile.string() << "... ";

        std::ifstream configFileStream(cfgFile.string().c_str());
        if (configFileStream.is_open())
                configFileStream, description, true), variables);

            std::cout << "done." << std::endl;
            std::cout << "failed." << std::endl;
コード例 #2
int main()
    try {
        Options options;

        Opt::options_description configOptions("Options");
            ("account-name,a", Opt::wvalue<std::wstring>(&options.accountName), "Azure storage account name")
            ("primary-key,p", Opt::wvalue<std::wstring>(&options.primaryAccessKey), "The primary access key")
            ("secondary-key,s", Opt::wvalue<std::wstring>(&options.secondaryAccessKey), "The secondary access key")
#if 0
            ("end-point,e", Opt::wvalue<std::wstring>(&options.endPoint)->default_value(L"core.windows.net"), "Endpoint suffix")
            ("end-point,e", Opt::wvalue<std::wstring>(&options.endPoint)->default_value(L"core.windows.net", "core.windows.net"), "Endpoint suffix")

            ("use-https", "Use \"HTTPS\" rather than \"HTTP\"")
            ("use-dev-storage", "Use development storage account")
            ("use-https", Opt::value<bool>(&options.useHttps)->implicit_value(true), "Use \"HTTPS\" rather than \"HTTP\"")
            ("use-dev-storage", Opt::value<bool>(&options.useDevStorage)->implicit_value(true), "Use development storage account")

        Opt::variables_map optionsMap;
        std::ifstream configFileStream("example.configuration");
        if (configFileStream) {
            Opt::store(Opt::parse_config_file(configFileStream, configOptions, true), optionsMap);

            // For boolean value, we had better not parse them like this:
            //options.useHttps = optionsMap.count("use-https") > 0;
            //options.useDevStorage = optionsMap.count("use-dev-storage") > 0;
            // since those lines in configuration file:
            //   use-https = false
            //   use-dev-storage = 0
            // will always be wrongly parsed in this way.
            // If you really want to parse them yourself, then do it like this:
# if 0
            // Oops! boost::bad_any_cast.
            // We CANNOT cast a string "false" to a boolean false directly.
            // We should convert "false" to "0", and then call boost::any_cast/boost::lexical_cast.
            options.useHttps = optionsMap.count("use-https") > 0 ?
                optionsMap["use-https"].as<bool>() : false;
            options.useDevStorage = optionsMap.count("use-dev-storage") > 0 ?
                optionsMap["use-dev-storage"].as<bool>() : false;
# else
            // Boost.Property_tree.ini_parser will treat "true", "1", "yes" as true, and "false", "0", "no" as false.
            // Internally, Boost.program_options calls boost::program_options::validate to
            // validate boolean values. That is:
            //   1. Any of "1", "true", "yes", "on" will be converted to "1".
            //   2. Any of "0", "false", "no", "off" will be converted to "0".
            // Please read libs/program_options/src/value_semantic.cpp for more details.
            if (optionsMap.count("use-https") > 0) {
                boost::any v;
                std::vector<std::string> xs {optionsMap["use-https"].as<std::string>()};
                Opt::validate(v, xs, reinterpret_cast<bool *>(NULL), 0);
                options.useHttps = boost::any_cast<bool>(v);
            } else {
                options.useHttps = false;

            if (optionsMap.count("use-dev-storage") > 0) {
                boost::any v;
                std::vector<std::string> xs {optionsMap["use-dev-storage"].as<std::string>()};
                Opt::validate(v, xs, reinterpret_cast<bool *>(NULL), 0);
                options.useDevStorage = boost::any_cast<bool>(v);
            } else {
                options.useDevStorage = false;
# endif

            std::cout << configOptions;

            std::wcout << L"\n\n" << options;
        } else {
            std::cerr << "Open configuration file failed.\n";
            return EXIT_FAILURE;
    } catch (const std::exception &e) {

    return 0;