void KComponentDataPrivate::lazyInit(const KComponentData &component) { if (dirs == 0) { dirs = new KStandardDirs(); // install appdata resource type dirs->addResourceType("appdata", "data", aboutData.appName() + QLatin1Char('/'), true); configInit(component); if (dirs->addCustomized(sharedConfig.data())) sharedConfig->reparseConfiguration(); } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN if (QCoreApplication::instance() && dirs && kdeLibraryPathsAdded != KdeLibraryPathsAddedDone) { #else // the first KComponentData sets the KDE Qt plugin paths if (dirs && kdeLibraryPathsAdded != KdeLibraryPathsAddedDone) { #endif kdeLibraryPathsAdded = KdeLibraryPathsAddedDone; const QStringList &plugins = dirs->resourceDirs("qtplugins"); QStringList::ConstIterator it = plugins.begin(); while (it != plugins.end()) { QCoreApplication::addLibraryPath(*it); ++it; } } } bool kde_kiosk_exception = false; // flag to disable kiosk restrictions bool kde_kiosk_admin = false; void KComponentDataPrivate::configInit(const KComponentData &component) { Q_ASSERT(!sharedConfig); if (!configName.isEmpty()) { sharedConfig = KSharedConfig::openConfig(component, configName); //FIXME: this is broken and I don't know how to repair it // Check whether custom config files are allowed. KConfigGroup cg(sharedConfig, "KDE Action Restrictions"); QString kioskException = cg.readEntry("kiosk_exception"); if (!cg.readEntry("custom_config", true)) { sharedConfig = 0; } } if (!sharedConfig) { sharedConfig = KSharedConfig::openConfig(component); } // Check if we are excempt from kiosk restrictions if (kde_kiosk_admin && !kde_kiosk_exception && !qgetenv("KDE_KIOSK_NO_RESTRICTIONS").isEmpty()) { kde_kiosk_exception = true; sharedConfig = 0; configInit(component); // Reread... } }
bool Window::_cmdConfigInit( co::Command& command ) { const WindowConfigInitPacket* packet = command.get<WindowConfigInitPacket>(); LBLOG( LOG_INIT ) << "TASK window config init " << packet << std::endl; WindowConfigInitReplyPacket reply; setError( ERROR_NONE ); if( getPipe()->isRunning( )) { _state = STATE_INITIALIZING; reply.result = configInit( packet->initID ); if( reply.result ) _state = STATE_RUNNING; } else { setError( ERROR_WINDOW_PIPE_NOTRUNNING ); reply.result = false; } LBLOG( LOG_INIT ) << "TASK window config init reply " << &reply <<std::endl; commit(); send( command.getNode(), reply ); return true; }
// Main routine, initialize some basic stuff void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR user_init(void) { // Init some stuff stdoutInit(); batteryInit(); configInit(); configLoad(); // Check if wifi mode is correct configCheckWifiMode(); // Measure battery voltage batteryMeasureVoltage(); if(!batteryCheckVoltage()) { // Voltage too low, go to sleep mode! sleepmode(); } // 0x40200000 is the base address for spi flash memory mapping, ESPFS_POS is the position // where image is written in flash that is defined in Makefile. espFsInit((void*)(0x40200000 + ESPFS_POS)); httpdInit(builtInUrls, 80); // Register callback system_init_done_cb(init_done); os_printf("Ready\n"); }
bool Window::_cmdConfigInit( co::Command& cmd ) { co::ObjectCommand command( cmd ); LBLOG( LOG_INIT ) << "TASK window config init " << command << std::endl; setError( ERROR_NONE ); bool result = false; if( getPipe()->isRunning( )) { _state = STATE_INITIALIZING; result = configInit( command.get< uint128_t >( )); if( result ) _state = STATE_RUNNING; } else setError( ERROR_WINDOW_PIPE_NOTRUNNING ); LBLOG( LOG_INIT ) << "TASK window config init reply " << std::endl; commit(); send( command.getNode(), fabric::CMD_WINDOW_CONFIG_INIT_REPLY ) << result; return true; }
bool Node::_cmdConfigInit( co::Command& command ) { LB_TS_THREAD( _nodeThread ); const NodeConfigInitPacket* packet = command.get<NodeConfigInitPacket>(); LBLOG( LOG_INIT ) << "Init node " << packet << std::endl; _state = STATE_INITIALIZING; _currentFrame = packet->frameNumber; _unlockedFrame = packet->frameNumber; _finishedFrame = packet->frameNumber; _setAffinity(); transmitter.start(); setError( ERROR_NONE ); NodeConfigInitReplyPacket reply; reply.result = configInit( packet->initID ); if( getIAttribute( IATTR_THREAD_MODEL ) == eq::UNDEFINED ) setIAttribute( IATTR_THREAD_MODEL, eq::DRAW_SYNC ); _state = reply.result ? STATE_RUNNING : STATE_INIT_FAILED; commit(); send( command.getNode(), reply ); return true; }
void main(void) { rccInit(); timerInit(); configInit(); adcInit(); fetInit(); serialInit(); runInit(); cliInit(); owInit(); runDisarm(REASON_STARTUP); inputMode = ESC_INPUT_PWM; fetSetDutyCycle(0); fetBeep(200, 100); fetBeep(300, 100); fetBeep(400, 100); fetBeep(500, 100); fetBeep(400, 100); fetBeep(300, 100); fetBeep(200, 100); pwmInit(); statusLed = digitalInit(GPIO_STATUS_LED_PORT, GPIO_STATUS_LED_PIN); digitalHi(statusLed); errorLed = digitalInit(GPIO_ERROR_LED_PORT, GPIO_ERROR_LED_PIN); digitalHi(errorLed); #ifdef ESC_DEBUG tp = digitalInit(GPIO_TP_PORT, GPIO_TP_PIN); digitalLo(tp); #endif // self calibrating idle timer loop { volatile unsigned long cycles; volatile unsigned int *DWT_CYCCNT = (int *)0xE0001004; volatile unsigned int *DWT_CONTROL = (int *)0xE0001000; volatile unsigned int *SCB_DEMCR = (int *)0xE000EDFC; *SCB_DEMCR = *SCB_DEMCR | 0x01000000; *DWT_CONTROL = *DWT_CONTROL | 1; // enable the counter minCycles = 0xffff; while (1) { idleCounter++; NOPS_4; cycles = *DWT_CYCCNT; *DWT_CYCCNT = 0; // reset the counter // record shortest number of instructions for loop totalCycles += cycles; if (cycles < minCycles) minCycles = cycles; } } }
void UVDUvudecUnitTest::helpArgTest(void) { m_args.push_back("--help"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(configInit() == UV_ERR_DONE); deinit(); }
bool Node::_cmdConfigInit( co::ICommand& cmd ) { co::ObjectICommand command( cmd ); LB_TS_THREAD( _nodeThread ); LBLOG( LOG_INIT ) << "Init node " << command << std::endl; _impl->state = STATE_INITIALIZING; const uint128_t& initID = command.read< uint128_t >(); const uint32_t frameNumber = command.read< uint32_t >(); _impl->currentFrame = frameNumber; _impl->unlockedFrame = frameNumber; _impl->finishedFrame = frameNumber; _setAffinity(); _impl->transmitter.start(); const uint64_t result = configInit( initID ); if( getIAttribute( IATTR_THREAD_MODEL ) == eq::UNDEFINED ) setIAttribute( IATTR_THREAD_MODEL, eq::DRAW_SYNC ); _impl->state = result ? STATE_RUNNING : STATE_INIT_FAILED; commit(); send( command.getRemoteNode(), fabric::CMD_NODE_CONFIG_INIT_REPLY ) << result; return true; }
int main (int argc, char ** argv) { configInit(); if(!declare_pid("player")) { puts("Player already found"); return 1; } srandom(time(NULL)); arguments = argv; signalsSetup(); gst_init (NULL,NULL); selectSetup(); onSignal(SIGUSR1,signalNext); onSignal(SIGUSR2,restartPlayer); preparation_t queries[] = { { "getTopRecording", "SELECT queue.recording," "replaygain.gain,replaygain.peak,replaygain.level," "recordings.path " "FROM queue INNER JOIN replaygain ON replaygain.id = queue.recording INNER JOIN recordings ON recordings.id = queue.recording ORDER BY queue.id ASC LIMIT 1" }, }; prepareQueries(queries); GMainLoop* loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE); void done_quit() { g_main_loop_quit(loop); }
void UVDUvudecUnitTest::versionArgTest(void) { m_args.push_back("--version"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(UV_ERR_DONE, configInit()); deinit(); }
LOCAL int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR resetConfig(const char *value, uint valueLen) { configInit(&config); retainInit(&retain); retainWrite(&retain); return OK; }
/* * Application entry point. */ int main(void) { /* * System initializations. * - HAL initialization, this also initializes the configured device drivers * and performs the board-specific initializations. * - Kernel initialization, the main() function becomes a thread and the * RTOS is active. */ halInit(); chSysInit(); chEvtInit(&eventImuIrq); chEvtInit(&eventMagnIrq); chEvtInit(&eventImuRead); chEvtInit(&eventMagnRead); chEvtInit(&eventEKFDone); palSetPadMode(GPIOB, 3, PAL_MODE_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL); // BLUE palSetPadMode(GPIOB, 4, PAL_MODE_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL); // GREEN palSetPadMode(GPIOB, 5, PAL_MODE_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL); // RED chThdCreateStatic(waThreadLed, sizeof(waThreadLed), NORMALPRIO, ThreadLed, NULL ); I2CInitLocal(); configInit(); mavlinkInit(); initSensors(); TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef TIM_TimeBaseStructure; RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_TIM5, ENABLE); TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_Period = 0xFFFFFFFF; TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_Prescaler = 84 - 1; TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_ClockDivision = 0; TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_CounterMode = TIM_CounterMode_Up; TIM_TimeBaseInit(TIM5, &TIM_TimeBaseStructure); TIM_Cmd(TIM5, ENABLE); startEstimation(); startSensors(); radioInit(); motorsInit(); extStart(&EXTD1, &extcfg); extChannelEnable(&EXTD1, 0); extChannelEnable(&EXTD1, 1); chEvtBroadcastFlags(&eventEKFDone, EVT_EKF_DONE); while (TRUE) { chThdSleepMilliseconds(1000); } }
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR configRead(Config *config) { spi_flash_read(CONFIG_SAVE_FLASH_ADDR, (uint*)config, sizeof(Config)); if (config->magic != VALID_MAGIC_NUMBER) { os_printf("no valid config in flash\n"); configInit(config); configWrite(config); } else { os_printf("valid config found\n"); } }
//***************************************************************************** // Function: Initialise // Arguments: None // Action: Program Initialisation // Returns: None //***************************************************************************** void initialise( void ) { hardwareInit(); timerInit(); // eventHandlerInit(); // motorControlInit(); // batteryMonitorInit(); // soundsInit(); usageCounterInit(); interruptsInit(); configInit(); // asm("SLEEP"); }
bool Pipe::_cmdConfigInit( co::ICommand& cmd ) { LB_TS_THREAD( _pipeThread ); co::ObjectICommand command( cmd ); const uint128_t initID = command.get< uint128_t >(); const uint32_t frameNumber = command.get< uint32_t >(); LBLOG( LOG_INIT ) << "Init pipe " << command << " init id " << initID << " frame " << frameNumber << std::endl; if( !isThreaded( )) { _impl->windowSystem = selectWindowSystem(); _setupCommandQueue(); } setError( ERROR_NONE ); Node* node = getNode(); LBASSERT( node ); node->waitInitialized(); bool result = false; if( node->isRunning( )) { _impl->currentFrame = frameNumber; _impl->finishedFrame = frameNumber; _impl->unlockedFrame = frameNumber; _impl->state = STATE_INITIALIZING; result = configInit( initID ); if( result ) _impl->state = STATE_RUNNING; } else setError( ERROR_PIPE_NODE_NOTRUNNING ); LBLOG( LOG_INIT ) << "TASK pipe config init reply result " << result << std::endl; co::NodePtr netNode = command.getNode(); commit(); send( netNode, fabric::CMD_PIPE_CONFIG_INIT_REPLY ) << result; return true; }
/* main start for Arnold CPC emulator for linux */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { configInit(); //FIXME: disabled for debug /* print welcome message */ printf("Arnold Emulator (c) Kevin Thacker\n"); printf("Linux Port maintained by Andreas Micklei\n"); roms_init(); //printrom(); if (!CPCEmulation_CheckEndianness()) { printf("%s", Messages[72]); exit(1); } // /* check display */ // if (!XWindows_CheckDisplay()) // { // printf("Failed to open display. Or display depth is 8-bit\n"); // exit(-1); // } /* initialise cpc hardware */ CPC_Initialise(); Multiface_Install(); /* done before parsing command line args. Command line args will take priority */ loadConfigFile(); //FIXME: disabled for debug init_main(argc, argv); CPC_Finish(); Multiface_DeInstall(); //printf("heello"); saveConfigFile(); //FIXME: disabled for debug configFree(); //FIXME: disabled for debug exit(0); return 0; /* Never reached */ }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { PFWatchdogRegister (argc, argv, EPFWD_MODE_REBOOT, 30); notifyInit(); configEventInit(); configInit(PFCONFIG_NAME); run(); configEventExit(); notifyExit(); configUpdate(1); PFWatchdogUnregister (); return 0; }
Http::Http(int num):fpwUrl(NULL), maxthreadnum(num) { signal(SIGPIPE, &signalHandler); openFile(fpwUrl, "./text", "w+"); openFile(fprArg, "./config", "r"); openFile(test, "./test", "r"); configInit(); std::unordered_set<std::string>::iterator itr = jobUrl.begin(); pthis = this; curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL); try { poolInit(maxthreadnum); while (true) { if (itr == jobUrl.end() || itr->empty()) { sleep(1); itr = jobUrl.begin(); continue; } char* p = (char*)malloc(itr->size()+1); if (p == NULL) { std::cout << "continue url=" << *itr << std::endl; itr = jobUrl.erase(itr); continue; } memset(p, 0, itr->size()+1); memcpy(p, itr->c_str(), itr->size()); poolAddWorker(workJob, (void*)p); std::cout << "加入任务" << std::endl; //throw std::string("exit"); //测试 pthread_mutex_lock(&(pthis->pthreadpool.queuelock)); itr = jobUrl.erase(itr); pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pthis->pthreadpool.queuelock)); } } catch (std::string& ex){ std::cout << "catch="; std::cout << ex << std::endl; } }
void main(void) { rccInit(); statusLed = digitalInit(GPIO_STATUS_LED_PORT, GPIO_STATUS_LED_PIN); errorLed = digitalInit(GPIO_ERROR_LED_PORT, GPIO_ERROR_LED_PIN); #ifdef ESC_DEBUG tp = digitalInit(GPIO_TP_PORT, GPIO_TP_PIN); digitalLo(tp); #endif timerInit(); configInit(); adcInit(); fetInit(); serialInit(); canInit(); runInit(); cliInit(); owInit(); runDisarm(REASON_STARTUP); inputMode = ESC_INPUT_PWM; fetSetDutyCycle(0); fetBeep(200, 100); fetBeep(300, 100); fetBeep(400, 100); fetBeep(500, 100); fetBeep(400, 100); fetBeep(300, 100); fetBeep(200, 100); pwmInit(); digitalHi(statusLed); digitalHi(errorLed); // self calibrating idle timer loop { uint32_t lastRunCount; uint32_t thisCycles, lastCycles; volatile uint32_t cycles; volatile uint32_t *DWT_CYCCNT = (uint32_t *)0xE0001004; volatile uint32_t *DWT_CONTROL = (uint32_t *)0xE0001000; volatile uint32_t *SCB_DEMCR = (uint32_t *)0xE000EDFC; *SCB_DEMCR = *SCB_DEMCR | 0x01000000; *DWT_CONTROL = *DWT_CONTROL | 1; // enable the counter minCycles = 0xffff; while (1) { idleCounter++; if (runCount != lastRunCount && !(runCount % (RUN_FREQ / 1000))) { if (commandMode == CLI_MODE) cliCheck(); else binaryCheck(); lastRunCount = runCount; } thisCycles = *DWT_CYCCNT; cycles = thisCycles - lastCycles; lastCycles = thisCycles; // record shortest number of instructions for loop totalCycles += cycles; if (cycles < minCycles) minCycles = cycles; } } }
int main() { timeInit(); ledInit(); traceInit(); // Enable global interrupts. // Needed for RST and ATN interrupt handlers. CyGlobalIntEnable; // Set interrupt handlers. scsiPhyInit(); configInit(&scsiDev.boardCfg); debugInit(); scsiInit(); scsiDiskInit(); // Optional bootup delay int delaySeconds = 0; while (delaySeconds < scsiDev.boardCfg.startupDelay) { // Keep the USB connection working, otherwise it's very hard to revert // silly extra-long startup delay settings. int i; for (i = 0; i < 200; i++) { CyDelay(5); scsiDev.watchdogTick++; configPoll(); } ++delaySeconds; } uint32_t lastSDPoll = getTime_ms(); sdCheckPresent(); while (1) { scsiDev.watchdogTick++; scsiPoll(); scsiDiskPoll(); configPoll(); sdPoll(); if (unlikely(scsiDev.phase == BUS_FREE)) { if (unlikely(elapsedTime_ms(lastSDPoll) > 200)) { lastSDPoll = getTime_ms(); sdCheckPresent(); } else { // Wait for our 1ms timer to save some power. // There's an interrupt on the SEL signal to ensure we respond // quickly to any SCSI commands. The selection abort time is // only 250us, and new SCSI-3 controllers time-out very // not long after that, so we need to ensure we wake up quickly. uint8_t interruptState = CyEnterCriticalSection(); if (!SCSI_ReadFilt(SCSI_Filt_SEL)) { __WFI(); // Will wake on interrupt, regardless of mask } CyExitCriticalSection(interruptState); } } else if (scsiDev.phase >= 0) { // don't waste time scanning SD cards while we're doing disk IO lastSDPoll = getTime_ms(); } } return 0; }