コード例 #1
ファイル: login_server.cpp プロジェクト: hgl888/TeamTalk
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	if ((argc == 2) && (strcmp(argv[1], "-v") == 0)) {
		printf("Server Version: LoginServer/%s\n", VERSION);
		printf("Server Build: %s %s\n", __DATE__, __TIME__);
		return 0;

	signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);

	CConfigFileReader config_file("loginserver.conf");

    char* client_listen_ip = config_file.GetConfigName("ClientListenIP");
    char* str_client_port = config_file.GetConfigName("ClientPort");
    char* http_listen_ip = config_file.GetConfigName("HttpListenIP");
    char* str_http_port = config_file.GetConfigName("HttpPort");
	char* msg_server_listen_ip = config_file.GetConfigName("MsgServerListenIP");
	char* str_msg_server_port = config_file.GetConfigName("MsgServerPort");
    char* str_msfs_url = config_file.GetConfigName("msfs");
    char* str_discovery = config_file.GetConfigName("discovery");

	if (!msg_server_listen_ip || !str_msg_server_port || !http_listen_ip
        || !str_http_port || !str_msfs_url || !str_discovery) {
		log("config item missing, exit... ");
		return -1;

	uint16_t client_port = atoi(str_client_port);
	uint16_t msg_server_port = atoi(str_msg_server_port);
    uint16_t http_port = atoi(str_http_port);
    strMsfsUrl = str_msfs_url;
    strDiscovery = str_discovery;
    pIpParser = new IpParser();
	int ret = netlib_init();

	if (ret == NETLIB_ERROR)
		return ret;
	CStrExplode client_listen_ip_list(client_listen_ip, ';');
	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < client_listen_ip_list.GetItemCnt(); i++) {
		ret = netlib_listen(client_listen_ip_list.GetItem(i), client_port, client_callback, NULL);
		if (ret == NETLIB_ERROR)
			return ret;

	CStrExplode msg_server_listen_ip_list(msg_server_listen_ip, ';');
	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < msg_server_listen_ip_list.GetItemCnt(); i++) {
		ret = netlib_listen(msg_server_listen_ip_list.GetItem(i), msg_server_port, msg_serv_callback, NULL);
		if (ret == NETLIB_ERROR)
			return ret;
    CStrExplode http_listen_ip_list(http_listen_ip, ';');
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < http_listen_ip_list.GetItemCnt(); i++) {
        ret = netlib_listen(http_listen_ip_list.GetItem(i), http_port, http_callback, NULL);
        if (ret == NETLIB_ERROR)
            return ret;

	printf("server start listen on:\nFor client %s:%d\nFor MsgServer: %s:%d\nFor http:%s:%d\n",
			client_listen_ip, client_port, msg_server_listen_ip, msg_server_port, http_listen_ip, http_port);

	printf("now enter the event loop...\n");


	return 0;
コード例 #2
int main( ) {

   std::string input_dir = "Input/";

   // Read Nucleus File
   std::string nucleus_string;
   std::ifstream nucleus_file( "domgen.config" );

   nucleus_file >> nucleus_string;


   // Read Configuration file
   std::string config_filename = nucleus_string + ".config";
   std::ifstream config_file( config_filename.c_str() );

   std::string parameters_string;
   int fit_ph;
   double rmax;
   int rpts;
   int lmax;

   config_file >> parameters_string >> fit_ph;
   config_file >> rmax >> rpts >> lmax;

   cout<<"parameters_string = "<<parameters_string<<endl;

   int num_lj;
   config_file >> num_lj;


   // Read in normalization
   double calc_Z = 20;
   double calc_N = 20;
   //std::cout << "Enter calculated Z: " << std::endl;
   //std::cin >> calc_Z; 

   //std::cout << "Enter calculated N: " << std::endl;
   //std::cin >> calc_N;

   std::string output_dir = "Output_" + parameters_string + "/Spectral_functions_kE/";
   std::string parameters_filename = parameters_string + ".inp";

   std::cout << "rmax = " << rmax << std::endl;
   std::cout << "rpts = " << rpts << std::endl;
   std::cout << "lmax = " << lmax << std::endl;

   std::string n_string = "n" + nucleus_string;
   std::string p_string = "p" + nucleus_string;

   std::string n_filename = input_dir + n_string + ".inp";
   std::string p_filename = input_dir + p_string + ".inp";

   // Create Nuclear Parameter Objects
   NuclearParameters Nu_n = read_nucleus_parameters( n_filename );
   NuclearParameters Nu_p = read_nucleus_parameters( p_filename );

   std::vector< NuclearParameters > Nu_vec;
   Nu_vec.push_back( Nu_n );
   Nu_vec.push_back( Nu_p );

   // Read in DOM parameters
   std::ifstream pfile( parameters_filename.c_str() );
   if ( pfile.is_open() !=1 ) {
      std::cout << "could not open file " << parameters_filename << std::endl;

   // Create radial grid
   std::vector<double> rmesh;
   std::vector<double> rweights;
   double rdelt = rmax / rpts;
   for( int i = 0; i < rpts; ++i ) {

      rmesh.push_back( ( i + 0.5 ) * rdelt );
      rweights.push_back( rdelt );


   // Create momentum space grid for k-slice
   std::vector<double> kmesh1;
   double kmax1 = 6.0;
   int kpts1 = 100;
   double deltak1 = kmax1 / kpts1;

   for ( int i = 0; i < kpts1; ++i ) {

      kmesh1.push_back( ( i + 0.5 ) * deltak1 );

   // Create momentum space grid for E-slice
   std::vector<double> kmesh2; // wave number in units of fm^{-1}
std::vector<double> pmesh; // momentum in units of MeV / c
double pmin = 170; 
double pmax = 650;
double deltap = 40;
int ppts = static_cast<int> ( ( pmax - pmin ) / deltap ) + 1;

for ( int i = 0; i < ppts; ++i ) {

   double p = pmin + i * deltap;
   pmesh.push_back( p );

   double k = p / hbarc;
   kmesh2.push_back( k );

// Prepare stuff for output files
std::vector< std::string > np_strings;
np_strings.push_back( n_string );
np_strings.push_back( p_string );

// create L and J strings for output files
std::string L_array[8] = { "s", "p", "d", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j" };
std::string J_array[8] = { "1", "3", "5", "7", "9", "11", "13", "15" };

//Potential specifications
int type = 1; // 1 is P.B. form (average), 0 is V.N. form
int mvolume = 4;
int AsyVolume = 1;


// Loop over protons and neutrons
double Zp; // number of protons in projectile
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(2)
#pragma omp for
   for ( unsigned int nu = 0; nu < Nu_vec.size(); ++nu ) {

      double tz = nu - 0.5; // +0.5 for protons, -0.5 for neutrons
      double calc_norm;
      if ( tz < 0 ) {

         Zp = 0;
         calc_norm = calc_N;
      else { 

         Zp = 1;
         calc_norm = calc_Z;

      // Nucleus Object
      const NuclearParameters &Nu = Nu_vec[nu];

      // Construct Parameters Object
      Parameters p = get_parameters( parameters_filename, Nu.A, Nu.Z, Zp );

      // Construct Potential Object
      pot U = get_bobs_pot2( type, mvolume, AsyVolume, tz, Nu, p );
      pot *U1 = &U;

      // Construct Object for calculating bound-state properties
      boundRspace B( rmax, rpts, Nu.Ef, Nu.ph_gap, lmax, Nu.Z, Zp, Nu.A, U1 );

      // Create Energy Grid for k-slice
      double Emin1 = -225;
      double Emax1 = -25;
      double deltaE1 = 25;
      int epts1 = static_cast<int>( ( Emax1 - Emin1 ) / deltaE1 ) + 1;
      std::vector<double> emesh1;
      for ( int i = 0; i < epts1; ++i ) {

         emesh1.push_back( Emin1 + i * deltaE1 );

      // Create Energy grid for E-slice
      double Emin2 = -300;
      double Emax2 = -25;
      double deltaE2 = 2;
      int epts2 = static_cast<int>( ( Emax2 - Emin2 ) / deltaE2 ) + 1;
      std::vector<double> emesh2;
      for ( int i = 0; i < epts2; ++i ) {

         emesh2.push_back( Emin2 + i * deltaE2 );

      matrix_t S_of_kE_mtx1( kmesh1.size(), emesh1.size() );
      matrix_t S_of_kE_mtx2( kmesh2.size(), emesh2.size() );

      // intialize matrices to zero
      for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < kmesh1.size(); ++i ) {
         for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < emesh1.size(); ++j ) {

            S_of_kE_mtx1( i, j ) = 0;

      for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < kmesh2.size(); ++i ) {
         for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < emesh2.size(); ++j ) {

            S_of_kE_mtx2( i, j ) = 0;

      std::vector< matrix_t > S_of_kE_mtx2_lj_vec;

      // Loop over lj channels
      for ( int L = 0; L < lmax + 1; ++L ) {
         cout<<"l = "<<L<<endl;

         for( int up = -1; up < 2; up+=2 ) {

            double xj = L + up / 2.0;
            int j_index = ( up - 1 ) / 2;
            if ( xj < 0 ) continue;

            std::string j_string;
            if ( L == 0 ) j_string = J_array[ L ];
            else j_string = J_array[ L + j_index ];

            std::string lj_string = L_array[L] + j_string + "2";

            // Create Bessel Function matrix in k and r
            matrix_t bess_mtx1( kmesh1.size(), rmesh.size() );
            for( unsigned int nk = 0; nk < kmesh1.size(); ++nk ) {
               for( unsigned int nr = 0; nr < rmesh.size(); ++nr ) {

                  double rho = kmesh1[nk] * rmesh[nr];

                  bess_mtx1( nk, nr ) = gsl_sf_bessel_jl( L, rho );

            // Create Bessel Function matrix in k and r
            matrix_t bess_mtx2( kmesh2.size(), rmesh.size() );
            for( unsigned int nk = 0; nk < kmesh2.size(); ++nk ) {
               for( unsigned int nr = 0; nr < rmesh.size(); ++nr ) {

                  double rho = kmesh2[nk] * rmesh[nr];

                  bess_mtx2( nk, nr ) = gsl_sf_bessel_jl( L, rho );

            // Calculate S( k; E ) for k-slice 
            for ( unsigned int m = 0; m < emesh1.size(); ++m ) {

               double E = emesh1[m];

                  std::ostringstream e_strm;
                  e_strm << "m" << std::abs( E );
                  std::string s_of_kE_lj_filename1 = 
                  output_dir + np_strings[nu] + "_s_of_k_" + 
                  "E_at_" + e_strm.str() + "MeV_" + L_array[L] 
                  + j_string + "2.out";

                  std::ofstream file1( s_of_kE_lj_filename1.c_str() );
               // Propagator
               cmatrix_t G = B.propagator( rmesh, E, L, xj );

               // Spectral Function in momentum space, S( k; E ) 
               for( unsigned int nk = 0; nk < kmesh1.size(); ++nk ) {

                  double rsums = 0;
                  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < rmesh.size(); ++i ) {
                     double jl1 = bess_mtx1( nk, i );

                     for( unsigned int j = 0; j < rmesh.size(); ++j ) {
                        double jl2 = bess_mtx1( nk, j );

                        rsums -= rmesh[i] * jl1 * imag( G( i, j ) ) 
                           * rmesh[j] * jl2 * rdelt * 2 / M_PI / M_PI;
                  } // end loop over radial coordinates

                  //                        file1 << kmesh1[nk] << " " << rsums << std::endl;

                  S_of_kE_mtx1( nk, m ) += ( 2 * xj + 1 ) * rsums;

               } // end loop over k

               //                    file1.close();
               //                    file1.clear();

               // r-space spectral functions

            } // end loop over energy

            // Calculate S( k; E ) for E-slice 
            matrix_t S_of_kE_mtx_lj( kmesh2.size(), emesh2.size() );
            for ( unsigned int m = 0; m < emesh2.size(); ++m ) {

               double E = emesh2[m];

               // Propagator
               cmatrix_t G = B.propagator( rmesh, E, L, xj );

               // Spectral Function in momentum space, S( k; E ) 
               for( unsigned int nk = 0; nk < kmesh2.size(); ++nk ) {

                  double rsums = 0;
                  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < rmesh.size(); ++i ) {
                     double jl1 = bess_mtx2( nk, i );

                     for( unsigned int j = 0; j < rmesh.size(); ++j ) {
                        double jl2 = bess_mtx2( nk, j );

                        rsums -= rmesh[i] * jl1 * imag( G( i, j ) ) 
                           * rmesh[j] * jl2 * rdelt * 2 / M_PI / M_PI;
                  } // end loop over radial coordinates

                  S_of_kE_mtx_lj( nk, m ) = ( 2 * xj + 1 ) * rsums;
                  S_of_kE_mtx2( nk, m ) += ( 2 * xj + 1 ) * rsums;

               } // end loop over k

            } // end loop over energy

            S_of_kE_mtx2_lj_vec.push_back( S_of_kE_mtx_lj );

         }// end loop over j

      } // end loop over L

      // write out results summed over the lj combinations
      for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < emesh1.size(); ++j ) {

         std::ostringstream e_strm;
         e_strm << "m" << std::abs( emesh1[j] );
         std::string s_of_kE_filename1 = 
            output_dir + np_strings[nu] + "_s_of_k_" + 
            "E_at_" + e_strm.str() + "MeV.out"; 

         std::ofstream file3( s_of_kE_filename1.c_str() );

         for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < kmesh1.size(); ++i ) {

            file3 << kmesh1[i] << " " << S_of_kE_mtx1( i, j ) << std::endl;


      // write in units of MeV^-4 sr^-1
      double fac = std::pow( hbarc, 3 ) * 4 * M_PI;
      for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < kmesh2.size(); ++i ) {
         std::ostringstream k_strm;
         k_strm << pmesh[i];
         std::string s_of_kE_filename2 = 
            output_dir + np_strings[nu] + "_s_of_E_" + 
            "p_at_" + k_strm.str() + "MeV_over_c.out"; 

         std::ofstream file4( s_of_kE_filename2.c_str() );

         for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < emesh2.size(); ++j ) {

            // write energy in terms of missing energy
            // and in units of GeV
            file4 << std::abs( emesh2[j]/1000) << " " 
               << S_of_kE_mtx2( i, j ) / fac << " "
               << S_of_kE_mtx2( i, j ) / fac / calc_norm << std::endl;


      // write in units of MeV^-4 sr^-1
      for ( unsigned int nk = 0; nk < kmesh2.size(); ++nk ) {

         for ( int L = 0; L < lmax + 1; ++L ) {

            std::ostringstream k_strm;
            k_strm << pmesh[nk];

            std::string s_of_kE_lj_filename2 = 
               output_dir + np_strings[nu] + "_s_of_E_p_at_" 
               + k_strm.str() + "MeV_over_c_" + L_array[L] 
               + ".out";

            std::ofstream file2( s_of_kE_lj_filename2.c_str() );
            for ( unsigned int m = 0; m < emesh2.size(); ++m ) {

               // write energy in terms of missing energy
               // and in units of GeV
               if ( L == 0 ) {
                  file2 << std::abs( emesh2[m]/1000 ) << " " 
                     << S_of_kE_mtx2_lj_vec[0]( nk, m ) / fac 
                     << std::endl;
               else {

                  double jg = S_of_kE_mtx2_lj_vec[2*L]( nk, m );
                  double jl = S_of_kE_mtx2_lj_vec[2*L- 1]( nk, m );

                  file2 << std::abs( emesh2[m]/1000) << " " 
                     << jg / fac << " " << jl / fac << " "
                     << ( jg + jl ) / fac << std::endl;


         } // end loop over L

      } // end loop over momentum

   } // end loop over tz
}                                               /* end of pragma loop */

return 1;
コード例 #3
ファイル: t.c プロジェクト: Zhangwusheng/wiredtiger
main(int argc, char *argv[])
	time_t start;
	int ch, i, onerun, reps, ret;
	const char *config, *home;

	config = NULL;

	if ((g.progname = strrchr(argv[0], DIR_DELIM)) == NULL)
		g.progname = argv[0];

#if 0
	/* Configure the GNU malloc for debugging. */
	(void)setenv("MALLOC_CHECK_", "2", 1);
#if 0
	/* Configure the FreeBSD malloc for debugging. */
	(void)setenv("MALLOC_OPTIONS", "AJ", 1);

	/* Track progress unless we're re-directing output to a file. */
	g.track = isatty(1) ? 1 : 0;

	/* Set values from the command line. */
	home = NULL;
	onerun = 0;
	while ((ch = __wt_getopt(
	    g.progname, argc, argv, "1C:c:H:h:Llqrt:")) != EOF)
		switch (ch) {
		case '1':			/* One run */
			onerun = 1;
		case 'C':			/* wiredtiger_open config */
			g.config_open = __wt_optarg;
		case 'c':			/* Configuration from a file */
			config = __wt_optarg;
		case 'H':
			g.helium_mount = __wt_optarg;
		case 'h':
			home = __wt_optarg;
		case 'L':			/* Re-direct output to a log */
			 * The -l option is a superset of -L, ignore -L if we
			 * have already configured logging for operations.
			if (g.logging == 0)
				g.logging = LOG_FILE;
		case 'l':			/* Turn on operation logging */
			g.logging = LOG_OPS;
		case 'q':			/* Quiet */
			g.track = 0;
		case 'r':			/* Replay a run */
			g.replay = 1;
	argc -= __wt_optind;
	argv += __wt_optind;

	 * Initialize the global RNG. Start with the standard seeds, and then
	 * use seconds since the Epoch modulo a prime to run the RNG for some
	 * number of steps, so we don't start with the same values every time.
	for (i = (int)time(NULL) % 10007; i > 0; --i)

	/* Set up paths. */

	/* If it's a replay, use the home directory's CONFIG file. */
	if (g.replay) {
		if (config != NULL)
			die(EINVAL, "-c incompatible with -r");
		if (access(g.home_config, R_OK) != 0)
			die(ENOENT, "%s", g.home_config);
		config = g.home_config;

	 * If we weren't given a configuration file, set values from "CONFIG",
	 * if it exists.
	 * Small hack to ignore any CONFIG file named ".", that just makes it
	 * possible to ignore any local CONFIG file, used when running checks.
	if (config == NULL && access("CONFIG", R_OK) == 0)
		config = "CONFIG";
	if (config != NULL && strcmp(config, ".") != 0)

	 * The rest of the arguments are individual configurations that modify
	 * the base configuration.
	for (; *argv != NULL; ++argv)
		config_single(*argv, 1);

	 * Multithreaded runs can be replayed: it's useful and we'll get the
	 * configuration correct.  Obviously the order of operations changes,
	 * warn the user.
	if (g.replay && !SINGLETHREADED)
		printf("Warning: replaying a threaded run\n");

	 * Single-threaded runs historically exited after a single replay, which
	 * makes sense when you're debugging, leave that semantic in place.
	if (g.replay && SINGLETHREADED)
		g.c_runs = 1;

	 * Let the command line -1 flag override runs configured from other
	 * sources.
	if (onerun)
		g.c_runs = 1;

	 * Initialize locks to single-thread named checkpoints and backups, last
	 * last-record updates, and failures.
	if ((ret = pthread_rwlock_init(&g.append_lock, NULL)) != 0)
		die(ret, "pthread_rwlock_init: append lock");
	if ((ret = pthread_rwlock_init(&g.backup_lock, NULL)) != 0)
		die(ret, "pthread_rwlock_init: backup lock");
	if ((ret = pthread_rwlock_init(&g.death_lock, NULL)) != 0)
		die(ret, "pthread_rwlock_init: death lock");

	printf("%s: process %" PRIdMAX "\n", g.progname, (intmax_t)getpid());
	while (++g.run_cnt <= g.c_runs || g.c_runs == 0 ) {
		startup();			/* Start a run */

		config_setup();			/* Run configuration */
		config_print(0);		/* Dump run configuration */
		key_len_setup();		/* Setup keys */

		start = time(NULL);
		track("starting up", 0ULL, NULL);

			bdb_open();		/* Initial file config */
		wts_open(g.home, 1, &g.wts_conn);

		wts_load();			/* Load initial records */
		wts_verify("post-bulk verify");	/* Verify */

		 * If we're not doing any operations, scan the bulk-load, copy
		 * the statistics and we're done. Otherwise, loop reading and
		 * operations, with a verify after each set.
		if (g.c_timer == 0 && g.c_ops == 0) {
			wts_read_scan();		/* Read scan */
			wts_stats();			/* Statistics */
		} else
			for (reps = 1; reps <= FORMAT_OPERATION_REPS; ++reps) {
				wts_read_scan();	/* Read scan */

							/* Operations */
				wts_ops(reps == FORMAT_OPERATION_REPS);

				 * Copy out the run's statistics after the last
				 * set of operations.
				 * XXX
				 * Verify closes the underlying handle and
				 * discards the statistics, read them first.
				if (reps == FORMAT_OPERATION_REPS)

							/* Verify */
				wts_verify("post-ops verify");

		track("shutting down", 0ULL, NULL);

		 * If single-threaded, we can dump and compare the WiredTiger
		 * and Berkeley DB data sets.
			wts_dump("standard", 1);

		 * Salvage testing.

		/* Overwrite the progress line with a completion line. */
		if (g.track)
			printf("\r%78s\r", " ");
		printf("%4d: %s, %s (%.0f seconds)\n",
		    g.run_cnt, g.c_data_source,
		    g.c_file_type, difftime(time(NULL), start));

	/* Flush/close any logging information. */


	if ((ret = pthread_rwlock_destroy(&g.append_lock)) != 0)
		die(ret, "pthread_rwlock_destroy: append lock");
	if ((ret = pthread_rwlock_destroy(&g.backup_lock)) != 0)
		die(ret, "pthread_rwlock_destroy: backup lock");


	return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
コード例 #4
ファイル: osdinstance.cpp プロジェクト: Shawn1292/GLXOSD
void read_config_into_struct(std::string path,
		glxosd_config_type* configuration) {
	std::ifstream config_file(path.c_str());
	if (!config_file) {
		std::cout << "[GLXOSD]: There is no file at \"" << path
				<< "\". Skipping." << std::endl;
	while (!config_file.eof()) {
		std::string line;
		std::getline(config_file, line);
		std::string::size_type key_begin = line.find_first_not_of(" \f\t\v");
		if (key_begin == std::string::npos || line[key_begin] == '#') //Empty line or comment
		std::string::size_type assign_op = line.find('=', key_begin);
		std::string::size_type key_end = line.find_last_not_of(" \f\n\r\t\v",
				assign_op - 1);
		std::string key = line.substr(key_begin, key_end - key_begin + 1);
		std::string::size_type value_begin = line.find_first_not_of(
				" \f\n\r\t\v", assign_op + 1);
		std::string::size_type value_end = line.find_last_not_of(" \f\n\r\t\v")
				+ 1;
		std::string value = line.substr(value_begin, value_end - value_begin);
		if (value.size() > 1 && value[0] == '"'
				&& value[value.size() - 1] == '"')
			value = value.substr(1, value.size() - 2);
		if (value.size() > 1 && value[0] == '\\' && value[1] == '"')
			value = value.substr(1, value.size() - 1);
		std::cout << "[GLXOSD]: Found key-value pair: (key: \"" << key << "\""
				<< ", value: \"" << value << "\")" << std::endl;
		value = unescape(value);
		if (key == "font_name")
			configuration->font_name = value;
		else if (key == "font_size")
			configuration->font_size = boost::lexical_cast<int>(value);
		else if (key == "font_colour_r")
			configuration->font_colour_r = boost::lexical_cast<int>(value);
		else if (key == "font_colour_g")
			configuration->font_colour_g = boost::lexical_cast<int>(value);
		else if (key == "font_colour_b")
			configuration->font_colour_b = boost::lexical_cast<int>(value);
		else if (key == "text_pos_x")
			configuration->text_pos_x = boost::lexical_cast<int>(value);
		else if (key == "text_pos_y")
			configuration->text_pos_y = boost::lexical_cast<int>(value);
		else if (key == "text_spacing_x")
			configuration->text_spacing_x = boost::lexical_cast<int>(value);
		else if (key == "text_spacing_y")
			configuration->text_spacing_y = boost::lexical_cast<int>(value);
		else if (key == "fps_format")
			configuration->fps_format = boost::format(value);
		else if (key == "chip_format")
			configuration->chip_format = boost::format(value);
		else if (key == "chip_feature_format")
			configuration->chip_feature_format = boost::format(value);
		else if (key == "nvidia_gpu_format")
			configuration->nvidia_gpu_format = boost::format(value);
		else if (key == "temperature_format")
			configuration->temperature_format = boost::format(value);
		else if (key == "chip_feature_filter") {
			configuration->chip_feature_filter = boost::regex();
		} else if (key == "show_text_outline")
			configuration->show_text_outline = (value == "true");
			std::cout << "[GLXOSD]: Unknown key: \"" << key << "\""
					<< std::endl;
	std::cout << "[GLXOSD]: The configuration was read successfully."
			<< std::endl;
コード例 #5
ファイル: file_server.cpp プロジェクト: xieqq8/TeamTalk
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
#if 0
    pid_t pid = fork();
    if (pid < 0) {
    } else if (pid > 0) {
	if ((argc == 2) && (strcmp(argv[1], "-v") == 0)) {
		printf("Server Version: FileServer/%s\n", VERSION);
		printf("Server Build: %s %s\n", __DATE__, __TIME__);
		return 0;

	signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
	// ¶ÁÈ¡ÅäÖÃÎļþ
	CConfigFileReader config_file("fileserver.conf");

    char* str_client_listen_ip = config_file.GetConfigName("ClientListenIP");
	char* str_client_listen_port = config_file.GetConfigName("ClientListenPort");
    char* str_msg_server_listen_ip = config_file.GetConfigName("MsgServerListenIP");
    char* str_msg_server_listen_port = config_file.GetConfigName("MsgServerListenPort");

    char* str_task_timeout = config_file.GetConfigName("TaskTimeout");

	if (!str_client_listen_ip || !str_client_listen_port || !str_msg_server_listen_ip || !str_msg_server_listen_port) {
		log("config item missing, exit... ");
		return -1;

    uint16_t client_listen_port = atoi(str_client_listen_port);
    CStrExplode client_listen_ip_list(str_client_listen_ip, ';');
    std::list<IM::BaseDefine::IpAddr> q;
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < client_listen_ip_list.GetItemCnt(); i++) {
        ConfigUtil::GetInstance()->AddAddress(client_listen_ip_list.GetItem(i), client_listen_port);
    uint16_t msg_server_listen_port = atoi(str_msg_server_listen_port);
    uint32_t task_timeout = atoi(str_task_timeout);


	int ret = netlib_init();

	if (ret == NETLIB_ERROR)
		return ret;

	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < client_listen_ip_list.GetItemCnt(); i++) {
		// sokcet bind listen FileClientConnCallback
		ret = netlib_listen(client_listen_ip_list.GetItem(i), client_listen_port, FileClientConnCallback, NULL);
        if (ret == NETLIB_ERROR) {
            printf("listen %s:%d error!!\n", client_listen_ip_list.GetItem(i), client_listen_port);
			return ret;
        } else {
            printf("server start listen on %s:%d\n", client_listen_ip_list.GetItem(i), client_listen_port);
	// sokcet bind listen FileMsgServerConnCallback
    ret = netlib_listen(str_msg_server_listen_ip, msg_server_listen_port, FileMsgServerConnCallback, NULL);
    if (ret == NETLIB_ERROR) {
        printf("listen %s:%d error!!\n", str_msg_server_listen_ip, msg_server_listen_port);
        return ret;
    } else {
        printf("server start listen on %s:%d\n", str_msg_server_listen_ip, msg_server_listen_port);

	printf("now enter the event loop...\n");



	return 0;
コード例 #6
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    std::string filename;
        configuration config;
        std::string copyright_filename;

        // Read/get configuration
            namespace po = boost::program_options;
            po::options_description description("=== doxml2qbk ===\nAllowed options");

            std::string convenience_headers;

                ("help", "Help message")
                ("xml", po::value<std::string>(&filename), 
                            "Name of XML file written by Doxygen")
                ("start_include", po::value<std::string>(&config.start_include), 
                            "Start include")
                ("convenience_header_path", po::value<std::string>(&config.convenience_header_path), 
                            "Convenience header path")
                ("convenience_headers", po::value<std::string>(&convenience_headers), 
                            "Convenience header(s) (comma-separated)")
                ("skip_namespace", po::value<std::string>(&config.skip_namespace), 
                            "Namespace to skip (e.g. boost::mylib::")
                ("copyright", po::value<std::string>(&copyright_filename), 
                            "Name of QBK file including (commented) copyright and license")

            po::variables_map varmap;

            if (argc == 2 && ! boost::starts_with(argv[1], "--"))
                // (especially for debugging) options might go into an INI file
                std::ifstream config_file (argv[1], std::ifstream::in);
                po::store(po::parse_config_file(config_file, description), varmap);
                po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, description), varmap);


            if (varmap.count("help") || filename.empty())
                std::cout << description << std::endl;
                return 1;

            // Split CSV with headerfile names into configuration
            if (! convenience_headers.empty())
                boost::split(config.convenience_headers, convenience_headers, boost::is_any_of(","));

        // Read files into strings
        std::string xml_string = file_to_string(filename);
        std::string license = copyright_filename.empty() 
            ? "" 
            : file_to_string(copyright_filename);

        // Parse the XML outputted by Doxygen
        xml_doc xml(xml_string.c_str());

        documentation doc;
        parse(xml.first_node(), config, doc);

        // Check for duplicate function names
        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < doc.functions.size(); i++)
            function& f1 = doc.functions[i];
            for (std::size_t j = i + 1; j < doc.functions.size(); j++)
                function& f2 = doc.functions[j];

                if (f1.name == f2.name)
                    // It is not a unique function, so e.g. an overload,
                    // so a description must distinguish them.
                    // Difference is either the number of parameters, or a const / non-const version
                    // Use the "\qbk{distinguish,with strategy}" in the source code to distinguish
                    f1.unique = false;
                    f2.unique = false;

        // Write copyright/license (keep inspect silent)
        if (! license.empty())
            std::cout << license << std::endl;

        // Write warning comment
            << "[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]" << std::endl
            << "[/ Generated from " << filename << "]" << std::endl;

        // Write the rest: functions, defines, classes or structs
        BOOST_FOREACH(function const& f, doc.functions)
            quickbook_output(f, config, std::cout);
        BOOST_FOREACH(function const& f, doc.defines)
            quickbook_output(f, config, std::cout);
        BOOST_FOREACH(enumeration const& e, doc.enumerations)
            quickbook_output(e, config, std::cout);

        if (! doc.cos.name.empty())
            std::sort(doc.cos.functions.begin(), doc.cos.functions.end(), sort_on_line<function>());
            quickbook_output(doc.cos, config, std::cout);

    catch(std::exception const& e)
        std::cerr << "Exception in doxygen_xml2qbk: " << std::endl
            << "   Message: " << e.what() << std::endl
            << "   File: " << filename << std::endl
            << "   Type: " << typeid(e).name() << std::endl
            << std::endl;
        return 1;
        std::cerr << "Unknown exception in doxygen_xml2qbk" 
            << std::endl;
        return 1;
    return 0;
コード例 #7
ファイル: msg_server.cpp プロジェクト: fe11x/TeamTalk
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	if ((argc == 2) && (strcmp(argv[1], "-v") == 0)) {
//		printf("Server Version: MsgServer/%s\n", VERSION);
		printf("Server Build: %s %s\n", __DATE__, __TIME__);
		return 0;

	signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);

	log("MsgServer max files can open: %d ", getdtablesize());

	CConfigFileReader config_file("msgserver.conf");

	char* listen_ip = config_file.GetConfigName("ListenIP");
	char* str_listen_port = config_file.GetConfigName("ListenPort");
	char* ip_addr1 = config_file.GetConfigName("IpAddr1");	// 电信IP
	char* ip_addr2 = config_file.GetConfigName("IpAddr2");	// 网通IP
	char* str_max_conn_cnt = config_file.GetConfigName("MaxConnCnt");
    char* str_aes_key = config_file.GetConfigName("aesKey");
	uint32_t db_server_count = 0;
	serv_info_t* db_server_list = read_server_config(&config_file, "DBServerIP", "DBServerPort", db_server_count);

	uint32_t login_server_count = 0;
	serv_info_t* login_server_list = read_server_config(&config_file, "LoginServerIP", "LoginServerPort", login_server_count);

	uint32_t route_server_count = 0;
	serv_info_t* route_server_list = read_server_config(&config_file, "RouteServerIP", "RouteServerPort", route_server_count);

    uint32_t push_server_count = 0;
    serv_info_t* push_server_list = read_server_config(&config_file, "PushServerIP",
                                                       "PushServerPort", push_server_count);
    uint32_t file_server_count = 0;
    serv_info_t* file_server_list = read_server_config(&config_file, "FileServerIP",
                                                       "FileServerPort", file_server_count);
    if (!str_aes_key || strlen(str_aes_key)!=32) {
        log("aes key is invalied");
        return -1;
    pAes = new CAes(str_aes_key);
	// 必须至少配置2个BusinessServer实例, 一个用于用户登录业务,一个用于其他业务
	// 这样当其他业务量非常繁忙时,也不会影响客服端的登录验证
	// 建议配置4个实例,这样更新BusinessServer时,不会影响业务
	if (db_server_count < 2) {
		log("DBServerIP need 2 instance at lest ");
		return 1;

	// 到BusinessServer的开多个并发的连接
	uint32_t concurrent_db_conn_cnt = DEFAULT_CONCURRENT_DB_CONN_CNT;
	uint32_t db_server_count2 = db_server_count * DEFAULT_CONCURRENT_DB_CONN_CNT;
	char* concurrent_db_conn = config_file.GetConfigName("ConcurrentDBConnCnt");
	if (concurrent_db_conn) {
		concurrent_db_conn_cnt  = atoi(concurrent_db_conn);
		db_server_count2 = db_server_count * concurrent_db_conn_cnt;

	serv_info_t* db_server_list2 = new serv_info_t [ db_server_count2];
	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < db_server_count2; i++) {
		db_server_list2[i].server_ip = db_server_list[i / concurrent_db_conn_cnt].server_ip.c_str();
		db_server_list2[i].server_port = db_server_list[i / concurrent_db_conn_cnt].server_port;

	if (!listen_ip || !str_listen_port || !ip_addr1) {
		log("config file miss, exit... ");
		return -1;

	// 没有IP2,就用第一个IP
	if (!ip_addr2) {
		ip_addr2 = ip_addr1;

	uint16_t listen_port = atoi(str_listen_port);
	uint32_t max_conn_cnt = atoi(str_max_conn_cnt);

	int ret = netlib_init();

	if (ret == NETLIB_ERROR)
		return ret;

	CStrExplode listen_ip_list(listen_ip, ';');
	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < listen_ip_list.GetItemCnt(); i++) {
		ret = netlib_listen(listen_ip_list.GetItem(i), listen_port, msg_serv_callback, NULL);
		if (ret == NETLIB_ERROR)
			return ret;

	printf("server start listen on: %s:%d\n", listen_ip, listen_port);


    init_file_serv_conn(file_server_list, file_server_count);

	init_db_serv_conn(db_server_list2, db_server_count2, concurrent_db_conn_cnt);

	init_login_serv_conn(login_server_list, login_server_count, ip_addr1, ip_addr2, listen_port, max_conn_cnt);

	init_route_serv_conn(route_server_list, route_server_count);

    init_push_serv_conn(push_server_list, push_server_count);
	printf("now enter the event loop...\n");


	return 0;
コード例 #8
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: netaz/idlf
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    try {
        if(argc<=1) {
            const std::string path(argv[0]);
            std::cout << "usage: " << path.substr(path.find_last_of("/\\") + 1) <<
R"_help_( <parameters> input_dir

<parameters> include:
        name of dynamic library (without suffix) with computational device
        to be used for demo
        size of group of images that are classified together;  large batch
        sizes have better performance
        name of network model that is used for classfication
        can be: caffenet_float,  caffenet_int16 or lenet_float
        Run a training mode of selected model (default is classification)
        path to directory that contains images to be classfied
        file name of config file containing additional parameters
        command line parameters take priority over config ones

If last parameters do not fit --key=value format it is assumed to be a --input.
Instead of "--" "-" or "/" can be used.
            return 0;

        // convert argc/argv to vector of arguments
        std::vector<std::string> arg;
        for(int n=1; n<argc; ++n) arg.push_back(argv[n]);

        // parse configuration (command line and from file)
        using config_t = std::map<std::string, std::string>;
        config_t config;
        parse_parameters(config, arg);
        { // find if config file name was given from commandline
            config_t::iterator it;
            if((it = config.find("config"))!=std::end(config)){
                std::ifstream config_file(it->second);
                std::vector<std::string> config_lines;
                using istream_it = std::istream_iterator<std::string>;
                std::copy(istream_it(config_file), istream_it(), std::back_inserter(config_lines));
                parse_parameters(config, config_lines);
        { // validate & add defalut value for missing arguments
          // default device is device_cpu  its default batch is 48
          // if other devices (gpu or int16) are given its default batch is 32
            auto not_found = std::end(config);
                if(config.find("batch") ==not_found) config["batch"]="48";
                if( config.find("batch") == not_found)
                    config["batch"] = (config["device"] == "device_cpu" ? "48" : "32");
            if(config.find("model") ==not_found) config["model"]="caffenet_float";
            if(config.find("input") ==not_found) throw std::runtime_error("missing input directory; run without arguments to get help");
            if(config.find("loops") ==not_found) config["loops"]="1";

        // RAII for loading library, device initialization and opening interface 0
        scoped_library      library(config["device"]+dynamic_library_extension);
        scoped_device       device(library);
        scoped_interface_0  interface_0(device);

        std::string builder_desc(config["model"]);

        // If training is to happen then builder of training should be chosen
        if( config.find("training") != std::end(config))
            builder_desc += "_training"; 
        // get workflow builder as specified by model parameter
        auto builder = workflow_builder::instance().get(builder_desc);

        const int config_batch = std::stoi(config["batch"]);

        if(config_batch<=0) throw std::runtime_error("batch_size is 0 or negative");
        nn_workflow_t *workflow = builder->init_workflow(&interface_0);

        // compiling workload
        NN_WORKLOAD_DATA_TYPE input_format; 

        // lenet topology works with MNIST so input is 2D greyscaled images
        if( config["model"].compare("lenet_float") == 0 )
            input_format = NN_WORKLOAD_DATA_TYPE_F32_2D_BATCH;
            input_format = NN_WORKLOAD_DATA_TYPE_F32_ZXY_BATCH;
        nn_workload_t *workload = nullptr;
        C_time_control timer;
        auto status = interface_0.workflow_compile_function(&workload, interface_0.device, workflow, &input_format, &output_format, config_batch);
        if(!workload) throw std::runtime_error("workload compilation failed");
        std::cout << "workload compiled in " << timer.time_diff_string() <<" [" <<timer.clocks_diff_string() <<"]" << std::endl;

        if( config.find("training") == std::end(config))
            //TODO: currently lenet model comes to use mnist database for training/testing
            // so It could be changed to recgonize digits from regular images
            if( config["model"].compare("lenet_float") == 0 )
            } else
        } else {
            if( config["model"].compare("lenet_float") == 0 )
            } else {
                printf("TODO: :)\n");

    return 0;
コード例 #9
ファイル: file_server.cpp プロジェクト: theseusyang/im
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

    pid_t pid = fork();
    if (pid < 0) {
    } else if (pid > 0) {

	if ((argc == 2) && (strcmp(argv[1], "-v") == 0)) {
		printf("Server Version: FileServer/%s\n", VERSION);
		printf("Server Build: %s %s\n", __DATE__, __TIME__);
		return 0;

	signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);

	CConfigFileReader config_file("fileserver.conf");

	char* listen_ip = config_file.GetConfigName("Address");
	char* str_listen_port = config_file.GetConfigName("ListenPort");
    char* str_task_timeout = config_file.GetConfigName("TaskTimeout");

	if (!listen_ip || !str_listen_port) {
		log("config item missing, exit...\n");
		return -1;

	uint16_t listen_port = atoi(str_listen_port);
    uint32_t task_timeout = atoi(str_task_timeout);

    CStrExplode listen_ip_list(listen_ip, ';');
    std::list<svr_ip_addr_t> q;
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < listen_ip_list.GetItemCnt(); i++) {
    	svr_ip_addr_t t(listen_ip_list.GetItem(i), listen_port);
	init_file_conn(q, task_timeout);
	int ret = netlib_init();

	if (ret == NETLIB_ERROR)
		return ret;

//	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < listen_ip_list.GetItemCnt(); i++) {
		ret = netlib_listen(""/*""*/, /*listen_ip_list.GetItem(i), */listen_port, file_serv_callback, NULL);
		if (ret == NETLIB_ERROR) {
			printf("Failed to listen on port %d\n", listen_port);
			log("Failed to listen on port %d\n", listen_port);
			return ret;
//	}

	printf("server start listen on %s:%d\n", listen_ip, listen_port);
	printf("now enter the event loop...\n");



	return 0;
コード例 #10
// Refactor?
void SlideshowController::parse_config_file(QString file_path)
  QFile config_file(file_path);
  if (config_file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
      QTextStream stream(&config_file);

      // separate keys from values
      while (!stream.atEnd())
          QString line;
          QString key, value_str;
          int line_index;
          int value_int;

          line = stream.readLine();

          // Check if line is a comment line
          if (line.at(0) == '#')
              line = stream.readLine();
          line_index = 0;
          while (line_index < line.size() && line.at(line_index) != '=')
          while (line_index < line.size())

          // update config settings
          if (key == "display_timer_interval")
              bool value_is_integer;
              value_int = value_str.toInt(&value_is_integer);
              if (value_is_integer && value_int > 0)
                  warn_config_error(key, value_str);
          else if (key == "marketing_timer_interval")
              bool value_is_integer;
              value_int = value_str.toInt(&value_is_integer);
              if (value_is_integer && value_int > 0)
                  warn_config_error(key, value_str);
          else if (key == "fullscreen_disabled")
              bool value_is_integer;
              value_int = value_str.toInt(&value_is_integer);
              if (value_is_integer && value_int >= 0)
                  warn_config_error(key, value_str);
          else if (key == "video_disabled")
              bool value_is_integer;
              value_int = value_str.toInt(&value_is_integer);
              if (value_is_integer && value_int >= 0)
                  warn_config_error(key, value_str);
          else if (key == "main_slide_order")
              bool value_is_integer;
              value_int = value_str.toInt(&value_is_integer);
              if (value_is_integer && value_int >= 0)
                      set_main_order((QueueSortOrder) value_int);
                  warn_config_error(key, value_str);
            else if (key == "marketing_slide_order")
                bool value_is_integer;
                value_int = value_str.toInt(&value_is_integer);
                if (value_is_integer && value_int >= 0)
                        set_marketing_order((QueueSortOrder) value_int);
                    warn_config_error(key, value_str);
          else if (key == "marketing_playback_option")
              bool value_is_integer;
              value_int = value_str.toInt(&value_is_integer);
              if (value_is_integer && value_int >= 0)
                      set_marketing_option((MarketingPlaybackOption) value_int);
                  warn_config_error(key, value_str);
          else if (key == "begin_on_marketing_slide")
              bool value_is_integer;
              value_int = value_str.toInt(&value_is_integer);
              if (value_is_integer && value_int >= 0)
                  warn_config_error(key, value_str);
          else if (key == "init_delay")
              bool value_is_integer;
              value_int = value_str.toInt(&value_is_integer);
              if (value_is_integer && value_int >= 0)
                  warn_config_error(key, value_str);
          else if (key == "indiv_info_interval")
              bool value_is_integer;
              value_int = value_str.toInt(&value_is_integer);
              if (value_is_integer && value_int >= 0)
                  warn_config_error(key, value_str);
コード例 #11
ファイル: gr_dumper.cpp プロジェクト: GreenSocs/greenlib
bool gr_dumper::dump_platform( std::string _path, gr_dump_format_e _format)
	bool retval = false;
	unsigned int i = 0;
	boost::filesystem::path _boost_path( _path.c_str());
	boost::filesystem::create_directory( _boost_path);
	std::vector< unsigned int> ids = g_gr_device_container.get_all_data_ids();

	std::stringstream ss;
	ss << _path << "/platform.txt";
	std::basic_ofstream<char> file( ss.str().c_str(), std::ios_base::out);
	try {
		if( file.is_open() )
			file << "##########\n"
				<< "# This file lists configuration files for the entire platform.\n"
				<< "# Each file represents a single device in the platform.\n"
				<< "# This allows a flexible, auto-generated system, that is easy to maintain.\n"
				<< "##########\n";
			for( i = 0; i < ids.size(); i++)
				ss << g_gr_device_container.get_data_key( ids[i]) << " = "
					<< g_gr_device_container.get_data_key( ids[i]) << ".txt\n";
				file << ss.str().c_str();
			file << "\n";
		} else {
			std::stringstream ss;
			ss << "File not found.\n";
			GR_FORCE_WARNING( ss.str().c_str());
	} catch( ... ) {
		std::stringstream ss;
		ss << "File is missing or has invalid structure.\n";
		GR_FORCE_WARNING( ss.str().c_str());

	for( i = 0; i < ids.size(); i++)
		ss << _path << "/" << g_gr_device_container.get_data_key( ids[i]) << ".txt";
		std::basic_ofstream<char> config_file( ss.str().c_str(), std::ios_base::out);
		try {
			if( config_file.is_open() )
				static_cast< gs::reg::device *>(g_gr_device_container.get_data( ids[i]))->gr_dump( _format, config_file, 0);
				retval = true;
			} else {
				std::stringstream ss;
				ss << "File not found.\n";
				GR_FORCE_WARNING( ss.str().c_str());
		} catch( ... ) {
			std::stringstream ss;
			ss << "File is missing or has invalid structure.\n";
			GR_FORCE_WARNING( ss.str().c_str());

	return( retval);
コード例 #12
ファイル: dom_fitE.cpp プロジェクト: BAS215/dom_clean
int main( ) {

    std::string input_dir = "Input/";

    // Read Nucleus File
    std::string nucleus_string;
    std::ifstream nucleus_file( "domgen.config" );

    nucleus_file >> nucleus_string;


    // Read Configuration file
    std::string config_filename = nucleus_string + ".config";
    std::ifstream config_file( config_filename.c_str() );

    std::string parameters_string;

    int fit_ph;
    double rmax;
    int rpts;
    int lmax;

    config_file >> parameters_string >> fit_ph;
    config_file >> rmax >> rpts >> lmax;

    int num_lj;
    config_file >> num_lj;

    // These maps hold the number of bound states for each lj
    std::map<std::string, int> n_lj_map; // neutrons
    std::map<std::string, int> p_lj_map; // protons
    std::vector< std::map< std::string, int > > map_vec;
    for ( int n = 0; n < num_lj; ++n ) {

        std::string key;
        int n_num_bound, p_num_bound;
        config_file >> key >> n_num_bound >> p_num_bound;

        std::pair< std::map< std::string, int >::iterator, bool > n_ret;
        std::pair< std::map< std::string, int >::iterator, bool > p_ret;
        n_ret = n_lj_map.insert ( std::make_pair( key, n_num_bound ) );
        p_ret = p_lj_map.insert ( std::make_pair( key, p_num_bound ) );

        if ( n_ret.second == false ) {
            std::cout << "element " << key << " already exists "; 
            std::cout << "with a value of " << n_ret.first->second << std::endl;

        if ( p_ret.second == false ) {
            std::cout << "element " << key << " already exists "; 
            std::cout << "with a value of " << p_ret.first->second << std::endl;

    map_vec.push_back( n_lj_map );
    map_vec.push_back( p_lj_map );


    bool hole;
    if ( fit_ph == 0 ) hole = true;
    else hole = false;

    std::string output_dir = "Output_" + parameters_string + "/Output_domgen/";
    std::string parameters_filename = parameters_string + ".inp";

    std::cout << "rmax = " << rmax << std::endl;
    std::cout << "rpts = " << rpts << std::endl;
    std::cout << "lmax = " << lmax << std::endl;

    std::string n_string = "n" + nucleus_string;
    std::string p_string = "p" + nucleus_string;

    std::string n_filename = input_dir + n_string + ".inp";
    std::string p_filename = input_dir + p_string + ".inp";

    // Create Nuclear Parameter Objects
    NuclearParameters Nu_n = read_nucleus_parameters( n_filename );
    NuclearParameters Nu_p = read_nucleus_parameters( p_filename );

    std::vector< NuclearParameters > Nu_vec;
    Nu_vec.push_back( Nu_n );
    Nu_vec.push_back( Nu_p );

    // Read in DOM parameters
    std::ifstream pfile( parameters_filename.c_str() );
    if ( pfile.is_open() !=1 ) {
        std::cout << "could not open file " << parameters_filename << std::endl;

    // Create radial grid
    std::vector<double> rmesh;
    double rdelt = rmax / rpts;
    for( int i = 0; i < rpts; ++i ) {

        rmesh.push_back( ( i + 0.5 ) * rdelt );

    // Prepare stuff for output files
    std::vector< std::string > np_strings;
    np_strings.push_back( n_string );
    np_strings.push_back( p_string );

    std::string L_array[8] = { "s", "p", "d", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j" };
    std::string J_array[8] = { "1", "3", "5", "7", "9", "11", "13", "15" };

    //Potential specifications
    int type = 1; // 1 is P.B. form (average), 0 is V.N. form
    int mvolume = 4;
    int AsyVolume = 1;


    // Loop over protons and neutrons
    double Zp; // number of protons in projectile
    for ( unsigned int nu = 1; nu < 2; ++nu ) {
    //for ( unsigned int nu = 0; nu < Nu_vec.size(); ++nu ) {
        double tz = nu - 0.5; // +0.5 for protons, -0.5 for neutrons
        std::map< std::string, int > lj_map = map_vec[nu];
        if ( tz < 0 ) Zp = 0;
        else Zp = 1;

        // Nucleus Object
        const NuclearParameters &Nu = Nu_vec[nu];

        // Construct Parameters Object
        Parameters p = get_parameters( parameters_filename, Nu.A, Nu.Z, Zp );

        // Construct Potential Object
        pot U = get_bobs_pot2( type, mvolume, AsyVolume, tz, Nu, p );
        pot *U1 = &U;

        // Construct boundRspace Object
        boundRspace B( rmax, rpts, Nu.Ef, Nu.ph_gap, lmax, Nu.Z, Zp, Nu.A, U1 );

        double tol = 0.01;
        std::vector< lj_eigen_t > bound_levels = 
            B.get_bound_levels( rmesh, tol );

        // Output Files
        std::string qp_filename = output_dir + np_strings[nu] 
                                + "_quasiparticle" + ".test";
        std::ofstream qp_file( qp_filename.c_str() );

        // Loop over lj channels
        for ( int l = 0; l < lmax + 1; ++l ) {

            for( int up = -1; up < 2; up+=2 ) {

                double xj = l + up / 2.0;
                int j_index = ( up - 1 ) / 2;
                if ( xj < 0 ) continue;

                int index = B.index_from_LJ( l, xj );
                std::vector< eigen_t > &bound_info = bound_levels[index];

                double lp; 
                if ( xj > l ) lp = l;
                else lp = - l - 1;
                std::string j_string;
                if ( l == 0 ) j_string = J_array[ l ];
                else j_string = J_array[ l + j_index ];

                std::string lj_string = L_array[l] + j_string + "2";


                // Find self-consistent solutions

                // loop over the orbitals and write out the 
                // bound state information to a file
                int intj = static_cast<int>( 2 * xj );
                for ( unsigned int N = 0; N < bound_info.size(); ++N ) {

                    std::string level_str = util::IntToStr( N ) + L_array[l] 
                                          + j_string + "2";

                    std::string wfx_filename = output_dir + np_strings[nu] 
                        + "_" + level_str + ".wfx";
                    std::ofstream wfx_file( wfx_filename.c_str() );

                    // Quasiparticle energy
                    double QPE = bound_info[N].first; 

                    // Quasiparticle wavefunction
                    std::vector<double> &QPF = bound_info[N].second;
                    double S = B.sfactor( rmesh, QPE, l, xj, QPF );

                    qp_file << N << L_array[l] << intj << "/2" 
                            << " " << QPE << " " << S << std::endl;

                    // Write out wavefunctions to a file
                    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < rmesh.size(); ++i ) {
                        wfx_file << rmesh[i] << " " << QPF[i] << std::endl;



                } // end loop over N 

            } //end loop over j
        } // end loop over l


    } // end loop over Nu_vec

    return 1;
コード例 #13
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	if ((argc == 2) && (strcmp(argv[1], "-v") == 0)) {
		printf("Server Version: DBProxyServer/%s\n", VERSION);
		printf("Server Build: %s %s\n", __DATE__, __TIME__);
		return 0;

	signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);

	CacheManager* pCacheManager = CacheManager::getInstance(CONFIGFILE_NAME);
	if (!pCacheManager) {
		log("CacheManager init failed");
		return -1;

	CDBManager* pDBManager = CDBManager::getInstance(CONFIGFILE_NAME);
	if (!pDBManager) {
		log("DBManager init failed");
		return -1;

	// 主线程初始化单例,不然在工作线程可能会出现多次初始化
	if (!CAudioModel::getInstance()) {
		return -1;
    if (!CGroupMessageModel::getInstance()) {
        return -1;
    if (!CGroupModel::getInstance()) {
        return -1;
    if (!CMessageModel::getInstance()) {
        return -1;

	if (!CSessionModel::getInstance()) {
		return -1;
        return -1;
    if (!CUserModel::getInstance()) {
        return -1;
    if (!CFileModel::getInstance()) {
        return -1;

	CConfigFileReader config_file(CONFIGFILE_NAME);

	char* listen_ip		  = config_file.GetConfigName("ListenIP");
	char* str_listen_port = config_file.GetConfigName("ListenPort");
	char* str_thread_num  = config_file.GetConfigName("ThreadNum");
    char* str_file_site   = config_file.GetConfigName("MsfsSite");
    char* str_aes_key     = config_file.GetConfigName("aesKey");

	if (!listen_ip || !str_listen_port || !str_thread_num || !str_file_site || !str_aes_key) {
		log("missing ListenIP/ListenPort/ThreadNum/MsfsSite/aesKey, exit...");
		return -1;
    if(strlen(str_aes_key) != 32)
        log("aes key is invalied");
        return -2;
    string strAesKey(str_aes_key, 32);
    CAes cAes = CAes(strAesKey);
    string strAudio = "[语音]";
    char* pAudioEnc;
    uint32_t nOutLen;
    if(cAes.Encrypt(strAudio.c_str(), strAudio.length(), &pAudioEnc, nOutLen) == 0)
        strAudioEnc.append(pAudioEnc, nOutLen);

	uint16_t listen_port = atoi(str_listen_port);
	uint32_t thread_num = atoi(str_thread_num);
    string strFileSite(str_file_site);

	int ret = netlib_init();

	if (ret == NETLIB_ERROR)
		return ret;
    /// yunfan add 2014.9.28
    // for 603 push
    curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL); //初始化libcurl,CURL_GLOBAL_ALL初始化所有可能的调用
    /// yunfan add end


	CStrExplode listen_ip_list(listen_ip, ';');
	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < listen_ip_list.GetItemCnt(); i++) {
		ret = netlib_listen(listen_ip_list.GetItem(i), listen_port, proxy_serv_callback, NULL);
		if (ret == NETLIB_ERROR)
			return ret;

	printf("server start listen on: %s:%d\n", listen_ip,  listen_port);
	printf("now enter the event loop...\n");

	return 0;
コード例 #14
ファイル: MessageCentreMain.cpp プロジェクト: sryan/gorgon
int main(int argc, char** argv)

	 * Define options for argument list
	boost::program_options::variables_map vm;
	boost::program_options::options_description desc("MessageCentre Options");
	boost::program_options::options_description conf("Configuration Options");
	boost::program_options::options_description all("All Options");

     * Define message centre
	MessageCentre mc;

	 * Wrangle arguments
			( "config,c", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(),"Configuration file." );

			( "help,h", "Display help message" )
			( "global.servername", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(), "Server name.")
			( "global.hostid", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(), "Unique host/server identification.")
			( "global.logdir", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(), "Directory for logs")
			( "global.rundir", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(), "Directory for runtime files.")
			( "discovery.broker", boost::program_options::value<std::string>()->notifier(boost::bind(&MessageCentre::setBroker,&mc,_1)),"Discovery service URL.")


	 * Group it up into an All option

	 * Finding the configuration
    boost::filesystem::path config_file_path;
    bool config_found = false;

		 * First we check the command line arguments in case a config file is
		 * passed ... so we can try it first

		 * Special Case  : Help
		if( vm.count("help") )
			std::cout << all << std::endl;
			return 0;

		 * Special Case : config file passed via command line
		if ( vm.count("config") )
			config_file_path = vm["config"].as<std::string>();

		 * First Check: Command line configuration file
		if( ! config_file_path.empty() )
		    std::cout << "Specified configuration : " << config_file_path.string() << " ... ";
		    if ( boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(config_file_path) )
		    	std::cout << "Accepted." << std::endl;
		    	config_found = true;
		    	std::cout << std::endl << "Specified configuration was not present.  Refusing to continue." << std::endl;
		    	return 1;

	     * Second Check: Home directory conf, takes precedence
	     * HOME_CONF = $HOME/.gorgon.conf
		if( ! config_found )
		    config_file_path = HOME_CONF;
		    std::cout << "Searching configuration : " << config_file_path.string() << " ... ";
		    if ( boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(config_file_path) )
		    	std::cout << "Accepted.";
		    	config_found = true;
		    std::cout << std::endl;

	     * Third Check: Prefix etc directory
	     * DIST_DIR = $PREFIX/etc/gorgon.conf
	    if ( ! config_found )
	    	config_file_path = DIST_CONF;
	    	std::cout << "Searching configuration : " << config_file_path.string() << " ... ";
	    	if ( boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(config_file_path) )
	    		std::cout << "Accepted.";
	    		config_found = true;
	    	std::cout << std::endl;

	     * Last Resort : check current directory for file
	     * ./gorgon.conf
	    if ( ! config_found )
	    	config_file_path = "gorgon.conf";
	    	std::cout << "Searching configuration : " << config_file_path.string() << " ... ";
	    	if ( boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(config_file_path) )
	    		std::cout << "Accepted.";
	    		config_found = true;
	    	std::cout << std::endl;

	     * If we can't find the config, bail out.  The configuration potential is too complicated
	     * to try and wrangle it just by the CLI alone.
	    if ( ! config_found )
	    	std::cout << "No configuration found, aborting!" << std::endl;
	    	return 1;

	     * Wrangle the rest of the configuration
	    std::ifstream config_file(config_file_path.string());
	    		boost::program_options::parse_config_file(config_file, desc, true),


	    std::cout << "----------------------------" << std::endl;
	    std::cout << "SERVER_VERSION   : " << SERVER_VERSION << std::endl;
	    std::cout << "SERVER_SIGNATURE : " << SERVER_SIGNATURE << std::endl;
	    std::cout << "BUILD_UNAME      : " << BUILD_UNAME << std::endl;
	    std::cout << "BUILD_USER       : "******"BUILD_HOST       : " << BUILD_HOST << std::endl;
	    std::cout << "BUILD_NUM        : " << BUILD_NUM << std::endl;
	    std::cout << "SERVER_SIG       : " << mc.getServerSignature() << std::endl;
	    std::cout << "----------------------------" << std::endl;
		std::cout << mc.getServerSignature() << std::endl;

	catch( const std::exception& ex )
		std::cout << "ERROR: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
		return 2;

コード例 #15
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: sdavtaker/metaserver-ng
	Entry point
int main(int argc, char** argv)

	std::ifstream config_file("metaserver-ng.conf");
	boost::asio::io_service io_service;
	boost::program_options::variables_map vm;

	int port = 8453;
	std::string ip = "";

	 * Argument Wrangling
	 * Note: not exactly the most friendly option parsing I've seen
	boost::program_options::options_description desc( "MetaServer Configuration" );

	 * Note: options inside the configuration file that are NOT listed here
	 *       become ignored and are not accessible.
		( "help,h", "Display help message" )
		( "server.port,p", boost::program_options::value<int>(), "Server bind port. \nDefault:8543" )
		( "server.ip", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(), "Server bind IP. \nDefault:" )
		( "server.daemon", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(), "Daemonize after startup [true|false].\nDefault: true" )
		( "server.logfile", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(), "Server logfile location.\nDefault: ~/.metaserver-ng/metaserver-ng.log" )
		( "server.client_stats", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(), "Keep internals stats [true|false].  This can affect performance.\nDefault: false" )
		( "server.server_stats", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(), "Keep internals stats [true|false].  This can affect performance.\nDefault: false" )
		( "logging.server_sessions", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(), "Output server sessions to logfile [true|false].  \nDefault: false" )
		( "logging.client_sessions", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(), "Output client sessions to logfile [true|false].  \nDefault: false" )
		( "logging.packet_logging", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(), "Output all packets to logfile [true|false].  \nDefault: false" )
		( "logging.packet_logfile", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(), "Packet logfile location.\nDefault: ~/.metaserver-ng/packetlog.bin" )
		( "security.auth_scheme", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(), "What method of authentication to use [none|server|delegate|both].\nDefault: none" )
		( "performance.max_server_sessions", boost::program_options::value<int>(), "Max number of server sessions [1-32768].\nDefault: 1024" )
		( "performance.max_client_sessions", boost::program_options::value<int>(), "Max number of client sessions [1-32768].\nDefault: 4096")
		( "performance.server_session_expiry_seconds", boost::program_options::value<int>(), "Expiry in seconds for server sessions [300-3600].\nDefault: 300" )
		( "performance.client_session_expiry_seconds", boost::program_options::value<int>(), "Expiry in seconds for client sessions [300-3600].\nDefault: 300" )

	 * Create our metaserver
	MetaServer ms(io_service);


				boost::program_options::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc),
				boost::program_options::parse_config_file(config_file, desc, true),


		 * Special case for help
		if ( vm.count("help") )
			std::cout << desc << std::endl;
			return 1;

		 * The only real options that we need to process outside of the
		 * metaesrver as it affects the handlers
		if ( vm.count("server.port") )

		if ( vm.count("server.ip") )

		 * Register the configuration.

		 * Go daemon if needed
		if ( ms.isDaemon() )
			ms.getLogger().info("Running as a daemon");

		 * Define Handlers
		//MetaServerHandlerTCP tcp(ms, io_service, ip, port);
		MetaServerHandlerUDP udp(ms, io_service, ip, port);

		 * This is the async loop
				 * We run and complete normally
			catch(std::exception ex)
				 * This will catch exceptions inside the io_service loop/handler.
				 * If we have a handler exception this should account as a reasonable
				 * effort to resume operation despite the error
				std::cerr << "IOService Loop Exception:" << ex.what() << std::endl;

	catch (std::exception& e)
		 * This will catch exceptions during the startup etc
		std::cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "All Done!" << std::endl;
	return 0;
int main(int argc, const char ** argv) {
	auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();

	std::cout << "MSAcquisitionSimulator Version " << MSAcquisitionSimulator_VERSION_MAJOR << "." << MSAcquisitionSimulator_VERSION_MINOR << "." << MSAcquisitionSimulator_VERSION_PATCH << std::endl;
	std::cout << "AcquisitionSimulator Version " << AcquisitionSimulator_VERSION_MAJOR << "." << AcquisitionSimulator_VERSION_MINOR << "." << AcquisitionSimulator_VERSION_PATCH << std::endl;

	std::string sqlite_in_path;
	std::string mzml_out_path;
	std::string param_file_path;
	std::string fido_out_path;
	std::string fasta_in_path;
	std::string target_decoy_out_path;
	std::string acquisition_algorithm_name;

	std::vector<std::string> acquisition_param_values;

	double ms1_scan_time;
	double ms2_scan_time;
	double scan_overhead_time;
	int acquisition_length;

	double elution_tau;
	double elution_sigma;

	double resolution;
	double dynamic_range;

	double db_search_min_mass;
	double db_search_max_mass;
	double db_search_mass_tolerance;
	int db_search_max_missed_cleavages;
	int db_search_max_dynamic_mods;
	int db_search_min_enzymatic_termini;
	double null_lambda;

	double max_ms1_injection_time;
	double max_ms2_injection_time;
	double ms1_target_total_ion_count;
	double ms2_target_total_ion_count;

	std::vector<DBPTM> PTMs;
	std::vector<DBEnzyme> enzymes;

	//region Command line specification
	boost::program_options::options_description general("USAGE: AcquisitionSimulator [options] ground_truth.tab\n\nOptions");
			("help", "Print usage and exit.")
			("conf,c", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(&param_file_path)->default_value("acquisition.conf"), "Input path to config file.")
			("mzml_out_path,o", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(&mzml_out_path)->default_value("sample.mzML"), "output path for mzML file.")
			("fido_out_path,f", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(&fido_out_path)->default_value("sample.fido"), "output path for fido file.")
			("target_decoy_out_path,d", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(&target_decoy_out_path)->default_value("targetDecoy.txt"), "output path for fido targetDecoy file.")

	boost::program_options::options_description hidden("");
			("ground_truth_in_path", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(&sqlite_in_path), "input path for ground truth file made by GroundTruthSimulator.")

	boost::program_options::options_description all("Allowed options");

	boost::program_options::positional_options_description p;
	p.add("ground_truth_in_path", -1);

	boost::program_options::variables_map vm;
	boost::program_options::store(boost::program_options::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(all).positional(p).run(), vm);

	//region Command line processing
	if (vm.count("help")) {
		std::cout << general << std::endl;
		return 0;

	//region config file specification
	boost::program_options::options_description config("Configuration file options");
			("acquisition_algorithm", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(&acquisition_algorithm_name)->default_value("TopN"), "acquisition algorithm")
			("acquisition_algorithm_params", boost::program_options::value<std::vector<std::string>>(&acquisition_param_values)->multitoken(), "acquisition_algorithm_params")
			("ms1_scan_time", boost::program_options::value<double>(&ms1_scan_time)->default_value(0.256), "ms1_scan_time")
			("ms2_scan_time", boost::program_options::value<double>(&ms2_scan_time)->default_value(0.064), "ms2_scan_time")
			("scan_overhead_time", boost::program_options::value<double>(&scan_overhead_time)->default_value(0.015), "scan_overhead_time")
			("acquisition_length", boost::program_options::value<int>(&acquisition_length)->default_value(3600), "acquisition_length")
			("fasta", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(&fasta_in_path), "acquisition fasta_in_path")
			("elution_tau", boost::program_options::value<double>(&elution_tau)->default_value(4), "elution_tau")
			("elution_sigma", boost::program_options::value<double>(&elution_sigma)->default_value(6), "elution_sigma")
			("resolution", boost::program_options::value<double>(&resolution)->default_value(60000), "resolution")
			("dynamic_range", boost::program_options::value<double>(&dynamic_range)->default_value(5000), "dynamic_range")
			("db_search_min_mass", boost::program_options::value<double>(&db_search_min_mass)->default_value(200), "db_search_min_mass")
			("db_search_max_mass", boost::program_options::value<double>(&db_search_max_mass)->default_value(9000), "db_search_max_mass")
			("db_search_max_missed_cleavages", boost::program_options::value<int>(&db_search_max_missed_cleavages)->default_value(0), "db_search_max_missed_cleavages")
			("db_search_max_dynamic_mods", boost::program_options::value<int>(&db_search_max_dynamic_mods)->default_value(0), "db_search_max_dynamic_mods")
			("db_search_min_enzymatic_termini", boost::program_options::value<int>(&db_search_min_enzymatic_termini)->default_value(2), "db_search_min_enzymatic_termini")
			("db_search_mass_tolerance", boost::program_options::value<double>(&db_search_mass_tolerance)->default_value(.05), "db_search_mass_tolerance")
			("db_search_PTM", boost::program_options::value<std::vector<DBPTM> >(&PTMs)->multitoken(), "PTMs")
			("db_search_enzyme", boost::program_options::value<std::vector<DBEnzyme>>(&enzymes)->multitoken(), "enzymes")
			("db_search_null_lambda", boost::program_options::value<double>(&null_lambda)->default_value(6), "db_search_null_lambda")
			("max_ms1_injection_time", boost::program_options::value<double>(&max_ms1_injection_time)->default_value(0.2), "max_ms1_injection_time")
			("max_ms2_injection_time", boost::program_options::value<double>(&max_ms2_injection_time)->default_value(0.5), "max_ms2_injection_time")
			("ms1_target_total_ion_count", boost::program_options::value<double>(&ms1_target_total_ion_count)->default_value(1e6), "ms1_target_total_ion_count")
			("ms2_target_total_ion_count", boost::program_options::value<double>(&ms2_target_total_ion_count)->default_value(1e5), "ms2_target_total_ion_count")
	boost::program_options::variables_map vm_config;
	std::ifstream config_file(param_file_path.c_str());

	if(!config_file.is_open()) {
		std::cerr << "Unable to open configuration file: " << param_file_path << std::endl;

	boost::program_options::store(boost::program_options::parse_config_file(config_file, config, true), vm_config);

	ElutionShapeSimulator elution_shape_simulator(elution_tau, elution_sigma);
	std::unique_ptr<GroundTruthText> db = std::unique_ptr<GroundTruthText>(new GroundTruthText(sqlite_in_path, false));
	std::unique_ptr<Instrument> instrument = std::unique_ptr<Instrument>(new Instrument(resolution, dynamic_range, ms1_scan_time, ms2_scan_time,
																						scan_overhead_time, max_ms1_injection_time,
																						max_ms2_injection_time, ms1_target_total_ion_count,

	Sequencer sequencer(fasta_in_path, PTMs, enzymes, db_search_mass_tolerance, db_search_max_missed_cleavages, db_search_min_enzymatic_termini, db_search_min_mass, db_search_max_mass, db_search_max_dynamic_mods, null_lambda);
	Oracle oracle(db.get(), instrument.get(), elution_shape_simulator);
	MzMLWriter mzml_writer(mzml_out_path);
	FidoWriter fido_writer(fido_out_path);

	AcquisitionController* controller = get_controller(acquisition_algorithm_name, acquisition_param_values);

	int ms1_count = 0;
	int ms2_count = 0;
	int quality_ms2_count = 0;
	double current_time = 0;

	std::cout << "Simulating Acquisition:" << std::endl;

	while (current_time <= acquisition_length) {
		std::unique_ptr<ScanRequest> scan_request = controller->get_scan_request(current_time);
		std::unique_ptr<Scan> scan = oracle.get_scan_data(scan_request.get(), current_time);

		if (scan->scan_type == Scan::ScanType::MS2) {
			MS2Scan* tmp_scan = static_cast<MS2Scan*>(scan.get());

			if (tmp_scan->probability >= 0 && tmp_scan->peptide != "DECOY") {
				fido_writer.write_peptide(tmp_scan->probability, tmp_scan->peptide, tmp_scan->proteins);
				if (tmp_scan->probability >= .9) quality_ms2_count++;

			/*double max_int = 0;
			std::string max_pep;
			for (auto itr = tmp_scan->peptide2intensity.begin(); itr != tmp_scan->peptide2intensity.end(); ++itr) {
				if (itr->second > max_int) {
					max_int = itr->second;
					max_pep = itr->first;
			std::cout << tmp_scan->precursor_peak.mz << " " << tmp_scan->precursor_peak.intensity << " " << tmp_scan->elapsed_time << " " << tmp_scan->TIC << " " << max_pep << " " << max_int / tmp_scan->TIC << " " << tmp_scan->peptide << std::endl;
		} else {

		current_time += scan->elapsed_time;

		if (scan->scan_id % 20 == 0) {
			std::cout << "\rCurrent time: " << current_time << " seconds. MS1 count: " << ms1_count << ". MS2 count: " << ms2_count << ". Num PSMs >= 0.9: " << quality_ms2_count << std::flush;

		if (mzml_writer.buffer.size() > 100) mzml_writer.write_buffer();

	std::cout << "\rCurrent time: " << current_time << " seconds. MS1 count: " << ms1_count << ". MS2 count: " << ms2_count << ". Num PSMs >= 0.9: " << quality_ms2_count << std::endl;




	auto end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();

	std::cout << "Simulation Complete." << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Elapsed time: " << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(end-start).count() << " seconds" << std::endl;

	return 0;
コード例 #17
Options::Options(int argc, char **argv)

	std::string colorBackgroundString, 

	po::options_description cmdline("Command line options");
		("apikey,k", po::value<std::string>(), "API key")
		("width,w", po::value<int>(&width_)->default_value(1920), "Width of wallpaper")
		("height,h", po::value<int>(&height_)->default_value(1080), "Height of wallpaper")
		("out,o", po::value<std::string>(&outFileName_)->default_value("out.png"), "Output filename")
		("font,f", po::value<std::string>(&fontFileName_)->default_value("ipag.ttf"), "Relative or absolute font filepath")
		("heisig-index,i", po::value<int>(&heisigIndex_)->default_value(0), "Progress in Heisig's RTK (6th edition)")
		("margin-left", po::value<int>(&marginLeft_)->default_value(0), "Space to leave blank to the left")
		("margin-right", po::value<int>(&marginRight_)->default_value(0), "Space to leave blank to the right")
		("margin-top", po::value<int>(&marginTop_)->default_value(0), "Space to leave blank to the top")
		("margin-bottom", po::value<int>(&marginBottom_)->default_value(0), "Space to leave blank to the bottom")
		("color-background", po::value<std::string>(&colorBackgroundString)->default_value("0x000000"), "Color for background")
		("color-unseen", po::value<std::string>(&colorUnseenString)->default_value("0x303030"), "Color for unseen characters")
		("color-heisig", po::value<std::string>(&colorHeisigString)->default_value("0xA0A0A0"), "Color for Heisig characters")
		("color-apprentice", po::value<std::string>(&colorApprenticeString)->default_value("0xDD0093"), "Color for apprentice characters")
		("color-guru", po::value<std::string>(&colorGuruString)->default_value("0x882D9E"), "Color for guru characters")
		("color-master", po::value<std::string>(&colorMasterString)->default_value("0x294DDB"), "Color for master characters")
		("color-enlightened", po::value<std::string>(&colorEnlightenedString)->default_value("0x0093DD"), "Color for enlightened characters")
		("color-burned", po::value<std::string>(&colorBurnedString)->default_value("0xFFFFFF"), "Color for burned characters")
		("color-error", po::value<std::string>(&colorErrorString)->default_value("0xFF0000"), "Color for error\'ed characters")
		("help", "Produce this help message")

	po::variables_map vm;
	po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, cmdline), vm);
	std::ifstream config_file("config.ini", std::ifstream::in);
		po::store(po::parse_config_file(config_file, cmdline), vm);

		std::cout << cmdline << std::endl;
		std::cout << "These options can also be saved in a config.ini file in this directory.\n";
		helpRequested_ = true;

		apikey_ = vm["apikey"].as<std::string>();

	colorBackground_ = Color(colorBackgroundString);
	colorUnseen_ = Color(colorUnseenString);
	colorHeisig_ = Color(colorHeisigString);
	colorApprentice_ = Color(colorApprenticeString);
	colorGuru_ = Color(colorGuruString);
	colorMaster_ = Color(colorMasterString);
	colorEnlightened_ = Color(colorEnlightenedString);
	colorBurned_ = Color(colorBurnedString);
	colorError_ = Color(colorErrorString);
コード例 #18
ファイル: Cdom.cpp プロジェクト: atkinsmc/dom_clean
int main() {

    double hbarc = 197.327; // hbar * c in [MeV fm]
    double Mass = 938; // nucleon mass in MeV

    std::string input_dir = "Input/";

    // Read Nucleus File
    std::string nucleus_string;
    std::ifstream nucleus_file( "domgen.config" );

    nucleus_file >> nucleus_string;


    // Read Configuration file
    std::string config_filename = nucleus_string + ".config";
    std::ifstream config_file( config_filename.c_str() );

    std::string parameters_string;
    int fit_ph;
    double rmax;
    int rpts;
    int lmax;
    config_file >> parameters_string >> fit_ph;
    config_file >> rmax >> rpts >> lmax;

    int num_lj;
    config_file >> num_lj;
    // Knowing the expected number of bound states is useful when
    // looking for particle states that are near the continuum

    // These maps hold the number of bound states for each lj
    std::map<std::string, int> n_lj_map; // neutrons
    std::map<std::string, int> p_lj_map; // protons
    std::vector< std::map< std::string, int > > map_vec;
    for ( int n = 0; n < num_lj; ++n ) {

        std::string key;
        int n_num_bound, p_num_bound;
        config_file >> key >> n_num_bound >> p_num_bound;

        std::pair< std::map< std::string, int >::iterator, bool > n_ret;
        std::pair< std::map< std::string, int >::iterator, bool > p_ret;
        n_ret = n_lj_map.insert ( std::make_pair( key, n_num_bound ) );
        p_ret = p_lj_map.insert ( std::make_pair( key, p_num_bound ) );

        if ( n_ret.second == false ) {
            std::cout << "element " << key << " already exists "; 
            std::cout << "with a value of " << n_ret.first->second << std::endl;

        if ( p_ret.second == false ) {
            std::cout << "element " << key << " already exists "; 
            std::cout << "with a value of " << p_ret.first->second << std::endl;

    map_vec.push_back( n_lj_map );
    map_vec.push_back( p_lj_map );


  //  std::string output_dir = "Output_" + parameters_string + "/Ener/";
    std::cout<< std::endl; 
   // std::string parameters_filename = parameters_string + ".inp";
   // std::string parameters_filename ="Output_hosfit/roott/Oct31/hoskhooboo_int.inp";
    std::string parameters_filename ="Output_hosfit/roott/Oct31/root.inp";
    std::cout<< "Input file is" <<" "<< " : " <<" " <<parameters_filename<<std::endl; 

    std::string output_dir = "Output_test/New/Ener/";
    std::cout<< "Output folder is" <<" "<<":"<<" "<< output_dir <<std::endl; 
    std::cout<< std::endl; 

    std::cout << "rmax = " << rmax << std::endl;
    std::cout << "rpts = " << rpts << std::endl;
    std::cout << "lmax = " << lmax << std::endl;

    std::string n_string = "n" + nucleus_string;
    std::string p_string = "p" + nucleus_string;

    std::string n_filename = input_dir + n_string + ".inp";
    std::string p_filename = input_dir + p_string + ".inp";

    // Create Nuclear Parameter Objects
    NuclearParameters Nu_n = read_nucleus_parameters( n_filename );
    NuclearParameters Nu_p = read_nucleus_parameters( p_filename );

    std::vector< NuclearParameters > Nu_vec;
    Nu_vec.push_back( Nu_n );
    Nu_vec.push_back( Nu_p );

    // Read in DOM parameters
    std::ifstream pfile( parameters_filename.c_str() );
    if ( pfile.is_open() !=1 ) {
        std::cout << "could not open file " << parameters_filename << std::endl;

    std::string L_array[8] = { "s", "p", "d", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j" };
    std::string J_array[8] = { "1", "3", "5", "7", "9", "11", "13", "15" };

    // Create momentum space grid
    std::vector<double> kmesh;
    std::vector<double> kweights;
   // double const kmax = 1.4;
    double const kmax = 6.;
    int const kpts = 104;
    kmesh.resize( kpts );
    kweights.resize( kpts );
    GausLeg( 0., kmax, kmesh, kweights );

    // Create radial grid
    std::vector<double> rmesh;
    std::vector<double> rweights;
    double rdelt = rmax / rpts;
    for( int i = 0; i < rpts; ++i ) {

        rmesh.push_back( ( i + 0.5 ) * rdelt );
        rweights.push_back( rdelt );

    // Prepare stuff for output files
    std::vector< std::string > np_strings;
    np_strings.push_back( n_string );
    np_strings.push_back( p_string );

    std::string energy_filename = output_dir + nucleus_string + "_energy.out";
    std::ofstream energy_file( energy_filename.c_str() );
    double total_energy = 0;
    double calc_A = 0;

    //Potential specifications
    int type = 1; // 1 is P.B. form (average), 0 is V.N. form
    int mvolume = 4;
    int AsyVolume = 1;

    // --- CALCULATIONS --- //

    // Loop over protons and neutrons
    double Zp; // number of protons in projectile

    for ( unsigned int nu = 0; nu < Nu_vec.size(); ++nu ) {
        std::map< std::string, int > lj_map = map_vec[nu];

        double tz = nu - 0.5; // +0.5 for protons, -0.5 for neutrons
        double Elim;

        if ( tz < 0 ) {
            Zp = 0;
            Elim = -62; // below 0s1/2 level for neutrons in 40Ca
        else {
            Zp = 1;
            Elim = -56; // below 0s1/2 level for protons in 40Ca

        // Nucleus Object
        const NuclearParameters &Nu = Nu_vec[nu];

        // Construct Parameters Object
        Parameters p = get_parameters( parameters_filename, Nu.A, Nu.Z, Zp );

        // Construct Potential Object
        pot U = get_bobs_pot2( type, mvolume, AsyVolume, tz, Nu, p );
        pot *U1 = &U;

        // Construct boundRspace Object
//        double Emax = Nu.Ef - Nu.Wgap * p.fGap_B; // energy < Ef where imaginary part begins
        double Emax = 2.* Nu.Ef;
        double Emin = -200 + Emax;
        boundRspace B( rmax, rpts, Nu.Ef, Nu.ph_gap, lmax, Nu.Z, Zp, Nu.A, U1 );

        double tol = 0.01;
        std::vector< lj_eigen_t > bound_levels = 
            B.get_bound_levels( rmesh, tol );

        std::vector< mesh_t > emesh_vec = 
            B.get_emeshes( rmesh, Emin, Emax, bound_levels );

        double T_plus_2V = 0; // for total energy calculation
        double T_plus_2V_qh_peak_tot = 0;
        double T_plus_2V_c_tot = 0;
        std::vector< double > T_plus_2V_c_lj_vec;
        std::vector< double > T_plus_2V_c_Elim_lj_vec;
        std::vector< double > e_kin_c_lj_vec;
        std::vector< double > e_kin_peak_lj_vec;
        std::vector< double > e_kin_c_Elim_lj_vec;

        std::vector<double> n_of_k;
        n_of_k.assign( kmesh.size(), 0 );
        std::vector<double> n_of_k_qh;
        n_of_k_qh.assign( kmesh.size(), 0 );
        std::vector<double> n_of_k_Elim;
        n_of_k_Elim.assign( kmesh.size(), 0 );
        std::vector<double> n_of_k_c_tot;
        n_of_k_c_tot.assign( kmesh.size(), 0 );
        std::vector<double> n_of_k_qh_peak_tot;
        n_of_k_qh_peak_tot.assign( kmesh.size(), 0 );

        // Loop over lj channels
        for ( int l = 0; l < lmax + 1; ++l ) {

            // Create Bessel Function matrix in k and r
            matrix_t bess_mtx( kmesh.size(), rmesh.size() );
            for( unsigned int nk = 0; nk < kmesh.size(); ++nk ) {
            for( unsigned int nr = 0; nr < rmesh.size(); ++nr ) {

                double rho = kmesh[nk] * rmesh[nr];

                bess_mtx( nk, nr ) = gsl_sf_bessel_jl( l, rho );

            for( int up = -1; up < 2; up+=2 ) {

                double xj = l + up / 2.0;
                int j_index = ( up - 1 ) / 2;
                if ( xj < 0 ) continue;

                std::string j_string;
                if ( l == 0 ) j_string = J_array[ l ];
                else j_string = J_array[ l + j_index ];

                int index = B.index_from_LJ( l, xj );
                mesh_t &emesh = emesh_vec[index];
                std::vector< eigen_t > &bound_info = bound_levels[index];

                std::string lj_string = L_array[l] + j_string + "2";

                double T_plus_2V_c = 0; // contribution from continuum
                double T_plus_2V_qh = 0; // contribution from quasiholes
                double T_plus_2V_c_Elim = 0; // contribution for E < Elim

                std::vector<double> n_of_k_c_lj;
                std::vector<double> n_of_k_c_Elim_lj;
                std::vector<double> n_of_k_qh_lj;
                std::vector<double> n_of_k_qh_peak;
                n_of_k_c_lj.assign( kmesh.size(), 0 );
                n_of_k_c_Elim_lj.assign( kmesh.size(), 0 );
                n_of_k_qh_lj.assign( kmesh.size(), 0 );
                n_of_k_qh_peak.assign( kmesh.size(), 0 );

	        matrix_t n_r_lj(rmesh.size(),rmesh.size());
	        matrix_t k_r_lj(rmesh.size(),rmesh.size());
		for (int i=0;i<rmesh.size();++i){
		     for (int j=0;j<rmesh.size();++j){n_r_lj(i,j) = 0.;k_r_lj(i,j) = 0.;}}

                // Find self-consistent solutions

                std::cout << "lj = " << l << " " << xj << std::endl;

                // Loop over energy
                double Esum = 0.;
                double Esum2 = 0.; // sum for energies up to E = Elim
		vector<cmatrix_t> G;
	        vector<double> E;
	        vector<double> Edelt;
                for ( unsigned int m = 0; m < emesh.size(); ++m ) {
                    // Propagator
                    G.push_back(B.propagator( rmesh, E[m], l, xj ));
                  } // end loop over energy
	         for (int i = 0 ; i < rmesh.size(); ++i){
		         for (int j = 0 ; j < rmesh.size(); ++j){
			     double sumnr = 0.;
                             double ksum = 0;
			     double r_r = rmesh[i] * rmesh[j]; 	
                             for ( unsigned int m = 0; m < emesh.size(); ++m ) {
			            sumnr += r_r * imag(G[m](i,j)) * Edelt[m];
			            ksum += r_r * imag(G[m](i,j)) * E[m] * Edelt[m];
		    n_r_lj(i,j) = sumnr;	
		    k_r_lj(i,j) = ksum;	
                 // Spectral Function in momentum space    
                 // Integrate E * S( k; E ) over k and E for 
                 // calculation of total energy
                 for( unsigned int nk = 0; nk < kmesh.size(); ++nk ) {
                        double rsums = 0.;
                        for( unsigned int i = 0; i < rmesh.size(); ++i ) {
                            double jl1 = bess_mtx( nk, i );
                        for( unsigned int j = 0; j < rmesh.size(); ++j ) {
                            double jl2 = bess_mtx( nk, j );
                            Esum  -= kweights[nk] * std::pow( kmesh[nk], 2 ) * k_r_lj(i,j) * jl1 * jl2 * rdelt;;
                            rsums -= n_r_lj(i,j) * jl1 * jl2 * rdelt;
                        } // end loop over radial coordinates

                        n_of_k_c_lj[nk] += rsums * ( 2 * xj + 1 )/( 4 * M_PI ) * 2 / M_PI / M_PI;

                      //   if ( E < Elim ) { n_of_k_c_Elim_lj[nk] += rsums * ( 2 * xj + 1 )
                      //                                            / ( 4 * M_PI );}

                        // integral over k
                } // end loop over k

                // integral over energy
                Esum = Esum * 2.0 / M_PI / M_PI;
                T_plus_2V_c = Esum;
                T_plus_2V_c_Elim = Esum2;
                T_plus_2V_c_lj_vec.push_back( ( 2 * xj + 1 ) * T_plus_2V_c );
                T_plus_2V_c_Elim_lj_vec.push_back(( 2 * xj + 1 ) * T_plus_2V_c_Elim );

                // loop over the orbitals and write out the 
                // bound state information to a file
                for ( unsigned int N = 0; N < bound_info.size(); ++N ) {
                    // Quasiparticle energy
                    double QPE = bound_info[N].first; 

                    // Quasiparticle wavefunction
                    std::vector<double> &QPF = bound_info[N].second;

                    // Spectroscopic Factor
                    double S = B.sfactor( rmesh, QPE, l, xj, QPF );

                    // Transform wavefunction to momentum space
                    std::vector<double> kQPF;
                    for( unsigned int nk = 0; nk < kmesh.size(); ++nk ) {

                        double sum = 0;
                        for( unsigned int i = 0; i < rmesh.size(); ++i ) {

                           sum += std::sqrt( 2 / M_PI ) * rweights[i] 
                                * std::pow( rmesh[i], 2 ) * QPF[i] * bess_mtx( nk, i );
                        kQPF.push_back( sum );

                    // This should automatically be normalized to N or Z
                    // since the wavefunctions are normalized to 1
                    if ( QPE < Nu.Ef ) {
                        for ( unsigned int kk = 0; kk < kmesh.size(); ++kk ) {

                            n_of_k_qh_lj[kk] += ( 2 * xj + 1 ) / ( 4 * M_PI ) * kQPF[kk] * kQPF[kk]; 
                        } // end loop over k
                    // Peak contributions
                    if ( ( QPE > Emax ) && ( QPE < Nu.Ef ) ) {

                        T_plus_2V_qh += S * QPE;

                        // This needs to be added to the continuum part
                        for ( unsigned int kk = 0; kk < kmesh.size(); ++kk ) {

                            n_of_k_qh_peak[kk] += ( 2 * xj + 1 ) / ( 4 * M_PI ) * S * kQPF[kk] * kQPF[kk];
                        } // end loop over k

                        // Add peak contributions to the momentum distribution
                        std::cout << "added to momentum distribution " 
                                  << N << " " << l << " " << xj << " " 
                                  << QPE << " " << S << std::endl;

                    } // endif

                } // end loop over N 
                T_plus_2V += ( 2 * xj + 1 ) * ( T_plus_2V_c + T_plus_2V_qh );

                T_plus_2V_qh_peak_tot += ( 2 * xj + 1 ) * T_plus_2V_qh;
                T_plus_2V_c_tot += ( 2 * xj + 1 ) * T_plus_2V_c;

                // Write Out Momentum Distribution for each lj channel
                // Also, add up the contribution from each channel to get 
                // the total momentum distribution
                std::string n_of_k_lj_filename = output_dir + "n_of_k_" 
                                               + np_strings[nu] 
                                               + "_" + L_array[l] + j_string 
                                               + "2.out";
                std::ofstream n_of_k_lj_file( n_of_k_lj_filename.c_str() );

                double e_kin_c_lj = 0;
                double e_kin_c_Elim_lj = 0;
                double e_kin_peak_lj = 0;
                for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < kmesh.size(); ++i ) {
                    double n_of_k_lj = n_of_k_c_lj[i] + n_of_k_qh_peak[i];

                    n_of_k_lj_file << kmesh[i] << " " << n_of_k_lj 
                                   << " " << n_of_k_qh_lj[i] << std::endl;

                    n_of_k[i] += n_of_k_lj;
                    n_of_k_qh[i] += n_of_k_qh_lj[i];
                    n_of_k_Elim[i] += n_of_k_c_Elim_lj[i];
                    n_of_k_qh_peak_tot[i] += n_of_k_qh_peak[i];
                    n_of_k_c_tot[i] += n_of_k_c_lj[i];

                    e_kin_c_lj += kweights[i] * std::pow( kmesh[i], 4 ) 
                                * std::pow( hbarc, 2 ) / ( 2 * Mass ) 
                                * n_of_k_c_lj[i] * 4 * M_PI; 

                    e_kin_peak_lj += kweights[i] * std::pow( kmesh[i], 4 ) 
                                   * std::pow( hbarc, 2 ) / ( 2 * Mass ) 
                                   * n_of_k_qh_peak[i] * 4 * M_PI; 

                    e_kin_c_Elim_lj += kweights[i] * std::pow( kmesh[i], 4 ) 
                                     * std::pow( hbarc, 2 ) / ( 2 * Mass ) 
                                     * n_of_k_c_Elim_lj[i] * 4 * M_PI;



                e_kin_c_lj_vec.push_back( e_kin_c_lj );
                e_kin_peak_lj_vec.push_back( e_kin_peak_lj );
                e_kin_c_Elim_lj_vec.push_back( e_kin_c_Elim_lj );

        // Output Files
        std::string strength_filename = output_dir + np_strings[nu] 
                                      + "_k_strength.out";
        std::ofstream strength_file( strength_filename.c_str() );

        std::string n_of_k_filename = output_dir + np_strings[nu]
                                    + "_momentum_dist.out";
        std::ofstream n_of_k_file( n_of_k_filename.c_str() ); 

        // Calculate Particle Number and Kinetic Energy
        double norm = 0;
        double kineticE = 0;
        double kineticE_c = 0;
        double kineticE_peak = 0;
        for ( unsigned int n = 0; n < kmesh.size(); ++n ) {
            norm += 4 * M_PI * kweights[n] * std::pow( kmesh[n], 2 ) 
                  * n_of_k[n];

            kineticE += 4 * M_PI * kweights[n] * std::pow( kmesh[n], 4 ) 
                      * n_of_k[n] * std::pow( hbarc, 2 ) / ( 2 * Mass );

            kineticE_c += 4 * M_PI * kweights[n] * std::pow( kmesh[n], 4 ) 
                        * n_of_k_c_tot[n] * std::pow( hbarc, 2 ) / ( 2 * Mass );

            kineticE_peak += 4 * M_PI * kweights[n] * std::pow( kmesh[n], 4 ) 
                           * n_of_k_qh_peak_tot[n] 
                           * std::pow( hbarc, 2 ) / ( 2 * Mass );


        // Energetics
        double E_total = ( kineticE + T_plus_2V ) / 2;
        double E_potential = ( T_plus_2V - kineticE ) / 2;

        double E_total_c4 = ( kineticE_c + T_plus_2V_c_tot ) / 2;
        double E_total_peak = ( kineticE_peak + T_plus_2V_qh_peak_tot ) / 2;

        if ( tz > 0 ) energy_file << "Protons " << std::endl;
        else energy_file << "Neutrons " << std::endl;

        energy_file << " " << std::endl;
        energy_file << "Total Energy: " << E_total << std::endl;
        energy_file << "Kinetic Energy: " << kineticE << std::endl;
        energy_file << "Potential Energy: " << E_potential << std::endl;
        energy_file << "T_plus_2V: " << T_plus_2V << std::endl;
        energy_file << " " << std::endl;
        energy_file << "Kinetic Energy from continuum: " << kineticE_c 
                    << std::endl;
        energy_file << "Kinetic Energy from qh delta peaks: " << kineticE_peak 
                    << std::endl;
        energy_file << "T_plus_2V from continuum: " << T_plus_2V_c_tot 
                    << std::endl;
        energy_file << "T_plus_2V from qh delta peaks: " << T_plus_2V_qh_peak_tot 
                    << std::endl;
        energy_file << "Total energy from continuum: " << E_total_c4 
                    << std::endl;
        energy_file << "Total energy from qh delta peaks: " << E_total_peak 
                    << std::endl;

        energy_file << " " << std::endl;
        double N_or_Z; // actual number of neutrons or protons
        if( tz > 0 ) { 
            energy_file << "E / Z = " << E_total / norm << std::endl;
            energy_file << "Z = " << norm << std::endl;
            N_or_Z = Nu.Z;
        else {
            energy_file << "E / N = " << E_total / norm << std::endl;
            energy_file << "N = " << norm << std::endl;
            N_or_Z = Nu.N();

        total_energy += E_total;
        calc_A += norm;

        energy_file << " " << std::endl;
        energy_file << "// --- Continuum Contributions to energy --- //" 
                    << std::endl;
        energy_file << "L  j  KE  KE [-inf,-50]  Total E  Total E [-inf,-50]"
                    << std::endl;

        double E_total_c = 0;
        double E_total_c2 = 0;
        double E_total_c3 = 0;
        double kineticE2_check = 0;

        for ( int L = 0; L < lmax + 1; ++L ) {
        for ( int nj = -1; nj <= 0; ++nj ) {
            double xj = L + 0.5 + nj;
            int lj_index = 2 * L + nj;
            if ( lj_index < 0 ) continue;

            double ekin = e_kin_c_lj_vec.at( lj_index );
            double ekin_Elim = e_kin_c_Elim_lj_vec.at( lj_index );
            double T_plus_2V_c = T_plus_2V_c_lj_vec.at( lj_index );
            double T_plus_2V_c_Elim = T_plus_2V_c_Elim_lj_vec.at( lj_index );

            double total = ( ekin + T_plus_2V_c ) / 2.0;
            double total_Elim = ( ekin_Elim + T_plus_2V_c_Elim ) / 2.0;
            energy_file << L << " " << xj << " " << ekin << " " << ekin_Elim 
                        << " " << total << " " << total_Elim << std::endl;

            E_total_c += total; // Should be the same as Etotal
            kineticE2_check += ekin_Elim;

            if ( L == 0 ) E_total_c2 += total_Elim;
            else E_total_c2 += total;

            E_total_c3 += total_Elim;

        energy_file << "Total Continuum Contribution = " 
                    << E_total_c << ", " << E_total_c / E_total * 100 
                    << "\%" << std::endl;

        energy_file << "Total Continuum Contribution ( s wave, " 
                    << "Emax = " << Elim << " ) = " << E_total_c2 
                    << ", " << E_total_c2 / E_total * 100 
                    << "\%" << std::endl;

        energy_file << "Total Continuum Contribution ( " 
                    << "Emax = " << Elim << " ) = " << E_total_c3 
                    << ", " << E_total_c3 / E_total * 100 
                    << "\%" << std::endl;

        energy_file << " " << std::endl;
        energy_file << "-----------------------------------------" << std::endl;
        energy_file << " " << std::endl;

        // Momentum Distribution and strength
        double k_strength = 0;
        double qh_strength = 0;
        for ( unsigned int n = 0; n < kmesh.size(); ++n ) {
            n_of_k_file << kmesh[n] << " " << n_of_k[n] / norm        
                                    << " " << n_of_k_qh[n] / N_or_Z 
                                    << std::endl;

            //verify that n_of_k_qh is normalized to N or Z
            qh_strength += 4 * M_PI * kweights[n] * std::pow( kmesh[n], 2 ) 
                     * n_of_k_qh[n] / N_or_Z;

            k_strength += 4 * M_PI * kweights[n] * std::pow( kmesh[n], 2 ) 
                        * n_of_k[n] / norm;
            strength_file << kmesh[n] << " " << k_strength 
                                      << " " << qh_strength << std::endl;

        strength_file << " " << std::endl;
        strength_file << "norm = " << norm << std::endl;
        strength_file << "N or Z = " << N_or_Z << std::endl;


return 1;
コード例 #19
ファイル: CacheSettingsWidget.cpp プロジェクト: Chiru/naali
    void CacheSettingsWidget::ReadConfig()
        bool default_textures_cache_everything = false;
        int default_textures_max_size = 500*1024*1024;
        int default_assets_max_size = 300*1024*1024;

        // Init config file if file/segments doesent exist
        QSettings cache_config(QSettings::IniFormat, QSettings::UserScope, APPLICATION_NAME, "configuration/CacheSettings");
        QString segment = "AssetCache";
        QFile config_file(cache_config.fileName());
        if (!config_file.exists())
            cache_config.setValue("CacheEverything", default_textures_cache_everything);
            cache_config.setValue("MaxSize", default_textures_max_size);

            cache_config.setValue("MaxSize", default_assets_max_size);
        else if (!cache_config.childGroups().contains("TextureCache"))
            cache_config.setValue("CacheEverything", default_textures_cache_everything);
            cache_config.setValue("MaxSize", default_textures_max_size);
        else if (!cache_config.childGroups().contains("AssetCache"))
            cache_config.setValue("MaxSize", default_assets_max_size);

        // Read config and update ui with them
        // Note: The key-value pairs might not be there even if the segment exists, lets do one more set of checks
        QVariant val;
        segment = "TextureCache/CacheEverything";
        val = cache_config.value(segment);
        if (val.isNull())
            cache_config.setValue(segment, default_textures_cache_everything);
            current_textures_cache_everything_ = default_textures_cache_everything;
            current_textures_cache_everything_ = val.toBool();

        segment = "TextureCache/MaxSize";
        val = cache_config.value(segment);
        if (val.isNull())
            cache_config.setValue(segment, default_textures_max_size);
            current_textures_max_size_ = default_textures_max_size;
            current_textures_max_size_ = val.toInt();
        segment = "AssetCache/MaxSize";
        val = cache_config.value(segment);
        if (val.isNull())
            cache_config.setValue(segment, default_assets_max_size);
            current_assets_max_size_ = default_assets_max_size;
            current_assets_max_size_ = val.toInt();

コード例 #20
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent)
    : QMainWindow(parent),
      m_workerThread(new QThread),
    QPluginLoader p_loader(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/sqldrivers/qsqlmysql4.dll");
    qDebug() << p_loader.isLoaded();

    qDebug() << "Starting new window " << QThread::currentThread();
    tableView = new QTableView(this);
    QString newMenuTitle = QString::fromUtf8("编辑");

    QMenu* new_menu = QMainWindow::menuBar()->addMenu(newMenuTitle);
    QAction* new_result_act = new_menu->addAction(QString::fromUtf8("新建开奖结果"));
    QAction* delete_result_act = new_menu->addAction(QString::fromUtf8("删除结果"));
    // add a new separator
    // the action use to trigger the data import functin
    QAction* import_data_act = new_menu->addAction(QString::fromUtf8("导入开奖结果"));

    connect(new_result_act, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(onNewActionClick()));
    connect(delete_result_act, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(onDeleteActionClicked()));
    connect(import_data_act, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(onImportDataClicked()));

    LotteryDockWidget *myDockWidget = new LotteryDockWidget(this);
    QWidget *title_bar = new QWidget(this);
    // trick to remove the title bar of dock widget
    addDockWidget(Qt::TopDockWidgetArea, myDockWidget);

    // hash table for setting strings
    QHash<QString, QString> config_hash;
    // open the configuration file
    QFile config_file(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/config.txt");

    memset(buffer, '\0', 64);
    int readLength = config_file.readLine(buffer, 64);
    while (readLength != -1)
        QString line(buffer);
        QStringList list1 = line.split(" = ");

        // remove carriage return
        // remove line feed

        config_hash.insert(list1[0], list1[1]);
        memset(buffer, '\0', 64);
        readLength = config_file.readLine(buffer, 64);

    db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QMYSQL");

    bool open_ok = db.open();

    if (!open_ok)
        QErrorMessage err_msg;
        QString error_str = QString::fromUtf8("开启数据库失败.请重启程序") + "\n" + db.lastError().text() +
                "\n" + QString::number(db.lastError().type()) + "\n" + db.hostName() + db.password() + db.userName() + db.databaseName();
        if (!p_loader.isLoaded())
            error_str += "\Plugin not loaded";

    m_sqlModel = new MyModel(0, db);

    connect(myDockWidget, SIGNAL(blueBallSelectChanged(int)),
            m_sqlModel, SLOT(setBlueBallSelect(int)));
    connect(myDockWidget, SIGNAL(redBlueSeparateChanged(bool)),
            m_sqlModel, SLOT(setRedBlueSeparated(bool)));
    // use the current selection from the dock widget to dertermine how the model selects data
    // call this function to make sure that the right table is used
    // use previsouly set boolean value



    connect(m_sqlModel, SIGNAL(beforeUpdate(int,QSqlRecord&)), this, SLOT(submitCheck(int,QSqlRecord&)));
コード例 #21
ファイル: rec_path_config.cpp プロジェクト: PbIXTOP/OpenNVR
bool RecpathConfig::LoadConfig(const std::string & path_to_config)
    logD(recpath, _func_);

    m_bIsEmpty = true;

    Json::Value root;   // will contains the root value after parsing.
    Json::Reader reader;

    std::ifstream config_file(path_to_config, std::ifstream::binary);
        logE_(_func_, "fail to load config");
        return false;

    bool parsingSuccessful = reader.parse( config_file, root, false );
        logE_(_func_, "fail to parse config");
        return false;

    Json::Value configs = root["configs"];
        logE_(_func_, "fail to find \"configs\" section");
        return false;

    for( Json::ValueIterator itr = configs.begin() ; itr != configs.end() ; itr++ )
        Json::Value value = (*itr);

        Json::Value path = value["path"];
//        Json::Value quota = value["quota"];
//        Json::Value mode = value["mode"];

        if(path.empty())// || quota.empty() || mode.empty())
            logE_(_func_, "fail to parse params for section No ", itr.index());
            return false;

        m_configs[path.asString()] = ConfigParam();

    // dump config in log
    int i = 0;
    for(ConfigMap::const_iterator it = m_configs.begin(); it != m_configs.end(); ++it)
        logD(recpath, _func_, "PathEntry ", i++);
        logD(recpath, _func_, "Path: ", it->first.c_str());
//        logD(recpath, _func_, "Quota: ", it->second.quota);
//        logD(recpath, _func_, "Mode: ", it->second.write_mode);
    m_configJson = root.toStyledString();

    m_bIsInit = true;


    return true;
コード例 #22
ファイル: domgen_r_jaynes.cpp プロジェクト: BAS215/dom_clean
int main() {

    double wightt_J [11] = { 2., 4., 2., 4., 6., 6., 8., 8., 10., 10., 12. };
    std::string input_dir = "Input/";

    // Read Nucleus File
    std::string nucleus_string;
    std::ifstream nucleus_file( "domgen.config" );

    nucleus_file >> nucleus_string;


    // Read Configuration file
    std::string config_filename = nucleus_string + ".config";
    std::ifstream config_file( config_filename.c_str() );

    std::string parameters_string;
    int fit_ph;
    double rmax;
    int rpts;
    int lmax;

    config_file >> parameters_string >> fit_ph;
    config_file >> rmax >> rpts >> lmax;

    int num_lj;
    config_file >> num_lj;

    // Knowing the expected number of bound states is useful when
    // looking for particle states that are near the continuum

    // These maps hold the number of bound states for each lj
    std::map<std::string, int> n_lj_map; // neutrons
    std::map<std::string, int> p_lj_map; // protons
    std::vector< std::map< std::string, int > > map_vec;
    for ( int n = 0; n < num_lj; ++n ) {

        std::string key;
        int n_num_bound, p_num_bound;
        config_file >> key >> n_num_bound >> p_num_bound;

        std::pair< std::map< std::string, int >::iterator, bool > n_ret;
        std::pair< std::map< std::string, int >::iterator, bool > p_ret;
        n_ret = n_lj_map.insert ( std::make_pair( key, n_num_bound ) );
        p_ret = p_lj_map.insert ( std::make_pair( key, p_num_bound ) );

        if ( n_ret.second == false ) {
            std::cout << "element " << key << " already exists "; 
            std::cout << "with a value of " << n_ret.first->second << std::endl;

        if ( p_ret.second == false ) {
            std::cout << "element " << key << " already exists "; 
            std::cout << "with a value of " << p_ret.first->second << std::endl;

    map_vec.push_back( n_lj_map );
    map_vec.push_back( p_lj_map );

    int num_so;
    config_file >> num_so;

    // These maps determine which orbits are included in the
    // spin-orbit correction to the charge density
    std::map<std::string, int> n_so_map; // neutrons
    std::map<std::string, int> p_so_map; // protons
    std::vector< std::map< std::string, int > > so_map_vec;
    for ( int n = 0; n < num_so; ++n ) {

        std::string key;

        // 1 if shell is filled, 0 if not at all (in IPM),
        // in between if shell is partially filled
        int n_shell, p_shell; 
        config_file >> key >> n_shell >> p_shell;

        std::pair< std::map< std::string, int >::iterator, bool > n_ret;
        std::pair< std::map< std::string, int >::iterator, bool > p_ret;
        n_ret = n_so_map.insert ( std::make_pair( key, n_shell ) );
        p_ret = p_so_map.insert ( std::make_pair( key, p_shell ) );

        if ( n_ret.second == false ) {
            std::cout << "element " << key << " already exists "; 
            std::cout << "with a value of " << n_ret.first->second << std::endl;

        if ( p_ret.second == false ) {
            std::cout << "element " << key << " already exists "; 
            std::cout << "with a value of " << p_ret.first->second << std::endl;

    so_map_vec.push_back( n_so_map );
    so_map_vec.push_back( p_so_map );


    bool hole;
    if ( fit_ph == 0 ) hole = true;
    else hole = false;

    std::string output_dir = "Output_" + parameters_string + "/Output_domgen/";
    std::string parameters_filename = parameters_string + ".inp";

    std::cout << "rmax = " << rmax << std::endl;
    std::cout << "rpts = " << rpts << std::endl;
    std::cout << "lmax = " << lmax << std::endl;

    std::string n_string = "n" + nucleus_string;
    std::string p_string = "p" + nucleus_string;

    std::string n_filename = input_dir + n_string + ".inp";
    std::string p_filename = input_dir + p_string + ".inp";

    // Create Nuclear Parameter Objects
    NuclearParameters Nu_n = read_nucleus_parameters( n_filename );
    NuclearParameters Nu_p = read_nucleus_parameters( p_filename );

    std::vector< NuclearParameters > Nu_vec;
    Nu_vec.push_back( Nu_n );
    Nu_vec.push_back( Nu_p );

    // Read in DOM parameters
    std::ifstream pfile( parameters_filename.c_str() );
    if ( pfile.is_open() !=1 ) {
        std::cout << "could not open file " << parameters_filename << std::endl;

    std::string L_array[8] = { "s", "p", "d", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j" };
    std::string J_array[8] = { "1", "3", "5", "7", "9", "11", "13", "15" };

    // Create radial grid
    std::vector<double> rmesh;
    std::vector<double> rweights;
    double rdelt = rmax / rpts;
    for( int i = 0; i < rpts; ++i ) {

        rmesh.push_back( ( i + 0.5 ) * rdelt );
        rweights.push_back( rdelt );

    // initialize charge density vector
    std::vector<double> chd_ls; //relativistic spin-orbit correction
    std::vector<double> chd_ls_test; //relativistic spin-orbit correction
    chd_ls.assign( rmesh.size(), 0 ); 
    chd_ls_test.assign( rmesh.size(), 0 ); 

    double E_c = -20;
    double HOSS[20][rmesh.size()];
//    double HOSS1[20][rmesh.size()];    
    for (unsigned int ii = 0 ;ii<20 ; ++ii){for (unsigned int k = 0 ; k<rmesh.size(); ++k) {HOSS[ii][k]=0.0;}}
    std::vector<vector < double > > HOSS1;   
    std::vector< double > EHOSS1; 

    std::string chd_filename = 
        output_dir + nucleus_string + "_charge_density.out";
    std::ofstream chd_file( chd_filename.c_str() );
    std::vector< std::vector<double> > chdf_np_vec;

    // Prepare stuff for output files
    std::vector< std::string > np_strings;
    np_strings.push_back( n_string );
    np_strings.push_back( p_string );

    //Potential specifications
    int type = 1; // 1 is P.B. form (average), 0 is V.N. form
    int mvolume = 4;
    int AsyVolume = 1;

    // --- CALCULATIONS --- //

    // Loop over protons and neutrons
    double Zp; // number of protons in projectile
    std::vector< double > coulomb_vec;
    coulomb_vec.assign( rmesh.size(), 0 ); // store coulomb potential
    for ( unsigned int nu = 0; nu < Nu_vec.size(); ++nu ) {
        std::map< std::string, int > lj_map = map_vec[nu];
        std::map< std::string, int > so_map = so_map_vec[nu];

        double tz = nu - 0.5; // +0.5 for protons, -0.5 for neutrons
        double mag_moment;

        if ( tz < 0 ) {
            Zp = 0;
            mag_moment = -1.91; // mu_n;
        else {
            Zp = 1;
            mag_moment = 2.29; // Actually mu_p - 0.5


        // Nucleus Object
        const NuclearParameters &Nu = Nu_vec[nu];

        // Construct Parameters Object
        Parameters p = get_parameters( parameters_filename, Nu.A, Nu.Z, Zp );

        // Construct Potential Object
        pot U = get_bobs_pot2( type, mvolume, AsyVolume, tz, Nu, p );
        pot *U1 = &U;

        // Construct boundRspace Object
        double Emax = Nu.Ef - Nu.Wgap * p.fGap_B; // energy < Ef where imaginary part begins
        double Emin = -200 + Emax;
        boundRspace B( rmax, rpts, Nu.Ef, Nu.ph_gap, lmax, Nu.Z, Zp, Nu.A, U1 );

        double tol = 0.01;
        std::vector< lj_eigen_t > bound_levels = 
            B.get_bound_levels( rmesh, tol );

        std::vector< mesh_t > emesh_vec = 
            B.get_emeshes( rmesh, Emin, Emax, bound_levels );

        // store coulomb potential in order to compare with
        // proton charge distribution
        if ( tz > 0 ) {
            for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < rmesh.size(); ++i ) {

                coulomb_vec[i] += U.coulomb( rmesh[i] );

        // Vector for holding neutron or proton point distribution
        std::vector<double> point_dist;
        std::vector<double> point_dist_wfx; // calculated using wavefunctions
        point_dist.assign( rmesh.size(), 0 );
        point_dist_wfx.assign( rmesh.size(), 0 );

        // Output Files
        std::string qp_filename = 
            output_dir + np_strings[nu] + "_quasiparticle" + ".out";
        std::ofstream qp_file( qp_filename.c_str() );

        std::string strength_filename = 
            output_dir + np_strings[nu] + "_strengths.out";
        std::ofstream strength_file( strength_filename.c_str() );

        std::string density_filename = 
            output_dir + np_strings[nu] + "_density_dist.out";
        std::ofstream density_file( density_filename.c_str() ); 


        // Loop over lj channels
        double rsum = 0; // running sum of strength
        for ( int l = 0; l < lmax + 1; ++l ) {

            for( int up = -1; up < 2; up+=2 ) {

                double xj = l + up / 2.0;
                int j_index = ( up - 1 ) / 2;
                if ( xj < 0 ) continue;

                int index = B.index_from_LJ( l, xj );
                mesh_t &emesh = emesh_vec[index];
                std::vector< eigen_t > &bound_info = bound_levels[index];

                double lp; 
                if ( xj > l ) lp = l;
                else lp = - l - 1;
                std::string j_string;
                if ( l == 0 ) j_string = J_array[ l ];
                else j_string = J_array[ l + j_index ];

                std::string lj_string = L_array[l] + j_string + "2";

                std::string spf_filename;
                std::string chd_lj_filename;

                spf_filename = output_dir + np_strings[nu] + "_spectral_f_" 
                             + L_array[l] + j_string + "2.out";

                chd_lj_filename = output_dir + np_strings[nu] + "_chd_" 
                                + L_array[l] + j_string + "2.out";

                std::ofstream spf_file( spf_filename.c_str() );
                std::ofstream chd_lj_file( chd_lj_filename.c_str() );

                // Find self-consistent solutions
                std::cout << "lj = " << l << " " << xj << std::endl;

		std::vector<double> sumG;
                sumG.assign( rmesh.size() ,0);

                // Loop over energy
                double strength = 0;
                matrix_t d_mtx( rmesh.size(), rmesh.size() ); // density matrix
                std::vector<cmatrix_t> G_vec;
                for ( unsigned int m = 0; m < emesh.size(); ++m ) {
                    double E = emesh[m].first;
                    double Edelt = emesh[m].second;

                    // Propagator
                    cmatrix_t G = B.propagator( rmesh, E, l, xj );

                    G_vec.push_back( G );

                    // Spectral Function 
                    complex_t trace = 0;
                    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < rmesh.size(); ++i ) {
				if (tz>0){ 
                                	sumG[i] = sumG[i] - 1/M_PI *imag( G(i,i))/(rmesh[i] * rmesh [i] * rdelt) * Edelt;

                        trace += G( i, i ); 

		    if( (tz>0) && (index==4) && (E>E_c)) {

                    double spf = -imag( trace ) / M_PI; 
                    spf_file << E << " " << spf << std::endl;

                    // Density Matrix
                    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < rmesh.size(); ++i ) {
                        for( unsigned int j = 0; j < rmesh.size(); ++j ) {
                            //G( i, j ) /= rmesh[i] * rmesh[j] * rdelt;
                            d_mtx( i, j ) -= Edelt * imag( G( i, j ) ) / M_PI
                                           / ( rmesh[i] * rmesh[j] * rdelt );

                    strength += Edelt * spf;

                } // end loop over energy

          	if (tz > 0){
                    for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i<rmesh.size() ; ++i){
                        HOSS[index][i] = sumG[i];   
                // Charge Density
                std::vector<double> chd_lj;
                for( unsigned int i = 0; i < rmesh.size(); ++i ) {
                    double chd = ( 2 * xj + 1 ) * d_mtx( i, i ) / ( 4 * M_PI );
                    chd_lj.push_back( chd );

                // loop over the orbitals and write out the 
                // bound state information to a file
                int intj = static_cast<int>( 2 * xj );
                for ( int N = 0; N < bound_info.size(); ++N ) {

                    std::string level_str = util::IntToStr( N ) + L_array[l] 
                                          + j_string + "2";
                    std::string wfx_filename = output_dir + np_strings[nu] 
                        + "_" + level_str + ".wfx";
                    std::ofstream wfx_file( wfx_filename.c_str() );
                    std::string chd_nlj_filename = output_dir + np_strings[nu] 
                        + "_" + level_str + ".chd";
                    std::ofstream chd_nlj_file ( chd_nlj_filename.c_str() );

                    std::string spf_nlj_filename = output_dir + np_strings[nu] 
                        + "_" + level_str + ".spf"; 
                    std::ofstream spf_nlj_file( spf_nlj_filename.c_str() );
                    // Quasiparticle energy
                    double QPE = bound_info[N].first; 

                    // Quasiparticle wavefunction
                    std::vector<double> &QPF = bound_info[N].second;

                    // Spectroscopic Factor
                    double S = B.sfactor( rmesh, QPE, l, xj, QPF );
                    double radius = B.rms_radius( rmesh, QPF );
                    // Occupation of continuum part
                    double occ = B.occupation( rmesh, d_mtx, QPF );

                    // fold spectral function with quasihole wavefunctions
                    double occ2 = 0; // should be the same as occ
                    //matrix_t projected_dmtx( rmesh.size(), rmesh.size() );
                    for( unsigned int g = 0; g < G_vec.size(); ++g ) {

                        double E = emesh[g].first;
                        double Edelt = emesh[g].second;

                        double fspf = 0;
                        for( unsigned int i = 0; i < rmesh.size(); ++i ) {
                        for( unsigned int j = 0; j < rmesh.size(); ++j ) {

                           fspf -= rmesh[i] * rmesh[j] * rdelt / M_PI
                                 * QPF[i] * QPF[j] * imag( G_vec[g]( i, j ) );

                        occ2 += fspf * Edelt;
                        spf_nlj_file << E << " " << fspf << std::endl;

                    // get rough estimate of quasihole width
                    double gamma = B.approx_width( rmesh, QPE, l, xj, QPF );


                    qp_file << N << L_array[l] << intj << "/2" 
                            << " " << QPE << " " << S 
                            << " " << radius << " " << occ 
                            << " " << gamma << std::endl;

                    /* CHARGE DENSITY STUFF */

                    // calculate charge density using wavefunctions
                    std::vector<double> chd_nlj;
                    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < rmesh.size(); ++i ) {
                        chd_nlj.push_back( ( 2 * xj + 1 ) / ( 4 * M_PI )
                                            * QPF[i] * QPF[i] );
                        point_dist_wfx[i] += chd_nlj[i];
                        // Write out wavefunctions to a file
                        //wfx_file << rmesh[i] << " " << QPF[i] << std::endl;
                        chd_nlj_file << rmesh[i] << " " << chd_nlj[i] << " " 
                                     << rmesh[i] * chd_nlj[i] << std::endl;


                    double total_occ;
                    if ( ( QPE > Emax ) && ( QPE <= ( Nu.Ef ) ) ) {

                        strength += S;
                        total_occ = occ + S;

                        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < rmesh.size(); ++i ) {

                            chd_lj[i] += ( 2 * xj + 1 ) * S * QPF[i] * QPF[i] 
                                       / ( 4 * M_PI );

                        } // end loop over r

                        // Add peak contributions to the charge density
                        std::cout << "added to charge density " << N << " " 
                                  << l << " " << xj << " " << QPE << " " 
                                  << S << std::endl;

                    } // endif
                    else total_occ = occ;

                    // calculate derivative of r * charge density for 
                    // relativistic spin-orbit correction. Taken from
                    // J. Phys. G: Nucl. Phys. 5, 1655 ( 1979 )

                    if( ( so_map.count(level_str) > 0 ) && 
                        ( so_map[level_str] > 0 ) ) {
                        std::cout << "doing spinorbit correction" << std::endl;
                    for ( unsigned int i = 1; i < rmesh.size()-1; ++i ) {

                        double der = 
                            der_3pt( rdelt, rmesh[i-1] * chd_nlj[i-1], 
                                     rmesh[i+1] * chd_nlj[i+1] );

                        // correction
                        chd_ls[i] += 0.5 * total_occ * lp * mag_moment
                                   * der / std::pow( rmesh[i], 2 )
                                   * so_map[level_str];
                        double der4 = 
                            der_4pt( rdelt, rmesh[i-2] * chd_nlj[i-2],
                                     rmesh[i-1] * chd_nlj[i-1],
                                     rmesh[i+1] * chd_nlj[i+1],
                                     rmesh[i+2] * chd_nlj[i+2] );
                        chd_ls_test[i] += 0.5 * total_occ * lp * mag_moment
                                        * der4 / std::pow( rmesh[i], 2 );
                    } // end if so_correction

                } // end loop over N 

                rsum += strength * ( 2 * xj + 1 );

                strength_file << L_array[l] << intj << "/2"
                              << " " << strength << " " << rsum << std::endl;

                // print out point distribution for each lj
                for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < rmesh.size(); ++i ) {

                    chd_lj_file << rmesh[i] << " " << chd_lj[i] << std::endl;
                    point_dist[i] += chd_lj[i];


            } //end loop over j
        } // end loop over l


        // Print to file the matter distribution. Find Normalization first
        double point_norm = 0;
        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < rmesh.size(); ++i ) {

            point_norm += 4 * M_PI * point_dist[i] * std::pow( rmesh[i], 2 )
                        * rdelt;
        double particle_number;
        if ( tz > 0 ) particle_number = Nu.Z;
        else particle_number = Nu.N();

        double norm_fac = particle_number / point_norm;
        double new_norm = 0; 
        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < rmesh.size(); ++i ) {
            point_dist[i] *= norm_fac;
            new_norm += 4 * M_PI * std::pow( rmesh[i], 2 ) * rdelt 
                      * point_dist[i];

        strength_file << " " << std::endl;
        strength_file << "Number of Particles from point distribution: " 
                      << point_norm << std::endl;

        strength_file << "Number after normalization: " << new_norm 
                      << std::endl;


        std::cout << "Folding density distribution" << std::endl;
        // Fold point charge density with neutron and proton charge distribution

        std::vector<double> chdf = 
            folded_ch_density( rmesh, rweights, point_dist, tz, Nu.A );

        chdf_np_vec.push_back( chdf );

        // approximate finite size of neutron with proton charge
        // distribution in order to calculate the neutron matter
        // distribution
        std::vector<double> matter_dist =
            matter_distribution( rmesh, rweights, point_dist, Nu.A );

        // write out point distribution and matter distribution to file
        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < rmesh.size(); ++i ) {
            density_file << rmesh[i] << " " << point_dist[i] << " " 
                         << point_dist_wfx[i] << " " 
                         << matter_dist[i] << std::endl;


        if (tz>0) {
	std::string outputdirrr="/scratch/mmahzoon/Jafer/s";
        std::ofstream spectral_r_file( "/scratch/mmahzoon/Jafer/spec_file_r.out" );
        std::ofstream Espectral_s_r_file( "/scratch/mmahzoon/Jafer/Espec_file_s_r.out" );
        for (int i=0 ; i<rmesh.size();++i) {  		
							double tot_HOSS = 0;	
							for(int jj=0 ; jj <11 ; ++jj)  { tot_HOSS+= wightt_J[jj] * HOSS[jj][i]; }
							spectral_r_file <<rmesh[i] << " " << HOSS[0][i] << " " << HOSS[1][i] << " " << HOSS[2][i] 
								   << " " << HOSS[3][i] << " " << HOSS[4][i] << " " << HOSS[5][i]
								   << " " << HOSS[6][i] << " " << HOSS[7][i] << " " << HOSS[8][i] 
								   << " " << HOSS[9][i] << " " << HOSS[10][i] <<" " <<tot_HOSS<<std::endl;}

         for (int i=0 ; i<HOSS1.size();++i) { 
                Espectral_s_r_file << i <<" "<< EHOSS1[i] << std::endl;
		std::string Stringg = static_cast<ostringstream*>( &(ostringstream() << i) )->str();
		std::string spectral_s_r_file= outputdirrr + Stringg + ".out";
		std::ofstream spectral_sr_file( spectral_s_r_file.c_str() );
   	 	for (int j=0 ; j<rmesh.size() ; ++j) { 
    			spectral_sr_file << rmesh[j]<<" " << HOSS1[i][j] <<  std::endl;

	spectral_r_file.close();	}
    } // end loop over Nu_vec

    if ( chdf_np_vec.size() < 2 ) { 
        std::cout << "chdf_np_vec has wrong size." << std::endl;
        throw std::exception();

    std::vector<double> chd_tot;
    chd_tot.assign( rmesh.size(), 0 );

    double hbar_over_mc = 0.21;
    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < rmesh.size(); ++i ) {

        // add folded proton charge distribution
        chd_tot[i] += chdf_np_vec[1][i];

        // add folded neutron charge distribution
        chd_tot[i] += chdf_np_vec[0][i];

        // add spin-orbit correction
        chd_ls[i] *= - std::pow( hbar_over_mc, 2 );
        chd_tot[i] += chd_ls[i];

    // Find normalization of Charge Density Distribution
    double chd_norm = 0;
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < rmesh.size(); ++i ) {

        chd_norm += 4 * M_PI * chd_tot[i] * std::pow( rmesh[i], 2 ) * rdelt;
    std::cout << "chd_norm = " << chd_norm << std::endl;

    // Write Charge Density Information
    double norm_fac = Nu_p.Z / chd_norm;
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < rmesh.size(); ++i ) {

        chd_file << rmesh[i] << " " << chd_tot[i] * norm_fac << " " 
                 << chdf_np_vec[1][i] * norm_fac << " " 
                 << chdf_np_vec[0][i] * norm_fac << " " 
                 << chd_ls[i] * norm_fac << " " 
                 << chd_ls_test[i] * norm_fac  << " " 
                 << coulomb_vec[i] << std::endl;


    // Calculate RMS Radius
    double sum_pf = 0; // contribution from protons
    double sum_pfr2 = 0;
    double sum_nfr2 = 0; // contribution from neutrons
    double sum_lsr2 = 0; // contribution from spin-orbit correction
    double sum_totr2 = 0; // total
    for ( unsigned int i = 1; i < rmesh.size() - 1; ++i ) {
        sum_pf += std::pow( rmesh[i], 2 ) * chdf_np_vec[1][i] * rdelt;
        sum_pfr2 += std::pow( rmesh[i], 4 ) * chdf_np_vec[1][i] * rdelt;

        sum_nfr2 += std::pow( rmesh[i], 4 ) * chdf_np_vec[0][i] * rdelt;

        sum_lsr2 += std::pow( rmesh[i], 4 ) * chd_ls[i] * rdelt;

        sum_totr2 += std::pow( rmesh[i], 4 ) * chd_tot[i] * rdelt;


    double rms_pf = std::sqrt( sum_pfr2 / sum_pf );
    double rms_tot = std::sqrt( 4 * M_PI * sum_totr2 / chd_norm );
    double rms2_p = 4 * M_PI * sum_pfr2 / chd_norm;
    double rms2_n = 4 * M_PI * sum_nfr2 / chd_norm;
    double rms2_ls = 4 * M_PI * sum_lsr2 / chd_norm;
    double rms_tot_check = std::sqrt( rms2_p + rms2_n + rms2_ls );

    std::string rms_filename = output_dir + nucleus_string + "_rms.out";
    std::ofstream rms_file( rms_filename.c_str() );
    rms_file << "Folded with proton charge distribution only" << std::endl;
    rms_file << "RMS radius: " << rms_pf << std::endl;
    rms_file << "Number of protons: " << sum_pf * 4 * M_PI << std::endl;

    rms_file << " " << std::endl;

    rms_file << "Proton, neutron and spin-orbit contributions included" 
             << std::endl;
    rms_file << "RMS radius: " << rms_tot << std::endl;
    rms_file << "Number of protons: " << chd_norm << std::endl;

    rms_file << "Mean Square Radius for different contributions "
             << "(normalized by Z = " << chd_norm << ")" << std::endl;

    rms_file << " " << std::endl;
    rms_file << "Proton Contribution (with Folding): " << rms2_p << std::endl;
    rms_file << "Neutron Conribution: " << rms2_n << std::endl;
    rms_file << "Spin-orbit Contribution: " << rms2_ls << std::endl;
    rms_file << " " << std::endl;
    rms_file << "Check with total: " << rms_tot_check << std::endl;


    return 1;