コード例 #1
ファイル: rbwindow.cpp プロジェクト: Groogy/rbSFML
void rbWindow::setIcon(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, const std::vector<rb::Value>& pixels)
    std::vector<sf::Uint8> convPixels(pixels.size(), 0);
    for(int index = 0, size = pixels.size(); index < size; index++)
        convPixels[index] = pixels[index].to<int>();
    getWindow()->setIcon(width, height, convPixels.data());
コード例 #2
	void TextureAtlas::build() {
		if (!mIsDirty)

		bool fitted;

		size_t area = 0;

		// build the fonts (if this didn't happen already)
		// so we'll be sure the glyphs are there to be atlassed
		FontSet::iterator fit = mMyFonts.begin();

		while (fit != mMyFonts.end()) {
			FontDrawSource* fdsp = *fit++;

			if (!fdsp->isBuilt())

		// First, we sort by size of the DrawSource

		// now try to allocate all the draw sources. If we fail, grow and try again
		do {
			fitted = true;
			area = 0;

			// try to fit
			DrawSourceList::iterator it = mMyDrawSources.begin();

			while (it != mMyDrawSources.end()) {
				const DrawSourcePtr& ds = *it++;

				const PixelSize& ps = ds->getPixelSize();
				area += ps.getPixelArea();
				LOG_VERBOSE("TextureAtlas: (%s) Trying to place %d x %d (%d -> %d)", mAtlasName.c_str(), ps.width, ps.height, ps.getPixelArea(), area);

				// try to allocate
				FreeSpaceInfo* fsi = mAtlasAllocation->allocate(ps.width, ps.height);

				if (fsi) {
				} else {
					fitted = false;
			// fitted?

			if (!fitted) // nope - Enlarge!
		} while (!fitted);
		LOG_INFO("TextureAtlas: (%s) Creating atlas with dimensions %d x %d", mAtlasName.c_str(), mAtlasSize.width, mAtlasSize.height);

		if (mTexture.isNull())
		// TODO: Reallocate the texture here if needed!
		Ogre::HardwarePixelBufferSharedPtr pixelBuffer = mTexture->getBuffer();
		const Ogre::PixelBox& targetBox = pixelBuffer->getCurrentLock();
		size_t pixelsize = Ogre::PixelUtil::getNumElemBytes(targetBox.format);
		size_t rowsize = targetBox.rowPitch * pixelsize;

		Ogre::uint8* dstData = static_cast<Ogre::uint8*>(targetBox.data);

		// We'll iterate over all draw sources, painting the pixels onto the allocated space
		DrawSourceList::iterator it = mMyDrawSources.begin();

		while (it != mMyDrawSources.end()) {
			const DrawSourcePtr& ds = *it++;

			// render all pixels into the right place
			FreeSpaceInfo* fsi = reinterpret_cast<FreeSpaceInfo*>(ds->getPlacementPtr());

			// render into the specified place
			unsigned char* conversionBuf = NULL;

			const PixelSize& dps = ds->getPixelSize();
			Ogre::Image* img = ds->getImage();
			Ogre::PixelBox srcPixels = img->getPixelBox();
			// convert if the source data don't match
			if(img->getFormat() != Ogre::PF_BYTE_BGRA) {
					conversionBuf = new unsigned char[img->getWidth() * img->getHeight() * pixelsize];
					Ogre::PixelBox convPixels(Ogre::Box(0, 0, dps.width, dps.height), Ogre::PF_BYTE_BGRA, conversionBuf);
					Ogre::PixelUtil::bulkPixelConversion(srcPixels, convPixels);
					srcPixels = convPixels;

			size_t srcrowsize = srcPixels.rowPitch * pixelsize;

			Ogre::uint8* srcData = static_cast<Ogre::uint8*>(srcPixels.data);
			// TODO: we're always handling 32bit data, so we could as well transfer 4 bytes each iteration instead of one (speedup)
			for(size_t row = 0; row < dps.height; row++) {
					for(size_t col = 0; col < srcrowsize; col++) {
							dstData[((row + fsi->y) * rowsize) + (fsi->x * pixelsize) + col] =
								srcData[(row * srcrowsize) + col];

			delete[] conversionBuf;
			// Convert the full draw source pixel coordinates to the atlas contained ones (initializes the texturing coordinates transform)
			ds->atlas(mMaterial, fsi->x, fsi->y, mAtlasSize.width, mAtlasSize.height);

		 // for debug, write the texture to a file
		/*unsigned char *readrefdata = static_cast<unsigned char*>(targetBox.data);		
		Ogre::Image img;
		img = img.loadDynamicImage (readrefdata, mTexture->getWidth(),
		    mTexture->getHeight(), mTexture->getFormat());	
		img.save(mAtlasName + ".png");*/

		// and close the pixel buffer of the atlas at the end
		mIsDirty = false;