コード例 #1
ファイル: model-gray.c プロジェクト: AjayRamanathan/babl
void babl_base_model_gray (void)
  components ();
  models ();
  conversions ();
  formats ();
コード例 #2
ファイル: CIE.c プロジェクト: Distrotech/babl
init (void)
  types ();
  components ();
  models ();
  formats ();
  conversions ();
  return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: babl-fish-stats.c プロジェクト: Distrotech/babl
babl_fish_stats (FILE *file)
  output_file = file;

  table_sum_processings_calc ();
  fprintf (output_file,
           "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n"
           "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\">\n"
           "<title>BablFishPath introspection</title>\n"
           "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">\n"
           "<style type='text/css'>"
           " body {"
           "   font-family: sans;"
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           " .cell {"
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           ".cell>a {"
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           "   padding-left: 2em;"
           "   padding-bottom: 3em;"
           "   background-color: white;"
           "   background-repeat: no-repeat;"
           "   background-image: url(graphics/babl-48x48.png);"
           "   background-position: bottom right;"
           "   color: black;"
           " .cell>a:hover {"
           "  background-color: black;"
           "  color: white;"
           " .format_name {"
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           "a:hover>div.tooltip {"
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           "td.component {"
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           "td.type {"
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           ".g {"
           "  color: gray;"
           ".r {"
           "  text-align: right;"


           "<script type='text/javascript'>"
           "var tick_count=0;"
           "function o ()"
           "   tick_count++;"
           "   if (tick_count == 11)"
           "        alert(\"«The mind is it's own place,\\nand in itself can make a heaven of hell;\\na hell of heaven.»\\n--Milton\");"
           "   else if (tick_count == 42)"
           "        alert(\"«So long and thanks for all the fish.»\\n--Adams\");"


  fprintf (output_file, "<body>\n");

  fprintf (output_file, "<h1>BablFishPath introspection</h1>");
  fprintf (output_file, "<p>Instrumentation and pathlengths.</p>");

  fprintf (output_file, "<table cellspacing='0'><tr><td>Source format</td><td colspan='32'>Destination formats</td></tr>\n");

  babl_format_class_for_each (table_source_each, NULL);

  fprintf (output_file, "</table>");

  fprintf (output_file, "<div style='height:20em'></div>\n");

  conversions ();

  fprintf (output_file, "</body></html>\n");
コード例 #4
pcl::PointCloud<briskDepth> depthBrisk(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& msg, const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr &depth)
    pcl::PointCloud<briskDepth> depthFeatures;

    cv::Mat image(conversions(msg));
    briskStruct briskObj;

    if(msg->encoding != "bgr8" )
        ROS_ERROR("Unsupported image encoding:");
        return depthFeatures;  // Return Null image

    // Check image size big enough
    cv::Size s = image.size();
    if(s.height < 1)return depthFeatures;

    // Convert sensor message
    pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ > depthPoints;

    // Assigning stable BRISK constants
    int Thresh = 30;
    int Octave = 3;
    float PatternScales=1.0f;

    // Detect the keypoints using traditional BRISK Detector
    cv::BRISK briskDetector(Thresh, Octave,PatternScales);
    briskDetector.detect(image, briskObj.keypoints);

    // Extract Features
    briskDetector.compute(image, briskObj.keypoints, briskObj.descriptors);

    s = briskObj.descriptors.size();
    if(s.height < 1)return depthFeatures;

    // Start Conversion to 3D
    for(int i = 0; i < s.height; i++)
        int x = round(briskObj.keypoints[i].pt.x);
        int y = round(briskObj.keypoints[i].pt.y);

        // only permit featrues where range can be extracted
        if(!isnan(depthPoints.points[depthPoints.width*y+x].x) && !isnan(depthPoints.points[depthPoints.width*y+x].x) && !isnan(depthPoints.points[depthPoints.width*y+x].x))
            briskDepth temp;

            temp.x = depthPoints.points[depthPoints.width*y+x].x;
            temp.y = depthPoints.points[depthPoints.width*y+x].y;
            temp.z = depthPoints.points[depthPoints.width*y+x].z;

            temp.descriptor = briskObj.descriptors.row(i);

    BVisualiser.visualise(briskObj.keypoints, image);

    if(count == 0)
        //brisk_lastKeypoints = brisk_currentKeypoints;
        //brisk_lastImg = brisk_currentImg;

        brisk_lastKeypoints = briskObj.keypoints;
        brisk_lastImg = image;
    brisk_currentKeypoints = briskObj.keypoints;
    brisk_currentImg = image;
    return depthFeatures;