/* * Password retrieval */ int get_user_key(int in_oauth, int *out_oauth, int *max_session_time, u08bits *usname, u08bits *realm, hmackey_t key, ioa_network_buffer_handle nbh) { int ret = -1; if(max_session_time) *max_session_time = 0; if(in_oauth && out_oauth && usname && usname[0]) { stun_attr_ref sar = stun_attr_get_first_by_type_str(ioa_network_buffer_data(nbh), ioa_network_buffer_get_size(nbh), STUN_ATTRIBUTE_OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN); if(sar) { int len = stun_attr_get_len(sar); const u08bits *value = stun_attr_get_value(sar); *out_oauth = 1; if(len>0 && value) { const turn_dbdriver_t * dbd = get_dbdriver(); if (dbd && dbd->get_oauth_key) { oauth_key_data_raw rawKey; ns_bzero(&rawKey,sizeof(rawKey)); int gres = (*(dbd->get_oauth_key))(usname,&rawKey); if(gres<0) return ret; if(!rawKey.kid[0]) return ret; if(rawKey.lifetime) { if(!turn_time_before(turn_time(),(turn_time_t)(rawKey.timestamp + rawKey.lifetime+OAUTH_TIME_DELTA))) { return ret; } } oauth_key_data okd; ns_bzero(&okd,sizeof(okd)); convert_oauth_key_data_raw(&rawKey, &okd); char err_msg[1025] = "\0"; size_t err_msg_size = sizeof(err_msg) - 1; oauth_key okey; ns_bzero(&okey,sizeof(okey)); if (convert_oauth_key_data(&okd, &okey, err_msg, err_msg_size) < 0) { TURN_LOG_FUNC(TURN_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "%s\n", err_msg); return -1; } oauth_token dot; ns_bzero((&dot),sizeof(dot)); encoded_oauth_token etoken; ns_bzero(&etoken,sizeof(etoken)); if((size_t)len > sizeof(etoken.token)) { TURN_LOG_FUNC(TURN_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Encoded oAuth token is too large\n"); return -1; } ns_bcopy(value,etoken.token,(size_t)len); etoken.size = (size_t)len; const char* server_name = (char*)turn_params.oauth_server_name; if(!(server_name && server_name[0])) { server_name = (char*)realm; if(!(server_name && server_name[0])) { TURN_LOG_FUNC(TURN_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Cannot determine oAuth server name"); return -1; } } if (decode_oauth_token((const u08bits *) server_name, &etoken,&okey, &dot) < 0) { TURN_LOG_FUNC(TURN_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Cannot decode oauth token\n"); return -1; } switch(dot.enc_block.key_length) { case SHA1SIZEBYTES: if(turn_params.shatype != SHATYPE_SHA1) { TURN_LOG_FUNC(TURN_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Wrong size of the MAC key in oAuth token(1): %d\n",(int)dot.enc_block.key_length); return -1; } break; case SHA256SIZEBYTES: if(turn_params.shatype != SHATYPE_SHA256) { TURN_LOG_FUNC(TURN_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Wrong size of the MAC key in oAuth token(2): %d\n",(int)dot.enc_block.key_length); return -1; } break; case SHA384SIZEBYTES: if(turn_params.shatype != SHATYPE_SHA384) { TURN_LOG_FUNC(TURN_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Wrong size of the MAC key in oAuth token(3): %d\n",(int)dot.enc_block.key_length); return -1; } break; case SHA512SIZEBYTES: if(turn_params.shatype != SHATYPE_SHA512) { TURN_LOG_FUNC(TURN_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Wrong size of the MAC key in oAuth token(3): %d\n",(int)dot.enc_block.key_length); return -1; } break; default: TURN_LOG_FUNC(TURN_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Wrong size of the MAC key in oAuth token(3): %d\n",(int)dot.enc_block.key_length); return -1; }; password_t pwdtmp; if(stun_check_message_integrity_by_key_str(TURN_CREDENTIALS_LONG_TERM, ioa_network_buffer_data(nbh), ioa_network_buffer_get_size(nbh), dot.enc_block.mac_key, pwdtmp, turn_params.shatype,NULL)>0) { turn_time_t lifetime = (turn_time_t)(dot.enc_block.lifetime); if(lifetime) { turn_time_t ts = (turn_time_t)(dot.enc_block.timestamp >> 16); turn_time_t to = ts + lifetime + OAUTH_TIME_DELTA; turn_time_t ct = turn_time(); if(!turn_time_before(ct,to)) { TURN_LOG_FUNC(TURN_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "oAuth token is too old\n"); return -1; } if(max_session_time) { *max_session_time = to - ct; } } ns_bcopy(dot.enc_block.mac_key,key,dot.enc_block.key_length); ret = 0; } } }
static int check_oauth(void) { const char server_name[33] = "blackdow.carleon.gov"; size_t i_hmacs,i_shas,i_encs; const char long_term_password[33] = "HGkj32KJGiuy098sdfaqbNjOiaz71923"; size_t ltp_output_length=0; const char* base64encoded_ltp = base64_encode((const unsigned char *)long_term_password, strlen(long_term_password), <p_output_length); const char mac_key[33] = "ZksjpweoixXmvn67534m"; const size_t mac_key_length=strlen(mac_key); const uint64_t token_timestamp = (uint64_t)(92470300704768LL); const uint32_t token_lifetime = 3600; const char kid[33] = "2783466234"; const turn_time_t key_timestamp = 1234567890; const turn_time_t key_lifetime = 3600; const char aead_nonce[OAUTH_AEAD_NONCE_SIZE+1] = "h4j3k2l2n4b5"; for (i_hmacs = 0; hmacs[i_hmacs]; ++i_hmacs) { for (i_shas = 0; shas[i_shas]; ++i_shas) { for (i_encs = 0; encs[i_encs]; ++i_encs) { printf("oauth token %s:%s:%s:",hmacs[i_hmacs],shas[i_shas],encs[i_encs]); if(print_extra) printf("\n"); oauth_token ot; ot.enc_block.key_length = (uint16_t)mac_key_length; STRCPY(ot.enc_block.mac_key,mac_key); ot.enc_block.timestamp = token_timestamp; ot.enc_block.lifetime = token_lifetime; oauth_token dot; ns_bzero((&dot),sizeof(dot)); oauth_key key; ns_bzero(&key,sizeof(key)); { oauth_key_data okd; ns_bzero(&okd,sizeof(okd)); { oauth_key_data_raw okdr; ns_bzero(&okdr,sizeof(okdr)); STRCPY(okdr.kid,kid); STRCPY(okdr.ikm_key,base64encoded_ltp); STRCPY(okdr.as_rs_alg, encs[i_encs]); STRCPY(okdr.auth_alg, hmacs[i_hmacs]); STRCPY(okdr.hkdf_hash_func, shas[i_shas]); okdr.timestamp = key_timestamp; okdr.lifetime = key_lifetime; convert_oauth_key_data_raw(&okdr, &okd); char err_msg[1025] = "\0"; size_t err_msg_size = sizeof(err_msg) - 1; if (convert_oauth_key_data(&okd, &key, err_msg, err_msg_size) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", err_msg); return -1; } } } if(print_extra) { print_field5769("AS-RS",key.as_rs_key,key.as_rs_key_size); print_field5769("AUTH",key.auth_key,key.auth_key_size); } { encoded_oauth_token etoken; ns_bzero(&etoken,sizeof(etoken)); if (encode_oauth_token((const u08bits *) server_name, &etoken, &key, &ot, (const u08bits*)aead_nonce) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot encode oauth token\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } if(print_extra) { print_field5769("encoded token",etoken.token,etoken.size); } if (decode_oauth_token((const u08bits *) server_name, &etoken, &key, &dot) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot decode oauth token\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } } if (strcmp((char*) ot.enc_block.mac_key, (char*) dot.enc_block.mac_key)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: wrong mac key: %s, must be %s\n", __FUNCTION__, (char*) dot.enc_block.mac_key, (char*) ot.enc_block.mac_key); return -1; } if (ot.enc_block.key_length != dot.enc_block.key_length) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: wrong key length: %d, must be %d\n", __FUNCTION__, (int) dot.enc_block.key_length, (int) ot.enc_block.key_length); return -1; } if (ot.enc_block.timestamp != dot.enc_block.timestamp) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: wrong timestamp: %llu, must be %llu\n", __FUNCTION__, (unsigned long long) dot.enc_block.timestamp, (unsigned long long) ot.enc_block.timestamp); return -1; } if (ot.enc_block.lifetime != dot.enc_block.lifetime) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: wrong lifetime: %lu, must be %lu\n", __FUNCTION__, (unsigned long) dot.enc_block.lifetime, (unsigned long) ot.enc_block.lifetime); return -1; } printf("OK\n"); } } } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int port = 0; int messagenumber = 5; char local_addr[256]; int c; int mclient = 1; char peer_address[129] = "\0"; int peer_port = PEER_DEFAULT_PORT; char rest_api_separator = ':'; int use_null_cipher=0; set_logfile("stdout"); set_execdir(); set_system_parameters(0); ns_bzero(local_addr, sizeof(local_addr)); while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "a:d:p:l:n:L:m:e:r:u:w:i:k:z:W:C:E:F:o:ZvsyhcxXgtTSAPDNOUHMRIGBJ")) != -1) { switch (c){ case 'J': { oauth = 1; if(use_short_term) { fprintf(stderr,"Short-term mechanism cannot be used together with oAuth.\n"); exit(-1); } oauth_key_data okd_array[2]; convert_oauth_key_data_raw(&okdr_array[0], &okd_array[0]); convert_oauth_key_data_raw(&okdr_array[1], &okd_array[1]); char err_msg[1025] = "\0"; size_t err_msg_size = sizeof(err_msg) - 1; if (convert_oauth_key_data(&okd_array[0], &okey_array[0], err_msg, err_msg_size) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", err_msg); exit(-1); } if (convert_oauth_key_data(&okd_array[1], &okey_array[1], err_msg, err_msg_size) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", err_msg); exit(-1); } } break; case 'a': bps = (band_limit_t)atol(optarg); break; case 'o': STRCPY(origin,optarg); break; case 'B': random_disconnect = 1; break; case 'G': extra_requests = 1; break; case 'F': STRCPY(cipher_suite,optarg); break; case 'I': no_permissions = 1; break; case 'M': mobility = 1; break; case 'H': shatype = SHATYPE_SHA256; break; case 'E': { char* fn = find_config_file(optarg,1); if(!fn) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: file %s not found\n",optarg); exit(-1); } STRCPY(ca_cert_file,fn); } break; case 'O': dos = 1; break; case 'C': rest_api_separator=*optarg; break; case 'D': mandatory_channel_padding = 1; break; case 'N': negative_test = 1; break; case 'R': negative_protocol_test = 1; break; case 'z': RTP_PACKET_INTERVAL = atoi(optarg); break; case 'Z': dual_allocation = 1; break; case 'A': if(oauth) { fprintf(stderr,"Short-term mechanism cannot be used together with oAuth.\n"); exit(-1); } use_short_term = 1; break; case 'u': STRCPY(g_uname, optarg); break; case 'w': STRCPY(g_upwd, optarg); break; case 'g': dont_fragment = 1; break; case 'd': STRCPY(client_ifname, optarg); break; case 'x': default_address_family = STUN_ATTRIBUTE_REQUESTED_ADDRESS_FAMILY_VALUE_IPV6; break; case 'X': default_address_family = STUN_ATTRIBUTE_REQUESTED_ADDRESS_FAMILY_VALUE_IPV4; break; case 'l': clmessage_length = atoi(optarg); break; case 's': do_not_use_channel = 1; break; case 'n': messagenumber = atoi(optarg); break; case 'p': port = atoi(optarg); break; case 'L': STRCPY(local_addr, optarg); break; case 'e': STRCPY(peer_address, optarg); break; case 'r': peer_port = atoi(optarg); break; case 'v': clnet_verbose = TURN_VERBOSE_NORMAL; break; case 'h': hang_on = 1; break; case 'c': no_rtcp = 1; break; case 'm': mclient = atoi(optarg); break; case 'y': c2c = 1; break; case 't': use_tcp = 1; break; case 'P': passive_tcp = 1; /* implies 'T': */ /* no break */ case 'T': relay_transport = STUN_ATTRIBUTE_TRANSPORT_TCP_VALUE; break; case 'U': use_null_cipher = 1; /* implies 'S' */ /* no break */ case 'S': use_secure = 1; break; case 'W': g_use_auth_secret_with_timestamp = 1; STRCPY(g_auth_secret,optarg); break; case 'i': { char* fn = find_config_file(optarg,1); if(!fn) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: file %s not found\n",optarg); exit(-1); } STRCPY(cert_file,fn); free(fn); } break; case 'k': { char* fn = find_config_file(optarg,1); if(!fn) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: file %s not found\n",optarg); exit(-1); } STRCPY(pkey_file,fn); free(fn); } break; default: fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", Usage); exit(1); } } if(g_use_auth_secret_with_timestamp) { if(use_short_term) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: You cannot use authentication secret (REST API) with short-term credentials mechanism.\n"); exit(-1); } { char new_uname[1025]; const unsigned long exp_time = 3600 * 24; /* one day */ if(g_uname[0]) { snprintf(new_uname,sizeof(new_uname),"%lu%c%s",(unsigned long)time(NULL) + exp_time,rest_api_separator, (char*)g_uname); } else { snprintf(new_uname,sizeof(new_uname),"%lu", (unsigned long)time(NULL) + exp_time); } STRCPY(g_uname,new_uname); } { u08bits hmac[MAXSHASIZE]; unsigned int hmac_len; switch(shatype) { case SHATYPE_SHA256: hmac_len = SHA256SIZEBYTES; break; default: hmac_len = SHA1SIZEBYTES; }; hmac[0]=0; if(stun_calculate_hmac(g_uname, strlen((char*)g_uname), (u08bits*)g_auth_secret, strlen(g_auth_secret), hmac, &hmac_len, shatype)>=0) { size_t pwd_length = 0; char *pwd = base64_encode(hmac,hmac_len,&pwd_length); if(pwd) { if(pwd_length>0) { ns_bcopy(pwd,g_upwd,pwd_length); g_upwd[pwd_length]=0; } } free(pwd); } } } if(is_TCP_relay()) { dont_fragment = 0; no_rtcp = 1; c2c = 1; use_tcp = 1; do_not_use_channel = 1; } if(port == 0) { if(use_secure) port = DEFAULT_STUN_TLS_PORT; else port = DEFAULT_STUN_PORT; } if (clmessage_length < (int) sizeof(message_info)) clmessage_length = (int) sizeof(message_info); const int max_header = 100; if(clmessage_length > (int)(STUN_BUFFER_SIZE-max_header)) { fprintf(stderr,"Message length was corrected to %d\n",(STUN_BUFFER_SIZE-max_header)); clmessage_length = (int)(STUN_BUFFER_SIZE-max_header); } if (optind >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", Usage); exit(-1); } if (!c2c) { if (make_ioa_addr((const u08bits*) peer_address, peer_port, &peer_addr) < 0) return -1; if(peer_addr.ss.sa_family == AF_INET6) default_address_family = STUN_ATTRIBUTE_REQUESTED_ADDRESS_FAMILY_VALUE_IPV6; } /* SSL Init ==>> */ if(use_secure) { SSL_load_error_strings(); OpenSSL_add_ssl_algorithms(); const char *csuite = "ALL:SSLv2"; //"AES256-SHA" "DH" if(use_null_cipher) csuite = "eNULL"; else if(cipher_suite[0]) csuite=cipher_suite; if(use_tcp) { #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL2 root_tls_ctx[root_tls_ctx_num] = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv2_client_method()); SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(root_tls_ctx[root_tls_ctx_num], csuite); root_tls_ctx_num++; #endif root_tls_ctx[root_tls_ctx_num] = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_client_method()); SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(root_tls_ctx[root_tls_ctx_num], csuite); root_tls_ctx_num++; root_tls_ctx[root_tls_ctx_num] = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv3_client_method()); SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(root_tls_ctx[root_tls_ctx_num], csuite); root_tls_ctx_num++; root_tls_ctx[root_tls_ctx_num] = SSL_CTX_new(TLSv1_client_method()); SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(root_tls_ctx[root_tls_ctx_num], csuite); root_tls_ctx_num++; #if defined(SSL_TXT_TLSV1_1) root_tls_ctx[root_tls_ctx_num] = SSL_CTX_new(TLSv1_1_client_method()); SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(root_tls_ctx[root_tls_ctx_num], csuite); root_tls_ctx_num++; #if defined(SSL_TXT_TLSV1_2) root_tls_ctx[root_tls_ctx_num] = SSL_CTX_new(TLSv1_2_client_method()); SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(root_tls_ctx[root_tls_ctx_num], csuite); root_tls_ctx_num++; #endif #endif } else { #if defined(TURN_NO_DTLS) fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: DTLS is not supported.\n"); exit(-1); #else if(OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10000000L) { TURN_LOG_FUNC(TURN_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "WARNING: OpenSSL version is rather old, DTLS may not be working correctly.\n"); } root_tls_ctx[root_tls_ctx_num] = SSL_CTX_new(DTLSv1_client_method()); SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(root_tls_ctx[root_tls_ctx_num], csuite); root_tls_ctx_num++; #endif } int sslind = 0; for(sslind = 0; sslind<root_tls_ctx_num; sslind++) { if(cert_file[0]) { if (!SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(root_tls_ctx[sslind], cert_file)) { TURN_LOG_FUNC(TURN_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "\nERROR: no certificate found!\n"); exit(-1); } } if (!SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(root_tls_ctx[sslind], pkey_file, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)) { TURN_LOG_FUNC(TURN_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "\nERROR: no private key found!\n"); exit(-1); } if(cert_file[0]) { if (!SSL_CTX_check_private_key(root_tls_ctx[sslind])) { TURN_LOG_FUNC(TURN_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "\nERROR: invalid private key!\n"); exit(-1); } } if (ca_cert_file[0]) { if (!SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(root_tls_ctx[sslind], ca_cert_file, NULL )) { TURN_LOG_FUNC(TURN_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "ERROR: cannot load CA from file: %s\n", ca_cert_file); } /* Set to require peer (client) certificate verification */ SSL_CTX_set_verify(root_tls_ctx[sslind], SSL_VERIFY_PEER, NULL ); /* Set the verification depth to 9 */ SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth(root_tls_ctx[sslind], 9); } else { SSL_CTX_set_verify(root_tls_ctx[sslind], SSL_VERIFY_NONE, NULL ); } if(!use_tcp) SSL_CTX_set_read_ahead(root_tls_ctx[sslind], 1); } } start_mclient(argv[optind], port, client_ifname, local_addr, messagenumber, mclient); return 0; }
/* * Password retrieval */ int get_user_key(int in_oauth, int *out_oauth, int *max_session_time, u08bits *usname, u08bits *realm, hmackey_t key, ioa_network_buffer_handle nbh) { /* Decode certificate */ struct certificate cert; memset(&cert, 0, sizeof cert); unsigned char const *secret_key = (unsigned char *)turn_params.secret_key; unsigned char const *iv = (unsigned char *)turn_params.secret_iv; stun_attr_ref sar = stun_attr_get_first_by_type_str(ioa_network_buffer_data(nbh), ioa_network_buffer_get_size(nbh), STUN_ATTRIBUTE_SOFTWARE); if (sar) { int token_len = stun_attr_get_len(sar); const u08bits* token_ptr = stun_attr_get_value(sar); u08bits token[128]; memcpy(token, token_ptr, token_len); token[token_len]=0; int err = stun_check_message_certificate(token, token_len, &cert, secret_key, iv); if(token_len && err == 0) { const char* password = cert.call_id; size_t sz = get_hmackey_size(SHATYPE_DEFAULT) * 2; char skey[sizeof(hmackey_t) * 2 + 1]; password2hmac(password, usname, realm, skey); if(convert_string_key_to_binary(skey, key, sz / 2) < 0) { TURN_LOG_FUNC(TURN_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Wrong key: %s, user %s\n", skey, usname); } char buff[20]; struct tm * timeinfo; timeinfo = localtime (&cert.deadline); strftime(buff, sizeof(buff), "%Y %b %d %H:%M", timeinfo); time_t now; now = time(NULL); /* if(now - cert.deadline < -60 || // server's time's wrong? more tann 60 sec time diff now - cert.deadline > 60*60*24 ) // too much diff, something wrong { TURN_LOG_FUNC(TURN_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Token expired: user: %s token: %s time: %s time_diff: %d sec\n", usname, token, buff, now - cert.deadline); return -1; } */ TURN_LOG_FUNC(TURN_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Token decrypted: user:%s seq:%s time:%s call:%s \n", usname, cert.seq, buff, cert.call_id); return 0; } else { TURN_LOG_FUNC(TURN_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Incorrect token: user %s token: %s Error: %d\n", usname, token, err); return -1; } } else TURN_LOG_FUNC(TURN_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "Tokent not found: user %s\n", usname); int ret = -1; if(max_session_time) *max_session_time = 0; if(in_oauth && out_oauth && usname && usname[0]) { stun_attr_ref sar = stun_attr_get_first_by_type_str(ioa_network_buffer_data(nbh), ioa_network_buffer_get_size(nbh), STUN_ATTRIBUTE_OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN); if(sar) { int len = stun_attr_get_len(sar); const u08bits *value = stun_attr_get_value(sar); *out_oauth = 1; if(len>0 && value) { const turn_dbdriver_t * dbd = get_dbdriver(); if (dbd && dbd->get_oauth_key) { oauth_key_data_raw rawKey; ns_bzero(&rawKey,sizeof(rawKey)); int gres = (*(dbd->get_oauth_key))(usname,&rawKey); if(gres<0) return ret; if(!rawKey.kid[0]) return ret; if(rawKey.lifetime) { if(!turn_time_before(turn_time(),(turn_time_t)(rawKey.timestamp + rawKey.lifetime+OAUTH_TIME_DELTA))) { return ret; } } oauth_key_data okd; ns_bzero(&okd,sizeof(okd)); convert_oauth_key_data_raw(&rawKey, &okd); char err_msg[1025] = "\0"; size_t err_msg_size = sizeof(err_msg) - 1; oauth_key okey; ns_bzero(&okey,sizeof(okey)); if (convert_oauth_key_data(&okd, &okey, err_msg, err_msg_size) < 0) { TURN_LOG_FUNC(TURN_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "%s\n", err_msg); return -1; } oauth_token dot; ns_bzero((&dot),sizeof(dot)); encoded_oauth_token etoken; ns_bzero(&etoken,sizeof(etoken)); if((size_t)len > sizeof(etoken.token)) { TURN_LOG_FUNC(TURN_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Encoded oAuth token is too large\n"); return -1; } ns_bcopy(value,etoken.token,(size_t)len); etoken.size = (size_t)len; const char* server_name = (char*)turn_params.oauth_server_name; if(!(server_name && server_name[0])) { server_name = (char*)realm; if(!(server_name && server_name[0])) { TURN_LOG_FUNC(TURN_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Cannot determine oAuth server name"); return -1; } } if (decode_oauth_token((const u08bits *) server_name, &etoken,&okey, &dot) < 0) { TURN_LOG_FUNC(TURN_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Cannot decode oauth token\n"); return -1; } switch(dot.enc_block.key_length) { case SHA1SIZEBYTES: break; case SHA256SIZEBYTES: case SHA384SIZEBYTES: case SHA512SIZEBYTES: default: TURN_LOG_FUNC(TURN_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Wrong size of the MAC key in oAuth token(3): %d\n",(int)dot.enc_block.key_length); return -1; }; password_t pwdtmp; if(stun_check_message_integrity_by_key_str(TURN_CREDENTIALS_LONG_TERM, ioa_network_buffer_data(nbh), ioa_network_buffer_get_size(nbh), dot.enc_block.mac_key, pwdtmp, SHATYPE_DEFAULT)>0) { turn_time_t lifetime = (turn_time_t)(dot.enc_block.lifetime); if(lifetime) { turn_time_t ts = (turn_time_t)(dot.enc_block.timestamp >> 16); turn_time_t to = ts + lifetime + OAUTH_TIME_DELTA; turn_time_t ct = turn_time(); if(!turn_time_before(ct,to)) { TURN_LOG_FUNC(TURN_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "oAuth token is too old\n"); return -1; } if(max_session_time) { *max_session_time = to - ct; } } ns_bcopy(dot.enc_block.mac_key,key,dot.enc_block.key_length); ret = 0; } } }