コード例 #1
static void convolve_gaussian(GrDrawContext* drawContext,
                              GrRenderTarget* rt,
                              const GrClip& clip,
                              const SkRect& srcRect,
                              const SkRect& dstRect,
                              GrTexture* texture,
                              Gr1DKernelEffect::Direction direction,
                              int radius,
                              float sigma,
                              bool cropToSrcRect) {
    float bounds[2] = { 0.0f, 1.0f };
    if (!cropToSrcRect) {
        convolve_gaussian_1d(drawContext, rt, clip, srcRect, dstRect, texture,
                             direction, radius, sigma, false, bounds);
    SkRect lowerSrcRect = srcRect, lowerDstRect = dstRect;
    SkRect middleSrcRect = srcRect, middleDstRect = dstRect;
    SkRect upperSrcRect = srcRect, upperDstRect = dstRect;
    SkScalar size;
    SkScalar rad = SkIntToScalar(radius);
    if (direction == Gr1DKernelEffect::kX_Direction) {
        bounds[0] = SkScalarToFloat(srcRect.left()) / texture->width();
        bounds[1] = SkScalarToFloat(srcRect.right()) / texture->width();
        size = srcRect.width();
        lowerSrcRect.fRight = srcRect.left() + rad;
        lowerDstRect.fRight = dstRect.left() + rad;
        upperSrcRect.fLeft = srcRect.right() - rad;
        upperDstRect.fLeft = dstRect.right() - rad;
        middleSrcRect.inset(rad, 0);
        middleDstRect.inset(rad, 0);
    } else {
        bounds[0] = SkScalarToFloat(srcRect.top()) / texture->height();
        bounds[1] = SkScalarToFloat(srcRect.bottom()) / texture->height();
        size = srcRect.height();
        lowerSrcRect.fBottom = srcRect.top() + rad;
        lowerDstRect.fBottom = dstRect.top() + rad;
        upperSrcRect.fTop = srcRect.bottom() - rad;
        upperDstRect.fTop = dstRect.bottom() - rad;
        middleSrcRect.inset(0, rad);
        middleDstRect.inset(0, rad);
    if (radius >= size * SK_ScalarHalf) {
        // Blur radius covers srcRect; use bounds over entire draw
        convolve_gaussian_1d(drawContext, rt, clip, srcRect, dstRect, texture,
                            direction, radius, sigma, true, bounds);
    } else {
        // Draw upper and lower margins with bounds; middle without.
        convolve_gaussian_1d(drawContext, rt, clip, lowerSrcRect, lowerDstRect, texture,
                             direction, radius, sigma, true, bounds);
        convolve_gaussian_1d(drawContext, rt, clip, upperSrcRect, upperDstRect, texture,
                             direction, radius, sigma, true, bounds);
        convolve_gaussian_1d(drawContext, rt, clip, middleSrcRect, middleDstRect, texture,
                             direction, radius, sigma, false, bounds);
コード例 #2
static void convolve_gaussian(GrDrawContext* drawContext,
                              const GrClip& clip,
                              const SkIRect& srcRect,
                              GrTexture* texture,
                              Gr1DKernelEffect::Direction direction,
                              int radius,
                              float sigma,
                              const SkIRect* srcBounds,
                              const SkIPoint& srcOffset) {
    float bounds[2] = { 0.0f, 1.0f };
    SkIRect dstRect = SkIRect::MakeWH(srcRect.width(), srcRect.height());
    if (!srcBounds) {
        convolve_gaussian_1d(drawContext, clip, dstRect, srcOffset, texture,
                             direction, radius, sigma, false, bounds);
    SkIRect midRect = *srcBounds, leftRect, rightRect;
    SkIRect topRect, bottomRect;
    if (direction == Gr1DKernelEffect::kX_Direction) {
        bounds[0] = SkIntToFloat(srcBounds->left()) / texture->width();
        bounds[1] = SkIntToFloat(srcBounds->right()) / texture->width();
        topRect = SkIRect::MakeLTRB(0, 0, dstRect.right(), midRect.top());
        bottomRect = SkIRect::MakeLTRB(0, midRect.bottom(), dstRect.right(), dstRect.bottom());
        midRect.inset(radius, 0);
        leftRect = SkIRect::MakeLTRB(0, midRect.top(), midRect.left(), midRect.bottom());
        rightRect =
            SkIRect::MakeLTRB(midRect.right(), midRect.top(), dstRect.width(), midRect.bottom());
        dstRect.fTop = midRect.top();
        dstRect.fBottom = midRect.bottom();
    } else {
        bounds[0] = SkIntToFloat(srcBounds->top()) / texture->height();
        bounds[1] = SkIntToFloat(srcBounds->bottom()) / texture->height();
        topRect = SkIRect::MakeLTRB(0, 0, midRect.left(), dstRect.bottom());
        bottomRect = SkIRect::MakeLTRB(midRect.right(), 0, dstRect.right(), dstRect.bottom());
        midRect.inset(0, radius);
        leftRect = SkIRect::MakeLTRB(midRect.left(), 0, midRect.right(), midRect.top());
        rightRect =
            SkIRect::MakeLTRB(midRect.left(), midRect.bottom(), midRect.right(), dstRect.height());
        dstRect.fLeft = midRect.left();
        dstRect.fRight = midRect.right();
    if (!topRect.isEmpty()) {
        drawContext->clear(&topRect, 0, false);

    if (!bottomRect.isEmpty()) {
        drawContext->clear(&bottomRect, 0, false);
    if (midRect.isEmpty()) {
        // Blur radius covers srcBounds; use bounds over entire draw
        convolve_gaussian_1d(drawContext, clip, dstRect, srcOffset, texture,
                             direction, radius, sigma, true, bounds);
    } else {
        // Draw right and left margins with bounds; middle without.
        convolve_gaussian_1d(drawContext, clip, leftRect, srcOffset, texture,
                             direction, radius, sigma, true, bounds);
        convolve_gaussian_1d(drawContext, clip, rightRect, srcOffset, texture,
                             direction, radius, sigma, true, bounds);
        convolve_gaussian_1d(drawContext, clip, midRect, srcOffset, texture,
                             direction, radius, sigma, false, bounds);