コード例 #1
ファイル: PatchyDisc.cpp プロジェクト: edwardwas/vmmc
double PatchyDisc::computePairEnergy(unsigned int particle1, double position1[],
    double orientation1[], unsigned int particle2, double position2[], double orientation2[])
    // Separation vector.
    std::vector<double> sep(2);

    // Calculate disc separation.
    sep[0] = position1[0] - position2[0];
    sep[1] = position1[1] - position2[1];

    // Enforce minimum image.

    // Calculate squared norm of vector.
    double normSqd = sep[0]*sep[0] + sep[1]*sep[1];

    // Discs overlap.
    if (normSqd < 1) return INF;

    // Total interaction energy sum.
    double energy = 0;

    // Test interactions between all patch pairs.
    for (unsigned int i=0;i<maxInteractions;i++)
        // Compute position of patch i on first disc.
        std::vector<double> coord1(2);
        coord1[0] = position1[0] + 0.5*(orientation1[0]*cosTheta[i] - orientation1[1]*sinTheta[i]);
        coord1[1] = position1[1] + 0.5*(orientation1[0]*sinTheta[i] + orientation1[1]*cosTheta[i]);

        // Enforce periodic boundaries.

        for (unsigned int j=0;j<maxInteractions;j++)
            // Compute position of patch j on second disc.
            std::vector<double> coord2(2);
            coord2[0] = position2[0] + 0.5*(orientation2[0]*cosTheta[j] - orientation2[1]*sinTheta[j]);
            coord2[1] = position2[1] + 0.5*(orientation2[0]*sinTheta[j] + orientation2[1]*cosTheta[j]);

            // Enforce periodic boundaries.

            // Calculate patch separation.
            sep[0] = coord1[0] - coord2[0];
            sep[1] = coord1[1] - coord2[1];

            // Enforce minimum image.

            // Calculate squared norm of vector.
            normSqd = sep[0]*sep[0] + sep[1]*sep[1];

            // Patches interact.
            if (normSqd < squaredCutOffDistance)
                energy -= interactionEnergy;

    return energy;
コード例 #2
double point_distance(const T& point_a, const T& point_b)
  double diff_coord1 = coord1(a) - coord1(b);
  double diff_coord2 = coord2(a) - coord2(b);
  double distance = hypot(diff_coord1, diff_coord2);
  return distance;
コード例 #3
ファイル: review.cpp プロジェクト: ChairGraveyard/TES3MP
    void ReviewDialog::updateSkillArea()
        for (std::vector<MyGUI::Widget*>::iterator it = mSkillWidgets.begin(); it != mSkillWidgets.end(); ++it)

        const int valueSize = 40;
        MyGUI::IntCoord coord1(10, 0, mSkillView->getWidth() - (10 + valueSize) - 24, 18);
        MyGUI::IntCoord coord2(coord1.left + coord1.width, coord1.top, valueSize, coord1.height);

        if (!mMajorSkills.empty())
            addSkills(mMajorSkills, "sSkillClassMajor", "Major Skills", coord1, coord2);

        if (!mMinorSkills.empty())
            addSkills(mMinorSkills, "sSkillClassMinor", "Minor Skills", coord1, coord2);

        if (!mMiscSkills.empty())
            addSkills(mMiscSkills, "sSkillClassMisc", "Misc Skills", coord1, coord2);

        // Canvas size must be expressed with VScroll disabled, otherwise MyGUI would expand the scroll area when the scrollbar is hidden
        mSkillView->setCanvasSize (mSkillView->getWidth(), std::max(mSkillView->getHeight(), coord1.top));
コード例 #4
ファイル: Curva2D.hpp プロジェクト: deciomoritz/CG2015.2
	void forwardDiff(DisplayFile* disp, double x, double y, double z, double delta1X, double delta1Y, double delta1Z, double delta2X, double delta2Y, double delta2Z, double delta3X, double delta3Y, double delta3Z){
		double xOld = x;
		double yOld = y;
		double zOld = z;

		for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
			cout << "criou retinha" << endl;
			x += delta1X;
			delta1X += delta2X;
			delta2X += delta3X;

			y += delta1Y;
			delta1Y += delta2Y;
			delta2Y += delta3Y;

			z += delta1Z;
			delta1Z += delta2Z;
			delta2Z += delta3Z;

			Objeto * obj = new Objeto(" ", Reta, false);
			Coordenada coord1(xOld,yOld,zOld);
			Coordenada coord2(x,y,z);

			xOld = x;
			yOld = y;
			zOld = z;
コード例 #5
ファイル: GenerationMathTests.cpp プロジェクト: huner15/saas
TEST(DistanceBetweenTwoCoordinates, CloseBy) {
    GeographicCoordinate coord1 (65.2, 145, 25000);
    GeographicCoordinate coord2 (65.3, 145, 25000);
    std::cout << GenerationMath::DistanceBetweenTwoCoordinates(
            coord1, coord2) << std::endl;
    ASSERT_NEAR(36500.64, GenerationMath::DistanceBetweenTwoCoordinates(
            coord1, coord2),5);
コード例 #6
ファイル: GenerationMathTests.cpp プロジェクト: huner15/saas
TEST(DestinationPoint, GoStraightEast) {
    GeographicCoordinate coord1 (16, 16, 25000);
    Velocity vel (100, 100, 100);
    //GeographicCoordinate dest = GenerationMath::DestinationPoint(coord1, vel, 90);
    //std::cout << "\n" << dest.GetLatitude() << " " << dest.GetLongitude() << std::endl;
    //ASSERT_NEAR(16.00, dest.GetLatitude(),.005);
    //ASSERT_NEAR(16.004, dest.GetLongitude(),.005);

    //GeographicCoordinate coord2 (123, 24, 345);
    GeographicCoordinate coord2 (50, 60, 100);
    GeographicCoordinate final = GenerationMath::DestinationPoint(coord2, Velocity(34, 0, 23), 270);
    //std::cout << "lat: " << final.GetLatitude() << " long: " << final.GetLongitude() << std::endl;

    GeographicCoordinate coord3 (89, 131, 345);
    GeographicCoordinate final2 = GenerationMath::DestinationPoint(coord3, Velocity(34, 0, 23), 270);
    //std::cout << "\nlat: " << final2.GetLatitude() << " long: " << final2.GetLongitude() << std::endl;
コード例 #7
ファイル: graph.cpp プロジェクト: ajaskier/gerbil
/* ================================================================================================= */
void Graph::color_standard_weights(const multi_img & image,
						SimMeasure *distfun,
						bool geodesic) {
/* ================================================================================================== */
/* Computes weights inversely proportional to the image gradient for 2D images */

	bool gray = (image.size() == 1);

	// make sure we don't run into cache misses
	if (!gray)
	const multi_img::Band& band0 = image[0];

	if (gray) {
		max_weight = 255.f; // we will never adjust it
	} else {
		max_weight = 0.f;

	// import edge coloring from image
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < edges.size(); i++) {
		// hackish! rewrite edges code! width == number of columns
		cv::Point coord1(edges[i].nodes[0] % width, edges[i].nodes[0] / width),
		          coord2(edges[i].nodes[1] % width, edges[i].nodes[1] / width);

		if (gray) {
			edges[i].weight = std::abs(band0(coord1) - band0(coord2));
		} else {
			const multi_img::Pixel &p1 = image(coord1), &p2 = image(coord2);
			edges[i].weight = (float)distfun->getSimilarity(p1, p2, coord1, coord2);
			max_weight = std::max<float>(edges[i].weight, max_weight);

	bucketsize = max_weight / 250.f; // TODO: make this user-selectable

	if (!geodesic) {
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < edges.size(); i++)
			edges[i].weight = max_weight - edges[i].weight;

		edges[].weight: regular weights (maxw - X)
		edges[].norm_weight: unset

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < edges.size(); i++)
		edges[i].norm_weight = max_weight - edges[i].weight;

	/* fill in initial weights for edges originating from seeds */
	float *seeds_function = (float*)calloc(edges.size(), sizeof(float));
	for (unsigned int j = 0; j < seeds.size(); j++) {
		for (int k = 1; k <= degree; k++) {
			int n = neighbor_node_edge(seeds[j].first, k);
			if (n != -1)
				seeds_function[n] = edges[n].norm_weight;


		edges[].weight: reconstructed weights
		edges[].norm_weight: regular weights (maxw - X)
コード例 #8
	void WorldViewWindow::updateViewportAbsCoord()
		MyGUI::IntCoord coord = mCanvas->getAbsoluteCoord();
		ViewportAbsCoord coord2(coord.left, coord.top, coord.width, coord.height);
コード例 #9
ファイル: GenerationMathTests.cpp プロジェクト: huner15/saas
TEST(AbsoluteBearingBetweenTwoCoordinates, BiggerNumbers) {
    GeographicCoordinate coord1 (2, 67, 25000);
    GeographicCoordinate coord2 (45, 78, 25000);
    ASSERT_NEAR(11.18329583708925, GenerationMath::AbsoluteBearingBetweenTwoCoordinates(
            coord1, coord2),.001);
コード例 #10
ファイル: GenerationMathTests.cpp プロジェクト: huner15/saas
TEST(AbsoluteBearingBetweenTwoCoordinates, SameLatitude) {
    GeographicCoordinate coord1 (16, 16, 25000);
    GeographicCoordinate coord2 (12, 12, 25000);
    ASSERT_NEAR(224.63804446443481, GenerationMath::AbsoluteBearingBetweenTwoCoordinates(
            coord1, coord2),.001);
コード例 #11
ファイル: GenerationMathTests.cpp プロジェクト: huner15/saas
TEST(DistanceBetweenTwoCoordinates, SamePoint) {
    GeographicCoordinate coord1 (65, 145, 25000);
    GeographicCoordinate coord2 (65, 145, 25000);
    ASSERT_NEAR(0, GenerationMath::DistanceBetweenTwoCoordinates(
            coord1, coord2),.00000001);