コード例 #1
ファイル: name.cpp プロジェクト: named-data-ndnSIM/ndn-cxx
Name::deepCopy() const
  Name copiedName(*this);
  copiedName.wireEncode(); // "compress" the underlying buffer
  return copiedName;
コード例 #2
ファイル: CoreFile.cpp プロジェクト: looncraz/haiku
CoreFile::_ReadThreadsNote(const void* data, uint32 dataSize)
	if (dataSize < 3 * sizeof(uint32)) {
		WARNING("Threads note too short\n");
		return B_BAD_DATA;
	uint32 threadCount = _ReadValue<uint32>(data, dataSize);
	uint32 entrySize = _ReadValue<uint32>(data, dataSize);
	uint32 cpuStateSize = _ReadValue<uint32>(data, dataSize);

	if (cpuStateSize > 1024 * 1024) {
		WARNING("Threads note: unreasonable CPU state size: %" B_PRIu32 "\n",
		return B_BAD_DATA;

	typedef typename ElfClass::NoteThreadEntry Entry;

	if (threadCount == 0)
		return B_OK;

	size_t totalEntrySize = entrySize + cpuStateSize;

	// check entry size and thread count
	if (entrySize == 0 || dataSize == 0 || threadCount > dataSize
			|| entrySize > dataSize || cpuStateSize > dataSize
			|| dataSize - 1 < totalEntrySize
			|| threadCount * totalEntrySize >= dataSize) {
		WARNING("Threads note: too short or invalid entry size (%" B_PRIu32
			")\n", entrySize);
		return B_BAD_DATA;

	// check, if strings are null-terminated
	const char* strings = (const char*)data + threadCount * totalEntrySize;
	size_t stringsSize = dataSize - threadCount * totalEntrySize;
	if (stringsSize == 0 || strings[stringsSize - 1] != '\0') {
		WARNING("Threads note strings not terminated\n");
		return B_BAD_DATA;

	for (uint64 i = 0; i < threadCount; i++) {
		// get entry values
		Entry entry = {};
		_ReadEntry(data, dataSize, entry, entrySize);

		int32 id = Get(entry.nth_id);
		int32 state = Get(entry.nth_state);
		int32 priority = Get(entry.nth_priority);
		uint64 stackBase = Get(entry.nth_stack_base);
		uint64 stackEnd = Get(entry.nth_stack_end);

		// get name
		if (stringsSize == 0) {
			WARNING("Thread %" B_PRIu64 " (ID %#" B_PRIx32 ") has no name\n",
				i, id);
		const char* name = strings;
		size_t nameSize = strlen(name) + 1;
		strings += nameSize;
		stringsSize -= nameSize;

		BString copiedName(name);
		if (name[0] != '\0' && copiedName.Length() == 0)
			return B_NO_MEMORY;

		// create and add thread
		CoreFileThreadInfo* thread = new(std::nothrow) CoreFileThreadInfo(id,
			state, priority, stackBase, stackEnd, copiedName);
		if (thread == NULL || !fThreadInfos.AddItem(thread)) {
			delete thread;
			return B_NO_MEMORY;

		// get CPU state
		if (!thread->SetCpuState(data, cpuStateSize))
			return B_NO_MEMORY;
		_Advance(data, dataSize, cpuStateSize);

	return B_OK;
コード例 #3
ファイル: CoreFile.cpp プロジェクト: looncraz/haiku
CoreFile::_ReadImagesNote(const void* data, uint32 dataSize)
	if (dataSize < 2 * sizeof(uint32)) {
		WARNING("Images note too short\n");
		return B_BAD_DATA;
	uint32 imageCount = _ReadValue<uint32>(data, dataSize);
	uint32 entrySize = _ReadValue<uint32>(data, dataSize);

	typedef typename ElfClass::NoteImageEntry Entry;

	if (imageCount == 0)
		return B_OK;

	// check entry size and image count
	if (entrySize == 0 || dataSize == 0 || imageCount > dataSize
			|| dataSize - 1 < entrySize || imageCount * entrySize >= dataSize) {
		WARNING("Images note: too short or invalid entry size (%" B_PRIu32
			")\n", entrySize);
		return B_BAD_DATA;

	// check, if strings are null-terminated
	const char* strings = (const char*)data + imageCount * entrySize;
	size_t stringsSize = dataSize - imageCount * entrySize;
	if (stringsSize == 0 || strings[stringsSize - 1] != '\0') {
		WARNING("Images note strings not terminated\n");
		return B_BAD_DATA;

	for (uint64 i = 0; i < imageCount; i++) {
		// get entry values
		Entry entry = {};
		_ReadEntry(data, dataSize, entry, entrySize);

		int32 id = Get(entry.ni_id);
		int32 type = Get(entry.ni_type);
		uint64 initRoutine = Get(entry.ni_init_routine);
		uint64 termRoutine = Get(entry.ni_term_routine);
		uint64 textBase = Get(entry.ni_text_base);
		uint64 textSize = Get(entry.ni_text_size);
		int64 textDelta = Get(entry.ni_text_delta);
		uint64 dataBase = Get(entry.ni_data_base);
		uint64 dataSize = Get(entry.ni_data_size);
		int32 deviceId = Get(entry.ni_device);
		int64 nodeId = Get(entry.ni_node);
		uint64 symbolTable = Get(entry.ni_symbol_table);
		uint64 symbolHash = Get(entry.ni_symbol_hash);
		uint64 stringTable = Get(entry.ni_string_table);

		// get name
		if (stringsSize == 0) {
			WARNING("Image %" B_PRIu64 " (ID %#" B_PRIx32 ") has no name\n",
				i, id);
		const char* name = strings;
		size_t nameSize = strlen(name) + 1;
		strings += nameSize;
		stringsSize -= nameSize;

		BString copiedName(name);
		if (name[0] != '\0' && copiedName.Length() == 0)
			return B_NO_MEMORY;

		// create and add image
		CoreFileAreaInfo* textArea = _FindArea(textBase);
		CoreFileAreaInfo* dataArea = _FindArea(dataBase);
		CoreFileImageInfo* image = new(std::nothrow) CoreFileImageInfo(id, type,
			initRoutine, termRoutine, textBase, textSize, textDelta, dataBase,
			dataSize, deviceId, nodeId, symbolTable, symbolHash, stringTable,
			textArea, dataArea, copiedName);
		if (image == NULL || !fImageInfos.AddItem(image)) {
			delete image;
			return B_NO_MEMORY;

	return B_OK;
コード例 #4
ファイル: CoreFile.cpp プロジェクト: looncraz/haiku
CoreFile::_ReadAreasNote(const void* data, uint32 dataSize)
	if (dataSize < 2 * sizeof(uint32)) {
		WARNING("Areas note too short\n");
		return B_BAD_DATA;
	uint32 areaCount = _ReadValue<uint32>(data, dataSize);
	uint32 entrySize = _ReadValue<uint32>(data, dataSize);

	typedef typename ElfClass::NoteAreaEntry Entry;

	if (areaCount == 0)
		return B_OK;

	// check entry size and area count
	if (entrySize == 0 || dataSize == 0 || areaCount > dataSize
			|| dataSize - 1 < entrySize || areaCount * entrySize >= dataSize) {
		WARNING("Areas note: too short or invalid entry size (%" B_PRIu32 ")\n",
		return B_BAD_DATA;

	// check, if strings are null-terminated
	const char* strings = (const char*)data + areaCount * entrySize;
	size_t stringsSize = dataSize - areaCount * entrySize;
	if (stringsSize == 0 || strings[stringsSize - 1] != '\0') {
		WARNING("Areas note strings not terminated\n");
		return B_BAD_DATA;

	for (uint64 i = 0; i < areaCount; i++) {
		// get entry values
		Entry entry = {};
		_ReadEntry(data, dataSize, entry, entrySize);

		int32 id = Get(entry.na_id);
		uint64 baseAddress = Get(entry.na_base);
		uint64 size = Get(entry.na_size);
		uint64 ramSize = Get(entry.na_ram_size);
		uint32 lock = Get(entry.na_lock);
		uint32 protection = Get(entry.na_protection);

		// get name
		if (stringsSize == 0) {
			WARNING("Area %" B_PRIu64 " (ID %#" B_PRIx32 " @ %#" B_PRIx64
				") has no name\n", i, id, baseAddress);
		const char* name = strings;
		size_t nameSize = strlen(name) + 1;
		strings += nameSize;
		stringsSize -= nameSize;

		BString copiedName(name);
		if (name[0] != '\0' && copiedName.Length() == 0)
			return B_NO_MEMORY;

		// create and add area
		ElfSegment* segment = _FindAreaSegment(baseAddress);
		if (segment == NULL) {
			WARNING("No matching segment found for area %" B_PRIu64 " (ID %#"
				B_PRIx32 " @ %#" B_PRIx64 ", name: '%s')", i, id, baseAddress,

		CoreFileAreaInfo* area = new(std::nothrow) CoreFileAreaInfo(segment, id,
			baseAddress, size, ramSize, lock, protection, copiedName);
		if (area == NULL || !fAreaInfos.AddItem(area)) {
			delete area;
			return B_NO_MEMORY;

	return B_OK;