コード例 #1
ファイル: item.cpp プロジェクト: ShadowZero/Cataclysm-DDA
int item::volume()
 if (typeId() == itm_corpse) {
  switch (corpse->size) {
   case MS_TINY:   return   2;
   case MS_SMALL:  return  40;
   case MS_MEDIUM: return  75;
   case MS_LARGE:  return 160;
   case MS_HUGE:   return 600;

 if( is_null() )
  return 0;

 int ret = type->volume;
 if (count_by_charges()) {
 ret *= charges;
 ret /= 100;
 if (is_gun()) {
  for (int i = 0; i < contents.size(); i++)
   ret += contents[i].volume();
   return ret;
コード例 #2
int print_items( const recipe &r, const catacurses::window &w, int ypos, int xpos, nc_color col,
                 int batch )
    if( !r.has_byproducts() ) {
        return 0;

    const int oldy = ypos;

    mvwprintz( w, ypos++, xpos, col, _( "Byproducts:" ) );
    for( const auto &bp : r.byproducts ) {
        const auto t = item::find_type( bp.first );
        int amount = bp.second * batch;
        std::string desc;
        if( t->count_by_charges() ) {
            amount *= t->charges_default();
            desc = string_format( "> %s (%d)", t->nname( 1 ).c_str(), amount );
        } else {
            desc = string_format( "> %d %s", amount,
                                  t->nname( static_cast<unsigned int>( amount ) ).c_str() );
        mvwprintz( w, ypos++, xpos, col, desc.c_str() );

    return ypos - oldy;
コード例 #3
ファイル: item.cpp プロジェクト: ShadowZero/Cataclysm-DDA
bool item::craft_has_charges()
 if (count_by_charges())
  return true;
 else if (ammo_type() == AT_NULL)
  return true;

 return false;
コード例 #4
ファイル: item.cpp プロジェクト: ShadowZero/Cataclysm-DDA
int item::weight()
 if (typeId() == itm_corpse) {
  int ret;
  switch (corpse->size) {
   case MS_TINY:   ret =    5;	break;
   case MS_SMALL:  ret =   60;	break;
   case MS_MEDIUM: ret =  520;	break;
   case MS_LARGE:  ret = 2000;	break;
   case MS_HUGE:   ret = 4000;	break;
  if (made_of(VEGGY))
   ret /= 10;
  else if (made_of(IRON) || made_of(STEEL) || made_of(STONE))
   ret *= 5;
  return ret;

 if( is_null() )
  return 0;

 int ret = type->weight;

 if (count_by_charges() && !made_of(LIQUID)) {
 ret *= charges;
 ret /= 100;

 for (int i = 0; i < contents.size(); i++)
  if (contents[i].made_of(LIQUID))
    if (contents[i].type->is_food()) 
        it_comest* tmp_comest = dynamic_cast<it_comest*>(contents[i].type);
        ret += contents[i].weight() * (contents[i].charges / tmp_comest->charges);
      else if (contents[i].type->is_ammo())
        it_ammo* tmp_ammo = dynamic_cast<it_ammo*>(contents[i].type);
        ret += contents[i].weight() * (contents[i].charges / tmp_ammo->count);    
        ret += contents[i].weight();
  ret += contents[i].weight();
 return ret;
コード例 #5
static point get_item_pointers_from_activity(
    std::list<item *> &selected_items, std::list<int> &item_quantities,
    std::list<item *> &selected_worn_items, std::list<int> &worn_item_quantities )
    // Drop activity has indices of items in inventory and quantities of same.
    // Indices and quantities alternate on the list.
    // First iterate over the indices and quantities, retrieving item references.
    for( size_t index = 0; index < g->u.activity.values.size(); index += 2 ) {
        const int position = g->u.activity.values[index];
        const int quantity = g->u.activity.values[index + 1];
        const bool is_worn = position < -1;
        const bool is_weapon = position == -1;
        if( is_worn ) {
                &g->u.worn[player::worn_position_to_index(position)] );
            worn_item_quantities.push_back( quantity );
        } else  if( is_weapon ) {
            selected_items.push_back( &g->u.weapon );
            item_quantities.push_back( quantity );
        } else {
            // We MUST have pointers to these items, and this is the only way I can see to get them.
            std::list<item> &stack = (std::list<item> &)g->u.inv.const_stack( position );
            int items_dropped = 0;
            for( auto it = stack.begin(); it != stack.end(); ++it ) {
                selected_items.push_back( &*it );
                if( it->count_by_charges() ) {
                    const int qty_to_drop = std::min( quantity - items_dropped, (int)it->charges );
                    item_quantities.push_back( qty_to_drop );
                    items_dropped += qty_to_drop;
                } else {
                    item_quantities.push_back( 1 );
                if( items_dropped >= quantity ) {
    point drop_target = g->u.activity.placement;
    // Now that we have all the data, cancel the activity,
    // if we don't finish it we'll make a new one with the remaining items.
    return drop_target;
コード例 #6
std::list<item> profession::items( bool male, const std::vector<trait_id> &traits ) const
    std::list<item> result;
    auto add_legacy_items = [&result]( const itypedecvec & vec ) {
        for( const itypedec &elem : vec ) {
            item it( elem.type_id, 0, item::default_charges_tag {} );
            if( !elem.snippet_id.empty() ) {
                it.set_snippet( elem.snippet_id );
            it = it.in_its_container();
            result.push_back( it );

    add_legacy_items( legacy_starting_items );
    add_legacy_items( male ? legacy_starting_items_male : legacy_starting_items_female );

    const std::vector<item> group_both = item_group::items_from( _starting_items );
    const std::vector<item> group_gender = item_group::items_from( male ? _starting_items_male :
                                           _starting_items_female );
    result.insert( result.begin(), group_both.begin(), group_both.end() );
    result.insert( result.begin(), group_gender.begin(), group_gender.end() );

    std::vector<itype_id> bonus = item_substitutions.get_bonus_items( traits );
    for( const itype_id &elem : bonus ) {
        if( elem != no_bonus ) {
            result.push_back( item( elem, 0, item::default_charges_tag {} ) );
    for( auto iter = result.begin(); iter != result.end(); ) {
        const auto sub = item_substitutions.get_substitution( *iter, traits );
        if( !sub.empty() ) {
            result.insert( result.begin(), sub.begin(), sub.end() );
            iter = result.erase( iter );
        } else {
    for( item &it : result ) {
        if( it.has_flag( "VARSIZE" ) ) {
            it.item_tags.insert( "FIT" );

    if( result.empty() ) {
        // No need to do the below stuff. Plus it would cause said below stuff to crash
        return result;

    // Merge charges for items that stack with each other
    for( auto outer = result.begin(); outer != result.end(); ++outer ) {
        if( !outer->count_by_charges() ) {
        for( auto inner = std::next( outer ); inner != result.end(); ) {
            if( outer->stacks_with( *inner ) ) {
                outer->merge_charges( *inner );
                inner = result.erase( inner );
            } else {

    result.sort( []( const item & first, const item & second ) {
        return first.get_layer() < second.get_layer();
    } );
    return result;