コード例 #1
ファイル: ModelParametersGMR.cpp プロジェクト: humm/dovecot
bool ModelParametersGMR::saveGridData(const VectorXd& min, const VectorXd& max, const VectorXi& n_samples_per_dim, string save_directory, bool overwrite) const
  if (save_directory.empty())
    return true;
  //MatrixXd inputs;
  //FunctionApproximator::generateInputsGrid(min, max, n_samples_per_dim, inputs);

  int n_gaussians = means_x_.size();
  int n_dims_in = means_x_[0].size();
  int n_dims_out = means_y_[0].size();
  int n_dims_gmm = n_dims_in + n_dims_out;
  std::vector<VectorXd> means(n_gaussians);
  std::vector<MatrixXd> covars(n_gaussians);
  for (int i_gau = 0; i_gau < n_gaussians; i_gau++)
    means[i_gau] = VectorXd(n_dims_gmm);
    means[i_gau].segment(0, n_dims_in) = means_x_[i_gau];
    means[i_gau].segment(n_dims_in, n_dims_out) = means_y_[i_gau];

    covars[i_gau] = MatrixXd(n_dims_gmm,n_dims_gmm);
    covars[i_gau].block(0, 0, n_dims_in, n_dims_in) = covars_x_[i_gau]; 
    covars[i_gau].block(n_dims_in, n_dims_in, n_dims_out, n_dims_out) = covars_y_[i_gau]; 
    covars[i_gau].block(n_dims_in, 0, n_dims_out, n_dims_in) = covars_y_x_[i_gau];
    covars[i_gau].block(0, n_dims_in, n_dims_in, n_dims_out) = covars_y_x_[i_gau].transpose();
  return true;  
コード例 #2
ファイル: qi_glmsetup.cpp プロジェクト: spinicist/QUIT
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    args::ArgumentParser parser(
        "A utility for setting up merged 4D files for use with FSL randomise etc.\n"
        "The group for each input file must be specified with --groups (one per line)\n"
        "A value of 0 means ignore this file.\n"
    args::PositionalList<std::string> file_paths(parser, "INPUTS", "Input files to be merged.");
    args::HelpFlag                    help(parser, "HELP", "Show this help message", {'h', "help"});
    args::Flag verbose(parser, "VERBOSE", "Print more information", {'v', "verbose"});
    args::Flag sort(parser, "SORT", "Sort merged file and GLM in ascending group order",
                    {'s', "sort"});
    args::ValueFlag<std::string> group_path(
        parser, "GROUPS", "File to read group numbers from (REQUIRED)", {'g', "groups"});
    args::ValueFlag<std::string> output_path(parser, "OUT", "Path for output merged file",
                                             {'o', "out"});
    args::ValueFlag<std::string> covars_path(
        parser, "COVARS", "Path to covariates file (added to design matrix)", {'C', "covars"});
    args::ValueFlag<std::string> design_path(parser, "DESIGN", "Path to save design matrix",
                                             {'d', "design"});
    args::ValueFlag<std::string> contrasts_path(parser, "CONTRASTS", "Generate and save contrasts",
                                                {'c', "contrasts"});
    args::ValueFlag<std::string> ftests_path(parser, "FTESTS", "Generate and save F-tests",
                                             {'f', "ftests"});
    QI::ParseArgs(parser, argc, argv, verbose);

    std::ifstream group_file(QI::CheckValue(group_path));
    QI::Log(verbose, "Reading group file");
    std::vector<int> group_list;
    int              temp;
    while (group_file >> temp) {
    int n_groups = *std::max_element(group_list.begin(), group_list.end());
    int n_images = std::count_if(group_list.begin(), group_list.end(),
                                 [](int i) { return i > 0; }); // Count non-zero elements

    if (file_paths.Get().size() != group_list.size()) {
        QI::Fail("Group list size and number of files do not match.");

    std::vector<std::vector<QI::VolumeF::Pointer>> groups(n_groups);
    QI::Log(verbose, "Groups = {}, Images = {}", n_groups, n_images);
    itk::FixedArray<unsigned int, 4> layout;
    layout[0] = layout[1] = layout[2] = 1;
    layout[3]                         = n_images;
    auto tiler                        = itk::TileImageFilter<QI::VolumeF, QI::SeriesF>::New();

    std::ofstream design_file;
    if (design_path) {
        QI::Log(verbose, "Design matrix will be saved to: {}", design_path.Get());
        design_file = std::ofstream(design_path.Get());
    std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>> covars(n_groups);
    std::vector<std::ifstream>                         covars_files;
    if (covars_path) {
        QI::Log(verbose, "All covariates: {}", covars_path.Get());
        std::istringstream stream_covars(covars_path.Get());
        while (!stream_covars.eof()) {
            std::string path;
            getline(stream_covars, path, ',');
            QI::Log(verbose, "Opening covariate file: {}", path);
            std::ifstream covars_file(path);
            if (!covars_file) {
                QI::Fail("Failed to open covariate file: {}", path);
    int out_index = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < group_list.size(); i++) {
        const int group = group_list.at(i);
        if (group > 0) { // Ignore entries with a 0
            QI::Log(verbose, "File: {} Group: {}", file_paths.Get().at(i), group);
            QI::VolumeF::Pointer ptr = QI::ReadImage(file_paths.Get().at(i), verbose);
            groups.at(group - 1).push_back(ptr);
            std::vector<std::string> covar;
            if (covars_path) {
                for (auto &f : covars_files) {
                    std::string c;
                    std::getline(f, c);
                covars.at(group - 1).push_back(covar);
                QI::Log(verbose, "Covariate: {}", fmt::join(covar, ","));
            if (!sort) {
                tiler->SetInput(out_index, ptr);
                if (design_path) {
                    for (int g = 1; g <= n_groups; g++) {
                        if (g == group) {
                            design_file << "1\t";
                        } else {
                            design_file << "0\t";
                    if (covars_path) {
                        for (auto &c : covar) {
                            design_file << c << "\t";
                    design_file << "\n";
        } else {
            QI::Log(verbose, "Ignoring file: {}", file_paths.Get().at(i));
            // Eat a line in each covariates file
            for (auto &f : covars_files) {
                std::string dummy;
                std::getline(f, dummy);
    if (sort) {
        QI::Log(verbose, "Sorting.");
        for (int g = 0; g < n_groups; g++) {
            for (size_t i = 0; i < groups.at(g).size(); i++) {
                tiler->SetInput(out_index, groups.at(g).at(i));
                if (design_path) {
                    for (int g2 = 0; g2 < n_groups; g2++) {
                        if (g2 == g) {
                            design_file << "1\t";
                        } else {
                            design_file << "0\t";
                    if (covars_path) {
                        for (auto &c : covars.at(g).at(i)) {
                            design_file << c << "\t";
                    design_file << "\n";
    int n_covars = covars_path ? covars.front().front().size() : 0;
    if (contrasts_path) {
        QI::Log(verbose, "Generating contrasts");
        std::ofstream con_file(contrasts_path.Get());
        for (int g = 0; g < n_groups; g++) {
            for (int g2 = 0; g2 < n_groups; g2++) {
                if (g2 == g) {
                    con_file << "1\t";
                } else if (g2 == ((g + 1) % (n_groups))) {
                    con_file << "-1\t";
                } else {
                    con_file << "0\t";
            for (int c = 0; c < n_covars; c++) {
                con_file << "0\t";
            con_file << "\n";
        for (int c = 0; c < 2 * n_covars; c++) {
            for (int g = 0; g < n_groups; g++) {
                con_file << "0\t";
            for (int c2 = 0; c2 < n_covars; c2++) {
                if ((c / 2) == c2) {
                    con_file << ((c % 2 == 0) ? "1\t" : "-1\t");
                } else {
                    con_file << "0\t";
            con_file << "\n";
    if (ftests_path) {
        QI::Log(verbose, "Generating F-tests");
        std::ofstream fts_file(ftests_path.Get());
        for (int g = 0; g < n_groups; g++) { // Individual group comparisons
            for (int g2 = 0; g2 < n_groups; g2++) {
                fts_file << ((g2 == g) ? "1\t" : "0\t");
            for (int c = 0; c < 2 * n_covars; c++) {
                fts_file << "0\t";
            fts_file << std::endl;
        if (n_groups > 2) { // Main effect
            for (int g = 0; g < (n_groups - 1); g++) {
                fts_file << "1\t";
            fts_file << "0\t";
            for (int c = 0; c < 2 * n_covars; c++) {
                fts_file << "0\t";
            fts_file << std::endl;
    // Reset space information because tiler messes it up
    QI::SeriesF::Pointer output = tiler->GetOutput();
    auto spacing   = output->GetSpacing();
    auto origin    = output->GetOrigin();
    auto direction = output->GetDirection();
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        spacing[i] = groups.at(0).at(0)->GetSpacing()[i];
        origin[i]  = groups.at(0).at(0)->GetOrigin()[i];
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
            direction[i][j] = groups.at(0).at(0)->GetDirection()[i][j];
    QI::WriteImage<QI::SeriesF>(output, QI::CheckValue(output_path), verbose);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;