コード例 #1
cpConstraint *cpSpaceSerializer::createPivotJoint(TiXmlElement *elm)
	cpConstraint *constraint;

    cpBody *a;
    cpBody *b;
    createBodies(elm, &a, &b);
    if (elm->FirstChildElement("worldAnchor"))
        cpVect worldPt = createPoint("worldAnchor", elm);

        constraint = cpPivotJointNew(a, b, worldPt);
        cpVect anchr1 = createPoint("anchr1", elm);
        cpVect anchr2 = createPoint("anchr2", elm);

        constraint = cpPivotJointNew2(a, b, anchr1, anchr2);
	//((cpPivotJoint*)constraint)->jAcc = createPoint("jAcc", elm);
	return constraint;
コード例 #2
bool PhysicsJointFixed::init(PhysicsBody* a, PhysicsBody* b, const Vec2& anchr)
        CC_BREAK_IF(!PhysicsJoint::init(a, b));
        // add a pivot joint to fixed two body together
        auto constraint = cpPivotJointNew(a->getCPBody(), b->getCPBody(),
        CC_BREAK_IF(constraint == nullptr);
        // add a gear joint to make two body have the same rotation.
        constraint = cpGearJointNew(a->getCPBody(), b->getCPBody(), 0, 1);
        CC_BREAK_IF(constraint == nullptr);
        return true;
    } while (false);
    return false;
コード例 #3
bool PhysicsJointFixed::init(PhysicsBody* a, PhysicsBody* b, const Point& anchr)
        CC_BREAK_IF(!PhysicsJoint::init(a, b));
        // add a pivot joint to fixed two body together
        cpConstraint* joint = cpPivotJointNew(getBodyInfo(a)->getBody(), getBodyInfo(b)->getBody(),
        CC_BREAK_IF(joint == nullptr);
        // add a gear joint to make two body have the same rotation.
        joint = cpGearJointNew(getBodyInfo(a)->getBody(), getBodyInfo(b)->getBody(), 0, 1);
        CC_BREAK_IF(joint == nullptr);
        return true;
    } while (false);
    return false;
コード例 #4
bool PhysicsJointFixed::createConstraints()

        // add a pivot joint to fixed two body together
        auto joint = cpPivotJointNew(_bodyA->getCPBody(), _bodyB->getCPBody(),
        CC_BREAK_IF(joint == nullptr);

        // add a gear joint to make two body have the same rotation.
        joint = cpGearJointNew(_bodyA->getCPBody(), _bodyB->getCPBody(), 0, 1);
        CC_BREAK_IF(joint == nullptr);

        _collisionEnable = false;

        return true;
    } while (false);

    return false;
コード例 #5
ファイル: Sticky.c プロジェクト: Adefy/AdefyiOS
static cpBool
StickyPreSolve(cpArbiter *arb, cpSpace *space, void *data)
	// We want to fudge the collisions a bit to allow shapes to overlap more.
	// This simulates their squishy sticky surface, and more importantly
	// keeps them from separating and destroying the joint.
	// Track the deepest collision point and use that to determine if a rigid collision should occur.
	cpFloat deepest = INFINITY;
	// Grab the contact set and iterate over them.
	cpContactPointSet contacts = cpArbiterGetContactPointSet(arb);
	for(int i=0; i<contacts.count; i++){
		// Increase the distance (negative means overlaping) of the
		// collision to allow them to overlap more.
		// This value is used only for fixing the positions of overlapping shapes.
		cpFloat dist = contacts.points[i].dist + 2.0f*STICK_SENSOR_THICKNESS;
		contacts.points[i].dist = cpfmin(0.0f, dist);
		deepest = cpfmin(deepest, dist);
	// Set the new contact point data.
	cpArbiterSetContactPointSet(arb, &contacts);
	// If the shapes are overlapping enough, then create a
	// joint that sticks them together at the first contact point.
	if(!cpArbiterGetUserData(arb) && deepest <= 0.0f){
		CP_ARBITER_GET_BODIES(arb, bodyA, bodyB);
		// Create a joint at the contact point to hold the body in place.
		cpConstraint *joint = cpPivotJointNew(bodyA, bodyB, contacts.points[0].point);
		// Give it a finite force for the stickyness.
		cpConstraintSetMaxForce(joint, 3e3);
		// Schedule a post-step() callback to add the joint.
		cpSpaceAddPostStepCallback(space, PostStepAddJoint, joint, NULL);
		// Store the joint on the arbiter so we can remove it later.
		cpArbiterSetUserData(arb, joint);
	// Position correction and velocity are handled separately so changing
	// the overlap distance alone won't prevent the collision from occuring.
	// Explicitly the collision for this frame if the shapes don't overlap using the new distance.
	return (deepest <= 0.0f);
	// Lots more that you could improve upon here as well:
	// * Modify the joint over time to make it plastic.
	// * Modify the joint in the post-step to make it conditionally plastic (like clay).
	// * Track a joint for the deepest contact point instead of the first.
	// * Track a joint for each contact point. (more complicated since you only get one data pointer).
コード例 #6
ファイル: world.c プロジェクト: fjolnir/Dynamo
WorldConstraint_t *worldConstr_createPivotJoint(WorldEntity_t *a, WorldEntity_t *b, vec2_t aPivot)
    dynamo_assert(a->world == b->world, "Entities are not in the same world");
    WorldConstraint_t *ret = obj_create_autoreleased(&Class_WorldConstraint);
    ret->world = a->world;
    ret->a = obj_retain(a);
    ret->b = obj_retain(b);
    ret->type = kWorldJointType_Pivot;
    ret->cpConstraint = cpPivotJointNew(a->cpBody, b->cpBody, VEC2_TO_CPV(aPivot));
    cpSpaceAddConstraint(ret->world->cpSpace, ret->cpConstraint);
    return ret;
コード例 #7
bool PhysicsJointPin::init(PhysicsBody *a, PhysicsBody *b, const Vec2& anchr)
        CC_BREAK_IF(!PhysicsJoint::init(a, b));
        auto constraint = cpPivotJointNew(a->getCPBody(), b->getCPBody(),
        CC_BREAK_IF(constraint == nullptr);
        return true;
    } while (false);
    return false;
コード例 #8
bool PhysicsJointPin::init(PhysicsBody *a, PhysicsBody *b, const Point& anchr)
        CC_BREAK_IF(!PhysicsJoint::init(a, b));
        cpConstraint* joint = cpPivotJointNew(getBodyInfo(a)->getBody(), getBodyInfo(b)->getBody(),
        CC_BREAK_IF(joint == nullptr);
        return true;
    } while (false);
    return false;
コード例 #9
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: davidreynolds/Atlas2D
static cannon_t *createCannon(cpVect p, cpFloat length, cpFloat radius) {
    cannon_t *c;
    cpVect a, b;

    a = cpv(0, 0);
    b = cpv(length, 0);

    c = (cannon_t *)malloc(sizeof(cannon_t));
    c->length = length;
    c->body = cpSpaceAddBody(g_Space, cpBodyNew(2.0f, INFINITY));
    c->body->p = p;

    /*c->shape = cpPolyShapeNew(c->body, NUM_DOMINO_VERTS, dominoVerts, cpvzero);*/
    c->shape = cpSpaceAddShape(g_Space, cpSegmentShapeNew(c->body, a, b, radius));
    c->shape->e = 0.0f;
    c->shape->u = 1.0f;

    cpSpaceAddConstraint(g_Space, cpPivotJointNew(c->body, &g_Space->staticBody, p));

    return c;
コード例 #10
 int MagneticGripperGrippableCollisionPreSolve(cpArbiter* pt_arb, cpSpace* pt_space, void* p_data) {
    /* Get the shapes involved */
    CP_ARBITER_GET_SHAPES(pt_arb, ptGripperShape, ptGrippableShape);
    /* Get a reference to the gripper data */
    SDynamics2DEngineGripperData& sGripperData = *reinterpret_cast<SDynamics2DEngineGripperData*>(ptGripperShape->data);
    /* The gripper is locked or unlocked? */
    if(sGripperData.GripperEntity.IsUnlocked()) {
       /* The gripper is locked. If it was gripping an object,
        * release it. Then, process the collision normally */
    	 if(sGripperData.GripperEntity.IsGripping()) {
       return 1;
    else if(! sGripperData.GripperEntity.IsGripping()) {
       /* The gripper is unlocked and free, create the joints */
       /* Prevent gripper from slipping */
       pt_arb->e = 0.0f; // No elasticity
       pt_arb->u = 1.0f; // Max friction
       pt_arb->surface_vr = cpvzero; // No surface velocity
       /* Calculate the anchor point on the grippable body
          as the centroid of the contact points */
       cpVect tGrippableAnchor = cpvzero;
       for(SInt32 i = 0; i < pt_arb->numContacts; ++i) {
          tGrippableAnchor = cpvadd(tGrippableAnchor, cpArbiterGetPoint(pt_arb, i));
       tGrippableAnchor = cpvmult(tGrippableAnchor, 1.0f / pt_arb->numContacts);
       /* Create a constraint */
       sGripperData.GripConstraint = cpSpaceAddConstraint(pt_space,
       sGripperData.GripConstraint->biasCoef = 0.95f; // Correct overlap
       sGripperData.GripConstraint->maxBias  = 0.01f; // Max correction speed
    /* Ignore the collision, the objects are gripped already */
    return 0;
コード例 #11
bool PhysicsJointPin::createConstraints()
        cpConstraint* joint = nullptr;
        if (_useSpecificAnchr)
            joint = cpPivotJointNew2(_bodyA->getCPBody(), _bodyB->getCPBody(),
                PhysicsHelper::point2cpv(_anchr1), PhysicsHelper::point2cpv(_anchr2));
            joint = cpPivotJointNew(_bodyA->getCPBody(), _bodyB->getCPBody(),

        CC_BREAK_IF(joint == nullptr);

        return true;
    } while (false);

    return false;
コード例 #12
ファイル: Crane.c プロジェクト: galexcode/SuperAngryBall
static cpSpace *
	ChipmunkDemoMessageString = "Control the crane by moving the mouse. Press the down arrow to release.";
	space = cpSpaceNew();
	cpSpaceSetIterations(space, 30);
	cpSpaceSetGravity(space, cpv(0, -100));
	cpSpaceSetDamping(space, 0.8);
	cpBody *staticBody = cpSpaceGetStaticBody(space);
	cpShape *shape;
	shape = cpSpaceAddShape(space, cpSegmentShapeNew(staticBody, cpv(-320,-240), cpv(320,-240), 0.0f));
	cpShapeSetElasticity(shape, 1.0f);
	cpShapeSetFriction(shape, 1.0f);
	cpShapeSetLayers(shape, NOT_GRABABLE_MASK);
	// Add a body for the dolly.
	dollyBody = cpSpaceAddBody(space, cpBodyNew(10, INFINITY));
	cpBodySetPos(dollyBody, cpv(0, 100));
	// Add a block so you can see it.
	cpSpaceAddShape(space, cpBoxShapeNew(dollyBody, 30, 30));
	// Add a groove joint for it to move back and forth on.
	cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpGrooveJointNew(staticBody, dollyBody, cpv(-250, 100), cpv(250, 100), cpvzero));
	// Add a pivot joint to act as a servo motor controlling it's position
	// By updating the anchor points of the pivot joint, you can move the dolly.
	dollyServo = cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpPivotJointNew(staticBody, dollyBody, cpBodyGetPos(dollyBody)));
	// Max force the dolly servo can generate.
	cpConstraintSetMaxForce(dollyServo, 10000);
	// Max speed of the dolly servo
	cpConstraintSetMaxBias(dollyServo, 100);
	// You can also change the error bias to control how it slows down.
	//cpConstraintSetErrorBias(dollyServo, 0.2);
	// Add the crane hook.
	cpBody *hookBody = cpSpaceAddBody(space, cpBodyNew(1, INFINITY));
	cpBodySetPos(hookBody, cpv(0, 50));
	// Add a sensor shape for it. This will be used to figure out when the hook touches a box.
	shape = cpSpaceAddShape(space, cpCircleShapeNew(hookBody, 10, cpvzero));
	cpShapeSetSensor(shape, cpTrue);
	cpShapeSetCollisionType(shape, HOOK_SENSOR);
	// Add a slide joint to act as a winch motor
	// By updating the max length of the joint you can make it pull up the load.
	winchServo = cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpSlideJointNew(dollyBody, hookBody, cpvzero, cpvzero, 0, INFINITY));
	// Max force the dolly servo can generate.
	cpConstraintSetMaxForce(winchServo, 30000);
	// Max speed of the dolly servo
	cpConstraintSetMaxBias(winchServo, 60);
	// TODO cleanup
	// Finally a box to play with
	cpBody *boxBody = cpSpaceAddBody(space, cpBodyNew(30, cpMomentForBox(30, 50, 50)));
	cpBodySetPos(boxBody, cpv(200, -200));
	// Add a block so you can see it.
	shape = cpSpaceAddShape(space, cpBoxShapeNew(boxBody, 50, 50));
	cpShapeSetFriction(shape, 0.7);
	cpShapeSetCollisionType(shape, CRATE);
	cpSpaceAddCollisionHandler(space, HOOK_SENSOR, CRATE, (cpCollisionBeginFunc)HookCrate, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	return space;
コード例 #13
ファイル: Crane.c プロジェクト: galexcode/SuperAngryBall
static void
AttachHook(cpSpace *space, cpBody *hook, cpBody *crate)
	hookJoint = cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpPivotJointNew(hook, crate, cpBodyGetPos(hook)));
コード例 #14
cpJoint * bmx_cppivotjoint_create(BBObject * handle, cpBody * bodyA, cpBody * bodyB, cpVect * pivot) {
	cpJoint * joint = cpPivotJointNew(bodyA, bodyB, *pivot);
	cpbind(joint, handle);
	return joint;
コード例 #15
ファイル: PivotJoint.cpp プロジェクト: eVillain/CppMunk
 PivotJoint::PivotJoint(std::shared_ptr<Body> bodyA,
                        std::shared_ptr<Body> bodyB,
                        cpVect pivot) :
 Constraint(cpPivotJointNew(*bodyA, *bodyB, pivot),
            bodyA, bodyB)
コード例 #16
ファイル: Joints.c プロジェクト: 50Cubes/ClusterFear
static cpSpace *
	space = cpSpaceNew();
	cpSpaceSetIterations(space, 10);
	cpSpaceSetGravity(space, cpv(0, -100));
	cpSpaceSetSleepTimeThreshold(space, 0.5f);
	cpBody *staticBody = cpSpaceGetStaticBody(space);
	cpShape *shape;
	shape = cpSpaceAddShape(space, cpSegmentShapeNew(staticBody, cpv(-320,240), cpv(320,240), 0.0f));
	cpShapeSetElasticity(shape, 1.0f);
	cpShapeSetFriction(shape, 1.0f);
	cpShapeSetLayers(shape, NOT_GRABABLE_MASK);
	shape = cpSpaceAddShape(space, cpSegmentShapeNew(staticBody, cpv(-320,120), cpv(320,120), 0.0f));
	cpShapeSetElasticity(shape, 1.0f);
	cpShapeSetFriction(shape, 1.0f);
	cpShapeSetLayers(shape, NOT_GRABABLE_MASK);
	shape = cpSpaceAddShape(space, cpSegmentShapeNew(staticBody, cpv(-320,0), cpv(320,0), 0.0f));
	cpShapeSetElasticity(shape, 1.0f);
	cpShapeSetFriction(shape, 1.0f);
	cpShapeSetLayers(shape, NOT_GRABABLE_MASK);
	shape = cpSpaceAddShape(space, cpSegmentShapeNew(staticBody, cpv(-320,-120), cpv(320,-120), 0.0f));
	cpShapeSetElasticity(shape, 1.0f);
	cpShapeSetFriction(shape, 1.0f);
	cpShapeSetLayers(shape, NOT_GRABABLE_MASK);
	shape = cpSpaceAddShape(space, cpSegmentShapeNew(staticBody, cpv(-320,-240), cpv(320,-240), 0.0f));
	cpShapeSetElasticity(shape, 1.0f);
	cpShapeSetFriction(shape, 1.0f);
	cpShapeSetLayers(shape, NOT_GRABABLE_MASK);
	shape = cpSpaceAddShape(space, cpSegmentShapeNew(staticBody, cpv(-320,-240), cpv(-320,240), 0.0f));
	cpShapeSetElasticity(shape, 1.0f);
	cpShapeSetFriction(shape, 1.0f);
	cpShapeSetLayers(shape, NOT_GRABABLE_MASK);
	shape = cpSpaceAddShape(space, cpSegmentShapeNew(staticBody, cpv(-160,-240), cpv(-160,240), 0.0f));
	cpShapeSetElasticity(shape, 1.0f);
	cpShapeSetFriction(shape, 1.0f);
	cpShapeSetLayers(shape, NOT_GRABABLE_MASK);
	shape = cpSpaceAddShape(space, cpSegmentShapeNew(staticBody, cpv(0,-240), cpv(0,240), 0.0f));
	cpShapeSetElasticity(shape, 1.0f);
	cpShapeSetFriction(shape, 1.0f);
	cpShapeSetLayers(shape, NOT_GRABABLE_MASK);
	shape = cpSpaceAddShape(space, cpSegmentShapeNew(staticBody, cpv(160,-240), cpv(160,240), 0.0f));
	cpShapeSetElasticity(shape, 1.0f);
	cpShapeSetFriction(shape, 1.0f);
	cpShapeSetLayers(shape, NOT_GRABABLE_MASK);
	shape = cpSpaceAddShape(space, cpSegmentShapeNew(staticBody, cpv(320,-240), cpv(320,240), 0.0f));
	cpShapeSetElasticity(shape, 1.0f);
	cpShapeSetFriction(shape, 1.0f);
	cpShapeSetLayers(shape, NOT_GRABABLE_MASK);
	cpVect boxOffset;
	cpBody *body1, *body2;
	cpVect posA = cpv( 50, 60);
	cpVect posB = cpv(110, 60);
	#define POS_A cpvadd(boxOffset, posA)
	#define POS_B cpvadd(boxOffset, posB)
	// Pin Joints - Link shapes with a solid bar or pin.
	// Keeps the anchor points the same distance apart from when the joint was created.
	boxOffset = cpv(-320, -240);
	body1 = addBall(posA, boxOffset);
	body2 = addBall(posB, boxOffset);
	cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpPinJointNew(body1, body2, cpv(15,0), cpv(-15,0)));
	// Slide Joints - Like pin joints but with a min/max distance.
	// Can be used for a cheap approximation of a rope.
	boxOffset = cpv(-160, -240);
	body1 = addBall(posA, boxOffset);
	body2 = addBall(posB, boxOffset);
	cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpSlideJointNew(body1, body2, cpv(15,0), cpv(-15,0), 20.0f, 40.0f));
	// Pivot Joints - Holds the two anchor points together. Like a swivel.
	boxOffset = cpv(0, -240);
	body1 = addBall(posA, boxOffset);
	body2 = addBall(posB, boxOffset);
	cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpPivotJointNew(body1, body2, cpvadd(boxOffset, cpv(80,60))));
	// cpPivotJointNew() takes it's anchor parameter in world coordinates. The anchors are calculated from that
	// cpPivotJointNew2() lets you specify the two anchor points explicitly
	// Groove Joints - Like a pivot joint, but one of the anchors is a line segment that the pivot can slide in
	boxOffset = cpv(160, -240);
	body1 = addBall(posA, boxOffset);
	body2 = addBall(posB, boxOffset);
	cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpGrooveJointNew(body1, body2, cpv(30,30), cpv(30,-30), cpv(-30,0)));
	// Damped Springs
	boxOffset = cpv(-320, -120);
	body1 = addBall(posA, boxOffset);
	body2 = addBall(posB, boxOffset);
	cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpDampedSpringNew(body1, body2, cpv(15,0), cpv(-15,0), 20.0f, 5.0f, 0.3f));
	// Damped Rotary Springs
	boxOffset = cpv(-160, -120);
	body1 = addBar(posA, boxOffset);
	body2 = addBar(posB, boxOffset);
	// Add some pin joints to hold the circles in place.
	cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpPivotJointNew(body1, staticBody, POS_A));
	cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpPivotJointNew(body2, staticBody, POS_B));
	cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpDampedRotarySpringNew(body1, body2, 0.0f, 3000.0f, 60.0f));
	// Rotary Limit Joint
	boxOffset = cpv(0, -120);
	body1 = addLever(posA, boxOffset);
	body2 = addLever(posB, boxOffset);
	// Add some pin joints to hold the circles in place.
	cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpPivotJointNew(body1, staticBody, POS_A));
	cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpPivotJointNew(body2, staticBody, POS_B));
	// Hold their rotation within 90 degrees of each other.
	cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpRotaryLimitJointNew(body1, body2, -M_PI_2, M_PI_2));
	// Ratchet Joint - A rotary ratchet, like a socket wrench
	boxOffset = cpv(160, -120);
	body1 = addLever(posA, boxOffset);
	body2 = addLever(posB, boxOffset);
	// Add some pin joints to hold the circles in place.
	cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpPivotJointNew(body1, staticBody, POS_A));
	cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpPivotJointNew(body2, staticBody, POS_B));
	// Ratchet every 90 degrees
	cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpRatchetJointNew(body1, body2, 0.0f, M_PI_2));
	// Gear Joint - Maintain a specific angular velocity ratio
	boxOffset = cpv(-320, 0);
	body1 = addBar(posA, boxOffset);
	body2 = addBar(posB, boxOffset);
	// Add some pin joints to hold the circles in place.
	cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpPivotJointNew(body1, staticBody, POS_A));
	cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpPivotJointNew(body2, staticBody, POS_B));
	// Force one to sping 2x as fast as the other
	cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpGearJointNew(body1, body2, 0.0f, 2.0f));
	// Simple Motor - Maintain a specific angular relative velocity
	boxOffset = cpv(-160, 0);
	body1 = addBar(posA, boxOffset);
	body2 = addBar(posB, boxOffset);
	// Add some pin joints to hold the circles in place.
	cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpPivotJointNew(body1, staticBody, POS_A));
	cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpPivotJointNew(body2, staticBody, POS_B));
	// Make them spin at 1/2 revolution per second in relation to each other.
	cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpSimpleMotorNew(body1, body2, M_PI));
	// Make a car with some nice soft suspension
	boxOffset = cpv(0, 0);
	cpBody *wheel1 = addWheel(posA, boxOffset);
	cpBody *wheel2 = addWheel(posB, boxOffset);
	cpBody *chassis = addChassis(cpv(80, 100), boxOffset);
	cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpGrooveJointNew(chassis, wheel1, cpv(-30, -10), cpv(-30, -40), cpvzero));
	cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpGrooveJointNew(chassis, wheel2, cpv( 30, -10), cpv( 30, -40), cpvzero));
	cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpDampedSpringNew(chassis, wheel1, cpv(-30, 0), cpvzero, 50.0f, 20.0f, 10.0f));
	cpSpaceAddConstraint(space, cpDampedSpringNew(chassis, wheel2, cpv( 30, 0), cpvzero, 50.0f, 20.0f, 10.0f));
	return space;