void xyline(int npts, float *x, float *y, const char *xlab, const char *ylab, int id) { float xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax; float overy, over = 0.1; /* Determine min and max values to plot and scaling: */ find_min_max_arr(npts, x, &xmin, &xmax); find_min_max_arr(npts, y, &ymin, &ymax); overy = over * (ymax - ymin); ymax += overy; ymin -= overy; /* Setup the plot screen: */ cpgenv(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, 0, 0); /* Choose the font: */ cpgscf(2); /* Label the axes: */ cpglab(xlab, ylab, ""); /* Add ID line if required */ if (id == 1) cpgiden(); /* Plot the points: */ cpgline(npts, x, y); }
void Plotter2::resetAttributes(const Plotter2ViewportInfo& vi) { cpgstbg(0); // reset background colour to the initial one (white) cpgsci(1); // reset foreground colour to the initial one (black) cpgsls(1); // reset line style to solid cpgslw(1); // reset line width to 1 cpgscf(1); // reset font style to normal cpgsch(vi.fontSizeDef);// reset font size cpgsfs(1); // reset fill style (solid) }
void plot_profile(int proflen, float *profile, const char *title, const char *probtxt, const char *foldtxt, int showerr, float *errors, int showid) { int ii; float *x, overy, ymin, ymax; float errmin = 0.0, errmax = 0.0, offset, avg = 0.0, av[2]; find_min_max_arr(proflen, profile, &ymin, &ymax); if (showerr) find_min_max_arr(proflen, errors, &errmin, &errmax); overy = 0.1 * (ymax + errmax - ymin - errmin); ymax = ymax + overy + errmax; ymin = ymin - overy - errmin; x = gen_fvect(proflen); for (ii = 0; ii < proflen; ii++) x[ii] = (float) ii / (float) proflen; cpgenv(0.0, 1.00001, ymin, ymax, 0, 0); cpgscf(2); cpglab("Pulse Phase", "Counts", ""); if (showid) cpgiden(); cpgslw(5); if (showerr) { cpgbin(proflen, x, profile, 0); } else { cpgline(proflen, x, profile); } cpgslw(1); if (showerr) { offset = 0.5 / (float) proflen; for (ii = 0; ii < proflen; ii++) x[ii] += offset; cpgerrb(6, proflen, x, profile, errors, 2); cpgpt(proflen, x, profile, 5); } for (ii = 0; ii < proflen; ii++) avg += profile[ii]; avg /= proflen; cpgsls(4); x[0] = 0.0; x[1] = 1.0; av[0] = avg; av[1] = avg; cpgline(2, x, av); cpgsls(1); cpgsch(1.3); cpgmtxt("T", +2.0, 0.5, 0.5, title); cpgsch(1.0); cpgmtxt("T", +0.8, 0.5, 0.5, foldtxt); cpgmtxt("T", -1.5, 0.5, 0.5, probtxt); vect_free(x); }
void xyline2lab(int npts, float *x, float *y, float *y2, const char *xlab, const char *ylab, const char *ylab2, int id) { float xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, ymin2, ymax2; float overy, over = 0.1; /* Determine min and max values to plot and scaling: */ find_min_max_arr(npts, x, &xmin, &xmax); find_min_max_arr(npts, y, &ymin, &ymax); find_min_max_arr(npts, y2, &ymin2, &ymax2); overy = over * (ymax - ymin); ymax += overy; ymin -= overy; overy = over * (ymax2 - ymin2); ymax2 += overy; ymin2 -= overy; /* Choose the font: */ cpgscf(2); /* Setup the plot screen for the first set of y's: */ cpgpage(); cpgvstd(); cpgswin(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax); cpgbox("BCNST", 0.0, 0, "BNST", 0.0, 0); cpgmtxt("B", 3.0, 0.5, 0.5, xlab); cpgmtxt("L", 2.6, 0.5, 0.5, ylab); /* Plot the points for the 1st y axis: */ cpgline(npts, x, y); /* Setup the plot screen for the second set of y's: */ cpgvstd(); cpgswin(xmin, xmax, ymin2, ymax2); cpgbox("", 0.0, 0, "CMST", 0.0, 0); cpgmtxt("R", 3.0, 0.5, 0.5, ylab2); /* Plot the points for the 2nd y axis: */ cpgline(npts, x, y2); /* Add ID line if required */ if (id == 1) cpgiden(); }
void powerplot(int npts, float *freqs, float *amp, float norm, int id) { float *pwr, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax; float overy, over = 0.1; int i, ptr; pwr = (float *) malloc((size_t) npts * sizeof(float)); if (!pwr) { printf("Error allocating 'pwr' in powerplot. Exiting.\n\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Turn the complex amps into a power series: */ for (i = 0; i < npts; i++) { ptr = i * 2; pwr[i] = plot_power(amp[ptr], amp[ptr + 1]) / norm; } /* Determine min and max values to plot and scaling: */ find_min_max_arr(npts, freqs, &xmin, &xmax); find_min_max_arr(npts, pwr, &ymin, &ymax); overy = over * (ymax - ymin); ymax += overy; /* Setup the plot screen: */ cpgenv(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, 0, 1); /* Choose the font: */ cpgscf(2); /* Label the axes: */ cpglab("Frequency", "Power", ""); /* Add ID line if required */ if (id == 1) cpgiden(); /* Plot the points: */ cpgline(npts, freqs, pwr); free(pwr); }
/* * Class: pulsarhunter_PgplotInterface * Method: pgscf * Signature: (I)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_pulsarhunter_PgplotInterface_pgscf (JNIEnv *env, jclass cl , jint val){ cpgscf(val); }
void doPlot(pulsar *psr,int npsr,float *scale,int nScale,char *grDev,int plotUs,float fontSize,float centreMJD,int ptStyle,float ptSize,int error,float minyv,float maxyv,float minxv,float maxxv,int nOverlay,float labelsize,float fracX) { int i,j,fitFlag=2,exitFlag=0,scale1=0,scale2,count[MAX_PSR],p,xautoscale=0,k,graphics=1; int yautoscale=0,plotpre=1; int ps,pe,pi; int time=0; char xstr[1000],ystr[1000]; float px[2],py[2],pye1[2],pye2[2]; float x[MAX_PSR][MAX_OBSN],y[MAX_PSR][MAX_OBSN],yerr1[MAX_PSR][MAX_OBSN],yerr2[MAX_PSR][MAX_OBSN],tmax,tmin,tmaxy1,tminy1,tmaxy2,tminy2; float sminy[MAX_PSR],smaxy[MAX_PSR]; float minx[MAX_PSR],maxx[MAX_PSR],miny[MAX_PSR],maxy[MAX_PSR],plotx1,plotx2,ploty1,ploty2,mean; float fx[2],fy[2]; float mouseX,mouseY; char key; // float widthPap=0.0,aspectPap=0.618; float widthPap=0.0,aspectPap=1; float xx[MAX_OBSN],yy[MAX_OBSN],yyerr1[MAX_OBSN],yyerr2[MAX_OBSN]; int num=0,colour; /* Obtain a graphical PGPLOT window */ cpgbeg(0,grDev,1,1); // cpgpap(widthPap,aspectPap); cpgsch(fontSize); cpgscf(2); cpgslw(2); cpgask(0); for (p=0;p<npsr;p++) { scale2 = psr[p].nobs; /* sprintf(xstr,"MJD-%.1Lf",psr[0].param[param_pepoch].val[0]); */ if (centreMJD == -1) sprintf(xstr,"Year"); else sprintf(xstr,"MJD-%.1f",centreMJD); sprintf(ystr,"Residual (\\gmsec)"); count[p]=0; printf("points = %d\n",psr[p].nobs); for (i=0;i<psr[p].nobs;i++) { if (psr[p].obsn[i].deleted == 0 && (psr[p].param[param_start].paramSet[0]!=1 || psr[p].param[param_start].fitFlag[0]!=1 || psr[p].param[param_start].val[0] < psr[p].obsn[i].bat) && (psr[p].param[param_finish].paramSet[0]!=1 || psr[p].param[param_finish].fitFlag[0]!=1 || psr[p].param[param_finish].val[0] > psr[p].obsn[i].bat)) { /* x[p][count[p]] = (double)(psr[p].obsn[i].bat-psr[0].param[param_pepoch].val[0]); */ if (centreMJD == -1) x[p][count[p]] = calcYr(psr[p].obsn[i].bat); else x[p][count[p]] = (double)(psr[p].obsn[i].bat-centreMJD); y[p][count[p]] = (double)psr[p].obsn[i].residual*1.0e6; if (nScale>0) y[p][count[p]] *= scale[p]; count[p]++; } } /* Remove mean from the residuals and calculate error bars */ mean = findMean(y[p],psr,p,scale1,count[p]); count[p]=0; for (i=0;i<psr[p].nobs;i++) { if (psr[p].obsn[i].deleted==0 && (psr[p].param[param_start].paramSet[0]!=1 || psr[p].param[param_start].fitFlag[0]!=1 || psr[p].param[param_start].val[0] < psr[p].obsn[i].bat) && (psr[p].param[param_finish].paramSet[0]!=1 || psr[p].param[param_finish].fitFlag[0]!=1 || psr[p].param[param_finish].val[0] > psr[p].obsn[i].bat)) { psr[p].obsn[i].residual-=mean/1.0e6; y[p][count[p]]-=mean; yerr1[p][count[p]] = y[p][count[p]]-(float)psr[p].obsn[i].toaErr; yerr2[p][count[p]] = y[p][count[p]]+(float)psr[p].obsn[i].toaErr; count[p]++; } } /* Get scaling for graph */ if (minxv == maxxv) { minx[p] = findMin(x[p],psr,p,scale1,count[p]); maxx[p] = findMax(x[p],psr,p,scale1,count[p]); } else { minx[p] = minxv; maxx[p] = maxxv; } if (minyv == maxyv){ miny[p] = findMin(y[p],psr,p,scale1,count[p]); maxy[p] = findMax(y[p],psr,p,scale1,count[p]); } else { miny[p] = minyv; maxy[p] = maxyv; } sminy[p] = miny[p]/1e6; smaxy[p] = maxy[p]/1e6; } for (p=0;p<npsr;p++) { for (i=0;i<count[p];i++) { y[p][i] = (y[p][i]-miny[p])/(maxy[p]-miny[p]); yerr1[p][i] = (yerr1[p][i]-miny[p])/(maxy[p]-miny[p]); yerr2[p][i] = (yerr2[p][i]-miny[p])/(maxy[p]-miny[p]); } // maxy[p] = 1.0; // miny[p] = 0.0; } tmin = findMinVal(minx,npsr); tmax = findMaxVal(maxx,npsr); tminy2 = 0.0; //findMinVal(miny,npsr); tmaxy2 = 1.0; //findMaxVal(maxy,npsr); plotx1 = tmin-(tmax-tmin)*0.1; plotx2 = tmax+(tmax-tmin)*0.1; // ploty1 = tminy2-(tmaxy2-tminy2)*0.1; // ploty2 = tmaxy2+(tmaxy2-tminy2)*0.1; ploty1 = 0.1; ploty2 = 0.9; for (p=0;p<npsr;p++) { for (i=0;i<count[p];i++) { y[p][i]=(p)+ploty1+y[p][i]*(ploty2-ploty1); yerr1[p][i]=(p)+ploty1+yerr1[p][i]*(ploty2-ploty1); yerr2[p][i]=(p)+ploty1+yerr2[p][i]*(ploty2-ploty1); } } printf("ytick = %g\n",ploty2-ploty1); /* cpgenv(plotx1,plotx2,ploty1,ploty2+(ploty2-ploty1)*(npsr-1),0,0); */ // cpgenv(plotx1,plotx2,0,npsr+1,0,-1); if (labelsize!=-1) cpgsch(labelsize); cpgsvp(fracX,1.0,0.1,1.0); cpgswin(0,1,0,npsr); cpgbox("ABC",0.0,0,"C",0.0,0); cpgsch(fontSize); char str[1000]; for (p=0;p<npsr;p++) { cpgsch(fontSize); // cpgtext(tmax+(tmax-tmin)*0.05,p+1.5-0.5,psr[p].name); cpgtext(0,p+0.6,psr[p].name); // cpgsch(fontSize); if (plotUs==0) { sprintf(str,"%.2f",(double)((smaxy[p]-sminy[p])*psr[p].param[param_f].val[0])); cpgtext(0,p+0.4,str); // cpgtext(tmax+(tmax-tmin)*0.05,p+1.1-0.5,str); } else { sprintf(str,"%.2f\\gms",(double)((smaxy[p]-sminy[p])/1e-6)); // cpgtext(tmax+(tmax-tmin)*0.05,p+1.1-0.5,str); cpgtext(0,p+0.1,str); } cpgsch(1); px[0] = 0; // px[1] = tmax; //+(tmax-tmin)*0.03; px[1] = 1; py[0] = p; py[1] = p; cpgline(2,px,py); } if (labelsize!=-1) cpgsch(labelsize); cpgsvp(0.1,fracX,0.1,1.0); cpgswin(plotx1,plotx2,0,npsr); cpgbox("ATNSBC",0.0,0,"B",0.0,0); cpglab(xstr,"",""); cpgsch(fontSize); for (p=0;p<npsr;p++) { cpgsls(1); px[0] = plotx1; // px[1] = tmax; //+(tmax-tmin)*0.03; px[1] = plotx2; py[0] = p; py[1] = p; cpgline(2,px,py); cpgsls(4); px[0] = tmin; px[1] = tmax+(tmax-tmin)*0.03; py[0]=py[1] =(p)+ploty1+(-miny[p]/(maxy[p]-miny[p]))*(ploty2-ploty1); // py[0]=py[1] = (p)+ploty1; // py[0] = py[1] = (0-miny[p])/(maxy[p]-miny[p])/(ploty2-ploty1)+p; cpgline(2,px,py); px[0] = plotx1+0.005*(plotx2-plotx1); py[0] = p; pye1[0] = p + 5/(ploty2-ploty1); pye2[0] = p - 5/(ploty2-ploty1); cpgsls(1); cpgsch(3); // cpgerry(1,px,pye1,pye2,1); cpgsch(1); for (colour=0;colour<5;colour++) { num=0; for (i=0;i<count[p];i++) { if ((colour==0 && psr[p].obsn[i].freq<=500) || (colour==1 && psr[p].obsn[i].freq>500 && psr[p].obsn[i].freq<=1000) || (colour==2 && psr[p].obsn[i].freq>1000 && psr[p].obsn[i].freq<=1500) || (colour==3 && psr[p].obsn[i].freq>1500 && psr[p].obsn[i].freq<=3300) || (colour==4 && psr[p].obsn[i].freq>3300)) { xx[num]=x[p][i]; yy[num]=y[p][i]; yyerr1[num]=yerr1[p][i]; yyerr2[num]=yerr2[p][i]; // printf("plotting: %g\n",yy[num]); num++; } } cpgsci(colour+1); cpgsch(ptSize); cpgpt(num,xx,yy,ptStyle); if (error==1) cpgerry(num,xx,yyerr1,yyerr2,1); cpgsch(fontSize); // Plot arrow giving one period fx[0] = fx[1] = tmin-(tmax-tmin)*0.05; // fy[0] = (p+1)+0.5-(float)(1.0/psr[p].param[param_f].val[0])/2.0/(ploty2-ploty1); // fy[1] = (p+1)+0.5+(float)(1.0/psr[p].param[param_f].val[0])/2.0/(ploty2-ploty1); // fy[0] = (-(float)(1.0/psr[p].param[param_f].val[0])/2.0/1.0e6 - miny[p])/(maxy[p]-miny[p])/(ploty2-ploty1) + (p+1)+0.5; // fy[1] = ((float)(1.0/psr[p].param[param_f].val[0])/2.0/1.0e6 - miny[p])/(maxy[p]-miny[p])/(ploty2-ploty1) + (p+1)+0.5; fy[0] = (p+1)+0.5+(float)(1.0/psr[p].param[param_f].val[0])/2.0/(maxy[p]-miny[p])*1e6; fy[1] = (p+1)+0.5-(float)(1.0/psr[p].param[param_f].val[0])/2.0/(maxy[p]-miny[p])*1e6; if (fy[0] > (p+1)+1) fy[0] = (p+1)+1; if (fy[1] < (p+1)) fy[1] = (p+1); // cpgsls(1); cpgline(2,fx,fy); cpgsls(1); } cpgsci(1); } cpgend(); }
int makePlot (char *fname, char *dname, int number) { FILE *fpt; double *on_energy; double *off_energy; double ave_on, ave_off; double on, off; int i, j; on_energy = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*number); off_energy = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*number); if ((fpt = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) { fprintf (stdout, "Can't open file\n"); exit(1); } i = 0; while (fscanf(fpt, "%lf %lf", &on, &off) == 2) { on_energy[i] = on; off_energy[i] = off; i++; } if (fclose (fpt) != 0) fprintf (stderr, "Error closing\n"); ave_on = 0.0; ave_off = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < number; i++) { ave_on += on_energy[i]; ave_off += off_energy[i]; } ave_on = ave_on/number; ave_off = ave_off/number; for (i = 0; i < number; i++) { on_energy[i] = on_energy[i]/ave_on; off_energy[i] = off_energy[i]/ave_on; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// float *xHis_on; // x axis of the histogram float *val_on; // data value of the histogram float *xHis_off; // x axis of the histogram float *val_off; // data value of the histogram int step = 100; // steps in the histogram //char caption[1024]; //char text[1024]; float max, max1, max2; // make histogram xHis_on = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*step); val_on = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*step); xHis_off = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*step); val_off = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*step); histogram (on_energy, number, xHis_on, val_on, -1.0, 4.0, step); histogram (off_energy, number, xHis_off, val_off, -1.0, 4.0, step); // plot //cpgbeg(0,"/xs",1,1); cpgbeg(0,dname,1,1); cpgsch(1); // set character height cpgscf(1); // set character font // find the max max1 = find_max_value(step,val_off); max2 = find_max_value(step,val_on); max = (max1 >= max2 ? max1 : max2); //cpgenv(-5,5,0,4500,0,1); // set window and viewport and draw labeled frame cpgenv(-1,4,0,max+0.1*max,0,1); // set window and viewport and draw labeled frame //sprintf(caption, "%s", "Flux density histogram"); cpglab("Flux (mJy)","Number",""); cpgbin(step,xHis_on,val_on,0); cpgsci(2); cpgbin(step,xHis_off,val_off,0); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// cpgend(); //////////////////// free(on_energy); free(off_energy); free(xHis_on); free(val_on); free(xHis_off); free(val_off); return 0; }
main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *output; int numerate,i,j,k,l,nsperdmp,nsamps,indexing,plot,indexnow; int ifchan[16],frchan[4096],ifnum,chnum,ns,sample,ntotal; float time_of_pulse, width_of_pulse, time, time_start, time_end; float series_amp[100000],series_time[100000],ampmin,ampmax; char message[80],outfile[80],filename[80],timestring[80],pgdev[80]; unsigned char c; unsigned short s; float f[8]; if (argc<2) { puts(""); puts("getpulse - make and/or plot a time series from dedispersed file\n"); puts("usage: getpulse {filename} -{options}\n"); puts("filename is the dedispersed data file\n"); puts("options:\n"); puts("-t time - time (in seconds) on which to center time series (REQUIRED)\n"); puts("-w width - width (in seconds) of time series to plot (def=1)\n"); puts("-c fchan - to only output frequency channel fchan (def=all)\n"); puts("-i ifchan - to only output IF channel ifchan (def=all)\n"); puts("-p pgdev - pgplot device (def=/xs)\n"); puts("-numerate - to precede each dump with sample number (def=time)\n"); puts("-noindex - do not precede each dump with time/number\n"); puts("-plot - PGPLOT the results\n"); puts(""); exit(0); } /* zero IF and frequency channel arrays */ for (i=0;i<16;i++) ifchan[i]=0; for (i=0;i<4096;i++) frchan[i]=0; /* default case is to read from standard input */ input=stdin; numerate=0; ampmin = 1.e6; ampmax = -1.e6; plot=0; indexnow=0; indexing=1; strcpy(pgdev,"/xs"); /* parse command line if arguments were given */ if (argc>1) { i=1; while (i<argc) { if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-i")) { i++; ifchan[atoi(argv[i])-1]=1; } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-c")) { i++; frchan[atoi(argv[i])-1]=1; } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-t")) { i++; time_of_pulse = atof(argv[i]); strcpy(timestring,argv[i]); fprintf(stderr,"centering on time %f s\n",time_of_pulse); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-w")) { i++; width_of_pulse = atof(argv[i]); fprintf(stderr,"with width %f s\n",width_of_pulse); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-p")) { i++; strcpy(pgdev,argv[i]); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-numerate")) { numerate=1; } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-noindex")) { indexing=0; } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-plot")) { plot=1; } else if (file_exists(argv[i])) { input=open_file(argv[i],"rb"); strcpy(filename,argv[i]); } else { sprintf(message,"unknown argument (%s) passed to getpulse",argv[i]); error_message(message); } i++; } } strcat(filename,".pulse."); strcat(filename,timestring); strcpy(outfile,filename); output=fopen(outfile,"w"); time_start = time_of_pulse - width_of_pulse/2.; time_end = time_of_pulse + width_of_pulse/2.; sample = 0; /* try to read the header */ if (!read_header(input)) error_message("error reading header\n"); /* check what IF and frequency channels (if any the user has selected) */ j=0; for (i=0; i<nifs; i++) if (ifchan[i]) j++; if (j==0) for (i=0; i<nifs; i++) ifchan[i]=1; j=0; for (i=0; i<nchans; i++) if (frchan[i]) j++; if (j==0) for (i=0; i<nchans; i++) frchan[i]=1; /* number of samples to read per dump */ nsperdmp=nifs*nchans; /* initialize loop counters and flags */ ifnum=chnum=nsamps=l=0; while (!feof(input)) { /* unpack the sample(s) if necessary */ switch (nbits) { case 1: fread(&c,1,1,input); for (i=0;i<8;i++) { f[i]=c&1; c>>=1; } ns=8; break; case 4: fread(&c,1,1,input); char2ints(c,&j,&k); f[0]=(float) j; f[1]=(float) k; ns=2; break; case 8: fread(&c,nbits/8,1,input); f[0]=(float) c; ns=1; break; case 16: fread(&s,nbits/8,1,input); f[0]=(float) s; ns=1; break; case 32: fread(&f[0],nbits/8,1,input); ns=1; break; default: sprintf(message,"cannot read %d bits per sample...\n",nbits); error_message(message); break; } if (plot) { ntotal = (time_end-time_start)/tsamp; if (ntotal > 100000) { fprintf(stderr,"Too many samples to plot!\n"); plot=0; } } for (i=0; i<ns; i++) { /* time stamp or index the data */ time = (double) tsamp * (double) l; if (time > time_end) { if (plot) { indexnow=indexnow-1; cpgbeg(0,pgdev,1,1); cpgsvp(0.1,0.9,0.1,0.9); cpgswin(series_time[0],series_time[indexnow],ampmin-0.1*ampmax,ampmax+0.1*ampmax); cpgbox("bcnst",0.0,0,"bcnst",0,0.0); cpgline(indexnow,series_time,series_amp); cpgscf(2); cpgmtxt("B",2.5,0.5,0.5,"Time (s)"); cpgmtxt("L",1.8,0.5,0.5,"Amplitude"); cpgend();} exit(0); } /* print sample if it is one of the ones selected */ if (ifchan[ifnum] && frchan[chnum] && time >= time_start && time <= time_end) { if (indexing) { if (numerate) fprintf(output,"%d %f\n",l,f[i]); else fprintf(output,"%f %f\n",time,f[i]); } else { fprintf(output,"%f\n",f[i]); } if (plot) { series_amp[indexnow]=f[i]; series_time[indexnow]=time; if (f[i] < ampmin) ampmin = f[i]; if (f[i] > ampmax) ampmax = f[i]; indexnow++; } } nsamps++; chnum++; if (chnum==nchans) { chnum=0; ifnum++; if (ifnum==nifs) ifnum=0; } if ((nsamps%nsperdmp)==0) { nsamps=0; l++; } } } fclose(output); }
/* set character font */ static void _pgscf (int *i) { cpgscf (*i); }