コード例 #1
ファイル: DatasetIdentifier.cpp プロジェクト: hpcdev/xdm
xdm::RefPtr< DatasetIdentifier > createDatasetIdentifier(
  const DatasetParameters& parameters ) {
  // check if the dataset already exists within the given parent
  htri_t exists = H5Lexists(
    H5P_DEFAULT );
  if ( exists ) {
    if ( parameters.mode == xdm::Dataset::kCreate ) {
      // the dataset exists and a create was requested, delete the existing one
      H5Ldelete( parameters.parent, parameters.name.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT );
    } else {
      // read or modify access, open and return the existing dataset
      return openExistingDataset( parameters );

  // the dataset doesn't exist. Read only access is an error.
  if ( parameters.mode == xdm::Dataset::kRead ) {
    XDM_THROW( xdm::DatasetNotFound( parameters.name ) );

  // Determine the dataset access properties based off chunking and compression
  // parameters.
  xdm::RefPtr< PListIdentifier > createPList( new PListIdentifier( H5P_DEFAULT ) );
  if ( parameters.chunked ) {
    createPList->reset( H5Pcreate( H5P_DATASET_CREATE ) );
    setupChunks( createPList->get(), parameters.chunkSize, parameters.dataspace );
    // Chunking is enabled, so check for compression and enable it if possible.
    if ( parameters.compress ) {
      setupCompression( createPList->get(), parameters.compressionLevel );

  // the mode is create or modify. In both cases we want to create it if it
  // doesn't yet exist. It is safe to create the dataset here because we deleted
  // the dataset earlier if it existed.
  hid_t datasetId = H5Dcreate(
    H5P_DEFAULT );

  return xdm::RefPtr< DatasetIdentifier >( new DatasetIdentifier( datasetId ) );

コード例 #2
int sci_glcpd_dense(char * fname)
  int n_x_in = 0,        m_x_in = 0,        * pi_x_in        = NULL; double * x_in       = NULL;
  int n_x_upper_in = 0,  m_x_upper_in = 0,  * pi_x_upper_in  = NULL; double * x_upper_in = NULL;
  int n_x_lower_in = 0,  m_x_lower_in = 0,  * pi_x_lower_in  = NULL; double * x_lower_in = NULL;
  int n_a_in  = 0,       m_a_in = 0,        * pi_a_in        = NULL; double * a_in       = NULL;
  int n_x_out = 0,       m_x_out = 0;      double * x_out      = NULL;
  int n_f_out = 0,       m_f_out = 0;      double * f_out      = NULL;
  int n_ifail_out = 0,   m_ifail_out = 0;  int ifail           = 0;
  int n_tmp_var = 0, m_tmp_var = 0, * pi_tmp_var = NULL; double * tmp_var = NULL;
  int  * param_in_addr  = NULL;
  int  * param_out_addr = NULL;
  char * cstype         = NULL;
  double rgtol  = 1.0e-4;
  double fmin   = -1.0e6;
  double ainfty = 1e20;
  double ubd    = 1e5;
  int    mlp    = 50;
  int    mxf    = 50;
  int    mxgr   = 1e6;
  int    mxws   = 30000;
  int    mxlws  = 30000;
  int    iprint = 0;
  int    kmax   = 1;
  int    maxg   = 5;
  int    mode   = 0;
  int    Log    = 0;
  int    peq    = 0;
  int    mxm1   = 0;
  double tmp_double = 0.0, f_tmp_out = 0.0;
  int tmp_int = 0, tmp_res = 0, grad_type = 0;
  int sci_obj = 0, lhs_obj = 0, rhs_obj = 0;
  // Workspaces
  // - r(m+n)     - double
  // - w(m+n)     - double
  // - e(m+n)     - double
  // - ls(m+n)    - int 
  // - alp(mlp)   - double
  // - lp(mlp)    - int
  // - ws(mxws)   - double
  // - lws(mxlws) - int
  // - cws(m)     - char
  // - v(maxg)    - double
  // - g(n)       - double
  double * ws  = NULL, * r = NULL, * w = NULL, * e = NULL, * alp = NULL, * g = NULL, * a = NULL;
  int    * lws = NULL, * ls = NULL, * lp = NULL;
  double * v   = NULL; int nv = 0;
  double * x_glcpd = NULL, * x_lower_glcpd = NULL, * x_upper_glcpd = NULL;
  int maxa = 0, maxu = 0, maxiu = 0, nout = 0, n = 0, m = 0, i = 0, j = 0, k = 0, la = 0;
  double * tmp_ptr_dbl = NULL;
  fobj_glcpd_ptr func_obj  = NULL;
  grad_glcpd_ptr func_grad = NULL;
  // Parameters out:
  // - "ifail"
  // - "rgnorm" - infoc
  // - "vstep"  - infoc
  // - "iter"   - infoc
  // - "npv"    - infoc
  // - "nfn"    - infoc
  // - "ngr"    - infoc
  // - "cstype"
  const char * LabelList_out[6] = {"rgnorm", "vstep", "iter", "npv", "nfn", "ngr"};
  int nbvars_old = Nbvars, nbconstr = 0;
  int is_external_func = 0, is_scilab_func = 0;
  SciErr _SciErr;
  nout = 0; // stderr
  //nout = 6; // stdout
  if (Rhs<LAST_PARAM_IN)
      Scierror(999,"%s: %d parameters are required\n", fname, LAST_PARAM_IN);
      return 0;
    } /* End If */

  // Initialize commons //

  C2F(defaultc).ainfty = 1.0e+020;
  C2F(defaultc).ubd    = 10000.0;
  C2F(defaultc).mlp    = 50;
  C2F(defaultc).mxf    = 50;

  C2F(wsc).kk          = 0;
  C2F(wsc).ll          = 0;
  C2F(wsc).kkk         = 0;
  C2F(wsc).lll         = 0;
  C2F(wsc).mxws        = 0;
  C2F(wsc).mxlws       = 0;

  C2F(epsc).eps        = 1.11e-16;
  C2F(epsc).tol        = 9.9e-13;
  C2F(epsc).emin       = 0.0;

  C2F(repc).sgnf       = 1.0e-8;
  C2F(repc).nrep       = 2;
  C2F(repc).npiv       = 3;
  C2F(repc).nres       = 2;

  // Get the parameters //

  _SciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, X_IN, &pi_x_in); GLCPD_ERROR;
  _SciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, pi_x_in, &n_x_in, &m_x_in, &x_in); GLCPD_ERROR;
  n = n_x_in*m_x_in;
  _SciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, X_LOWER_IN, &pi_x_lower_in); GLCPD_ERROR;
  _SciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, pi_x_lower_in, &n_x_lower_in, &m_x_lower_in, &x_lower_in); GLCPD_ERROR;

  x_lower_glcpd = (double*)MALLOC(m_x_lower_in*n_x_lower_in*sizeof(double));
  for(i=0; i<m_x_lower_in*n_x_lower_in; i++) x_lower_glcpd[i] = x_lower_in[i];

  _SciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, X_UPPER_IN, &pi_x_upper_in); GLCPD_ERROR;
  _SciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, pi_x_upper_in, &n_x_upper_in, &m_x_upper_in, &x_upper_in); GLCPD_ERROR;

  x_upper_glcpd = (double*)MALLOC(m_x_upper_in*n_x_upper_in*sizeof(double));
  for(i=0; i<m_x_upper_in*n_x_upper_in; i++) x_upper_glcpd[i] = x_upper_in[i];

#ifdef DEBUG
  for(i=0;i<m_x_upper_in*n_x_upper_in; i++) printf("DEBUG: %d - x_lower = %f, x_upper = %f\n", i, x_lower_glcpd[i], x_upper_glcpd[i]);

  // Get the linear constraints
  _SciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, A_IN, &pi_a_in); GLCPD_ERROR;
  _SciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, pi_a_in, &n_a_in, &m_a_in, &a_in); GLCPD_ERROR;
  if (m_a_in != n)
      Scierror(999,"glcpd: the constraint matrix must be of size %d x %d - current size: %d x %d\n", n_a_in, n, n_a_in, m_a_in);
      Nbvars = nbvars_old;
      return 0;
  nbconstr = n_a_in;
  m = nbconstr;

  C2F(mxm1c).mxm1 = MIN(nbconstr+1,n);

  // ************************************************
  // Specification of A and LA in dense matrix format
  // ************************************************
  // The matrix A contains gradients of the linear terms in the objective
  // function (column 0) and the general constraints (columns 1:m).
  // No explicit reference to simple bound constraints is required in A.
  // The information is set in the parameters a(*) and la.
  // In this dense case A is set in standard matrix format as a(la,0:m), where la
  // is the stride between columns. la is an integer which must be greater or
  // equal to n.
  // In the straightforward case that la=n, columns of A follow successively
  // in the space occupied by a(.).

  // Alloc a to store de coefficient of the constraints
  a  = (double *)MALLOC((nbconstr+1)*n*sizeof(double));
  for(i=0; i<n; i++) 
      a[i] = 0.0;

  k = 0;
  for(i=0; i<n_a_in; i++)
      for(j=0; j<m_a_in; j++)
	  a[n + k] = a_in[i + j*n_a_in];

  la = n; // Set stride
  if (m_x_upper_in*n_x_upper_in!=n+m)
      sciprint("%s : Error - x_upper must be of dimension %d", fname, n+m);
      return 0;
  if (m_x_lower_in*n_x_lower_in!=n+m)
      sciprint("%s : Error - x_lower must be of dimension %d", fname, n+m);
      return 0;

  // Get Fobj
  // Here, we get either a Scilab script function or a string which gives the name of the C/C++/Fortran function
  // loaded via "link".
  func_obj = (fobj_glcpd_ptr)GetFunctionPtr("glcpd_fobj", FOBJ_IN, FTab_glcpd_function, (voidf)C2F(dense_glcpd_functions), &sci_obj, &lhs_obj, &rhs_obj);

  if ((lhs_obj!=2)&&(rhs_obj!=1))
      sciprint("%s : Error - function must have 2 outputs parameters (f and c) and 1 input parameter (x)", fname);
      return 0;

  param_fobj.fobj_type = 0;
  param_fobj.n_x       = n;
  param_fobj.sci_obj   = sci_obj;
  param_fobj.lhs_obj   = lhs_obj;
  param_fobj.rhs_obj   = rhs_obj;
  param_fobj.stack_pos = Rhs + 1; // We preallocate the objective function value on position 3 on the stack
                                  // So, scifunction will create all the needed variables on LAST_PARAM_OUT + 1 to
                                  // avoid the destruction of this preallocated output variable
  if (func_obj==(fobj_glcpd_ptr)0) 
      sciprint("%s : Error - Last argument must be a pointer to a scilab function", fname);
      return 0;

  if (func_obj!=(voidf)C2F(dense_glcpd_functions))
      param_fobj.fobj_type = 1;
      param_fobj.function  = func_obj;
      param_fobj.fobj_type = 0;
      param_fobj.function  = NULL;
  // Get gradient
  // Here, we get either a Scilab script function or a string which gives the name of the C/C++/Fortran function
  // loaded via "link".
  func_grad = (grad_glcpd_ptr)GetFunctionPtr("glcpd_grad", GRAD_IN, FTab_glcpd_function, (voidf)C2F(dense_glcpd_gradients), &sci_obj, &lhs_obj, &rhs_obj);
  if ((lhs_obj!=1)&&(rhs_obj!=1))
      sciprint("%s : Error - gradient must have 1 output parameters (a) and 1 input parameters (x)", fname);
      return 0;

  param_grad.fobj_type = 0;
  param_grad.n_x       = n;
  param_grad.sci_obj   = sci_obj;
  param_grad.lhs_obj   = lhs_obj;
  param_grad.rhs_obj   = rhs_obj;
  param_grad.stack_pos = Rhs + 1; // We preallocate the objective function value on position 3 on the stack
                                  // So, scifunction will create all the needed variables on LAST_PARAM_OUT + 1 to
                                  // avoid the destruction of this preallocated output variable

  if (func_grad==(grad_glcpd_ptr)0) 
      sciprint("%s : Error - Last argument must be a pointer to a scilab function", fname);
      return 0;

  if (func_grad!=(voidf)C2F(dense_glcpd_gradients))
      param_grad.fobj_type = 1;
      param_grad.gradient  = func_grad;
      param_grad.fobj_type = 0;
      param_grad.gradient  = NULL;

  if ((is_external_func!=2) && (is_scilab_func!=2))
      sciprint("%s : Error - if one function is a pointer to an external function the other must be a pointer to an external function.", fname);
      return 0;

  initPList(pvApiCtx, PARAMS_IN, &param_in_addr);
  if (!checkPList(pvApiCtx, param_in_addr))
      Scierror(999, "%s: argument n° %d is not a plist\n", fname, PARAMS_IN);
      return 0;

  getDoubleInPList(pvApiCtx, param_in_addr, "rgtol", &tmp_double, &tmp_res, 0, Log, CHECK_NONE);
  if (tmp_res!=-1) rgtol = tmp_double;

  getDoubleInPList(pvApiCtx, param_in_addr, "ainfty", &tmp_double, &tmp_res, 0, Log, CHECK_NONE);
  if (tmp_res!=-1) ainfty = tmp_double;

  getDoubleInPList(pvApiCtx, param_in_addr, "ubd", &tmp_double, &tmp_res, 0, Log, CHECK_NONE);
  if (tmp_res!=-1) ubd = tmp_double;

  getDoubleInPList(pvApiCtx, param_in_addr, "fmin", &tmp_double, &tmp_res, 0, Log, CHECK_NONE);
  if (tmp_res!=-1) fmin = tmp_double;

  getIntInPList(pvApiCtx, param_in_addr, "iprint", &tmp_int, &tmp_res, 0, Log, CHECK_NONE);
  if (tmp_res!=-1) iprint = tmp_int;

  kmax = n;
  getIntInPList(pvApiCtx, param_in_addr, "kmax", &tmp_int, &tmp_res, 0, Log, CHECK_NONE);
  if (tmp_res!=-1) kmax = tmp_int;
  kmax = MIN(n, kmax);

  getIntInPList(pvApiCtx, param_in_addr, "maxg", &tmp_int, &tmp_res, 0, Log, CHECK_NONE);
  if (tmp_res!=-1) maxg = tmp_int;

  getIntInPList(pvApiCtx, param_in_addr, "mlp", &tmp_int, &tmp_res, 0, Log, CHECK_NONE);
  if (tmp_res!=-1) mlp = tmp_int;

  getIntInPList(pvApiCtx, param_in_addr, "mode", &tmp_int, &tmp_res, 0, Log, CHECK_NONE);
  if (tmp_res!=-1) mode = tmp_int;

  getIntInPList(pvApiCtx, param_in_addr, "mxgr", &tmp_int, &tmp_res, 0, Log, CHECK_NONE);
  if (tmp_res!=-1) mxgr = tmp_int;

  getIntInPList(pvApiCtx, param_in_addr, "mxws", &tmp_int, &tmp_res, 0, Log, CHECK_NONE);
  if (tmp_res!=-1) mxws = tmp_int;

  getIntInPList(pvApiCtx, param_in_addr, "mxlws", &tmp_int, &tmp_res, 0, Log, CHECK_NONE);
  if (tmp_res!=-1) mxlws = tmp_int;

  getIntInPList(pvApiCtx, param_in_addr, "nout", &tmp_int, &tmp_res, 0, Log, CHECK_NONE);
  if (tmp_res!=-1) nout = tmp_int;

  getIntInPList(pvApiCtx, param_in_addr, "peq", &tmp_int, &tmp_res, 0, Log, CHECK_NONE);
  if (tmp_res!=-1) peq = tmp_int;

#ifdef DEBUG
  printf("DEBUG:defaultc.ainfty = %f\n", C2F(defaultc).ainfty);
  printf("DEBUG:defaultc.ubd    = %f\n", C2F(defaultc).ubd);
  printf("DEBUG:defaultc.mlp    = %d\n", C2F(defaultc).mlp);
  printf("DEBUG:defaultc.mxf    = %d\n", C2F(defaultc).mxf);

  printf("DEBUG:wsc.kk    = %d\n", C2F(wsc).kk);
  printf("DEBUG:wsc.ll    = %d\n", C2F(wsc).ll);
  printf("DEBUG:wsc.kkk   = %d\n", C2F(wsc).kkk);
  printf("DEBUG:wsc.lll   = %d\n", C2F(wsc).lll);
  printf("DEBUG:wsc.mxws  = %d\n", C2F(wsc).mxws);
  printf("DEBUG:wsc.mxlws = %d\n", C2F(wsc).mxlws);

   * Pre-Initialisation *

  // set stride in lws(maxiu+1) and constant elements of a(*) in ws(maxu+1) on
  // La taille de ws et lws sont reglees dans le common wsc via les variables mxws mxlws

  C2F(wsc).mxws = mxws;
  ws = (double *)MALLOC(C2F(wsc).mxws*sizeof(double));
  for(i=0;i<C2F(wsc).mxws;i++) ws[i] = 0.0;

  C2F(wsc).mxlws = mxlws;
  lws = (int *)MALLOC(C2F(wsc).mxlws*sizeof(int));
  for(i=0;i<C2F(wsc).mxlws;i++) lws[i] = 0;
  lws[maxiu+0] = n; // stride initialization

  cstype = (char *)MALLOC((m+1)*sizeof(char));
  for(i=0;i<m;i++) cstype[i] = '\0';
  r = (double *)MALLOC((m+n)*sizeof(double));
  for(i=0;i<m+n;i++) r[i] = 0.0;

  w = (double *)MALLOC((m+n)*sizeof(double));
  for(i=0;i<m+n;i++) w[i] = 0.0;

  e = (double *)MALLOC((m+n)*sizeof(double));
  for(i=0;i<m+n;i++) e[i] = 0.0;

  alp = (double *)MALLOC((m+n)*sizeof(double));
  for(i=0;i<m+n;i++) alp[i] = 0.0;

  g = (double *)MALLOC(n*sizeof(double));
  for(i=0;i<n;i++) g[i] = 0.0;

  ls = (int *)MALLOC((m+n)*sizeof(int));
  for(i=0;i<m+n;i++) ls[i] = 0.0;

  lp = (int *)MALLOC((m+n)*sizeof(int));
  for(i=0;i<m+n;i++) lp[i] = 0.0;

  // Initialization //

  // Allouer l'espace pour
  // ws  -> ws(mxws)
  // lws -> ws(mxlws)
  // v   -> maxg (then nv = maxg - otherwise, set nv=1 and v(1) = 1)

  v = (double *)MALLOC((maxg+1)*sizeof(double));
  maxg = MIN(n,maxg)+1;

  for(i=0;i<maxg; i++) v[i] = 0.0;
  nv = 0;

  x_glcpd = (double *)MALLOC((n+m+1)*sizeof(double));
  for(i=n;i<(n+m+1);i++) x_glcpd[i] = 0.0; // initialize de x workspace
  for(i=0;i<n;i++) x_glcpd[i] = x_in[i];

#ifdef DEBUG
  for(i=0;i<(n+m); i++) printf("DEBUG: x_upper[%d] = %f - x_in[%d] = %f - x_lower[%d] = %f\n", i, x_upper_in[i], i, x_in[i], i, x_lower_in[i]);
  // common/defaultc/ainfty,ubd,mlp,mxf -> 1e20, 1e4, 50, 50 (default values)
  // ainfty: 1e20 (default value) represent infinity
  // ubd: 1e4 (default values) upper bound on the allowed constraint violation
  // mlp: 50 (default values) maximum length of arrays used in the degeneracy control
  // mxf: 50 (default values) maximum length of filter arrays

  C2F(defaultc).ainfty = ainfty;
  C2F(defaultc).ubd    = ubd;
  C2F(defaultc).mlp    = mlp;
  C2F(defaultc).mxf    = mxf;

#ifdef DEBUG
  sciprint("DEBUG: defaultc common - ainfty = %f\n", C2F(defaultc).ainfty);
  sciprint("DEBUG: defaultc common - ubd    = %f\n", C2F(defaultc).ubd);
  sciprint("DEBUG: defaultc common - mlp    = %d\n", C2F(defaultc).mlp);
  sciprint("DEBUG: defaultc common - mxf    = %d\n", C2F(defaultc).mxf);

   * Calling glcpd

  if (!is_external_func)

  // return the variables //

  n_x_out = n_x_in; m_x_out = m_x_in;
  _SciErr = allocMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, X_OUT, n_x_out, m_x_out, &x_out); GLCPD_ERROR;
  for(i=0; i<n_x_out*m_x_out; i++) x_out[i] = x_glcpd[i];

  // f_out
  n_f_out = 1; m_f_out = 1;
  _SciErr = allocMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, F_OUT, n_f_out, m_f_out, &f_out); GLCPD_ERROR;
  f_out[0] = f_tmp_out;

  // ifail_out   outcome of the process
  // 0   = solution obtained
  // 1   = unbounded problem (f(x)<fmin has occurred: note grad is not evaluated in this case)
  // 2   = bl(i) > bu(i) for some i
  // 3   = infeasible problem detected in Phase 1
  // 4   = line search cannot improve f (possibly increase rgtol)
  // 5   = mxgr gradient calls exceeded (this test is only carried out at the start of each iteration)
  // 6   = incorrect setting of m, n, kmax, maxg, mlp, mode or tol
  // 7   = not enough space in ws or lws
  // 8   = not enough space in lp (increase mlp)
  // 9   = dimension of reduced space too large (increase kmax)
  // 10  = maximum number of unsuccessful restarts taken
  // >10 = possible use by later sparse matrix codes

  n_ifail_out = 1; m_ifail_out = 1;
  _SciErr = allocMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, IFAIL_OUT, n_ifail_out, m_ifail_out, &tmp_ptr_dbl); GLCPD_ERROR;
  tmp_ptr_dbl[0] = (double)ifail;

#ifdef DEBUG
  sciprint("DEBUG: X_OUT          = %d\n", X_OUT);
  sciprint("DEBUG: F_OUT          = %d\n", F_OUT);
  sciprint("DEBUG: IFAIL_OUT      = %d\n", IFAIL_OUT);
  sciprint("DEBUG: PARAMS_OUT     = %d\n", PARAMS_OUT);
  sciprint("DEBUG: LAST_PARAM_OUT = %d\n", LAST_PARAM_OUT);

  _SciErr = createPList(pvApiCtx, PARAMS_OUT, &param_out_addr, (char **)LabelList_out, 6); GLCPD_ERROR;

  _SciErr = createDoubleInPList(pvApiCtx, PARAMS_OUT, param_out_addr, "rgnorm", C2F(infoc).rgnorm); GLCPD_ERROR;
  _SciErr = createDoubleInPList(pvApiCtx, PARAMS_OUT, param_out_addr, "vstep",  C2F(infoc).vstep);  GLCPD_ERROR;
  _SciErr = createDoubleInPList(pvApiCtx, PARAMS_OUT, param_out_addr, "iter",   C2F(infoc).iter);   GLCPD_ERROR;
  _SciErr = createDoubleInPList(pvApiCtx, PARAMS_OUT, param_out_addr, "npv",    C2F(infoc).npv);    GLCPD_ERROR;
  _SciErr = createDoubleInPList(pvApiCtx, PARAMS_OUT, param_out_addr, "nfn",    C2F(infoc).nfn);    GLCPD_ERROR;
  _SciErr = createDoubleInPList(pvApiCtx, PARAMS_OUT, param_out_addr, "ngr",    C2F(infoc).ngr);    GLCPD_ERROR;

  LhsVar(1) = X_OUT;
  LhsVar(2) = F_OUT;
  LhsVar(3) = IFAIL_OUT;
  LhsVar(4) = PARAMS_OUT;

  if (x_lower_glcpd) FREE(x_lower_glcpd);
  if (x_upper_glcpd) FREE(x_upper_glcpd);
  if (ws)            FREE(ws);
  if (lws)           FREE(lws);
  if (cstype)        FREE(cstype);
  if (v)             FREE(v);
  if (x_glcpd)       FREE(x_glcpd);
  if (r)             FREE(r);
  if (w)             FREE(w);
  if (e)             FREE(e);
  if (alp)           FREE(alp);
  if (ls)            FREE(ls);
  if (lp)            FREE(lp);
  if (g)             FREE(g);
  if (a)             FREE(a);

  return 0;