コード例 #1
ファイル: ann_mex.cpp プロジェクト: akturtle/3Dmatching
 * main entry
 * Input
 *      1:  the reference points to construct the kd-tree (d x n double matrix)
 *      2:  the query points (d x nq double matrix)
 *      3:  the option struct
 * Output
 *      1:  the nearest neighbor index matrix (k x nq int32 matrix)
 *      2:  the distance matrix (k x nq double matrix)
 * Here,
 *      d  - the point dimension
 *      n  - the number of reference points
 *      nq - the number of query points
 *      k  - the number of maximum neighbors for each point
 * Note,
 *      The responsibility of checking the validity of the input arguments
 *      is with the invoker. The annsearch.m does the checking.
 *      The mex-function in itself does not conduct the checking again.
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
    // take inputs
    const mxArray *mxRefPts = prhs[0];
    const mxArray *mxQuery = prhs[1];
    const mxArray *mxOpts = prhs[2];
    // parse options    
    AnnBuildOptions opts_build;
    AnnSearchOptions opts_search;
    parse_tree_building_options(mxOpts, opts_build);
    parse_search_options(mxOpts, opts_search);
    // construct the tree
    int d = 0;
    int n = 0;
    ANNpointArray pts = createPointArray(mxRefPts, d, n);
    ANNkd_tree *kd_tree = createKdTree(d, n, pts, opts_build);
    // perform the search
    mxArray *mxInds = NULL;
    mxArray *mxDists = NULL;
    performAnnkSearch(kd_tree, mxQuery, opts_search, mxInds, mxDists);
    // release the kd-tree
    delete kd_tree;
    // set outputs
    plhs[0] = mxInds;
    plhs[1] = mxDists;
コード例 #2
// cd L:\ann_mwrapper; Untitled2
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
	mwSize dims[3];
	char command[1024];
	int strlen = mxGetN(prhs[0]);
	strlen = strlen < mxGetM(prhs[0]) ? mxGetN(prhs[0]) : strlen;
	strlen += 1;
	mxGetString (prhs[0], command, strlen);

	// Initialize tree
	if (nrhs > 0 && !strcmp(command, "createKdTree")) {

		const mxArray *mxRefPts = prhs[1];
		const mxArray *mxOpts = prhs[2];
		// parse options    
		AnnBuildOptions opts_build;
		parse_tree_building_options(mxOpts, opts_build);
		// construct the tree
		int d = 0;
		int n = 0;
		ANNpointArray *pts = createPointArray(mxRefPts, d, n);
		ANNkd_tree *kd_tree = createKdTree(d, n, pts[0], opts_build);

		//mexPrintf("%lld\n", kd_tree);
		//mexPrintf("dim = %d\n", kd_tree->theDim());

		dims[0] = 2;
		dims[1] = 1;
		plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(2,dims,mxUINT64_CLASS,mxREAL);
		((unsigned long long *)(mxGetData( plhs[0])))[0] = (unsigned long long)kd_tree;
		((unsigned long long *)(mxGetData( plhs[0])))[1] = (unsigned long long)pts;
//         mexPrintf("Creating:\n");
//         mexPrintf("Pts: ");
//         for (int i =0;i<MEX_DEBUG_WND;++i){
//             mexPrintf("%x",pts[i]);
//         }
//         mexPrintf("\n");
//         mexPrintf("kdTree: ");
//         for (int i =0;i<10;++i){
//             mexPrintf("%x",((char *)kd_tree)[i]);
//         }
//         mexPrintf("\n");

	// Search
	else if (nrhs > 0 && !strcmp(command, "performAnnkSearch")) {

		// take inputs
		const mxArray *mxQuery = prhs[2];
		const mxArray *mxOpts = prhs[3];
		// parse options    
		AnnSearchOptions opts_search;
		parse_search_options(mxOpts, opts_search);
		// get pointer to tree
		ANNkd_tree *kd_tree = (ANNkd_tree *)(((unsigned long long *)mxGetData( prhs[1]))[0]);

//		mexPrintf("%lld\n", kd_tree);
//		mexPrintf("dim = %d\n", kd_tree->theDim());
		// perform the search
		mxArray *mxInds = NULL;
		mxArray *mxDists = NULL;
//         mexPrintf("Pts: ");
//         for (int i =0;i<MEX_DEBUG_WND;++i){
//             mexPrintf("%x",pts[i]);
//         }
//         mexPrintf("\n");
//         mexPrintf("kdTree: ");
//         for (int i =0;i<10;++i){
//             mexPrintf("%x",((char *)kd_tree)[i]);
//         }
//         mexPrintf("\n");
        performAnnkSearch(kd_tree, mxQuery, opts_search, mxInds, mxDists);
		// set outputs
	    plhs[0] = mxInds;
		plhs[1] = mxDists;


	// Deinitialize tree
	else if (nrhs > 0 && !strcmp(command, "deleteKdTree")) {
		ANNkd_tree *kd_tree = (ANNkd_tree *)(((unsigned long long *)mxGetData( prhs[1]))[0]);
		ANNpointArray *pts  = (ANNpointArray *)(((unsigned long long *)mxGetData( prhs[1]))[1]);
//         mexPrintf("Deleting:\n");
//         mexPrintf("Pts: ");
//         for (int i =0;i<MEX_DEBUG_WND;++i){
//             mexPrintf("%x",pts[i]);
//         }
//         mexPrintf("\n");
//         mexPrintf("kdTree: ");
//         for (int i =0;i<10;++i){
//             mexPrintf("%x",((char *)kd_tree)[i]);
//         }
//         mexPrintf("\n");

		// release the kd-tree
	    delete kd_tree;
		delete pts;


	// Close
	else if (nrhs > 0 && !strcmp(command, "annClose")) {

	else {

		mexPrintf("INVALID COMMAND %s\n", command);
