/* * create_player * * Create a player object. * * Parameters: index - Must be unique only across players in the current team * team - Either 0 or 1, corresponds to the index in the team array. * * Returns: A pointer to the new object. */ PLAYER *create_player(int id, int team) { PLAYER *new_player; /* * Allocate the required memory. */ new_player = (PLAYER *) DT_MALLOC(sizeof(PLAYER)); /* * Set the players id and team id. */ new_player->player_id = id; new_player->team_id = team; /* * Set the automaton to NULL to start with so that we can test against it and * find out if it has been set externally. */ new_player->automaton = NULL; new_player->automaton_state = NULL; /* * Create the vectors used for the player. */ vector_set_values(&(new_player->position), 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); vector_set_values(&(new_player->new_position), 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); vector_set_values(&(new_player->velocity), 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); vector_set_values(&(new_player->desired_position), 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); /* * Create an event queue for this player. */ new_player->event_queue = create_event_queue(); /* * The default animation for a player is standing still. */ new_player->animation_choice = standing_animation; new_player->curr_frame = 0; new_player->direction = animate_away; /* * Set up the standard speed parameters for the player. */ new_player->max_speed = 10.0f; new_player->current_speed_percent = 100.0f; /* * Default is for players to start off managed by the ai. */ new_player->is_ai_managed = true; return(new_player); }
int main(void) { int count = 0; int G_pressed = 0, R_pressed = 1; char vstring[10], wstring[10]; double x1_old, y1_old; double x2_old, y2_old; double x1_new, y1_new; double x2_new, y2_new; double vx, vy, wx, wy; double v, w; posvel pv; x1_old = 100.0; y1_old = 100.0; vx = 10.0; vy = 5.0; x2_old = 250.0; y2_old = 250.0; wx = -8.0; wy = 4.0; v = sqrt(pow(wx,2)+pow(wy,2)); w = sqrt(pow(vx,2)+pow(vy,2)); /* open the graphics window */ initwindow(XWINDOW, YWINDOW); /* allow mouse operations */ initmouse(); /* allow keyboard operations */ initkeyboard(); /* create an event queue */ create_event_queue(); /* register display, mouse and keyboard as event sources */ reg_display_events(); reg_mouse_events(); reg_keyboard_events(); /* initialize the font */ initfont(); outtextxy(4,5,"To quit press left mouse button or close graphics window"); outtextxy(4,15,"To pause press right mouse button"); outtextxy(4,25,"To change ball speed use arrow keys (up/down = red, left/right = blue)"); outtextxy(4,35,"To make the red ball green press G or g "); do { if (check_if_event()) { /* wait for event */ wait_for_event(); if (event_close_display()) break; else if (event_mouse_button_down()) { if (event_mouse_left_button_down()) break; else if (event_mouse_right_button_down()) wait_for_event(); } else if (event_key_down()) { /* change speed of first ball */ if(event_key_up_arrow()) { vx = 1.25*vx; vy = 1.25*vy; } else if(event_key_down_arrow()) { vx = 0.75*vx; vy = 0.75*vy; } else if(event_key_left_arrow()) { wx = 0.75*wx; wy = 0.75*wy; } else if(event_key_right_arrow()) { wx = 1.25*wx; wy = 1.25*wy; } if (event_key('G')) { G_pressed = 1; R_pressed = 0; } else if (event_key('R')) { R_pressed = 1; G_pressed = 0; } } } v = sqrt(pow(wx,2)+pow(wy,2)); w = sqrt(pow(vx,2)+pow(vy,2)); /* calculate new ball positions */ x1_new = x1_old + vx*TICK; y1_new = y1_old + vy*TICK; x2_new = x2_old + wx*TICK; y2_new = y2_old + wy*TICK; /* handle what to do if balls hit boundaries */ pv = hit_boundary(x1_new, vx, 1); x1_new = pv.pos; vx = pv.vel; pv = hit_boundary(x2_new, wx, 1); x2_new = pv.pos; wx = pv.vel; pv = hit_boundary(y1_new, vy, 0); y1_new = pv.pos; vy = pv.vel; pv = hit_boundary(y2_new, wy, 0); y2_new = pv.pos; wy = pv.vel; /* draw balls on screen buffer in new positions */ filled_circle(x1_new, y1_new, RADIUS , BLUE); if (G_pressed) filled_circle(x2_new, y2_new, RADIUS , GREEN); else if (R_pressed) filled_circle(x2_new, y2_new, RADIUS , RED); /* make the balls visible on the screen display and remove the balls in the previous positions */ sprintf(vstring, "%4.2lf", v); sprintf(wstring, "%4.2lf", w); setcolor(RED); outtextxy(VEL_TEXT_X,VEL_TEXT_Y,"v = "); /* clear area for numeric output */ filled_rectangle(VEL_TEXT_X+40, VEL_TEXT_Y-10, VEL_TEXT_X+100, VEL_TEXT_Y+20, BLACK); outtextxy(VEL_TEXT_X+60,VEL_TEXT_Y,vstring); setcolor(BLUE); outtextxy(VEL_TEXT_X+120,VEL_TEXT_Y,"w = "); /* clear area for numeric output */ filled_rectangle(VEL_TEXT_X+160, VEL_TEXT_Y-10, VEL_TEXT_X+220, VEL_TEXT_Y+20, BLACK); outtextxy(VEL_TEXT_X+180,VEL_TEXT_Y,wstring); update_display(); /* remove the balls in the previous positions on the screen buffer */ filled_circle(x1_old, y1_old, RADIUS , BLACK); filled_circle(x2_old, y2_old, RADIUS , BLACK); /* update the old positions */ x1_old = x1_new; y1_old = y1_new; x2_old = x2_new; y2_old = y2_new; count++; pausefor(8); /* wait 8 miliseconds */ } while (count < MAXCOUNT); /* close the mouse */ closemouse(); /* remove the display */ closegraph(); return 0; }