コード例 #1
ファイル: oaextend.cpp プロジェクト: eendebakpt/oapackage
 * @brief Main function for oaextendmpi and oaextendsingle
 * @param argc
 * @param argv[]
 * @return
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
        const int n_processors = 1;
        const int this_rank = 0;
        MPI::Init (argc, argv);

        const int n_processors = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_size ();
        const int this_rank = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank ();

        // printf("MPI: this_rank %d\n", this_rank);

        /*----------SET STARTING ARRAY(S)-----------*/
        if (this_rank != MASTER) {
                slave_print (QUIET, "M: running core %d/%d\n", this_rank, n_processors);
                algorithm_t algorithm = MODE_INVALID;
                AnyOption *opt = parseOptions (argc, argv, algorithm);
                OAextend oaextend;
                oaextend.setAlgorithm (algorithm);

                log_print (NORMAL, "slave: receiving algorithm int\n");
                algorithm = (algorithm_t)receive_int_slave ();
                oaextend.setAlgorithm (algorithm);
// printf("slave %d: receive algorithm %d\n", this_rank, algorithm);

                extend_slave_code (this_rank, oaextend);

                delete opt;
        } else {
                double Tstart = get_time_ms ();
                int nr_extensions;
                arraylist_t solutions, extensions;

                algorithm_t algorithm = MODE_INVALID;
                AnyOption *opt = parseOptions (argc, argv, algorithm);
                print_copyright ();

                int loglevel = opt->getIntValue ('l', NORMAL);
                setloglevel (loglevel);

                int dosort = opt->getIntValue ('s', 1);
                int userowsymm = opt->getIntValue ("rowsymmetry", 1);
                int maxk = opt->getIntValue ("maxk", 100000);
                int initcolprev = opt->getIntValue ("initcolprev", 1);

                const bool streaming = opt->getFlag ("streaming");

                bool restart = false;
                if (opt->getValue ("restart") != NULL || opt->getValue ('r') != NULL) {
                        restart = true;

                const char *oaconfigfile = opt->getStringValue ('c', "oaconfig.txt");
                const char *resultprefix = opt->getStringValue ('o', "result");

                arrayfile::arrayfilemode_t mode = arrayfile_t::parseModeString (opt->getStringValue ('f', "T"));

                OAextend oaextend;
                oaextend.setAlgorithm (algorithm);

                if (streaming) {
                        logstream (SYSTEM) << "operating in streaming mode, sorting of arrays will not work "
                                           << std::endl;
                        oaextend.extendarraymode = OAextend::STOREARRAY;

                // J5_45
                int xx = opt->getFlag ('x');
                if (xx) {
                        oaextend.j5structure = J5_45;

                if (userowsymm == 0) {
                        oaextend.use_row_symmetry = userowsymm;
                        printf ("use row symmetry -> %d\n", oaextend.use_row_symmetry);
                if (opt->getFlag ('g')) {
                        std::cout << "only generating arrays (no LMC check)" << endl;
                        oaextend.checkarrays = 0;

                if (opt->getFlag ("help") || (opt->getValue ("coptions") != NULL)) {
                        if (opt->getFlag ("help")) {
                                opt->printUsage ();
                        if (opt->getValue ("coptions") != NULL) {
                                print_options (cout);
                } else {
                        logstream (QUIET) << "#time start: " << currenttime () << std::endl;

                        arraydata_t *ad;
                        ad = readConfigFile (oaconfigfile);
                        ad->lmc_overflow_check ();

                        if (ad == 0) {
                                return 1;

                        log_print (NORMAL, "Using design file: %s (runs %d, strength %d)\n", oaconfigfile, ad->N,

                        if (oaextend.getAlgorithm () == MODE_AUTOSELECT) {
                                oaextend.setAlgorithmAuto (ad);

                        if (initcolprev == 0) {
                                log_print (NORMAL, "setting oaextend.init_column_previous to %d\n", INITCOLUMN_ZERO);
                                oaextend.init_column_previous = INITCOLUMN_ZERO;

                        int alg = oaextend.getAlgorithm ();
                        for (int i = 0; i < n_processors; i++) {
                                if (i == MASTER) {
                                log_print (NORMAL, "MASTER: sending algorithm %d to slave %d\n", alg, i);
                                send_int (alg, i);
                        colindex_t col_start;

                        log_print (SYSTEM, "using algorithm %d (%s)\n", oaextend.getAlgorithm (),
                                   oaextend.getAlgorithmName ().c_str ());
                        if (log_print (NORMAL, "")) {
                                cout << oaextend.__repr__ ();

                        if (restart) { // start from result file
                                int initres = init_restart (opt->getValue ('r'), col_start, solutions);
                                if (initres == 1) { // check if restarting went OK
                                        logstream (SYSTEM) << "Problem with restart from " << opt->getValue ('r') << ""
                                                           << endl;

                                        MPI_Abort (MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1);
                                        exit (1);

                                if (dosort) {
                                        double Ttmp = get_time_ms ();
                                        sort (solutions.begin (), solutions.end ()); // solutions.sort();

                                        log_print (QUIET, "   sorting of initial solutions: %.3f [s]\n",
                                                   get_time_ms () - Ttmp);

                                // check that oaconfig agrees with loaded arrays
                                if (solutions.size () > 0) {
                                        if (ad->N != solutions[0].n_rows) {
                                                printf ("Problem: oaconfig does not agree with loaded arrays!\n");
                                                // free_sols(solutions); ??
                                                solutions.clear ();

                        } else {
                                // starting with root
                                if (check_divisibility (ad) == false) { 
                                        log_print (SYSTEM, "ERROR: Failed divisibility test!\n");

                                        MPI_Abort (MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1);
                                        exit (1);
                                create_root (ad, solutions);
                                col_start = ad->strength;

                        /*-----------MAIN EXTENSION LOOP-------------*/

                        log_print (SYSTEM, "M: running with %d procs\n", n_processors);

                        maxk = std::min (maxk, ad->ncols);

                        time_t seconds;
                        for (colindex_t current_col = col_start; current_col < maxk; current_col++) {
                                fflush (stdout);
                                arraydata_t *adcol = new arraydata_t (ad, current_col + 1);

                                if (streaming) {

                                        string fname = resultprefix;
                                        fname += "-streaming";
                                        fname += "-" + oafilestring (ad);
                                        logstream (NORMAL) << "oaextend: streaming mode: create file " << fname
                                                           << std::endl;
                                        int nb = arrayfile_t::arrayNbits (*ad);

                                        oaextend.storefile.createfile (fname, adcol->N, ad->ncols, -1, ABINARY, nb);

                                log_print (SYSTEM, "Starting with column %d (%d, total time: %.2f [s])\n",
                                           current_col + 1, (int)solutions.size (), get_time_ms () - Tstart);
                                nr_extensions = 0;
                                arraylist_t::const_iterator cur_extension;

                                int csol = 0;
                                for (cur_extension = solutions.begin (); cur_extension != solutions.end ();
                                     cur_extension++) {
                                        print_progress (csol, solutions, extensions, Tstart, current_col);
                                        logstream (NORMAL) << cur_extension[0];

                                        if (n_processors == 1) {
                                                nr_extensions += extend_array (*cur_extension, adcol,
                                                                               current_col, extensions, oaextend);
                                        } else {
                                                throw_runtime_exception("mpi version of oextend is no longer supported");
                                                double Ttmp = get_time_ms ();
                                                int slave = collect_solutions_single (extensions, adcol);
                                                log_print (DEBUG, "   time: %.2f, collect time %.2f\n",
                                                           (get_time_ms () - Tstart), (get_time_ms () - Ttmp));

                                                /* OPTIMIZE: send multiple arrays to slave 1 once step */
                                                extend_array_mpi (cur_extension->array, 1, adcol, current_col, slave);

                                        if ((csol + 1) % nsolsync == 0) {
                                                collect_solutions_all (extensions, adcol);
                                        // OPTIMIZE: periodically write part of the solutions to disk
                                        csol++; /* increase current solution */
                                collect_solutions_all (extensions, adcol);

                                if (checkloglevel (NORMAL)) {
                                        csol = 0;
                                        for (cur_extension = extensions.begin (); cur_extension != extensions.end ();
                                             cur_extension++) {
                                                log_print (DEBUG, "%i: -----\n", ++csol);
                                                logstream (DEBUG) << cur_extension[0];
                                if (dosort) {
                                        log_print (DEBUG, "Sorting solutions, necessary for multi-processor code\n");
                                        double Ttmp = get_time_ms ();
                                        sort (extensions.begin (), extensions.end ());
                                        log_print (DEBUG, "   sorting time: %.3f [s]\n", get_time_ms () - Ttmp);

                                save_arrays (extensions, adcol, resultprefix, mode);
                                solutions.swap (extensions); // swap old and newly found solutions
                                extensions.clear ();         // clear old to free up space for new extensions

                                log_print (SYSTEM, "Done with column %i, total of %i solutions (time %.2f s))\n",
                                           current_col + 1, (int)solutions.size (), get_time_ms () - Tstart);

                                delete adcol;

                                logstream (NORMAL) << "Discriminant: " << endl;
                                print_discriminant (ad->N, current_col + 1);
                        time (&seconds);
                        struct tm *tminfo;
                        tminfo = localtime (&seconds);
                        log_print (SYSTEM, "TIME: %.2f s, %s", get_time_ms () - Tstart, asctime (tminfo));
                        logstream (QUIET) << "#time end: " << currenttime () << std::endl;
                        logstream (QUIET) << "#time total: " << printfstring ("%.1f", get_time_ms () - Tstart)
                                          << " [s]" << std::endl;

                        solutions.clear ();
                        delete ad;

                        stop_slaves ();

                delete opt;
        } /* end of master code */

        MPI_Finalize ();

        return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: andrewowen/c-learning
int main() {
    struct tree_node *myTree = create_root(10);