static void addcompparams(struct compparam *cp, Param *pp) { for (; cp->name; cp++, pp++) { Param pm = createparam(cp->name, cp->type |PM_SPECIAL|PM_REMOVABLE|PM_LOCAL); if (!pm) pm = (Param) paramtab->getnode(paramtab, cp->name); DPUTS(!pm, "param not set in addcompparams"); *pp = pm; pm->level = locallevel + 1; if ((pm-> = cp->var)) { switch(PM_TYPE(cp->type)) { case PM_SCALAR: pm->gsu.s = &compvarscalar_gsu; break; case PM_INTEGER: pm->gsu.i = &compvarinteger_gsu; pm->base = 10; break; case PM_ARRAY: pm->gsu.a = &compvararray_gsu; break; } } else { pm->gsu.s = cp->gsu; } } }
static Param createmapfilehash() { Param pm; HashTable ht; unsetparam(mapfile_nam); mapfile_pm = NULL; if (!(pm = createparam(mapfile_nam, PM_SPECIAL|PM_HIDE|PM_HIDEVAL| PM_REMOVABLE|PM_HASHED))) return NULL; pm->level = pm->old ? locallevel : 0; pm->gsu.h = &mapfiles_gsu; pm->u.hash = ht = newhashtable(7, mapfile_nam, NULL); ht->hash = hasher; ht->emptytable = (TableFunc) shempty; ht->filltable = NULL; ht->addnode = (AddNodeFunc) shempty; ht->getnode = ht->getnode2 = getpmmapfile; ht->removenode = (RemoveNodeFunc) shempty; ht->disablenode = NULL; ht->enablenode = NULL; ht->freenode = (FreeNodeFunc) shempty; ht->printnode = printparamnode; ht->scantab = scanpmmapfile; return (mapfile_pm = pm); }
mod_export void makezleparams(int ro) { struct zleparam *zp; for(zp = zleparams; zp->name; zp++) { Param pm = createparam(zp->name, (zp->type |PM_SPECIAL|PM_REMOVABLE| PM_LOCAL|(ro ? PM_READONLY : 0))); if (!pm) pm = (Param) paramtab->getnode(paramtab, zp->name); DPUTS(!pm, "param not set in makezleparams"); pm->level = locallevel + 1; pm-> = zp->data; switch(PM_TYPE(zp->type)) { case PM_SCALAR: pm->gsu.s = zp->gsu; break; case PM_ARRAY: pm->gsu.a = (GsuArray)zp->gsu; break; case PM_INTEGER: pm->gsu.i = (GsuInteger)zp->gsu; pm->base = 10; break; } if ((zp->type & PM_UNSET) && (zmod.flags & MOD_MULT)) pm->node.flags &= ~PM_UNSET; } }
static void restrictparam(char *nam) { Param pm = (Param) paramtab->getnode(paramtab, nam); if (pm) { pm->node.flags |= PM_SPECIAL | PM_RESTRICTED; return; } createparam(nam, PM_SCALAR | PM_UNSET | PM_SPECIAL | PM_RESTRICTED); }
static int bin_strftime(char *nam, char **argv, Options ops, int func) { int result = 1; char *tz = getsparam("TZ"); startparamscope(); if (tz && *tz) { Param pm = createparam("TZ", PM_LOCAL|PM_SCALAR|PM_EXPORTED); if (pm) pm->level = locallevel; /* because createparam() doesn't */ setsparam("TZ", ztrdup(tz)); } result = output_strftime(nam, argv, ops, func); endparamscope(); return result; }
void makecompparams(void) { Param cpm; HashTable tht; addcompparams(comprparams, comprpms); if (!(cpm = createparam(COMPSTATENAME, PM_SPECIAL|PM_REMOVABLE|PM_LOCAL|PM_HASHED))) cpm = (Param) paramtab->getnode(paramtab, COMPSTATENAME); DPUTS(!cpm, "param not set in makecompparams"); comprpms[CPN_COMPSTATE] = cpm; tht = paramtab; cpm->level = locallevel + 1; cpm->gsu.h = &compstate_gsu; cpm->u.hash = paramtab = newparamtable(31, COMPSTATENAME); addcompparams(compkparams, compkpms); paramtab = tht; }
static int bin_vared(char *name, char **args, Options ops, UNUSED(int func)) { char *s, *t, *ova = varedarg; struct value vbuf; Value v; Param pm = 0; int ifl; int type = PM_SCALAR, obreaks = breaks, haso = 0, oSHTTY = 0; char *p1, *p2, *main_keymapname, *vicmd_keymapname, *init, *finish; Keymap main_keymapsave = NULL, vicmd_keymapsave = NULL; FILE *oshout = NULL; if ((interact && unset(USEZLE)) || !strcmp(term, "emacs")) { zwarnnam(name, "ZLE not enabled"); return 1; } if (zleactive) { zwarnnam(name, "ZLE cannot be used recursively (yet)"); return 1; } if (OPT_ISSET(ops,'A')) { if (OPT_ISSET(ops, 'a')) { zwarnnam(name, "specify only one of -a and -A"); return 1; } type = PM_HASHED; } else if (OPT_ISSET(ops,'a')) type = PM_ARRAY; p1 = OPT_ARG_SAFE(ops,'p'); p2 = OPT_ARG_SAFE(ops,'r'); main_keymapname = OPT_ARG_SAFE(ops,'M'); vicmd_keymapname = OPT_ARG_SAFE(ops,'m'); init = OPT_ARG_SAFE(ops,'i'); finish = OPT_ARG_SAFE(ops,'f'); if (type != PM_SCALAR && !OPT_ISSET(ops,'c')) { zwarnnam(name, "-%s ignored", type == PM_ARRAY ? "a" : "A"); } /* handle non-existent parameter */ s = args[0]; queue_signals(); v = fetchvalue(&vbuf, &s, (!OPT_ISSET(ops,'c') || type == PM_SCALAR), SCANPM_WANTKEYS|SCANPM_WANTVALS|SCANPM_MATCHMANY); if (!v && !OPT_ISSET(ops,'c')) { unqueue_signals(); zwarnnam(name, "no such variable: %s", args[0]); return 1; } else if (v) { if (*s) { zwarnnam(name, "not an identifier: `%s'", args[0]); return 1; } if (v->isarr) { /* Array: check for separators and quote them. */ char **arr = getarrvalue(v), **aptr, **tmparr, **tptr; tptr = tmparr = (char **)zhalloc(sizeof(char *)*(arrlen(arr)+1)); for (aptr = arr; *aptr; aptr++) { int sepcount = 0, clen; convchar_t c; /* * See if this word contains a separator character * or backslash */ MB_METACHARINIT(); for (t = *aptr; *t; ) { if (*t == '\\') { t++; sepcount++; } else { t += MB_METACHARLENCONV(t, &c); if (WC_ZISTYPE(c, ISEP)) sepcount++; } } if (sepcount) { /* Yes, so allocate enough space to quote it. */ char *newstr, *nptr; newstr = zhalloc(strlen(*aptr)+sepcount+1); /* Go through string quoting separators */ MB_METACHARINIT(); for (t = *aptr, nptr = newstr; *t; ) { if (*t == '\\') { *nptr++ = '\\'; *nptr++ = *t++; } else { clen = MB_METACHARLENCONV(t, &c); if (WC_ZISTYPE(c, ISEP)) *nptr++ = '\\'; while (clen--) *nptr++ = *t++; } } *nptr = '\0'; /* Stick this into the array of words to join up */ *tptr++ = newstr; } else *tptr++ = *aptr; /* No, keep original array element */ } *tptr = NULL; s = sepjoin(tmparr, NULL, 0); } else { s = ztrdup(getstrvalue(v)); } unqueue_signals(); } else if (*s) { unqueue_signals(); zwarnnam(name, "invalid parameter name: %s", args[0]); return 1; } else { unqueue_signals(); s = ztrdup(s); } if (SHTTY == -1 || OPT_ISSET(ops,'t')) { /* need to open /dev/tty specially */ oSHTTY = SHTTY; if ((SHTTY = open(OPT_ISSET(ops,'t') ? OPT_ARG(ops,'t') : "/dev/tty", O_RDWR|O_NOCTTY)) == -1) { zwarnnam(name, "can't access terminal"); zsfree(s); return 1; } if (!isatty(SHTTY)) { zwarnnam(name, "%s: not a terminal", OPT_ARG(ops,'t')); close(SHTTY); SHTTY = oSHTTY; zsfree(s); return 1; } oshout = shout; init_shout(); haso = 1; } /* edit the parameter value */ zpushnode(bufstack, s); if (main_keymapname && savekeymap(name, "main", main_keymapname, &main_keymapsave)) main_keymapname = NULL; if (vicmd_keymapname && savekeymap(name, "vicmd", vicmd_keymapname, &vicmd_keymapsave)) vicmd_keymapname = NULL; varedarg = *args; ifl = isfirstln; if (OPT_ISSET(ops,'h')) hbegin(2); isfirstln = OPT_ISSET(ops,'e'); t = zleread(&p1, &p2, OPT_ISSET(ops,'h') ? ZLRF_HISTORY : 0, ZLCON_VARED, init ? init : "zle-line-init", finish ? finish : "zle-line-finish"); if (OPT_ISSET(ops,'h')) hend(NULL); isfirstln = ifl; varedarg = ova; restorekeymap(name, "main", main_keymapname, main_keymapsave); restorekeymap(name, "vicmd", vicmd_keymapname, vicmd_keymapsave); if (haso) { fclose(shout); /* close(SHTTY) */ shout = oshout; SHTTY = oSHTTY; } if (!t || errflag) { /* error in editing */ errflag &= ~ERRFLAG_ERROR; breaks = obreaks; if (t) zsfree(t); return 1; } /* strip off trailing newline, if any */ if (t[strlen(t) - 1] == '\n') t[strlen(t) - 1] = '\0'; /* final assignment of parameter value */ if (OPT_ISSET(ops,'c')) { unsetparam(args[0]); createparam(args[0], type); } queue_signals(); pm = (Param) paramtab->getnode(paramtab, args[0]); if (pm && (PM_TYPE(pm->node.flags) & (PM_ARRAY|PM_HASHED))) { char **a; /* * Use spacesplit with fourth argument 1: identify quoted separators, * and unquote. This duplicates the string, so we still need to free. */ a = spacesplit(t, 1, 0, 1); zsfree(t); if (PM_TYPE(pm->node.flags) == PM_ARRAY) setaparam(args[0], a); else sethparam(args[0], a); } else setsparam(args[0], t); unqueue_signals(); return 0; }