TbBool find_combat_target_passing_by_subtile_but_having_unrelated_job(const struct Thing *creatng, CreatureJob job_kind, MapSubtlCoord stl_x, MapSubtlCoord stl_y, unsigned long *found_dist, struct Thing **found_thing) { struct Thing *thing; struct Map *mapblk; long i; unsigned long k; long dist; mapblk = get_map_block_at(stl_x,stl_y); k = 0; i = get_mapwho_thing_index(mapblk); while (i != 0) { thing = thing_get(i); TRACE_THING(thing); if (thing_is_invalid(thing)) { ERRORLOG("Jump to invalid thing detected"); break; } i = thing->next_on_mapblk; // Per thing code start if (thing_is_creature(thing) && (thing->index != creatng->index) && !creature_has_job(thing, job_kind) && !creature_is_kept_in_custody(thing) && !creature_is_being_unconscious(thing) && !creature_is_dying(thing) && !creature_is_doing_anger_job(thing)) { if (!creature_is_invisible(thing) || creature_can_see_invisible(creatng)) { dist = get_combat_distance(creatng, thing); // If we have combat sight - we want that target, don't search anymore if (creature_can_see_combat_path(creatng, thing, dist) > AttckT_Unset) { *found_dist = dist; *found_thing = thing; return true; } // No combat sight - but maybe it's at least closer than previous one if ( *found_dist > dist ) { *found_dist = dist; *found_thing = thing; } } } // Per thing code end k++; if (k > THINGS_COUNT) { ERRORLOG("Infinite loop detected when sweeping things list"); break; } } return false; }
TbBool thing_is_valid_scavenge_target(const struct Thing *calltng, const struct Thing *scavtng) { if (!thing_is_creature(scavtng) || (scavtng->model != calltng->model)) { return false; } if (!is_neutral_thing(scavtng)) { if (!players_are_enemies(calltng->owner, scavtng->owner)) { return false; } } if (thing_is_picked_up(scavtng)) { return false; } if (is_thing_passenger_controlled(scavtng) || creature_is_kept_in_custody(scavtng)) { return false; } if (is_hero_thing(scavtng) && (!gameadd.scavenge_good_allowed)) { return false; } if (is_neutral_thing(scavtng) && (!gameadd.scavenge_neutral_allowed)) { return false; } struct PlayerInfo *scavplyr; scavplyr = INVALID_PLAYER; if (!is_neutral_thing(scavtng)) { scavplyr = get_player(scavtng->owner); } if (scavplyr->controlled_thing_idx != scavtng->index) { struct CreatureControl *cctrl; cctrl = creature_control_get_from_thing(scavtng); if (game.play_gameturn - cctrl->temple_cure_gameturn > game.temple_scavenge_protection_turns) { return true; } } return false; }