コード例 #1
ファイル: data.cpp プロジェクト: Chettie/Eulora-client
SoundFile *SoundData::GetSound (const char *name)
    SoundFile   *sound;

    sound = soundfiles.Get(csHashCompute(name), NULL);

    // sound is null when theres no cached SoundFile
    if (sound == NULL)
        // we go search the library .. maybe it has it
        if (libsoundfiles.Contains(csHashCompute(name)))
            // SoundFile is in our library, copy it
            sound = new SoundFile(libsoundfiles.Get(csHashCompute(name), NULL));
            // no such SoundFile ;( return NULL
            return NULL;

    // update lasttouch to keep that SoundFile in memory
    sound->lasttouch = csGetTicks();
    return sound;
コード例 #2
ファイル: pawsmanager.cpp プロジェクト: garinh/planeshift
bool PawsManager::RegisterSound(const char *name,csRef<iSndSysData> sounddata)
    PawsSoundHandle *pawssndhandle;
    int name_hash=csHashCompute(name);

    // Note that a sound loader, vfs instance and renderer are not required at this point.
    // A renderer is required during playback.

    // Name collision check
        csHash<PawsSoundHandle *>::Iterator sounditerator = sounds.GetIterator(name_hash);
        while (sounditerator.HasNext())
            pawssndhandle = sounditerator.Next();
            if (pawssndhandle->name.Compare(name))
                return false;

    // Create a paws handle to relate the name to the iSndSysHandle and add it to our paws managed list
    pawssndhandle = new PawsSoundHandle(name,sounddata);
    if (pawssndhandle)

    return true;
コード例 #3
  bool StringStore::StorageBin::ReadStringData (iFile* file)
    bool okay = true;
    uint32 diskMagic;
    if (file->Read ((char*)&diskMagic, sizeof (diskMagic))
	!= sizeof (diskMagic))
      okay = false;
    if (okay && csLittleEndian::UInt32 (diskMagic) != binFileMagic)
      okay = false;
    if (okay)
      csRef<iDataBuffer> fileData (file->GetAllData());
      csRef<iDataBuffer> strData;
      strData.AttachNew (new csParasiticDataBuffer (fileData, 4));
      stringDataFile.AttachNew (new csMemFile (strData, true));
      stringDataFile->SetPos (stringDataFile->GetSize ());
      EntryHash::GlobalIterator entriesIt (entries.GetIterator());
      while (entriesIt.HasNext ())
        BinID id;
        BinEntry& entry = entriesIt.Next (id);
        const char* entryStr = stringDataFile->GetData() + entry.dataOffset;
	size_t len = strlen (entryStr);
	entry.crc = CS::Utility::Checksum::CRC32 ((uint8*)entryStr, len);
        uint hash = csHashCompute (entryStr, len);
        hashedIDs.Put (hash, id);
    return okay;
コード例 #4
ファイル: data.cpp プロジェクト: Chettie/Eulora-client
void SoundData::DeleteSound (SoundFile* &sound)
    // do *not* delete all, but only the *specific* one as we don't check
    // for an existing key upon putting by maybe deleting a duplicate
    // deleting all here may result in a memory leak
    soundfiles.Delete(csHashCompute((const char*)sound->name), sound);
    delete sound;
コード例 #5
ファイル: pawsmanager.cpp プロジェクト: garinh/planeshift
csRef<iSndSysData> PawsManager::LoadSound(const char *filename,const char *registeredname)
    PawsSoundHandle *pawssndhandle;

    // If a registered name is not provided, the filename is used as the registered name
    if (registeredname==NULL)

    // Filename must always be specified
    if (filename==NULL)
        return NULL;

    // Search for the same sound already loaded
    int name_hash=csHashCompute(registeredname);
        csHash<PawsSoundHandle *>::Iterator sounditerator = sounds.GetIterator(name_hash);
        while (sounditerator.HasNext())
            pawssndhandle = sounditerator.Next();
            if (pawssndhandle->name.Compare(registeredname))
                return pawssndhandle->snddata;

    // If there is no sound loader or vfs, sound loading cannot not be performed
    // This is checked after the registered name check since RegisterSound could add sounds created
    // by some other method.
    if (!vfs.IsValid() || !soundloader.IsValid())
        return NULL;

    // Load the file data
    csRef<iDataBuffer> soundbuf = vfs->ReadFile(filename);
    if (!soundbuf)
        Error2("Error while reading file '%s'", filename);
        return NULL;

    // Read it into a sound buffer
    csRef<iSndSysData> sounddata =
        soundloader->LoadSound (soundbuf);
    if (!sounddata)
        Error2("Cannot create sound data from file '%s'", filename);
        return NULL;

    // Create a paws handle to relate the name to the iSndData and add it to our paws managed list
    pawssndhandle = new PawsSoundHandle(registeredname,sounddata);
    if (pawssndhandle)

    // Return the iSndSysHandle
    return csPtr<iSndSysData>( sounddata );
コード例 #6
ファイル: data.cpp プロジェクト: Chettie/Eulora-client
void SoundData::UnloadSoundFile (const char *name)
    // do *not* use GetSound here as it potentially creates
    // a new sound, why would we want to create a new one
    // upon deletion?
    SoundFile* sound = soundfiles.Get(csHashCompute(name), NULL);

コード例 #7
ファイル: entitymanager.cpp プロジェクト: garinh/planeshift
void EntityManager::LoadFamiliarAffinityAttributes()
    csString sql = "SELECT * FROM char_create_affinity";
    Result result( db->Select( sql ) );

    if (!result.IsValid())

    for ( unsigned long row = 0; row < result.Count(); row++)
        psAffinityAttribute* newAttribute = new psAffinityAttribute();
        newAttribute->Attribute = csString( result[row]["attribute"] ).Downcase();
        newAttribute->Category  = csString( result[row]["category"]  ).Downcase();
        affinityAttributeList.Put( csHashCompute( newAttribute->Attribute + newAttribute->Category ), newAttribute );
コード例 #8
void psOptions::RegisterOptionsClass(const char * className, iOptionsClass * optionsClass)
    unsigned int key = csHashCompute(className);
    optionsClasses.Put(key, optionsClass);
コード例 #9
ファイル: csstring.cpp プロジェクト: garinh/cs
uint csStringBase::GetHash() const
  return csHashCompute (GetDataSafe());
コード例 #10
ファイル: data.cpp プロジェクト: Chettie/Eulora-client
bool SoundData::LoadSoundLib (const char* filename, iObjectRegistry* objectReg)
    csRef<iDocumentSystem>          xml;    /* try get existing Document System or create one*/
    csRef<iDataBuffer>              buff;   /* buffer for reading the xml */
    csRef<iDocument>                doc;    /* document created out of the xml */
    const char*                     error;  /* to store error msgs */
    csRef<iDocumentNode>            root;   /* document root */
    csRef<iDocumentNode>            topNode; /* topnode to work with */
    csRef<iDocumentNodeIterator>    iter; /* node iterator */
    csRef<iDocumentNode>            node;   /* yet another node .... */
    SoundFile                      *snd;        ///< soundfile

    if (!(xml = csQueryRegistry<iDocumentSystem> (objectReg)))
      xml.AttachNew(new csTinyDocumentSystem);

    buff = vfs->ReadFile(filename);

    if ( !buff || !buff->GetSize())
        return false;

    doc = xml->CreateDocument();

    error = doc->Parse(buff);
    if (error)
        Error3("Parsing file %s gave error %s", filename, error);
        return false;

    if( !(root = doc->GetRoot()))
        Error1("No XML root in soundlib.xml");
        return false;

    if( !(topNode = root->GetNode("Sounds")))
        Error1("No <sounds> tag in soundlib.xml");
        return false;

    iter = topNode->GetNodes();

    while (iter->HasNext())
        node = iter->Next();

        if (node->GetType() != CS_NODE_ELEMENT)

        if (strcmp(node->GetValue(), "Sound") == 0)
            snd = new SoundFile(node->GetAttributeValue("name"),

            libsoundfiles.Put(csHashCompute((const char*) snd->name), snd);
    return true;
コード例 #11
ファイル: data.cpp プロジェクト: Chettie/Eulora-client
void SoundData::PutSound (SoundFile* &sound)
    // i know theres PutUnique but i have a bad feeling about overwriting
    soundfiles.Put(csHashCompute((const char*) sound->name), sound);