コード例 #1
ファイル: namedins.c プロジェクト: eddyc/csound
 * Allocate nbytes bytes of memory that can be accessed later by calling
 * csoundQueryGlobalVariable() with the specified name; the space is
 * cleared to zero.
 * Returns CSOUND_SUCCESS on success, CSOUND_ERROR in case of invalid
 * parameters (zero nbytes, invalid or already used name), or
 * CSOUND_MEMORY if there is not enough memory.
PUBLIC int csoundCreateGlobalVariable(CSOUND *csound,
                                      const char *name, size_t nbytes)
    void* p;
    /* create new empty database if it does not exist yet */
    if (UNLIKELY(csound->namedGlobals == NULL)) {
      csound->namedGlobals = cs_hash_table_create(csound);
      if (UNLIKELY(csound->namedGlobals == NULL))
        return CSOUND_MEMORY;
    /* check for valid parameters */
    if (UNLIKELY(name == NULL))
      return CSOUND_ERROR;
    if (UNLIKELY(name[0] == '\0'))
      return CSOUND_ERROR;
    if (UNLIKELY(nbytes < (size_t) 1 || nbytes >= (size_t) 0x7F000000L))
      return CSOUND_ERROR;

    if (cs_hash_table_get(csound, csound->namedGlobals, (char*)name) != NULL)
      return CSOUND_ERROR;

    p = csound->Calloc(csound, nbytes);
    if (UNLIKELY(p == NULL))
      return CSOUND_MEMORY;

    cs_hash_table_put(csound, csound->namedGlobals, (char*)name, p);
    return CSOUND_SUCCESS;
コード例 #2
ファイル: symbtab.c プロジェクト: BlakeJarvis/csound
OENTRY* csound_find_internal_oentry(CSOUND* csound, OENTRY* oentry) {
    CONS_CELL *items;
    char *shortName;
    OENTRY *ep, *retVal = NULL;

    if (oentry == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    shortName = get_opcode_short_name(csound, oentry->opname);

    items = cs_hash_table_get(csound, csound->opcodes, shortName);

    while (items != NULL) {
        ep = items->value;
        if (oentry->iopadr == ep->iopadr &&
            oentry->kopadr == ep->kopadr &&
            oentry->aopadr == ep->aopadr &&
            strcmp(oentry->opname, ep->opname) == 0 &&
            strcmp(oentry->outypes, ep->outypes) == 0 &&
            strcmp(oentry->intypes, ep->intypes) == 0) {
            retVal = ep;
        items = items->next;

    if (shortName != oentry->opname) {
        csound->Free(csound, shortName);

    return retVal;
コード例 #3
ファイル: symbtab.c プロジェクト: BlakeJarvis/csound
ORCTOKEN *add_token(CSOUND *csound, char *s, int type)
    //printf("Hash value for %s: %i\n", s, h);

    ORCTOKEN *a = cs_hash_table_get(csound, csound->symbtab, s);

    ORCTOKEN *ans;
    if (a!=NULL) {
      if (type == a->type) return a;
      if ((type!=T_FUNCTION || a->type!=T_OPCODE))
                        Str("Type confusion for %s (%d,%d), replacing\n"),
                        s, type, a->type);
      a->type = type;
      return a;
    ans = new_token(csound, T_IDENT);
    ans->lexeme = (char*)csound->Malloc(csound, 1+strlen(s));
    strcpy(ans->lexeme, s);
    ans->type = type;

    cs_hash_table_put(csound, csound->symbtab, s, ans);

    return ans;
コード例 #4
ファイル: namedins.c プロジェクト: eddyc/csound
 * Free memory allocated for "name" and remove "name" from the database.
 * Return value is CSOUND_SUCCESS on success, or CSOUND_ERROR if the name is
 * not defined.
PUBLIC int csoundDestroyGlobalVariable(CSOUND *csound, const char *name)
    void *p = cs_hash_table_get(csound, csound->namedGlobals, (char*)name);
    if (UNLIKELY(p == NULL))
      return CSOUND_ERROR;

    csound->Free(csound, p);
    cs_hash_table_remove(csound, csound->namedGlobals, (char*) name);

    return CSOUND_SUCCESS;
コード例 #5
ファイル: namedins.c プロジェクト: eddyc/csound
 * Get pointer to space allocated with the name "name".
 * Returns NULL if the specified name is not defined.
PUBLIC void *csoundQueryGlobalVariable(CSOUND *csound, const char *name)
    /* check if there is an actual database to search */
    if (csound->namedGlobals == NULL) return NULL;

    /* check for a valid name */
    if (UNLIKELY(name == NULL)) return NULL;
    if (UNLIKELY(name[0] == '\0')) return NULL;

    return cs_hash_table_get(csound, csound->namedGlobals, (char*) name);
コード例 #6
ファイル: namedins.c プロジェクト: hlolli/csound
int32 named_instr_find(CSOUND *csound, char *s)
    INSTRNAME     *inm;

    if (!csound->engineState.instrumentNames)
      return 0L;                              /* no named instruments defined */
    /* now find instrument */
    inm = cs_hash_table_get(csound, csound->engineState.instrumentNames, s);

    return (inm == NULL) ? 0L : inm->instno;
コード例 #7
ファイル: symbtab.c プロジェクト: BlakeJarvis/csound
ORCTOKEN *lookup_token(CSOUND *csound, char *s, void *yyscanner)
    int type = T_IDENT;
    ORCTOKEN *a;
    ORCTOKEN *ans;

      csound->Message(csound, "Looking up token for: %s\n", s);

    if (udoflag == 0) {
      if (isUDOAnsList(s)) {
        ans = new_token(csound, UDO_ANS_TOKEN);
        ans->lexeme = (char*)csound->Malloc(csound, 1+strlen(s));
        strcpy(ans->lexeme, s);
        return ans;

    if (udoflag == 1) {
      if (csound->oparms->odebug) printf("Found UDO Arg List\n");
      if (isUDOArgList(s)) {
        ans = new_token(csound, UDO_ARGS_TOKEN);
        ans->lexeme = (char*)csound->Malloc(csound, 1+strlen(s));
        strcpy(ans->lexeme, s);
        return ans;

    a = cs_hash_table_get(csound, csound->symbtab, s);

    if (a != NULL) {
      ans = (ORCTOKEN*)csound->Malloc(csound, sizeof(ORCTOKEN));
      memcpy(ans, a, sizeof(ORCTOKEN));
      ans->next = NULL;
      ans->lexeme = (char *)csound->Malloc(csound, strlen(a->lexeme) + 1);
      strcpy(ans->lexeme, a->lexeme);
      return ans;

    ans = new_token(csound, T_IDENT);
    ans->lexeme = (char*)csound->Malloc(csound, 1+strlen(s));
    strcpy(ans->lexeme, s);

    if (udoflag == -2 || namedInstrFlag == 1) {
        return ans;

    ans->type = type;

    return ans;
コード例 #8
ファイル: namedins.c プロジェクト: eddyc/csound
 * This function is the same as csoundQueryGlobalVariable(), except the
 * variable is assumed to exist and no error checking is done.
 * Faster, but may crash or return an invalid pointer if 'name' is
 * not defined.
PUBLIC void *csoundQueryGlobalVariableNoCheck(CSOUND *csound, const char *name)
    return cs_hash_table_get(csound, csound->namedGlobals, (char*) name);
コード例 #9
ファイル: memfiles.c プロジェクト: amitkumar3968/csound
SNDMEMFILE *csoundLoadSoundFile(CSOUND *csound, const char *fileName, void *sfi)
    SF_INFO       *sfinfo = sfi;
    SNDFILE       *sf;
    void          *fd;
    SNDMEMFILE    *p = NULL;
    SF_INFO       tmp;

    if (UNLIKELY(fileName == NULL || fileName[0] == '\0'))
      return NULL;

    /* check if file is already loaded */
    if (csound->sndmemfiles != NULL) {
      p = cs_hash_table_get(csound, csound->sndmemfiles, (char*)fileName);
    else {
      csound->sndmemfiles = cs_hash_table_create(csound);

    if (p != NULL) {
      /* if file was loaded earlier: */
      if (sfinfo != NULL) {
        memset(sfinfo, 0, sizeof(SF_INFO));
        sfinfo->frames = (sf_count_t) p->nFrames;
        sfinfo->samplerate = ((int) p->sampleRate + 0.5);
        sfinfo->channels = p->nChannels;
        sfinfo->format = FORMAT2SF(p->sampleFormat) | TYPE2SF(p->fileType);
      return p;
    /* open file */
    if (sfinfo == NULL) {
      memset(&tmp, 0, sizeof(SF_INFO));
      sfinfo = &tmp;
    fd = csound->FileOpen2(csound, &sf, CSFILE_SND_R, fileName, sfinfo,
                            "SFDIR;SSDIR", CSFTYPE_UNKNOWN_AUDIO, 0);
    if (UNLIKELY(fd == NULL)) {
                       Str("csoundLoadSoundFile(): failed to open '%s'"),
      return NULL;
    p = (SNDMEMFILE*)
            csound->Malloc(csound, sizeof(SNDMEMFILE)
                           + (size_t)  sfinfo->frames * sizeof(float));
    /* set parameters */
    p->name = (char*) csound->Malloc(csound, strlen(fileName) + 1);
    strcpy(p->name, fileName);
    p->fullName = (char*) csound->Malloc(csound,
                                         strlen(csound->GetFileName(fd)) + 1);
    strcpy(p->fullName, csound->GetFileName(fd));
    p->sampleRate = (double) sfinfo->samplerate;
    p->nFrames = (size_t) sfinfo->frames;
    p->nChannels = sfinfo->channels;
    p->sampleFormat = SF2FORMAT(sfinfo->format);
    p->fileType = SF2TYPE(sfinfo->format);
    /* set defaults for sampler information */
    p->loopMode = 0;
    p->startOffs = 0.0;
    p->loopStart = 0.0;
    p->loopEnd = 0.0;
    p->baseFreq = 1.0;
    p->scaleFac = 1.0;
      SF_INSTRUMENT lpd;
      if (sf_command(sf, SFC_GET_INSTRUMENT, &lpd, sizeof(SF_INSTRUMENT))
          != 0) {
        if (lpd.loop_count > 0 && lpd.loops[0].mode != SF_LOOP_NONE) {
          /* set loop mode and loop points */
          p->loopMode = (lpd.loops[0].mode == SF_LOOP_FORWARD ?
                         2 : (lpd.loops[0].mode == SF_LOOP_BACKWARD ? 3 : 4));
          p->loopStart = (double) lpd.loops[0].start;
          p->loopEnd = (double) lpd.loops[0].end;
        else {
          /* loop mode: off */
          p->loopMode = 1;
        p->baseFreq = pow(2.0, (double) (((int) lpd.basenote - 69) * 100
                                         + (int) lpd.detune) / 1200.0) * 440.0;
        p->scaleFac = pow(10.0, (double) lpd.gain * 0.05);
    if ((size_t) sf_readf_float(sf, &(p->data[0]), (sf_count_t) p->nFrames)
        != p->nFrames) {
      csound->FileClose(csound, fd);
      csound->Free(csound, p->name);
      csound->Free(csound, p->fullName);
      csound->Free(csound, p);
      csound->ErrorMsg(csound, Str("csoundLoadSoundFile(): error reading '%s'"),
      return NULL;
    p->data[p->nFrames] = 0.0f;
    csound->FileClose(csound, fd);
    csound->Message(csound, Str("File '%s' (sr = %d Hz, %d channel(s), %lu "
                                "sample frames) loaded into memory\n"),
                            p->fullName, (int) sfinfo->samplerate,
                            (int) sfinfo->channels,
                            (uint32) sfinfo->frames);

    /* link into database */
    cs_hash_table_put(csound, csound->sndmemfiles, (char*)fileName, p);

    /* return with pointer to file structure */
    return p;