コード例 #1
ファイル: request.c プロジェクト: takano32/citrine
 * Request host: [string] listen: [string] pid: [string] callback: [block].
 * Sets up Storm Server.
 * Storm Server is an SCGI server. Both the Request Object Plugin and Storm Server
 * are based on S. Losen's CCGI library (http://libccgi.sourceforge.net/doc.html)
 * licensed LGPL.
 * To set up a Storm Server, specify host (i.e. 'localhost'),
 * a port to listen to (i.e. 9000) a pid file '/var/run/mypid.pid' and a
 * callback block.
 * Usage:
 * Request host:'localhost' listen:4000 pid:'/var/run/storm.pid' callback: {
 *  Pen write: 'Content-type: text/html\n\n'.
 *  var fname  := Command env: 'DOCUMENT_URI'.
 *  var script := File new: '/var/www/webapp'+fname.
 *  script include.
 * }.
 * Here we set up a server listening to port 4000. The callback prints out
 * the content type header. Then, we extract the DOCUMENT URI, i.e. '/hello.ctr'
 * and map this to a path '/var/www/webapp/hello.ctr'
 * By default there is no output buffering, either create another callback or
 * simply override the '<' or 'Pen' object to buffer instead of outputting
 * directly.
ctr_object* ctr_request_serve(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList) {
	char* host;
	char* pid;
	int   port;
	int   minidle = 8;
	int   maxidle = 8;
	int   maxreq  = 1000;
	int   maxproc = 100;
	ctr_object* val;
	openlog("stormserver", 0, LOG_DAEMON);
	val = ctr_request_internal_option(myself, "minidle");
	if (val!=NULL) minidle = (int) ctr_internal_cast2number(val)->value.nvalue;
	val = ctr_request_internal_option(myself, "maxidle");
	if (val!=NULL) maxidle = (int) ctr_internal_cast2number(val)->value.nvalue;
	val = ctr_request_internal_option(myself, "maxproc");
	if (val!=NULL) maxproc = (int) ctr_internal_cast2number(val)->value.nvalue;
	val = ctr_request_internal_option(myself, "maxreq");
	if (val!=NULL) maxreq = (int) ctr_internal_cast2number(val)->value.nvalue;
	host = ctr_heap_allocate_cstring( ctr_internal_cast2string( argumentList->object ) );
	pid = ctr_heap_allocate_cstring( ctr_internal_cast2string( argumentList->next->next->object ) );
	port = (int) round(ctr_internal_cast2number(argumentList->next->object)->value.nvalue);
	ctr_heap_free( host );
	ctr_heap_free( pid );
	CtrStdSCGICB = argumentList->next->next->next->object;
	CGI_prefork_server(host, port, pid,
        /* maxproc */ maxproc,
        /* minidle */ minidle,
        /* maxidle */ maxidle,
        /* maxreq */   maxreq, ctr_request_serve_callback);
    return myself;
コード例 #2
ファイル: collections.c プロジェクト: gabordemooij/citrine
 * [List] + [List]
 * Returns a new list, containing elements of itself and the other
 * list.
 * In other languages:
 * Dutch: [Reeks] + [Reeks] | Geeft de reeks die bestaat uit de samenvoeging van gegeven reeksen.
ctr_object* ctr_array_add(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList) {
	ctr_object* otherArray = argumentList->object;
	ctr_object* newArray = ctr_array_new(CtrStdArray, NULL);
	int i;
	for(i = myself->value.avalue->tail; i<myself->value.avalue->head; i++) {
		ctr_argument* pushArg = (ctr_argument*) ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
		ctr_argument* elnumArg = (ctr_argument*) ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
		ctr_object* elnum = ctr_build_number_from_float((ctr_number) i);
		elnumArg->object = elnum;
		pushArg->object = ctr_array_get(myself, elnumArg);
		ctr_array_push(newArray, pushArg);
		ctr_heap_free( elnumArg );
		ctr_heap_free( pushArg );
	if (otherArray->info.type == CTR_OBJECT_TYPE_OTARRAY) {
		for(i = otherArray->value.avalue->tail; i<otherArray->value.avalue->head; i++) {
			ctr_argument* pushArg = (ctr_argument*) ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
			ctr_argument* elnumArg = (ctr_argument*) ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
			ctr_object* elnum = ctr_build_number_from_float((ctr_number) i);
			elnumArg->object = elnum;
			pushArg->object = ctr_array_get(otherArray, elnumArg);
			ctr_array_push(newArray, pushArg);
			ctr_heap_free( elnumArg );
			ctr_heap_free( pushArg );
	return newArray;
コード例 #3
ファイル: file.c プロジェクト: takano32/citrine
 * [File] read
 * Reads contents of a file. Send this message to a file to read the entire contents in
 * one go. For big files you might want to prefer a streaming approach to avoid
 * memory exhaustion (see readBytes etc).
 * Usage:
 * data := File new: '/path/to/mydata.csv', read.
 * In the example above we read the contents of the entire CSV file callled mydata.csv
 * in the variable called data.
ctr_object* ctr_file_read(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList) {
	ctr_object* path = ctr_internal_object_find_property(myself, ctr_build_string_from_cstring( "path" ), 0);
	ctr_object* str;
	ctr_size vlen, fileLen;
	char* pathString;
	char *buffer;
	FILE* f;
	if (path == NULL) return CtrStdNil;
	vlen = path->value.svalue->vlen;
	pathString = ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof(char) * ( vlen + 1 ) );
	memcpy(pathString, path->value.svalue->value, vlen);
	f = fopen(pathString, "rb");
	ctr_heap_free( pathString );
	if (!f) {
		CtrStdFlow = ctr_build_string_from_cstring( "Unable to open file." );
		CtrStdFlow->info.sticky = 1;
		return CtrStdNil;
	fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
	fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);
	buffer=(char *)ctr_heap_allocate(fileLen+1);
	if (!buffer){
		printf("Out of memory\n");
	fread(buffer, fileLen, 1, f);
	str = ctr_build_string(buffer, fileLen);
	ctr_heap_free( buffer );
	return str;
コード例 #4
ファイル: collections.c プロジェクト: gabordemooij/citrine
 * [Map] each: [Block]
 * Iterates over the map, passing key-value pairs to the specified block.
 * Note that within an each/map block, '⛏' and '⚿' refer to the collection.
 * In other languages:
 * Dutch: [Lijst] elk: [Codeblok] | Past het blok code toe op elk paar uit de lijst.
ctr_object* ctr_map_each(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList) {
	ctr_object* block = argumentList->object;
	ctr_mapitem* m;
	if (block->info.type != CTR_OBJECT_TYPE_OTBLOCK) {
		CtrStdFlow = ctr_build_string_from_cstring( CTR_ERR_EXP_BLK );
		CtrStdFlow->info.sticky = 1;
	block->info.sticky = 1;
	m = myself->properties->head;
	while(m && !CtrStdFlow) {
		ctr_argument* arguments = (ctr_argument*) ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
		ctr_argument* argument2 = (ctr_argument*) ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
		ctr_argument* argument3 = (ctr_argument*) ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
		arguments->object = m->key;
		argument2->object = m->value;
		argument3->object = myself;
		arguments->next = argument2;
		argument2->next = argument3;
		ctr_block_run(block, arguments, myself);
		if (CtrStdFlow == CtrStdContinue) CtrStdFlow = NULL;
		m = m->next;
		ctr_heap_free( arguments );
		ctr_heap_free( argument2 );
		ctr_heap_free( argument3 );
	if (CtrStdFlow == CtrStdBreak) CtrStdFlow = NULL;
	block->info.mark = 0;
	block->info.sticky = 0;
	return myself;
コード例 #5
ファイル: collections.c プロジェクト: gabordemooij/citrine
 * [List] map: [Block].
 * Iterates over the array. Passing each element as a key-value pair to the
 * specified block.
 * The map message will pass the following arguments to the block, the key,
 * the value and a reference to the array itself. The last argument might seem
 * redundant but allows for a more functional programming style. Instead of map,
 * you can also use each:.
 * Usage:
 * files map: showName.
 * files map: {
 *   :key :filename :files
 *   ✎ write: filename.
 * }.
 * files each: {
 *   :key :filename :files
 *   ✎ write: filename.
 * }.
 * In other languages:
 * Dutch: [Reeks] lijst: [Codeblok] | Maakt van een reeks
ctr_object* ctr_array_map(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList) {
	ctr_object* block = argumentList->object;
	int i = 0;
	if (block->info.type != CTR_OBJECT_TYPE_OTBLOCK) {
		CtrStdFlow = ctr_build_string_from_cstring( CTR_ERR_EXP_BLK );
		CtrStdFlow->info.sticky = 1;
	for(i = myself->value.avalue->tail; i < myself->value.avalue->head; i++) {
		ctr_argument* arguments = (ctr_argument*) ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
		ctr_argument* argument2 = (ctr_argument*) ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
		ctr_argument* argument3 = (ctr_argument*) ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
		arguments->object = ctr_build_number_from_float((double) i);
		argument2->object = *(myself->value.avalue->elements + i);
		argument3->object = myself;
		arguments->next = argument2;
		argument2->next = argument3;
		/* keep receiver in block object otherwise, GC will destroy it */
		ctr_block_run(block, arguments, myself);
		ctr_heap_free( arguments );
		ctr_heap_free( argument2 );
		ctr_heap_free( argument3 );
		if (CtrStdFlow == CtrStdContinue) CtrStdFlow = NULL;
		if (CtrStdFlow) break;
	if (CtrStdFlow == CtrStdBreak) CtrStdFlow = NULL; /* consume break */
	return myself;
コード例 #6
ファイル: request.c プロジェクト: takano32/citrine
 * @internal
 * Returns an array from the request, either for GET, POST or COOKIE.
ctr_object* ctr_request_array(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList, CGI_varlist* varlist) {
	ctr_object* cgiVarObject;
	ctr_object* list;
	char* cgiVar;
	const CGI_value* value;
	char* val;
	ctr_argument* arg;
	int i = 0;
	list = ctr_array_new(CtrStdArray, NULL);	
	cgiVarObject = ctr_internal_cast2string(argumentList->object);
	cgiVar = ctr_heap_allocate_cstring( cgiVarObject );
	value = CGI_lookup_all(varlist, (const char*)cgiVar);
	ctr_heap_free( cgiVar );
	if (value == NULL) {
		return list;
	for (i = 0; value[i] != 0; i++) {
		arg = (ctr_argument*) ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
		val = (char*) value[i];
		arg->object = ctr_build_string_from_cstring(val);
		ctr_array_push(list, arg);
		ctr_heap_free( arg );
	return list;
コード例 #7
ファイル: collections.c プロジェクト: gabordemooij/citrine
 * [Map] put: [Element] at: [Key]
 * Puts a key-value pair in a map.
 * Usage:
 * map put: 'hello' at: 'world'.
 * In other languages:
 * Dutch: [Lijst] zet: [Object] bij: [Object]
 * Zet het gespecificeerde object element bij de plek die bekend staat als
 * het andere object. Net als bij een reeks, alleen in dit geval is het tweede
 * Object de sleutel waarmee het eerste object weer uit de lijst gevist kan
 * worden.
ctr_object* ctr_map_put(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList) {
	char* key;
	long keyLen;
	ctr_object* putKey;
	ctr_object* putValue = argumentList->object;
	ctr_argument* nextArgument = argumentList->next;
	ctr_argument* emptyArgumentList = ctr_heap_allocate(sizeof(ctr_argument));
	emptyArgumentList->next = NULL;
	emptyArgumentList->object = NULL;

	putKey = ctr_send_message(nextArgument->object, CTR_DICT_TOSTRING, strlen(CTR_DICT_TOSTRING), emptyArgumentList);

	/* If developer returns something other than string (ouch, toString), then cast anyway */
	if (putKey->info.type != CTR_OBJECT_TYPE_OTSTRING) {
		putKey = ctr_internal_cast2string(putKey);

	key = ctr_heap_allocate( putKey->value.svalue->vlen * sizeof( char ) );
	keyLen = putKey->value.svalue->vlen;
	memcpy(key, putKey->value.svalue->value, keyLen);
	ctr_internal_object_delete_property(myself, ctr_build_string(key, keyLen), 0);
	ctr_internal_object_add_property(myself, ctr_build_string(key, keyLen), putValue, 0);
	ctr_heap_free( emptyArgumentList );
	ctr_heap_free( key );
	return myself;
コード例 #8
ファイル: json.c プロジェクト: probonopd/citron
ctr_object* ctr_json_create_object(json_t* root, ctr_object* gt) {
    switch(json_typeof(root)) {
        case JSON_OBJECT: {
            ctr_object* sub = ctr_internal_create_object(CTR_OBJECT_TYPE_OTOBJECT);
            ctr_set_link_all(sub, gt);
            // size_t size;
            const char *key;
            json_t *value;
            ctr_argument* argl = ctr_heap_allocate(sizeof(*argl));
            argl->next = ctr_heap_allocate(sizeof(*argl));
            // size = json_object_size(root);
            json_object_foreach(root, key, value) {
              char* k = (char*)key;
              ctr_object* ko = ctr_build_string_from_cstring(k);
              ctr_object* vo = ctr_json_create_object(value, gt);
              argl->object = vo;
              argl->next->object = ko;
              sub = ctr_map_put(sub, argl);
            return sub;
        case JSON_ARRAY: {
          ctr_object* arr = ctr_array_new(CtrStdArray, NULL);
          ctr_argument* arg = ctr_heap_allocate(sizeof(ctr_argument));
          size_t i;
          size_t size = json_array_size(root);
          for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            arg->object = ctr_json_create_object(json_array_get(root, i), gt);
            ctr_array_push(arr, arg);
          return arr;
        case JSON_STRING: {
          ctr_object* str = ctr_build_string((char*)json_string_value(root), json_string_length(root));
          return str;
        case JSON_INTEGER: {
          return ctr_build_number_from_float(json_integer_value(root));
        case JSON_REAL: {
          return ctr_build_number_from_float(json_real_value(root));
        case JSON_FALSE: {
          return ctr_build_bool(0);
        case JSON_TRUE: {
          return ctr_build_bool(1);
        case JSON_NULL: {
          return ctr_build_nil();
        default: {
          CtrStdFlow = ctr_build_string_from_cstring("Unrecognized JSON type");
          return CtrStdNil;
コード例 #9
ファイル: collections.c プロジェクト: gabordemooij/citrine
 * [List] copy
 * Copies the list. The list object will answer this message by
 * returning a shallow copy of itself. This means that the values in the
 * newly returned list can be replaced or deleted without affecting
 * the original one. However, modifying the values in the list will
 * still cause their counterparts in the original list to be modified
 * as well.
 * In the example we replace the first item (1) in b with 999.
 * The first element in a will still be 1 though because we have created
 * copy b by sending the message 'copy' to a and assiging the result
 * to b.
 * Usage:
 * ☞ a := List ← 1 ; 2 ; 3.
 * ☞ b := a copy.
 * b put: 999 at: 1.
 * In other languages:
 * Dutch: [Reeks] kopieer | Maakt een kopie van de reeks.
ctr_object* ctr_array_copy(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList) {
	ctr_size i = 0;
	ctr_object* copy = ctr_array_new( CtrStdArray, argumentList );
	ctr_argument* arg = ctr_heap_allocate(sizeof(ctr_argument));
	ctr_argument* index   = ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
	for(i = myself->value.avalue->tail; i<myself->value.avalue->head; i++) {
		index->object = ctr_build_number_from_float((ctr_number) i);
		arg->object = ctr_array_get( myself, index );
		ctr_array_push( copy, arg );
	ctr_heap_free( arg );
	ctr_heap_free( index );
	return copy;
コード例 #10
ファイル: collections.c プロジェクト: gabordemooij/citrine
 * [Map] at: [Key]
 * Retrieves the value specified by the key from the map.
 * In other languages:
 * Dutch: [Lijst] bij: [Object] | Geeft de waarde bij de bijbehorende sleutel.
ctr_object* ctr_map_get(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList) {

	ctr_argument* emptyArgumentList;
	ctr_object*   searchKey;
	ctr_object*   foundObject;

	emptyArgumentList = ctr_heap_allocate(sizeof(ctr_argument));
	emptyArgumentList->next = NULL;
	emptyArgumentList->object = NULL;

	searchKey = argumentList->object;

	/* Give developer a chance to define a key for array */
	searchKey = ctr_send_message(searchKey, CTR_DICT_TOSTRING, strlen(CTR_DICT_TOSTRING), emptyArgumentList);
	ctr_heap_free( emptyArgumentList );

	/* If developer returns something other than string (ouch, toString), then cast anyway */
	if (searchKey->info.type != CTR_OBJECT_TYPE_OTSTRING) {
		searchKey = ctr_internal_cast2string(searchKey);

	foundObject = ctr_internal_object_find_property(myself, searchKey, 0);
	if (foundObject == NULL) foundObject = ctr_build_nil();
	return foundObject;
コード例 #11
ファイル: collections.c プロジェクト: gabordemooij/citrine
 * [Map] string
 * Returns a string representation of a map encoded in Citrine itself.
 * This will give you an
 * evallable representation of the map and all of its members.
 * The sting method is automatically invoked when attempting to
 * print a Map:
 * Usage
 * m := (Map new) put: 'hello' at: 'world'.
 * x := m string.
 * ✎ write: (Map new).
 * In other languages:
 * Dutch: [Lijst] tekst | Geeft tekstuele weergave van lijst (kan weer worden geevalueerd)
ctr_object* ctr_map_to_string( ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList) {
	ctr_object*  string;
	ctr_mapitem* mapItem;
	ctr_argument* newArgumentList;
	string  = ctr_build_string_from_cstring( CTR_DICT_CODEGEN_MAP_NEW );
	mapItem = myself->properties->head;
	newArgumentList = ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
	while( mapItem ) {
		newArgumentList->object = ctr_build_string_from_cstring( CTR_DICT_CODEGEN_MAP_PUT );
		ctr_string_append( string, newArgumentList );
		if ( mapItem->value->info.type == CTR_OBJECT_TYPE_OTBOOL || mapItem->value->info.type == CTR_OBJECT_TYPE_OTNUMBER
		|| mapItem->value->info.type == CTR_OBJECT_TYPE_OTNIL
		) {
			newArgumentList->object = mapItem->value;
			ctr_string_append( string, newArgumentList );
		} else if ( mapItem->value->info.type == CTR_OBJECT_TYPE_OTSTRING ) {
			newArgumentList->object = ctr_build_string_from_cstring( "'" );
			ctr_string_append( string, newArgumentList );
			newArgumentList->object = ctr_string_quotes_escape( mapItem->value, newArgumentList );
			ctr_string_append( string, newArgumentList );
			newArgumentList->object = ctr_build_string_from_cstring( "'" );
			ctr_string_append( string, newArgumentList );
		} else {
			newArgumentList->object = ctr_build_string_from_cstring( "(" );
			ctr_string_append( string, newArgumentList );
			newArgumentList->object = mapItem->value;
			ctr_string_append( string, newArgumentList );
			newArgumentList->object = ctr_build_string_from_cstring( ")" );
			ctr_string_append( string, newArgumentList );
		newArgumentList->object = ctr_build_string_from_cstring( CTR_DICT_CODEGEN_MAP_PUT_AT );
		ctr_string_append( string, newArgumentList );
		if ( mapItem->key->info.type == CTR_OBJECT_TYPE_OTBOOL || mapItem->key->info.type == CTR_OBJECT_TYPE_OTNUMBER
		|| mapItem->value->info.type == CTR_OBJECT_TYPE_OTNIL ) {
			newArgumentList->object = mapItem->key;
			ctr_string_append( string, newArgumentList );
		} else if ( mapItem->key->info.type == CTR_OBJECT_TYPE_OTSTRING ) {
			newArgumentList->object = ctr_build_string_from_cstring( "'" );
			ctr_string_append( string, newArgumentList );
			newArgumentList->object = ctr_string_quotes_escape( mapItem->key, newArgumentList );
			ctr_string_append( string, newArgumentList );
			newArgumentList->object = ctr_build_string_from_cstring( "'" );
			ctr_string_append( string, newArgumentList );
		} else {
			newArgumentList->object = ctr_build_string_from_cstring( "(" );
			ctr_string_append( string, newArgumentList );
			newArgumentList->object = mapItem->key;
			ctr_string_append( string, newArgumentList );
			newArgumentList->object = ctr_build_string_from_cstring( ")" );
			ctr_string_append( string, newArgumentList );
		mapItem = mapItem->next;
		if ( mapItem ) {
			newArgumentList->object = ctr_build_string_from_cstring( ", " );
			ctr_string_append( string, newArgumentList );
	ctr_heap_free( newArgumentList );
	return string;
コード例 #12
ファイル: collections.c プロジェクト: gabordemooij/citrine
 * [List] join: [String].
 * Joins the elements of a list together in a string
 * separated by a specified glue string. The example
 * code results in the string: '1,2,3'.
 * Usage:
 * collection := List new.
 * collection append: 1, append: 2, append 3.
 * collection join: ','.
 * In other languages:
 * Dutch: [Reeks] samenvoegen: [Tekst] | Maakt een tekst door
 * reekselementen samen te voegen met gespecificeerde koppelteken(s).
ctr_object* ctr_array_join(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList) {
	int i;
	char* result;
	ctr_size len = 0;
	ctr_size pos;
	ctr_object* o;
	ctr_object* str;
	ctr_object* resultStr;
	ctr_object* glue = ctr_internal_cast2string(argumentList->object);
	ctr_size glen = glue->value.svalue->vlen;
	for(i=myself->value.avalue->tail; i<myself->value.avalue->head; i++) {
		o = *( myself->value.avalue->elements + i );
		str = ctr_internal_cast2string(o);
		pos = len;
		if (i == myself->value.avalue->tail) {
			len = str->value.svalue->vlen;
			result = ctr_heap_allocate(sizeof(char)*len);
		} else {
			len += str->value.svalue->vlen + glen;
			result = ctr_heap_reallocate(result, sizeof(char)*len );
			memcpy(result+pos, glue->value.svalue->value, glen);
			pos += glen;
		memcpy(result+pos, str->value.svalue->value, str->value.svalue->vlen);
	resultStr = ctr_build_string(result, len);
	if (i > myself->value.avalue->tail) ctr_heap_free( result );
	return resultStr;
コード例 #13
ファイル: curl.c プロジェクト: gabordemooij/citrine
 * [Curl] cleanup.
 * Destroy Curl handle in resource
ctr_object* ctr_curl_cleanup(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList) {

	curl_easy_cleanup((CURL *)myself->value.rvalue->ptr);


	return myself;
コード例 #14
ファイル: collections.c プロジェクト: gabordemooij/citrine
int ctr_sort_cmp(const void * a, const void * b) {
	ctr_argument* arg1 = (ctr_argument*) ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
	ctr_argument* arg2 = (ctr_argument*) ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
	ctr_object* result;
	ctr_object* numResult;
	arg1->next = arg2;
	arg1->object = *((ctr_object**) a);
	arg2->object = *((ctr_object**) b);
	result = ctr_block_run(temp_sorter, arg1, temp_self);
	numResult = ctr_internal_cast2number(result);
	ctr_heap_free( arg1 );
	ctr_heap_free( arg2 );
	return (int) numResult->value.nvalue;
コード例 #15
ファイル: file.c プロジェクト: takano32/citrine
 * [File] close.
 * Closes the file represented by the recipient.
 * Usage:
 * f := File new: '/path/to/file.txt'.
 * f open: 'r+'.
 * f close.
 * The example above opens and closes a file.
ctr_object* ctr_file_close(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList) {
	if (myself->value.rvalue == NULL) return myself;
	if (myself->value.rvalue->type != 1) return myself;
	if (myself->value.rvalue->ptr) {
	ctr_heap_free( myself->value.rvalue );
	myself->value.rvalue = NULL;
	return myself;
コード例 #16
ファイル: request.c プロジェクト: takano32/citrine
 * @internal
 * Returns a string from the request, either for GET, POST or COOKIE.
ctr_object* ctr_request_string(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList, CGI_varlist* varlist) {
	ctr_object* cgiVarObject;
	char* cgiVar;
	char* value;
	cgiVarObject = ctr_internal_cast2string(argumentList->object);
	cgiVar = ctr_heap_allocate_cstring( cgiVarObject );
	value = (char*) CGI_lookup(varlist, (const char*)cgiVar);
	ctr_heap_free( cgiVar );
	if (value == NULL) return CtrStdNil;
	return ctr_build_string_from_cstring(value);
コード例 #17
ファイル: request.c プロジェクト: takano32/citrine
 * @internal
 * callback for SCGI server. 
void ctr_request_serve_callback() {
	ctr_argument* argumentList;
	argumentList = (ctr_argument*) ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
	varlistGet = CGI_get_query(NULL);
	varlistCookie = CGI_get_cookie(NULL);
	varlistPost = CGI_get_post(NULL,"/tmp/_upXXXXXX");
	ctr_block_run(CtrStdSCGICB, argumentList, CtrStdSCGICB);
	ctr_heap_free( argumentList );
コード例 #18
ファイル: collections.c プロジェクト: gabordemooij/citrine
 * [List] replace: [Number] length: [Number] with: [List].
 * Returns a copy of the list with the specified elements replaced.
 * The first argument indicates the start index to begin the replacement.
 * Here, 0 means the beginning of the list.
 * The second argument (length)
 * must indicate the number of elements to delete in the copy, counting
 * from the starting point. Finally, one has to provide the replacement
 * list as the third argument.
 * If the replacement list is empty, the specified elements will only be
 * removed from the copy.
 * If the replacement is not an array an error will be thrown.
 * Usage:
 * ☞ buy := cakes
 *     replace: 1
 *     length: 2
 *     with: ( List ← 'cinnamon' ; 'pineapple' ).
 * In other languages:
 * Dutch: [Reeks] vervang: [Getal] lengte: [Getal] door: [Reeks]
 * Vervangt een deel van de reeks door een andere reeks.
ctr_object* ctr_array_splice(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList) {
	ctr_object* newArray = ctr_array_new(CtrStdArray, NULL);
	ctr_object* start = ctr_internal_cast2number(argumentList->object);
	ctr_object* deleteCount = ctr_internal_cast2number(argumentList->next->object);
	ctr_object* replacement = argumentList->next->next->object;
	ctr_object* remainder;
	ctr_argument* sliceFromArg;
	ctr_argument* sliceLengthArg;
	ctr_argument* replacementArg;
	ctr_argument* remainderArg;
	ctr_size n;
	if ( replacement->info.type != CTR_OBJECT_TYPE_OTARRAY ) {
		CtrStdFlow = ctr_error_text( CTR_ERR_EXP_ARR );
		return myself;
	n = ( start->value.nvalue + deleteCount->value.nvalue );
	sliceFromArg = (ctr_argument*) ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
	sliceLengthArg = (ctr_argument*) ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
	replacementArg = (ctr_argument*) ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
	remainderArg = (ctr_argument*) ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
	sliceFromArg->object = ctr_build_number_from_float(0);
	sliceLengthArg->object = start;
	sliceFromArg->next = sliceLengthArg;
	newArray = ctr_array_from_length( myself, sliceFromArg );
	replacementArg->object = replacement;
	newArray = ctr_array_add(newArray, replacementArg);
	sliceFromArg->object = ctr_build_number_from_float( n );
	if ( n < (myself->value.avalue->head - myself->value.avalue->tail) ) {
		sliceLengthArg->object = ctr_build_number_from_float( (myself->value.avalue->head - myself->value.avalue->tail) - n );
		sliceFromArg->next = sliceLengthArg;
		remainder = ctr_array_from_length( myself, sliceFromArg );
		remainderArg->object = remainder;
		newArray = ctr_array_add( newArray, remainderArg );
	ctr_heap_free( sliceFromArg );
	ctr_heap_free( sliceLengthArg );
	ctr_heap_free( replacementArg );
	ctr_heap_free( remainderArg );
	return newArray;
コード例 #19
ファイル: file.c プロジェクト: takano32/citrine
 * [File] writeBytes: [String].
 * Takes a string and writes the bytes in the string to the file
 * object. Returns the number of bytes actually written.
 * Usage:
 * f := File new: '/path/to/file.txt'.
 * f open: 'r+'.
 * n := f writeBytes: 'Hello World'.
 * f close.
 * The example above writes 'Hello World' to the specified file as bytes.
 * The number of bytes written is returned in variable n.
ctr_object* ctr_file_write_bytes(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList) {
	int bytes, written;
	ctr_object* string2write;
	char* buffer;
	if (myself->value.rvalue == NULL) return myself;
	if (myself->value.rvalue->type != 1) return myself;
	string2write = ctr_internal_cast2string(argumentList->object);
	buffer = ctr_heap_allocate_cstring( string2write );
	bytes = string2write->value.svalue->vlen;
	written = fwrite(buffer, sizeof(char), (int)bytes, (FILE*)myself->value.rvalue->ptr);
	ctr_heap_free( buffer );
	return ctr_build_number_from_float((double_t) written);
コード例 #20
ファイル: collections.c プロジェクト: gabordemooij/citrine
 * [List] fill: [Number] with: [Object]
 * Fills the list with the specified number of objects.
 * Usage:
 * ☞ a := List new fill: 42 with: 'x'.
 * In other languages:
 * Dutch: [Reeks] vul: [Getal] met: [Object]
 * Vult de reeks op met een gespecificeerd aantal elementen.
ctr_object* ctr_array_fill( ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList ) {
	size_t n;
	int i;
	ctr_argument* newArgumentList;
	n = ctr_internal_cast2number( argumentList->object )->value.nvalue;
	newArgumentList = ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof(ctr_argument) );
	newArgumentList->object = argumentList->next->object;
	for(i = 0; i < n; i ++ ) {
		ctr_array_push( myself, newArgumentList );
	return myself;
コード例 #21
ファイル: collections.c プロジェクト: gabordemooij/citrine
 * [List] by: [List].
 * Combines the first list with the second one, thus creating
 * a map. The keys of the newly generated map will be provided by the
 * first list while the values are extracted from the second one.
 * In the example we derive a temperature map from a pair of lists
 * (cities and temperatures).
 * Usage:
 * ☞ city        := List ← 'London' ; 'Paris' ; 'Berlin'.
 * ☞ temperature := List ← '15' ; '16' ; '15'.
 * ☞ weather := temperature by: city.
 * In other languages:
 * Dutch: [Reeks] per: [Reeks]
 * Maakt een Lijst door elementen uit de eerste reeks te koppelen
 * aan de elementen op dezelfde plek uit de tweede reeks.
ctr_object* ctr_array_combine(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList) {
	ctr_size i;
	ctr_object* map = ctr_map_new( CtrStdMap, argumentList );
	if (argumentList->object->info.type != CTR_OBJECT_TYPE_OTARRAY) {
		return map;
	ctr_argument* key   = ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
	ctr_argument* value = ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
	ctr_argument* index = ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
	for(i = myself->value.avalue->tail; i<myself->value.avalue->head; i++) {
			index->object = ctr_build_number_from_float((ctr_number) i);
			key->object = ctr_array_get( myself, index );
			value->object = ctr_array_get( argumentList->object, index );
			key->next = value;
			ctr_send_message( map, CTR_DICT_PUT_AT, strlen(CTR_DICT_PUT_AT), key);
			ctr_map_put( map, key );
	return map;
コード例 #22
ファイル: collections.c プロジェクト: gabordemooij/citrine
 * [List] from: [Begin] length: [End]
 * Copies part of an array indicated by from and to and
 * returns a new array consisting of a copy of this region.
 * In other languages:
 * Dutch: [Reeks] van: [Getal] lengte: [Getal] | Geeft subreeks.
ctr_object* ctr_array_from_length(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList) {
	ctr_argument* pushArg;
	ctr_argument* elnumArg;
	ctr_object* elnum;
	ctr_object* startElement = ctr_internal_cast2number(argumentList->object);
	ctr_object* count = ctr_internal_cast2number(argumentList->next->object);
	int start = (int) startElement->value.nvalue;
	int len = (int) count->value.nvalue;
	int i = 0;
	ctr_object* newArray = ctr_array_new(CtrStdArray, NULL);
	for(i = start; i < start + len; i++) {
		pushArg = (ctr_argument*) ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
		elnumArg = (ctr_argument*) ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
		elnum = ctr_build_number_from_float((ctr_number) i);
		elnumArg->object = elnum;
		pushArg->object = ctr_array_get(myself, elnumArg);
		ctr_array_push(newArray, pushArg);
		ctr_heap_free( elnumArg );
		ctr_heap_free( pushArg );
	return newArray;
コード例 #23
ファイル: collections.c プロジェクト: gabordemooij/citrine
 * [Map] values
 * Returns an array containing all the keys in the map.
 * The order of the keys is undefined. Use the sort message
 * to enforce a specific order.
 * Usage:
 * ☞ city        := List ← 'London' ; 'Paris' ; 'Berlin'.
 * ☞ temperature := List ← '15' ; '16' ; '15'.
 * ☞ weather := temperature by: city.
 * temperatures := weather values sort: {
 * 	:a :b  ↲ (a compare: b).
 * }.
 * In other languages:
 * Dutch: [Lijst] waarden | Geeft alle waarden uit de lijst als een reeks.
ctr_object* ctr_map_values(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList) {
	ctr_object* list;
	ctr_mapitem* m;
	ctr_argument* element;
	list = ctr_array_new( CtrStdArray, argumentList );
	m = myself->properties->head;
	element = ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
	while( m ) {
		element->object = m->value;
		ctr_array_push( list, element );
		m = m->next;
	ctr_heap_free( element );
	return list;
コード例 #24
ファイル: file.c プロジェクト: takano32/citrine
 * [File] open: [string]
 * Open a file with using the specified mode.
 * Usage:
 * f := File new: '/path/to/file'.
 * f open: 'r+'. #opens file for reading and writing
 * The example above opens the file in f for reading and writing.
ctr_object* ctr_file_open(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList) {
	ctr_object* pathObj = ctr_internal_object_find_property(myself, ctr_build_string_from_cstring( "path" ), 0);
	char* mode;
	char* path;
	FILE* handle;
	ctr_resource* rs = ctr_heap_allocate(sizeof(ctr_resource));
	ctr_object* modeStrObj = ctr_internal_cast2string( argumentList->object );
	if ( myself->value.rvalue != NULL ) {
		ctr_heap_free( rs );
		CtrStdFlow = ctr_build_string_from_cstring( "File has already been opened." );
		CtrStdFlow->info.sticky = 1;
		return myself;
	if ( pathObj == NULL ) return myself;
	path = ctr_heap_allocate_cstring( pathObj );
	mode = ctr_heap_allocate_cstring( modeStrObj );
	handle = fopen(path,mode);
	ctr_heap_free( path );
	ctr_heap_free( mode );
	rs->type = 1;
	rs->ptr = handle;
	myself->value.rvalue = rs;
	return myself;
コード例 #25
ファイル: file.c プロジェクト: takano32/citrine
 * [File] delete
 * Deletes the file.
ctr_object* ctr_file_delete(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList) {
	ctr_object* path = ctr_internal_object_find_property(myself, ctr_build_string_from_cstring( "path" ), 0);
	ctr_size vlen;
	char* pathString;
	int r;
	if (path == NULL) return myself;
	vlen = path->value.svalue->vlen;
	pathString = ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( char ) * ( vlen + 1 ) );
	memcpy(pathString, path->value.svalue->value, vlen);
	r = remove(pathString);
	ctr_heap_free( pathString );
	if (r!=0) {
		CtrStdFlow = ctr_build_string_from_cstring( "Unable to delete file." );
		CtrStdFlow->info.sticky = 1;
		return CtrStdNil;
	return myself;
コード例 #26
ファイル: file.c プロジェクト: takano32/citrine
 * [File] exists
 * Returns True if the file exists and False otherwise.
ctr_object* ctr_file_exists(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList) {
	ctr_object* path = ctr_internal_object_find_property(myself, ctr_build_string_from_cstring( "path" ), 0);
	ctr_size vlen;
	char* pathString;
	FILE* f;
	int exists;
	if (path == NULL) return ctr_build_bool(0);
	vlen = path->value.svalue->vlen;
	pathString = ctr_heap_allocate(vlen + 1);
	memcpy(pathString, path->value.svalue->value, vlen);
	f = fopen(pathString, "r");
	ctr_heap_free( pathString );
	exists = (f != NULL );
	if (f) {
	return ctr_build_bool(exists);
コード例 #27
ファイル: file.c プロジェクト: takano32/citrine
 * [File] readBytes: [Number].
 * Reads a number of bytes from the file.
 * Usage:
 * f := File new: '/path/to/file.txt'.
 * f open: 'r+'.
 * x := f readBytes: 10.
 * f close.
 * The example above reads 10 bytes from the file represented by f
 * and puts them in buffer x.
ctr_object* ctr_file_read_bytes(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList) {
	int bytes;
	char* buffer;
	ctr_object* result;
	if (myself->value.rvalue == NULL) return myself;
	if (myself->value.rvalue->type != 1) return myself;
	bytes = ctr_internal_cast2number(argumentList->object)->value.nvalue;
	if (bytes < 0) return ctr_build_string_from_cstring("");
	buffer = (char*) ctr_heap_allocate(bytes);
	if (buffer == NULL) {
		CtrStdFlow = ctr_build_string_from_cstring("Cannot allocate memory for file buffer.");
		CtrStdFlow->info.sticky = 1;
		return ctr_build_string_from_cstring("");
	fread(buffer, sizeof(char), (int)bytes, (FILE*)myself->value.rvalue->ptr);
	result = ctr_build_string(buffer, bytes);
	ctr_heap_free( buffer );
	return result;
コード例 #28
ファイル: collections.c プロジェクト: gabordemooij/citrine
 * [List] string
 * Returns a string representation of the list and its contents.
 * This representation will be encoded in the Citrine language itself and can
 * therefore be evaluated again.
 * In the example: 'string' messages are implicitly
 * send by some objects, for instance when
 * attempting to write a List using a Pen.
 * Usage:
 * ☞ a := List ← 'hello' ; 'world'.
 * ☞ b := a string.
 * ☞ c := b evaluate.
 * In other languages:
 * Dutch: [Reeks] tekst
 * Geeft een tekstuele versie van de reeks terug. Deze tekst kan opnieuw worden
 * ingelezen door Citrine om er een reeks van te maken (evalueer).
ctr_object* ctr_array_to_string( ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList ) {
	int i;
	ctr_object* arrayElement;
	ctr_argument* newArgumentList;
	ctr_object* string = ctr_build_empty_string();
	newArgumentList = ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
	if ( myself->value.avalue->tail == myself->value.avalue->head ) {
		newArgumentList->object = ctr_build_string_from_cstring( CTR_DICT_CODEGEN_ARRAY_NEW );
		string = ctr_string_append( string, newArgumentList );
	} else {
		newArgumentList->object = ctr_build_string_from_cstring( CTR_DICT_CODEGEN_ARRAY_NEW_PUSH );
		string = ctr_string_append( string, newArgumentList );
	for(i=myself->value.avalue->tail; i<myself->value.avalue->head; i++) {
		arrayElement = *( myself->value.avalue->elements + i );
		if ( arrayElement->info.type == CTR_OBJECT_TYPE_OTBOOL || arrayElement->info.type == CTR_OBJECT_TYPE_OTNUMBER
		|| arrayElement->info.type == CTR_OBJECT_TYPE_OTNIL ) {
			newArgumentList->object = arrayElement;
			string = ctr_string_append( string, newArgumentList );
		} else if ( arrayElement->info.type == CTR_OBJECT_TYPE_OTSTRING ) {
			newArgumentList->object = ctr_build_string_from_cstring("'");
			string = ctr_string_append( string, newArgumentList );
			newArgumentList->object = ctr_string_quotes_escape( arrayElement, newArgumentList );
			string = ctr_string_append( string, newArgumentList );
			newArgumentList->object = ctr_build_string_from_cstring("'");
			string = ctr_string_append( string, newArgumentList );
		} else {
			newArgumentList->object = ctr_build_string_from_cstring("(");
			ctr_string_append( string, newArgumentList );
			newArgumentList->object = arrayElement;
			string = ctr_string_append( string, newArgumentList );
			newArgumentList->object = ctr_build_string_from_cstring(")");
			ctr_string_append( string, newArgumentList );
		if (  (i + 1 )<myself->value.avalue->head ) {
			newArgumentList->object = ctr_build_string_from_cstring(" ; ");
			string = ctr_string_append( string, newArgumentList );
	ctr_heap_free( newArgumentList );
	return string;
コード例 #29
ファイル: file.c プロジェクト: takano32/citrine
 * [File] include
 * Includes the file as a piece of executable code.
ctr_object* ctr_file_include(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList) {
	ctr_object* path = ctr_internal_object_find_property(myself, ctr_build_string_from_cstring( "path" ), 0);
	ctr_tnode* parsedCode;
	ctr_size vlen;
	char* pathString;
	char* prg;
	uint64_t program_size = 0;
	if (path == NULL) return myself;
	vlen = path->value.svalue->vlen;
	pathString = ctr_heap_allocate_tracked(sizeof(char)*(vlen+1)); //needed until end, pathString appears in stracktrace
	memcpy(pathString, path->value.svalue->value, vlen);
	prg = ctr_internal_readf(pathString, &program_size);
	parsedCode = ctr_cparse_parse(prg, pathString);
	ctr_heap_free( prg );
	return myself;
コード例 #30
ファイル: curl.c プロジェクト: gabordemooij/citrine
 * [Curl] perform.
 * Performs a blocking file transfer
ctr_object* ctr_curl_perform(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList) {
	FILE *temp = tmpfile();
	curl_easy_setopt(myself->value.rvalue->ptr, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, temp);
	CURLcode code = curl_easy_perform(myself->value.rvalue->ptr);
	if (code != CURLE_OK)
		CtrStdFlow = ctr_error_text("Received Curl error code");
	fseek(temp, 0, SEEK_END);
	ctr_size fileLen = ftell(temp);
	fseek(temp, 0, SEEK_SET);
	char *buffer = (char *)ctr_heap_allocate(fileLen + 1);
	if (!buffer) {
		printf("Out of memory\n");
	fread(buffer, fileLen, 1, temp);
	ctr_object *str = ctr_build_string(buffer, fileLen);
	return str;