コード例 #1
ファイル: shot.hpp プロジェクト: khooweiqian/kfls2
template <typename PointInT, typename PointNT, typename PointOutT, typename PointRFT> void
pcl::SHOTEstimationBase<PointInT, PointNT, PointOutT, PointRFT>::createBinDistanceShape (
    int index,
    const std::vector<int> &indices,
    std::vector<double> &bin_distance_shape)
  bin_distance_shape.resize (indices.size ());

  const PointRFT& current_frame = frames_->points[index];
  //if (!pcl_isfinite (current_frame.rf[0]) || !pcl_isfinite (current_frame.rf[4]) || !pcl_isfinite (current_frame.rf[11]))

  Eigen::Vector4f current_frame_z (current_frame.z_axis[0], current_frame.z_axis[1], current_frame.z_axis[2], 0);

  for (size_t i_idx = 0; i_idx < indices.size (); ++i_idx)
    //double cosineDesc = feat[i].rf[6]*normal[0] + feat[i].rf[7]*normal[1] + feat[i].rf[8]*normal[2];
    double cosineDesc = normals_->points[indices[i_idx]].getNormalVector4fMap ().dot (current_frame_z);

    if (cosineDesc > 1.0)
      cosineDesc = 1.0;
    if (cosineDesc < - 1.0)
      cosineDesc = - 1.0;

    bin_distance_shape[i_idx] = ((1.0 + cosineDesc) * nr_shape_bins_) / 2;
コード例 #2
ファイル: shot.hpp プロジェクト: 5irius/pcl
template <typename PointInT, typename PointNT, typename PointOutT, typename PointRFT> void
pcl::SHOTEstimationBase<PointInT, PointNT, PointOutT, PointRFT>::createBinDistanceShape (
    int index,
    const std::vector<int> &indices,
    std::vector<double> &bin_distance_shape)
  bin_distance_shape.resize (indices.size ());

  const PointRFT& current_frame = frames_->points[index];
  //if (!pcl_isfinite (current_frame.rf[0]) || !pcl_isfinite (current_frame.rf[4]) || !pcl_isfinite (current_frame.rf[11]))

  Eigen::Vector4f current_frame_z (current_frame.z_axis[0], current_frame.z_axis[1], current_frame.z_axis[2], 0);

  unsigned nan_counter = 0;
  for (size_t i_idx = 0; i_idx < indices.size (); ++i_idx)
    // check NaN normal
    const Eigen::Vector4f& normal_vec = normals_->points[indices[i_idx]].getNormalVector4fMap ();
    if (!pcl_isfinite (normal_vec[0]) ||
        !pcl_isfinite (normal_vec[1]) ||
        !pcl_isfinite (normal_vec[2]))
      bin_distance_shape[i_idx] = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN ();
    } else
      //double cosineDesc = feat[i].rf[6]*normal[0] + feat[i].rf[7]*normal[1] + feat[i].rf[8]*normal[2];
      double cosineDesc = normal_vec.dot (current_frame_z);

      if (cosineDesc > 1.0)
        cosineDesc = 1.0;
      if (cosineDesc < - 1.0)
        cosineDesc = - 1.0;

      bin_distance_shape[i_idx] = ((1.0 + cosineDesc) * nr_shape_bins_) / 2;
  if (nan_counter > 0)
    PCL_WARN ("[pcl::%s::createBinDistanceShape] Point %d has %d (%f%%) NaN normals in its neighbourhood\n",
      getClassName ().c_str (), index, nan_counter, (static_cast<float>(nan_counter)*100.f/static_cast<float>(indices.size ())));
コード例 #3
ファイル: shot.hpp プロジェクト: 5irius/pcl
template <typename PointInT, typename PointNT, typename PointOutT, typename PointRFT> void
pcl::SHOTEstimationBase<PointInT, PointNT, PointOutT, PointRFT>::interpolateSingleChannel (
    const std::vector<int> &indices,
    const std::vector<float> &sqr_dists,
    const int index,
    std::vector<double> &binDistance,
    const int nr_bins,
    Eigen::VectorXf &shot)
  const Eigen::Vector4f& central_point = (*input_)[(*indices_)[index]].getVector4fMap ();
  const PointRFT& current_frame = (*frames_)[index];

  Eigen::Vector4f current_frame_x (current_frame.x_axis[0], current_frame.x_axis[1], current_frame.x_axis[2], 0);
  Eigen::Vector4f current_frame_y (current_frame.y_axis[0], current_frame.y_axis[1], current_frame.y_axis[2], 0);
  Eigen::Vector4f current_frame_z (current_frame.z_axis[0], current_frame.z_axis[1], current_frame.z_axis[2], 0);

  for (size_t i_idx = 0; i_idx < indices.size (); ++i_idx)
    if (!pcl_isfinite(binDistance[i_idx]))

    Eigen::Vector4f delta = surface_->points[indices[i_idx]].getVector4fMap () - central_point;
    delta[3] = 0;

    // Compute the Euclidean norm
   double distance = sqrt (sqr_dists[i_idx]);

    if (areEquals (distance, 0.0))

    double xInFeatRef = delta.dot (current_frame_x);
    double yInFeatRef = delta.dot (current_frame_y);
    double zInFeatRef = delta.dot (current_frame_z);

    // To avoid numerical problems afterwards
    if (fabs (yInFeatRef) < 1E-30)
      yInFeatRef  = 0;
    if (fabs (xInFeatRef) < 1E-30)
      xInFeatRef  = 0;
    if (fabs (zInFeatRef) < 1E-30)
      zInFeatRef  = 0;

    unsigned char bit4 = ((yInFeatRef > 0) || ((yInFeatRef == 0.0) && (xInFeatRef < 0))) ? 1 : 0;
    unsigned char bit3 = static_cast<unsigned char> (((xInFeatRef > 0) || ((xInFeatRef == 0.0) && (yInFeatRef > 0))) ? !bit4 : bit4);

    assert (bit3 == 0 || bit3 == 1);

    int desc_index = (bit4<<3) + (bit3<<2);

    desc_index = desc_index << 1;

    if ((xInFeatRef * yInFeatRef > 0) || (xInFeatRef == 0.0))
      desc_index += (fabs (xInFeatRef) >= fabs (yInFeatRef)) ? 0 : 4;
      desc_index += (fabs (xInFeatRef) > fabs (yInFeatRef)) ? 4 : 0;

    desc_index += zInFeatRef > 0 ? 1 : 0;

    // 2 RADII
    desc_index += (distance > radius1_2_) ? 2 : 0;

    int step_index = static_cast<int>(floor (binDistance[i_idx] +0.5));
    int volume_index = desc_index * (nr_bins+1);

    //Interpolation on the cosine (adjacent bins in the histogram)
    binDistance[i_idx] -= step_index;
    double intWeight = (1- fabs (binDistance[i_idx]));

    if (binDistance[i_idx] > 0)
      shot[volume_index + ((step_index+1) % nr_bins)] += static_cast<float> (binDistance[i_idx]);
      shot[volume_index + ((step_index - 1 + nr_bins) % nr_bins)] += - static_cast<float> (binDistance[i_idx]);

    //Interpolation on the distance (adjacent husks)

    if (distance > radius1_2_)   //external sphere
      double radiusDistance = (distance - radius3_4_) / radius1_2_;

      if (distance > radius3_4_) //most external sector, votes only for itself
        intWeight += 1 - radiusDistance;  //peso=1-d
      else  //3/4 of radius, votes also for the internal sphere
        intWeight += 1 + radiusDistance;
        shot[(desc_index - 2) * (nr_bins+1) + step_index] -= static_cast<float> (radiusDistance);
    else    //internal sphere
      double radiusDistance = (distance - radius1_4_) / radius1_2_;

      if (distance < radius1_4_) //most internal sector, votes only for itself
        intWeight += 1 + radiusDistance;  //weight=1-d
      else  //3/4 of radius, votes also for the external sphere
        intWeight += 1 - radiusDistance;
        shot[(desc_index + 2) * (nr_bins+1) + step_index] += static_cast<float> (radiusDistance);

    //Interpolation on the inclination (adjacent vertical volumes)
    double inclinationCos = zInFeatRef / distance;
    if (inclinationCos < - 1.0)
      inclinationCos = - 1.0;
    if (inclinationCos > 1.0)
      inclinationCos = 1.0;

    double inclination = acos (inclinationCos);

    assert (inclination >= 0.0 && inclination <= PST_RAD_180);

    if (inclination > PST_RAD_90 || (fabs (inclination - PST_RAD_90) < 1e-30 && zInFeatRef <= 0))
      double inclinationDistance = (inclination - PST_RAD_135) / PST_RAD_90;
      if (inclination > PST_RAD_135)
        intWeight += 1 - inclinationDistance;
        intWeight += 1 + inclinationDistance;
        assert ((desc_index + 1) * (nr_bins+1) + step_index >= 0 && (desc_index + 1) * (nr_bins+1) + step_index < descLength_);
        shot[(desc_index + 1) * (nr_bins+1) + step_index] -= static_cast<float> (inclinationDistance);
      double inclinationDistance = (inclination - PST_RAD_45) / PST_RAD_90;
      if (inclination < PST_RAD_45)
        intWeight += 1 + inclinationDistance;
        intWeight += 1 - inclinationDistance;
        assert ((desc_index - 1) * (nr_bins+1) + step_index >= 0 && (desc_index - 1) * (nr_bins+1) + step_index < descLength_);
        shot[(desc_index - 1) * (nr_bins+1) + step_index] += static_cast<float> (inclinationDistance);

    if (yInFeatRef != 0.0 || xInFeatRef != 0.0)
      //Interpolation on the azimuth (adjacent horizontal volumes)
      double azimuth = atan2 (yInFeatRef, xInFeatRef);

      int sel = desc_index >> 2;
      double angularSectorSpan = PST_RAD_45;
      double angularSectorStart = - PST_RAD_PI_7_8;

      double azimuthDistance = (azimuth - (angularSectorStart + angularSectorSpan*sel)) / angularSectorSpan;

      assert ((azimuthDistance < 0.5 || areEquals (azimuthDistance, 0.5)) && (azimuthDistance > - 0.5 || areEquals (azimuthDistance, - 0.5)));

      azimuthDistance = (std::max)(- 0.5, std::min (azimuthDistance, 0.5));

      if (azimuthDistance > 0)
        intWeight += 1 - azimuthDistance;
        int interp_index = (desc_index + 4) % maxAngularSectors_;
        assert (interp_index * (nr_bins+1) + step_index >= 0 && interp_index * (nr_bins+1) + step_index < descLength_);
        shot[interp_index * (nr_bins+1) + step_index] += static_cast<float> (azimuthDistance);
        int interp_index = (desc_index - 4 + maxAngularSectors_) % maxAngularSectors_;
        assert (interp_index * (nr_bins+1) + step_index >= 0 && interp_index * (nr_bins+1) + step_index < descLength_);
        intWeight += 1 + azimuthDistance;
        shot[interp_index * (nr_bins+1) + step_index] -= static_cast<float> (azimuthDistance);


    assert (volume_index + step_index >= 0 &&  volume_index + step_index < descLength_);
    shot[volume_index + step_index] += static_cast<float> (intWeight);