static void cmd_eval(void) { struct eval_factors ef = compute_eval_factors(current_position()); printf(" material: "); print_centipawns(ef.material); printf("\n basic_mobility: "); print_centipawns(ef.basic_mobility); printf("\n center_control: "); print_centipawns(ef.center_control); printf("\n threats: "); print_centipawns(ef.threats); printf("\n pawn_structure: "); print_centipawns(ef.pawn_structure); printf("\n passed_pawns: "); print_centipawns(ef.passed_pawns); printf("\n king_safety: "); print_centipawns(ef.king_safety); printf("\n rook_placement: "); print_centipawns(ef.rook_placement); printf("\n knight_placement: "); print_centipawns(ef.knight_placement); printf("\n bishop_placement: "); print_centipawns(ef.bishop_placement); printf("\n value: "); print_centipawns(eval(current_position())); putchar('\n'); }
static int try_read_move(const char *cmd) { move move; if (is_end()) return 1; switch (read_move(current_position(), cmd, &move, turn())) { case none_move: return 1; case illegal_move: printf("Illegal move: %s\n", cmd); return 0; case 0: if (!is_force_mode && !is_opp_turn()) { printf("It is not %s's turn\n", whose_turn[opponent_of(computer_side)]); return 0; } operator_move(move); return 0; default: assert(0); } return 0; }
static void cmd_poskey(void) { uint64_t key[2]; get_position_key(current_position(), key); printf("%016" PRIx64 " %016" PRIx64 "\n", key[0], key[1]); }
void motion(int x, int y) { if (!current_trackball_state->dragged) return; glm::ivec2 current_position(x, y); if (camera_zoom) { glm::vec2 v(current_trackball_state->prev_position.x - current_position.x, current_trackball_state->prev_position.y - current_position.y); float delta = glm::length(v); if (delta > 0.0f) { float direction = glm::sign(glm::dot(v, glm::vec2(0.0f, 1.0f))); float theta = direction * glm::clamp(delta, 0.1f, 0.5f); camera_fovy = glm::clamp(camera_fovy + theta, 5.0f, 60.0f); } } else { glm::vec3 v0 = map_to_sphere(*current_trackball_state, current_trackball_state->prev_position); glm::vec3 v1 = map_to_sphere(*current_trackball_state, current_position); glm::vec3 v2 = glm::cross(v0, v1); // calculate rotation axis float d = glm::dot(v0, v1); float s = std::sqrt((1.0f + d) * 2.0f); glm::quat q(0.5f * s, v2 / s); current_trackball_state->orientation = q * current_trackball_state->orientation; current_trackball_state->orientation /= glm::length(current_trackball_state->orientation); } current_trackball_state->prev_position.x = x; current_trackball_state->prev_position.y = y; }
static void decide_move(void) { mtx_lock(&game_mutex); if (game_started && !is_end() && !is_force_mode) { if (game_started && has_single_response()) { move m = get_single_response(); print_computer_move(m); add_move(m); engine_move_count_inc(); } else { move m = book_get_move(book, current_position()); if (m != none_move) { print_computer_move(m); add_move(m); engine_move_count_inc(); } else { set_thinking_done_cb(computer_move, ++callback_key); start_thinking(); } } } else { game_started = false; } mtx_unlock(&game_mutex); }
void drawing_context::curve_to(math::vector2f const& control_point, math::vector2f const& point) { const float k = 0.551784f; auto p1 = lerp(current_position(path_), control_point, k); auto p2 = lerp(point, control_point, k); path_.cubicTo(p1.x(), p1.y(), p2.x(), p2.y(), point.x(), point.y()); }
bool hybrid_beg_condition::check(const boost::shared_ptr<mrrocpp::ecp::common::generator::behaviour> & bhvr) { std::time_t t; std::cout<<"hybrid_beg_condition::check\n"; lib::Homog_matrix actual_position_matrix; lib::Xyz_Angle_Axis_vector tool_vector; lib::Xyz_Angle_Axis_vector angle_axis_vector; std::vector<double> current_position(6); bhvr->the_robot->ecp_command.instruction_type = lib::GET; bhvr->the_robot->ecp_command.get_type = ARM_DEFINITION; actual_position_matrix = bhvr->the_robot->reply_package.arm.pf_def.arm_frame; actual_position_matrix.get_xyz_angle_axis(angle_axis_vector); angle_axis_vector.to_vector(current_position); std::cout << "Begin_visible_condition : \n" << current_position[0]<<"\t"<< current_position[1]<<"\t"<< current_position[2]<<"\n"<< current_position[3]<<"\t"<< current_position[4]<<"\t"<< current_position[5]<<"\n"; boost::shared_ptr<visual_behaviour> bh = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<visual_behaviour>(bhvr); if(!bh->sensor_configured) { std::cout<<"Konfiguracja sensora\n"; bh->configure(); bh->sensor_configured=true; } lib::Homog_matrix tmp; float diameter; bh->vs->get_sensor()->get_reading(); t = std::time(0); // t is an integer type std::cout << t << " seconds since 01-Jan-1970\n"; bh->vs->get_position_change(tmp, 0.1); while((diameter = bh->vs->get_objects_diameter())==0 || bh->vs->get_ellipse_factor()<0.6) { bh->vs->get_sensor()->get_reading(); bh->vs->get_position_change(tmp, 0.1); std::cout << "Srednica obiektu to :" << diameter<< "\n"; t = std::time(0); // t is an integer type std::cout << t << " seconds since 01-Jan-1970\n"; } std::cout << "Srednica obiektu to :" << diameter<< "\n"; t = std::time(0); // t is an integer type std::cout << t << " seconds since 01-Jan-1970\n"; if(diameter>0 && current_position[1]>=1.8) { std::cout<<"Hybride Begin Condition in left is met!!!\n"; std::cout<<"hybrid_beg_condition::check end\n"; return true; } std::cout<<"Hybride Begin Condition in left is not met!!!\n"; std::cout<<"hybrid_beg_condition::check end\n"; return false; };
static void cmd_undo(void) { if (is_force_mode) { if (revert() != 0) general_error(); reset_engine(current_position()); debug_engine_set_player_to_move(turn()); } }
static void cmd_perfts(void) { unsigned depth; depth = get_uint(1, 1024); for (unsigned i = 1; i <= depth; ++i) { uintmax_t n = perft(current_position(), i); printf("%s%u : %" PRIuMAX "\n", (i < 10) ? " " : "", i, n); } }
static void cmd_printboard(void) { char str[BOARD_BUFFER_LENGTH]; mtx_lock(&game_mutex); (void) board_print(str, current_position(), turn()); mtx_unlock(&game_mutex); (void) fputs(str, stdout); }
static void cmd_redo(void) { mtx_lock(&game_mutex); if (is_force_mode) { if (forward() != 0) general_error(); reset_engine(current_position()); debug_engine_set_player_to_move(turn()); } mtx_unlock(&game_mutex); }
static void cmd_hint(void) { move m; char str[MOVE_STR_BUFFER_LENGTH]; mtx_lock(&game_mutex); if (engine_get_best_move(&m) == 0) { print_move(current_position(), m, str, conf->move_not, turn()); printf("Hint: %s\n", str); } mtx_unlock(&game_mutex); }
// ECoG positions are reported line by line in the positions Matrix // mat is supposed to be filled with zeros // mat is the linear application which maps x (the unknown vector in symmetric system) -> v (potential at the ECoG electrodes) // difference with Head2EEG is that it interpolates the inner skull layer instead of the scalp layer. void assemble_Head2ECoG(SparseMatrix& mat, const Geometry& geo, const Matrix& positions, const Interface& i) { mat = SparseMatrix(positions.nlin(), (geo.size()-geo.outermost_interface().nb_triangles())); Vect3 current_position; Vect3 current_alphas; Triangle current_triangle; for ( unsigned it = 0; it < positions.nlin(); ++it) { for ( unsigned k = 0; k < 3; ++k) { current_position(k) = positions(it, k); } dist_point_interface(current_position, i, current_alphas, current_triangle); mat(it, current_triangle.s1().index()) = current_alphas(0); mat(it, current_triangle.s2().index()) = current_alphas(1); mat(it, current_triangle.s3().index()) = current_alphas(2); } }
void OdometryDisplay::incomingMessage( const nav_msgs::Odometry::ConstPtr& message ) { ++messages_received_; if( !validateFloats( *message )) { setStatus( StatusProperty::Error, "Topic", "Message contained invalid floating point values (nans or infs)" ); return; } setStatus( StatusProperty::Ok, "Topic", QString::number( messages_received_ ) + " messages received" ); if( last_used_message_ ) { Ogre::Vector3 last_position(last_used_message_->pose.pose.position.x, last_used_message_->pose.pose.position.y, last_used_message_->pose.pose.position.z); Ogre::Vector3 current_position(message->pose.pose.position.x, message->pose.pose.position.y, message->pose.pose.position.z); Ogre::Quaternion last_orientation(last_used_message_->pose.pose.orientation.w, last_used_message_->pose.pose.orientation.x, last_used_message_->pose.pose.orientation.y, last_used_message_->pose.pose.orientation.z); Ogre::Quaternion current_orientation(message->pose.pose.orientation.w, message->pose.pose.orientation.x, message->pose.pose.orientation.y, message->pose.pose.orientation.z); if( (last_position - current_position).length() < position_tolerance_property_->getFloat() && (last_orientation - current_orientation).normalise() < angle_tolerance_property_->getFloat() ) { return; } } Arrow* arrow = new Arrow( scene_manager_, scene_node_, 0.8f, 0.05f, 0.2f, 0.2f ); transformArrow( message, arrow ); QColor color = color_property_->getColor(); arrow->setColor( color.redF(), color.greenF(), color.blueF(), 1.0f ); float length = length_property_->getFloat(); Ogre::Vector3 scale( length, length, length ); arrow->setScale( scale ); arrows_.push_back( arrow ); last_used_message_ = message; context_->queueRender(); }
bool settings_parser_c::parse(int argc, char *argv[]) { arg_c = argc; arg_v = argv; position = 1; for (int i = 0; i < parsers.size(); ++i) { parsers[i]->invoke_initialization(*this); } while (current_position() < argc && !stopped) { for (auto parser = parsers.begin(); parser != parsers.end(); parser++) { fetch_current_position(); if ((*parser)->parse(*this)) { save_current_position((*parser)); } restore_position(); } if (saved_count() == 1) { try { pop_saved_parser()->invoke(*this); } catch (std::string error) { std::cerr << "Invalid parameter value: " << arg_v[position - 1] << " with error: " << error << std::endl; return false; } } else if (saved_count() > 1) { //ambiguous arguments //throw std::cerr << "ambiguous arguments" << std::endl; } else { if (is_program()) { parse_program(); //parse_program//until separator detected } else { //unknown_argument std::cerr << "unknown argument " << arg_v[position] << std::endl; //throw ""; return false; } } } return true; }
static void print_computer_move(move m) { char str[MOVE_STR_BUFFER_LENGTH]; enum move_notation_type mn; unsigned move_counter; bool is_black; if (is_xboard || is_uci) mn = mn_coordinate; else mn = conf->move_not; mtx_lock(&game_mutex); (void) print_move(current_position(), m, str, mn, turn()); move_counter = game_full_move_count(game); is_black = (turn() == black); mtx_unlock(&game_mutex); mtx_lock(&stdout_mutex); tracef("%s %s", __func__, str); if (is_xboard) { printf("move %s\n", str); } else if (is_uci) { printf("bestmove %s\n", str); } else { printf("%u. ", move_counter); if (is_black) printf("... "); puts(str); } mtx_unlock(&stdout_mutex); }
void CameraTrigger::update_distance() { if (_lpos_sub < 0) { _lpos_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_local_position)); } if (_turning_on) { return; } if (_trigger_enabled) { struct vehicle_local_position_s local = {}; orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_local_position), _lpos_sub, &local); if (local.xy_valid) { // Initialize position if not done yet math::Vector<2> current_position(local.x, local.y); if (!_valid_position) { // First time valid position, take first shot _last_shoot_position = current_position; _valid_position = local.xy_valid; shoot_once(); } // Check that distance threshold is exceeded if ((_last_shoot_position - current_position).length() >= _distance) { shoot_once(); _last_shoot_position = current_position; } } } }
static void cmd_new(void) { callback_key++; stop_thinking(); mtx_lock(&game_mutex); game_destroy(game); if ((game = game_create()) == NULL) INTERNAL_ERROR(); reset_engine(current_position()); debug_engine_set_player_to_move(turn()); computer_side = black; set_thinking_done_cb(computer_move, ++callback_key); unset_search_depth_limit(); if (!(is_xboard || is_uci)) puts("New game - computer black"); game_started = false; is_force_mode = false; mtx_unlock(&game_mutex); }
static void cmd_setboard(void) { struct game *g; if (game_started) return; g = game_create_fen(xstrtok_r(NULL, "\n\r", &line_lasts)); if (g == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "Unable to parse FEN\n"); return; } mtx_lock(&game_mutex); game_destroy(game); game = g; reset_engine(current_position()); debug_engine_set_player_to_move(turn()); mtx_unlock(&game_mutex); }
static void run_cmd_divide(bool ordered) { struct divide_info *dinfo; const char *line; mtx_lock(&game_mutex); dinfo = divide_init(current_position(), get_uint(0, 1024), turn(), ordered); mtx_unlock(&game_mutex); mtx_lock(&stdout_mutex); while ((line = divide(dinfo, conf->move_not)) != NULL) puts(line); mtx_unlock(&stdout_mutex); divide_destruct(dinfo); }
static void add_move(move m) { mtx_lock(&game_mutex); char move_str[MOVE_STR_BUFFER_LENGTH]; (void) print_move(current_position(), m, move_str, mn_san, turn()); if (game_append(game, m) == 0) { engine_process_move(m); debug_engine_set_player_to_move(turn()); tracef("repro: %s", move_str); if (is_end()) { game_started = false; if (is_checkmate() && turn() == white) puts("0-1 {Black mates}"); else if (is_checkmate() && turn() == black) puts("1-0 {White mates}"); else if (is_stalemate()) puts("1/2-1/2 {Stalemate}"); else if (is_draw_by_insufficient_material()) puts("1/2-1/2 {No mating material}"); else if (is_draw_by_repetition()) puts("1/2-1/2 {Draw by repetition}"); else if (is_draw_by_50_move_rule()) puts("1/2-1/2 {Draw by 50 move rule}"); else abort(); } } mtx_unlock(&game_mutex); }
static void cmd_perfto(void) { printf("%" PRIuMAX "\n", perft_ordered(current_position(), get_uint(1, 1024))); }
void MeanShiftDemo( VideoCapture& video, Rect& starting_position, int starting_frame_number, int end_frame) { bool half_size = true; video.set(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES,starting_frame_number); Mat current_frame, hls_image; std::vector<cv::Mat> hls_planes(3); video >> current_frame; Rect current_position(starting_position); if (half_size) { resize(current_frame, current_frame, Size( current_frame.cols/2, current_frame.rows/2 )); current_position.height /= 2; current_position.width /= 2; current_position.x /= 2; current_position.y /= 2; } cvtColor(current_frame, hls_image, CV_BGR2HLS); split(hls_image,hls_planes); int chosen_channel = 0; // Hue channel Mat image1ROI = hls_planes[chosen_channel](current_position); float channel_range[2] = { 0.0, 255.0 }; int channel_numbers[1] = { 0 }; int number_bins[1] = { 32 }; MatND histogram[1]; const float* channel_ranges = channel_range; calcHist(&(image1ROI), 1, channel_numbers, Mat(), histogram[0], 1 , number_bins, &channel_ranges); normalize(histogram[0],histogram[0],1.0); rectangle(current_frame,current_position,Scalar(0,255,0),2); Mat starting_frame = current_frame.clone(); int frame_number = starting_frame_number; while (!current_frame.empty() && (frame_number < end_frame)) { // Calculate back projection Mat back_projection_probabilities; calcBackProject(&(hls_planes[chosen_channel]),1,channel_numbers,*histogram,back_projection_probabilities,&channel_ranges,255.0); // Remove low saturation points from consideration Mat saturation_mask; inRange( hls_image, Scalar(0,10,50,0),Scalar(180,256,256,0), saturation_mask ); bitwise_and( back_projection_probabilities, back_projection_probabilities,back_projection_probabilities, saturation_mask ); // Mean shift TermCriteria criteria(cv::TermCriteria::MAX_ITER,5,0.01); meanShift(back_projection_probabilities,current_position,criteria); // Output to screen rectangle(current_frame,current_position,Scalar(0,255,0),2); Mat chosen_channel_image, back_projection_image; cvtColor(hls_planes[chosen_channel], chosen_channel_image, CV_GRAY2BGR); cvtColor(back_projection_probabilities, back_projection_image, CV_GRAY2BGR); Mat row1_output = JoinImagesHorizontally( starting_frame, "Starting position", chosen_channel_image, "Chosen channel (Hue)", 4 ); Mat row2_output = JoinImagesHorizontally( back_projection_image, "Back projection", current_frame, "Current position", 4 ); Mat mean_shift_output = JoinImagesVertically(row1_output,"",row2_output,"", 4); imshow("Mean Shift Tracking", mean_shift_output ); // Advance to next frame video >> current_frame; if (half_size) resize(current_frame, current_frame, Size( current_frame.cols/2, current_frame.rows/2 )); cvtColor(current_frame, hls_image, CV_BGR2HLS); split(hls_image,hls_planes); frame_number++; cvWaitKey(1000); } char c = cvWaitKey(); cvDestroyAllWindows(); }
void settings_parser_c::save_current_position(abstract_parser_c *associated_parser) { saved_positions.push_back(std::pair<int, abstract_parser_c*>(current_position(), associated_parser)); }
void CameraTrigger::cycle_trampoline(void *arg) { CameraTrigger *trig = reinterpret_cast<CameraTrigger *>(arg); if (trig->_vcommand_sub < 0) { trig->_vcommand_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_command)); } bool updated; orb_check(trig->_vcommand_sub, &updated); // while the trigger is inactive it has to be ready // to become active instantaneously int poll_interval_usec = 5000; if (trig->_mode < 3) { if (updated) { struct vehicle_command_s cmd; orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_command), trig->_vcommand_sub, &cmd); if (cmd.command == vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_DO_TRIGGER_CONTROL) { // Set trigger rate from command if (cmd.param2 > 0) { trig->_interval = cmd.param2; param_set(trig->_p_interval, &(trig->_interval)); } if (cmd.param1 < 1.0f) { trig->control(false); } else if (cmd.param1 >= 1.0f) { trig->control(true); // while the trigger is active there is no // need to poll at a very high rate poll_interval_usec = 100000; } } else if (cmd.command == vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_DO_DIGICAM_CONTROL) { if (cmd.param5 > 0) { // One-shot trigger, default 1 ms interval trig->_interval = 1000; trig->control(true); } } } } else { // Set trigger based on covered distance if (trig->_vlposition_sub < 0) { trig->_vlposition_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_local_position)); } struct vehicle_local_position_s pos; orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_local_position), trig->_vlposition_sub, &pos); if (pos.xy_valid) { bool turning_on = false; if (updated && trig->_mode == 4) { // Check update from command struct vehicle_command_s cmd; orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_command), trig->_vcommand_sub, &cmd); if (cmd.command == vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_DO_SET_CAM_TRIGG_DIST) { // Set trigger to disabled if the set distance is not positive if (cmd.param1 > 0.0f && !trig->_trigger_enabled) { trig->turnOnOff(); trig->keepAlive(true); // Give the camera time to turn on, before starting to send trigger signals poll_interval_usec = 5000000; turning_on = true; } else if (cmd.param1 <= 0.0f && trig->_trigger_enabled) { hrt_cancel(&(trig->_engagecall)); hrt_cancel(&(trig->_disengagecall)); trig->keepAlive(false); trig->turnOnOff(); } trig->_trigger_enabled = cmd.param1 > 0.0f; trig->_distance = cmd.param1; } } if ((trig->_trigger_enabled || trig->_mode < 4) && !turning_on) { // Initialize position if not done yet math::Vector<2> current_position(pos.x, pos.y); if (!trig->_valid_position) { // First time valid position, take first shot trig->_last_shoot_position = current_position; trig->_valid_position = pos.xy_valid; trig->shootOnce(); } // Check that distance threshold is exceeded and the time between last shot is large enough if ((trig->_last_shoot_position - current_position).length() >= trig->_distance) { trig->shootOnce(); trig->_last_shoot_position = current_position; } } } else { poll_interval_usec = 100000; } } work_queue(LPWORK, &_work, (worker_t)&CameraTrigger::cycle_trampoline, camera_trigger::g_camera_trigger, USEC2TICK(poll_interval_usec)); }
void FixedwingPositionControl::task_main() { /* inform about start */ warnx("Initializing.."); fflush(stdout); /* * do subscriptions */ _global_pos_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_global_position)); _pos_sp_triplet_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(position_setpoint_triplet)); _att_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_attitude)); _sensor_combined_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(sensor_combined)); _control_mode_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_control_mode)); _airspeed_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(airspeed)); _params_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(parameter_update)); _manual_control_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(manual_control_setpoint)); _range_finder_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(sensor_range_finder)); /* rate limit vehicle status updates to 5Hz */ orb_set_interval(_control_mode_sub, 200); /* rate limit position updates to 50 Hz */ orb_set_interval(_global_pos_sub, 20); /* abort on a nonzero return value from the parameter init */ if (parameters_update()) { /* parameter setup went wrong, abort */ warnx("aborting startup due to errors."); _task_should_exit = true; } /* wakeup source(s) */ struct pollfd fds[2]; /* Setup of loop */ fds[0].fd = _params_sub; fds[0].events = POLLIN; fds[1].fd = _global_pos_sub; fds[1].events = POLLIN; while (!_task_should_exit) { /* wait for up to 500ms for data */ int pret = poll(&fds[0], (sizeof(fds) / sizeof(fds[0])), 100); /* timed out - periodic check for _task_should_exit, etc. */ if (pret == 0) continue; /* this is undesirable but not much we can do - might want to flag unhappy status */ if (pret < 0) { warn("poll error %d, %d", pret, errno); continue; } perf_begin(_loop_perf); /* check vehicle status for changes to publication state */ vehicle_control_mode_poll(); /* only update parameters if they changed */ if (fds[0].revents & POLLIN) { /* read from param to clear updated flag */ struct parameter_update_s update; orb_copy(ORB_ID(parameter_update), _params_sub, &update); /* update parameters from storage */ parameters_update(); } /* only run controller if position changed */ if (fds[1].revents & POLLIN) { /* XXX Hack to get mavlink output going */ if (_mavlink_fd < 0) { /* try to open the mavlink log device every once in a while */ _mavlink_fd = open(MAVLINK_LOG_DEVICE, 0); } static uint64_t last_run = 0; float deltaT = (hrt_absolute_time() - last_run) / 1000000.0f; last_run = hrt_absolute_time(); /* guard against too large deltaT's */ if (deltaT > 1.0f) deltaT = 0.01f; /* load local copies */ orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_global_position), _global_pos_sub, &_global_pos); // XXX add timestamp check _global_pos_valid = true; vehicle_attitude_poll(); vehicle_setpoint_poll(); vehicle_sensor_combined_poll(); vehicle_airspeed_poll(); range_finder_poll(); // vehicle_baro_poll(); math::Vector<2> ground_speed(_global_pos.vel_n, _global_pos.vel_e); math::Vector<2> current_position((float), (float)_global_pos.lon); /* * Attempt to control position, on success (= sensors present and not in manual mode), * publish setpoint. */ if (control_position(current_position, ground_speed, _pos_sp_triplet)) { _att_sp.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time(); /* lazily publish the setpoint only once available */ if (_attitude_sp_pub > 0) { /* publish the attitude setpoint */ orb_publish(ORB_ID(vehicle_attitude_setpoint), _attitude_sp_pub, &_att_sp); } else { /* advertise and publish */ _attitude_sp_pub = orb_advertise(ORB_ID(vehicle_attitude_setpoint), &_att_sp); } /* XXX check if radius makes sense here */ float turn_distance = _l1_control.switch_distance(100.0f); /* lazily publish navigation capabilities */ if (fabsf(turn_distance - _nav_capabilities.turn_distance) > FLT_EPSILON && turn_distance > 0) { /* set new turn distance */ _nav_capabilities.turn_distance = turn_distance; navigation_capabilities_publish(); } } } perf_end(_loop_perf); } warnx("exiting.\n"); _control_task = -1; _exit(0); }
static void cmd_polyglotkey(void) { printf("%016" PRIx64 "\n", position_polyglot_key(current_position(), turn())); }
static void cmd_qperft(void) { printf("%" PRIuMAX "\n", qperft(current_position(), get_uint(1, 1024))); }