コード例 #1
 * custom_report_list_view_row_activated_cb
 * this is the double-click signal. No need to call
 * get_custom_report_selection as the double-click implies the
 * selection.
custom_report_list_view_row_activated_cb(GtkTreeView *view, GtkTreePath *path,
        GtkTreeViewColumn *column, gpointer data)
    CustomReportDialog *crd = data;
    GtkTreeModel *model;
    GtkTreeIter iter;

    model = gtk_tree_view_get_model(view);

    if (gtk_tree_model_get_iter(model, &iter, path))
        if (column == crd->namecol)
            GncGUID *guid = guid_malloc ();
            gchar *guid_str;

            gtk_tree_model_get(model, &iter, COL_NUM, &guid, -1);
            guid_str = g_new0 (gchar, GUID_ENCODING_LENGTH+1 );
            guid_to_string_buff (guid, guid_str);

            custom_report_run_report(scm_from_utf8_string (guid_str), crd);
コード例 #2
 * custom_report_list_view_clicked_cb
 * this callback is called whenever a user clicked somewhere in
 * the treeview widget. If the click was on an edit or delete
 * pictogram, the corresponding action will be executed on the
 * selected row.
custom_report_list_view_clicked_cb(GtkTreeView *view, GdkEventButton *event, gpointer data)
    CustomReportDialog *crd = data;
    GtkTreePath *path = NULL;
    GtkTreeViewColumn *column = NULL;
    gint cellx, celly;

    g_return_if_fail ( view != NULL );

    if (gtk_tree_view_get_path_at_pos (view, event->x, event->y,
                                       &path, &column,
                                       &cellx, &celly))
        if (column == crd->runcol)
            SCM guid = get_custom_report_selection(crd, _("You must select a report configuration to load."));
            custom_report_run_report (guid, crd);
        else if (column == crd->editcol)
            g_object_set(G_OBJECT(crd->namerenderer), "editable", TRUE, NULL);
            gtk_tree_view_set_cursor_on_cell (view, path, crd->namecol,
                                              crd->namerenderer, TRUE);
        else if (column == crd->delcol)
            SCM guid = get_custom_report_selection(crd, _("You must select a report configuration to delete."));
            custom_report_delete (guid, crd);