コード例 #1
ファイル: vecfacetracking.cpp プロジェクト: 406089450/opencv
void CvFaceElement::FindRects(IplImage* img, IplImage* thresh, int nLayers, int dMinSize)
    FindContours(img, thresh, nLayers, dMinSize / 4);
    if (0 == m_seqRects->total)
    cvSeqSort(m_seqRects, CompareEnergy, NULL);
    CvTrackingRect* pR = (CvTrackingRect*)cvGetSeqElem(m_seqRects, 0);
    if (m_seqRects->total < 32)
        MergeRects(dMinSize / 8);
        cvSeqSort(m_seqRects, CompareEnergy, NULL);
    pR = (CvTrackingRect*)cvGetSeqElem(m_seqRects, 0);
    if ((pR->iEnergy > 100 && m_seqRects->total < 32) || (m_seqRects->total < 16))
        MergeRects(dMinSize / 4);
        cvSeqSort(m_seqRects, CompareEnergy, NULL);
    pR = (CvTrackingRect*)cvGetSeqElem(m_seqRects, 0);
    if ((pR->iEnergy > 100 && m_seqRects->total < 16) || (pR->iEnergy > 200 && m_seqRects->total < 32))
        MergeRects(dMinSize / 2);
        cvSeqSort(m_seqRects, CompareEnergy, NULL);

}// void CvFaceElement::FindRects(IplImage* img, IplImage* thresh, int nLayers, int dMinSize)
コード例 #2
void FaceDetection::FindContours(IplImage* imgGray)
    ReallocImage(&m_imgThresh, cvGetSize(imgGray), 1);
    if (NULL == m_imgThresh)
    int iNumLayers = m_iNumLayers;
    int iMinLevel = 0, iMaxLevel = 255, iStep = 255 / iNumLayers;
    ThresholdingParam(imgGray, iNumLayers, iMinLevel, iMaxLevel, iStep);
    // init
    m_mstgContours = cvCreateMemStorage();
    if (NULL == m_mstgContours)
    memset(m_seqContours, 0, sizeof(CvSeq*) * MAX_LAYERS);

    m_mstgRects = cvCreateMemStorage();
    if (NULL == m_mstgRects)
    m_seqRects = cvCreateSeq(0, sizeof(CvSeq), sizeof(CvContourRect), m_mstgRects); 
    if (NULL == m_seqRects)
    // find contours
    for (int l = iMinLevel, i = 0; l < iMaxLevel; l += iStep, i++)
        cvThreshold(imgGray, m_imgThresh, (double)l, (double)255, CV_THRESH_BINARY);
        if (cvFindContours(m_imgThresh, m_mstgContours, &m_seqContours[i], sizeof(CvContour), CV_RETR_CCOMP, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE))
            AddContours2Rect(m_seqContours[i], l, i);
    // sort rects
    cvSeqSort(m_seqRects, CompareContourRect, NULL);
}// void FaceDetection::FindContours(IplImage* imgGray)
コード例 #3
 int SiftGPU::DoSift( IplImage* img )
 	printf("\n ----------- DoSift START --------------- \n");
	IplImage* init_img;
	IplImage*** dog_pyr;
	CvMemStorage* storage;
	CvSeq* features;
	int octvs, i, n = 0;

	/* check arguments */
	if( ! img )
		printf( "NULL pointer error, %s, line %d",  __FILE__, __LINE__ );


	/* build scale space pyramid; smallest dimension of top level is ~4 pixels */

	init_img = CreateInitialImg( img, img_dbl, sigma );
	octvs = log( (float)MIN( init_img->width, init_img->height ) ) / log((float)2) - 2;
	gauss_pyr = BuildGaussPyr( init_img, octvs, intvls, sigma );
	dog_pyr = BuildDogPyr( gauss_pyr, octvs, intvls );
	storage = cvCreateMemStorage( 0 );

	features = ScaleSpaceExtrema( dog_pyr, octvs, intvls, contr_thr, curv_thr, storage );

	/* sort features by decreasing scale and move from CvSeq to array */
	cvSeqSort( features, (CvCmpFunc)FeatureCmp, NULL );
	n = features->total;
	feat = (feature*)calloc( n, sizeof(feature) );
	feat = (feature*)cvCvtSeqToArray( features, feat, CV_WHOLE_SEQ );
	for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
		free( feat[i].feature_data );
		feat[i].feature_data = NULL;

	cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage );
	cvReleaseImage( &init_img );
	ReleasePyr( &gauss_pyr, octvs, intvls + 3 );
	ReleasePyr( &dog_pyr, octvs, intvls + 2 );
	printf("Found: %d \n", n);
	printf("\n ----------- DoSift End --------------- \n");
	return n;
コード例 #4
ファイル: face-search.c プロジェクト: namwkim/FaceSearch
int SearchInMem(
		IplImage* 	RGBA,
		IplImage* 	depth,
		IplImage*	mask,
		char* DBFolderName,
		char* categoryFolders[],
		int numCategories,
		char* outputFileNames[],
		float* outputScores,
		int num){

	char cat_dir_path[FLEN];

	// calculate features for the query image
	FEATURE feature;
	MakeFeatureInMem(RGBA, depth, mask, &feature);

	//temporary storage for files
	CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);

	//store comp scores
	CvSeq* scores = cvCreateSeq(0, sizeof(CvSeq), sizeof(FileWithScore), storage);

	// loop through the files in the category folders in DB.
	for (int i=0; i<numCategories; i++){
		strcpy(cat_dir_path, DBFolderName);
		strcat(cat_dir_path, categoryFolders[i]);

		SearchFolder(cat_dir_path, &feature, scores, CompareImage);

	//sort images by scores
	cvSeqSort(scores, CompFileWithScore, NULL);

	//release memories for scores & strings
	for (int i=0; i<scores->total; i++){
		FileWithScore* sc = (FileWithScore*) cvGetSeqElem(scores, i);
		if (i<num){
			outputFileNames[i] = (char*)malloc(strlen(sc->img_file));
			strcpy(outputFileNames[i], sc->img_file);
			outputScores[i] = sc->score;
	for (int i=scores->total; i<num; i++){
		outputFileNames[i] 	= NULL;
		outputScores[i]		= -1.0;
	cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage );

	return 0;
コード例 #5
ファイル: sift.c プロジェクト: RuiwenZhang/SIFT
Finds SIFT features in an image using user-specified parameter values.  All
detected features are stored in the array pointed to by \a feat.

@param img the image in which to detect features
@param fea a pointer to an array in which to store detected features
@param intvls the number of intervals sampled per octave of scale space
@param sigma the amount of Gaussian smoothing applied to each image level
	before building the scale space representation for an octave
@param cont_thr a threshold on the value of the scale space function
	\f$\left|D(\hat{x})\right|\f$, where \f$\hat{x}\f$ is a vector specifying
	feature location and scale, used to reject unstable features;  assumes
	pixel values in the range [0, 1]
@param curv_thr threshold on a feature's ratio of principle curvatures
	used to reject features that are too edge-like
@param img_dbl should be 1 if image doubling prior to scale space
	construction is desired or 0 if not
@param descr_width the width, \f$n\f$, of the \f$n \times n\f$ array of
	orientation histograms used to compute a feature's descriptor
@param descr_hist_bins the number of orientations in each of the
	histograms in the array used to compute a feature's descriptor

@return Returns the number of keypoints stored in \a feat or -1 on failure
@see sift_keypoints()
int _sift_features( IplImage* img, struct feature** feat, int intvls,
				   double sigma, double contr_thr, int curv_thr,
				   int img_dbl, int descr_width, int descr_hist_bins )
	IplImage* init_img;
	IplImage*** gauss_pyr,***dog_pyr;
	CvMemStorage* storage;
	CvSeq* features;
	int octvs, i, n = 0;

	/* check arguments */
	if( ! img )
		fatal_error( "NULL pointer error, %s, line %d",  __FILE__, __LINE__ );

	if( ! feat )
		fatal_error( "NULL pointer error, %s, line %d",  __FILE__, __LINE__ );

	/* build scale space pyramid; smallest dimension of top level is ~4 pixels */
	init_img = create_init_img( img, img_dbl, sigma );
	octvs = log( MIN( init_img->width, init_img->height ) ) / log(2) - 2;
	gauss_pyr = build_gauss_pyr( init_img, octvs, intvls, sigma );
	dog_pyr = build_dog_pyr( gauss_pyr, octvs, intvls );

	storage = cvCreateMemStorage( 0 );
	features = scale_space_extrema( dog_pyr, octvs, intvls, contr_thr,
		curv_thr, storage );
	calc_feature_scales( features, sigma, intvls );
	if( img_dbl )
		adjust_for_img_dbl( features );
	calc_feature_oris( features, gauss_pyr );
	compute_descriptors( features, gauss_pyr, descr_width, descr_hist_bins );
	/* sort features by decreasing scale and move from CvSeq to array */
	cvSeqSort( features, (CvCmpFunc)feature_cmp, NULL );
	n = features->total;
	*feat = calloc( n, sizeof(struct feature) );
	*feat = cvCvtSeqToArray( features, *feat, CV_WHOLE_SEQ );//features 里面放的是feature* 数据,所以*feat而不是feat
	for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )//释放feature结构体中的feature_data,因为已经计算完了,得到了描述子
		free( (*feat)[i].feature_data );
		(*feat)[i].feature_data = NULL;

	cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage );
	cvReleaseImage( &init_img );
	release_pyr( &gauss_pyr, octvs, intvls + 3 );
	release_pyr( &dog_pyr, octvs, intvls + 2 );
	return n;
コード例 #6
ファイル: sift.c プロジェクト: joa-quim/mirone
Finds SIFT features in an image using user-specified parameter values.  All
detected features are stored in the array pointed to by \a feat.

@param img the image in which to detect features
@param fea a pointer to an array in which to store detected features
@param intvls the number of intervals sampled per octave of scale space
@param sigma the amount of Gaussian smoothing applied to each image level
	before building the scale space representation for an octave
@param cont_thr a threshold on the value of the scale space function
	\f$\left|D(\hat{x})\right|\f$, where \f$\hat{x}\f$ is a vector specifying
	feature location and scale, used to reject unstable features;  assumes
	pixel values in the range [0, 1]
@param curv_thr threshold on a feature's ratio of principle curvatures
	used to reject features that are too edge-like
@param img_dbl should be 1 if image doubling prior to scale space
	construction is desired or 0 if not
@param descr_width the width, \f$n\f$, of the \f$n \times n\f$ array of
	orientation histograms used to compute a feature's descriptor
@param descr_hist_bins the number of orientations in each of the
	histograms in the array used to compute a feature's descriptor

@return Returns the number of keypoints stored in \a feat or -1 on failure
@see sift_keypoints()
int _sift_features( IplImage* img, struct feature** feat, int intvls,
		   double sigma, double contr_thr, int curv_thr,
		   int img_dbl, int descr_width, int descr_hist_bins )
	IplImage *init_img;
	IplImage ***gauss_pyr, ***dog_pyr;
	CvMemStorage *storage;
	CvSeq *features;
	int octvs, i, n = 0;

	/* build scale space pyramid; smallest dimension of top level is ~4 pixels */
	init_img = create_init_img( img, img_dbl, sigma );
	octvs = log( MIN( init_img->width, init_img->height ) ) / log(2) - 2;
	gauss_pyr = build_gauss_pyr( init_img, octvs, intvls, sigma );
	dog_pyr = build_dog_pyr( gauss_pyr, octvs, intvls );

	storage = cvCreateMemStorage( 0 );
	features = scale_space_extrema( dog_pyr, octvs, intvls, contr_thr, curv_thr, storage );
	calc_feature_scales( features, sigma, intvls );
	if( img_dbl )
		adjust_for_img_dbl( features );
	calc_feature_oris( features, gauss_pyr );
	compute_descriptors( features, gauss_pyr, descr_width, descr_hist_bins );

	/* sort features by decreasing scale and move from CvSeq to array */
	cvSeqSort( features, (CvCmpFunc)feature_cmp, NULL );
	n = features->total;
	*feat = calloc( n, sizeof(struct feature) );
	*feat = cvCvtSeqToArray( features, *feat, CV_WHOLE_SEQ );
	for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
		free( (*feat)[i].feature_data );
		(*feat)[i].feature_data = NULL;

	cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage );
	cvReleaseImage( &init_img );
	release_pyr( &gauss_pyr, octvs, intvls + 3 );
	release_pyr( &dog_pyr, octvs, intvls + 2 );
	return n;
コード例 #7
ファイル: sift.c プロジェクト: githubcjl/uVision_cjl
Finds SIFT features in an image using user-specified parameter values.  All
detected features are stored in the array pointed to by \a feat.

@param img the image in which to detect features
@param feat a pointer to an array in which to store detected features
@param intvls the number of intervals sampled per octave of scale space
@param sigma the amount of Gaussian smoothing applied to each image level
	before building the scale space representation for an octave
@param cont_thr a threshold on the value of the scale space function
	\f$\left|D(\hat{x})\right|\f$, where \f$\hat{x}\f$ is a vector specifying
	feature location and scale, used to reject unstable features;  assumes
	pixel values in the range [0, 1]
@param curv_thr threshold on a feature's ratio of principle curvatures
	used to reject features that are too edge-like
@param img_dbl should be 1 if image doubling prior to scale space
	construction is desired or 0 if not
@param descr_width the width, \f$n\f$, of the \f$n \times n\f$ array of
	orientation histograms used to compute a feature's descriptor
@param descr_hist_bins the number of orientations in each of the
	histograms in the array used to compute a feature's descriptor

@return Returns the number of keypoints stored in \a feat or -1 on failure
@see sift_keypoints()
int _sift_features( IplImage* img, struct feature** feat, int intvls,
				   double sigma, double contr_thr, int curv_thr,
				   int img_dbl, int descr_width, int descr_hist_bins )
    IplImage* init_img;//原图经初始化后的图像,归一化的32位灰度图
    IplImage*** gauss_pyr, *** dog_pyr;//三级指针,高斯金字塔图像组,DoG金字塔图像组
    CvMemStorage* storage;//存储器
    CvSeq* features;//存储特征点的序列,序列中存放的是struct feature类型的指针
	int octvs, i, n = 0;

	/* check arguments */
	if( ! img )
		fatal_error( "NULL pointer error, %s, line %d",  __FILE__, __LINE__ );

	if( ! feat )
		fatal_error( "NULL pointer error, %s, line %d",  __FILE__, __LINE__ );

	/* build scale space pyramid; smallest dimension of top level is ~4 pixels */

	init_img = create_init_img( img, img_dbl, sigma );
    octvs = log( MIN( init_img->width, init_img->height ) ) / log(2) - 2;
	gauss_pyr = build_gauss_pyr( init_img, octvs, intvls, sigma );
	dog_pyr = build_dog_pyr( gauss_pyr, octvs, intvls );

	storage = cvCreateMemStorage( 0 );
    features = scale_space_extrema( dog_pyr, octvs, intvls, contr_thr, curv_thr, storage );
	calc_feature_scales( features, sigma, intvls );
    if( img_dbl )//将特征点序列中每个特征点的坐标减半(当设置了将图像放大为原图的2倍时,特征点检测完之后调用)
		adjust_for_img_dbl( features );

	calc_feature_oris( features, gauss_pyr );

	compute_descriptors( features, gauss_pyr, descr_width, descr_hist_bins );

	/* sort features by decreasing scale and move from CvSeq to array */
	cvSeqSort( features, (CvCmpFunc)feature_cmp, NULL );

    //将CvSeq类型的特征点序列features转换为通用的struct feature类型的数组feat
    n = features->total;//特征点个数
    *feat = calloc( n, sizeof(struct feature) );//分配控件
	*feat = cvCvtSeqToArray( features, *feat, CV_WHOLE_SEQ );

	for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
		free( (*feat)[i].feature_data );
		(*feat)[i].feature_data = NULL;

    cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage );//释放内存存储器
    cvReleaseImage( &init_img );//释放初始化后的图像
    release_pyr( &gauss_pyr, octvs, intvls + 3 );//释放高斯金字塔图像组
    release_pyr( &dog_pyr, octvs, intvls + 2 );//释放高斯差分金字塔图像组

    return n;//返回检测到的特征点的个数
コード例 #8
ファイル: LOOV.cpp プロジェクト: fvallet/LOOV
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	/* initialisation of the parameters  */
    LOOV_params *param=alloc_init_LOOV_params();
    param = parse_arg(param, argc, argv);
	/* initialisation of the boxes sequences */
    CvMemStorage* storage_box = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
    CvSeq* seq_box = cvCreateSeq( 0, sizeof(CvSeq), sizeof(box*), storage_box);							// list of boxes that are shown in the current frame
    CvMemStorage* storage_box_final = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
    CvSeq* seq_box_final = cvCreateSeq( 0, sizeof(CvSeq), sizeof(box*), storage_box_final);				// boxes list  that no longer appear

    if (param->videoName==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"enter video name after parameter -v\n"); exit(0); }
    CvCapture* capture = cvCaptureFromFile(param->videoName);    										// read video
    if (!capture)        { printf("error on video %s\n",param->videoName); exit(1); }
    cvSetCaptureProperty(capture, CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, param->startFrame);  							// get video property
    IplImage* frame_temp = cvQueryFrame( capture );   													// get the first frame    

	/* computed parameters depending on the image size */
    int video_depth=1;    																				
    for (int i=0;i<frame_temp->depth;i++) video_depth=video_depth*2;									// find the max threshold
    param->max_thr = video_depth-1;
    param->it_connected_caractere = round_me((float)frame_temp->width*param->aspect_ratio*param->it_connected_caractere);       
    param->y_min_size_text = round_me((float)frame_temp->height*param->y_min_size_text);
    param->x_min_size_text = round_me((float)frame_temp->width*param->aspect_ratio*param->x_min_size_text);
	/* read mask image, to process only a part of the images */
    IplImage* frame=cvCreateImage(cvSize(frame_temp->width*param->aspect_ratio, frame_temp->height), frame_temp->depth, frame_temp->nChannels);
    cvResize(frame_temp, frame, CV_INTER_CUBIC);
    IplImage* im_mask=0;    
    if (param->path_im_mask!=NULL) {
        im_mask=cvLoadImage(param->path_im_mask, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
        if ((frame->width!=im_mask->width) || (frame->height!=im_mask->height)){
            IplImage* im_mask_resize = cvCreateImage(cvSize(frame->width, frame->height),im_mask->depth, 1);  // resize mask to the images video size
            cvResize(im_mask, im_mask_resize, CV_INTER_CUBIC);
            im_mask = cvCloneImage(im_mask_resize);
    printf("processing of frames from %d to %d\n", param->startFrame, param->startFrame+param->nbFrame);
    IplImage* frame_BW=cvCreateImage(cvSize(frame_temp->width*param->aspect_ratio, frame_temp->height), frame_temp->depth, 1);
    IplImage* frame_BW_temp=cvCreateImage(cvSize(frame_temp->width, frame_temp->height), frame_temp->depth, 1);   
    int frameNum=param->startFrame;
    while((frameNum<param->startFrame+param->nbFrame) && (frame_temp = cvQueryFrame( capture ))) {  // capture the current frame and put it in frame_temp
        if( frame_temp ) {	
            cvCvtColor(frame_temp, frame_BW_temp, CV_RGB2GRAY);			                            // convert frame from color to gray
            cvResize(frame_temp, frame, CV_INTER_CUBIC);                                            // resize for aspect ratio
            cvResize(frame_BW_temp, frame_BW, CV_INTER_CUBIC);
            cvCvtColor(frame, frame_BW, CV_RGB2GRAY);
			IplImage* im = cvCloneImage(frame_BW);			
            im = sobel_double_H(im, param);															// find edge of characters		
            if (param->path_im_mask!=NULL) cvAnd(im,im_mask,im, NULL);								// apply mask if it exists
            im = connected_caractere(im, param);													// connect edges of a same line
            im = delete_horizontal_bar(im, param);													// filter noise on the resulting image
            im = delete_vertical_bar(im, param);													// filter noise on the resulting image
            if (param->path_im_mask!=NULL) cvAnd(im,im_mask,im, NULL);								// apply mask if it exists
            spatial_detection_box(im, seq_box, frameNum, frame_BW, frame, frame, im_mask, param); 	// Detect boxes spatial position
            temporal_detection_box(seq_box, seq_box_final, frameNum, frame_BW, im_mask, param);     // Temporal tracking of the boxes

    /* finish the transcriptin of the boxes in seq_box */
    for (int i=0;i<seq_box->total;i++){
        box* pt_search_box = *(box**)cvGetSeqElem(seq_box, i);
        if (pt_search_box->stop_frame - pt_search_box->start_frame > param->min_duration_box) {         
            cvSeqPush(seq_box_final, &pt_search_box);                                               // copy boxes in seq_box_final
            cvSeqSort(pt_search_box->seq_thr_t, cmp_thr, 0);
            int* thr_med = (int*)cvGetSeqElem( pt_search_box->seq_thr_t, (int)(pt_search_box->nb_img_detect_avg_t/2) );   
            transcription_box(pt_search_box, param);                                                // process transcription of the boxes
            if (param->print_text == 1){                                                            // print transcription
                printf("box_%d img_avg ymin=%d ymax=%d xmin=%d xmax=%d " ,pt_search_box->num ,round_me(pt_search_box->ymin_avg), round_me(pt_search_box->xmin_avg), round_me(pt_search_box->ymax_avg), round_me(pt_search_box->xmax_avg));
                print_transcription_image(get_img_OCR_Image(pt_search_box->im_average_mask_t), round_me(pt_search_box->thr_med), param);
        else free_box(pt_search_box);
    /* Write transcription in output_path+".OCR" file */
    char * file_txt_temp=sprintf_alloc("%s.OCR", param->output_path);
    FILE * file_txt = fopen(file_txt_temp, "w");
    cvSeqSort( seq_box_final, cmp_box_by_frame, 0);
    for (int i=0;i<seq_box_final->total;i++){
        file_print_box(file_txt, *(box**)cvGetSeqElem(seq_box_final, i), param);   //

    /* free memory */     
    for (int i=0;i<seq_box_final->total;i++){
        free_box(*(box**)cvGetSeqElem(seq_box_final, i));
    cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage_box );
    cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage_box_final );
    cvReleaseCapture( &capture ); 

    return 0;