コード例 #1
//    Name:    cvConDensUpdateByTime
//    Purpose: Performing Time Update routine for ConDensation algorithm
//    Context:
//    Parameters:
//      Kalman     - pointer to CvConDensation structure
//    Returns:
//    Notes:
CV_IMPL void
cvConDensUpdateByTime( CvConDensation * ConDens )
    int i, j;
    float Sum = 0;

    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvConDensUpdateByTime" );
    if( !ConDens )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsNullPtr, "" );

    /* Sets Temp to Zero */
    icvSetZero_32f( ConDens->Temp, ConDens->DP, 1 );

    /* Calculating the Mean */
    for( i = 0; i < ConDens->SamplesNum; i++ )
        icvScaleVector_32f( ConDens->flSamples[i], ConDens->State, ConDens->DP,
                             ConDens->flConfidence[i] );
        icvAddVector_32f( ConDens->Temp, ConDens->State, ConDens->Temp, ConDens->DP );
        Sum += ConDens->flConfidence[i];
        ConDens->flCumulative[i] = Sum;

    /* Taking the new vector from transformation of mean by dynamics matrix */

    icvScaleVector_32f( ConDens->Temp, ConDens->Temp, ConDens->DP, 1.f / Sum );
    icvTransformVector_32f( ConDens->DynamMatr, ConDens->Temp, ConDens->State, ConDens->DP,
                             ConDens->DP );
    Sum = Sum / ConDens->SamplesNum;

    /* Updating the set of random samples */
    for( i = 0; i < ConDens->SamplesNum; i++ )
        j = 0;
        while( (ConDens->flCumulative[j] <= (float) i * Sum)&&(j<ConDens->SamplesNum-1))
        icvCopyVector_32f( ConDens->flSamples[j], ConDens->DP, ConDens->flNewSamples[i] );

    /* Adding the random-generated vector to every vector in sample set */
    for( i = 0; i < ConDens->SamplesNum; i++ )
    {   //为每个新粒子产生一个随即量
        for( j = 0; j < ConDens->DP; j++ )
            cvbRand( ConDens->RandS + j, ConDens->RandomSample + j, 1 );
        icvTransformVector_32f( ConDens->DynamMatr, ConDens->flNewSamples[i],
                                 ConDens->flSamples[i], ConDens->DP, ConDens->DP );
        icvAddVector_32f( ConDens->flSamples[i], ConDens->RandomSample, ConDens->flSamples[i],
                           ConDens->DP );

コード例 #2
CV_IMPL void
cvConDensInitSampleSet( CvConDensation * conDens, CvMat * lowerBound, CvMat * upperBound )
    int i, j;
    float *LBound;
    float *UBound;
    float Prob = 1.f / conDens->SamplesNum;

    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvConDensInitSampleSet" );
    if( !conDens || !lowerBound || !upperBound )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsNullPtr, "" );

    if( CV_MAT_TYPE(lowerBound->type) != CV_32FC1 ||
        !CV_ARE_TYPES_EQ(lowerBound,upperBound) )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "source  has not appropriate format" );

    if( (lowerBound->cols != 1) || (upperBound->cols != 1) )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "source  has not appropriate size" );

    if( (lowerBound->rows != conDens->DP) || (upperBound->rows != conDens->DP) )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "source  has not appropriate size" );

    LBound = lowerBound->data.fl;
    UBound = upperBound->data.fl;
    /* Initializing the structures to create initial Sample set */
    for( i = 0; i < conDens->DP; i++ )
        cvRandInit( &(conDens->RandS[i]),
                    i );
    /* Generating the samples */
    for( j = 0; j < conDens->SamplesNum; j++ )
        for( i = 0; i < conDens->DP; i++ )
            cvbRand( conDens->RandS + i, conDens->flSamples[j] + i, 1 );
        conDens->flConfidence[j] = Prob;
    /* Reinitializes the structures to update samples randomly */
    for( i = 0; i < conDens->DP; i++ )
        cvRandInit( &(conDens->RandS[i]),
                    (LBound[i] - UBound[i]) / 5,
                    (UBound[i] - LBound[i]) / 5,

コード例 #3
ファイル: condens.cpp プロジェクト: 2693/opencv
CV_IMPL void
cvConDensInitSampleSet( CvConDensation * conDens, CvMat * lowerBound, CvMat * upperBound )
    int i, j;
    float *LBound;
    float *UBound;
    float Prob = 1.f / conDens->SamplesNum;

    if( !conDens || !lowerBound || !upperBound )
        CV_Error( CV_StsNullPtr, "" );

    if( CV_MAT_TYPE(lowerBound->type) != CV_32FC1 ||
        !CV_ARE_TYPES_EQ(lowerBound,upperBound) )
        CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, "source  has not appropriate format" );

    if( (lowerBound->cols != 1) || (upperBound->cols != 1) )
        CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, "source  has not appropriate size" );

    if( (lowerBound->rows != conDens->DP) || (upperBound->rows != conDens->DP) )
        CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, "source  has not appropriate size" );

    LBound = lowerBound->data.fl;
    UBound = upperBound->data.fl;
    /* Initializing the structures to create initial Sample set */
    for( i = 0; i < conDens->DP; i++ )
        cvRandInit( &(conDens->RandS[i]),
                    i );
    /* Generating the samples */
    for( j = 0; j < conDens->SamplesNum; j++ )
        for( i = 0; i < conDens->DP; i++ )
            cvbRand( conDens->RandS + i, conDens->flSamples[j] + i, 1 );
        conDens->flConfidence[j] = Prob;
    /* Reinitializes the structures to update samples randomly */
    for( i = 0; i < conDens->DP; i++ )
        cvRandInit( &(conDens->RandS[i]),
                    (LBound[i] - UBound[i]) / 5,
                    (UBound[i] - LBound[i]) / 5,
コード例 #4
static int aMatchContourTrees(void)
    CvSeqBlock contour_blk1, contour_blk2;
    CvContour contour_h1, contour_h2;
    CvContourTree *tree1, *tree2;
    CvMemStorage *storage;   /*   storage for contour and tree writing */
    int block_size = 10000;

    CvRandState state;
    double lower, upper;
    int seed;
    float fr;
    int type_seq;
    int method;
    int nPoints1 = 12, nPoints2 = 12;
    int xc,yc,a1 = 10, b1 = 20, a2 = 10, b2 =20, fi = 0;
    int xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax;
    double error_test,rezult, eps_rez = 0.8;
    double pi = 3.1415926;
    double threshold = 1.e-7;
    double threshold2 = 5.;
    int i;
    int code = TRS_OK;

    int width=256,height=256;
    CvPoint *cp1,*cp2;

    /* read tests params */

    if (!trsiRead(&nPoints1,"20","Number of points first contour"))
        return TRS_UNDEF;
    if (!trsiRead(&nPoints2,"20","Number of points second contour"))
        return TRS_UNDEF;

        if (!trsiRead(&a1,"10","first radius of the first elipse"))
            return TRS_UNDEF;
        if (!trsiRead(&b1,"20","second radius of the first elipse"))
            return TRS_UNDEF;
        if (!trsiRead(&a2,"15","first radius of the second elipse"))
            return TRS_UNDEF;
        if (!trsiRead(&b2,"30","second radius of the second elipse"))
            return TRS_UNDEF;
        if (!trsiRead(&fi,"0","second radius of the second elipse"))
            return TRS_UNDEF;

        if (!trsdRead(&upper,"3","noise amplidude"))
            return TRS_UNDEF;

        xc = (int)(width/2.);
        yc = (int)(height/2.);
        xmin = width;
        ymin = height;
        xmax = 0;
        ymax = 0;

        cp1 = (CvPoint*) trsmAlloc(nPoints1*sizeof(CvPoint));
        cp2 = (CvPoint*) trsmAlloc(nPoints2*sizeof(CvPoint));

        for(i=0; i<nPoints1; i++)
            cp1[i].x = (int)(a1*cos(2*pi*i/nPoints1))+xc;
            cp1[i].y = (int)(b1*sin(2*pi*i/nPoints1))+yc;
            if(xmin> cp1[i].x) xmin = cp1[i].x;
            if(xmax< cp1[i].x) xmax = cp1[i].x;
            if(ymin> cp1[i].y) ymin = cp1[i].y;
            if(ymax< cp1[i].y) ymax = cp1[i].y;

        if(xmax>width||xmin<0||ymax>height||ymin<0) return TRS_FAIL;

        lower = -upper;
        /*     upper = 3;*/
        seed = 345753;
        cvRandInit(&state, (float)lower,(float)upper, seed );
        for(i=0; i<nPoints2; i++)
            cvbRand( &state, &fr, 1 );
            cp2[i].x =(int)fr+(int)(a2*cos(2*pi*i/nPoints2)*cos(2*pi*fi/360.))-
            cvbRand( &state, &fr, 1 );
            cp2[i].y =(int)fr+(int)(a2*cos(2*pi*i/nPoints2)*sin(2*pi*fi/360.))+

            if(xmin> cp2[i].x) xmin = cp2[i].x;
            if(xmax< cp2[i].x) xmax = cp2[i].x;
            if(ymin> cp2[i].y) ymin = cp2[i].y;
            if(ymax< cp2[i].y) ymax = cp2[i].y;
        if(xmax>width||xmin<0||ymax>height||ymin<0) return TRS_FAIL;

        /*   contours initialazing */
        type_seq = CV_SEQ_POLYGON;
        cvMakeSeqHeaderForArray( type_seq, sizeof(CvContour), sizeof(CvPoint),
                                 (char*)cp1, nPoints1, (CvSeq*)&contour_h1, &contour_blk1);

        cvMakeSeqHeaderForArray( type_seq, sizeof(CvContour), sizeof(CvPoint),
                                 (char*)cp2, nPoints2, (CvSeq*)&contour_h2, &contour_blk2);

        /*  contour trees created*/
        storage = cvCreateMemStorage( block_size );

        tree1 = cvCreateContourTree ((CvSeq*)&contour_h1, storage, threshold);
        tree2 = cvCreateContourTree ((CvSeq*)&contour_h2, storage, threshold);

        /*  countours matchig */
        error_test = 0.;
        method = 1;

        rezult = cvMatchContourTrees (tree1, tree2, (CvContourTreesMatchMethod)method,threshold2);

        if(error_test > eps_rez ) code = TRS_FAIL;
        else code = TRS_OK;

        trsWrite( ATS_CON | ATS_LST | ATS_SUM, "contours matching error_test =%f \n",

        cvReleaseMemStorage ( &storage );

        trsFree (cp2);
        trsFree (cp1);


    /*    _getch();     */
    return code;