コード例 #1
void PhysicsPlaneGeom::changed(ConstFieldMaskArg whichField,
                               UInt32            origin,
                               BitVector         details)
    Inherited::changed(whichField, origin, details);

    if(whichField & ParametersFieldMask)
        dGeomPlaneSetParams(_GeomID, getParameters().x(), getParameters().y(), getParameters().z(), getParameters().w());
コード例 #2
ファイル: IoODEPlane.c プロジェクト: Akiyah/io
IoObject *IoODEPlane_setParams(IoODEPlane *self, IoObject *locals, IoMessage *m)
	dReal a = IoMessage_locals_doubleArgAt_(m, locals, 0);
	dReal b = IoMessage_locals_doubleArgAt_(m, locals, 1);
	dReal c = IoMessage_locals_doubleArgAt_(m, locals, 2);
	dReal d = IoMessage_locals_doubleArgAt_(m, locals, 3);

	IoODEPlane_assertHasPlaneId(self, locals, m);
	dGeomPlaneSetParams(GEOMID, a, b, c, d);
	return self;
コード例 #3
ファイル: OdePlane.cpp プロジェクト: erwincoumans/dart
void OdePlane::updateEngineData()
  const Eigen::Isometry3d& tf = mParentCollisionObject->getTransform();
  const Eigen::Vector3d pos = tf.translation();
  const Eigen::Matrix3d rot = tf.linear();

  auto plane = static_cast<const dynamics::PlaneShape*>(
  const Eigen::Vector3d& normal = plane->getNormal();
  const double offset = plane->getOffset();

  const Eigen::Vector3d& normal2 = rot*normal;
  const double offset2 = offset + pos.dot(normal2);

  dGeomPlaneSetParams(mGeomId, normal2.x(), normal2.y(), normal2.z(), offset2);
コード例 #4
ファイル: demo_collision.cpp プロジェクト: JohnCrash/ode
int test_plane_point_depth()
  int j;
  dVector3 n,p,q,a,b;	// n = plane normal
  dReal d;

  dSimpleSpace space(0);
  dGeomID plane = dCreatePlane (0,0,0,1,0);
  dSpaceAdd (space,plane);

  // ********** make a random plane

  for (j=0; j<3; j++) n[j] = dRandReal() - 0.5;
  dNormalize3 (n);
  d = dRandReal() - 0.5;
  dGeomPlaneSetParams (plane,n[0],n[1],n[2],d);
  dPlaneSpace (n,p,q);

  // ********** test point on plane has depth 0

  a[0] = dRandReal() - 0.5;
  a[1] = dRandReal() - 0.5;
  a[2] = 0;
  for (j=0; j<3; j++) b[j] = a[0]*p[j] + a[1]*q[j] + (a[2]+d)*n[j];
  if (dFabs(dGeomPlanePointDepth (plane,b[0],b[1],b[2])) >= tol) FAILED();

  // ********** test arbitrary depth point

  a[0] = dRandReal() - 0.5;
  a[1] = dRandReal() - 0.5;
  a[2] = dRandReal() - 0.5;
  for (j=0; j<3; j++) b[j] = a[0]*p[j] + a[1]*q[j] + (a[2]+d)*n[j];
  if (dFabs(dGeomPlanePointDepth (plane,b[0],b[1],b[2]) + a[2]) >= tol)

  // ********** test depth-1 point

  a[0] = dRandReal() - 0.5;
  a[1] = dRandReal() - 0.5;
  a[2] = -1;
  for (j=0; j<3; j++) b[j] = a[0]*p[j] + a[1]*q[j] + (a[2]+d)*n[j];
  if (dFabs(dGeomPlanePointDepth (plane,b[0],b[1],b[2]) - 1) >= tol) FAILED();

コード例 #5
void PhysicsPlaneGeom::setParams(const Vec4f &value )
	PhysicsPlaneGeomPtr tmpPtr(*this);
	dGeomPlaneSetParams(tmpPtr->id, value.x(), value.y(), value.z(), value.w());
コード例 #6
ファイル: demo_collision.cpp プロジェクト: JohnCrash/ode
int test_ray_and_plane()
  int j;
  dContactGeom contact;
  dVector3 n,p,q,a,b,g,h;		// n,d = plane parameters
  dMatrix3 R;
  dReal d;

  dSimpleSpace space(0);
  dGeomID ray = dCreateRay (0,0);
  dGeomID plane = dCreatePlane (0,0,0,1,0);
  dSpaceAdd (space,ray);
  dSpaceAdd (space,plane);

  // ********** make a random plane

  for (j=0; j<3; j++) n[j] = dRandReal() - 0.5;
  dNormalize3 (n);
  d = dRandReal() - 0.5;
  dGeomPlaneSetParams (plane,n[0],n[1],n[2],d);
  dPlaneSpace (n,p,q);

  // ********** test finite length ray below plane

  dGeomRaySetLength (ray,0.09);
  a[0] = dRandReal()-0.5;
  a[1] = dRandReal()-0.5;
  a[2] = -dRandReal()*0.5 - 0.1;
  for (j=0; j<3; j++) b[j] = a[0]*p[j] + a[1]*q[j] + (a[2]+d)*n[j];
  dGeomSetPosition (ray,b[0],b[1],b[2]);
  dRFromAxisAndAngle (R,dRandReal()*2-1,dRandReal()*2-1,
  dGeomSetRotation (ray,R);
  if (dCollide (ray,plane,1,&contact,sizeof(dContactGeom)) != 0) FAILED();

  // ********** test finite length ray above plane

  a[0] = dRandReal()-0.5;
  a[1] = dRandReal()-0.5;
  a[2] = dRandReal()*0.5 + 0.01;
  for (j=0; j<3; j++) b[j] = a[0]*p[j] + a[1]*q[j] + (a[2]+d)*n[j];
  g[0] = dRandReal()-0.5;
  g[1] = dRandReal()-0.5;
  g[2] = dRandReal() + 0.01;
  for (j=0; j<3; j++) h[j] = g[0]*p[j] + g[1]*q[j] + g[2]*n[j];
  dNormalize3 (h);
  dGeomRaySet (ray,b[0],b[1],b[2],h[0],h[1],h[2]);
  dGeomRaySetLength (ray,10);
  if (dCollide (ray,plane,1,&contact,sizeof(dContactGeom)) != 0) FAILED();

  // ********** test finite length ray that intersects plane

  a[0] = dRandReal()-0.5;
  a[1] = dRandReal()-0.5;
  a[2] = dRandReal()-0.5;
  for (j=0; j<3; j++) b[j] = a[0]*p[j] + a[1]*q[j] + (a[2]+d)*n[j];
  g[0] = dRandReal()-0.5;
  g[1] = dRandReal()-0.5;
  g[2] = dRandReal()-0.5;
  for (j=0; j<3; j++) h[j] = g[0]*p[j] + g[1]*q[j] + g[2]*n[j];
  dNormalize3 (h);
  dGeomRaySet (ray,b[0],b[1],b[2],h[0],h[1],h[2]);
  dGeomRaySetLength (ray,10);
  if (dCollide (ray,plane,1,&contact,sizeof(dContactGeom))) {
    // test that contact is on plane surface
    if (dFabs (dCalcVectorDot3(contact.pos,n) - d) > tol) FAILED();
    // also check normal signs
    if (dCalcVectorDot3 (h,contact.normal) > 0) FAILED();
    // also check contact point depth
    if (dFabs (dGeomPlanePointDepth
	       (plane,contact.pos[0],contact.pos[1],contact.pos[2])) > tol)

    draw_all_objects (space);

  // ********** test ray that just misses

  for (j=0; j<3; j++) b[j] = (1+d)*n[j];
  for (j=0; j<3; j++) h[j] = -n[j];
  dGeomRaySet (ray,b[0],b[1],b[2],h[0],h[1],h[2]);
  dGeomRaySetLength (ray,0.99);
  if (dCollide (ray,plane,1,&contact,sizeof(dContactGeom)) != 0) FAILED();

  // ********** test ray that just hits

  dGeomRaySetLength (ray,1.01);
  if (dCollide (ray,plane,1,&contact,sizeof(dContactGeom)) != 1) FAILED();

  // ********** test polarity with typical ground plane

  dGeomPlaneSetParams (plane,0,0,1,0);
  for (j=0; j<3; j++) a[j] = 0.1;
  for (j=0; j<3; j++) b[j] = 0;
  a[2] = 1;
  b[2] = -1;
  dGeomRaySet (ray,a[0],a[1],a[2],b[0],b[1],b[2]);
  dGeomRaySetLength (ray,2);
  if (dCollide (ray,plane,1,&contact,sizeof(dContactGeom)) != 1) FAILED();
  if (dFabs (contact.depth - 1) > tol) FAILED();
  a[2] = -1;
  b[2] = 1;
  dGeomRaySet (ray,a[0],a[1],a[2],b[0],b[1],b[2]);
  if (dCollide (ray,plane,1,&contact,sizeof(dContactGeom)) != 1) FAILED();
  if (dFabs (contact.depth - 1) > tol) FAILED();
