コード例 #1
	NewtonBody* CreateRigidBody(DemoEntityManager* const scene, dFloat mass, NewtonCollision* const deformableCollision)
		//create the rigid body
		NewtonWorld* const world = scene->GetNewton();
		dMatrix matrix(GetCurrentMatrix());

		//matrix.m_posit.m_y = FindFloor (world, matrix.m_posit.m_x, matrix.m_posit.m_z) + 4.0f;
		SetMatrix(*scene, dQuaternion(), matrix.m_posit);
		SetMatrix(*scene, dQuaternion(), matrix.m_posit);
		NewtonBody* const deformableBody = NewtonCreateDynamicBody(world, deformableCollision, &matrix[0][0]);

		// set the mass matrix
		NewtonBodySetMassProperties(deformableBody, mass, deformableCollision);

		// save the pointer to the graphic object with the body.
		NewtonBodySetUserData(deformableBody, this);

		// assign the wood id
		//	NewtonBodySetMaterialGroupID (deformableBody, materialId);

		// set a destructor for this rigid body
		NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback(deformableBody, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

		// set the transform call back function
		NewtonBodySetTransformCallback(deformableBody, DemoEntity::TransformCallback);

		// set the force and torque call back function
		NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(deformableBody, PhysicsApplyGravityForce);

		return deformableBody;
コード例 #2
	void SubmitConstraints(dFloat timestep, int threadIndex)
		CustomBallAndSocket::SubmitConstraints(timestep, threadIndex);
		float invTimestep = 1.0f / timestep;

		dMatrix matrix0;
		dMatrix matrix1;

		CalculateGlobalMatrix(matrix0, matrix1);

		if (m_anim_speed != 0.0f) // some animation to illustrate purpose
			m_anim_time += timestep * m_anim_speed;
			float a0 = sin(m_anim_time);
			float a1 = m_anim_offset * 3.14f;
			dVector axis(sin(a1), 0.0f, cos(a1));
			//dVector axis (1,0,0);
			m_target = dQuaternion(axis, a0 * 0.5f);

		// measure error
		dQuaternion q0(matrix0);
		dQuaternion q1(matrix1);
		dQuaternion qt0 = m_target * q1;
		dQuaternion qErr = ((q0.DotProduct(qt0) < 0.0f)	? dQuaternion(-q0.m_q0, q0.m_q1, q0.m_q2, q0.m_q3) : dQuaternion(q0.m_q0, -q0.m_q1, -q0.m_q2, -q0.m_q3)) * qt0;

		float errorAngle = 2.0f * acos(dMax(-1.0f, dMin(1.0f, qErr.m_q0)));
		dVector errorAngVel(0, 0, 0);

		dMatrix basis;
		if (errorAngle > 1.0e-10f) {
			dVector errorAxis(qErr.m_q1, qErr.m_q2, qErr.m_q3, 0.0f);
			errorAxis = errorAxis.Scale(1.0f / dSqrt(errorAxis % errorAxis));
			errorAngVel = errorAxis.Scale(errorAngle * invTimestep);

			basis = dGrammSchmidt(errorAxis);
		} else {
			basis = dMatrix(qt0, dVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));

		dVector angVel0, angVel1;
		NewtonBodyGetOmega(m_body0, (float*)&angVel0);
		NewtonBodyGetOmega(m_body1, (float*)&angVel1);

		dVector angAcc = (errorAngVel.Scale(m_reduceError) - (angVel0 - angVel1)).Scale(invTimestep);

		// motor
		for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++) {
			// calculate the desired acceleration
			dVector &axis = basis[n];
			float relAccel = angAcc % axis;

			NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow(m_joint, 0.0f, &axis[0]);
			NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(m_joint, relAccel);
			NewtonUserJointSetRowMinimumFriction(m_joint, -m_angularFriction);
			NewtonUserJointSetRowMaximumFriction(m_joint, m_angularFriction);
			NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(m_joint, m_stiffness);
コード例 #3
void dNewtonBody::SetRotation(dFloat x, dFloat y, dFloat z, dFloat w)
	dVector pos(0, 0, 0);
	NewtonBodyGetPosition(m_body, &pos.m_x);
	dMatrix mat(dQuaternion(x, y, z, w), pos);
	NewtonBodySetMatrix(m_body, &mat[0][0]);
コード例 #4
void HeightFieldCollision (DemoEntityManager* const scene)
	// load the sky box

	CreateHeightFieldTerrain(scene, HEIGHTFIELD_DEFAULT_SIZE, HEIGHTFIELD_DEFAULT_CELLSIZE, 1.5f, 0.2f, 200.0f, -50.0f);

	dMatrix locationTransform (dGetIdentityMatrix());
	locationTransform.m_posit = FindFloor (scene->GetNewton(), dVector(126, 50, 50), 100.0f);
	locationTransform.m_posit.m_y += 2.0f;

	scene->SetCameraMatrix(dQuaternion(locationTransform), locationTransform.m_posit + dVector(0, 5, 0));

	const int defaultMaterialID = NewtonMaterialGetDefaultGroupID (scene->GetNewton());
	const dVector location (locationTransform.m_posit + dVector(20, 20, 0));
	const dVector size (0.5f, 0.5f, 0.75f, 0.0f);
	const int count = 5;
	const dMatrix shapeOffsetMatrix (dGetIdentityMatrix());

	AddPrimitiveArray(scene, 10.0f, location, size, count, count, 5.0f, _SPHERE_PRIMITIVE, defaultMaterialID, shapeOffsetMatrix);
	AddPrimitiveArray(scene, 10.0f, location, size, count, count, 5.0f, _BOX_PRIMITIVE, defaultMaterialID, shapeOffsetMatrix);
	AddPrimitiveArray(scene, 10.0f, location, size, count, count, 5.0f, _CAPSULE_PRIMITIVE, defaultMaterialID, shapeOffsetMatrix);
	AddPrimitiveArray(scene, 10.0f, location, size, count, count, 5.0f, _CYLINDER_PRIMITIVE, defaultMaterialID, shapeOffsetMatrix);
	AddPrimitiveArray(scene, 10.0f, location, size, count, count, 5.0f, _CONE_PRIMITIVE, defaultMaterialID, shapeOffsetMatrix);
//	AddPrimitiveArray(scene, 10.0f, location, size, count, count, 5.0f, _TAPERED_CAPSULE_PRIMITIVE, defaultMaterialID, shapeOffsetMatrix);
//	AddPrimitiveArray(scene, 10.0f, location, size, count, count, 5.0f, _TAPERED_CYLINDER_PRIMITIVE, defaultMaterialID, shapeOffsetMatrix);
	AddPrimitiveArray(scene, 10.0f, location, size, count, count, 5.0f, _CHAMFER_CYLINDER_PRIMITIVE, defaultMaterialID, shapeOffsetMatrix);
	AddPrimitiveArray(scene, 10.0f, location, size, count, count, 5.0f, _REGULAR_CONVEX_HULL_PRIMITIVE, defaultMaterialID, shapeOffsetMatrix);
	AddPrimitiveArray(scene, 10.0f, location, size, count, count, 5.0f, _COMPOUND_CONVEX_CRUZ_PRIMITIVE, defaultMaterialID, shapeOffsetMatrix);
	AddPrimitiveArray(scene, 10.0f, location, size, count, count, 5.0f, _RANDOM_CONVEX_HULL_PRIMITIVE, defaultMaterialID, shapeOffsetMatrix);
コード例 #5
void dNewtonBody::OnBodyTransform(const dFloat* const matrixPtr, int threadIndex)
	dMatrix matrix(matrixPtr);

	ScopeLock scopelock(&m_lock);
	m_posit0 = m_posit1;
	m_rotation0 = m_rotation1;
	m_posit1 = matrix.m_posit;
	m_rotation1 = dQuaternion(matrix);
	dFloat angle = m_rotation0.DotProduct(m_rotation1);
	if (angle < 0.0f) {
コード例 #6
	JoesRagdollJoint(NewtonBody* child, NewtonBody* parent, const dMatrix &localMatrix0, const dMatrix &localMatrix1, NewtonWorld *world)
		:CustomBallAndSocket(localMatrix0, localMatrix1, child, parent)
		m_localMatrix0 = localMatrix0;
		m_localMatrix1 = localMatrix1;

		m_target = dQuaternion(dVector(1.0f, 0, 0), 0.0f);
		m_reduceError = 0.2f; // amount of error to reduce per timestep (more -> oszillation)
		m_angularFriction = 300.0f;
		m_stiffness = 0.9f;

		m_anim_speed = 0.0f;
		m_anim_offset = 0.0f;
		m_anim_time = 0.0f;
コード例 #7
	void PopulateBasePose(dAnimPose& basePose, DemoEntity* const character)

		int stack = 1;
		DemoEntity* pool[32];
		pool[0] = character;

		while (stack) {
			DemoEntity* const entity = pool[stack];

			dAnimKeyframe& transform = basePose.Append()->GetInfo();
			dMatrix matrix(entity->GetCurrentMatrix());
			transform.m_posit = matrix.m_posit;
			transform.m_rotation = dQuaternion(matrix);
			transform.m_userData = entity;

			for (DemoEntity* node = entity->GetChild(); node; node = node->GetSibling()) {
				pool[stack] = node;
コード例 #8
static void CreateSimpleVoronoiShatter (DemoEntityManager* const scene)
	// create a collision primitive
//	dVector size (2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f);
//	dVector size = dVector (10.0f, 0.5f, 10.0f, 0.0f);
	dVector size = dVector (5.0f, 5.0f, 5.0f, 0.0f);
	NewtonWorld* const world = scene->GetNewton();

//	NewtonCollision* const collision = CreateConvexCollision (world, GetIdentityMatrix(), size, _BOX_PRIMITIVE, 0);
	NewtonCollision* const collision = CreateConvexCollision (world, GetIdentityMatrix(), size, _CAPSULE_PRIMITIVE, 0);
//	NewtonCollision* const collision = CreateConvexCollision (world, GetIdentityMatrix(), size, _SPHERE_PRIMITIVE, 0);
//	NewtonCollision* const collision = CreateConvexCollision (world, GetIdentityMatrix(), size, _REGULAR_CONVEX_HULL_PRIMITIVE, 0);
//	NewtonCollision* const collision = CreateConvexCollision (world, GetIdentityMatrix(), size, _RANDOM_CONVEX_HULL_PRIMITIVE, 0);

	// create a newton mesh from the collision primitive
	NewtonMesh* const mesh = NewtonMeshCreateFromCollision(collision);

	// apply a simple Box Mapping
	int tex0 = LoadTexture("reljef.tga");
	NewtonMeshApplyBoxMapping(mesh, tex0, tex0, tex0);

	// pepper the bing box of the mesh with random points
	dVector points[NUMBER_OF_ITERNAL_PARTS + 100];
	int count = 0;

	while (count < NUMBER_OF_ITERNAL_PARTS) {
		dFloat x = RandomVariable(size.m_x);
		dFloat y = RandomVariable(size.m_y);
		dFloat z = RandomVariable(size.m_z);
		if ((x <= size.m_x) && (x >= -size.m_x) && (y <= size.m_y) && (y >= -size.m_y) && (z <= size.m_z) && (z >= -size.m_z)){
			points[count] = dVector (x, y, z);
			count ++;

count = 4;

	// Create the array of convex pieces from the mesh
	int interior = LoadTexture("KAMEN-stup.tga");
//	int interior = LoadTexture("camo.tga");
	dMatrix textureMatrix (GetIdentityMatrix());
	textureMatrix[0][0] = 1.0f / size.m_x;
	textureMatrix[1][1] = 1.0f / size.m_y;
	NewtonMesh* const convexParts = NewtonMeshVoronoiDecomposition (mesh, count, sizeof (dVector), &points[0].m_x, interior, &textureMatrix[0][0]);
//	NewtonMesh* const convexParts = NewtonMeshConvexDecomposition (mesh, 1000000);

#if 1
dScene xxxx(world);
dScene::dTreeNode* const modelNode = xxxx.CreateSceneNode(xxxx.GetRootNode());
dScene::dTreeNode* const meshNode = xxxx.CreateMeshNode(modelNode);
dMeshNodeInfo* const modelMesh = (dMeshNodeInfo*)xxxx.GetInfoFromNode(meshNode);
modelMesh->ReplaceMesh (convexParts);

	DemoEntity* const entity = new DemoEntity(NULL);
	entity->SetMatrix(*scene, dQuaternion(), dVector (0, 10, 0, 0));
	entity->InterpolateMatrix (*scene, 1.0f);
	scene->Append (entity);
	DemoMesh* const mesh1 = new DemoMesh(convexParts);

DemoEntity* const entity2 = new DemoEntity(NULL);
entity2->SetMatrix(*scene, dQuaternion(), dVector (0, 10, 0, 0));
entity2->InterpolateMatrix (*scene, 1.0f);

scene->Append (entity2);
DemoMesh* const mesh2 = new DemoMesh(mesh);

	// make sure the assets are released before leaving the function
	if (convexParts) {
		NewtonMeshDestroy (convexParts);
	NewtonMeshDestroy (mesh);
	NewtonReleaseCollision(world, collision);
コード例 #9
ファイル: Hexapod.cpp プロジェクト: MADEAPPS/newton-dynamics
	void MakeHexapod(DemoEntityManager* const scene, const dMatrix& location)
		dFloat mass = 30.0f;
		// make the kinematic solver
		m_kinematicSolver = NewtonCreateInverseDynamics(scene->GetNewton());

		// make the root body
		dMatrix baseMatrix(dGetIdentityMatrix());
		baseMatrix.m_posit.m_y += 0.35f;
		dVector size (1.3f, 0.31f, 0.5f, 0.0f);
		NewtonBody* const hexaBody = CreateBox(scene, baseMatrix * location, size, mass, 1.0f);
		void* const hexaBodyNode = NewtonInverseDynamicsAddRoot(m_kinematicSolver, hexaBody);

		int legEffectorCount = 0;
		dCustomInverseDynamicsEffector* legEffectors[32];

		baseMatrix.m_posit.m_y -= 0.06f;
		// make the hexapod six limbs
		for (int i = 0; i < 3; i ++) {
			dMatrix rightLocation (baseMatrix);
			rightLocation.m_posit += rightLocation.m_right.Scale (size.m_z * 0.65f);
			rightLocation.m_posit += rightLocation.m_front.Scale (size.m_x * 0.3f - size.m_x * i / 3.0f);
			legEffectors[legEffectorCount] = AddLeg (scene, hexaBodyNode, rightLocation * location, mass * 0.1f, 0.3f);
			legEffectorCount ++;

			dMatrix similarTransform (dGetIdentityMatrix());
			similarTransform.m_posit.m_x = rightLocation.m_posit.m_x;
			similarTransform.m_posit.m_y = rightLocation.m_posit.m_y;
			dMatrix leftLocation (rightLocation * similarTransform.Inverse() * dYawMatrix(dPi) * similarTransform);
			legEffectors[legEffectorCount] = AddLeg (scene, hexaBodyNode, leftLocation * location, mass * 0.1f, 0.3f);
			legEffectorCount ++;

		// finalize inverse dynamics solver
		// create a fix pose frame generator
		dEffectorTreeFixPose* const idlePose = new dEffectorTreeFixPose(hexaBody);
		dEffectorTreeFixPose* const walkPoseGenerator = new dEffectorWalkPoseGenerator(hexaBody);
		m_walkIdleBlender = new dEffectorBlendIdleWalk (hexaBody, idlePose, walkPoseGenerator);

		m_postureModifier = new dAnimationHipController(m_walkIdleBlender);
		m_animTreeNode = new dEffectorTreeRoot(hexaBody, m_postureModifier);

		dMatrix rootMatrix;
		NewtonBodyGetMatrix (hexaBody, &rootMatrix[0][0]);
		rootMatrix = rootMatrix.Inverse();
		for (int i = 0; i < legEffectorCount; i++) {
			dEffectorTreeInterface::dEffectorTransform frame;
			dCustomInverseDynamicsEffector* const effector = legEffectors[i];
			dMatrix effectorMatrix(effector->GetBodyMatrix());

			dMatrix poseMatrix(effectorMatrix * rootMatrix);
			frame.m_effector = effector;
			frame.m_posit = poseMatrix.m_posit;
			frame.m_rotation = dQuaternion(poseMatrix);

コード例 #10
void dCustomBallAndSocket::SubmitConstraints(dFloat timestep, int threadIndex)
	dMatrix matrix0;
	dMatrix matrix1;

	// calculate the position of the pivot point and the Jacobian direction vectors, in global space. 
	CalculateGlobalMatrix(matrix0, matrix1);
	SubmitLinearRows(0x07, matrix0, matrix1);

	const dVector& coneDir0 = matrix0.m_front;
	const dVector& coneDir1 = matrix1.m_front;

	dFloat cosAngleCos = coneDir1.DotProduct3(coneDir0);
	dMatrix coneRotation(dGetIdentityMatrix());
	dVector lateralDir(matrix0.m_up);

	if (cosAngleCos < 0.9999f) {
		lateralDir = coneDir1.CrossProduct(coneDir0);
		dFloat mag2 = lateralDir.DotProduct3(lateralDir);
		if (mag2 > 1.0e-4f) {
			lateralDir = lateralDir.Scale(1.0f / dSqrt(mag2));
			coneRotation = dMatrix(dQuaternion(lateralDir, dAcos(dClamp(cosAngleCos, dFloat(-1.0f), dFloat(1.0f)))), matrix1.m_posit);
		} else {
			lateralDir = matrix0.m_up.Scale (-1.0f);
			coneRotation = dMatrix(dQuaternion(matrix0.m_up, 180 * dDegreeToRad), matrix1.m_posit);

	dVector omega0(0.0f);
	dVector omega1(0.0f);
	NewtonBodyGetOmega(m_body0, &omega0[0]);
	if (m_body1) {
		NewtonBodyGetOmega(m_body1, &omega1[0]);
	dVector relOmega(omega0 - omega1);

	// do twist angle calculations
	dMatrix twistMatrix(matrix0 * (matrix1 * coneRotation).Inverse());
	dFloat twistAngle = m_twistAngle.Update(dAtan2(twistMatrix[1][2], twistMatrix[1][1]));
	if (m_options.m_option0) {
		if ((m_minTwistAngle == 0.0f) && (m_minTwistAngle == 0.0f)) {
			NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow(m_joint, -twistAngle, &matrix0.m_front[0]);
			NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(m_joint, m_stiffness);
		} else {
			if (m_options.m_option1) {
				// TODO spring option
				dAssert (0);
			} else {
				SubmitConstraintTwistLimits(matrix0, matrix1, relOmega, timestep);
	} else if (m_options.m_option1) {
		// TODO spring option
		dAssert (0);
	} else if (m_twistFriction > 0.0f) {
		NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow(m_joint, 0, &matrix0.m_front[0]);
		NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(m_joint, m_stiffness);

		NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(m_joint, NewtonUserJointCalculateRowZeroAccelaration(m_joint));
		NewtonUserJointSetRowMinimumFriction(m_joint, -m_twistFriction);
		NewtonUserJointSetRowMaximumFriction(m_joint, m_twistFriction);

	// do twist cone angle calculations
	if (m_options.m_option2) {
		if ((m_maxConeAngle == 0.0f)) {
			dMatrix localMatrix(matrix0 * matrix1.Inverse());
			dVector euler0;
			dVector euler1;
			localMatrix.GetEulerAngles(euler0, euler1, m_pitchRollYaw);
			NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow(m_joint, -euler0[1], &matrix1[1][0]);
			NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(m_joint, m_stiffness);
			NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow(m_joint, -euler0[2], &matrix1[2][0]);
			NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(m_joint, m_stiffness);
		} else {
			if (m_options.m_option3) {
				// TODO spring option
			} else {
				dFloat jointOmega = relOmega.DotProduct3(lateralDir);
				dFloat currentAngle = dAcos(dClamp(cosAngleCos, dFloat(-1.0f), dFloat(1.0f)));
				dFloat coneAngle = currentAngle + jointOmega * timestep;
				if (coneAngle >= m_maxConeAngle) {
					//dQuaternion rot(lateralDir, coneAngle);
					//dVector frontDir(rot.RotateVector(coneDir1));
					//dVector upDir(lateralDir.CrossProduct(frontDir));

					dVector upDir(lateralDir.CrossProduct(coneDir0));
					NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow(m_joint, 0.0f, &upDir[0]);
					NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(m_joint, NewtonUserJointCalculateRowZeroAccelaration(m_joint));
					NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(m_joint, m_stiffness);

					NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow(m_joint, 0.0f, &lateralDir[0]);
					NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(m_joint, m_stiffness);
					NewtonUserJointSetRowMaximumFriction(m_joint, m_coneFriction);
					const dFloat invtimestep = 1.0f / timestep;
					const dFloat speed = 0.5f * (m_maxConeAngle - currentAngle) * invtimestep;
					const dFloat stopAccel = NewtonUserJointCalculateRowZeroAccelaration(m_joint) + speed * invtimestep;
					NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(m_joint, stopAccel);

				} else if (m_coneFriction != 0) {
					NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow(m_joint, 0.0f, &lateralDir[0]);
					NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(m_joint, NewtonUserJointCalculateRowZeroAccelaration(m_joint));
					NewtonUserJointSetRowMinimumFriction(m_joint, -m_coneFriction);
					NewtonUserJointSetRowMaximumFriction(m_joint, m_coneFriction);

					dVector upDir(lateralDir.CrossProduct(coneDir0));
					NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow(m_joint, 0.0f, &upDir[0]);
					NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(m_joint, NewtonUserJointCalculateRowZeroAccelaration(m_joint));
					NewtonUserJointSetRowMinimumFriction(m_joint, -m_coneFriction);
					NewtonUserJointSetRowMaximumFriction(m_joint, m_coneFriction);
	} else if (m_options.m_option3) {
		// TODO spring option
	} else if (m_coneFriction > 0.0f) {
		NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow(m_joint, 0.0f, &lateralDir[0]);
		NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(m_joint, NewtonUserJointCalculateRowZeroAccelaration(m_joint));
		NewtonUserJointSetRowMinimumFriction(m_joint, -m_coneFriction);
		NewtonUserJointSetRowMaximumFriction(m_joint, m_coneFriction);

		dVector upDir(lateralDir.CrossProduct(coneDir0));
		NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow(m_joint, 0.0f, &upDir[0]);
		NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(m_joint, NewtonUserJointCalculateRowZeroAccelaration(m_joint));
		NewtonUserJointSetRowMinimumFriction(m_joint, -m_coneFriction);
		NewtonUserJointSetRowMaximumFriction(m_joint, m_coneFriction);
コード例 #11
void dCustomBallAndSocket::Debug(dDebugDisplay* const debugDisplay) const
	dMatrix matrix0;
	dMatrix matrix1;


	CalculateGlobalMatrix(matrix0, matrix1);

	const dVector& coneDir0 = matrix0.m_front;
	const dVector& coneDir1 = matrix1.m_front;
	dFloat cosAngleCos = coneDir0.DotProduct3(coneDir1);
	dMatrix coneRotation(dGetIdentityMatrix());
	if (cosAngleCos < 0.9999f) {
		dVector lateralDir(coneDir1.CrossProduct(coneDir0));
		dFloat mag2 = lateralDir.DotProduct3(lateralDir);
		//dAssert(mag2 > 1.0e-4f);
		if (mag2 > 1.0e-4f) {
			lateralDir = lateralDir.Scale(1.0f / dSqrt(mag2));
			coneRotation = dMatrix(dQuaternion(lateralDir, dAcos(dClamp(cosAngleCos, dFloat(-1.0f), dFloat(1.0f)))), matrix1.m_posit);
		} else {
			lateralDir = matrix0.m_up.Scale(-1.0f);
			coneRotation = dMatrix(dQuaternion(matrix0.m_up, 180 * dDegreeToRad), matrix1.m_posit);
	} else if (cosAngleCos < -0.9999f) {
		coneRotation[0][0] = -1.0f;
		coneRotation[1][1] = -1.0f;

	const int subdiv = 18;
	const dFloat radius = debugDisplay->m_debugScale;
	dVector arch[subdiv + 1];

	// show twist angle limits
	if (m_options.m_option0 && ((m_maxTwistAngle - m_minTwistAngle) > dFloat(1.0e-3f))) {
		dMatrix pitchMatrix(matrix1 * coneRotation);
		pitchMatrix.m_posit = matrix1.m_posit;

		dVector point(dFloat(0.0f), dFloat(radius), dFloat(0.0f), dFloat(0.0f));

		dFloat angleStep = dMin (m_maxTwistAngle - m_minTwistAngle, dFloat (2.0f * dPi)) / subdiv;
		dFloat angle0 = m_minTwistAngle;

		debugDisplay->SetColor(dVector(0.6f, 0.2f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
		for (int i = 0; i <= subdiv; i++) {
			arch[i] = pitchMatrix.TransformVector(dPitchMatrix(angle0).RotateVector(point));
			debugDisplay->DrawLine(pitchMatrix.m_posit, arch[i]);
			angle0 += angleStep;

		for (int i = 0; i < subdiv; i++) {
			debugDisplay->DrawLine(arch[i], arch[i + 1]);

	// show cone angle limits
	if (m_options.m_option2) {
		dVector point(radius * dCos(m_maxConeAngle), radius * dSin(m_maxConeAngle), 0.0f, 0.0f);
		dFloat angleStep = dPi * 2.0f / subdiv;
		dFloat angle0 = 0.0f;
		debugDisplay->SetColor(dVector(0.3f, 0.8f, 0.0f, 0.0f));

		for (int i = 0; i <= subdiv; i++) {
			dVector conePoint(dPitchMatrix(angle0).RotateVector(point));
			dVector p(matrix1.TransformVector(conePoint));
			arch[i] = p;
			debugDisplay->DrawLine(matrix1.m_posit, p);
			angle0 += angleStep;

		for (int i = 0; i < subdiv; i++) {
			debugDisplay->DrawLine(arch[i], arch[i + 1]);
コード例 #12
	void MakeKukaRobot(DemoEntityManager* const scene, DemoEntity* const model)
		m_kinematicSolver = NewtonCreateInverseDynamics(scene->GetNewton());

		NewtonBody* const baseFrameBody = CreateBodyPart(model, armRobotConfig[0]);
		void* const baseFrameNode = NewtonInverseDynamicsAddRoot(m_kinematicSolver, baseFrameBody);
		NewtonBodySetMassMatrix(baseFrameBody, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);	

		dMatrix boneAligmentMatrix(
			dVector(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
			dVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f),
			dVector(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
			dVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));

		int stackIndex = 0;
		DemoEntity* childEntities[32];
		void* parentBones[32];
		for (DemoEntity* child = model->GetChild(); child; child = child->GetSibling()) {
			parentBones[stackIndex] = baseFrameNode;
			childEntities[stackIndex] = child;

		dKukaEffector* effector = NULL;
		const int partCount = sizeof(armRobotConfig) / sizeof(armRobotConfig[0]);
		while (stackIndex) {
			DemoEntity* const entity = childEntities[stackIndex];
			void* const parentJoint = parentBones[stackIndex];

			const char* const name = entity->GetName().GetStr();
			for (int i = 0; i < partCount; i++) {
				if (!strcmp(armRobotConfig[i].m_partName, name)) {

					if (strstr(name, "bone")) {
						// add a bone and all it children
						dMatrix matrix;
						NewtonBody* const limbBody = CreateBodyPart(entity, armRobotConfig[i]);
						NewtonBodyGetMatrix(limbBody, &matrix[0][0]);

						NewtonBody* const parentBody = NewtonInverseDynamicsGetBody(m_kinematicSolver, parentJoint);
						dCustomInverseDynamics* const rotatingColumnHinge = new dCustomInverseDynamics(boneAligmentMatrix * matrix, limbBody, parentBody);
						rotatingColumnHinge->SetJointTorque(armRobotConfig[i].m_mass * DEMO_GRAVITY * 50.0f);
						rotatingColumnHinge->SetTwistAngle(armRobotConfig[i].m_minLimit * dDegreeToRad, armRobotConfig[i].m_maxLimit * dDegreeToRad);
						void* const limbJoint = NewtonInverseDynamicsAddChildNode(m_kinematicSolver, parentJoint, rotatingColumnHinge->GetJoint());

						for (DemoEntity* child = entity->GetChild(); child; child = child->GetSibling()) {
							parentBones[stackIndex] = limbJoint;
							childEntities[stackIndex] = child;
					} else if (strstr(name, "effector")) {
						// add effector
						dMatrix gripperMatrix(entity->CalculateGlobalMatrix());
						effector = new dKukaEffector(m_kinematicSolver, parentJoint, baseFrameBody, gripperMatrix);
						effector->SetMaxLinearFriction(armRobotConfig[i].m_mass * DEMO_GRAVITY * 50.0f);

		// create the Animation tree for manipulation 
		DemoEntity* const effectoBone = model->Find("effector_arm");
		dMatrix baseFrameMatrix(model->GetCurrentMatrix());
		dMatrix effectorLocalMatrix(effectoBone->CalculateGlobalMatrix(model));

		dVector upAxis(baseFrameMatrix.UnrotateVector(dVector(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)));
		dVector planeAxis(baseFrameMatrix.UnrotateVector(dVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)));

		dEffectorTreeFixPose* const fixPose = new dEffectorTreeFixPose(baseFrameBody);
		m_inputModifier = new dEffectorTreeInputModifier(fixPose, upAxis, planeAxis);
		m_animTreeNode = new dEffectorTreeRoot(baseFrameBody, m_inputModifier);

		// set base pose
		dEffectorTreeInterface::dEffectorTransform frame;
		frame.m_effector = effector;
		frame.m_posit = effectorLocalMatrix.m_posit;
		frame.m_rotation = dQuaternion(effectorLocalMatrix);

