コード例 #1
ファイル: feature_model.cpp プロジェクト: 499704069/SceneLib2
Eigen::MatrixXd FeatureModel::dRq_times_a_by_dq (const Eigen::Quaterniond &q, const Eigen::Vector3d &a)
  Eigen::MatrixXd aMat(3,1);

  aMat(0,0) = a(0);
  aMat(1,0) = a(1);
  aMat(2,0) = a(2);

  Eigen::Matrix3d TempR;
  Eigen::MatrixXd Temp31(3,1);
  Eigen::MatrixXd dRq_times_a_by_dq(3,4);

  // Make Jacobian by stacking four vectors together side by side
  TempR = dR_by_dq0(q);
  Temp31 = TempR * aMat;
  dRq_times_a_by_dq.block(0,0,3,1) = Temp31;

  TempR = dR_by_dqx(q);
  Temp31 = TempR * aMat;
  dRq_times_a_by_dq.block(0,1,3,1) = Temp31;

  TempR = dR_by_dqy(q);
  Temp31 = TempR * aMat;
  dRq_times_a_by_dq.block(0,2,3,1) = Temp31;

  TempR = dR_by_dqz(q);
  Temp31 = TempR * aMat;
  dRq_times_a_by_dq.block(0,3,3,1) = Temp31;

  return dRq_times_a_by_dq;
コード例 #2
ファイル: models_waist_velocity.cpp プロジェクト: jehc/llvs
void Waist_Velocity_Internal_Measurement_Model::
func_hv_and_dhv_by_dxv(const VNL::Vector<double> &xv)
  assert(xv.Size() == motion_model->STATE_SIZE);

  // Just pull out v part of state
  VW::Vector3D vW;
  vW.SetVNL3(xv.Extract(3, 7));

  VW::Quaternion qWR(0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5);
  //  qWR.SetRXYZ(xv.Extract(4, 3));

  VW::Quaternion qRW = qWR.Inverse();

  VNL::MatrixFixed<3,3,double> RRW = qRW.RotationMatrix();

  // Now hv = vR = RRW vW
  VW::Vector3D vR = RRW * vW;

  //  cout << "wv hvRES: " << hvRES << endl;
  // dhv_by_dxv = (0 dhv_by_dqWR dhv_by_dvR 0)

#if 0
  // dhv_by_dqWR = d_by_dqRW(RRW vW) * dqRW_by_dqWR
  VNL::MatrixFixed<3,4,double> dhv_by_dqWR =
    dRq_times_a_by_dq(qRW, vW) * dqbar_by_dq();

  dhv_by_dxvRES.Update(dhv_by_dqWR, 0, 3);

  // dhv_by_dvR = RRW
  dhv_by_dxvRES.Update(RRW, 0, 7);
  //  cout << "wv dhvRES: " << endl << dhv_by_dxvRES << endl;
コード例 #3
void PartFeatureModel::func_zeroedyi_and_dzeroedyi_by_dxp_and_dzeroedyi_by_dyi(
    const Eigen::VectorXd &yi, const Eigen::VectorXd &xp)
  // Extract cartesian and quaternion components of xp

  // Extract ri and hhati components of yi = ypi

  // ri part: transformation is just the same as in the normal point case
  // zeroedri = RRW(rWi - rW)

  // ri - r
  Eigen::Vector3d yWiminusrW = riRES_ - motion_model_->rRES_;

  Eigen::Quaterniond qRW = motion_model_->qRES_.inverse();
  Eigen::Matrix4d dqRW_by_dq = dqbar_by_dq();

  // Rotation RRW
  Eigen::Matrix3d RRW = qRW.toRotationMatrix();

  // RRW(rWi - rW)
  Eigen::Vector3d zeroedri = RRW * yWiminusrW;

  // Now calculate Jacobians
  // dzeroedri_by_dri is RRW
  // dzeroedri_by_dhhati = 0
  Eigen::Matrix3d dzeroedri_by_dri = RRW;

  // dzeroedyi_by_dxp:
  // dzeroedri_by_dr = -RRW
  // dzeroedri_by_dq = d_dq(RRW (ri - r))
  Eigen::Matrix3d dzeroedri_by_dr = RRW * -1.0;

  Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 4> dzeroedri_by_dqRW = dRq_times_a_by_dq(qRW, yWiminusrW);
  Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 4> dzeroedri_by_dq = dzeroedri_by_dqRW * dqRW_by_dq;

  // Now for the hhati part (easier...)
  // zeroedhhati = RRW hhati
  Eigen::Vector3d zeroedhhati = RRW * hhatiRES_;

  // Jacobians
  // dzeroedhhati_by_dr = 0
  // dzeroedhhati_by_dq = d_dq(RRW hhati)
  // dzeroedhhati_by_dhhati = RRW
  // dzeroedhhati_by_dri = 0
  Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 4> dzeroedhhati_by_dqRW = dRq_times_a_by_dq(qRW, hhatiRES_);
  Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 4> dzeroedhhati_by_dq = dzeroedhhati_by_dqRW * dqRW_by_dq;
  Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 3> dzeroedhhati_by_dhhati = RRW;

  // And put it all together
  zeroedyiRES_ << zeroedri, zeroedhhati;

  dzeroedyi_by_dxpRES_.block(0, 0, 3, 3) = dzeroedri_by_dr;
  dzeroedyi_by_dxpRES_.block(0, 3, 3, 4) = dzeroedri_by_dq;
  dzeroedyi_by_dxpRES_.block(3, 3, 3, 4) = dzeroedhhati_by_dq;

  dzeroedyi_by_dyiRES_.block(0, 0, 3, 3) = dzeroedri_by_dri;
  dzeroedyi_by_dyiRES_.block(3, 3, 3, 3) = dzeroedhhati_by_dhhati;
コード例 #4
// Redefined virtual functions from
// Partially_Initialised_Fully_Initialised_Feature_Measurement_Model
void PartFeatureModel::func_ypi_and_dypi_by_dxp_and_dypi_by_dhi_and_Ri(
    const Eigen::VectorXd &hi, const Eigen::VectorXd &xp)
  // Representation of a line here:
  // ypi = (rWi    )
  //       (hLhatWi)

  // Form the ray (in camera co-ordinates by unprojecting this image location
  Eigen::Vector3d hLRi = camera_->Unproject(hi);

  // Form hLhatRi from hLRi
  // Normalise
  Eigen::Vector3d hLhatRi = hLRi;

  Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 3> dhLhatRi_by_dhLRi = dvnorm_by_dv(hLRi);

  // Now convert this into a direction in world co-ordinates by rotating
  // Form hLhatWi from hLhatRi
  // Rotate
  Eigen::Matrix3d RWR = motion_model_->qRES_.toRotationMatrix();
  Eigen::Vector3d hLhatWi(RWR * hLhatRi);

  // Extract rW from xp

  // And form ypiRES
  ypiRES_ << motion_model_->rRES_(0), motion_model_->rRES_(1), motion_model_->rRES_(2),
             hLhatWi(0), hLhatWi(1), hLhatWi(2);

  // Form Jacobians dypi_by_dxp and dypi_by_dhi

  // dypi_by_dxp = (drWi_by_dr     drWi_by_dq    )
  //               (dhLhatWi_by_dr dhLhatWi_by_dq)
  //             = (I              0             )
  //               (0              dhLhatWi_by_dq)

  // hLhatWi = RWR * hLhatRi
  // => dhLhatWi_by_dq = d/dq ( R(qWR) * hLhatRi)

  Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 4> dhLhatWi_by_dq = dRq_times_a_by_dq(motion_model_->qRES_, hLhatRi);

  // Put dypi_by_dxp together
  dypi_by_dxpRES_(0,0) = 1.0;
  dypi_by_dxpRES_(1,1) = 1.0;
  dypi_by_dxpRES_(2,2) = 1.0;
  dypi_by_dxpRES_.block(3,3,3,4) = dhLhatWi_by_dq;

  // dypi_by_dhi = (drWi_by_dhi    )
  //               (dhLhatWi_by_dhi)
  //             = (0              )
  //               (dhLhatWi_by_dhi)

  // hLhatWi = RWR * hLhatRi
  // Need to work out derivative for this
  // dhLhatWi_by_dhi = RWR * dhLhatRi_by_dhLRi * dhLRi_by_dhi

  Eigen::MatrixXd dhLhatWi_by_dhi(3,2);
  dhLhatWi_by_dhi = RWR * dhLhatRi_by_dhLRi * camera_->UnprojectionJacobian();

  dypi_by_dhiRES_.block(3,0,3,2) = dhLhatWi_by_dhi;

  // And construct Ri