コード例 #1
ファイル: transaction.cpp プロジェクト: Tristor/ParselXBTT
void Ctransaction::recv()
	const int cb_b = 2 << 10;
	char b[cb_b];
	while (1)
		socklen_t cb_a = sizeof(sockaddr_in);
		int r = m_s.recvfrom(mutable_data_ref(b, cb_b), reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&m_a), &cb_a);
		if (r == SOCKET_ERROR)
			if (WSAGetLastError() != WSAEWOULDBLOCK)
				std::cerr << "recv failed: " << Csocket::error2a(WSAGetLastError()) << std::endl;
		if (r < uti_size)
		switch (read_int(4, b + uti_action, b + r))
		case uta_connect:
			if (r >= utic_size)
				send_connect(data_ref(b, r));
		case uta_announce:
			if (r >= utia_size)
				send_announce(data_ref(b, r));
		case uta_scrape:
			if (r >= utis_size)
				send_scrape(data_ref(b, r));
コード例 #2
ファイル: transaction.cpp プロジェクト: Tristor/ParselXBTT
void Ctransaction::send_scrape(data_ref r)
	if (read_int(8, &r[uti_connection_id], r.end()) != connection_id())
	if (!m_server.config().m_anonymous_scrape)
		send_error(r, "access denied");
	const int cb_d = 2 << 10;
	char d[cb_d];
	write_int(4, d + uto_action, uta_scrape);
	write_int(4, d + uto_transaction_id, read_int(4, &r[uti_transaction_id], r.end()));
	char* w = d + utos_size;
  for (r.advance_begin(utis_size); r.size() >= 20 && w + 12 <= d + cb_d; r.advance_begin(20))
		if (const Cserver::t_torrent* t = m_server.torrent(r.substr(0, 20).s()))
			w = write_int(4, w, t->seeders);
			w = write_int(4, w, t->completed);
			w = write_int(4, w, t->leechers);
			w = write_int(4, w, 0);
			w = write_int(4, w, 0);
			w = write_int(4, w, 0);
	send(data_ref(d, w));
コード例 #3
ファイル: transaction.cpp プロジェクト: Tristor/ParselXBTT
void Ctransaction::send_error(data_ref r, const std::string& msg)
	const int cb_d = 2 << 10;
	char d[cb_d];
	write_int(4, d + uto_action, uta_error);
	write_int(4, d + uto_transaction_id, read_int(4, &r[uti_transaction_id], r.end()));
	memcpy(d + utoe_size, msg.data(), msg.size());
	send(data_ref(d, utoe_size + msg.size()));
コード例 #4
ファイル: transaction.cpp プロジェクト: Tristor/ParselXBTT
long long Ctransaction::connection_id() const
	const int cb_s = 12;
	char s[cb_s];
	write_int(8, s, m_server.secret());
	write_int(4, s + 8, m_a.sin_addr.s_addr);
	char d[20];
	(Csha1(data_ref(s, cb_s))).read(d);
	return read_int(8, d);
コード例 #5
ファイル: transaction.cpp プロジェクト: Tristor/ParselXBTT
void Ctransaction::send_connect(data_ref r)
	if (read_int(8, &r[uti_connection_id], r.end()) != 0x41727101980ll)
	const int cb_d = 2 << 10;
	char d[cb_d];
	write_int(4, d + uto_action, uta_connect);
	write_int(4, d + uto_transaction_id, read_int(4, &r[uti_transaction_id], r.end()));
	write_int(8, d + utoc_connection_id, connection_id());
	send(data_ref(d, utoc_size));
コード例 #6
ファイル: map_reader.cpp プロジェクト: keitaroyam/cctbx_fork
void map_reader::read(std::istream &cin, std::size_t n_header_lines,
                      af::flex_grid<> const& grid)
    IOTBX_ASSERT(grid.nd() == 3);
    for (std::size_t i=0; i<n_header_lines; i++) {
        cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
    std::string line;
    af::ref<double, af::c_grid<3> > data_ref(
    for(std::size_t iz=0; iz<data_ref.accessor()[2]; iz++) {
        std::getline(cin, line); // reads section number
        std::size_t i_fld = 6;
        for(std::size_t iy=0; iy<data_ref.accessor()[1]; iy++) {
            for(std::size_t ix=0; ix<data_ref.accessor()[0]; ix++) {
                if (i_fld == 6) {
                    std::getline(cin, line);
                    i_fld = 0;
                data_ref(ix,iy,iz) = std::atof(line.substr(i_fld*12,12).c_str());
    std::getline(cin, line);
    if (line.size() == 0) {
        average = -1;
        standard_deviation = -1;
    else {
        int expected_9999 = std::atoi(line.substr(0,8).c_str());
        IOTBX_ASSERT(expected_9999 == -9999);
        std::getline(cin, line);
        average = std::atof(line.substr(0,12).c_str());
        standard_deviation = std::atof(line.substr(12,12).c_str());
コード例 #7
ファイル: transaction.cpp プロジェクト: Tristor/ParselXBTT
void Ctransaction::send_announce(data_ref r)
	if (read_int(8, &r[uti_connection_id], r.end()) != connection_id())
	if (!m_server.config().m_anonymous_announce)
		send_error(r, "access denied");
	Ctracker_input ti;
	ti.m_downloaded = read_int(8, &r[utia_downloaded], r.end());
	ti.m_event = static_cast<Ctracker_input::t_event>(read_int(4, &r[utia_event], r.end()));
	ti.m_info_hash.assign(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&r[utia_info_hash]), 20);
	ti.m_ipa = read_int(4, &r[utia_ipa], r.end()) && is_private_ipa(m_a.sin_addr.s_addr)
		? htonl(read_int(4, &r[utia_ipa], r.end()))
		: m_a.sin_addr.s_addr;
	ti.m_left = read_int(8, &r[utia_left], r.end());
	ti.m_num_want = read_int(4, &r[utia_num_want], r.end());
	ti.m_peer_id.assign(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&r[utia_peer_id]), 20);
	ti.m_port = htons(read_int(2, &r[utia_port], r.end()));
	ti.m_uploaded = read_int(8, &r[utia_uploaded], r.end());
	std::string error = m_server.insert_peer(ti, true, NULL);
	if (!error.empty())
		send_error(r, error);
	const Cserver::t_torrent* torrent = m_server.torrent(ti.m_info_hash);
	if (!torrent)
	const int cb_d = 2 << 10;
	char d[cb_d];
	write_int(4, d + uto_action, uta_announce);
	write_int(4, d + uto_transaction_id, read_int(4, &r[uti_transaction_id], r.end()));
	write_int(4, d + utoa_interval, m_server.config().m_announce_interval);
	write_int(4, d + utoa_leechers, torrent->leechers);
	write_int(4, d + utoa_seeders, torrent->seeders);
	std::string peers = torrent->select_peers(ti);
	memcpy(d + utoa_size, peers.data(), peers.size());
	send(data_ref(d, d + utoa_size + peers.size()));
コード例 #8
ファイル: AdcDynTest.cpp プロジェクト: Quenii/adcevm
 Mm AdcDynTest(Mm ADout, Mm fclk, Mm numbit, Mm NFFT, Mm V, Mm code, i_o_t, Mm& SNR__o, Mm& SINAD__o, Mm& SFDR__o, \
    Mm& ENOB__o, Mm& y__o) {
   ADout.setname("ADout"); fclk.setname("fclk"); numbit.setname("numbit"); NFFT.setname("NFFT"); V.setname("V");  \
   dMm(SNR); dMm(SINAD); dMm(SFDR); dMm(ENOB); dMm(y); dMm(ad_len_N); dMm(maxADout); dMm(AmpMax); dMm(t1); dMm(AmpMin) \
     ; dMm(t2); dMm(Vpp); dMm(ADout_w); dMm(AA); dMm(ad_len); dMm(ADout_spect); dMm(ADout_dB); dMm(maxdB); dMm(fin_v) \
     ; dMm(fin); dMm(freq_fin); dMm(data_ref); dMm(n); dMm(n_AdcDynTest_v0); dMm(data_ref_w); dMm(data_ref_spect);  \
     dMm(data_ref_dB); dMm(ref_dB); dMm(span); dMm(spanh_har); dMm(span_s); dMm(spectP); dMm(Pdc); dMm(Pdc_dB); dMm( \
     l); dMm(u); dMm(Ps); dMm(Ps_dB); dMm(Fh); dMm(Ph); dMm(Harbin); dMm(Ph_dB); dMm(har_num); dMm(har_num_AdcDynTest_v1) \
     ; dMm(tone); dMm(har_peak); dMm(har_bin); dMm(spectP_temp); dMm(i_); dMm(i_AdcDynTest_v2); dMm(disturb_len);  \
     dMm(spectP_disturb); dMm(Harbin_disturb); dMm(findSpac); dMm(findSpan); dMm(findStart); dMm(i_AdcDynTest_v3);  \
     dMm(spectP_disturb_peak); dMm(num); dMm(array_flag); dMm(jj); dMm(jj_AdcDynTest_v4); dMm(k); dMm(k_AdcDynTest_v5) \
     ; dMm(spectP_disturb_temp); dMm(Harbin_disturb_temp); dMm(Ph_disturb); dMm(Ph_disturb_dB); dMm(Fn_disturb); dMm( \
     i_AdcDynTest_v6); dMm(Pd_disturb); dMm(Pd_disturb_dB); dMm(Pd); dMm(Pd_dB); dMm(Pn); dMm(Pn_dB); dMm(Vin); dMm( \
     THD); dMm(HD); dMm(SNRFS); dMm(ENOBFS); 
   // nargin, nargout entry code
   double old_nargin=nargin_val; if (!nargin_set) nargin_val=6.0;
   double old_nargout=nargout_val; if (!nargout_set) nargout_val=5.0;
   // translated code
   // function [SNR, SFDR, SNRFS, SINAD, y, THD, HD, ENOB, ENOBFS, Pn_dB] = AdcDynTest( ADout, fclk, numbit, NFFT, V, code )
   // Pn_dB为底噪声,fclk为采样频率,numbit为采样精度,NFFT为FFT的深度,V为峰峰值,TPY和TPX分别为时域图的Y和X轴,code
   // 为1:补码,2:偏移码,3:格雷码。
   //[SNR, SFDR, SNRFS, SINAD, THD, HD, ENOB, ENOBFS, Pn_dB] = calc_dynam_params( 80e6, 16, 32768, 2, 1, 0.01, 1 )
   if (istrue(code==1.0)) {
     if (istrue(numbit<16.0)) {
       ADout = fix(ADout/mpower(2.0,(16.0-numbit)));
     ADout = ADout/mpower(2.0,(numbit-1.0));
   } else
   if (istrue(code==2.0)) {
     if (istrue(numbit<16.0)) {
       ADout = fix(ADout/mpower(2.0,(16.0-numbit)));
     ADout = ADout/mpower(2.0,(numbit-1.0))-1.0;
   } else {
     if (istrue(numbit<16.0)) {
       ADout = fix(ADout/mpower(2.0,(16.0-numbit)));
   ADout = V/2.0*ADout;
   ad_len_N = length(ADout);
   maxADout = max(abs(ADout));
   /*[AmpMax,t1] = */max(ADout,i_o,AmpMax,t1);
   /*[AmpMin,t2] = */min(ADout,i_o,AmpMin,t2);
   Vpp = AmpMax-AmpMin;
   ADout_w = times(ADout,chebwin(ad_len_N,200.0));
   AA = zeros(NFFT-ad_len_N,1.0);
   ADout_w = (BR(ADout_w),semi,
   ad_len = length(ADout_w);
   ADout_spect = fft(ADout_w,NFFT);
   ADout_dB = 20.0*log10(abs(ADout_spect));
   maxdB = max(ADout_dB(colon(1.0,1.0,ad_len/2.0)));
   fin_v = find(ADout_dB(colon(1.0,1.0,ad_len/2.0))==maxdB);
   fin = fin_v(1.0);
   freq_fin = (fin*fclk/ad_len);
   data_ref = zeros(ad_len_N,1.0);
   n_AdcDynTest_v0 = colon(1.0,1.0,ad_len_N); int n_AdcDynTest_i0;
   for (n_AdcDynTest_i0=0;n_AdcDynTest_i0<n_AdcDynTest_v0.cols();n_AdcDynTest_i0++) {
     data_ref(n) = V/2.0*sin((n-1.0)*(freq_fin)/fclk*2.0*pi);
   data_ref_w = times(data_ref,chebwin(ad_len_N,200.0));
   data_ref_w = (BR(data_ref_w),semi,
   data_ref_spect = fft(data_ref_w,NFFT);
   data_ref_dB = 20.0*log10(abs(data_ref_spect));
   ref_dB = max(data_ref_dB(colon(1.0,1.0,ad_len/2.0)));
   // $$$ figure( 1 )
   // $$$ plot( [0:round( ad_len / 2 ) - 1].*fclk / ad_len, - 20, ' - k' );
   // $$$ hold on;
   // $$$ plot( [0:50:round( ad_len / 2 ) - 1].*fclk / ad_len, - 40, ' - - k' );
   // $$$ hold on;
   // $$$ plot( [0:round( ad_len / 2 ) - 1].*fclk / ad_len, - 60, ' - k' );
   // $$$ hold on;
   // $$$ plot( [0:50:round( ad_len / 2 ) - 1].*fclk / ad_len, - 80, ' - - k' );
   // $$$ hold on;
   // $$$ plot( [0:round( ad_len / 2 ) - 1].*fclk / ad_len, - 100, ' - k' );
   // $$$ hold on;
   // $$$ plot( [0:50:round( ad_len / 2 ) - 1].*fclk / ad_len, - 120, ' - - k' );
   // $$$ hold on;
   // $$$ plot( [0:round( ad_len / 2 ) - 1].*fclk / ad_len, ADout_dB( 1:round( ad_len / 2 ) ) - ref_dB );
   // $$$ 
   // $$$ 
   // $$$ title( 'FFT PLOT' ); 
   // $$$ xlabel( 'ANALOG INPUT FREQUENCY ( MHz )' );
   // $$$ ylabel( 'AMPLITUDE ( dBFs )' );
   // $$$ a1 = axis; axis( [a1( 1 ) a1( 2 ) - 140 0] ); 
   //Calculate SNR, SINAD, THD and SFDR values
   //Find the signal bin number, DC = bin 1
   //Span of the DC on each side
   span = max(11.0);
   //Searching span for peak harmonics amp on each side 
   spanh_har = 4.0;
   //Span of the signal on each side
   span_s = 19.0;
   //Determine power spectrum
   spectP = times((abs(ADout_spect)),(abs(ADout_spect)));
   //Find DC offset power 
   Pdc = sum(spectP(colon(1.0,1.0,span)));
   Pdc_dB = sum(ADout_dB(colon(1.0,1.0,span)));
   //Extract overall signal power
   l = max(fin-span_s,1.0);
   u = min(fin+span_s,ad_len/2.0);
   Ps = sum(spectP(colon(l,1.0,u)));
   Ps_dB = sum(ADout_dB(colon(l,1.0,u)));
   //Vector / matrix to store both frequency and power of signal and harmonics
   Fh = nop_M;
   //The 1st element in the vector / matrix represents the signal, the next element represents
   //the 2nd harmonic, etc.
   Ph = nop_M;
   Harbin = nop_M;
   Ph_dB = nop_M;
   har_num_AdcDynTest_v1 = colon(1.0,1.0,11.0); int har_num_AdcDynTest_i1;
   for (har_num_AdcDynTest_i1=0;har_num_AdcDynTest_i1<har_num_AdcDynTest_v1.cols();har_num_AdcDynTest_i1++) {
     tone = rem((har_num*(fin-1.0)+1.0)/ad_len,1.0);
     if (istrue(tone>0.5)) {
       tone = 1.0-tone;
     Fh = (BR(Fh),tone);
     l = max(1.0,round(tone*ad_len)-spanh_har);
     u = min(ad_len/2.0,round(tone*ad_len)+spanh_har);
     har_peak = max(spectP(colon(l,1.0,u)));
     har_bin = find(spectP(colon(l,1.0,u))==har_peak);
     har_bin = har_bin+round(tone*ad_len)-spanh_har-1.0;
     l = max(1.0,har_bin-spanh_har);
     u = min(ad_len/2.0,har_bin+spanh_har);
     Ph = (BR(Ph),sum(spectP(colon(l,1.0,u))));
     Ph_dB = (BR(Ph_dB),sum(ADout_dB(colon(l,1.0,u))));
     Harbin = (BR(Harbin),har_bin);
   spectP_temp = spectP;
   i_AdcDynTest_v2 = colon(2.0,1.0,10.0); int i_AdcDynTest_i2;
   for (i_AdcDynTest_i2=0;i_AdcDynTest_i2<i_AdcDynTest_v2.cols();i_AdcDynTest_i2++) {
     l = max(1.0,Harbin(i_)-spanh_har);
     u = min(ad_len/2.0,Harbin(i_)+spanh_har);
     spectP_temp(colon(l,1.0,u)) = 0.0;
   l = max(1.0,fin-span_s);
   u = min(ad_len/2.0,fin+span_s);
   spectP_temp(colon(l,1.0,u)) = 0.0;
   spectP_temp(colon(1.0,1.0,span)) = 0.0;
   disturb_len = 19.0;
   spectP_disturb = zeros(1.0,disturb_len);
   Harbin_disturb = zeros(1.0,disturb_len);
   findSpac = 30.0;
   findSpan = (findSpac-1.0)/2.0;
   findStart = findSpan+1.0;
   i_AdcDynTest_v3 = colon(findStart,findSpac,ad_len/2.0); int i_AdcDynTest_i3;
   for (i_AdcDynTest_i3=0;i_AdcDynTest_i3<i_AdcDynTest_v3.cols();i_AdcDynTest_i3++) {
     l = max(1.0,i_-findSpan);
     u = min(ad_len/2.0,i_+findSpan);
     /*[spectP_disturb_peak,num] = */max(spectP_temp(colon(l,1.0,u)),i_o,spectP_disturb_peak,num);
     if (istrue(spectP_disturb_peak>spectP_disturb(1.0))) {
       spectP_disturb(1.0) = spectP_disturb_peak;
       Harbin_disturb(1.0) = i_-findStart+num;
       array_flag = 1.0;
     } else {
       array_flag = 0.0;
     if (istrue(array_flag==1.0)) {
       jj_AdcDynTest_v4 = colon(1.0,1.0,disturb_len-2.0); int jj_AdcDynTest_i4;
       for (jj_AdcDynTest_i4=0;jj_AdcDynTest_i4<jj_AdcDynTest_v4.cols();jj_AdcDynTest_i4++) {
         k_AdcDynTest_v5 = colon(1.0,1.0,(disturb_len-jj)); int k_AdcDynTest_i5;
         for (k_AdcDynTest_i5=0;k_AdcDynTest_i5<k_AdcDynTest_v5.cols();k_AdcDynTest_i5++) {
           if (istrue(spectP_disturb(k)>spectP_disturb(k+1.0))) {
             spectP_disturb_temp = spectP_disturb(k);
             spectP_disturb(k) = spectP_disturb(k+1.0);
             spectP_disturb(k+1.0) = spectP_disturb_temp;
             Harbin_disturb_temp = Harbin_disturb(k);
             Harbin_disturb(k) = Harbin_disturb(k+1.0);
             Harbin_disturb(k+1.0) = Harbin_disturb_temp;
   Ph_disturb = nop_M;
   Ph_disturb_dB = nop_M;
   Fn_disturb = Harbin_disturb/(ad_len);
   i_AdcDynTest_v6 = colon(1.0,1.0,disturb_len); int i_AdcDynTest_i6;
   for (i_AdcDynTest_i6=0;i_AdcDynTest_i6<i_AdcDynTest_v6.cols();i_AdcDynTest_i6++) {
     l = max(1.0,Harbin_disturb(i_)-spanh_har);
     u = min(ad_len/2.0,Harbin_disturb(i_)+spanh_har);
     Ph_disturb = (BR(Ph_disturb),sum(spectP(colon(l,1.0,u))));
     Ph_disturb_dB = (BR(Ph_disturb_dB),sum(ADout_dB(colon(l,1.0,u))));
   Pd_disturb = sum(Ph_disturb(colon(1.0,1.0,disturb_len)));
   Pd_disturb_dB = sum(Ph_disturb_dB(colon(1.0,1.0,disturb_len)));
   Pd = sum(Ph(colon(2.0,1.0,10.0)));
   Pd_dB = sum(Ph_dB(colon(2.0,1.0,10.0)));
   Pn = (sum(spectP(colon(1.0,1.0,ad_len/2.0)))-Pdc-Ps-Pd);
   Pn_dB = (sum(ADout_dB(colon(1.0,1.0,ad_len/2.0)))-Pdc_dB-Ps_dB-Pd_dB-Pd_disturb_dB)*2.0/ad_len-ref_dB;
   // Vin = 20*log10( Vpp / 2 );
   Vin = maxdB-ref_dB;
   SINAD = 10.0*log10(Ps/(Pn+Pd));
   SNR = 10.0*log10(Ps/Pn);
   // $$$ disp( 'THD is calculated from 2nd through 5th order harmonics' );
   THD = 10.0*log10(Pd/Ph(1.0));
   SFDR = 10.0*log10(Ph(1.0)/max(max(Ph(colon(2.0,1.0,10.0)),max(Ph_disturb(colon(1.0,1.0,disturb_len))))));
   // $$$ disp( 'Signal & Harmonic Power Components:' );
   HD = 10.0*log10(Ph(colon(1.0,1.0,10.0))/Ph(1.0));
   // $$$ hold on; 
   // $$$ 
   // $$$ plot( Fh( 2 )*fclk, ADout_dB( Harbin( 2 ) ) - ref_dB, 'rv', Fh( 3 )*fclk, ADout_dB( Harbin( 3 ) ) - ref_dB, 'rv', Fh( 4 )*fclk, ADout_dB( Harbin( 4 ) ) - ref_dB, 'rv', Fh( 5 )*fclk, ADout_dB( Harbin( 5 ) ) - ref_dB, 'rv', Fh( 6 )*fclk, ADout_dB( Harbin( 6 ) ) - ref_dB, 'rv', Fh( 7 )*fclk, ADout_dB( Harbin( 7 ) ) - ref_dB, 'rv', Fh( 8 )*fclk, ADout_dB( Harbin( 8 ) ) - ref_dB, 'rv', Fh( 9 )*fclk, ADout_dB( Harbin( 9 ) ) - ref_dB, 'rv', Fh( 10 )*fclk, ADout_dB( Harbin( 10 ) ) - ref_dB, 'rv' );
   // $$$ hold on;
   // $$$ plot( [0:round( ad_len / 2 ) - 1].*fclk / ad_len, Pn_dB, 'm - ' );
   // $$$ switch ( NFFT )
   // $$$  case 16384
   // $$$   NFFT_txt = '16K';
   // $$$  case 32768
   // $$$   NFFT_txt = '32K';
   // $$$  case 65536
   // $$$   NFFT_txt = '64K'; 
   // $$$ end
   // $$$ FRQ_txt = num2str( freq_fin / 1e6, '%2.1f' );
   // $$$ FRQ_txt = strcat( FRQ_txt, 'MHz' );
   // $$$ FFT_txt = strcat( NFFT_txt, ' FFT' );
   // $$$ FREQ_txt = strcat( num2str( fclk / 1e6, '%2d' ), 'MSPS' );
   // $$$ DBFS_txt = strcat( FRQ_txt, '@', num2str( maxdB - ref_dB, '%2.1f' ), 'dBFs' );
   // $$$ SNR_txt = strcat( 'SNR =', num2str( SNR, '% 2.3f' ), ' dBc' );
   // $$$ SFDR_txt = strcat( 'SFDR = ', num2str( SFDR, '% 2.3f' ), ' dBc' );
   // $$$ text( fclk*5.6 / 16, - 5, FFT_txt, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', 'Color', 'r' );
   // $$$ text( fclk*5.6 / 16, - 13, FREQ_txt, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', 'Color', 'r' );
   // $$$ text( fclk*5.6 / 16, - 21, DBFS_txt, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', 'Color', 'r' );
   // $$$ text( fclk*5.6 / 16, - 29, SNR_txt, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', 'Color', 'r' );
   // $$$ text( fclk*5.6 / 16, - 37, SFDR_txt, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', 'Color', 'r' );
   // $$$ text( Fh( 2 )*fclk, ADout_dB( Harbin( 2 ) ) - ref_dB + 2, '2', 'VerticalAlignmen', 'bottom', 'Color', 'r' );
   // $$$ text( Fh( 3 )*fclk, ADout_dB( Harbin( 3 ) ) - ref_dB + 2, '3', 'VerticalAlignmen', 'bottom', 'Color', 'r' );
   // $$$ text( Fh( 4 )*fclk, ADout_dB( Harbin( 4 ) ) - ref_dB + 2, '4', 'VerticalAlignmen', 'bottom', 'Color', 'r' );
   // $$$ text( Fh( 5 )*fclk, ADout_dB( Harbin( 5 ) ) - ref_dB + 2, '5', 'VerticalAlignmen', 'bottom', 'Color', 'r' );
   // $$$ text( Fh( 6 )*fclk, ADout_dB( Harbin( 6 ) ) - ref_dB + 2, '6', 'VerticalAlignmen', 'bottom', 'Color', 'r' );
   // $$$ text( Fh( 7 )*fclk, ADout_dB( Harbin( 7 ) ) - ref_dB + 2, '7', 'VerticalAlignmen', 'bottom', 'Color', 'r' );
   // $$$ text( Fh( 8 )*fclk, ADout_dB( Harbin( 8 ) ) - ref_dB + 2, '8', 'VerticalAlignmen', 'bottom', 'Color', 'r' );
   // $$$ text( Fh( 9 )*fclk, ADout_dB( Harbin( 9 ) ) - ref_dB + 2, '9', 'VerticalAlignmen', 'bottom', 'Color', 'r' );
   // $$$ text( Fh( 10 )*fclk, ADout_dB( Harbin( 10 ) ) - ref_dB + 2, '10', 'VerticalAlignmen', 'bottom', 'Color', 'r' );
   // $$$ hold on;
   // $$$ for i = 0:disturb_len / 2
   // $$$  hold on;
   // $$$  plot( Fn_disturb( disturb_len - i )*fclk, ADout_dB( Harbin_disturb( disturb_len - i ) ) - ref_dB, 'g*' );
   // $$$ end
   // $$$ hold off;
   // $$$ 
   // $$$ 
   // $$$ VPP_txt = strcat( num2str( Vpp, '%2.3f' ), ' Vpp' );
   // $$$ figure( 2 )
   // $$$ 
   // $$$ plot( [1:ad_len_N].*1e3 / fclk, ADout( 1:ad_len_N ) );
   // $$$ title( 'Time PLOT' ); 
   // $$$ xlabel( 'TIME ( ms )' );
   // $$$ ylabel( 'AMPLITUDE ( V )' );
   // $$$ hold on
   SNRFS = SNR+abs(maxdB-ref_dB);
   ENOB = (SINAD-1.76)/6.02;
   ENOBFS = ENOB+abs(maxdB-ref_dB)/6.02;
   HD = (BR(ADout_dB(max(Harbin(2.0),1.0))-ref_dB),ADout_dB(max(Harbin(2.0),1.0))-ref_dB,ADout_dB(max(Harbin(3.0) \
     ,1.0))-ref_dB,ADout_dB(max(Harbin(4.0),1.0))-ref_dB,ADout_dB(max(Harbin(5.0),1.0))-ref_dB,ADout_dB(max(Harbin( \
     6.0),1.0))-ref_dB,ADout_dB(max(Harbin(7.0),1.0))-ref_dB,ADout_dB(max(Harbin(8.0),1.0))-ref_dB,ADout_dB(max(Harbin( \
   y = ADout_dB-ref_dB;
   // nargin, nargout exit code
   nargin_val=old_nargin; nargout_val=old_nargout;
   // function exit code
   ADout.setname(NULL); fclk.setname(NULL); numbit.setname(NULL); NFFT.setname(NULL); V.setname(NULL); code.setname( \
   SNR__o=SNR; SINAD__o=SINAD; SFDR__o=SFDR; ENOB__o=ENOB; y__o=y; 
   return x_M;