static void process_create_schedule(const char * string, const jsmntok_t * tokens) { char zs[128]; char query[2048]; char uid[16], stp_indicator[2], tsc[16]; MYSQL_RES * result0; MYSQL_ROW row0; stats[ScheduleCreate]++; EXTRACT("CIF_stp_indicator", stp_indicator); if(stp_indicator[0] == 'C') return; EXTRACT("CIF_train_uid", uid); EXTRACT("schedule_start_date", zs); time_t start_date = parse_datestamp(zs); EXTRACT("schedule_end_date", zs); time_t end_date = parse_datestamp(zs); EXTRACT("CIF_train_service_code", tsc); sprintf(query, "SELECT id FROM cif_schedules WHERE CIF_stp_indicator = '%s' AND CIF_train_uid = '%s' AND schedule_start_date = %ld AND schedule_end_date = %ld AND CIF_train_service_code = '' AND update_id = %s", stp_indicator, uid, start_date, end_date, last_update_id); if(!db_query(query)) { result0 = db_store_result(); if((row0 = mysql_fetch_row(result0))) { sprintf(query, "UPDATE cif_schedules SET CIF_train_service_code = '%s' WHERE id = %s", tsc, row0[0]); db_query(query); stats[TSCUpdate]++; _log(GENERAL, "Updated schedule %s (%s %s) with TSC \"%s\".", row0[0], uid, stp_indicator, tsc); } mysql_free_result(result0); } }
static word table_exists(const char * const table_like) { MYSQL_RES * result; char query[256]; sprintf(query, "SHOW TABLES LIKE '%s'", table_like); if(!db_query(query)) { result = db_store_result(); word num_rows = mysql_num_rows(result); mysql_free_result(result); if(num_rows) return true; } return false; }
static void process_update_schedule(const char * string, const jsmntok_t * tokens) { char query[1024], CIF_train_uid[16], schedule_start_date[16], schedule_end_date[16], CIF_stp_indicator[8]; dword id; MYSQL_RES * result0; MYSQL_ROW row0; EXTRACT("CIF_train_uid", CIF_train_uid); EXTRACT("schedule_start_date", schedule_start_date); EXTRACT("schedule_end_date", schedule_end_date); EXTRACT("CIF_stp_indicator", CIF_stp_indicator); time_t schedule_start_date_stamp = parse_datestamp(schedule_start_date); // time_t schedule_end_date_stamp = parse_datestamp(schedule_end_date); sprintf(query, "SELECT id FROM cif_schedules WHERE update_id = 0 AND CIF_train_uid = '%s' AND CIF_stp_indicator = '%s' AND schedule_start_date = %ld AND deleted > %ld", CIF_train_uid, CIF_stp_indicator, schedule_start_date_stamp, time(NULL)); if(!db_query(query)) { result0 = db_store_result(); word num_rows = mysql_num_rows(result0); if(num_rows != 1) { _log(MAJOR, "Update for schedule \"%s\" found %d existing records. Delete phase skipped.", CIF_train_uid, num_rows); jsmn_dump_tokens(string, tokens, 0); if(num_rows) stats[UpdateDeleteMulti]++; else stats[UpdateDeleteMiss]++; } else { row0 = mysql_fetch_row(result0); id = atol(row0[0]); //sprintf(query, "DELETE FROM cif_schedule_locations WHERE cif_schedule_id = %ld", id); //db_query(query); sprintf(query, "UPDATE cif_schedules SET deleted = %ld WHERE id = %ld", time(NULL), id); db_query(query); } mysql_free_result(result0); } // Create phase. process_create_schedule(string, tokens, true); _log(DEBUG, "Updated schedule \"%s\".", CIF_train_uid); }
static char * tiploc_name(const char * const tiploc) { // Not re-entrant char query[256]; MYSQL_RES * result0; MYSQL_ROW row0; static char result[128]; sprintf(query, "select fn from corpus where tiploc = '%s'", tiploc); db_query(query); result0 = db_store_result(); if((row0 = mysql_fetch_row(result0)) && row0[0][0]) { strncpy(result, row0[0], 127); result[127] = '\0'; } else { strcpy(result, tiploc); } mysql_free_result(result0); return result; }
static void process_create_schedule(const char * string, const jsmntok_t * tokens, const word update) { // update true indicates this is as the result of a VSTP update. char zs[128], zs1[128]; char query[2048]; word i; char uid[16], stp_indicator[2]; char signalling_id[8]; if(debug) jsmn_dump_tokens(string, tokens, 0); time_t now = time(NULL); sprintf(query, "INSERT INTO cif_schedules VALUES(0, %ld, %lu", now, NOT_DELETED); // update_id == 0 => VSTP EXTRACT_APPEND_SQL("CIF_bank_holiday_running"); //EXTRACT_APPEND_SQL("CIF_stp_indicator"); EXTRACT("CIF_stp_indicator", stp_indicator); sprintf(zs1, ", '%s'", stp_indicator); strcat(query, zs1); //EXTRACT_APPEND_SQL("CIF_train_uid"); EXTRACT("CIF_train_uid", uid); sprintf(zs1, ", '%s'", uid); strcat(query, zs1); EXTRACT_APPEND_SQL("applicable_timetable"); EXTRACT_APPEND_SQL("atoc_code"); // EXTRACT_APPEND_SQL("traction_class"); EXTRACT_APPEND_SQL("uic_code"); EXTRACT("schedule_days_runs", zs); for(i=0; i<7; i++) { strcat(query, ", "); strcat(query, (zs[i]=='1')?"1":"0"); } EXTRACT("schedule_end_date", zs); time_t z = parse_datestamp(zs); sprintf(zs1, ", %ld", z); strcat(query, zs1); EXTRACT("signalling_id", signalling_id); sprintf(zs1, ", '%s'", signalling_id); strcat(query, zs1); EXTRACT_APPEND_SQL("CIF_train_category"); EXTRACT_APPEND_SQL("CIF_headcode"); //EXTRACT_APPEND_SQL("CIF_course_indicator"); EXTRACT_APPEND_SQL("CIF_train_service_code"); EXTRACT_APPEND_SQL("CIF_business_sector"); EXTRACT_APPEND_SQL("CIF_power_type"); EXTRACT_APPEND_SQL("CIF_timing_load"); EXTRACT_APPEND_SQL("CIF_speed"); EXTRACT_APPEND_SQL("CIF_operating_characteristics"); EXTRACT_APPEND_SQL("CIF_train_class"); EXTRACT_APPEND_SQL("CIF_sleepers"); EXTRACT_APPEND_SQL("CIF_reservations"); EXTRACT_APPEND_SQL("CIF_connection_indicator"); EXTRACT_APPEND_SQL("CIF_catering_code"); EXTRACT_APPEND_SQL("CIF_service_branding"); EXTRACT("schedule_start_date", zs); z = parse_datestamp(zs); sprintf(zs1, ", %ld", z); strcat(query, zs1); EXTRACT_APPEND_SQL("train_status"); strcat(query, ", 0, '', '')"); // id filled by MySQL if(!db_query(query)) { stats[update?UpdateCreate:Create]++; } dword id = db_insert_id(); word index = jsmn_find_name_token(string, tokens, 0, "schedule_location"); word locations = tokens[index+1].size; huyton_flag = false; index += 2; for(i = 0; i < locations; i++) { index = process_create_schedule_location(string, tokens, index, id); } if(stp_indicator[0] == 'O' && (signalling_id[0] == '\0' || signalling_id[0] == ' ')) { // Search db for schedules with a deduced headcode, and add it to this one, status = D // Bug: Really this should also look for schedules with a signalling_id MYSQL_RES * result; MYSQL_ROW row; sprintf(query, "SELECT deduced_headcode FROM cif_schedules WHERE CIF_train_uid = '%s' AND deduced_headcode != '' AND schedule_end_date > %ld ORDER BY created DESC", uid, now - (64L * 24L * 60L * 60L)); if(!db_query(query)) { result = db_store_result(); if((row = mysql_fetch_row(result))) { sprintf(query, "UPDATE cif_schedules SET deduced_headcode = '%s', deduced_headcode_status = 'D' WHERE id = %ld", row[0], id); db_query(query); _log(DEBUG, "Deduced headcode \"%s\" applied to overlay schedule %ld, uid \"%s\".", row[0], id, uid); stats[HeadcodeDeduced]++; } else { _log(DEBUG, "Deduced headcode not found for overlay schedule %ld, uid \"%s\".", id, uid); } mysql_free_result(result); } } sprintf(query, "UPDATE status SET last_vstp_processed = %ld", now); db_query(query); if(huyton_flag) { _log(DEBUG, "Created schedule %ld%s. +++ Passes Huyton +++", id, update?" as a result of an Update transaction":""); } if(huyton_flag) { char title[64], message[512]; MYSQL_RES * result0; MYSQL_ROW row0; char stp[4]; sprintf(title, "Huyton Schedule Created."); sprintf(message, "Created schedule which passes Huyton."); if(update) strcat(message, " Due to a VSTP Update transaction."); strcat(message, "\n\n"); EXTRACT("CIF_train_uid", zs1); EXTRACT("CIF_stp_indicator", stp); sprintf(zs, "%ld (%s %s) ", id, zs1, stp); EXTRACT("signalling_id", zs1); strcat(zs, zs1); sprintf(query, "SELECT tiploc_code, departure FROM cif_schedule_locations WHERE record_identity = 'LO' AND cif_schedule_id = %ld", id); if(!db_query(query)) { result0 = db_store_result(); if((row0 = mysql_fetch_row(result0))) { sprintf(zs1, " %s %s to ", show_time_text(row0[1]), tiploc_name(row0[0])); strcat(zs, zs1); } mysql_free_result(result0); } sprintf(query, "SELECT tiploc_code FROM cif_schedule_locations WHERE record_identity = 'LT' AND cif_schedule_id = %ld", id); if(!db_query(query)) { result0 = db_store_result(); if((row0 = mysql_fetch_row(result0))) { strcat (zs, tiploc_name(row0[0])); } mysql_free_result(result0); } strcat(message, zs); sprintf(query, "SELECT schedule_start_date, schedule_end_date, CIF_stp_indicator FROM cif_schedules WHERE id = %ld", id); if(!db_query(query)) { result0 = db_store_result(); if((row0 = mysql_fetch_row(result0))) { dword from = atol(row0[0]); dword to = atol(row0[1]); if(from == to) { strcat(message, " Runs on "); strcat(message, date_text(from, true)); } else { strcat(message, " Runs from "); strcat(message, date_text(from, true)); strcat(message, " to "); strcat(message, date_text(to, true)); } if(row0[2][0] == 'C') strcat(message, " CANCELLED"); strcat(message, "\n"); } mysql_free_result(result0); } sprintf(query, "SELECT departure, arrival, pass, tiploc_code FROM cif_schedule_locations WHERE (tiploc_code = 'HUYTON' OR tiploc_code = 'HUYTJUN') AND cif_schedule_id = %ld", id); if(!db_query(query)) { result0 = db_store_result(); while((row0 = mysql_fetch_row(result0))) { char where[32], z[128]; if(row0[3][4] == 'J') strcpy(where, "Huyton Junction"); else strcpy(where, "Huyton"); if(row0[0][0]) { sprintf(z, "Depart %s at %s.\n", where, row0[0]); strcat(message, z); } else if(row0[1][0]) { sprintf(z, "Arrive %s at %s.\n", where, row0[1]); strcat(message, z); } else if(row0[2][0]) { sprintf(z, "Pass %s at %s.\n", where, row0[2]); strcat(message, z); } } mysql_free_result(result0); } email_alert(NAME, BUILD, title, message); } }
static void process_delete_schedule(const char * string, const jsmntok_t * tokens) { char query[1024], CIF_train_uid[16], schedule_start_date[16], schedule_end_date[16], CIF_stp_indicator[8]; dword id; word update_id; MYSQL_RES * result0; MYSQL_ROW row0; word deleted = 0; EXTRACT("CIF_train_uid", CIF_train_uid); EXTRACT("schedule_start_date", schedule_start_date); EXTRACT("schedule_end_date", schedule_end_date); EXTRACT("CIF_stp_indicator", CIF_stp_indicator); time_t schedule_start_date_stamp = parse_datestamp(schedule_start_date); time_t schedule_end_date_stamp = parse_datestamp(schedule_end_date); // Find the id sprintf(query, "SELECT id, update_id FROM cif_schedules where CIF_train_uid = '%s' and schedule_start_date = '%ld' and schedule_end_date = %ld and CIF_stp_indicator = '%s' AND update_id = 0 AND deleted > %ld", CIF_train_uid, schedule_start_date_stamp, schedule_end_date_stamp, CIF_stp_indicator, time(NULL)); // DO WE NEED DAYS RUNS AS WELL???? // Note: Only find VSTP ones. if (db_query(query)) { db_disconnect(); return; } result0 = db_store_result(); word num_rows = mysql_num_rows(result0); if(num_rows > 1) { char zs[256]; sprintf(zs, "Delete schedule found %d matches.", num_rows); _log(MAJOR, zs); jsmn_dump_tokens(string, tokens, 0); stats[DeleteMulti]++; // Bodge! query[7] = '*'; query[8] = ' '; dump_mysql_result_query(query); } while((row0 = mysql_fetch_row(result0)) && row0[0]) { id = atol(row0[0]); update_id = atoi(row0[1]); //sprintf(query, "DELETE FROM cif_schedule_locations WHERE cif_schedule_id = %ld", id); //if(!db_query(query)) //{ //} sprintf(query, "UPDATE cif_schedules SET deleted = %ld where id = %ld", time(NULL), id); if(!db_query(query)) { deleted++; if(update_id) { // Can never happen! _log(MAJOR, "Deleted non-VSTP schedule %ld.", id); } else { _log(DEBUG, "Deleted VSTP schedule %ld \"%s\".", id, CIF_train_uid); } } } mysql_free_result(result0); if(deleted) { stats[DeleteHit]++; } else { _log(MAJOR, "Delete schedule miss."); jsmn_dump_tokens(string, tokens, 0); stats[DeleteMiss]++; } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char config_file_path[256]; opt_filename = NULL; opt_url = NULL; fetch_all = false; test_mode = false; verbose = false; opt_insecure = false; used_insecure = false; strcpy(config_file_path, "/etc/openrail.conf"); word usage = false; int c; while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, ":c:u:f:tpih")) != -1) switch (c) { case 'c': strcpy(config_file_path, optarg); break; case 'u': if(!opt_filename) opt_url = optarg; break; case 'f': if(!opt_url) opt_filename = optarg; break; case 'a': fetch_all = true; break; case 't': test_mode = true; break; case 'p': verbose = true; break; case 'i': opt_insecure = true; break; case 'h': usage = true; break; case ':': break; case '?': default: usage = true; break; } char * config_fail; if((config_fail = load_config(config_file_path))) { printf("Failed to read config file \"%s\": %s\n", config_file_path, config_fail); usage = true; } if(usage) { printf("%s %s Usage: %s [-c /path/to/config/file.conf] [-u <url> | -f <path> | -a] [-t | -r] [-p][-i]\n", NAME, BUILD, argv[0]); printf( "-c <file> Path to config file.\n" "Data source:\n" "default Fetch latest update.\n" "-u <url> Fetch from specified URL.\n" "-f <file> Use specified file. (Must already be decompressed.)\n" "Actions:\n" "default Apply data to database.\n" "-t Report datestamp on download or file, do not apply to database.\n" "Options:\n" "-i Insecure. Circumvent certificate checks if necessary.\n" "-p Print activity as well as logging.\n" ); exit(1); } char zs[1024]; start_time = time(NULL); debug = *conf[conf_debug]; _log_init(debug?"/tmp/tscdb.log":"/var/log/garner/tscdb.log", (debug?1:(verbose?4:0))); _log(GENERAL, ""); _log(GENERAL, "%s %s", NAME, BUILD); // Enable core dumps struct rlimit limit; if(!getrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &limit)) { limit.rlim_cur = RLIM_INFINITY; setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &limit); } int i; for(i = 0; i < MATCHES; i++) { if(regcomp(&match[i], match_strings[i], REG_ICASE + REG_EXTENDED)) { sprintf(zs, "Failed to compile regex match %d", i); _log(MAJOR, zs); } } // Initialise database if(db_init(conf[conf_db_server], conf[conf_db_user], conf[conf_db_password], conf[conf_db_name])) exit(1); { word e; if((e=database_upgrade(cifdb))) { _log(CRITICAL, "Error %d in upgrade_database(). Aborting.", e); exit(1); } } run = 1; tiploc_ignored = false; // Zero the stats { word i; for(i = 0; i < MAXStats; i++) { stats[i] = 0; } } if(fetch_file()) { if(opt_url || opt_filename) { _log(GENERAL, "Failed to find data."); exit(1); } { char report[256]; _log(GENERAL, "Failed to fetch file."); sprintf(report, "Failed to collect timetable update after %lld attempts.", stats[Fetches]); email_alert(NAME, BUILD, "Timetable Update Failure Report", report); } exit(1); } char in_q = 0; char b_depth = 0; size_t ibuf = 0; size_t iobj = 0; size_t buf_end; // Determine applicable update { MYSQL_RES * result0; MYSQL_ROW row0; last_update_id[0] = '\0'; if(!db_query("SELECT MAX(id) FROM updates_processed")) { result0 = db_store_result(); if((row0 = mysql_fetch_row(result0))) { strcpy(last_update_id, row0[0]); } mysql_free_result(result0); } } if(last_update_id[0] == '\0') { _log(CRITICAL, "Failed to determine last update id from database."); exit(1); } if(test_mode) { } else { char c, pc; pc = 0; // Run through the file splitting off each JSON object and passing it on for processing. // DB may have dropped out due to long delay (void) db_connect(); if(db_start_transaction()) _log(CRITICAL, "Failed to initiate database transaction."); while((buf_end = fread(buffer, 1, MAX_BUF, fp_result)) && run && !db_errored) { for(ibuf = 0; ibuf < buf_end && run && !db_errored; ibuf++) { c = buffer[ibuf]; if(c != '\r' && c != '\n') { obj[iobj++] = c; if(iobj >= MAX_OBJ) { _log(CRITICAL, "Object buffer overflow!"); exit(1); } if(c == '"' && pc != '\\') in_q = ! in_q; if(!in_q && c == '{') b_depth++; if(!in_q && c == '}' && b_depth-- && !b_depth) { obj[iobj] = '\0'; process_object(obj); iobj = 0; } } pc = c; } } fclose(fp_result); if(db_errored) { _log(CRITICAL, "Update rolled back due to database error."); (void) db_rollback_transaction(); } else { _log(GENERAL, "Committing database updates..."); if(db_commit_transaction()) { _log(CRITICAL, "Database commit failed."); } else { _log(GENERAL, "Committed."); } } } #define REPORT_SIZE 16384 char report[REPORT_SIZE]; report[0] = '\0'; _log(GENERAL, ""); _log(GENERAL, "End of run:"); if(used_insecure) { strcat(report, "*** Warning: Insecure download used.\n"); _log(GENERAL, "*** Warning: Insecure download used."); } sprintf(zs, " Elapsed time: %ld minutes", (time(NULL) - start_time + 30) / 60); _log(GENERAL, zs); strcat(report, zs); strcat(report, "\n"); if(test_mode) { sprintf(zs, "Test mode. No database changes made."); _log(GENERAL, zs); strcat(report, zs); strcat(report, "\n"); exit(0); } for(i=0; i<MAXStats; i++) { sprintf(zs, "%25s: %s", stats_category[i], commas_q(stats[i])); if(i == DBError && stats[i]) strcat(zs, " ****************"); _log(GENERAL, zs); strcat(report, zs); strcat(report, "\n"); } db_disconnect(); email_alert(NAME, BUILD, "Timetable Update Report", report); exit(0); }
static void create_database(void) { MYSQL_RES * result0; MYSQL_ROW row0; word create_trust_activation, create_trust_cancellation, create_trust_movement; word create_trust_changeorigin, create_trust_changeid; create_trust_activation = create_trust_cancellation = create_trust_movement = true; create_trust_changeorigin = create_trust_changeid = true; db_query("show tables"); result0 = db_store_result(); while((row0 = mysql_fetch_row(result0))) { if(!strcasecmp(row0[0], "trust_activation")) create_trust_activation = false; if(!strcasecmp(row0[0], "trust_cancellation")) create_trust_cancellation = false; if(!strcasecmp(row0[0], "trust_movement")) create_trust_movement = false; if(!strcasecmp(row0[0], "trust_changeorigin")) create_trust_changeorigin = false; if(!strcasecmp(row0[0], "trust_changeid")) create_trust_changeid = false; } mysql_free_result(result0); if(create_trust_activation) { db_query( "CREATE TABLE trust_activation " "(created INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "trust_id VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, " "cif_schedule_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "deduced TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "INDEX(cif_schedule_id), INDEX(trust_id), INDEX(created)" ") ENGINE = InnoDB" ); _log(GENERAL, "Created database table trust_activation."); } if(create_trust_cancellation) { db_query( "CREATE TABLE trust_cancellation " "(created INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "trust_id VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, " "reason VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL, " "type VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, " "loc_stanox VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL, " "reinstate TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "INDEX(trust_id), INDEX(created) " ") ENGINE = InnoDB" ); _log(GENERAL, "Created database table trust_cancellation."); } if(create_trust_movement) { db_query( "CREATE TABLE trust_movement " "(created INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "trust_id VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, " "event_type VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, " "planned_event_type VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, " "platform VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL, " "loc_stanox VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL, " "actual_timestamp INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "gbtt_timestamp INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "planned_timestamp INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "timetable_variation INT NOT NULL, " "event_source VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, " "offroute_ind BOOLEAN NOT NULL, " "train_terminated BOOLEAN NOT NULL, " "variation_status VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, " "next_report_stanox VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL, " "next_report_run_time INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "INDEX(trust_id), INDEX(created) " ") ENGINE = InnoDB" ); _log(GENERAL, "Created database table trust_movement."); } if(create_trust_changeorigin) { db_query( "CREATE TABLE trust_changeorigin " "(created INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "trust_id VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, " "reason VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL, " "loc_stanox VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL, " "INDEX(trust_id), INDEX(created) " ") ENGINE = InnoDB" ); _log(GENERAL, "Created database table trust_changeorigin."); } if(create_trust_changeid) { db_query( "CREATE TABLE trust_changeid " "(created INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "trust_id VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, " "new_trust_id VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, " "INDEX(trust_id), INDEX(new_trust_id), INDEX(created) " ") ENGINE = InnoDB" ); _log(GENERAL, "Created database table trust_changeid."); } }
static void process_trust_0003(const char * string, const jsmntok_t * tokens, const int index) { char query[1024], zs[32], zs1[32], train_id[128], loc_stanox[128]; time_t planned_timestamp, actual_timestamp, timestamp; time_t now = time(NULL); sprintf(query, "INSERT INTO trust_movement VALUES(%ld, '", now); jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, index, "train_id", train_id, sizeof(train_id)); strcat(query, train_id); strcat(query, "', '"); jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, index, "event_type", zs, sizeof(zs)); strcat(query, zs); strcat(query, "', '"); jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, index, "planned_event_type", zs, sizeof(zs)); strcat(query, zs); strcat(query, "', '"); jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, index, "platform", zs, sizeof(zs)); strcat(query, zs); strcat(query, "', '"); jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, index, "loc_stanox", loc_stanox, sizeof(loc_stanox)); strcat(query, loc_stanox); strcat(query, "', "); jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, index, "actual_timestamp", zs, sizeof(zs)); zs[10] = '\0'; actual_timestamp = correct_trust_timestamp(atol(zs)); sprintf(zs, "%ld", actual_timestamp); strcat(query, zs); strcat(query, ", "); jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, index, "gbtt_timestamp", zs, sizeof(zs)); zs[10] = '\0'; timestamp = correct_trust_timestamp(atol(zs)); sprintf(zs, "%ld", timestamp); strcat(query, zs); strcat(query, ", "); jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, index, "planned_timestamp", zs, sizeof(zs)); zs[10] = '\0'; planned_timestamp = correct_trust_timestamp(atol(zs)); sprintf(zs, "%ld", planned_timestamp); strcat(query, zs); strcat(query, ", "); jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, index, "timetable_variation", zs, sizeof(zs)); strcat(query, zs); strcat(query, ", '"); jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, index, "event_source", zs, sizeof(zs)); strcat(query, zs); strcat(query, "', "); jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, index, "offroute_ind", zs, sizeof(zs)); strcat(query, (zs[0] == 't')?"1":"0"); strcat(query, ", "); jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, index, "train_terminated", zs, sizeof(zs)); strcat(query, (zs[0] == 't')?"1":"0"); strcat(query, ", '"); jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, index, "variation_status", zs, sizeof(zs)); strcat(query, zs); strcat(query, "', '"); jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, index, "next_report_stanox", zs, sizeof(zs)); strcat(query, zs); strcat(query, "', "); jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, index, "next_report_run_time", zs, sizeof(zs)); sprintf(zs1, "%d", atoi(zs)); strcat(query, zs1); strcat(query, ")"); db_query(query); // Old one? if(planned_timestamp && now - actual_timestamp > 6*60*60) { sprintf(query, "Late movement message received, actual timestamp %s.", time_text(actual_timestamp, true)); _log(MINOR, query); } sprintf(query, "SELECT * from trust_activation where trust_id = '%s' and created > %ld and cif_schedule_id > 0", train_id, now - (4*24*60*60)); if(!db_query(query)) { MYSQL_RES * result0 = db_store_result(); word num_rows = mysql_num_rows(result0); mysql_free_result(result0); if(num_rows > 1) { // This is not actually invalid, if there's some cancellations as well // sprintf(query, "Movement message received with %d matching activations, train_id = \"%s\".", num_rows, train_id); // _log(MAJOR, query); } else if(num_rows < 1) { MYSQL_ROW row0; char tiploc[128], reason[128]; word sort_time; time_t now = time(NULL); strcpy(reason, ""); tiploc[0] = '\0'; sprintf(query, "Movement message received with %d matching activations, train_id = \"%s\".", num_rows, train_id); _log(MINOR, query); stats[MovtNoAct]++; if(planned_timestamp == 0) { strcpy(reason, "No planned timestamp"); } if(high_load) strcpy(reason, "Message load too high"); if(!reason[0]) { sprintf(query, "SELECT tiploc FROM corpus WHERE stanox = %s AND tiploc != ''", loc_stanox); if(!db_query(query)) { result0 = db_store_result(); num_rows = mysql_num_rows(result0); if(num_rows) { row0 = mysql_fetch_row(result0); strcpy(tiploc, row0[0]); } else { strcpy(reason, "Unable to determine TIPLOC"); } mysql_free_result(result0); } } if(!reason[0]) { char query1[256]; struct tm * broken = localtime(&planned_timestamp); sort_time = broken->tm_hour * 4 * 60 + broken->tm_min * 4; // Select the day word day = broken->tm_wday; word yest = (day + 6) % 7; // word tom = (day + 1) % 7; broken->tm_hour = 12; broken->tm_min = 0; broken->tm_sec = 0; time_t when = timegm(broken); sprintf(query, "SELECT, cif_schedules.CIF_train_uid, signalling_id, CIF_stp_indicator FROM cif_schedules INNER JOIN cif_schedule_locations ON = cif_schedule_locations.cif_schedule_id WHERE cif_schedule_locations.tiploc_code = '%s'", tiploc); sprintf(query1, " AND cif_schedule_locations.sort_time > %d AND cif_schedule_locations.sort_time < %d", sort_time - 1, sort_time + 4); strcat(query, query1); strcat(query, " AND (cif_schedules.CIF_stp_indicator = 'N' OR cif_schedules.CIF_stp_indicator = 'P' OR cif_schedules.CIF_stp_indicator = 'O')"); static const char * days_runs[8] = {"runs_su", "runs_mo", "runs_tu", "runs_we", "runs_th", "runs_fr", "runs_sa", "runs_su"}; // sprintf(query1, " AND (((%s) AND (schedule_start_date <= %ld) AND (schedule_end_date >= %ld) AND (NOT next_day))", days_runs[day], when + 12*60*60, when - 12*60*60); strcat(query, query1); sprintf(query1, " OR ((%s) AND (schedule_start_date <= %ld) AND (schedule_end_date >= %ld) AND ( next_day)))", days_runs[yest], when - 12*60*60, when - 36*60*60); strcat(query, query1); sprintf(query1, " AND deleted > %ld ORDER BY LOCATE(CIF_stp_indicator, 'NPO')", planned_timestamp); strcat(query, query1); if(!db_query(query)) { char save_uid[16], save_stp; save_uid[0] = save_stp = '\0'; dword cif_schedule_id = 0; result0 = db_store_result(); num_rows = mysql_num_rows(result0); if(!num_rows) { strcpy(reason, "No schedules found"); } while((row0 = mysql_fetch_row(result0))) { sprintf(query, " Found potential match:%8s (%s) %s STP=%s", row0[0], row0[1], row0[2], row0[3]); _log(MINOR, query); if (!reason[0]) { if(save_uid[0] && strcmp(save_uid, row0[1])) strcpy(reason, "Multiple matching schedule UIDs"); else if (save_stp == 'O' && row0[3][0] =='O') strcpy(reason, "Multiple matching overlay schedules"); else { cif_schedule_id = atol(row0[0]); strcpy(save_uid, row0[1]); save_stp = row0[3][0]; } } } mysql_free_result(result0); if(!reason[0]) { sprintf(query, "INSERT INTO trust_activation VALUES(%ld, '%s', %ld, 1)", now, train_id, cif_schedule_id); db_query(query); sprintf(query, " Successfully deduced activation %ld", cif_schedule_id); _log(MINOR, query); } } } if(!reason[0]) { stats[DeducedAct]++; } else { sprintf(query, " Failed to deduce an activation - Reason: %s.", reason ); _log(MINOR, query); sprintf(query, " stanox = %s, tiploc = \"%s\", planned_timestamp %s, derived sort time = %d", loc_stanox, tiploc, time_text(planned_timestamp, true), sort_time); _log(MINOR, query); // jsmn_dump_tokens(string, tokens, index); } } } return; }
static void process_trust_0001(const char * const string, const jsmntok_t * const tokens, const int index) { char zs[128], zs1[128], report[1024]; char train_id[64], train_uid[64]; char query[1024]; dword cif_schedule_id; MYSQL_RES * result0; MYSQL_ROW row0; sprintf(report, "Activation message:"); jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, index, "train_id", train_id, sizeof(train_id)); sprintf(zs1, " train_id=\"%s\"", train_id); strcat(report, zs1); jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, index, "schedule_start_date", zs, sizeof(zs)); time_t schedule_start_date_stamp = parse_datestamp(zs); sprintf(zs1, " schedule_start_date=\"%s\" %ld", zs, schedule_start_date_stamp); strcat(report, zs1); jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, index, "schedule_end_date", zs, sizeof(zs)); time_t schedule_end_date_stamp = parse_datestamp(zs); sprintf(zs1, " schedule_end_date=\"%s\" %ld", zs, schedule_end_date_stamp); strcat(report, zs1); jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, index, "train_uid", train_uid, sizeof(train_uid)); sprintf(zs1, " train_uid=\"%s\"", train_uid); strcat(report, zs1); jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, index, "schedule_source", zs, sizeof(zs)); sprintf(zs1, " schedule_source=\"%s\"", zs); strcat(report, zs1); jsmn_find_extract_token(string, tokens, index, "schedule_wtt_id", zs, sizeof(zs)); sprintf(zs1, " schedule_wtt_id=\"%s\"", zs); strcat(report, zs1); // Bodge. The ORDER BY here will *usually* get the correct one out first! // Idea: If we store and index on cif_train_uid, we can guarantee to get the right one. sprintf(query, "select id from cif_schedules where cif_train_uid = '%s' AND schedule_start_date = %ld AND schedule_end_date = %ld AND deleted > %ld ORDER BY LOCATE(CIF_stp_indicator, 'OCPN')", train_uid, schedule_start_date_stamp, schedule_end_date_stamp, time(NULL)); if(!db_query(query)) { result0 = db_store_result(); word num_rows = mysql_num_rows(result0); sprintf(zs, " Schedule hit count %d. Message contents:", num_rows); strcat(report, zs); if(num_rows < 1) { stats[Mess1Miss]++; _log(MINOR, report); time_t now = time(NULL); sprintf(query, "INSERT INTO trust_activation VALUES(%ld, '%s', %ld, 0)", now, train_id, 0L); db_query(query); jsmn_dump_tokens(string, tokens, index); } else { row0 = mysql_fetch_row(result0); cif_schedule_id = atol(row0[0]); time_t now = time(NULL); sprintf(query, "INSERT INTO trust_activation VALUES(%ld, '%s', %ld, 0)", now, train_id, cif_schedule_id); db_query(query); } mysql_free_result(result0); } return; }
word database_upgrade(const word caller) { char query[256]; MYSQL_RES * res; MYSQL_ROW row; word lock, result, old_version; result = 0; // Lock the upgrade process. // NOTE - This DOES NOT lock the database from normal data processing, it merely prevents // simultaneous database_upgrade processing. lock = 0; while(!lock) { if(!db_query("SELECT GET_LOCK('openrail.database_upgrade', 1)")) { res = db_store_result(); row = mysql_fetch_row(res); lock = atoi(row[0]); mysql_free_result(res); } if(!lock) { _log(MINOR, "Waiting for database upgrade lock."); sleep(8); } } old_version = 0; if(table_exists("database_version")) { sprintf(query, "SELECT * FROM database_version"); if(!db_query(query)) { res = db_store_result(); row = mysql_fetch_row(res); old_version = atoi(row[0]); mysql_free_result(res); } } // Note: old > NEW is no-op, not error. If a particular program is not changed during an upgrade, it will // not need to be re-compiled just for the database change. // Note: If a change creates a new table, there's no need to do it in this upgrade section, just leave it // to the table creation below. if(old_version < NEW_VERSION) { _log(GENERAL, "Upgrading database from version %d to version %d.", old_version, NEW_VERSION); // Upgrade to 1 if(old_version < 1) { db_query("CREATE TABLE database_version (v INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL ) ENGINE = InnoDB"); db_query("INSERT INTO database_version VALUES(0)"); _log(GENERAL, "Created database table \"database_version\"."); } // Upgrade to x // if(old_version < x) // if(table_exists(y) You must have this in case the table hasn't been created yet, e.g. on a brand new platform. // ALTER TABLE sprintf(query, "UPDATE database_version SET v = %d", NEW_VERSION); db_query(query); _log(GENERAL, "Database upgraded to version %d.", NEW_VERSION); } // Upgrade completed. Now create any missing tables /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // corpus table if(!table_exists("corpus")) { db_query( "CREATE TABLE corpus( " "id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, " "fn VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL," "stanox CHAR(16) NOT NULL, " "uic CHAR(16) NOT NULL, " "3alpha CHAR(16) NOT NULL, " "nlcdesc16 CHAR(20) NOT NULL, " "tiploc CHAR(16) NOT NULL, " "nlc CHAR(16) NOT NULL, " "nlcdesc VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL," "PRIMARY KEY (id), INDEX(TIPLOC) " ") ENGINE = InnoDB" ); _log(GENERAL, "Created database table \"corpus\"."); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // smart table if(caller == smartdb && !table_exists("smart")) { db_query( "CREATE TABLE smart( " "id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, " " `fromberth` char(4) NOT NULL," " `td` char(2) NOT NULL," " `stanox` int NOT NULL," " `route` smallint NOT NULL," " `steptype` char(1) NOT NULL," " `toberth` char(4) NOT NULL," " `toline` char(1) NOT NULL," " `berthoffset` int NOT NULL," " `platform` smallint NOT NULL," " `event` char(1) NOT NULL," " `comment` varchar(64) NOT NULL," " `stanme` char(9) NOT NULL," " `fromline` char(1) NOT NULL," " PRIMARY KEY (id)" ") ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1" ); _log(GENERAL, "Created database table \"smart\"."); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Schedule tables if((caller == cifdb || caller == vstpdb || caller == trustdb) && !table_exists("updates_processed")) { db_query( "CREATE TABLE updates_processed" "(" "id SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, " "time INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," "PRIMARY KEY (id) " ") ENGINE = InnoDB" ); _log(GENERAL, "Created database table \"updates_processed\"."); } if((caller == cifdb || caller == vstpdb || caller == trustdb) && !table_exists("cif_associations")) { db_query( "CREATE TABLE cif_associations " "( " "update_id SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "created INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "deleted INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "main_train_uid CHAR(6) NOT NULL, " "assoc_train_uid CHAR(6) NOT NULL, " "assoc_start_date INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "assoc_end_date INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "assoc_days CHAR(7) NOT NULL, " "category CHAR(2) NOT NULL, " "date_indicator CHAR(1) NOT NULL, " "location CHAR(7) NOT NULL, " "base_location_suffix CHAR(1) NOT NULL, " "assoc_location_suffix CHAR(1) NOT NULL, " "diagram_type CHAR(1) NOT NULL, " "CIF_stp_indicator CHAR(1) NOT NULL " ") ENGINE = InnoDB" ); _log(GENERAL, "Created database table \"cif_associations\"."); } if((caller == cifdb || caller == vstpdb || caller == trustdb) && !table_exists("cif_schedules")) { db_query( "CREATE TABLE cif_schedules " "( " "update_id SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "created INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "deleted INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "CIF_bank_holiday_running CHAR(1) NOT NULL, " "CIF_stp_indicator CHAR(1) NOT NULL, " "CIF_train_uid CHAR(6) NOT NULL, " "applicable_timetable char(1) NOT NULL, " "atoc_code CHAR(2) NOT NULL, " //"traction_class CHAR(8) NOT NULL, " // "Not used" in CIF spec so omitted here. "uic_code CHAR(5) NOT NULL, " "runs_mo BOOLEAN NOT NULL, " "runs_tu BOOLEAN NOT NULL, " "runs_we BOOLEAN NOT NULL, " "runs_th BOOLEAN NOT NULL, " "runs_fr BOOLEAN NOT NULL, " "runs_sa BOOLEAN NOT NULL, " "runs_su BOOLEAN NOT NULL, " "schedule_end_date INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "signalling_id CHAR(4) NOT NULL, " "CIF_train_category CHAR(2) NOT NULL, " "CIF_headcode CHAR(4) NOT NULL, " //"CIF_course_indicator CHAR(8) NOT NULL, " // "Not used" in CIF spec, so omitted here. "CIF_train_service_code CHAR(8) NOT NULL, " "CIF_business_sector CHAR(1) NOT NULL, " "CIF_power_type CHAR(3) NOT NULL, " "CIF_timing_load CHAR(4) NOT NULL, " "CIF_speed CHAR(3) NOT NULL, " "CIF_operating_characteristics CHAR(6) NOT NULL, " "CIF_train_class CHAR(1) NOT NULL, " "CIF_sleepers CHAR(1) NOT NULL, " "CIF_reservations CHAR(1) NOT NULL, " "CIF_connection_indicator CHAR(1) NOT NULL, " "CIF_catering_code CHAR(4) NOT NULL, " "CIF_service_branding CHAR(4) NOT NULL, " "schedule_start_date INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "train_status CHAR(1) NOT NULL, " "id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, " "deduced_headcode CHAR(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', " "deduced_headcode_status CHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', " "PRIMARY KEY (id), INDEX(schedule_end_date), INDEX(schedule_start_date), INDEX(CIF_train_uid), INDEX(CIF_stp_indicator) " ") ENGINE = InnoDB" ); _log(GENERAL, "Created database table \"cif_schedules\"."); } if((caller == cifdb || caller == vstpdb || caller == trustdb) && !table_exists("cif_schedule_locations")) { db_query( "CREATE TABLE cif_schedule_locations " "( " "update_id SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "cif_schedule_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "location_type CHAR(12) NOT NULL, " // MISNAMED! contains activity "record_identity CHAR(2) NOT NULL, " // LO, LI, LT, etc "tiploc_code CHAR(7) NOT NULL, " "tiploc_instance CHAR(1) NOT NULL, " "arrival CHAR(5) NOT NULL, " "departure CHAR(5) NOT NULL, " "pass CHAR(5) NOT NULL, " "public_arrival CHAR(4) NOT NULL, " "public_departure CHAR(4) NOT NULL, " "sort_time SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "next_day BOOLEAN NOT NULL, " "platform CHAR(3) NOT NULL, " "line CHAR(3) NOT NULL, " "path CHAR(3) NOT NULL, " "engineering_allowance CHAR(2) NOT NULL, " "pathing_allowance CHAR(2) NOT NULL, " "performance_allowance CHAR(2) NOT NULL, " "INDEX(cif_schedule_id), INDEX(tiploc_code) " ") ENGINE = InnoDB" ); _log(GENERAL, "Created database table \"cif_schedule_locations\"."); } if((caller == cifdb || caller == vstpdb || caller == trustdb) && !table_exists("cif_changes_en_route")) { db_query( "CREATE TABLE cif_changes_en_route " "( " "cif_schedule_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "tiploc_code CHAR(7) NOT NULL, " "tiploc_instance CHAR(1) NOT NULL, " "CIF_train_category CHAR(2) NOT NULL, " "signalling_id CHAR(4) NOT NULL, " "CIF_headcode CHAR(4) NOT NULL, " "CIF_train_service_code CHAR(8) NOT NULL, " // Portion ID not used "CIF_power_type CHAR(3) NOT NULL, " "CIF_timing_load CHAR(4) NOT NULL, " "CIF_speed CHAR(3) NOT NULL, " "CIF_operating_characteristics CHAR(6) NOT NULL, " "CIF_train_class CHAR(1) NOT NULL, " "CIF_sleepers CHAR(1) NOT NULL, " "CIF_reservations CHAR(1) NOT NULL, " "CIF_connection_indicator CHAR(1) NOT NULL, " "CIF_catering_code CHAR(4) NOT NULL, " "CIF_service_branding CHAR(4) NOT NULL, " // Traction class Not used. "uic_code CHAR(5) NOT NULL, " "INDEX(cif_schedule_id), INDEX(tiploc_code) " ") ENGINE = InnoDB" ); _log(GENERAL, "Created database table \"cif_changes_en_route\"."); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // trust tables if((caller == trustdb) && !table_exists("trust_activation")) { db_query( "CREATE TABLE trust_activation " "(created INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "trust_id VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, " "cif_schedule_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "deduced TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "INDEX(cif_schedule_id), INDEX(trust_id), INDEX(created)" ") ENGINE = InnoDB" ); _log(GENERAL, "Created database table \"trust_activation\"."); } if((caller == trustdb) && !table_exists("trust_cancellation")) { db_query( "CREATE TABLE trust_cancellation " "(created INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "trust_id VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, " "reason VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL, " "type VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, " "loc_stanox VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL, " "reinstate TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "INDEX(trust_id), INDEX(created) " ") ENGINE = InnoDB" ); _log(GENERAL, "Created database table \"trust_cancellation\"."); } if((caller == trustdb) && !table_exists("trust_movement")) { db_query( "CREATE TABLE trust_movement " "(created INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "trust_id VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, " "event_type VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, " "planned_event_type VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, " "platform VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL, " "loc_stanox VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL, " "actual_timestamp INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "gbtt_timestamp INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "planned_timestamp INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "timetable_variation INT NOT NULL, " "event_source VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, " "offroute_ind BOOLEAN NOT NULL, " "train_terminated BOOLEAN NOT NULL, " "variation_status VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, " "next_report_stanox VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL, " "next_report_run_time INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "INDEX(trust_id), INDEX(created) " ") ENGINE = InnoDB" ); _log(GENERAL, "Created database table \"trust_movement\"."); } if((caller == trustdb) && !table_exists("trust_changeorigin")) { db_query( "CREATE TABLE trust_changeorigin " "(created INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "trust_id VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, " "reason VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL, " "loc_stanox VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL, " "INDEX(trust_id), INDEX(created) " ") ENGINE = InnoDB" ); _log(GENERAL, "Created database table \"trust_changeorigin\"."); } if((caller == trustdb) && !table_exists("trust_changeid")) { db_query( "CREATE TABLE trust_changeid " "(created INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "trust_id VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, " "new_trust_id VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, " "INDEX(trust_id), INDEX(new_trust_id), INDEX(created) " ") ENGINE = InnoDB" ); _log(GENERAL, "Created database table \"trust_changeid\"."); } if((caller == vstpdb || caller == trustdb || caller == tddb) && !table_exists("status")) { db_query( "CREATE TABLE status " "(last_trust_processed INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "last_trust_actual INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "last_vstp_processed INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "last_td_processed INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL " ") ENGINE = InnoDB" ); db_query( "INSERT INTO status VALUES(0, 0, 0, 0)" ); _log(GENERAL, "Created database table \"status\"."); } if((caller == vstpdb || caller == trustdb || caller == tddb) && !table_exists("message_count")) { db_query( "CREATE TABLE message_count " "(application CHAR(16) NOT NULL, " "time INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "count INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "INDEX(time) " ") ENGINE = InnoDB" ); _log(GENERAL, "Created database table \"message_count\"."); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // td tables if(caller == tddb && !table_exists("td_updates")) { db_query( "CREATE TABLE td_updates " "(created INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "handle INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "k CHAR(8) NOT NULL, " "v CHAR(8) NOT NULL, " "PRIMARY KEY(k) " ") ENGINE = InnoDB" ); _log(GENERAL, "Created database table \"td_updates\"."); } if((caller == tddb || caller == limed) && !table_exists("td_states")) { db_query( "CREATE TABLE td_states " "(updated INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "k CHAR(8) NOT NULL, " "v CHAR(8) NOT NULL, " "PRIMARY KEY(k) " ") ENGINE = InnoDB" ); _log(GENERAL, "Created database table \"td_states\"."); } if(caller == tddb && !table_exists("td_status")) { db_query( "CREATE TABLE td_status " "(d CHAR(4) NOT NULL, " "last_timestamp INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL " ") ENGINE = InnoDB" ); _log(GENERAL, "Created database table \"td_status\"."); } if(caller == tddb && !table_exists("friendly_names_20")) { db_query( "CREATE TABLE friendly_names_20 " "(tiploc CHAR(8) NOT NULL, " "name VARCHAR(32), " "PRIMARY KEY (tiploc) " ") ENGINE = InnoDB" ); _log(GENERAL, "Created database table \"friendly_names_20\"."); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Archive tables if(caller == archdb && !table_exists("trust_activation_arch")) { db_query( "CREATE TABLE trust_activation_arch " "(created INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "trust_id VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, " "cif_schedule_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "deduced TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL " ") ENGINE = InnoDB" ); _log(GENERAL, "Created database table \"trust_activation_arch\"."); } if(caller == archdb && !table_exists("trust_cancellation_arch")) { db_query( "CREATE TABLE trust_cancellation_arch " "(created INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "trust_id VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, " "reason VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL, " "type VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, " "loc_stanox VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL, " "reinstate TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL " ") ENGINE = InnoDB" ); _log(GENERAL, "Created database table \"trust_cancellation_arch\"."); } if(caller == archdb && !table_exists("trust_movement_arch")) { db_query( "CREATE TABLE trust_movement_arch " "(created INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "trust_id VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, " "event_type VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, " "planned_event_type VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, " "platform VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL, " "loc_stanox VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL, " "actual_timestamp INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "gbtt_timestamp INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "planned_timestamp INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "timetable_variation INT NOT NULL, " "event_source VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, " "offroute_ind BOOLEAN NOT NULL, " "train_terminated BOOLEAN NOT NULL, " "variation_status VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, " "next_report_stanox VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL, " "next_report_run_time INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL " ") ENGINE = InnoDB" ); _log(GENERAL, "Created database table \"trust_movement_arch\"."); } if(caller == archdb && !table_exists("trust_changeorigin_arch")) { db_query( "CREATE TABLE trust_changeorigin_arch " "(created INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "trust_id VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, " "reason VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL, " "loc_stanox VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL " ") ENGINE = InnoDB" ); _log(GENERAL, "Created database table \"trust_changeorigin_arch\"."); } if(caller == archdb && !table_exists("trust_changeid_arch")) { db_query( "CREATE TABLE trust_changeid_arch " "(created INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "trust_id VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, " "new_trust_id VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL " ") ENGINE = InnoDB" ); _log(GENERAL, "Created database table \"trust_changeid_arch\"."); } if(caller == archdb && !table_exists("cif_associations_arch")) { db_query( "CREATE TABLE cif_associations_arch " "( " "update_id SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "created INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "deleted INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "main_train_uid CHAR(6) NOT NULL, " "assoc_train_uid CHAR(6) NOT NULL, " "assoc_start_date INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "assoc_end_date INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "assoc_days CHAR(7) NOT NULL, " "category CHAR(2) NOT NULL, " "date_indicator CHAR(1) NOT NULL, " "location CHAR(7) NOT NULL, " "base_location_suffix CHAR(1) NOT NULL, " "assoc_location_suffix CHAR(1) NOT NULL, " "diagram_type CHAR(1) NOT NULL, " "CIF_stp_indicator CHAR(1) NOT NULL " ") ENGINE = InnoDB" ); _log(GENERAL, "Created database table \"cif_associations_arch\"."); } if(caller == archdb && !table_exists("cif_schedules_arch")) { db_query( "CREATE TABLE cif_schedules_arch " "( " "update_id SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "created INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "deleted INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "CIF_bank_holiday_running CHAR(1) NOT NULL, " "CIF_stp_indicator CHAR(1) NOT NULL, " "CIF_train_uid CHAR(6) NOT NULL, " "applicable_timetable char(1) NOT NULL, " "atoc_code CHAR(2) NOT NULL, " //"traction_class CHAR(8) NOT NULL, " // "Not used" in CIF spec so omitted here. "uic_code CHAR(5) NOT NULL, " "runs_mo BOOLEAN NOT NULL, " "runs_tu BOOLEAN NOT NULL, " "runs_we BOOLEAN NOT NULL, " "runs_th BOOLEAN NOT NULL, " "runs_fr BOOLEAN NOT NULL, " "runs_sa BOOLEAN NOT NULL, " "runs_su BOOLEAN NOT NULL, " "schedule_end_date INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "signalling_id CHAR(4) NOT NULL, " "CIF_train_category CHAR(2) NOT NULL, " "CIF_headcode CHAR(4) NOT NULL, " //"CIF_course_indicator CHAR(8) NOT NULL, " // "Not used" in CIF spec, so omitted here. "CIF_train_service_code CHAR(8) NOT NULL, " "CIF_business_sector CHAR(1) NOT NULL, " "CIF_power_type CHAR(3) NOT NULL, " "CIF_timing_load CHAR(4) NOT NULL, " "CIF_speed CHAR(3) NOT NULL, " "CIF_operating_characteristics CHAR(6) NOT NULL, " "CIF_train_class CHAR(1) NOT NULL, " "CIF_sleepers CHAR(1) NOT NULL, " "CIF_reservations CHAR(1) NOT NULL, " "CIF_connection_indicator CHAR(1) NOT NULL, " "CIF_catering_code CHAR(4) NOT NULL, " "CIF_service_branding CHAR(4) NOT NULL, " "schedule_start_date INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "train_status CHAR(1) NOT NULL, " "id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "deduced_headcode CHAR(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', " "deduced_headcode_status CHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' " ") ENGINE = InnoDB" ); _log(GENERAL, "Created database table \"cif_schedules_arch\"."); } if(caller == archdb && !table_exists("cif_schedule_locations_arch")) { db_query( "CREATE TABLE cif_schedule_locations_arch " "( " "update_id SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "cif_schedule_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "location_type CHAR(12) NOT NULL, " // Expected to become activity ????? "record_identity CHAR(2) NOT NULL, " // LO, LI, LT, etc "tiploc_code CHAR(7) NOT NULL, " "tiploc_instance CHAR(1) NOT NULL, " "arrival CHAR(5) NOT NULL, " "departure CHAR(5) NOT NULL, " "pass CHAR(5) NOT NULL, " "public_arrival CHAR(4) NOT NULL, " "public_departure CHAR(4) NOT NULL, " "sort_time SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "next_day BOOLEAN NOT NULL, " "platform CHAR(3) NOT NULL, " "line CHAR(3) NOT NULL, " "path CHAR(3) NOT NULL, " "engineering_allowance CHAR(2) NOT NULL, " "pathing_allowance CHAR(2) NOT NULL, " "performance_allowance CHAR(2) NOT NULL " ") ENGINE = InnoDB" ); _log(GENERAL, "Created database table \"cif_schedule_locations_arch\"."); } if(caller == archdb && !table_exists("cif_changes_en_route_arch")) { db_query( "CREATE TABLE cif_changes_en_route_arch " "( " "cif_schedule_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "tiploc_code CHAR(7) NOT NULL, " "tiploc_instance CHAR(1) NOT NULL, " "CIF_train_category CHAR(2) NOT NULL, " "signalling_id CHAR(4) NOT NULL, " "CIF_headcode CHAR(4) NOT NULL, " "CIF_train_service_code CHAR(8) NOT NULL, " // Portion ID not used "CIF_power_type CHAR(3) NOT NULL, " "CIF_timing_load CHAR(4) NOT NULL, " "CIF_speed CHAR(3) NOT NULL, " "CIF_operating_characteristics CHAR(6) NOT NULL, " "CIF_train_class CHAR(1) NOT NULL, " "CIF_sleepers CHAR(1) NOT NULL, " "CIF_reservations CHAR(1) NOT NULL, " "CIF_connection_indicator CHAR(1) NOT NULL, " "CIF_catering_code CHAR(4) NOT NULL, " "CIF_service_branding CHAR(4) NOT NULL, " // Traction class Not used. "uic_code CHAR(5) NOT NULL " ") ENGINE = InnoDB" ); _log(GENERAL, "Created database table \"cif_changes_en_route_arch\"."); } if((caller == trustdb || caller == tddb) && !table_exists("obfus_lookup")) { db_query( "CREATE TABLE obfus_lookup " "( " "created INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " "true_hc CHAR(4) NOT NULL, " "obfus_hc CHAR(4) NOT NULL " ") ENGINE = InnoDB" ); _log(GENERAL, "Created database table \"obfus_lookup\"."); } // Unlock the upgrade process if(!db_query("SELECT RELEASE_LOCK('openrail.database_upgrade')")) { res = db_store_result(); mysql_free_result(res); } return result; }