コード例 #1
static void do_extract_file(deark *c, lctx *d, de_int64 dir_pos,
	de_byte filetype_c64s, de_byte filetype)
	de_int64 load_addr;
	de_int64 end_addr;
	de_int64 offset;
	dbuf *f = NULL;
	de_int64 payload_size; // = file_size-2
	de_ucstring *fname = NULL;
	de_int64 fname_len;
	de_int64 i;
	de_int64 fnpos;
	de_finfo *fi = NULL;

	load_addr = de_getui16le(dir_pos+2);
	end_addr = de_getui16le(dir_pos+4);
	offset = de_getui32le(dir_pos+8);
	de_dbg(c, "load_addr=%d end_addr=%d offset=%d\n", (int)load_addr,
		(int)end_addr, (int)offset);

	// File name at pos+16

	fnpos = dir_pos+16;

	// Find the length of the (space-padded) filename.
	fname_len = 0;
	for(i=15; i>=0; i--) {
		if(de_getbyte(fnpos+i)!=' ') {
			fname_len = i+1;
	de_dbg2(c, "filename length: %d\n", (int)fname_len);

	fname = ucstring_create(c);
	dbuf_read_to_ucstring(c->infile, fnpos, fname_len, fname, 0, DE_ENCODING_PETSCII);
	de_dbg(c, "filename: \"%s\"\n", ucstring_get_printable_sz(fname));

	ucstring_append_sz(fname, ".prg", DE_ENCODING_ASCII);

	fi = de_finfo_create(c);
	de_finfo_set_name_from_ucstring(c, fi, fname);
	fi->original_filename_flag = 1;

	payload_size = end_addr - load_addr;
	if(payload_size < 0) {
		// TODO: Try to support files that don't have end_addr set properly.
		de_err(c, "This type of T64 file is not supported.\n");
		goto done;

	f = dbuf_create_output_file(c, NULL, fi, 0);
	dbuf_copy(c->infile, dir_pos+2, 2, f);
	dbuf_copy(c->infile, offset, payload_size, f);

	de_finfo_destroy(c, fi);
コード例 #2
ファイル: wri.c プロジェクト: jsummers/deark
static void do_html_begin(deark *c, lctx *d)
	dbuf *f;
	if(d->html_outf) return;
	d->html_outf = dbuf_create_output_file(c, "html", NULL, 0);
	f = d->html_outf;
	if(c->write_bom && !c->ascii_html) dbuf_write_uchar_as_utf8(f, 0xfeff);
	dbuf_puts(f, "<!DOCTYPE html>\n");
	dbuf_puts(f, "<html>\n");
	dbuf_puts(f, "<head>\n");
	dbuf_printf(f, "<meta charset=\"%s\">\n", c->ascii_html?"US-ASCII":"UTF-8");
	dbuf_puts(f, "<title></title>\n");

	dbuf_puts(f, "<style type=\"text/css\">\n");
	dbuf_puts(f, " body { color: #000; background-color: #fff }\n");
	dbuf_puts(f, " p { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0 }\n");
	dbuf_puts(f, " .c { color: #ccc }\n"); // Visible control characters

	// Replacement object
	dbuf_puts(f, " .r { padding: 0.5ex; color: #800; background-color: #eee;\n");
	dbuf_puts(f, "  font-style: italic; border: 0.34ex dotted #800 }\n");

	dbuf_puts(f, " .tc { text-align: center }\n");
	dbuf_puts(f, " .tr { text-align: right }\n");
	dbuf_puts(f, " .tj { text-align: justify }\n");
	dbuf_puts(f, "</style>\n");

	dbuf_puts(f, "</head>\n");
	dbuf_puts(f, "<body>\n");
コード例 #3
ファイル: deark-dbuf.c プロジェクト: jsummers/deark
int dbuf_create_file_from_slice(dbuf *inf, i64 pos, i64 data_size,
	const char *ext, de_finfo *fi, unsigned int createflags)
	dbuf *f;
	f = dbuf_create_output_file(inf->c, ext, fi, createflags);
	if(!f) return 0;
	dbuf_copy(inf, pos, data_size, f);
	return 1;
コード例 #4
ファイル: png.c プロジェクト: jsummers/deark
static void handler_iccp(deark *c, lctx *d, struct handler_params *hp)
	u8 cmpr_type;
	dbuf *f = NULL;
	struct de_stringreaderdata *prof_name_srd = NULL;
	de_finfo *fi = NULL;
	char prof_name2[100];
	size_t prof_name2_strlen;
	i64 pos = hp->dpos;

	prof_name_srd = dbuf_read_string(c->infile, pos, 80, 80,
	if(!prof_name_srd->found_nul) goto done;
	de_dbg(c, "profile name: \"%s\"", ucstring_getpsz_d(prof_name_srd->str));
	pos += prof_name_srd->bytes_consumed;

	// Our working copy, to use as part of the filename.
	de_strlcpy(prof_name2, prof_name_srd->sz, sizeof(prof_name2));
	if(!de_strcasecmp(prof_name2, "icc") ||
		!de_strcasecmp(prof_name2, "icc profile"))
		prof_name2[0] = '\0'; // Ignore generic name.

	prof_name2_strlen = de_strlen(prof_name2);
	if(prof_name2_strlen>=5) {
		if(de_sz_has_ext(prof_name2, "icc")) {
			// If the name already ends in ".icc", chop it off so that we don't end
			// up with a double ".icc.icc" file extension.
			prof_name2[prof_name2_strlen-4] = '\0';

	cmpr_type = de_getbyte_p(&pos);
	if(cmpr_type!=0) return;

	fi = de_finfo_create(c);
	if(c->filenames_from_file && prof_name2[0])
		de_finfo_set_name_from_sz(c, fi, prof_name2, 0, DE_ENCODING_LATIN1);
	f = dbuf_create_output_file(c, "icc", fi, DE_CREATEFLAG_IS_AUX);
	de_decompress_deflate(c->infile, pos, hp->dlen - pos, f, 0, NULL,

	de_finfo_destroy(c, fi);
	de_destroy_stringreaderdata(c, prof_name_srd);
コード例 #5
// Caption/abstract
static void handle_2_120(deark *c, lctx *d, const struct ds_info *dsi,
	de_int64 pos, de_int64 len)
	de_ucstring *s = NULL;
	dbuf *outf = NULL;
	int encoding;
	const char *fntoken;

	if(c->extract_level<2) {
		handle_text(c, d, dsi, pos, len);
		goto done;

	// FIXME: There is currently no way to extract IPTC captions to files,
	// except when reading a raw IPTC file. If IPTC is embedded in some other
	// file (as it usually is), then the -a option will extract the entire
	// IPTC data, and we will never get here.

	fntoken = "caption.txt";

	encoding = get_ds_encoding(c, d, dsi->recnum);
	if(encoding==DE_ENCODING_UNKNOWN) {
		// If the encoding is unknown, copy the raw bytes.
		dbuf_create_file_from_slice(c->infile, pos, len, fntoken,
		goto done;

	// If the encoding is known, convert to UTF-8.
	s = ucstring_create(c);
	dbuf_read_to_ucstring(c->infile, pos, len, s, 0, encoding);
	outf = dbuf_create_output_file(c, fntoken, NULL, DE_CREATEFLAG_IS_AUX);
	ucstring_write_as_utf8(c, s, outf, 1);

	if(outf) dbuf_close(outf);
	if(s) ucstring_destroy(s);
コード例 #6
ファイル: gzip.c プロジェクト: jsummers/deark
static int do_gzip_read_member(deark *c, lctx *d, i64 pos1, i64 *member_size)
	u8 b0, b1;
	i64 pos;
	i64 n;
	i64 foundpos;
	i64 string_len;
	i64 cmpr_data_len;
	i64 mod_time_unix;
	u32 crc_calculated;
	de_ucstring *member_name = NULL;
	int saved_indent_level;
	int ret;
	struct member_data *md = NULL;
	int retval = 0;

	md = de_malloc(c, sizeof(struct member_data));

	de_dbg_indent_save(c, &saved_indent_level);

	de_dbg(c, "gzip member at %d", (int)pos1);
	de_dbg_indent(c, 1);
	pos = pos1;

	b0 = de_getbyte(pos+0);
	b1 = de_getbyte(pos+1);
	if(b0!=0x1f || b1!=0x8b) {
		de_err(c, "Invalid gzip signature at %d. This is not a valid gzip file.",
		goto done;

	md->cmpr_code = de_getbyte(pos+2);
	if(md->cmpr_code!=0x08) {
		de_err(c, "Unsupported compression type (%d)", (int)md->cmpr_code);
		goto done;

	md->flags = de_getbyte(pos+3);
	de_dbg(c, "flags: 0x%02x", (unsigned int)md->flags);
	pos += 4;

	mod_time_unix = de_getu32le(pos);
	de_unix_time_to_timestamp(mod_time_unix, &md->mod_time_ts, 0x1);
	if(md->mod_time_ts.is_valid) {
		char timestamp_buf[64];
		de_timestamp_to_string(&md->mod_time_ts, timestamp_buf, sizeof(timestamp_buf), 0);
		de_dbg(c, "mod time: %" I64_FMT " (%s)", mod_time_unix, timestamp_buf);
	pos += 4;

	b0 = de_getbyte(pos++);
	de_dbg(c, "extra flags: 0x%02x", (unsigned int)b0);

	b0 = de_getbyte(pos++);
	de_dbg(c, "OS or filesystem: %d (%s)", (int)b0, get_os_name(b0));

	if(md->flags & GZIPFLAG_FEXTRA) {
		n = de_getu16le(pos); // XLEN
		// TODO: It might be interesting to dissect these extra fields, but it's
		// hard to find even a single file that uses them.
		de_dbg(c, "[extra fields at %d, dpos=%d, dlen=%d]",
			(int)pos, (int)(pos+2), (int)n);
		pos += 2;
		pos += n;

	if(md->flags & GZIPFLAG_FNAME) {
		ret =  dbuf_search_byte(c->infile, 0x00, pos, c->infile->len - pos,
		if(!ret) {
			de_err(c, "Invalid NAME field");
			goto done;

		string_len = foundpos - pos;

		member_name = ucstring_create(c);
#define DE_GZIP_MAX_FNLEN 300
		dbuf_read_to_ucstring_n(c->infile, pos, string_len, DE_GZIP_MAX_FNLEN,
			member_name, 0, DE_ENCODING_LATIN1);
		de_dbg(c, "file name at %d, len=%d: \"%s\"", (int)pos, (int)string_len,
		pos = foundpos + 1;

	if(md->flags & GZIPFLAG_FCOMMENT) {
		ret =  dbuf_search_byte(c->infile, 0x00, pos, c->infile->len - pos,
		if(!ret) {
			de_err(c, "Invalid COMMENT field");
			goto done;
		pos = foundpos + 1;

	if(md->flags & GZIPFLAG_FHCRC) {
		md->crc16_reported = (u32)de_getu16le(pos);
		de_dbg(c, "crc16 (reported): 0x%04x", (unsigned int)md->crc16_reported);
		pos += 2;

	de_dbg(c, "compressed blocks at %d", (int)pos);

	if(!d->output_file) {
		// Although any member can have a name and mod time, this metadata
		// is ignored for members after the first one.
		de_finfo *fi = NULL;

		fi = de_finfo_create(c);

		if(member_name && c->filenames_from_file) {
			de_finfo_set_name_from_ucstring(c, fi, member_name, 0);
			fi->original_filename_flag = 1;

		if(md->mod_time_ts.is_valid) {
			fi->mod_time = md->mod_time_ts;

		d->output_file = dbuf_create_output_file(c, member_name?NULL:"bin", fi, 0);

		de_finfo_destroy(c, fi);

	d->output_file->writecallback_fn = our_writecallback;
	d->output_file->userdata = (void*)md;
	md->crco = d->crco;

	ret = de_decompress_deflate(c->infile, pos, c->infile->len - pos, d->output_file,
		0, &cmpr_data_len, 0);

	crc_calculated = de_crcobj_getval(md->crco);
	d->output_file->writecallback_fn = NULL;
	d->output_file->userdata = NULL;

	if(!ret) goto done;
	pos += cmpr_data_len;

	de_dbg(c, "crc32 (calculated): 0x%08x", (unsigned int)crc_calculated);

	md->crc32_reported = (u32)de_getu32le(pos);
	de_dbg(c, "crc32 (reported)  : 0x%08x", (unsigned int)md->crc32_reported);
	pos += 4;

	if(crc_calculated != md->crc32_reported) {
		de_warn(c, "CRC check failed: Expected 0x%08x, got 0x%08x",
			(unsigned int)md->crc32_reported, (unsigned int)crc_calculated);

	md->isize = de_getu32le(pos);
	de_dbg(c, "uncompressed size (mod 2^32): %u", (unsigned int)md->isize);
	pos += 4;

	retval = 1;

		*member_size = pos - pos1;
		*member_size = 0;
	de_free(c, md);
	de_dbg_indent_restore(c, saved_indent_level);
	return retval;
コード例 #7
static int do_gzip_read_member(deark *c, lctx *d, de_int64 pos1, de_int64 *member_size)
	de_byte b0, b1;
	de_int64 cmpr_code;
	de_int64 pos;
	de_int64 n;
	de_int64 foundpos;
	de_int64 string_len;
	de_int64 cmpr_data_len;
	de_int64 isize;
	de_int64 mod_time_unix;
	struct de_timestamp mod_time_ts;
	de_uint32 crc32_field;
	de_ucstring *member_name = NULL;
	de_finfo *fi = NULL;
	int saved_indent_level;
	int ret;
	int retval = 0;

	mod_time_ts.is_valid = 0;

	de_dbg_indent_save(c, &saved_indent_level);

	de_dbg(c, "gzip member at %d\n", (int)pos1);
	de_dbg_indent(c, 1);
	pos = pos1;

	b0 = de_getbyte(pos+0);
	b1 = de_getbyte(pos+1);
	if(b0!=0x1f || b1!=0x8b) {
		de_err(c, "Invalid gzip signature at %d. This is not a valid gzip file.\n",
		goto done;

	if(cmpr_code!=0x08) {
		de_err(c, "Unsupported compression type (%d)\n", (int)cmpr_code);
		goto done;

	d->flags = de_getbyte(pos+3);
	de_dbg(c, "flags: 0x%02x\n", (unsigned int)d->flags);
	pos += 4;

	mod_time_unix = de_getui32le(pos);
	de_unix_time_to_timestamp(mod_time_unix, &mod_time_ts);
	if(mod_time_ts.is_valid) {
		char timestamp_buf[64];
		de_timestamp_to_string(&mod_time_ts, timestamp_buf, sizeof(timestamp_buf), 1);
		de_dbg(c, "mod time: %" INT64_FMT " (%s)\n", mod_time_unix, timestamp_buf);
	pos += 4;

	b0 = de_getbyte(pos++);
	de_dbg(c, "extra flags: 0x%02x\n", (unsigned int)b0);

	b0 = de_getbyte(pos++);
	de_dbg(c, "OS or filesystem: %d (%s)\n", (int)b0, get_os_name(b0));

	if(d->flags & GZIPFLAG_FEXTRA) {
		n = de_getui16le(pos); // XLEN
		// TODO: It might be interesting to dissect these extra fields, but it's
		// hard to find even a single file that uses them.
		de_dbg(c, "[extra fields at %d, dpos=%d, dlen=%d]\n",
			(int)pos, (int)(pos+2), (int)n);
		pos += 2;
		pos += n;

	if(d->flags & GZIPFLAG_FNAME) {
		ret =  dbuf_search_byte(c->infile, 0x00, pos, c->infile->len - pos,
		if(!ret) {
			de_err(c, "Invalid NAME field\n");
			goto done;

		string_len = foundpos - pos;

		member_name = ucstring_create(c);
		dbuf_read_to_ucstring_n(c->infile, pos, string_len, 300, member_name, 0, DE_ENCODING_LATIN1);
		de_dbg(c, "file name at %d, len=%d: \"%s\"\n", (int)pos, (int)string_len,
		pos = foundpos + 1;

	if(d->flags & GZIPFLAG_FCOMMENT) {
		ret =  dbuf_search_byte(c->infile, 0x00, pos, c->infile->len - pos,
		if(!ret) {
			de_err(c, "Invalid COMMENT field\n");
			goto done;
		pos = foundpos + 1;

	if(d->flags & GZIPFLAG_FHCRC) {
		pos += 2;

	de_dbg(c, "compressed blocks at %d\n", (int)pos);

	if(!d->output_file) {
		fi = de_finfo_create(c);

		if(member_name && c->filenames_from_file) {
			de_finfo_set_name_from_ucstring(c, fi, member_name);
			fi->original_filename_flag = 1;

		if(mod_time_ts.is_valid) {
			fi->mod_time = mod_time_ts;

		d->output_file = dbuf_create_output_file(c, member_name?NULL:"bin", fi, 0);

	ret = de_uncompress_deflate(c->infile, pos, c->infile->len - pos, d->output_file, &cmpr_data_len);

	if(!ret) goto done;
	pos += cmpr_data_len;

	crc32_field = (de_uint32)de_getui32le(pos);
	de_dbg(c, "crc32: 0x%08x\n", (unsigned int)crc32_field);
	pos += 4;
	// TODO: Validate CRCs

	isize = de_getui32le(pos);
	de_dbg(c, "uncompressed size (mod 2^32): %u\n", (unsigned int)isize);
	pos += 4;

	retval = 1;

		*member_size = pos - pos1;
		*member_size = 0;
	de_finfo_destroy(c, fi);
	de_dbg_indent_restore(c, saved_indent_level);
	return retval;
コード例 #8
ファイル: png.c プロジェクト: jsummers/deark
// Generic (ImageMagick?) profile. Hex-encoded, with three header lines.
static void on_im_generic_profile_main(deark *c, lctx *d,
	struct text_chunk_ctx *tcc, dbuf *inf, i64 pos1, i64 len)
	int k;
	i64 pos = pos1;
	i64 dlen;
	int dump_to_file = 0;
	int decode_to_membuf = 0;
	const char *ext = NULL;

	// Skip the first three lines
	for(k=0; k<3; k++) {
		int ret;
		i64 foundpos = 0;
		ret = dbuf_search_byte(inf, 0x0a, pos, pos1+len-pos, &foundpos);
		if(!ret) goto done;
		pos = foundpos+1;
	dlen = pos1+len-pos;

	if(tcc->im_generic_profile_type==PROFILETYPE_XMP) {
		dump_to_file = 1;
		ext = "xmp";
	else if(tcc->im_generic_profile_type==PROFILETYPE_8BIM) {
		decode_to_membuf = 1;
	else if(tcc->im_generic_profile_type==PROFILETYPE_IPTC) {
		if(c->extract_level>=2) {
			dump_to_file = 1;
			ext = "iptc";
		else {
			decode_to_membuf = 1;
	else if(tcc->im_generic_profile_type==PROFILETYPE_ICC) {
		dump_to_file = 1;
		ext = "icc";
	else {
		if(c->extract_level>=2) {
			dump_to_file = 1;
			ext = "profile.bin";

	if(dump_to_file) {
		dbuf *outf;
		outf = dbuf_create_output_file(c, ext?ext:"bin", NULL, DE_CREATEFLAG_IS_AUX);
		de_decode_base16(c, inf, pos, dlen, outf, 0);

	if(decode_to_membuf) {
		dbuf *tmpf;

		tmpf = dbuf_create_membuf(c, 0, 0);
		de_decode_base16(c, inf, pos, dlen, tmpf, 0);

		if(tcc->im_generic_profile_type==PROFILETYPE_8BIM) {
			de_fmtutil_handle_photoshop_rsrc(c, tmpf, 0, tmpf->len, 0x0);
		else if(tcc->im_generic_profile_type==PROFILETYPE_IPTC) {
			de_fmtutil_handle_iptc(c, tmpf, 0, tmpf->len, 0x0);

