static PyObject *dcrypt_getpowhash(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { char *output; PyObject *value; #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 PyBytesObject *input; #else PyStringObject *input; #endif if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "S", &input)) return NULL; Py_INCREF(input); output = PyMem_Malloc(32); #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 dcrypt((char *)PyBytes_AsString((PyObject*) input), 80, NULL, output); #else dcrypt((char *)PyString_AsString((PyObject*) input), 80, NULL, output); #endif Py_DECREF(input); #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 value = Py_BuildValue("y#", output, 32); #else value = Py_BuildValue("s#", output, 32); #endif PyMem_Free(output); return value; }
uint8_t* readCredential(uint8_t* c, uint8_t* buff, FILE* file) { credentialFlash_t cred; uint8_t tempDecryptBuff[4096]; uint8_t* ptr; int ctr, i, offset; /* Credential */ ptr = c; = c; while(*ptr++ != 0); = ((uint16_t)ptr[1] << 8) + ptr[0]; cred.nextaddr = &buff[]; /* Decrypt */ ptr += 2; offset = 0; ctr=0; while(ctr < 4) { dcrypt( &ptr[offset], &tempDecryptBuff[offset], 16); for(i=0; i<16; i++) { if(tempDecryptBuff[offset+i] == 0) { ctr++; } } offset += 16; } cred.line1 = tempDecryptBuff; ptr = tempDecryptBuff; while(*ptr++ != 0); cred.hop = ptr; while(*ptr++ != 0); cred.line2 = ptr; while(*ptr++ != 0); cred.submit = ptr; /* Create Tags */ XML_createTag(file, "name",(char*); XML_createTag(file, "user",(char*) cred.line1); XML_createTag(file, "hop",(char*) cred.hop); XML_createTag(file, "pass",(char*) cred.line2); XML_createTag(file, "submit",(char*) cred.submit); return cred.nextaddr; }
int scanhash_dcrypt(int thr_id, uint32_t *pdata, const uint32_t *ptarget, uint32_t max_nonce, uint64_t *hashes_done) { uint32_t block[20], hash[8]; uint32_t nNonce = pdata[19] - 1; const uint32_t Htarg = ptarget[7]; //the last element in the target is the first 32 bits of the target int i; //copy the block (first 80 bytes of pdata) into block memcpy(block, pdata, 80); do { //increment nNonce block[19] = ++nNonce; dcrypt((u8int*)block, 80, ctx.digest, hash); //hash[7] <= Htarg just compares the first 32 bits of the hash with the target // full_test fully compares the entire hash with the entire target if(hash[7] <= Htarg && fulltest(hash, ptarget)) { *hashes_done = nNonce - pdata[19] + 1; pdata[19] = block[19]; //found a hash! return 1; } }while(nNonce < max_nonce && !work_restart[thr_id].restart); *hashes_done = nNonce - pdata[19] + 1; pdata[19] = nNonce; //No luck yet return 0; }
int scanhash_dcrypt(int thr_id, uint32_t *pdata, unsigned char *digest, const uint32_t *ptarget, uint32_t max_nonce, unsigned long *hashes_done, int num_iter) { uint32_t block[20], hash[8]; uint32_t nNonce = pdata[19] - 1; const uint32_t Htarg = ptarget[7]; //the last element in the target is the first 32 bits of the target int i; bool completed; int missed = 0; //copy the block (first 80 bytes of pdata) into block memcpy(block, pdata, 80); SHA256_CTX halfstate,fullstate; SHA256_Init(&halfstate); SHA256_Update(&halfstate,&block,sizeof(uint32_t)*19); do { //increment nNonce block[19] = ++nNonce; //completed = dcrypt((u8int*)block, 80, digest, hash, num_iter); memcpy(&fullstate,&halfstate,sizeof(SHA256_CTX)); SHA256_Update(&fullstate,&block[19],sizeof(uint32_t)); SHA256_Final((u8int *)hash, &fullstate); completed = dcrypt_fast((u8int*)block, 80,hash);/**/ if (!completed) { missed += 1; continue; } /* // check optimized hash against previous hash function uint32_t hash2[8]; int c2 = dcrypt((u8int*)block, 80, digest, hash2, num_iter); for(int i = 0; i < 8 ; i++) { if(hash[i] != hash2[i]) { char s1[65],s2[65]; digest_to_string((u8int*)hash, s1); digest_to_string((u8int*)hash2, s2); printf("Fail!!!\n%s %d\n%s %d\n",s1,completed,s2,c2); exit(0); } }/**/ //hash[7] <= Htarg just compares the first 32 bits of the hash with the target // full_test fully compares the entire hash with the entire target if(hash[7] <= Htarg && fulltest(hash, ptarget)) { *hashes_done = nNonce - pdata[19] + 1 - missed; pdata[19] = block[19]; char s[65]; digest_to_string((u8int*)hash, s); applog(LOG_INFO, "hash found: %s", s); // check uint32_t hash2[8]; int c2 = dcrypt((u8int*)block, 80, digest, hash2, num_iter); for(int i = 0; i < 8 ; i++) { if(hash[i] != hash2[i]) { char s1[65],s2[65]; digest_to_string((u8int*)hash, s1); digest_to_string((u8int*)hash2, s2); printf("Error invalid hash found.\n%s %d\n%s %d\n",s1,completed,s2,c2); exit(0); } } //printf("hash verified.\n"); //found a hash! return 1; } } while(nNonce < max_nonce && !work_restart[thr_id].restart); *hashes_done = nNonce - pdata[19] + 1 - missed; pdata[19] = nNonce; //No luck yet return 0; }
void dcrypthash(void *output, const void *input) { dcrypt((u8int*)input, 80, ctx.digest, output); }