コード例 #1
ファイル: kmain.c プロジェクト: jiangchhz/abmp
static void *initproc_run(int arg1, void *arg2)
	    case 0: return NULL;
		case 1:	processSetUp(); break;
		case 2: processSetUp(); break;
		case 3: processSetUp(); break;
		case 4: processSetUp(); break;
		case 5: processSetUp(); break;
		case 6: producer_consumer();break;
		case 7: deadlock();break;
		case 8: reader_writer();break;
		case 9: shellTest();break;
		case 10: dead_own(); break;
		case 11: vfs_test_setup(); break;
		case 12: add_tests(); break;
		case 13: ut_vmmap(); break;
	   int status;
                pid_t child = do_waitpid(-1, 0, &status);
                /*dbg(DBG_INIT,"Process %d cleaned successfully\n", child);*/
        return NULL;
コード例 #2
ファイル: proc.c プロジェクト: liangbizhi/bzOS
 * 					msg_send
 * <Ring 0> Send a message to the dest proc. If dest is blocked waiting for the message,
 * copy the message to it and unblock dest. 
 * Otherwise the caller will be blocked and appended to the dest's sending queue.
 * @param current	The caller, the sender.
 * @param dest		To whom the message is sent.
 * @param msg		Pointer to the MESSAGE struct.
 * @return		0 if success.
PRIVATE int msg_send(PROCESS* current, int dest, MESSAGE* msg){
	PROCESS* sender		= current;
	PROCESS* p_dest		= proc_table + dest;

	assert(proc2pid(sender) != dest);

	if(deadlock(proc2pid(sender), dest)){			/* Is there deadlock chain? */
		panic(">>DEADLOCK<< %s->%s", sender->name, p_dest->name);
	/* dest is waiting for that msg or ANY msg. */
	if((p_dest->flags & RECEIVING) && (p_dest->recv_from == proc2pid(sender) || p_dest->recv_from == ANY)){
		phys_copy(va2la(dest, p_dest->p_msg), va2la(proc2pid(sender), msg), sizeof(MESSAGE));

		p_dest->p_msg		= 0;
		p_dest->flags		&= ~RECEIVING;		/* dest has received the message */
		p_dest->recv_from	= NO_TASK;

		assert(p_dest->flags == 0);
		assert(p_dest->p_msg == 0);
		assert(p_dest->recv_from == NO_TASK);
		assert(p_dest->send_to == NO_TASK);

		assert(sender->flags == 0);
		assert(sender->p_msg == 0);
		assert(sender->recv_from == NO_TASK);
		assert(sender->send_to == NO_TASK);
	}else{	/* However, dest is not waiting for the message */
		sender->flags		|= SENDING;
		assert(sender->flags == SENDING);
		sender->send_to		= dest;
		sender->p_msg		= msg;

		/* append to the sending queue */
			p = p_dest->q_sending;
				p = p->next_sending;
			p->next_sending = sender;
			p_dest->q_sending = sender;
		sender->next_sending = 0;

		assert(sender->flags == SENDING);
		assert(sender->p_msg != 0);
		assert(sender->recv_from == NO_TASK);
		assert(sender->send_to == dest);
	return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: proc.c プロジェクト: smilingjames/Sinix
 * <Ring 0> Send a message to the dest proc. If dest is blocked waiting for
 * the message, copy the message to it and unblock dest. Otherwise the caller
 * will be blocked and appended to the dest's sending queue.
 * @param current  The caller, the sender.
 * @param dest     To whom the message is sent.
 * @param m        The message.
 * @return Zero if success.
PRIVATE int msg_send(struct proc* current, int dest, MESSAGE* m)
	struct proc* sender = current;
	struct proc* p_dest = proc_table + dest; /* proc dest */

	assert(proc2pid(sender) != dest);

	/* check for deadlock here */
	if (deadlock(proc2pid(sender), dest)) {
		panic(">>DEADLOCK<< %s->%s", sender->name, p_dest->name);

	if ((p_dest->p_flags & RECEIVING) && /* dest is waiting for the msg */
	    (p_dest->p_recvfrom == proc2pid(sender) ||
	     p_dest->p_recvfrom == ANY)) {

		phys_copy(va2la(dest, p_dest->p_msg),
			  va2la(proc2pid(sender), m),
		p_dest->p_msg = 0;
		p_dest->p_flags &= ~RECEIVING; /* dest has received the msg */
		p_dest->p_recvfrom = NO_TASK;

		assert(p_dest->p_flags == 0);
		assert(p_dest->p_msg == 0);
		assert(p_dest->p_recvfrom == NO_TASK);
		assert(p_dest->p_sendto == NO_TASK);
		assert(sender->p_flags == 0);
		assert(sender->p_msg == 0);
		assert(sender->p_recvfrom == NO_TASK);
		assert(sender->p_sendto == NO_TASK);
	else { /* dest is not waiting for the msg */
		sender->p_flags |= SENDING;
		assert(sender->p_flags == SENDING);
		sender->p_sendto = dest;
		sender->p_msg = m;

		/* append to the sending queue */
		struct proc * p;
		if (p_dest->q_sending) {
			p = p_dest->q_sending;
			while (p->next_sending)
				p = p->next_sending;
			p->next_sending = sender;
		else {
			p_dest->q_sending = sender;
		sender->next_sending = 0;


		assert(sender->p_flags == SENDING);
		assert(sender->p_msg != 0);
		assert(sender->p_recvfrom == NO_TASK);
		assert(sender->p_sendto == dest);

	return 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: host.c プロジェクト: Jannertje/os
/* The main method, as called by the main ('host') thread. */
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  printf("[ The Blue Lotus ]\n\n\n");
  /* Read input arguments. */
  int nPatrons = 8;
  char eattype = 'e';
  typelist = "";
  int n;
  if (argc > 1)
    if ((n = atoi(argv[1])) && n >= 2)
      nPatrons = n;
      if (argv[2] && strlen(argv[2]) >= 1)
        eattype = argv[2][0];
    else if ((typelist = argv[1]) && (n = strlen(typelist)) && n >= 2)
      nPatrons = n;
      printf("{ warning } '%s' is not a valid number of patrons or a valid"
          " set of patron types.\n"
          "\tExamples of valid patron definitions:\n"
          "\t\t./bluelotus n\n\t\t./bluelotus n x\n\t\t./bluelotus xy...z\n"
          "\twhere n >= 2 and x, y and z are patron types:\n"
          "\t\t'e':\t  evenhanded\n"
          "\t\t'l':\t  lefthanded\n"
          "\t\t'r':\t  righthanded\n"
          "\t\t'a', 'o': aggressive (opportunistic)\n"
          "\t\t'p', 's': polite (shy)\n"
          "\t\t'h':\t  hungry\n"
          "\t\t'n':\t  not hungry\n"
          "\tBy default, there will be 8 evenhanded patrons.\n\n", argv[1]);
      typelist = "";
  if (strlen(typelist) < 2)
    typelist = malloc((nPatrons + 1) * sizeof(char));
    for (int i = 0; i < nPatrons; i++)
      typelist[i] = eattype;
    typelist[nPatrons] = '\0';
  #ifndef VERBOSE
  printf("Patron eating methods: %s.\n", typelist);
  /* Initialise pthreads. */
  pthread_t PT[nPatrons];
  pthread_attr_t ptattr;
  pthread_attr_setscope(&ptattr, PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM);
  /* The restaurant is not yet opened. */
  IsOpen = -1;
  #ifdef VERBOSE
  printf("Welcome to our wonderful restaurant. There are %d patrons dining"
      " this evening. Please take a seat.\n", nPatrons);
  /* All is ready. Start creating threads. */
  for (int i = 0; i < nPatrons; i++)
    if (pthread_create(&PT[i], &ptattr, &dine, typelist))
      printf("{ fatal error } Could not create pthread #%d.\n", i);
      return -1;
  #ifdef VERBOSE
  printf("Don't worry, there is more than enough rice to go around!\n");
  /* All threads created. Keep serving rice until deadlock occurs. */
  IsOpen = 1;
  time_t starttime, runtime;
  struct timespec naptime;
  naptime.tv_sec = 0;
  naptime.tv_nsec = INTERVAL * 1000000;
  starttime = time(NULL);
  /* There will be 2 * RUNTIME / INTERVAL checks for deadlock, each seperated 
   * by a INTERVAL milliseconds sleep. The total runtime will therefore be  
   * at least 10 seconds. */
  for (int i = 0; i < 2 * RUNTIME / INTERVAL; i++)
    if ((runtime = time(NULL) - starttime) > 10)
      #ifndef VERBOSE
      printf("Simulation succesfully ran for 10 seconds.\n");
    if (nanosleep(&naptime, NULL))
    #ifdef INTERPRINT
    if (deadlock())
      #ifndef VERBOSE
      printf("Deadlock after running for %lld seconds.\n", 
          (long long) runtime);
      #ifdef VERBOSE
      printf("Oh no, what a mess we made!\n");
      IsOpen = 0;
  IsOpen = 0;
  #ifdef VERBOSE
  printf("It's time to leave.\n");
  /* All is done. Start joining threads. */
  for (int i = 0; i < nPatrons; i++)
    if (pthread_join(PT[i], NULL))
      printf("{ error } Could not join pthread #%d.\n", i);
  #ifdef VERBOSE
  printf("We hope to see you again soon. Goodbye!\n");
  /* Clean up. */
  #ifndef VERBOSE
  for (int i = 0; i < nChairsTaken; i++)
    if (sitter[i])
      if (sitter[i]->bowls > 10000)
        printf("%d:\t(%c)\t%.2f million\n", sitter[i]->seat, 
            typelist[sitter[i]->seat], sitter[i]->bowls / 1000000.0);
        printf("%d:\t(%c)\t%d\n", sitter[i]->seat, 
            typelist[sitter[i]->seat], sitter[i]->bowls);
  #ifdef VERBOSE
  /* Done. */
  printf("\n\n[ done ]\n");
  return 0;
コード例 #5
ファイル: proc.c プロジェクト: qh997/OrangeSLearning
PRIVATE int msg_send(PROCESS *current, int dest, MESSAGE *m)
    PROCESS *sender = current;
    PROCESS *p_dest = proc_table + dest;

    assert(proc2pid(sender) != dest); // 不能自己给自己发消息

    if (deadlock(proc2pid(sender), dest))
        panic(">>DEADLOCK<< %s->%s", sender->name, p_dest->name);

    if ((p_dest->p_flags & RECEIVING) &&           // 如果目的进程正在等待接受消息
            (p_dest->p_recvfrom == proc2pid(sender) || // 并且指定发送者为本进程
             p_dest->p_recvfrom == ANY)) {             // 或任何进程

        phys_copy(va2la(dest, p_dest->p_msg),
                  va2la(proc2pid(sender), m),
        p_dest->p_msg = 0;
        p_dest->p_flags &= ~RECEIVING;
        p_dest->p_recvfrom = NO_TASK;

        assert(p_dest->p_flags == 0);
        assert(p_dest->p_msg == 0);
        assert(p_dest->p_recvfrom == NO_TASK);
        assert(p_dest->p_sendto == NO_TASK);
        assert(sender->p_flags == 0);
        assert(sender->p_msg == 0);
        assert(sender->p_recvfrom == NO_TASK);
        assert(sender->p_sendto == NO_TASK);
    else { // 如果目的进程没有等待接受本进程的消息
        sender->p_flags |= SENDING;         // 标志位置位,只有 p_flags == 0 该进程才会被调度
        assert(sender->p_flags == SENDING);
        sender->p_sendto = dest;
        sender->p_msg = m;

        /* 将自己添加到目的进程的发送者队列中去 */
        PROCESS *p;
        if (p_dest->q_sending) { // 如果队列不为空
            p = p_dest->q_sending;
            while (p->next_sending)
                p = p->next_sending;
            p->next_sending = sender;
        else { // 如果队列为空
            p_dest->q_sending = sender;
        sender->next_sending = NULL;


        assert(sender->p_flags == SENDING);
        assert(sender->p_msg != 0);
        assert(sender->p_recvfrom == NO_TASK);
        assert(sender->p_sendto == dest);

    return 0;