コード例 #1
ファイル: gdevdrop.c プロジェクト: 99years/plan9
trace_copy_rop(const char *cname, gx_device * dev,
	       const byte * sdata, int sourcex, uint sraster, gx_bitmap_id id,
	       const gx_color_index * scolors,
	       const gx_strip_bitmap * textures,
	       const gx_color_index * tcolors,
	       int x, int y, int width, int height,
	       int phase_x, int phase_y, gs_logical_operation_t lop)
    dlprintf4("%s: dev=0x%lx(%s) depth=%d\n",
	      cname, (ulong) dev, dev->dname, dev->color_info.depth);
    dlprintf4("  source data=0x%lx x=%d raster=%u id=%lu colors=",
	      (ulong) sdata, sourcex, sraster, (ulong) id);
    if (scolors)
	dprintf2("(%lu,%lu);\n", scolors[0], scolors[1]);
    if (textures)
	dlprintf8("  textures=0x%lx size=%dx%d(%dx%d) raster=%u shift=%d(%d)",
		  (ulong) textures, textures->size.x, textures->size.y,
		  textures->rep_width, textures->rep_height,
		  textures->raster, textures->shift, textures->rep_shift);
	dlputs("  textures=none");
    if (tcolors)
	dprintf2(" colors=(%lu,%lu)\n", tcolors[0], tcolors[1]);
	dputs(" colors=none\n");
    dlprintf7("  rect=(%d,%d),(%d,%d) phase=(%d,%d) op=0x%x\n",
	      x, y, x + width, y + height, phase_x, phase_y,
	      (uint) lop);
    if (gs_debug_c('B')) {
	if (sdata)
	    debug_dump_bitmap(sdata, sraster, height, "source bits");
	if (textures && textures->data)
	    debug_dump_bitmap(textures->data, textures->raster,
			      textures->size.y, "textures bits");
コード例 #2
ファイル: gslt_font_glyph.c プロジェクト: ststeiger/ghostsvg
gslt_render_font_glyph(gs_state *pgs, gslt_font_t *xf, gs_matrix *tm, int gid, gslt_glyph_bitmap_t *slot)
    gs_fixed_point subpixel = {0, 0}; /* we don't use subpixel accurate device metrics */
    gs_log2_scale_point oversampling = {0, 0}; /* we don't use oversampling */
    gs_text_params_t params;
    gs_text_enum_t *textenum;
    gs_matrix matrix;
    cached_fm_pair *ppair;
    cached_char *cc;
    int code;

    /* get the real font matrix (this is a little dance) */
    gs_setfont(pgs, xf->font); /* set pgs->font and invalidate existing charmatrix */
    gs_setcharmatrix(pgs, tm); /* set the charmatrix to ctm * tm */
    gs_currentcharmatrix(pgs, &matrix, true); /* extract charmatrix (and multiply by FontMatrix) */

    // dprintf4("tm = [%g %g %g %g]\n", matrix.xx, matrix.xy, matrix.yx, matrix.yy);

    /* find the font/matrix pair (or add it) */
    code = gx_lookup_fm_pair(xf->font, &matrix, &oversampling, false, &ppair);
    if (code != 0)
        return gs_throw(-1, "cannot gx_lookup_fm_pair()");

    cc = gx_lookup_cached_char(xf->font, ppair, gid, 0, 1, &subpixel);
    if (!cc)
        /* No luck ... now we need to get it into the cache somehow.
         * We do this by rendering one glyph (that's why we need a device and pgs).
         * The renderer always renders the bitmap into the cache, and draws
         * from out of the cache when blitting to the device.
         * Things don't get evicted from the cache until there is a collision,
         * so we have a safe window to snarf it back out of the cache
         * after it's been drawn to the device.

        // dprintf1("cache miss for glyph %d\n", gid);

        params.data.d_glyph = gid;
        params.size = 1;

	gs_moveto(pgs, 100.0, 100.0); // why?

        code = gs_text_begin(pgs, &params, xf->font->memory, &textenum);
	if (code != 0)
            return gs_throw1(-1, "cannot gs_text_begin() (%d)", code);

        code = gs_text_process(textenum);
	if (code != 0)
            return gs_throw1(-1, "cannot gs_text_process() (%d)", code);

        gs_text_release(textenum, "gslt font render");

        cc = gx_lookup_cached_char(xf->font, ppair, gid, 0, 1, &subpixel);
        if (!cc)
            /* merde! it rendered but was not placed in the cache. */
            return gs_throw(-2, "cannot render from cache");

    /* copy values from the cache into the client struct */
    slot->w = cc->width;
    slot->h = cc->height;
    slot->stride = cc_raster(cc);
    slot->lsb = fixed2int(cc->offset.x);
    slot->top = fixed2int(cc->offset.y);

    slot->cc = cc;
    slot->data = cc_bits(cc);

#define XXX
#ifndef XXX
    static int xxx = 0; /* declaration out in the wild not allowed in ansi c */
    dprintf1("glyph %d\n", xxx);
    debug_dump_bitmap(cc_bits(cc), cc_raster(cc), cc->height, "");
        char fn[32];
        sprintf(fn, "glyph%d.pbm", xxx);
        FILE *fo = fopen(fn, "wb");
        if (!fo)
            return -1;
        fprintf(fo, "P4\n%d %d\n", cc->width, cc->height);
        int y;
        int s = (cc->width + 7) / 8;
        for (y = 0; y < cc->height; y++)
            fwrite(cc_bits(cc) + y * cc_raster(cc), 1, s, fo);
    xxx ++;

    return 0;