コード例 #1
ファイル: lzss-ext.c プロジェクト: m1r4ge/lzss
static VALUE decode(VALUE self, VALUE str) {
	u_int8_t *dst = NULL;
	u_int32_t len = decompress_lzss(&dst, RSTRING_PTR(str), RSTRING_LEN(str));
	VALUE ret = rb_str_new(dst, len);
	return ret;
コード例 #2
ファイル: lzssfile.c プロジェクト: nlog2n/xpwntool-lite
AbstractFile* createAbstractFileFromComp(AbstractFile* file) {
    InfoComp* info;
    AbstractFile* toReturn;
    uint8_t *compressed;

    if(!file) {
        return NULL;

    info = (InfoComp*) malloc(sizeof(InfoComp));
    info->file = file;
    file->seek(file, 0);
    file->read(file, &(info->header), sizeof(info->header));
    if(info->header.signature != COMP_SIGNATURE) {
        return NULL;

    if(info->header.compression_type != LZSS_SIGNATURE) {
        return NULL;

    info->buffer = malloc(info->header.length_uncompressed);
    compressed = malloc(info->header.length_compressed);
    file->read(file, compressed, info->header.length_compressed);

    uint32_t real_uncompressed = decompress_lzss(info->buffer, compressed, info->header.length_compressed);
    real_uncompressed = info->header.length_uncompressed;
    if(real_uncompressed != info->header.length_uncompressed) {
        XLOG(5, "mismatch: %d %d %d %x %x\n", info->header.length_compressed, real_uncompressed, info->header.length_uncompressed, compressed[info->header.length_compressed - 2], compressed[info->header.length_compressed - 1]);
        return NULL;

    XLOG(5, "match: %d %d %d %x %x\n", info->header.length_compressed, real_uncompressed, info->header.length_uncompressed, compressed[info->header.length_compressed - 2], compressed[info->header.length_compressed - 1]);


    info->dirty = FALSE;

    info->offset = 0;

    toReturn = (AbstractFile*) malloc(sizeof(AbstractFile));
    toReturn->data = info;
    toReturn->read = readComp;
    toReturn->write = writeComp;
    toReturn->seek = seekComp;
    toReturn->tell = tellComp;
    toReturn->getLength = getLengthComp;
    toReturn->close = closeComp;
    toReturn->type = AbstractFileTypeLZSS;

    return toReturn;
コード例 #3
ファイル: drivers.c プロジェクト: carriercomm/osx-2
DecodeKernel(void *binary, entry_t *rentry, char **raddr, int *rsize)
    long ret;
    compressed_kernel_header * kernel_header = (compressed_kernel_header *) binary;
    u_int32_t uncompressed_size, size;
    void *buffer;
#if 0
    printf("kernel header:\n");
    printf("signature: 0x%x\n", kernel_header->signature);
    printf("compress_type: 0x%x\n", kernel_header->compress_type);
    printf("adler32: 0x%x\n", kernel_header->adler32);
    printf("uncompressed_size: 0x%x\n", kernel_header->uncompressed_size);
    printf("compressed_size: 0x%x\n", kernel_header->compressed_size);

    if (kernel_header->signature == OSSwapBigToHostConstInt32('comp')) {
        if (kernel_header->compress_type != OSSwapBigToHostConstInt32('lzss')) {
            error("kernel compression is bad\n");
            return -1;
        if (kernel_header->platform_name[0] && strcmp(gPlatformName, kernel_header->platform_name))
            return -1;
        if (kernel_header->root_path[0] && strcmp(gBootFile, kernel_header->root_path))
            return -1;
        uncompressed_size = OSSwapBigToHostInt32(kernel_header->uncompressed_size);
        binary = buffer = malloc(uncompressed_size);
        size = decompress_lzss((u_int8_t *) binary, &kernel_header->data[0],
        if (uncompressed_size != size) {
            error("size mismatch from lzss: %x\n", size);
            return -1;
        if (OSSwapBigToHostInt32(kernel_header->adler32) !=
            Alder32(binary, uncompressed_size)) {
            printf("adler mismatch\n");
            return -1;
  ThinFatFile(&binary, 0);
  ret = DecodeMachO(binary, rentry, raddr, rsize);
  return ret;
コード例 #4
ファイル: kernelcache.c プロジェクト: b-man/MachBoot
int decompress_kernel(void* compressedKernel, void* decompressedKernel)
    compressed_kernel_header *kernel_header = (compressed_kernel_header*)compressedKernel;
    u_int32_t uncompressed_size, size;
    printf("decompress_kernel: compressed kernel at %p\n", compressedKernel);
    if(kernel_header->signature != __builtin_bswap32('comp')) {
        printf("decompress_kernel: bad file magic\n");
        return -1;
    if (kernel_header->signature == __builtin_bswap32('comp')) {
        if (kernel_header->compress_type != __builtin_bswap32('lzss')) {
            printf("decompress_kernel: kernel compression is bad\n");
            return -1;
    assert(decompressedKernel != NULL);
    uncompressed_size = __builtin_bswap32(kernel_header->uncompressed_size);
    size = decompress_lzss((u_int8_t *)decompressedKernel, &kernel_header->data[0],

    if (uncompressed_size != size) {
        printf("decompress_kernel: size mismatch from lzss: %x\n", size);
        return -1;
    if (__builtin_bswap32(kernel_header->adler32) !=
        Adler32(decompressedKernel, uncompressed_size)) {
        printf("decompress_kernel: adler mismatch\n");
        return -1;
    printf("decompress_kernel: kernelcache decompressed to %p\n", decompressedKernel);
    gKernelSize = size;
    gKernelImage = (void*)decompressedKernel;    
    return 0;
コード例 #5
ファイル: img4.c プロジェクト: big538/img4tool
main(int argc, char **argv)
    int rv;
    const char *what;
    const char *filename;
    const char *outname;

    TheImg4 *img4;
    unsigned type;
    unsigned written;
    unsigned char ivkey[16 + 32];
    unsigned char *iv = NULL, *key = NULL;
    unsigned char *output = NULL;
    unsigned outlen = 0;
    int outdup = 0;

    DERItem item;
    unsigned char *data;
    size_t size;

    if (argc < 4) {
        fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s {-image|-extra|-keybag|-ticket} input output [ivkey]\n", argv[0]);
        return 1;

    what = argv[1];
    filename = argv[2];
    outname = argv[3];
    if (argc > 4) {
        rv = str2hex(sizeof(ivkey), ivkey, argv[4]);
        if (rv == sizeof(ivkey)) {
            iv = ivkey;
            key = ivkey + 16;

    data = read_file(filename, 0, &size);
    if (data == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "[e] cannot read '%s'\n", filename);
        return -1;

    img4 = parse(data, size);
    if (!img4) {
        fprintf(stderr, "[e] cannot parse '%s'\n", filename);
        return -1;

    rv = Img4DecodeGetPayloadType(img4, &type);
    if (rv) {
        fprintf(stderr, "[e] cannot identify '%s'\n", filename);
        goto err;
    printf("%c%c%c%c\n", FOURCC(type));

    if (!strncmp(what, "-i", 2) || !strncmp(what, "-e", 2)) {
        int decompress;

        rv = Img4DecodeGetPayload(img4, &item);
        if (rv) {
            fprintf(stderr, "[e] cannot extract payload from '%s'\n", filename);
            goto err;
        output = item.data;
        outlen = item.length;

        if (iv && key) {
            if (outlen & 15) {
                unsigned usize = (outlen + 15) & ~15;
                unsigned char *tmp = calloc(1, usize);
                if (!tmp) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "[e] out of memory %u\n", usize);
                    goto err;
                memcpy(tmp, output, outlen);

            rv = Img4DecodeGetPayloadKeybag(img4, &item);
            if (rv || item.length == 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "[w] image '%s' has no keybag\n", filename);
            cccbc_one_shot(ccaes_cbc_decrypt_mode(), 32, key, iv, (outlen + 15) / 16, output, output);
            AES_KEY decryptKey;
            AES_set_decrypt_key(key, 256, &decryptKey);
            AES_cbc_encrypt(output, output, (outlen + 15) & ~15, &decryptKey, iv, AES_DECRYPT);

#ifdef iOS10
        if (img4->payload.compression.data && img4->payload.compression.length) {
            DERItem tmp[2];
            uint32_t deco = 0;
            uint64_t usize = 0;
            if (DERParseSequenceContent(&img4->payload.compression, 2, DERImg4PayloadItemSpecs10c, tmp, 0) ||
                DERParseInteger(&tmp[0], &deco) || DERParseInteger64(&tmp[1], &usize)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "[e] cannot get decompression info\n");
                goto err;
            if (deco == 1 && what[1] == 'i') {
                size_t asize = lzfse_decode_scratch_size();
                unsigned char *dec, *aux = malloc(asize);
                if (!aux) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "[e] out of memory %zu\n", asize);
                    goto err;
                dec = malloc(usize + 1);
                if (!dec) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "[e] out of memory %llu\n", usize + 1);
                    goto err;
                outlen = lzfse_decode_buffer(dec, usize + 1, output, outlen, aux);
                if (outlen != usize) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "[e] decompression error\n");
                    goto err;
        decompress = (DWORD_BE(output, 0) == 'comp' && DWORD_BE(output, 4) == 'lzss');
        if (decompress && what[1] == 'i') {
            uint32_t csize = DWORD_BE(output, 16);
            uint32_t usize = DWORD_BE(output, 12);
            uint32_t adler = DWORD_BE(output, 8);
            unsigned char *dec = malloc(usize);
            if (outlen > 0x180 + csize) {
                fprintf(stderr, "[i] extra 0x%x bytes after compressed chunk\n", outlen - 0x180 - csize);
            if (!dec) {
                fprintf(stderr, "[e] out of memory %u\n", usize);
                goto err;
            outlen = decompress_lzss(dec, output + 0x180, csize);
            if (adler != lzadler32(dec, outlen)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "[w] adler32 mismatch\n");
        } else if (decompress) {
            uint32_t csize = DWORD_BE(output, 16);
            uint32_t usize = outlen - 0x180 - csize;
            if (outlen > 0x180 + csize) {
                unsigned char *dec = malloc(usize);
                if (!dec) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "[e] out of memory %u\n", usize);
                    goto err;
                memcpy(dec, output + 0x180 + csize, usize);
                outlen = usize;
            } else {
        } else if (what[1] == 'e') {
        if (!output) {
            fprintf(stderr, "[e] nothing to do\n");
            goto err;
    if (!strncmp(what, "-k", 2)) {
        rv = Img4DecodeGetPayloadKeybag(img4, &item);
        if (rv == 0 && item.length) {
            output = item.data;
            outlen = item.length;
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "[e] image '%s' has no keybag\n", filename);
            goto err;
    if (!strncmp(what, "-t", 2)) {
        bool exists = false;
        rv = Img4DecodeManifestExists(img4, &exists);
        if (rv == 0 && exists) {
            output = img4->manifestRaw.data;
            outlen = img4->manifestRaw.length;
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "[e] image '%s' has no ticket\n", filename);
            goto err;

    written = write_file(outname, output, outlen);
    if (written != outlen) {
        fprintf(stderr, "[e] cannot write '%s'\n", outname);
        goto err;

    rv = 0;
    if (outdup) {
    return rv;

    rv = -1;
    goto out;
コード例 #6
long DecodeKernel(void *binary, entry_t *rentry, char **raddr, int *rsize)
	long ret = 0;
	compressed_kernel_header * kernel_header = (compressed_kernel_header *) binary;
	u_int32_t uncompressed_size = 0, size = 0, adler32 = 0;
	void *buffer = NULL;
	unsigned long len = 0;
/*#if 0
	printf("kernel header:\n");
	printf("signature: 0x%x\n", kernel_header->signature);
	printf("compress_type: 0x%x\n", kernel_header->compress_type);
	printf("adler32: 0x%x\n", kernel_header->adler32);
	printf("uncompressed_size: 0x%x\n", kernel_header->uncompressed_size);
	printf("compressed_size: 0x%x\n", kernel_header->compressed_size);

	if (kernel_header->signature == OSSwapBigToHostConstInt32('comp'))
		DBG("Decompressing Kernel: ");

		if ((kernel_header->compress_type != OSSwapBigToHostConstInt32('lzss')) &&
			(kernel_header->compress_type != OSSwapBigToHostConstInt32('lzvn')))
			error("ERROR: kernel compression is bad!\n");
			return -1;
		if (kernel_header->platform_name[0] && strcmp(gPlatformName, kernel_header->platform_name))
			return -1;

		if (kernel_header->root_path[0] && strcmp(gBootFile, kernel_header->root_path))
			return -1;
		uncompressed_size = OSSwapBigToHostInt32(kernel_header->uncompressed_size);
		binary = buffer = malloc(uncompressed_size);

		// MinusZwei
		size = 0;
		switch (kernel_header->compress_type)
			case OSSwapBigToHostConstInt32('lzvn'):
				size = decompress_lzvn( binary, uncompressed_size, &kernel_header->data[0], OSSwapBigToHostInt32(kernel_header->compressed_size));

			case OSSwapBigToHostConstInt32('lzss'):
				size = decompress_lzss( (u_int8_t *)binary, uncompressed_size, &kernel_header->data[0], OSSwapBigToHostInt32(kernel_header->compressed_size));

		// MinusZwei

		if (uncompressed_size != size)
			if ( kernel_header->compress_type == OSSwapBigToHostConstInt32('lzvn'))
				error("ERROR: size mismatch from lzvn (found: %x, expected: %x).\n", size, uncompressed_size);

			if ( kernel_header->compress_type == OSSwapBigToHostConstInt32('lzss'))
				error("ERROR: size mismatch from lzss (found: %x, expected: %x).\n", size, uncompressed_size);

			return -1;

		adler32 = Adler32(binary, uncompressed_size);
		if (OSSwapBigToHostInt32(kernel_header->adler32) != adler32)
			error("ERROR: adler mismatch (found: %x, expected: %x).\n", adler32, OSSwapBigToHostInt32(kernel_header->adler32));
			return -1;

	ret = ThinFatFile(&binary, &len);
	if (ret == 0 && len == 0 && archCpuType==CPU_TYPE_X86_64)
		ret = ThinFatFile(&binary, &len);

	// Bungo: no range checking, sorry
	size = 0;
	while (memcmp((uint8_t *)binary + size, (uint8_t *)gDarwinBuildVerStr, 21)) {
	gDarwinBuildVerStr = (char *)binary + size;

	// Notify modules that the kernel has been decompressed, thinned and is about to be decoded
	execute_hook("DecodeKernel", (void*)binary, NULL, NULL, NULL);

	ret = DecodeMachO(binary, rentry, raddr, rsize);
	if (ret < 0 && archCpuType == CPU_TYPE_X86_64)
		archCpuType = CPU_TYPE_I386;
		ret = DecodeMachO(binary, rentry, raddr, rsize);

	return ret;
コード例 #7
ファイル: drivers.c プロジェクト: JayMonkey/chameleon
DecodeKernel(void *binary, entry_t *rentry, char **raddr, int *rsize)
	long ret;
	compressed_kernel_header * kernel_header = (compressed_kernel_header *) binary;
	u_int32_t uncompressed_size, size;
	void *buffer;
	unsigned long len;
#if 0
	printf("kernel header:\n");
	printf("signature: 0x%x\n", kernel_header->signature);
	printf("compress_type: 0x%x\n", kernel_header->compress_type);
	printf("adler32: 0x%x\n", kernel_header->adler32);
	printf("uncompressed_size: 0x%x\n", kernel_header->uncompressed_size);
	printf("compressed_size: 0x%x\n", kernel_header->compressed_size);
	if (kernel_header->signature == OSSwapBigToHostConstInt32('comp'))
		if (kernel_header->compress_type != OSSwapBigToHostConstInt32('lzss'))
			error("kernel compression is bad\n");
			return -1;
		if (kernel_header->platform_name[0] && strcmp(gPlatformName, kernel_header->platform_name))
			return -1;
		if (kernel_header->root_path[0] && strcmp(gBootFile, kernel_header->root_path))
			return -1;
		uncompressed_size = OSSwapBigToHostInt32(kernel_header->uncompressed_size);
		binary = buffer = malloc(uncompressed_size);
		size = decompress_lzss((u_int8_t *) binary, &kernel_header->data[0],
		if (uncompressed_size != size) {
			error("size mismatch from lzss: %x\n", size);
			return -1;
		if (OSSwapBigToHostInt32(kernel_header->adler32) !=
			Adler32(binary, uncompressed_size))
			printf("adler mismatch\n");
			return -1;
	ret = ThinFatFile(&binary, &len);
    if (ret == 0 && len == 0 && archCpuType==CPU_TYPE_X86_64)
        ret = ThinFatFile(&binary, &len);
    // Notify modules that the kernel has been decompressed, thinned and is about to be decoded
	execute_hook("DecodeKernel", (void*)binary, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    ret = DecodeMachO(binary, rentry, raddr, rsize);
    if (ret<0 && archCpuType==CPU_TYPE_X86_64)
        ret = DecodeMachO(binary, rentry, raddr, rsize);
    return ret;
コード例 #8
ファイル: ibootim.c プロジェクト: jevinskie/xpwn
AbstractFile* createAbstractFileFromIBootIM(AbstractFile* file) {
	InfoIBootIM* info;
	AbstractFile* toReturn;
	uint8_t *compressed;

	if(!file) {
		return NULL;
	info = (InfoIBootIM*) malloc(sizeof(InfoIBootIM));
	info->file = file;
	file->seek(file, 0);
	file->read(file, &(info->header), sizeof(info->header));
	if(strcmp(info->header.signature, IBOOTIM_SIGNATURE) != 0) {
		XLOG(1, "createAbstractFileFromIBootIM: signature does not match\n");
		return NULL;
	info->compLength = file->getLength(file) - sizeof(info->header);
	if(info->header.compression_type != IBOOTIM_LZSS_TYPE) {
		XLOG(1, "createAbstractFileFromIBootIM: (warning) unsupported compression type: %x\n", info->header.compression_type);
		//return NULL;

	int depth = 0;	
	if(info->header.format == IBOOTIM_ARGB) {
		info->length = 4 * info->header.width * info->header.height;
		depth = 4;
	} else if(info->header.format == IBOOTIM_GREY) {
		info->length = 2 * info->header.width * info->header.height;
		depth = 2;
	} else {
		XLOG(1, "createAbstractFileFromIBootIM: unsupported color type: %x\n", info->header.format);
		return NULL;

	info->buffer = malloc(info->length);
	compressed = malloc(info->compLength);
	file->read(file, compressed, info->compLength);

	int length = decompress_lzss(info->buffer, compressed, info->compLength);
	if(length > info->length) {
		XLOG(1, "createAbstractFileFromIBootIM: decompression error\n");
		return NULL;
	} else if(length < info->length) {
		XLOG(1, "createAbstractFileFromIBootIM: (warning) uncompressed data shorter than expected: %d\n", length);
		info->length = length;

	info->dirty = FALSE;
	info->offset = 0;
	toReturn = (AbstractFile*) malloc(sizeof(AbstractFile));
	toReturn->data = info;
	toReturn->read = readIBootIM;
	toReturn->write = writeIBootIM;
	toReturn->seek = seekIBootIM;
	toReturn->tell = tellIBootIM;
	toReturn->getLength = getLengthIBootIM;
	toReturn->close = closeIBootIM;
	toReturn->type = AbstractFileTypeIBootIM;
	return toReturn;