コード例 #1
ファイル: libNEC.cpp プロジェクト: W3AMD/NEC2Evolve
long nec_gm_card(nec_context* in_context,  int itsi, int nrpt,
                 double rox, double roy, double roz, double xs,
                 double ys, double zs, int its)
  double roxd = degrees_to_rad(rox);
  double royd = degrees_to_rad(roy);
  double rozd = degrees_to_rad(roz);
  NEC_ERROR_HANDLE(in_context->move(roxd, royd, rozd, xs, ys, zs, its, nrpt, itsi));
コード例 #2
/*! \brief Generate the data for the radiation pattern
void nec_radiation_pattern::analyze(nec_context* m_context)
	if (m_analysis_done)
	int pol_sense_index;
	nec_float exrm=0., exra=0., prad, gcon, gcop;
	nec_float phi, thet;
	nec_float tilta, emajr2, eminr2, pol_axial_ratio;
	nec_float dfaz, dfaz2, cdfaz, tstor1=0., tstor2, stilta;

	if ((m_context->m_excitation_type == EXCITATION_VOLTAGE) ||
		(m_context->m_excitation_type == EXCITATION_VOLTAGE_DISC) )
		gcop= _wavelength * _wavelength * 2.0 * pi()/(em::impedance() * _pinr);
		prad= _pinr- m_context->structure_power_loss- _pnlr;
		gcon= gcop;
		if ( m_context->ipd != 0)
			gcon= gcon* _pinr/ prad;
	if ( m_context->m_excitation_type == EXCITATION_CURRENT)
		_pinr=394.51* m_context->xpr6* m_context->xpr6* _wavelength* _wavelength;
		gcop= _wavelength* _wavelength*2.* pi()/(em::impedance() * _pinr);
		prad= _pinr- m_context->structure_power_loss- _pnlr;
		gcon= gcop;
		if ( m_context->ipd != 0)
			gcon= gcon* _pinr/ prad;
		gcon=4.* pi()/(1.0+ m_context->xpr6* m_context->xpr6);
		gcop= gcon;

	if ( m_range >= 1.0e-20)
		exrm=1./ m_range;
		exra= m_range/ _wavelength;
		exra=-360.*( exra- floor( exra));
	int result_counter=0;
	nec_float pint = 0.0;
	nec_float delta_phi_rad = degrees_to_rad(delta_phi);
	nec_float tmp2 = 0.5 * degrees_to_rad(delta_theta);
	phi= m_phi_start- delta_phi;

	for (int kph = 1; kph <= n_phi; kph++ )
		phi += delta_phi;
		nec_float pha = degrees_to_rad(phi);
		thet= m_theta_start- delta_theta;
		for (int kth = 1; kth <= n_theta; kth++ )
			thet += delta_theta;
			if ( m_ground.present() && (thet > 90.01) && (_ifar != 1) )
			nec_float tha = degrees_to_rad(thet);
			nec_complex  eth, eph;
			if ( 1 == _ifar)
				bool space_wave_only = (false == m_ground.present());
				nec_complex erd;
				m_context->gfld(m_range/_wavelength, pha, thet/_wavelength,
					&eth, &eph, &erd, space_wave_only, _wavelength );
				_e_theta[result_counter] = eth;
				_e_phi[result_counter] = eph;
				_e_r[result_counter] = erd;
				m_context->ffld(tha, pha, &eth, &eph, _wavelength);
				nec_float ethm2= norm(eth);
				nec_float ethm= sqrt(ethm2);
				nec_float etha= arg_degrees(eth);
				nec_float ephm2= norm(eph);
				nec_float ephm= sqrt( ephm2);
				nec_float epha= arg_degrees( eph);
				/* elliptical polarization calc. */
				if ( (ethm2 <= 1.0e-20) && (ephm2 <= 1.0e-20) )
					pol_sense_index = 3;
					dfaz= epha- etha;
					if ( epha >= 0.)
						dfaz2= dfaz-360.;
						dfaz2= dfaz+360.;
					if ( fabs(dfaz) > fabs(dfaz2) )
						dfaz= dfaz2;
					cdfaz= cos(degrees_to_rad(dfaz));
					tstor1= ethm2- ephm2;
					tstor2=2.* ephm* ethm* cdfaz;
					tilta=.5* atan2( tstor2, tstor1);
					stilta= sin( tilta);
					tstor1= tstor1* stilta* stilta;
					tstor2= tstor2* stilta* cos( tilta);
					emajr2=- tstor1+ tstor2+ ethm2;
					eminr2= tstor1- tstor2+ ephm2;
					if ( eminr2 < 0.)
					pol_axial_ratio= sqrt( eminr2/ emajr2);
					tilta= rad_to_degrees(tilta);
					if ( pol_axial_ratio <= 1.0e-5)
						pol_sense_index = POL_LINEAR;
					if ( dfaz <= 0.)
						pol_sense_index = POL_RIGHT;
						pol_sense_index = POL_LEFT;
				} /* if ( (ethm2 <= 1.0e-20) && (ephm2 <= 1.0e-20) ) */
				/* Gain Normalization Variables */
				nec_float gnmj= db10( gcon* emajr2);
				nec_float gnmn= db10( gcon* eminr2);
				nec_float gnv = db10( gcon* ethm2);
				nec_float gnh = db10( gcon* ephm2);
				nec_float gtot= db10( gcon*(ethm2+ ephm2) );
					nec_float temp_gain;
					switch(m_rp_normalization )
          case 0:
            temp_gain = gtot;

          case 1:
            temp_gain = gnmj;

					case 2:
						temp_gain = gnmn;
					case 3:
						temp_gain = gnv;
					case 4:
						temp_gain = gnh;
					case 5:
						temp_gain = gtot;
						throw new nec_exception("Unknown Gain Normalization Encountered.");
					_gain[result_counter] = temp_gain;
				} /* if ( m_rp_normalization > 0) */
				if ( m_rp_power_average != 0)
					// compute the numerical integral of the  power gain in angular co-ordinates
					tstor1= gcop*( ethm2+ ephm2);
					nec_float tmp3 = tha - tmp2;
					nec_float tmp4 = tha + tmp2;
					if ( kth == 1)
						tmp3= tha;
					else if ( kth == n_theta)
						tmp4= tha;
					nec_float da = fabs( delta_phi_rad*( cos(tmp3)- cos(tmp4)));
					if ( (kph == 1) || (kph == n_phi) )
						da *=.5;
					pint += tstor1 * da;
					if ( m_rp_power_average == 2) // do not print the power gain values (just compute the average)
				if ( m_rp_output_format != 1)
					_power_gain_vert[result_counter] = gnmj;
					_power_gain_horiz[result_counter] = gnmn;
					_power_gain_vert[result_counter] = gnv;
					_power_gain_horiz[result_counter] = gnh;
				ethm *= _wavelength;
				ephm *= _wavelength;
				if ( m_range >= 1.0e-20 )
					ethm= ethm* exrm;
					etha= etha+ exra;
					ephm= ephm* exrm;
					epha= epha+ exra;
				_e_theta[result_counter] = deg_polar(ethm, etha);
				_e_phi[result_counter] = deg_polar(ephm, epha);
				_power_gain_tot[result_counter] = gtot;
					nec_float a = pol_axial_ratio;
					if (pol_sense_index == POL_RIGHT)
						a = -a;
					nec_float gain = from_db10(gtot);
					nec_float lhcp_f =(1+2*a+a*a)/(2*(1+a*a));
					nec_float rhcp_f =(1-2*a+a*a)/(2*(1+a*a));
					_power_gain_rhcp[result_counter] = db10(gain * rhcp_f);
					_power_gain_lhcp[result_counter] = db10(gain * lhcp_f);
				_polarization_axial_ratio[result_counter] = pol_axial_ratio;
				_polarization_tilt[result_counter] = tilta;
				_polarization_sense_index[result_counter] = pol_sense_index;
				_averaging_scales[result_counter] = (sin(tha) * (n_theta - 1) / n_theta) + 1.0/n_theta;
			} /* if ( _ifar == 1) */
		} /* for( kth = 1; kth <= n_theta; kth++ ) */
	} /* for( kph = 1; kph <= n_phi; kph++ ) */

	if ( m_rp_power_average != 0)
/*		nec_float tmp3 = degrees_to_rad(m_theta_start);
		tmp4 = tmp3 + degrees_to_rad(delta_theta) * (nec_float)(n_theta-1);
		tmp3 = fabs( degrees_to_rad(delta_phi) * (nec_float)( n_phi-1)*( cos( tmp3)- cos( tmp4)));
		pint /= tmp3;
		tmp3 /= pi();
		_average_power_gain = pint;
		_average_power_solid_angle = tmp3; */

		// We now compute the solid angle over which the power is averaged
		nec_float theta_start_rad = degrees_to_rad(m_theta_start);
		nec_float theta_range = degrees_to_rad(delta_theta) * (nec_float)(n_theta-1);
		nec_float phi_range = degrees_to_rad(delta_phi) * (nec_float)(n_phi-1);
		nec_float total_theta = theta_start_rad + theta_range;
		nec_float solid_angle = fabs(phi_range * (cos(theta_start_rad) - cos(total_theta)) );
		_average_power_gain = pint / solid_angle;
		_average_power_solid_angle = solid_angle / pi(); // We display it as a multiple of pi()

  _maximum_gain = _gain.maxCoeff();
	m_analysis_done = true;