bool deleteDirectory(wxString& path, wxString& item) { { wxDir dir; wxString filePath = path + "\\" + item; wxString file; dir.Open(filePath); if (!dir.IsOpened()) return false; bool cont = false; if (dir.HasFiles() || dir.HasSubDirs()) cont = dir.GetFirst(&file); while (cont) { wxString strFile = filePath + "\\" + file; if (dir.Exists(strFile)) deleteDirectory(filePath, file); SetFileAttributes(strFile.c_str(), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); // Make it not read only, so we can delete it wxRemoveFile(strFile); cont = dir.GetNext(&file); } } return wxRmdir(path + "\\" + item); }
bool VUtils::emptyDirectory(const VNotebook *p_notebook, const QString &p_path, bool p_skipRecycleBin) { QDir dir(p_path); if (!dir.exists()) { return true; } QFileInfoList nodes = dir.entryInfoList(QDir::Dirs | QDir::Files | QDir::Hidden | QDir::NoSymLinks | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); ++i) { const QFileInfo &fileInfo =; if (fileInfo.isDir()) { if (!deleteDirectory(p_notebook, fileInfo.absoluteFilePath(), p_skipRecycleBin)) { return false; } } else { Q_ASSERT(fileInfo.isFile()); if (!deleteFile(p_notebook, fileInfo.absoluteFilePath(), p_skipRecycleBin)) { return false; } } } return true; }
void DataSourceView::showContextMenu(const QPoint &point) { QModelIndex i = currentIndex(); if (!i.isValid()) return; QMenu *menu = new QMenu(this); menu->addAction(style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_DirOpenIcon), tr("Open"), this, SLOT(indexOpenPath())); menu->addAction(QIcon(":/gfx/tab-new.png"), tr("Open in a new tab"), this, SLOT(openInANewTab())); menu->addAction(QIcon(":/gfx/gohome.png"), tr("Set as working directory"), this, SLOT(setWorkingDirectory())); menu->addAction(style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_FileDialogNewFolder), tr("Create directory"), this, SLOT(createDirectory())); menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(QIcon(":/gfx/document-edit.png"), tr("Edit"), this, SLOT(editDirectory())); menu->addAction(QIcon(":/gfx/list-remove.png"), tr("Delete"), this, SLOT(deleteDirectory())); menu->addSeparator(); m_signalMapper->setMapping(menu->addAction(QIcon(":/gfx/external_programs/ZIMA-PTC-Cleaner.png"), tr("Clean with ZIMA-PTC-Cleaner"), m_signalMapper, SLOT(map())), ZimaUtils::internalNameForUtility(ZimaUtils::ZimaPtcCleaner)); m_signalMapper->setMapping(menu->addAction(QIcon(":/gfx/external_programs/ZIMA-CAD-Sync.png"), tr("Sync with ZIMA-CAD-Sync"), m_signalMapper, SLOT(map())), ZimaUtils::internalNameForUtility(ZimaUtils::ZimaCadSync)); m_signalMapper->setMapping(menu->addAction(QIcon(":/gfx/external_programs/ZIMA-PS2PDF.png"), tr("Convert postscript to PDF with ZIMA-PS2PDF"), m_signalMapper, SLOT(map())), ZimaUtils::internalNameForUtility(ZimaUtils::ZimaPs2Pdf)); m_signalMapper->setMapping(menu->addAction(QIcon(":/gfx/external_programs/ZIMA-STEP-Edit.png"), tr("Edit step files with ZIMA-STEP-Edit"), m_signalMapper, SLOT(map())), ZimaUtils::internalNameForUtility(ZimaUtils::ZimaStepEdit)); menu->exec(mapToGlobal(point)); menu->deleteLater(); }
void CustomKinestheticTeacher::startRecording(){ store->setExportMode(SensorStorage::STORE_TIME | SensorStorage::STORE_RBT_CART_POS | SensorStorage::STORE_RBT_JNT_POS); deleteDirectory(recordingPath); recordingThread= store->startDataStorage(recordingPath); }
void CDownload::deleteDownloadDirectory() { // détruit le répertoire de téléchargement MyString dir; dir = getPersistentPath(); dir += ACTIVEGS_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; dir += activegsdownloaddir; deleteDirectory(dir.c_str(),1); }
JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_com_five_onair_server_utils_FileUtils_deleteDirectoryWithRoot (JNIEnv *env, jclass _class, jstring _path){ char *path; path=const_cast<char *>(env->GetStringUTFChars(_path, NULL)); return deleteDirectory(path); }
TITANIUM_FUNCTION(File, deleteDirectory) { bool recursive = false; if (arguments.size() > 0) { const auto _0 =; TITANIUM_ASSERT(_0.IsBoolean()); recursive = static_cast<bool>(_0); } return get_context().CreateBoolean(deleteDirectory(recursive)); }
void DirectoryMonitor::Server::failDirectory(const string& aPath, const string& aReason) { auto mon = monitors.find(aPath); if (mon == monitors.end()) return; mon->second->stopMonitoring(); mon->second->server->base->fire(DirectoryMonitorListener::DirectoryFailed(), mon->first, aReason); failedDirectories.insert(mon->first); deleteDirectory(mon); }
void Settings::setupGui() { ui.setupUi(this); connect(ui.buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(saveSettings())); connect(ui.patternEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(changeAddPatternButtonState(QString))); connect(ui.patternAddButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addPattern())); connect(ui.patternDeleteButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(deletePattern())); connect(ui.directoryOpenButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addDirectory())); connect(ui.directoryDeleteButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(deleteDirectory())); }
bool deleteDirFile(wxString& path, wxString& item) { wxFile file; wxDir dir; wxString filePath = path + "\\" + item; if (dir.Exists(filePath)) return deleteDirectory(path, item); if (file.Exists(filePath)) { SetFileAttributes(filePath.c_str(), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); // Make it not read only, so we can delete it return wxRemoveFile(filePath); } return false; }
void Recorder::deleteDirectory(QFileInfo fileList) { if(fileList.isDir()){ int childCount =0; QString dir = fileList.filePath(); QDir thisDir(dir); childCount = thisDir.entryInfoList().count(); QFileInfoList newFileList = thisDir.entryInfoList(); if(childCount>2){ for(int i=0;i<childCount;i++){ if( ==(".")| ==("..")){ continue; } deleteDirectory(; } } fileList.absoluteDir().rmpath(fileList.fileName()); }else if(fileList.isFile()){ fileList.absoluteDir().remove(fileList.fileName()); } }
bool Filesystem::deleteDirectory(std::string path) { DIR *dir; struct dirent *ent = NULL; struct dirent *entryp = NULL; if ((dir = opendir(path.c_str())) == NULL) { printf("Cannot open dir %s\n",path.c_str()); return false; } int name_max = pathconf(path.c_str(), _PC_NAME_MAX); if (name_max == -1) /* Limit not defined, or error */ name_max = 255; /* Take a guess */ int len = offsetof(struct dirent, d_name) + name_max + 1; entryp = (struct dirent*)malloc(len); while (readdir_r(dir,entryp,&ent) == 0 && ent != NULL) { std::string entry( ent->d_name ); if(entry == "." || entry == "..") continue; struct stat st; stat(std::string(path+"/"+ent->d_name).c_str(),&st); if(st.st_mode & S_IFDIR) { deleteDirectory(std::string(path+"/"+ent->d_name)); } else { remove(std::string(path+"/"+ent->d_name).c_str()); } } free(entryp); closedir(dir); rmdir(path.c_str()); return true; }
// Slow but should be ok... bool AbstractRemoteConnection::moveDirectory(const QString &src, const QString &dest, bool recursive) { bool result = copyDirectory(src, dest, true); deleteDirectory(src, recursive); return result; }
void Recorder::avconvFinish(int num,QProcess::ExitStatus status) { qDebug() << "avconv exit with " << num << status; qDebug() << "record delete folder " << picDir; deleteDirectory(QFileInfo(picDir)); emit convertFinish(); }
int DirectoryMonitor::Server::read() { DWORD dwBytesXFered = 0; ULONG_PTR ulKey = 0; OVERLAPPED* pOl; auto ret = GetQueuedCompletionStatus(m_hIOCP, &dwBytesXFered, &ulKey, &pOl, INFINITE); auto dwError = GetLastError(); if (!ret) { if (!m_hIOCP) { // shutting down return 0; } if (dwError == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { //harmless return 1; } } { WLock l(cs); auto mon = find_if(monitors | map_values, [ulKey](const Monitor* m) { return (ULONG_PTR)m->key == ulKey; }); if (mon.base() != monitors.end()) { if (!(*mon)->m_hDirectory) { //this is going to be deleted deleteDirectory(mon.base()); return 1; } try { if ((dwError != 0 && dwError != ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) || !ret) { // Too many changes to track, // The documentation only states the code ERROR_NOTIFY_ENUM_DIR for this, but according to the testing ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_QUOTA and ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS seem to be used instead.... // (and ERROR_TOO_MANY_CMDS with network drives) if (dwError == ERROR_NOTIFY_ENUM_DIR || dwError == ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_QUOTA || dwError == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS || dwError == ERROR_TOO_MANY_CMDS) { (*mon)->beginRead(); auto monBase = (*mon)->server->base; monBase->callAsync([=] { monBase->fire(DirectoryMonitorListener::Overflow(), (*mon)->path); }); } else { throw MonitorException(getErrorStr(dwError)); } } else { if ((*mon)->errorCount > 0) { (*mon)->errorCount = 0; } if (dwBytesXFered > 0) { (*mon)->changes++; (*mon)->queueNotificationTask(dwBytesXFered); } /*else { LogManager::getInstance()->message("An empty notification was received when monitoring " + Text::fromT((*mon)->path) + " (report this)", LogMessage::SEV_WARNING); }*/ (*mon)->beginRead(); } } catch (const MonitorException& e) { (*mon)->errorCount++; if ((*mon)->errorCount < 60) { //we'll most likely get the error instantly again... Thread::sleep(1000); try { (*mon)->openDirectory(m_hIOCP); (*mon)->beginRead(); return 1; } catch (const MonitorException& /*e*/) { //go to removal } } failDirectory((*mon)->path, e.getError()); } } } return 1; }
void Invocation::clearEnvironment() { if (!deleteDirectory(params->getInvocationDirectory(), false)) error("Cannot delete working directory"); environmentCreated = false; }