conn_t* get_conns_slot() { if ( NULL == free_conn ) { log_message( LOG_WARNING, "fullcons:%d is full.", fullcnt ); return NULL; } conn_t *pconn = free_conn; pconn->read_closed = pconn->write_closed = 0; free_conn = free_conn->data; ++ fullcnt; log_message( LOG_DEBUG, "fullcons:%d.", fullcnt ); if ( NULL != pconn->read_buffer ) { log_message( LOG_ERROR, "read_buffer not release" ); delete_buffer( pconn->read_buffer); pconn->read_buffer = NULL; } if ( NULL != pconn->write_buffer ) { log_message( LOG_ERROR, "write_buffer not release" ); delete_buffer( pconn->write_buffer); pconn->write_buffer = NULL; } return pconn; }
void release_conns_slot( conn_t *pconn ) { if ( NULL == pconn ) return; //只有两个conn都删除时才会delete buffer if ( NULL == pconn->server_conn ) { //read_buffer write是client_conn server_conn共用的 if ( NULL != pconn->read_buffer ) { delete_buffer( pconn->read_buffer ); } if ( NULL != pconn->write_buffer ) { delete_buffer( pconn->write_buffer ); } } pconn->read_buffer = pconn->write_buffer = NULL; if ( NULL != pconn->server_conn ) { pconn->server_conn->server_conn = NULL; pconn->server_conn = NULL; } /* * it's very important */ close( pconn->fd ); //必定不是监听套接字,只有一个进程使用这个fd pconn->data = free_conn; free_conn = pconn; -- fullcnt; log_message( LOG_CONN, "release conn[%s:%d:%d], fullcons:%d.", inet_ntoa(pconn->addr.sin_addr), ntohs(pconn->addr.sin_port), pconn->fd, fullcnt ); }
static void send_data() { int data_size = 0; static unsigned temperature; temperature = 21; clear_buffer(outputBuffer); clear_buffer(payload_buf); generate_payload(payload_buf,temperature); if(init_buffer(COAP_DATA_BUFF_SIZE)){ coap_packet_t* request =\ (coap_packet_t*)allocate_buffer(sizeof(coap_packet_t)); init_packet(request); coap_set_method(request, COAP_POST); request->tid = xact_id++; request->type = MESSAGE_TYPE_CON; coap_set_header_uri(request,service_uri); coap_set_option(request, Option_Type_Uri_Host, sizeof(char)*strlen(server_ip), (uint8_t*)server_ip); coap_set_option(request, Option_Type_Proxy_Uri, sizeof(char)*strlen(proxy_uri), (uint8_t*)proxy_uri); coap_set_payload(request,(uint8_t*)payload_buf, sizeof(char)*strlen(payload_buf)); data_size = serialize_packet(request, (uint8_t*)outputBuffer); PRINTF("Now sending request to base station ["); PRINTF(&client_conn->ripaddr); PRINTF("]:%u/%s\n",REMOTE_PORT,service_uri); uip_udp_packet_send(client_conn, outputBuffer, data_size); delete_buffer(); } }
void attach_buffer(Window *window, Buffer *buffer) { if (window->buffer) { delete_buffer(window->buffer); } window->buffer = buffer; }
void gui_surface::resize(const float2& buffer_size_) { uint2 buffer_size_abs_ = ((flags & SURFACE_FLAGS::ABSOLUTE_SIZE) == SURFACE_FLAGS::ABSOLUTE_SIZE ? buffer_size_.rounded() : buffer_size_ * float2(oclraster::get_width(), oclraster::get_height())); if(buffer.get_attachment_count() != 0 && buffer_size_abs.x == buffer_size_abs_.x && buffer_size_abs.y == buffer_size_abs_.y) { // same size, nothing to do here return; } buffer_size = buffer_size_; buffer_size_abs = buffer_size_abs_; delete_buffer(); const bool has_depth = ((flags & SURFACE_FLAGS::NO_DEPTH) != SURFACE_FLAGS::NO_DEPTH); buffer = framebuffer::create_with_images(buffer_size_abs.x, buffer_size_abs.y, { { IMAGE_TYPE::UINT_8, IMAGE_CHANNEL::RGBA } }, { has_depth ? IMAGE_TYPE::FLOAT_32 : IMAGE_TYPE::NONE, has_depth ? IMAGE_CHANNEL::R : IMAGE_CHANNEL::NONE }); // set blit vbo rectangle data set_offset(offset); // redraw(); }
static void send_data(void) { char buf[MAX_PAYLOAD_LEN]; if (init_buffer(COAP_DATA_BUFF_SIZE)) { int data_size = 0; coap_packet_t* request = (coap_packet_t*)allocate_buffer(sizeof(coap_packet_t)); init_packet(request); coap_set_method(request, COAP_POST); request->tid = xact_id++; request->type = MESSAGE_TYPE_NON; coap_set_header_uri(request, service_url); data_size = serialize_packet(request, buf); // PRINTF("Client sending request to:["); // PRINT6ADDR(&client_conn->ripaddr); // PRINTF("]:%u/%s\n", (uint16_t)REMOTE_PORT, service_urls[service_id]); uip_udp_packet_send(client_conn, buf, data_size); delete_buffer(); } }
void delete_window(Window *window) { delwin(window->curses_window); if (window->buffer) delete_buffer(window->buffer); free(window); }
RecordVideo::~RecordVideo() { stop_recording(); delete_buffer(); delete trigger_lock; delete pause_record_lock; delete record_paused_lock; }
void destroy_conn(struct conn_s *connptr) { assert(connptr != NULL); if (connptr->client_fd != -1) if (close(connptr->client_fd) < 0) log_message(LOG_INFO, "Client (%d) close message: %s", connptr->client_fd, strerror(errno)); if (connptr->server_fd != -1) if (close(connptr->server_fd) < 0) log_message(LOG_INFO, "Server (%d) close message: %s", connptr->server_fd, strerror(errno)); if (connptr->cbuffer) delete_buffer(connptr->cbuffer); if (connptr->sbuffer) delete_buffer(connptr->sbuffer); if (connptr->request_line) safefree(connptr->request_line); if (connptr->error_variables) { int i; for (i = 0; i != connptr->error_variable_count; ++i) { safefree(connptr->error_variables[i]->error_key); safefree(connptr->error_variables[i]->error_val); safefree(connptr->error_variables[i]); } safefree(connptr->error_variables); } if (connptr->error_string) safefree(connptr->error_string); if (connptr->client_ip_addr) safefree(connptr->client_ip_addr); if (connptr->client_string_addr) safefree(connptr->client_string_addr); safefree(connptr); update_stats(STAT_CLOSE); }
inline void wipeout(const vm::predicate *pred, mem::node_allocator *alloc, vm::candidate_gc_nodes &gc_nodes) { if (!data) return; for (auto it(begin(pred)), e(end(pred)); it != e; ++it) { vm::tuple *tpl(*it); tpl->destructor(pred, gc_nodes); } delete_buffer(pred, (utils::byte*)data, cap, alloc); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { gchar *message; config_file = g_strdup_printf("%s/.gtktermrc", getenv("HOME")); bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR); bind_textdomain_codeset(PACKAGE, "UTF-8"); textdomain(PACKAGE); gtk_init(&argc, &argv); create_buffer(); create_main_window(); if(read_command_line(argc, argv) < 0) { delete_buffer(); exit(1); } Config_port(); message = get_port_string(); Set_window_title(message); Set_status_message(message); g_free(message); add_shortcuts(); set_view(ASCII_VIEW); gtk_main(); delete_buffer(); Close_port(); return 0; }
uint8_t* init_buffer(uint16_t size) { delete_buffer(); data_buffer = (uint8_t*)malloc(size); if (data_buffer) { buffer_size = size; } buffer_index = 0; return data_buffer; }
rtt::~rtt() { log_debug("deleting rtt object"); glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, A2E_DEFAULT_FRAMEBUFFER); const vector<fbo*> buffer_copy(buffers); // copy, b/c delete_buffer will operate on buffers for(const auto& buffer : buffer_copy) { delete_buffer(buffer); } buffers.clear(); log_debug("rtt object deleted"); }
inline vm::tuple* expand(const vm::predicate *pred, mem::node_allocator *alloc) { if (num_tuples == cap) { if (num_tuples == 0) init(1, pred, alloc); else { const size_t old_cap(cap); utils::byte *old((utils::byte *)data); init(cap * 2, pred, alloc); memcpy(data, old, compute_size(pred, old_cap)); delete_buffer(pred, old, old_cap, alloc); } } return add_next(pred); }
static void handle_incoming_data() { PRINTF("Incoming packet size: %u \n", (u16_t)uip_datalen()); if (init_buffer(COAP_DATA_BUFF_SIZE)) { if (uip_newdata()) { coap_packet_t* response = (coap_packet_t*)allocate_buffer(sizeof(coap_packet_t)); parse_message(response, uip_appdata, uip_datalen()); if (response) { response_handler(response); } } delete_buffer(); } }
void NLog::run() { unsigned long this_diff = 0; unsigned long this_count = 0; while ( active_ ) { list_head buf_list; INIT_LIST_HEAD( &buf_list ); int ret = get_write_buffer_list( buf_list ); if( ret == 0 ) { this_diff = msec(); BufferNode *buffer = NULL; while( !list_empty( &buf_list ) ) { list_head *pos =; list_del( pos ); buffer = list_entry( pos, BufferNode, link_ ); if( !buffer ) { ERR(2)("[LOG] err!!! run invalid buffer ..."); continue; } this_count++; switch ( buffer->type ) { // 控制台模式,所有的log都显示在终端 // 可以配置显示颜色 if( buffer->type == LOG_TYPE_ERROR && !daemon_mode_ ) { FILE *file = log_[buffer->type]; /* 红色 */ char head[] = "\e[31m\e[1m"; char tail[] = "\e[0m"; fwrite( head, strlen(head), sizeof(char), file ); fwrite( buffer->buff, buffer->len, sizeof(char), file ); fwrite( tail, strlen(tail), sizeof(char), file ); fflush( file ); } else { FILE *file = log_[buffer->type]; fwrite( buffer->buff, buffer->len, sizeof(char), file ); fflush( file ); } } delete_buffer( buffer ); }
Projection const Image_processor:: read_tiff(const std::string & name,unsigned long threshold) throw(Exception) { uint16 width,height; std::vector<float> data; TIFF* tiff = TIFFOpen((path_+name).c_str(),"r"); if(tiff) { const unsigned short information_number = 4; unsigned short field = TIFFGetField(tiff,TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH,&width); field += TIFFGetField(tiff,TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH,&height); field += TIFFGetField(tiff,TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL,&channel_number_); field += TIFFGetField(tiff,TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE,&channel_size_); if(field != information_number) throw(Exception ("image processing error : missing image information ->" + name)); auto line_size = TIFFScanlineSize(tiff); buffer_ = _TIFFmalloc(line_size); buffer_count_ = width; for(uint16 row = 0 ; row < height ; ++row) { if(TIFFReadScanline(tiff,buffer_,row) == -1) throw(Exception ("\nimage processing error : unknown compression scheme ->" + name)); std::vector<float> row_data(process_buffer(threshold)); data.insert(data.end(),row_data.begin(),row_data.end()); } delete_buffer(); TIFFClose(tiff); } else throw(Exception ("\nimage processing error : unknown file -> " + path_+name)); return ct::Projection(data,width,height); }
gui_surface::~gui_surface() { delete_buffer(); if(vbo_rectangle != nullptr) ocl->delete_buffer(vbo_rectangle); if(rectangle_indices != nullptr) ocl->delete_buffer(rectangle_indices); }
Image_processor::~Image_processor() noexcept { delete_buffer(); }
int request_custom_command(buffer* recv_buf, server_stat* status) { unsigned char http_message[1000]; // used to hold http message from robot buffer* http_data = create_buffer(BUFFER_LEN); int n, retries; cst_header request_header; // header from the client buffer* response; // buffer to send to client struct timeval timeout; timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 500000; fprintf(stdout, "\tProcessing request\n"); // acknowledgement of command to client udp_send(recv_buf, status); // create the http request memset(http_message, '\0', 1000); request_header = extract_custom_header(recv_buf); switch ([CST_COMMAND]) { case IMAGE: fprintf(stdout, "\t\tContacting image port\n"); snprintf((char*)http_message, 100, "GET /snapshot?topic=/robot_%d/image?width=600?height=500 HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n", status->; status->r_stat.http_sock = tcp_connect(status->r_stat.hostname, IMAGE_PORT); break; case GPS: fprintf(stdout, "\t\tContacting gps port\n"); snprintf((char*)http_message, 100, "GET /state?id=%s HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n", status->; status->r_stat.http_sock = tcp_connect(status->r_stat.hostname, GPS_PORT); break; case LASERS: fprintf(stdout, "\t\tContacting lasers port\n"); snprintf((char*)http_message, 100, "GET /state?id=%s HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n", status->; status->r_stat.http_sock = tcp_connect(status->r_stat.hostname, LASERS_PORT); break; case dGPS: fprintf(stdout, "\t\tContacting dgps port\n"); snprintf((char*)http_message, 100, "GET /state?id=%s HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n", status->; status->r_stat.http_sock = tcp_connect(status->r_stat.hostname, dGPS_PORT); break; case MOVE: fprintf(stdout, "\t\tContacting move port\n"); snprintf((char*)http_message, 100, "GET /twist?id=%s&lx=1 HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n", status->; status->r_stat.http_sock = tcp_connect(status->r_stat.hostname, GPS_PORT); break; case TURN: fprintf(stdout, "\t\tContacting turn port\n"); snprintf((char*)http_message, 100, "GET /twist?id=%s&az=1 HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n", status->; status->r_stat.http_sock = tcp_connect(status->r_stat.hostname, GPS_PORT); break; case STOP: fprintf(stdout, "\t\tContacting stop port\n"); snprintf((char*)http_message, 100, "GET /twist?id=%s&lx=0 HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n", status->; status->r_stat.http_sock = tcp_connect(status->r_stat.hostname, GPS_PORT); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Invalid client request\n"); return -2; break; } // send the http request fprintf(stdout, "\t\tWriting request to server\n"); timeout_setup(status->r_stat.http_sock, timeout); write(status->r_stat.http_sock, (char*)http_message, strlen((char*)http_message)); // read http message into a buffer fprintf(stdout, "\t\tReceiving reply from server\n"); memset(http_message, '\0', 1000); retries = 0; while (1) { n = read(status->r_stat.http_sock, (char*)http_message, 1000); if (n == -1) { if (retries > 2) { break; } retries++; write(status->r_stat.http_sock, (char*)http_message, strlen((char*)http_message)); continue; } else if (n == 0) { break; } fprintf(stdout, "\t\t\tReceived %d bytes\n", n); append_buffer(http_data, (unsigned char*)http_message, n); memset(http_message, '\0', 1000); } fprintf(stdout, "\t\tTotal bytes received: %d\n", http_data->len); // see what we go fprintf(stdout, "\t\tAssembled Message:\n%s\n", http_data->data); // check for '200 OK' char ret_code[4]; memcpy(ret_code, http_data->data + 9, 3); // HTTP/1.1 <ret_code> ~~~~ ret_code[3] = '\0'; if (atoi(ret_code) != 200) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: bad http request\n"); response = create_custom_message(GROUP_NUMBER, status->password, HTTP_ERROR, 0, 0, 0); udp_send(response, status); return 0; } // send it to client int http_header_len = http_get_data(http_data->data) - http_data->data; int a = 0; while ((a + http_header_len) < http_data->len) { response = create_custom_message([CST_VERSION],[CST_PASSWORD],[DATA],[CST_SEQUENCE], (http_data->len - http_header_len), ((http_data->len - (a + http_header_len)) > CST_MAX_PAYLOAD ? CST_MAX_PAYLOAD:(http_data->len - (a + http_header_len)))); append_buffer(response, http_data->data + a + http_header_len, CST_MAX_PAYLOAD); fprintf(stdout, "\n\t\tAssembled packet:\n"); print_header(response); fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", response->data + UP_HEADER_LEN); fprintf(stdout, "\t\tSending packet\n"); udp_send(response, status); fprintf(stdout, "\t\tPacket sent\n"); delete_buffer(response); a += 370; } fprintf(stdout, "\t\tRequest complete!\n"); return 1; }
void pop_buffer(void) { if (s_bufstack.n) delete_buffer( bufstack[ --s_bufstack.n ] ); }
struct conn_s * initialize_conn(int client_fd, const char* ipaddr, const char* string_addr) { struct conn_s *connptr; struct buffer_s *cbuffer, *sbuffer; assert(client_fd >= 0); /* * Allocate the memory for all the internal components */ cbuffer = new_buffer(); sbuffer = new_buffer(); if (!cbuffer || !sbuffer) goto error_exit; /* * Allocate the space for the conn_s structure itself. */ connptr = safemalloc(sizeof(struct conn_s)); if (!connptr) goto error_exit; connptr->client_fd = client_fd; connptr->server_fd = -1; connptr->cbuffer = cbuffer; connptr->sbuffer = sbuffer; connptr->request_line = NULL; /* These store any error strings */ connptr->error_variables = NULL; connptr->error_variable_count = 0; connptr->error_string = NULL; connptr->error_number = -1; connptr->connect_method = FALSE; connptr->show_stats = FALSE; connptr->protocol.major = connptr->protocol.minor = 0; /* There is _no_ content length initially */ connptr->content_length.server = connptr->content_length.client = -1; connptr->client_ip_addr = safestrdup(ipaddr); connptr->client_string_addr = safestrdup(string_addr); connptr->upstream_proxy = NULL; update_stats(STAT_OPEN); return connptr; error_exit: /* * If we got here, there was a problem allocating memory */ if (cbuffer) delete_buffer(cbuffer); if (sbuffer) delete_buffer(sbuffer); return NULL; }
PROCESS_THREAD(http_server, ev, data) { connection_state_t *conn_state; PROCESS_BEGIN(); /* if static routes are used rather than RPL */ #if !UIP_CONF_IPV6_RPL && !defined (CONTIKI_TARGET_MINIMAL_NET) set_global_address(); configure_routing(); #endif /*!UIP_CONF_IPV6_RPL*/ #ifdef CONTIKI_TARGET_SKY PRINTF("##RF CHANNEL : %d##\n",RF_CHANNEL); #endif //CONTIKI_TARGET_SKY tcp_listen(uip_htons(HTTP_PORT)); /* * We loop for ever, accepting new connections. */ while(1) { PROCESS_WAIT_EVENT_UNTIL(ev == tcpip_event); conn_state = (connection_state_t *)data; if(uip_connected()) { PRINTF("##Connected##\n"); if(init_buffer(HTTP_DATA_BUFF_SIZE)) { conn_state = (connection_state_t*)allocate_buffer(sizeof(connection_state_t)); if (conn_state) { tcp_markconn(uip_conn, conn_state); /*initialize connection state*/ init_connection(conn_state); /*-1 is needed to be able to null terminate the strings in the buffer, especially good for debugging (to have null terminated strings)*/ PSOCK_INIT(&(conn_state->sin), (uint8_t*)conn_state->inputbuf, sizeof(conn_state->inputbuf) - 1); PSOCK_INIT(&(conn_state->sout), (uint8_t*)conn_state->inputbuf, sizeof(conn_state->inputbuf) - 1); PT_INIT(&(conn_state->outputpt)); handle_connection(conn_state); } else { PRINTF("Memory Alloc Error. Aborting!\n"); uip_abort(); } } } else if (uip_aborted() || uip_closed() || uip_timedout()) { if (conn_state) { delete_buffer(); /*Following 2 lines are needed since this part of code is somehow executed twice so it tries to free the same region twice. Potential bug in uip*/ conn_state = NULL; tcp_markconn(uip_conn, conn_state); } } else { handle_connection(conn_state); } } PROCESS_END(); }
void delete_simple_mean_filter (parampointer_t parampointer) { delete_buffer (¶mpointer->buffer); }
void delete_experiment_filter (parampointer_t parampointer) { delete_buffer (¶mpointer->buffer); }
void RecordVideo::run() { // Number of frames for user to know about. gui->reset_video(); // Wait for trigger trigger_lock->lock("RecordVideo::run"); while( !done && !write_result ) { if( recording_paused ) { pause_record_lock->unlock(); record_paused_lock->lock(); } if( done ) break; VideoDevice *vdevice = record->vdevice; VFrame *capture_frame = get_buffer(); vdevice->set_field_order(record->reverse_interlace); // Capture a frame grab_result = read_buffer(capture_frame); if( done ) break; if( vdevice->config_updated() ) { flush_buffer(); delete_buffer(); config_update(); gui->reset_video(); record->record_monitor->reconfig(); continue; } if( grab_result ) { Timer::delay(250); continue; } decompress_buffer(capture_frame); record->resync(); write_buffer(); if( record->monitor_video && capture_frame->get_data() ) if( !writing_file || !record->is_behind() ) record->record_monitor->update(capture_frame); if( writing_file && record->fill_underrun_frames ) { VFrame *last_frame = capture_frame; int fill = record->dropped; while( --fill >= 0 ) { capture_frame = get_buffer(); capture_frame->copy_from(last_frame); last_frame = capture_frame; write_buffer(); } } else record->written_frames += record->dropped; if( record->single_frame ) { record->single_frame = 0; record->stop_writing_file(); } if( done ) break; if( !done ) done = write_result; if( done ) break; record->check_batch_complete(); } SET_TRACE flush_buffer(); delete_buffer(); SET_TRACE //TRACE("RecordVideo::run 2"); if( write_result ) { ErrorBox error_box(PROGRAM_NAME ": Error", mwindow->gui->get_abs_cursor_x(1), mwindow->gui->get_abs_cursor_y(1)); error_box.create_objects(_("No space left on disk.")); error_box.run_window(); } SET_TRACE }
void delete_monoize_filter (parampointer_t parampointer) { delete_buffer (¶mpointer->buffer); }
void deinit_client(){ delete_buffer(client_send_buffer); delete_buffer(client_recv_buffer); //destruir arg1 y arg2? free }