コード例 #1
void ofxStreetView::urlResponse(ofHttpResponse & response){
    cout << "Status: " << response.status << endl;
    cout << "Request_url: " << response.request.url << endl;
    if((response.status==200) && (response.request.url == data_url )&& (!bDataLoaded)){
        ofxXmlSettings  XML;
        pano_id = XML.getAttribute("panorama:data_properties", "pano_id", "");
        text = XML.getValue("panorama:data_properties:text", "");
        street_range = XML.getValue("panorama:data_properties:street_range",  "");
        region = XML.getValue("panorama:data_properties:region", "");
        country = XML.getValue("panorama:data_properties:country", "");
        lat = XML.getAttribute("panorama:data_properties", "original_lat", 0.0);
        lon = XML.getAttribute("panorama:data_properties", "original_lng", 0.0);
        elevation = XML.getAttribute("panorama:data_properties", "elevation_wgs84_m", -1);
        num_zoom_levels = XML.getAttribute("panorama:data_properties", "num_zoom_levels", 0);
            zoom = num_zoom_levels;
        pano_yaw_deg = XML.getAttribute("panorama:projection_properties", "pano_yaw_deg", 0.0);
        tilt_yaw_deg = XML.getAttribute("panorama:projection_properties", "tilt_yaw_deg", 0.0);
        tilt_pitch_deg = XML.getAttribute("panorama:projection_properties", "tilt_pitch_deg", 0.0);
        //Get the base64 encoded data
        depth_map_base64 = XML.getValue("panorama:model:depth_map", "");

        int nLinks = XML.getNumTags("link");
        for (int i = 0; i < nLinks; i++) {
            Link l;
            l.pano_id = XML.getAttribute("link", "pano_id", "");
            l.yaw_deg = XML.getAttribute("link", "yaw_deg", 0.0f);
        //  Decode the depth map ( Credits to Paul Wagener https://github.com/PaulWagener/Streetview-Explorer )
        //  The depth map is encoded as a series of pixels in a 512x256 image. Each pixels refers
        //  to a depthMapPlane which are also encoded in the data. Each depthMapPlane has three elements:
        //  The x,y,z normals and the closest distance the plane has to the origin. This uniquely
        //  identifies the plane in 3d space.
        if(depth_map_base64 != ""){
            //Decode base64
            vector<unsigned char> depth_map_compressed(depth_map_base64.length());
            int compressed_length = decode_base64(&depth_map_compressed[0], &depth_map_base64[0]);
            //Uncompress data with zlib
            //TODO: decompress in a loop so we can accept any size
            unsigned long length = 512 * 256 + 5000;
            vector<unsigned char> depth_map(length);
            int zlib_return = uncompress(&depth_map[0], &length, &depth_map_compressed[0], compressed_length);
            if (zlib_return != Z_OK)
                throw "zlib decompression of the depth map failed";
            //Load standard data
            const int headersize = depth_map[0];
            const int numPanos = depth_map[1] | (depth_map[2] << 8);
            mapWidth = depth_map[3] | (depth_map[4] << 8);
            mapHeight = depth_map[5] | (depth_map[6] << 8);
            const int panoIndicesOffset = depth_map[7];
            if (headersize != 8 || panoIndicesOffset != 8)
                throw "Unexpected depth map header";
            //Load depthMapIndices
            depthmapIndices = vector<unsigned char>(mapHeight * mapWidth);
            memcpy(&depthmapIndices[0], &depth_map[panoIndicesOffset], mapHeight * mapWidth);
            //Load depthMapPlanes
            depthmapPlanes = vector<DepthMapPlane> (numPanos);
            memcpy(&depthmapPlanes[0], &depth_map[panoIndicesOffset + mapHeight * mapWidth], numPanos * sizeof (struct DepthMapPlane));
        bDataLoaded = true;
    } else if(response.request.url.find("http://cbk0.google.com/cbk?output=tile&panoid="+pano_id) == 0){
        ofImage img;
コード例 #2
ファイル: lsqr.cpp プロジェクト: vdel/3DReconstruction
System Surface::allocate_system()
  const int n = 4*w*h;
  const int m = w*h;
  const long double w2 = (long double)(w)/2.;
  const long double h2 = (long double)(h)/2.;  
  const long double sqrt_L1 = sqrtl(LAMBDA_1);
  const long double sqrt_1ML1 = sqrtl(1.-LAMBDA_1);
  const long double sqrt_L2 = sqrtl(LAMBDA_2);
  // builds B
  long double *b = new long double[n];
  for(int u=0; u<w; u++)
    for(int v=0; v<h; v++)
      int i = u * h + v;
      b[i] = sqrt_L1 * mu(u,v) * depth_map(u,v);
  for(int i=m; i<n; i++)
    b[i] = 0.;
  Zvect *B = new Zvect(n, b);
  // builds A
  SparseMat *A = new SparseMat(n,m);
  // part 1
  for(int u=0; u<w; u++)
    for(int v=0; v<h; v++)
      int i = u * h + v;
      A->add_coeff(i, i, sqrt_L1*mu(u,v));

  // part 2
  long double dx_filter[] = {-1./12., 0. , 1./12.,
                             -4./12., 0. , 4./12.,
                             -1./12., 0. , 1./12.};
  for(int u=0; u<w; u++)
    for(int v=0; v<h; v++)
      int j = u * h + v;
      int i = m + j;
      long double x = ((long double)(u)-w2)/fx;
      long double y = ((long double)(v)-h2)/fy;
      const vec& n = caracs(u,v).n;
      long double dx_weight = sqrt_1ML1 * (n[2] - (n[0]*x + n[1]*y));
      A->add_row_coeff(i, make_filter(u,v, dx_filter, dx_weight));
      A->add_coeff(i, j, -sqrt_1ML1 * n[0] / fx);

  // part 3
  long double dy_filter[] = { 1./12.,  4./12. ,  1./12.,
                                0.,      0. ,     0.,
                             -1./12., -4./12. , -1./12.,};
  for(int u=0; u<w; u++)
    for(int v=0; v<h; v++)
      int j = u * h + v;
      int i = 2*m + j;
      long double x = ((long double)(u)-w2)/fx;
      long double y = ((long double)(v)-h2)/fy;
      const vec& n = caracs(u,v).n;
      long double dy_weight = sqrt_1ML1 * (n[2] - (n[0]*x + n[1]*y));
      A->add_row_coeff(i, make_filter(u,v, dy_filter, dy_weight));
      A->add_coeff(i, j, -sqrt_1ML1 * n[1] / fy);

  // part 4
  long double laplacian_filter[] = { -1.,  -1. ,  -1.,
                                     -1.,   8. ,  -1.,
                                     -1.,  -1. ,  -1.};
  for(int u=0; u<w; u++)
    for(int v=0; v<h; v++)
      int i = 3*m + u * h + v;
      A->add_row_coeff(i, make_filter(u,v, laplacian_filter, sqrt_L2));

  return pair<SparseMat*, Zvect*>(A,B);