int run(const char *serverAddress, const int serverPort, char headless) { int i, sockfd, show = ~0; int frames = 0; int returnValue = EXIT_SUCCESS; CvCapture *capture; CvMemStorage *storage; IplImage *grabbedImage; IplImage *imgThreshold; CvSeq *seq; CvFont font; SendQueue *queue; char strbuf[255]; struct timeval oldTime, time, diff; float lastKnownFPS = 0; sockfd = initNetwork(serverAddress, serverPort); if (sockfd == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: initNetwork returned -1\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } queue = initSendQueue(); capture = cvCaptureFromCAM(CV_CAP_ANY); if (capture == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: capture is NULL \n" ); getchar(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Create a window in which the captured images will be presented cvNamedWindow("mywindow", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); // void cvInitFont(font, font_face, hscale, vscale, shear=0, thickness=1, line_type=8 ) cvInitFont(&font, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, 1, 0, 1, 8); gettimeofday(&oldTime, NULL); // Show the image captured from the camera in the window and repeat while (1) { cvClearMemStorage(storage); grabbedImage = cvQueryFrame(capture); if (grabbedImage == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: frame is null...\n" ); getchar(); returnValue = EXIT_FAILURE; break; } //Create detection image imgThreshold = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(grabbedImage), 8, 1); cvInRangeS(grabbedImage, min, max, imgThreshold); //Flip images to act as a mirror. //TODO remove when camera faces screen if (show) { cvFlip(grabbedImage, grabbedImage, 1); cvFlip(imgThreshold, imgThreshold, 1); } //Find all dots in the image. This is where any calibration of dot detection is done, if needed, though it //should be fine as it is right now. /* * image, circleStorage, method, double dp, double minDist, double param1, double param2, int minRadius, int maxRadius */ seq = cvHoughCircles(imgThreshold, storage, CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT, 2, 20, 20, 2, 0, 10); for (i = 0; i < seq->total; i++){ // Get point float *p = (float*)cvGetSeqElem(seq, i); //Draw current circle to the original image if (show) paintCircle(p, grabbedImage); //Buffer current circle to be sent to the server addPointToSendQueue(p, queue); } //Print some statistics to the image if (show) { snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf), "Dots: %i", seq->total); cvPutText(grabbedImage, strbuf, cvPoint(10, 20), &font, cvScalar(WHITE)); snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf), "FPS: %.1f", lastKnownFPS); cvPutText(grabbedImage, strbuf, cvPoint(10, 200), &font, cvScalar(WHITE)); } //Show images //TODO Comment these out will probably improve performance quite a bit if (show) { cvShowImage("mywindow", imgThreshold); cvShowImage("mywindow", grabbedImage); } gettimeofday(&time, NULL); timeval_subtract(&diff, &time, &oldTime); // printf("Frames = %i\n", diff.tv_sec); if (diff.tv_sec >= 2) { lastKnownFPS = (float)frames / diff.tv_sec; oldTime = time; frames = 0; } //Add one to the frame rate counter frames++; //Send to dots detected this frame to the server sendQueue(sockfd, queue); clearSendQueue(queue); // //If ESC key pressed, Key=0x10001B under OpenCV 0.9.7(linux version), //remove higher bits using AND operator i = (cvWaitKey(10) & 0xff); if (i == 'v') show = ~show; if (i == 27) break; } // Release the capture device housekeeping cvReleaseCapture( &capture ); cvDestroyWindow( "mywindow" ); destroySendQueue(queue); close(sockfd); return returnValue; }
// Runs the dot detector and sends detected dots to server on port TODO Implement headless. Needs more config options and/or possibly a config file first though int run( const char *serverAddress, const int serverPort, char headless ) { char calibrate_exposure = 0, show = ~0, flip = 0, vflip = 0, done = 0, warp = 0; //"Boolean" values used in this loop char noiceReduction = 2; //Small counter, so char is still ok. int i, sockfd; //Generic counter int dp = 0, minDist = 29, param1 = 0, param2 = 5; // Configuration variables for circle detection int minDotRadius = 1; int detected_dots; //Detected dot counter int returnValue = EXIT_SUCCESS; int captureControl; //File descriptor for low-level camera controls int currentExposure = 150; int maxExposure = 1250; //Maximum exposure supported by the camera TODO Get this from the actual camera Color min = { 0, 70, 0, 0 }; //Minimum color to detect Color max = { 255, 255, 255, 0 }; //Maximum color to detect CvScalar colorWhite = cvScalar( WHITE ); //Color to draw detected dots on black and white surface BoundingBox DD_mask; //The box indicating what should and what should not be considered for dot search BoundingBox DD_transform; //The box indicating the plane we are looking at( and as such is the plane we would transform from ) BoundingBox DD_transform_to; //The plane we are transforming to CvCapture *capture = NULL; //The camera CvMemStorage *storage; //Low level memory area used for dynamic structures in OpenCV CvSeq *seq; //Sequence to store detected dots in IplImage *grabbedImage = NULL; //Raw image from camera( plus some overlay in the end ) IplImage *imgThreshold = NULL; //Image with detected dots IplImage *mask = NULL; //Mask to be able to remove uninteresting areas IplImage *coloredMask = NULL; //Mask to be able to indicate above mask on output image CvFont font; //Font for drawing text on images SendQueue *queue; //Head of the linked list that is the send queue char strbuf[255]; //Generic buffer for text formatting( with sprintf()) struct timeval oldTime, time, diff; //Structs for measuring FPS float lastKnownFPS = 0; //Calculated FPS CvMat* pointRealMat = cvCreateMat( 1,1,CV_32FC2 ); //Single point matrix for point transformation CvMat* pointTransMat = cvCreateMat( 1,1,CV_32FC2 ); //Single point matrix for point transformation CvMat* transMat = cvCreateMat( 3,3,CV_32FC1 ); //Translation matrix for transforming input to a straight rectangle ClickParams clickParams = { TOP_LEFT, NULL, &DD_transform_to, transMat }; //Struct holding data needed by mouse-click callback function // Set up network sockfd = initNetwork( serverAddress, serverPort ); if( sockfd == -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: initNetwork returned -1\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } queue = initSendQueue(); if( openCamera( &capture, &captureControl ) == 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: capture is NULL \n" ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if( ( disableAutoExposure( captureControl ) ) == -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Cannot disable auto exposure \n" ); //return EXIT_FAILURE; } if( ( updateAbsoluteExposure( captureControl, currentExposure ) ) == 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Cannot set exposure\n"); } // Create a window in which the captured images will be presented cvNamedWindow( imagewindowname, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE | CV_WINDOW_KEEPRATIO | CV_GUI_NORMAL ); // Create a window to hold the configuration sliders and the detection frame TODO This is kind of a hack. Make a better solution cvNamedWindow( configwindowname, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE | CV_WINDOW_KEEPRATIO | CV_GUI_NORMAL ); // Create a window to hold the transformed image. Handy to see how the dots are translated, but not needed for functionality if( warp ) cvNamedWindow( warpwindowname, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE | CV_WINDOW_KEEPRATIO | CV_GUI_NORMAL ); // Create sliders to adjust the lower color boundry cvCreateTrackbar( red_lable , configwindowname, &, 255, NULL ); cvCreateTrackbar( green_lable, configwindowname, &, 255, NULL ); cvCreateTrackbar( blue_lable , configwindowname, &, 255, NULL ); //Create sliters for the contour based dot detection cvCreateTrackbar( min_area_lable, configwindowname, &minDotRadius,255, NULL ); /* Slider for manual exposure setting */ cvCreateTrackbar( exposure_lable, configwindowname, ¤tExposure, maxExposure, NULL ); //Create the memory storage storage = cvCreateMemStorage( 0 ); // void cvInitFont( font, font_face, hscale, vscale, shear=0, thickness=1, line_type=8 ) cvInitFont( &font, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, 1, 0, 1, 8 ); // Grab an initial image to be able to fetch image size before the main loop. grabbedImage = cvQueryFrame( capture ); //Move the two windows so both are visible at the same time cvMoveWindow( imagewindowname, 0, 10 ); cvMoveWindow( configwindowname, grabbedImage->width+2, 10 ); //TODO Move these three inits to a function // Set masking defaults TODO load from file? Specify file for this file loading? DD_mask.topLeft.x = 0; DD_mask.topLeft.y = 0; DD_mask.topRight.x = grabbedImage->width-1; DD_mask.topRight.y = 0; DD_mask.bottomLeft.x = 0; DD_mask.bottomLeft.y = grabbedImage->height-1; DD_mask.bottomRight.x = grabbedImage->width-1; DD_mask.bottomRight.y = grabbedImage->height-1; // Set transformation defaults TODO load from file? Specify file for this file loading? DD_transform.topLeft.x = 0; DD_transform.topLeft.y = 0; DD_transform.topRight.x = grabbedImage->width-1; DD_transform.topRight.y = 0; DD_transform.bottomLeft.x = 0; DD_transform.bottomLeft.y = grabbedImage->height-1; DD_transform.bottomRight.x = grabbedImage->width-1; DD_transform.bottomRight.y = grabbedImage->height-1; // Set the transformation destination DD_transform_to.topLeft.x = 0; DD_transform_to.topLeft.y = 0; DD_transform_to.topRight.x = grabbedImage->width-1; DD_transform_to.topRight.y = 0; DD_transform_to.bottomLeft.x = 0; DD_transform_to.bottomLeft.y = grabbedImage->height-1; DD_transform_to.bottomRight.x = grabbedImage->width-1; DD_transform_to.bottomRight.y = grabbedImage->height-1; calculateTransformationMatrix( &DD_transform, &DD_transform_to, transMat ); // Set callback function for mouse clicks cvSetMouseCallback( imagewindowname, calibrateClick, ( void* ) &clickParams ); gettimeofday( &oldTime, NULL ); // Main loop. Grabbs an image from cam, detects dots, sends dots,and prints dots to images and shows to user while( !done ) { //PROFILING_PRO_STAMP(); //Uncomment this and the one in the end of the while-loop, and comment all other PROFILING_* to profile main-loop // ------ Common actions cvClearMemStorage( storage ); detected_dots = 0; //Grab a fram from the camera PROFILING_PRO_STAMP(); grabbedImage = cvQueryFrame( capture ); PROFILING_POST_STAMP( "cvQueryFrame"); if( grabbedImage == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: frame is null...\n" ); getchar(); returnValue = EXIT_FAILURE; break; } //Flip images to act as a mirror. if( show && flip ) { cvFlip( grabbedImage, grabbedImage, 1 ); } if( show && vflip ) { cvFlip( grabbedImage, grabbedImage, 0 ); } // ------ State based actions switch( state ) { case GRAB_DOTS: //Create detection image imgThreshold = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize( grabbedImage ), 8, 1 ); cvInRangeS( grabbedImage, cvScalar( DD_COLOR( min )), cvScalar( DD_COLOR( max )), imgThreshold ); //Mask away anything not in our calibration area mask = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize( grabbedImage ), 8, 1 ); cvZero( mask ); cvFillConvexPoly( mask, ( CvPoint* ) &DD_mask, 4, cvScalar( WHITE ), 1, 0 ); cvAnd( imgThreshold, mask, imgThreshold, NULL ); // Invert mask, increase the number of channels in it and overlay on grabbedImage //TODO Tint the mask red before overlaying cvNot( mask, mask ); coloredMask = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize( grabbedImage ), grabbedImage->depth, grabbedImage->nChannels ); cvCvtColor( mask, coloredMask, CV_GRAY2BGR ); cvAddWeighted( grabbedImage, 0.95, coloredMask, 0.05, 0.0, grabbedImage ); // Reduce noise. // Erode is kind of floor() of pixels, dilate is kind of ceil() // I'm not sure which gives the best result. switch( noiceReduction ) { case 0: break; //No noice reduction at all case 1: cvErode( imgThreshold, imgThreshold, NULL, 2 ); break; case 2: cvDilate( imgThreshold, imgThreshold, NULL, 2 ); break; } // Warp the warp-image. We are reusing the coloredMask variable to save some space PROFILING_PRO_STAMP(); if( show && warp ) cvWarpPerspective( grabbedImage, coloredMask, transMat, CV_INTER_LINEAR+CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS, cvScalarAll( 0 )); PROFILING_POST_STAMP( "Warping perspective" ); // Find all dots in the image PROFILING_PRO_STAMP(); // Clear old data from seq seq = 0; // Find the dots cvFindContours( imgThreshold, storage, &seq, sizeof( CvContour ), CV_RETR_LIST, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, cvPoint( 0,0 ) ); // cvFindContours destroys the original image, so we wipe it here // and then repaints the detected dots later cvZero( imgThreshold ); PROFILING_POST_STAMP( "Dot detection" ); //Process all detected dots PROFILING_PRO_STAMP(); for( ; seq != 0; seq = seq->h_next ) { // Calculate radius of the detected contour CvRect rect =( ( CvContour * )seq )->rect; float relCenterX = rect.width / 2; float relCenterY = rect.height / 2; // Make sure the dot is big enough if( relCenterX < minDotRadius || relCenterY < minDotRadius ) { continue; } // Note that we have found another dot ++detected_dots; // Transform the detected dot according to transformation matrix. float absCenter[] = { rect.x + relCenterX, rect.y + relCenterY }; pointRealMat->data.fl = absCenter; cvPerspectiveTransform( pointRealMat, pointTransMat, transMat ); // Draw the detected contour back to imgThreshold // Draw the detected dot both to real image and to warped( if warp is active ) if( show ) { cvDrawContours( imgThreshold, seq, colorWhite, colorWhite, -1, CV_FILLED, 8, cvPoint( 0,0 ) ); drawCircle( absCenter[0], absCenter[1], ( relCenterX + relCenterY ) / 2, grabbedImage ); if( warp ) { drawCircle( pointTransMat->data.fl[0], pointTransMat->data.fl[1], ( relCenterX + relCenterY ) / 2, coloredMask ); } } // Add detected dot to to send queue addPointToSendQueue( pointTransMat->data.fl, queue ); } PROFILING_POST_STAMP("Painting dots"); //Calculate framerate gettimeofday( &time, NULL ); timeval_subtract( &diff, &time, &oldTime ); lastKnownFPS = lastKnownFPS * 0.7 + ( 1000000.0 / diff.tv_usec ) * 0.3; //We naïvly assume we have more then 1 fps oldTime = time; //Send the dots detected this frame to the server PROFILING_PRO_STAMP(); sendQueue( sockfd, queue ); clearSendQueue( queue ); PROFILING_POST_STAMP( "Sending dots" ); /* If calibrating, do the calibration */ if( calibrate_exposure ) { int ret; ret = calibrateExposureLow( captureControl, detected_dots, ¤tExposure, DD_MAX_EXPOSURE, lastKnownFPS ); switch( ret ) { case 0: // We are done. Let's leave calibration mode calibrate_exposure = 0; printf( "done\n" ); break; case -1: // We hit the upper limit with no detected dots fprintf( stderr, "Reached upper limit (%d). Aborting!\n", DD_MAX_EXPOSURE ); calibrate_exposure = 0; break; case -2: // We hit lower limit with more then one dot detected fprintf( stderr, "Too bright. More then one dot found even with minimal exposure. Aborting!\n"); calibrate_exposure = 0; break; case -3: //No conclusive results. fprintf( stderr, "No conclusive results. Giving up\n" ); calibrate_exposure = 0; break; } } break; //End of GRAB_DOTS case SELECT_TRANSFORM: //Falling through here. Poor man's multi-case clause. Not putting this in default as we might //want to do different things in these two some day. case SELECT_MASK: snprintf( strbuf, sizeof( strbuf ), "Select %s point", pointTranslationTable[clickParams.currentPoint]); cvDisplayOverlay( imagewindowname, strbuf, 5 ); break; //End of SELECT_MASK and SELECT_TRANSFORM } // Paint the corners of the detecting area and the calibration area paintOverlayPoints( grabbedImage, &DD_transform ); //Print some statistics to the image if( show ) { snprintf( strbuf, sizeof( strbuf ), "Dots: %i", detected_dots ); //Print number of detected dots to the screen cvPutText( grabbedImage, strbuf, cvPoint( 10, 20 ), &font, cvScalar( WHITE )); snprintf( strbuf, sizeof( strbuf ), "FPS: %.1f", lastKnownFPS ); cvPutText( grabbedImage, strbuf, cvPoint( 10, 40 ), &font, cvScalar( WHITE )); cvCircle( grabbedImage, cvPoint( 15, 55 ), minDotRadius, cvScalar(,,, min.alpha ), -1, 8, 0 ); // Colors given in order BGR-A, Blue, Green, Red, Alpha } //Show images PROFILING_PRO_STAMP(); if( show ) { cvShowImage( configwindowname, imgThreshold ); cvShowImage( imagewindowname, grabbedImage ); if( warp ) cvShowImage( warpwindowname, coloredMask ); } PROFILING_POST_STAMP("Showing images"); //Release the temporary images cvReleaseImage( &imgThreshold ); cvReleaseImage( &mask ); cvReleaseImage( &coloredMask ); /* Update exposure if needed */ updateAbsoluteExposure( captureControl, currentExposure ); cvSetTrackbarPos( exposure_lable, configwindowname, currentExposure ); //If ESC key pressed, Key=0x10001B under OpenCV 0.9.7( linux version ), //remove higher bits using AND operator i = ( cvWaitKey( 10 ) & 0xff ); switch( i ) { case 'g': makeCalibrate( &DD_transform, &DD_transform_to, transMat, capture, captureControl, 20 ); updateAbsoluteExposure( captureControl, currentExposure+1 ); break; case 'e': toggleCalibrationMode( &calibrate_exposure, ¤tExposure ); break; /* Toggles calibration mode */ case 'c': openCamera( &capture, &captureControl ); break; case 's': show = ~show; break; //Toggles updating of the image. Can be useful for performance of slower machines... Or as frame freeze case 'm': state = SELECT_MASK; clickParams.currentPoint = TOP_LEFT; clickParams.DD_box = &DD_mask; break; //Starts selection of masking area. Will return to dot detection once all four points are set case 't': state = SELECT_TRANSFORM; clickParams.currentPoint = TOP_LEFT; clickParams.DD_box = &DD_transform; break; //Starts selection of the transformation area. Returns to dot detection when done. case 'f': flip = ~flip; break; //Toggles horizontal flipping of the image case 'v': vflip = ~vflip; break; //Toggles vertical flipping of the image case 'w': warp = ~warp; toggleWarpOutput( warp ); break; //Toggles showing the warped image case 'n': noiceReduction = ( noiceReduction + 1 ) % 3; break; //Cycles noice reduction algorithm case 'q': //falling through here to quit case 27: done = 1; break; //ESC. Kills the whole thing( in a nice and controlled manner ) } fflush( stdout ); //Make sure everything in the buffer is printed before we go on //PROFILING_POST_STAMP("Main loop"); } //End of main while-loop // Release the capture device and do some housekeeping cvReleaseImage( &grabbedImage ); cvReleaseCapture( &capture ); cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage ); cvDestroyWindow( imagewindowname ); cvDestroyWindow( configwindowname ); if( warp ) cvDestroyWindow( warpwindowname ); //If now warp it is already destroyed destroySendQueue( queue ); close( sockfd ); close( captureControl ); return returnValue; }