コード例 #1
ファイル: gyro.c プロジェクト: BrooklynUAV/cleanflight
static void performAcclerationCalibration(uint8_t gyroMovementCalibrationThreshold)
    int8_t axis;
    static int32_t g[3];
    static stdev_t var[3];

    for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {

        // Reset g[axis] at start of calibration
        if (isOnFirstGyroCalibrationCycle()) {
            g[axis] = 0;

        // Sum up CALIBRATING_GYRO_CYCLES readings
        g[axis] += gyroADC[axis];
        devPush(&var[axis], gyroADC[axis]);

        // Reset global variables to prevent other code from using un-calibrated data
        gyroADC[axis] = 0;
        gyroZero[axis] = 0;

        if (isOnFinalGyroCalibrationCycle()) {
            float dev = devStandardDeviation(&var[axis]);
            // check deviation and startover in case the model was moved
            if (gyroMovementCalibrationThreshold && dev > gyroMovementCalibrationThreshold) {
            gyroZero[axis] = (g[axis] + (CALIBRATING_GYRO_CYCLES / 2)) / CALIBRATING_GYRO_CYCLES;
            blinkLedAndSoundBeeper(10, 15, 1);
コード例 #2
ファイル: gyro.c プロジェクト: AndersHoglund/betaflight
STATIC_UNIT_TESTED void performGyroCalibration(gyroSensor_t *gyroSensor, uint8_t gyroMovementCalibrationThreshold)
    for (int axis = 0; axis < XYZ_AXIS_COUNT; axis++) {
        // Reset g[axis] at start of calibration
        if (isOnFirstGyroCalibrationCycle(&gyroSensor->calibration)) {
            gyroSensor->calibration.sum[axis] = 0.0f;
            // gyroZero is set to zero until calibration complete
            gyroSensor->gyroDev.gyroZero[axis] = 0.0f;

        // Sum up CALIBRATING_GYRO_TIME_US readings
        gyroSensor->calibration.sum[axis] += gyroSensor->gyroDev.gyroADCRaw[axis];
        devPush(&gyroSensor->calibration.var[axis], gyroSensor->gyroDev.gyroADCRaw[axis]);

        if (isOnFinalGyroCalibrationCycle(&gyroSensor->calibration)) {
            const float stddev = devStandardDeviation(&gyroSensor->calibration.var[axis]);
            // DEBUG_GYRO_CALIBRATION records the standard deviation of roll
            // into the spare field - debug[3], in DEBUG_GYRO_RAW
            if (axis == X) {
                DEBUG_SET(DEBUG_GYRO_RAW, DEBUG_GYRO_CALIBRATION, lrintf(stddev));

            // check deviation and startover in case the model was moved
            if (gyroMovementCalibrationThreshold && stddev > gyroMovementCalibrationThreshold) {

            // please take care with exotic boardalignment !!
            gyroSensor->gyroDev.gyroZero[axis] = gyroSensor->calibration.sum[axis] / gyroCalculateCalibratingCycles();
            if (axis == Z) {
              gyroSensor->gyroDev.gyroZero[axis] -= ((float)gyroConfig()->gyro_offset_yaw / 100);

    if (isOnFinalGyroCalibrationCycle(&gyroSensor->calibration)) {
        schedulerResetTaskStatistics(TASK_SELF); // so calibration cycles do not pollute tasks statistics
        if (!firstArmingCalibrationWasStarted || (getArmingDisableFlags() & ~ARMING_DISABLED_CALIBRATING) == 0) {

コード例 #3
ファイル: sensors.c プロジェクト: tommyleo/speedyflight
static void GYRO_Common(void)
    int axis;
    static int32_t g[3];
    static stdev_t var[3];

    if (calibratingG > 0) {
        for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
            // Reset g[axis] at start of calibration
            if (calibratingG == CALIBRATING_GYRO_CYCLES) {
                g[axis] = 0;
            // Sum up 1000 readings
            g[axis] += gyroADC[axis];
            devPush(&var[axis], gyroADC[axis]);
            // Clear global variables for next reading
            gyroADC[axis] = 0;
            gyroZero[axis] = 0;
            if (calibratingG == 1) {
                float dev = devStandardDeviation(&var[axis]);
                // check deviation and startover if idiot was moving the model
                if (mcfg.moron_threshold && dev > mcfg.moron_threshold) {
                    calibratingG = CALIBRATING_GYRO_CYCLES;
                    g[0] = g[1] = g[2] = 0;
                //gyroZero[axis] = (g[axis] + (CALIBRATING_GYRO_CYCLES / 2)) / CALIBRATING_GYRO_CYCLES;
                gyroZero[axis] = (g[axis]+1) / CALIBRATING_GYRO_CYCLES;
                blinkLED(10, 15, 1);
    for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++)
        gyroADC[axis] -= gyroZero[axis];
コード例 #4
ファイル: sensors.c プロジェクト: Bamfax/TestCode3
static void Gyro_Calibrate(void)                                  // Total Samples = Gyromaxcount * Gyroavgcount + Gyrodiscardcnt
    float    Temp[3];
    uint16_t i, axis;
    uint8_t  breakout = 0;
    stdev_t  var[3];

    Gyro_500Hz_AVG(Temp, Gyrodiscardcnt);                         // Discard some values here to let gyro settle
    do                                                            // Shaky Hands Loop NOTE: Removed Sphere stuff here because results are equal!
        breakout++;                                               // Increase Breakout Counter
        for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++)                          // Clear for Run
            gyroZero[axis] = 0.0f;
        for (i = 0; i < Gyromaxcount; i++)                        // Outer loop for StdDev
            Gyro_500Hz_AVG(Temp, Gyroavgcount);                   // Average some
            for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++)                      // Add StdDev, save values for next loopturn
                devPush(&var[axis], Temp[axis]);
                gyroZero[axis] += Temp[axis];
        Temp[0] = 0.0f;
        for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++)
            gyroZero[axis] /= (float)Gyromaxcount;                // Calculate gyrozero no matter what. Not timecritical anyway
            Temp[0] += devStandardDeviation(&var[axis]);
    while (Temp[0] > cfg.gy_stdev && breakout < Timeoutrun);      // Breakout prevents endlessloop after time
    GyroCalCompromised = (breakout == Timeoutrun);                // We timed out so gyro is problematic
    if(GyroCalCompromised && cfg.ShakyDataAvail)                  // Problem? Use backupdata, if available (normally they are..)
        for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) gyroZero[axis] = cfg.ShakyGyroZero[axis];
        blinkLED(15, 20, 10);                                     // Warnblink Flight may be degraded but possible.
コード例 #5
ファイル: imu.cpp プロジェクト: weiqiao/hackflight
void IMU::update(uint32_t currentTime, bool armed, uint16_t & calibratingA, uint16_t & calibratingG)
    static float    accelLPF[3];
    static int32_t  accelZoffset;
    static float    accz_smooth;
    static int16_t  accelZero[3];
    static int32_t  a[3];
    static int16_t  accelSmooth[3];
    static float    EstG[3];
    static float    EstN[3] = { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
    static int16_t  gyroZero[3];
    static uint32_t previousTime;

    int32_t accMag = 0;
    float dT = 0;
    float rpy[3];
    float accel_ned[3];
    float deltaGyroAngle[3];
    uint32_t deltaT = currentTime - previousTime;
    float scale = deltaT * this->gyroScale;
    int16_t  accelADC[3];
    float anglerad[3];

    previousTime = currentTime;

    this->_board->imuRead(accelADC, this->gyroADC);

    if (calibratingA > 0) {

        for (uint8_t axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
            // Reset a[axis] at start of calibration
            if (calibratingA == this->calibratingAccCycles)
                a[axis] = 0;
            // Sum up this->calibratingAccCycles readings
            a[axis] += accelADC[axis];
            // Clear global variables for next reading
            accelADC[axis] = 0;
            accelZero[axis] = 0;
        // Calculate average, shift Z down by acc1G
        if (calibratingA == 1) {
            accelZero[ROLL] = (a[ROLL] + (this->calibratingAccCycles / 2)) / this->calibratingAccCycles;
            accelZero[PITCH] = (a[PITCH] + (this->calibratingAccCycles / 2)) / this->calibratingAccCycles;
            accelZero[YAW] = (a[YAW] + (this->calibratingAccCycles / 2)) / this->calibratingAccCycles - this->acc1G;

    accelADC[ROLL]  -= accelZero[ROLL];
    accelADC[PITCH] -= accelZero[PITCH];
    accelADC[YAW]   -= accelZero[YAW];

    // range: +/- 8192; +/- 2000 deg/sec

    static int32_t g[3];
    static stdev_t var[3];

    if (calibratingG > 0) {
        for (uint8_t axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
            // Reset g[axis] at start of calibration
            if (calibratingG == this->calibratingGyroCycles) {
                g[axis] = 0;
            // Sum up 1000 readings
            g[axis] += this->gyroADC[axis];
            devPush(&var[axis], this->gyroADC[axis]);
            // Clear global variables for next reading
            this->gyroADC[axis] = 0;
            gyroZero[axis] = 0;
            if (calibratingG == 1) {
                float dev = devStandardDeviation(&var[axis]);
                // check deviation and startover if idiot was moving the model
                    calibratingG = this->calibratingGyroCycles;
                    g[0] = g[1] = g[2] = 0;
                gyroZero[axis] = (g[axis] + (this->calibratingGyroCycles / 2)) / this->calibratingGyroCycles;

    for (uint8_t axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++)
        this->gyroADC[axis] -= gyroZero[axis];

    // Initialization
    for (uint8_t axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
        deltaGyroAngle[axis] = this->gyroADC[axis] * scale;
        if (CONFIG_ACC_LPF_FACTOR > 0) {
            accelLPF[axis] = accelLPF[axis] * (1.0f - (1.0f / CONFIG_ACC_LPF_FACTOR)) + accelADC[axis] * 
                (1.0f / CONFIG_ACC_LPF_FACTOR);
            accelSmooth[axis] = (int16_t)accelLPF[axis];
        } else {
            accelSmooth[axis] = accelADC[axis];
        accMag += (int32_t)accelSmooth[axis] * accelSmooth[axis];
    accMag = accMag * 100 / ((int32_t)this->acc1G * this->acc1G);

    rotateV(EstG, deltaGyroAngle);

    // Apply complementary filter (Gyro drift correction)
    // If accel magnitude >1.15G or <0.85G and ACC vector outside of the limit
    // range => we neutralize the effect of accelerometers in the angle
    // estimation.  To do that, we just skip filter, as EstV already rotated by Gyro
    if (72 < (uint16_t)accMag && (uint16_t)accMag < 133) {
        for (uint8_t axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++)
            EstG[axis] = (EstG[axis] * (float)CONFIG_GYRO_CMPF_FACTOR + accelSmooth[axis]) * INV_GYR_CMPF_FACTOR;

    // Attitude of the estimated vector
    anglerad[ROLL] = atan2f(EstG[Y], EstG[Z]);
    anglerad[PITCH] = atan2f(-EstG[X], sqrtf(EstG[Y] * EstG[Y] + EstG[Z] * EstG[Z]));

    rotateV(EstN, deltaGyroAngle);
    normalizeV(EstN, EstN);

    // Calculate heading
    float cosineRoll = cosf(anglerad[ROLL]);
    float sineRoll = sinf(anglerad[ROLL]);
    float cosinePitch = cosf(anglerad[PITCH]);
    float sinePitch = sinf(anglerad[PITCH]);
    float Xh = EstN[X] * cosinePitch + EstN[Y] * sineRoll * sinePitch + EstN[Z] * sinePitch * cosineRoll;
    float Yh = EstN[Y] * cosineRoll - EstN[Z] * sineRoll;
    anglerad[YAW] = atan2f(Yh, Xh); 

    // deltaT is measured in us ticks
    dT = (float)deltaT * 1e-6f;

    // the accel values have to be rotated into the earth frame
    rpy[0] = -(float)anglerad[ROLL];
    rpy[1] = -(float)anglerad[PITCH];
    rpy[2] = -(float)anglerad[YAW];

    accel_ned[X] = accelSmooth[0];
    accel_ned[Y] = accelSmooth[1];
    accel_ned[Z] = accelSmooth[2];

    rotateV(accel_ned, rpy);

    if (!armed) {
        accelZoffset -= accelZoffset / 64;
        accelZoffset += (int32_t)accel_ned[Z];
    accel_ned[Z] -= accelZoffset / 64;  // compensate for gravitation on z-axis

    accz_smooth = accz_smooth + (dT / (fcAcc + dT)) * (accel_ned[Z] - accz_smooth); // low pass filter

    // apply Deadband to reduce integration drift and vibration influence and
    // sum up Values for later integration to get velocity and distance
    this->accelSum[X] += deadbandFilter(lrintf(accel_ned[X]), CONFIG_ACCXY_DEADBAND);
    this->accelSum[Y] += deadbandFilter(lrintf(accel_ned[Y]), CONFIG_ACCXY_DEADBAND);
    this->accelSum[Z] += deadbandFilter(lrintf(accz_smooth), CONFIG_ACCZ_DEADBAND);

    this->accelTimeSum += deltaT;

    // Convert angles from radians to tenths of a degrees
    this->angle[ROLL]  = (int16_t)lrintf(anglerad[ROLL]  * (1800.0f / M_PI));
    this->angle[PITCH] = (int16_t)lrintf(anglerad[PITCH] * (1800.0f / M_PI));
    this->angle[YAW]   = (int16_t)(lrintf(anglerad[YAW]   * 1800.0f / M_PI + CONFIG_MAGNETIC_DECLINATION) / 10.0f);

    // Convert heading from [-180,+180] to [0,360]
    if (this->angle[YAW] < 0)
        this->angle[YAW] += 360;