コード例 #1
void dgCollisionTaperedCapsule::TesselateTriangle (dgInt32 level, const dgVector& p0, const dgVector& p1, const dgVector& p2, dgInt32& count, dgVector* ouput) const
	if (level) {
		dgAssert (dgAbsf (p0 % p0 - dgFloat32 (1.0f)) < dgFloat32 (1.0e-4f));
		dgAssert (dgAbsf (p1 % p1 - dgFloat32 (1.0f)) < dgFloat32 (1.0e-4f));
		dgAssert (dgAbsf (p2 % p2 - dgFloat32 (1.0f)) < dgFloat32 (1.0e-4f));
		dgVector p01 (p0 + p1);
		dgVector p12 (p1 + p2);
		dgVector p20 (p2 + p0);

		p01 = p01.Scale3 (dgRsqrt(p01 % p01));
		p12 = p12.Scale3 (dgRsqrt(p12 % p12));
		p20 = p20.Scale3 (dgRsqrt(p20 % p20));

		dgAssert (dgAbsf (p01 % p01 - dgFloat32 (1.0f)) < dgFloat32 (1.0e-4f));
		dgAssert (dgAbsf (p12 % p12 - dgFloat32 (1.0f)) < dgFloat32 (1.0e-4f));
		dgAssert (dgAbsf (p20 % p20 - dgFloat32 (1.0f)) < dgFloat32 (1.0e-4f));

		TesselateTriangle (level - 1, p0,  p01, p20, count, ouput);
		TesselateTriangle (level - 1, p1,  p12, p01, count, ouput);
		TesselateTriangle (level - 1, p2,  p20, p12, count, ouput);
		TesselateTriangle (level - 1, p01, p12, p20, count, ouput);

	} else {
		ouput[count + 0] = p0.Scale3 (m_radio0);
		ouput[count + 1] = p1.Scale3 (m_radio0);
		ouput[count + 2] = p2.Scale3 (m_radio0);
		count += 3;
コード例 #2
void dgBilateralConstraint::SetPivotAndPinDir (const dgVector& pivot, const dgVector& pinDirection0, const dgVector& pinDirection1)
	dgAssert (m_body0);
	dgAssert (m_body1);

	const dgMatrix& body0_Matrix = m_body0->GetMatrix();

	dgAssert ((pinDirection0 % pinDirection0) > dgFloat32 (0.0f));
	m_localMatrix0.m_front = pinDirection0.Scale3 (dgRsqrt (pinDirection0 % pinDirection0));
	m_localMatrix0.m_right = m_localMatrix0.m_front * pinDirection1;
	m_localMatrix0.m_right = m_localMatrix0.m_right.Scale3 (dgRsqrt (m_localMatrix0.m_right % m_localMatrix0.m_right));
	m_localMatrix0.m_up = m_localMatrix0.m_right * m_localMatrix0.m_front; 
	m_localMatrix0.m_posit = pivot;

	m_localMatrix0.m_front.m_w = dgFloat32 (0.0f);
	m_localMatrix0.m_up.m_w    = dgFloat32 (0.0f);
	m_localMatrix0.m_right.m_w = dgFloat32 (0.0f);
	m_localMatrix0.m_posit.m_w = dgFloat32 (1.0f);
	const dgMatrix& body1_Matrix = m_body1->GetMatrix();

	m_localMatrix1 = m_localMatrix0 * body1_Matrix.Inverse(); 
	m_localMatrix0 = m_localMatrix0 * body0_Matrix.Inverse();

コード例 #3
dgFloat32 dgCollisionBVH::RayCast (const dgVector& localP0, const dgVector& localP1, dgFloat32 maxT, dgContactPoint& contactOut, const dgBody* const body, void* const userData, OnRayPrecastAction preFilter) const
	dgBVHRay ray (localP0, localP1);
	ray.m_t = dgMin(maxT, dgFloat32 (1.0f));
	ray.m_me = this;
	ray.m_userData = userData;
	if (!m_userRayCastCallback) {
		ForAllSectorsRayHit (ray, maxT, RayHit, &ray);
		if (ray.m_t <= maxT) {
			maxT = ray.m_t; 
			contactOut.m_normal = ray.m_normal.Scale3 (dgRsqrt ((ray.m_normal % ray.m_normal) + dgFloat32 (1.0e-8f)));
//			contactOut.m_userId = ray.m_id;
			contactOut.m_shapeId0 = ray.m_id;
			contactOut.m_shapeId1 = ray.m_id;
	} else {
		if (body) {
			//ray.m_matrix = body->m_collisionWorldMatrix;
			ray.m_matrix = body->m_collision->GetGlobalMatrix();
		ForAllSectorsRayHit (ray, maxT, RayHitUser, &ray);
		if (ray.m_t <= dgFloat32 (1.0f)) {
			maxT = ray.m_t; 
			contactOut.m_normal = ray.m_normal.Scale3 (dgRsqrt ((ray.m_normal % ray.m_normal) + dgFloat32 (1.0e-8f)));
//			contactOut.m_userId = ray.m_id;
			contactOut.m_shapeId0 = ray.m_id;
			contactOut.m_shapeId1 = ray.m_id;
	return maxT;
コード例 #4
dgFloat32 dgCollisionBVH::RayCast (const dgVector& localP0, const dgVector& localP1, dgContactPoint& contactOut, OnRayPrecastAction preFilter, const dgBody* const body, void* const userData) const
	if (PREFILTER_RAYCAST (preFilter, body, this, userData)) {
		return dgFloat32 (1.2f);

	dgFloat32 param = dgFloat32 (1.2f);

	dgBVHRay ray (localP0, localP1);
	ray.m_t = 2.0f;
	ray.m_me = this;
	ray.m_userData = userData;
	if (!m_userRayCastCallback) {
		ForAllSectorsRayHit (ray, RayHit, &ray);
		if (ray.m_t <= 1.0f) {
			param = ray.m_t; 
			contactOut.m_normal = ray.m_normal.Scale (dgRsqrt ((ray.m_normal % ray.m_normal) + 1.0e-8f));
			contactOut.m_userId = ray.m_id;
	} else {
		if (body) {
			ray.m_matrix = body->m_collisionWorldMatrix;
		ForAllSectorsRayHit (ray, RayHitUser, &ray);
		if (ray.m_t <= 1.0f) {
			param = ray.m_t; 
			contactOut.m_normal = ray.m_normal.Scale (dgRsqrt ((ray.m_normal % ray.m_normal) + 1.0e-8f));
			contactOut.m_userId = ray.m_id;
	return param;
コード例 #5
void dgConvexHull4d::TessellateTriangle (dgInt32 level, const dgVector& p0, const dgVector& p1, const dgVector& p2, dgInt32& count, dgBigVector* const ouput, dgInt32& start) const
	if (level) {
		dgAssert (dgAbsf (p0 % p0 - dgFloat32 (1.0f)) < dgFloat32 (1.0e-4f));
		dgAssert (dgAbsf (p1 % p1 - dgFloat32 (1.0f)) < dgFloat32 (1.0e-4f));
		dgAssert (dgAbsf (p2 % p2 - dgFloat32 (1.0f)) < dgFloat32 (1.0e-4f));
		dgVector p01 (p0 + p1);
		dgVector p12 (p1 + p2);
		dgVector p20 (p2 + p0);

		p01 = p01.Scale3 (dgRsqrt(p01 % p01));
		p12 = p12.Scale3 (dgRsqrt(p12 % p12));
		p20 = p20.Scale3 (dgRsqrt(p20 % p20));

		dgAssert (dgAbsf (p01 % p01 - dgFloat32 (1.0f)) < dgFloat32 (1.0e-4f));
		dgAssert (dgAbsf (p12 % p12 - dgFloat32 (1.0f)) < dgFloat32 (1.0e-4f));
		dgAssert (dgAbsf (p20 % p20 - dgFloat32 (1.0f)) < dgFloat32 (1.0e-4f));

		TessellateTriangle  (level - 1, p0,  p01, p20, count, ouput, start);
		TessellateTriangle  (level - 1, p1,  p12, p01, count, ouput, start);
		TessellateTriangle  (level - 1, p2,  p20, p12, count, ouput, start);
		TessellateTriangle  (level - 1, p01, p12, p20, count, ouput, start);

	} else {
		dgBigPlane n (p0, p1, p2);
		n = n.Scale (dgFloat64(1.0f) / sqrt (n % n));
		n.m_w = dgFloat64(0.0f);
		ouput[start] = n;
		start += 8;
		count ++;
コード例 #6
void dgBallConstraint::SetLimits (
	const dgVector& coneDir, 
	dgFloat32 minConeAngle, 
	dgFloat32 maxConeAngle,
	dgFloat32 maxTwistAngle,
	const dgVector& bilateralDir, 
	dgFloat32 negativeBilateralConeAngle__,
	dgFloat32 positiveBilateralConeAngle__) 
	dgMatrix matrix0;
	dgMatrix matrix1;
	CalculateGlobalMatrixAndAngle (matrix0, matrix1);

	dgAssert (m_body0);
	dgAssert (m_body1);
	const dgMatrix& body0_Matrix = m_body0->GetMatrix();

	dgVector lateralDir (bilateralDir * coneDir);
	if ((lateralDir % lateralDir) < dgFloat32 (1.0e-3f)) {
		dgMatrix tmp (coneDir);
		lateralDir = tmp.m_up;

	m_localMatrix0.m_front = body0_Matrix.UnrotateVector (coneDir);
	m_localMatrix0.m_up = body0_Matrix.UnrotateVector (lateralDir);
	m_localMatrix0.m_posit = body0_Matrix.UntransformVector (matrix1.m_posit);

	m_localMatrix0.m_front = m_localMatrix0.m_front.Scale3 (dgRsqrt (m_localMatrix0.m_front % m_localMatrix0.m_front));
	m_localMatrix0.m_up = m_localMatrix0.m_up.Scale3 (dgRsqrt (m_localMatrix0.m_up % m_localMatrix0.m_up));
	m_localMatrix0.m_right = m_localMatrix0.m_front * m_localMatrix0.m_up;

	m_localMatrix0.m_front.m_w = dgFloat32 (0.0f);
	m_localMatrix0.m_up.m_w    = dgFloat32 (0.0f);
	m_localMatrix0.m_right.m_w = dgFloat32 (0.0f);
	m_localMatrix0.m_posit.m_w = dgFloat32 (1.0f);

//	dgMatrix body1_Matrix (dgGetIdentityMatrix());
//	if (m_body1) {
//		body1_Matrix = m_body1->GetMatrix();
//	}
	const dgMatrix& body1_Matrix = m_body1->GetMatrix();

	m_twistAngle = dgClamp (maxTwistAngle, dgFloat32 (5.0f) * dgDEG2RAD, dgFloat32 (90.0f) * dgDEG2RAD);
	m_coneAngle = dgClamp ((maxConeAngle - minConeAngle) * dgFloat32 (0.5f), dgFloat32 (5.0f) * dgDEG2RAD, 175.0f * dgDEG2RAD);
	m_coneAngleCos = dgCos (m_coneAngle);

	dgMatrix coneMatrix (dgPitchMatrix((maxConeAngle + minConeAngle) * dgFloat32 (0.5f)));

	m_localMatrix0 = coneMatrix * m_localMatrix0;

	m_localMatrix1 = m_localMatrix0 * body0_Matrix * body1_Matrix.Inverse();

コード例 #7
void dgPolygonSoupDatabaseBuilder::End(bool optimize)

	// build the normal array and adjacency array
	// calculate all face the normals
	hacd::HaI32 indexCount = 0;
	m_normalPoints[m_faceCount].m_x = hacd::HaF64 (0.0f);
	for (hacd::HaI32 i = 0; i < m_faceCount; i ++) {
		hacd::HaI32 faceIndexCount = m_faceVertexCount[i];

		hacd::HaI32* const ptr = &m_vertexIndex[indexCount + 1];
		dgBigVector v0 (&m_vertexPoints[ptr[0]].m_x);
		dgBigVector v1 (&m_vertexPoints[ptr[1]].m_x);
		dgBigVector e0 (v1 - v0);
		dgBigVector normal (hacd::HaF32 (0.0f), hacd::HaF32 (0.0f), hacd::HaF32 (0.0f), hacd::HaF32 (0.0f));
		for (hacd::HaI32 j = 2; j < faceIndexCount - 1; j ++) {
			dgBigVector v2 (&m_vertexPoints[ptr[j]].m_x);
			dgBigVector e1 (v2 - v0);
			normal += e0 * e1;
			e0 = e1;
		normal = normal.Scale (dgRsqrt (normal % normal));

		m_normalPoints[i].m_x = normal.m_x;
		m_normalPoints[i].m_y = normal.m_y;
		m_normalPoints[i].m_z = normal.m_z;
		indexCount += faceIndexCount;
	// compress normals array
	m_normalIndex[m_faceCount] = 0;
	m_normalCount = dgVertexListToIndexList(&m_normalPoints[0].m_x, sizeof (dgBigVector), 3, m_faceCount, &m_normalIndex[0], hacd::HaF32 (1.0e-4f));
コード例 #8
dgInt32 dgCollisionTaperedCylinder::CalculatePlaneIntersection (const dgVector& normal, const dgVector& origin, dgVector* const contactsOut, dgFloat32 normalSign) const
	dgInt32 count;
	if (dgAbsf (normal.m_x) < dgFloat32 (0.999f)) { 
		dgFloat32 magInv = dgRsqrt (normal.m_y * normal.m_y + normal.m_z * normal.m_z);
		dgFloat32 cosAng = normal.m_y * magInv;
		dgFloat32 sinAng = normal.m_z * magInv;

		dgAssert (dgAbsf (normal.m_z * cosAng - normal.m_y * sinAng) < dgFloat32 (1.0e-4f));
		dgVector normal1 (normal.m_x, normal.m_y * cosAng + normal.m_z * sinAng, dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f));
		dgVector origin1 (origin.m_x, origin.m_y * cosAng + origin.m_z * sinAng, 
									  origin.m_z * cosAng - origin.m_y * sinAng, dgFloat32 (0.0f));

		count = dgCollisionConvex::CalculatePlaneIntersection (normal1, origin1, contactsOut, normalSign);
		for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
			dgFloat32 y = contactsOut[i].m_y;
			dgFloat32 z = contactsOut[i].m_z;
			contactsOut[i].m_y = y * cosAng - z * sinAng; 
			contactsOut[i].m_z = z * cosAng + y * sinAng;

	} else {
		count = dgCollisionConvex::CalculatePlaneIntersection (normal, origin, contactsOut, normalSign);
	return count;
コード例 #9
dgVector dgCollisionTaperedCylinder::ConvexConicSupporVertex (const dgVector& dir) const
	dgAssert (dgAbsf ((dir % dir - dgFloat32 (1.0f))) < dgFloat32 (1.0e-3f));

	dgFloat32 height = (m_height > DG_TAPED_CYLINDER_SKIN_PADDING) ? m_height - DG_TAPED_CYLINDER_SKIN_PADDING : m_height;
	dgFloat32 radio0 = (m_radio0 > DG_TAPED_CYLINDER_SKIN_PADDING) ? m_radio0 - DG_TAPED_CYLINDER_SKIN_PADDING : m_radio0;
	dgFloat32 radio1 = (m_radio1 > DG_TAPED_CYLINDER_SKIN_PADDING) ? m_radio1 - DG_TAPED_CYLINDER_SKIN_PADDING : m_radio1;

	dgAssert (dgAbsf ((dir % dir - dgFloat32 (1.0f))) < dgFloat32 (1.0e-3f));
	dgFloat32 y0 = radio0;
	dgFloat32 z0 = dgFloat32 (0.0f);
	dgFloat32 y1 = radio1;
	dgFloat32 z1 = dgFloat32 (0.0f);
	dgFloat32 mag2 = dir.m_y * dir.m_y + dir.m_z * dir.m_z;
	if (mag2 > dgFloat32 (1.0e-12f)) {
		mag2 = dgRsqrt(mag2);
		y0 = dir.m_y * radio0 * mag2;
		z0 = dir.m_z * radio0 * mag2;
		y1 = dir.m_y * radio1 * mag2;
		z1 = dir.m_z * radio1 * mag2;
	dgVector p0 ( height, y0, z0, dgFloat32 (0.0f));
	dgVector p1 (-height, y1, z1, dgFloat32 (0.0f));

	dgFloat32 dist0 = dir % p0;
	dgFloat32 dist1 = dir % p1;
	if (dist1 >= dist0) {
		p0 = p1;
	return p0;
コード例 #10
dgVector dgCollisionTaperedCylinder::SupportVertex (const dgVector& dir, dgInt32* const vertexIndex) const
	dgAssert (dgAbsf ((dir % dir - dgFloat32 (1.0f))) < dgFloat32 (1.0e-3f));
	dgFloat32 y0 = m_radio0;
	dgFloat32 z0 = dgFloat32 (0.0f);
	dgFloat32 y1 = m_radio1;
	dgFloat32 z1 = dgFloat32 (0.0f);
	dgFloat32 mag2 = dir.m_y * dir.m_y + dir.m_z * dir.m_z;
	if (mag2 > dgFloat32 (1.0e-12f)) {
		mag2 = dgRsqrt(mag2);
		y0 = dir.m_y * m_radio0 * mag2;
		z0 = dir.m_z * m_radio0 * mag2;
		y1 = dir.m_y * m_radio1 * mag2;
		z1 = dir.m_z * m_radio1 * mag2;
	dgVector p0 ( m_height, y0, z0, dgFloat32 (0.0f));
	dgVector p1 (-m_height, y1, z1, dgFloat32 (0.0f));

	dgFloat32 dist0 = dir % p0;
	dgFloat32 dist1 = dir % p1;
	if (dist1 >= dist0) {
		p0 = p1;
	return p0;
コード例 #11
dgFloat32 dgCollisionSphere::RayCast (const dgVector& p0, const dgVector& p1, dgFloat32 maxT, dgContactPoint& contactOut, const dgBody* const body, void* const userData, OnRayPrecastAction preFilter) const
	dgFloat32 t = dgRayCastSphere (p0, p1, dgVector (dgFloat32 (0.0f)), m_radius);
	if (t < maxT) {
		dgVector contact (p0 + (p1 - p0).Scale3 (t));
		contactOut.m_normal = contact.Scale3 (dgRsqrt (contact % contact));
		//contactOut.m_userId = SetUserDataID();
	return t;
コード例 #12
dgVector dgCollisionCone::SupportVertex (const dgVector& dir) const
	dgFloat32 y0;
	dgFloat32 z0;
	dgFloat32 y1;
	dgFloat32 z1;
	dgFloat32 dist0;
	dgFloat32 dist1;
	dgFloat32 tetha;

	_ASSERTE (dgAbsf(dir % dir - dgFloat32 (1.0f)) < dgFloat32 (1.0e-3f));

	if (dir.m_x > m_sinAngle) {
		return dgVector (m_height, dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f));       

	tetha = m_tethaStep * dgFloor (dgAtan2 (dir.m_y, dir.m_z) * m_tethaStepInv);

	dgSinCos (tetha, y0, z0);
	y0 *= m_radius;
	z0 *= m_radius;

	y1 = y0 * m_delCosTetha + z0 * m_delSinTetha;
	z1 = z0 * m_delCosTetha - y0 * m_delSinTetha;

	dist0 = dir.m_y * y0 + dir.m_z * z0;
	dist1 = dir.m_y * y1 + dir.m_z * z1;
	if (dist1 > dist0) {
		y0 = y1;
		z0 = z1;
	return dgVector (-m_height, y0, z0, dgFloat32 (0.0f));       

	dgFloat32 y0;
	dgFloat32 z0;
	dgFloat32 mag2;

	_ASSERTE (dgAbsf(dir % dir - dgFloat32 (1.0f)) < dgFloat32 (1.0e-3f));

	if (dir.m_x > m_sinAngle) {
		return dgVector (m_height, dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f));       

	y0 = m_radius;
	z0 = dgFloat32 (0.0f);
	mag2 = dir.m_y * dir.m_y + dir.m_z * dir.m_z;
	if (mag2 > dgFloat32 (1.0e-12f)) {
		mag2 = dgRsqrt(mag2);
		y0 = dir.m_y * m_radius * mag2;
		z0 = dir.m_z * m_radius * mag2;
	return dgVector (-m_height, y0, z0, dgFloat32 (0.0f));       
コード例 #13
ファイル: dgBody.cpp プロジェクト: Hurleyworks/NewtonBlock
void dgBody::IntegrateVelocity (dgFloat32 timestep)
	m_globalCentreOfMass += m_veloc.Scale3 (timestep); 
	while (((m_omega % m_omega) * timestep * timestep) > m_maxAngulaRotationPerSet2) {
		m_omega = m_omega.Scale3 (dgFloat32 (0.8f));

	// this is correct
	dgFloat32 omegaMag2 = m_omega % m_omega;
	if (omegaMag2 > ((dgFloat32 (0.0125f) * dgDEG2RAD) * (dgFloat32 (0.0125f) * dgDEG2RAD))) {
		dgFloat32 invOmegaMag = dgRsqrt (omegaMag2);
		dgVector omegaAxis (m_omega.Scale3 (invOmegaMag));
		dgFloat32 omegaAngle = invOmegaMag * omegaMag2 * timestep;
		dgQuaternion rotation (omegaAxis, omegaAngle);
		m_rotation = m_rotation * rotation;
		m_rotation.Scale(dgRsqrt (m_rotation.DotProduct (m_rotation)));
		m_matrix = dgMatrix (m_rotation, m_matrix.m_posit);

	m_matrix.m_posit = m_globalCentreOfMass - m_matrix.RotateVector(m_localCentreOfMass);

#ifdef _DEBUG
	for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < 4; i ++) {
		for (dgInt32 j = 0; j < 4; j ++) {
			dgAssert (dgCheckFloat(m_matrix[i][j]));

	dgInt32 j0 = 1;
	dgInt32 j1 = 2;
	for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < 3; i ++) {
		dgAssert (m_matrix[i][3] == 0.0f);
		dgFloat32 val = m_matrix[i] % m_matrix[i];
		dgAssert (dgAbsf (val - 1.0f) < 1.0e-5f);
		dgVector tmp (m_matrix[j0] * m_matrix[j1]);
		val = tmp % m_matrix[i];
		dgAssert (dgAbsf (val - 1.0f) < 1.0e-5f);
		j0 = j1;
		j1 = i;
コード例 #14
dgJacobian dgDynamicBody::IntegrateForceAndToque(const dgVector& force, const dgVector& torque, const dgVector& timestep)
	dgJacobian velocStep;
	if (m_gyroTorqueOn) {
		dgVector dtHalf(timestep * dgVector::m_half);
		dgMatrix matrix(m_gyroRotation, dgVector::m_wOne);

		dgVector localOmega(matrix.UnrotateVector(m_omega));
		dgVector localTorque(matrix.UnrotateVector(torque - m_gyroTorque));

		// derivative at half time step. (similar to midpoint Euler so that it does not loses too much energy)
		dgVector dw(localOmega * dtHalf);
		dgMatrix jacobianMatrix(
			dgVector(m_mass[0], (m_mass[2] - m_mass[1]) * dw[2], (m_mass[2] - m_mass[1]) * dw[1], dgFloat32(0.0f)),
			dgVector((m_mass[0] - m_mass[2]) * dw[2], m_mass[1], (m_mass[0] - m_mass[2]) * dw[0], dgFloat32(1.0f)),
			dgVector((m_mass[1] - m_mass[0]) * dw[1], (m_mass[1] - m_mass[0]) * dw[0], m_mass[2], dgFloat32(1.0f)),

		// and solving for alpha we get the angular acceleration at t + dt
		// calculate gradient at a full time step
		//dgVector gradientStep(localTorque * timestep);
		dgVector gradientStep(jacobianMatrix.SolveByGaussianElimination(localTorque * timestep));

		dgVector omega(matrix.RotateVector(localOmega + gradientStep));
		dgAssert(omega.m_w == dgFloat32(0.0f));

		// integrate rotation here
		dgFloat32 omegaMag2 = omega.DotProduct(omega).GetScalar() + dgFloat32(1.0e-12f);
		dgFloat32 invOmegaMag = dgRsqrt(omegaMag2);
		dgVector omegaAxis(omega.Scale(invOmegaMag));
		dgFloat32 omegaAngle = invOmegaMag * omegaMag2 * timestep.GetScalar();
		dgQuaternion deltaRotation(omegaAxis, omegaAngle);
		m_gyroRotation = m_gyroRotation * deltaRotation;
		dgAssert((m_gyroRotation.DotProduct(m_gyroRotation) - dgFloat32(1.0f)) < dgFloat32(1.0e-5f));

		matrix = dgMatrix(m_gyroRotation, dgVector::m_wOne);
		localOmega = matrix.UnrotateVector(omega);
		//dgVector angularMomentum(inertia * localOmega);
		//body->m_gyroTorque = matrix.RotateVector(localOmega.CrossProduct(angularMomentum));
		//body->m_gyroAlpha = body->m_invWorldInertiaMatrix.RotateVector(body->m_gyroTorque);
		dgVector localGyroTorque(localOmega.CrossProduct(m_mass * localOmega));
		m_gyroTorque = matrix.RotateVector(localGyroTorque);
		m_gyroAlpha = matrix.RotateVector(localGyroTorque * m_invMass);

		velocStep.m_angular = matrix.RotateVector(gradientStep);
	} else {
		velocStep.m_angular = m_invWorldInertiaMatrix.RotateVector(torque) * timestep;
		//velocStep.m_angular = velocStep.m_angular * dgVector::m_half;

	velocStep.m_linear = force.Scale(m_invMass.m_w) * timestep;
	return velocStep;
コード例 #15
void dgCollisionDeformableMesh::UpdateVisualNormals()
	for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < m_trianglesCount; i ++)	{
		dgInt32 i0 = m_indexList[i * 3];
		dgInt32 i1 = m_indexList[i * 3 + 1];
		dgInt32 i2 = m_indexList[i * 3 + 2];
		dgVector e0 (m_particles.m_posit[i1] - m_particles.m_posit[i0]);
		dgVector e1 (m_particles.m_posit[i2] - m_particles.m_posit[i0]);
		dgVector n = e0 * e1;
		n = n.Scale3(dgRsqrt (n % n));
		m_faceNormals[i] = n;

	dgAssert (m_visualVertexData);
	for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < m_visualVertexCount; i ++)	{
		m_visualVertexData[i].m_normals[0] = dgFloat32 (0.0f);
		m_visualVertexData[i].m_normals[1] = dgFloat32 (0.0f);
		m_visualVertexData[i].m_normals[2] = dgFloat32 (0.0f);

	for (dgList<dgMeshSegment>::dgListNode* node = m_visualSegments.GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext() ) {
		const dgMeshSegment& segment = node->GetInfo();

		for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < segment.m_indexCount; i ++) {
			dgInt32 index = segment.m_indexList[i];
			dgInt32 faceIndexNormal = i / 3;
			m_visualVertexData[index].m_normals[0] += m_faceNormals[faceIndexNormal].m_x;
			m_visualVertexData[index].m_normals[1] += m_faceNormals[faceIndexNormal].m_y;
			m_visualVertexData[index].m_normals[2] += m_faceNormals[faceIndexNormal].m_z;

	for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < m_visualVertexCount; i ++)	{
		dgVector n (m_visualVertexData[i].m_normals[0], m_visualVertexData[i].m_normals[1], m_visualVertexData[i].m_normals[2],  dgFloat32 (0.0f));
		n = n.Scale3(dgRsqrt (n % n));
		m_visualVertexData[i].m_normals[0] = n.m_x;
		m_visualVertexData[i].m_normals[1] = n.m_y;
		m_visualVertexData[i].m_normals[2] = n.m_z;
コード例 #16
ファイル: dgBody.cpp プロジェクト: Hurleyworks/MiniNewton
void dgBody::IntegrateVelocity (dgFloat32 timestep)
	m_globalCentreOfMass += m_veloc.Scale3 (timestep); 
	while (((m_omega % m_omega) * timestep * timestep) > m_maxAngulaRotationPerSet2) {
		m_omega = m_omega.Scale4 (dgFloat32 (0.8f));

	// this is correct
	dgFloat32 omegaMag2 = m_omega % m_omega;
	if (omegaMag2 > ((dgFloat32 (0.0125f) * dgDEG2RAD) * (dgFloat32 (0.0125f) * dgDEG2RAD))) {
		dgFloat32 invOmegaMag = dgRsqrt (omegaMag2);
		dgVector omegaAxis (m_omega.Scale4 (invOmegaMag));
		dgFloat32 omegaAngle = invOmegaMag * omegaMag2 * timestep;
		dgQuaternion rotation (omegaAxis, omegaAngle);
		m_rotation = m_rotation * rotation;
		m_rotation.Scale(dgRsqrt (m_rotation.DotProduct (m_rotation)));
		m_matrix = dgMatrix (m_rotation, m_matrix.m_posit);

	m_matrix.m_posit = m_globalCentreOfMass - m_matrix.RotateVector(m_localCentreOfMass);
	dgAssert (m_matrix.TestOrthogonal());
コード例 #17
dgInt32 dgCollisionCone::CalculatePlaneIntersection (const dgVector& normal, const dgVector& origin, dgVector* const contactsOut) const
	dgInt32 i;
	dgInt32 count;
	dgFloat32 y;
	dgFloat32 z;
	dgFloat32 cosAng;
	dgFloat32 sinAng;
	dgFloat32 magInv;

	if (dgAbsf (normal.m_x) < dgFloat32 (0.999f)) { 
//		magInv = dgRsqrt (normal.m_y * normal.m_y + normal.m_z * normal.m_z);
//		cosAng = normal.m_y * magInv;
//		sinAng = normal.m_z * magInv;
//		dgMatrix matrix (dgGetIdentityMatrix ());
//		matrix[1][1] = cosAng;
//		matrix[1][2] = sinAng;
//		matrix[2][1] = -sinAng;
//		matrix[2][2] = cosAng;
//		dgVector normal2 (matrix.UnrotateVector (normal));
//		dgVector origin2 (matrix.UnrotateVector (origin));
//		count = dgCollisionConvex::CalculatePlaneIntersection (normal1, origin1, contactsOut);
//		matrix.TransformTriplex (contactsOut, sizeof (dgVector), contactsOut, sizeof (dgVector), count); 

		magInv = dgRsqrt (normal.m_y * normal.m_y + normal.m_z * normal.m_z);
		cosAng = normal.m_y * magInv;
		sinAng = normal.m_z * magInv;
		_ASSERTE (dgAbsf (normal.m_z * cosAng - normal.m_y * sinAng) < dgFloat32 (1.0e-4f));
//		dgVector normal1 (normal.m_x, normal.m_y * cosAng + normal.m_z * sinAng, 
//									  normal.m_z * cosAng - normal.m_y * sinAng, dgFloat32 (0.0f));
		dgVector normal1 (normal.m_x, normal.m_y * cosAng + normal.m_z * sinAng, dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f));
		dgVector origin1 (origin.m_x, origin.m_y * cosAng + origin.m_z * sinAng, 
									  origin.m_z * cosAng - origin.m_y * sinAng, dgFloat32 (0.0f));
		count = dgCollisionConvex::CalculatePlaneIntersection (normal1, origin1, contactsOut);
		for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
			y = contactsOut[i].m_y;
			z = contactsOut[i].m_z;
			contactsOut[i].m_y = y * cosAng - z * sinAng; 
			contactsOut[i].m_z = z * cosAng + y * sinAng;

	} else {
		count = dgCollisionConvex::CalculatePlaneIntersection (normal, origin, contactsOut);

	return count;

コード例 #18
dgVector dgCollisionChamferCylinder::SupportVertex (const dgVector& dir) const
	_ASSERTE (dgAbsf(dir % dir - dgFloat32 (1.0f)) < dgFloat32 (1.0e-3f));

	if (dgAbsf (dir.m_x) > dgFloat32 (0.9998f)) {
		dgFloat32 x0;
		x0 = (dir.m_x >= dgFloat32 (0.0f)) ? m_height : -m_height;
		return dgVector (x0, dgFloat32 (0.0f), m_radius, dgFloat32 (0.0f)); 

	_ASSERTE (dgAbsf(dir % dir - dgFloat32 (1.0f)) < dgFloat32 (1.0e-3f));

	dgVector sideDir (dgFloat32 (0.0f), dir.m_y, dir.m_z, dgFloat32 (0.0f));
	sideDir = sideDir.Scale (m_radius * dgRsqrt (sideDir % sideDir + dgFloat32 (1.0e-18f)));
	return sideDir + dir.Scale (m_height);
コード例 #19
dgVector dgCollisionCone::SupportVertex (const dgVector& dir) const
	_ASSERTE (dgAbsf(dir % dir - dgFloat32 (1.0f)) < dgFloat32 (1.0e-3f));

	if (dir.m_x > m_sinAngle) {
		return dgVector (m_height, dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f));       

	dgFloat32 y0 = m_radius;
	dgFloat32 z0 = dgFloat32 (0.0f);
	dgFloat32 mag2 = dir.m_y * dir.m_y + dir.m_z * dir.m_z;
	if (mag2 > dgFloat32 (1.0e-12f)) {
		mag2 = dgRsqrt(mag2);
		y0 = dir.m_y * m_radius * mag2;
		z0 = dir.m_z * m_radius * mag2;
	return dgVector (-m_height, y0, z0, dgFloat32 (0.0f));       
コード例 #20
dgVector dgQuaternion::CalcAverageOmega (const dgQuaternion &q1, dgFloat32 invdt) const
	dgQuaternion q0 (*this);
	if (q0.DotProduct (q1) < 0.0f) {
	dgQuaternion dq (q0.Inverse() * q1);
	dgVector omegaDir (dq.m_q1, dq.m_q2, dq.m_q3, dgFloat32 (0.0f));

	dgFloat32 dirMag2 = omegaDir % omegaDir;
	if (dirMag2	< dgFloat32(dgFloat32 (1.0e-5f) * dgFloat32 (1.0e-5f))) {
		return dgVector (dgFloat32(0.0f), dgFloat32(0.0f), dgFloat32(0.0f), dgFloat32(0.0f));

	dgFloat32 dirMagInv = dgRsqrt (dirMag2);
	dgFloat32 dirMag = dirMag2 * dirMagInv;

	dgFloat32 omegaMag = dgFloat32(2.0f) * dgAtan2 (dirMag, dq.m_q0) * invdt;
	return omegaDir.Scale3 (dirMagInv * omegaMag);
コード例 #21
hacd::HaI32 dgPolygonSoupDatabaseBuilder::AddConvexFace (hacd::HaI32 count, hacd::HaI32* const pool, hacd::HaI32* const facesArray)
	dgPolySoupFilterAllocator polyhedra;

	count = polyhedra.AddFilterFace(hacd::HaU32 (count), pool);

	dgEdge* edge = &polyhedra.GetRoot()->GetInfo();
	if (edge->m_incidentFace < 0) {
		edge = edge->m_twin;

	hacd::HaI32 isconvex = 1;
	hacd::HaI32 facesCount = 0;

	hacd::HaI32 flag = 1;
	while (flag) {
		flag = 0;
		if (count >= 3) {
			dgEdge* ptr = edge;

			dgBigVector p0 (&m_vertexPoints[ptr->m_incidentVertex].m_x);
			do {
				dgBigVector p1 (&m_vertexPoints[ptr->m_next->m_incidentVertex].m_x);
				dgBigVector e0 (p1 - p0);
				hacd::HaF64 mag2 = e0 % e0;
				if (mag2 < hacd::HaF32 (1.0e-6f)) {
					count --;
					flag = 1;
					edge = ptr->m_next;
					ptr->m_prev->m_next = ptr->m_next;
					ptr->m_next->m_prev = ptr->m_prev;
					ptr->m_twin->m_next->m_prev = ptr->m_twin->m_prev;
					ptr->m_twin->m_prev->m_next = ptr->m_twin->m_next;
				p0 = p1;
				ptr = ptr->m_next;
			} while (ptr != edge);
	if (count >= 3) {
		flag = 1;

		while (flag) {
			flag = 0;
			if (count >= 3) {
				dgEdge* ptr = edge;

				dgBigVector p0 (&m_vertexPoints[ptr->m_prev->m_incidentVertex].m_x);
				dgBigVector p1 (&m_vertexPoints[ptr->m_incidentVertex].m_x);
				dgBigVector e0 (p1 - p0);
				e0 = e0.Scale (dgRsqrt (e0 % e0 + hacd::HaF32(1.0e-10f)));
				do {
					dgBigVector p2 (&m_vertexPoints[ptr->m_next->m_incidentVertex].m_x);
					dgBigVector e1 (p2 - p1);

					e1 = e1.Scale (dgRsqrt (e1 % e1 + hacd::HaF32(1.0e-10f)));
					hacd::HaF64 mag2 = e1 % e0;
					if (mag2 > hacd::HaF32 (0.9999f)) {
						count --;
						flag = 1;
						edge = ptr->m_next;
						ptr->m_prev->m_next = ptr->m_next;
						ptr->m_next->m_prev = ptr->m_prev;
						ptr->m_twin->m_next->m_prev = ptr->m_twin->m_prev;
						ptr->m_twin->m_prev->m_next = ptr->m_twin->m_next;

					e0 = e1;
					p1 = p2;
					ptr = ptr->m_next;
				} while (ptr != edge);

		dgBigVector normal (polyhedra.FaceNormal (edge, &m_vertexPoints[0].m_x, sizeof (dgBigVector)));
		hacd::HaF64 mag2 = normal % normal;
		if (mag2 < hacd::HaF32 (1.0e-8f)) {
			return 0;
		normal = normal.Scale (dgRsqrt (mag2));

		if (count >= 3) {
			dgEdge* ptr = edge;
			dgBigVector p0 (&m_vertexPoints[ptr->m_prev->m_incidentVertex].m_x);
			dgBigVector p1 (&m_vertexPoints[ptr->m_incidentVertex].m_x);
			dgBigVector e0 (p1 - p0);
			e0 = e0.Scale (dgRsqrt (e0 % e0 + hacd::HaF32(1.0e-10f)));
			do {
				dgBigVector p2 (&m_vertexPoints[ptr->m_next->m_incidentVertex].m_x);
				dgBigVector e1 (p2 - p1);

				e1 = e1.Scale (dgRsqrt (e1 % e1 + hacd::HaF32(1.0e-10f)));

				dgBigVector n (e0 * e1);
				hacd::HaF64 mag2 = n % normal;
				if (mag2 < hacd::HaF32 (1.0e-5f)) {
					isconvex = 0;

				e0 = e1;
				p1 = p2;
				ptr = ptr->m_next;
			} while (ptr != edge);

	if (isconvex) {
		dgEdge* const first = edge;
		if (count >= 3) {
			count = 0;
			dgEdge* ptr = first;
			do {
				pool[count] = ptr->m_incidentVertex;
				count ++;
				ptr = ptr->m_next;
			} while (ptr != first);
			facesArray[facesCount] = count;
			facesCount = 1;
	} else {
		dgPolyhedra leftOver;
		dgPolyhedra polyhedra2;
		dgEdge* ptr = edge;
		count = 0;
		do {
			pool[count] = ptr->m_incidentVertex;
			count ++;
			ptr = ptr->m_next;
		} while (ptr != edge);

		polyhedra2.AddFace (count, pool);
		polyhedra2.ConvexPartition (&m_vertexPoints[0].m_x, sizeof (dgTriplex), &leftOver);

		hacd::HaI32 mark = polyhedra2.IncLRU();
		hacd::HaI32 index = 0;
		dgPolyhedra::Iterator iter (polyhedra2);
		for (iter.Begin(); iter; iter ++) {
			dgEdge* const edge = &(*iter);
			if (edge->m_incidentFace < 0) {
			if (edge->m_mark == mark) {

			ptr = edge;
			count = 0;
			do {
				ptr->m_mark = mark;
				pool[index] = ptr->m_incidentVertex;
				index ++;
				count ++;
				ptr = ptr->m_next;
			} while (ptr != edge);

			facesArray[facesCount] = count;
			facesCount ++;

	return facesCount;
コード例 #22
dgInt32 dgCollisionConvexPolygon::CalculatePlaneIntersection (const dgVector& normalIn, const dgVector& origin, dgVector* const contactsOut, dgFloat32 normalSign) const
    dgVector normal(normalIn);
    dgInt32 count = 0;
    dgFloat32 maxDist = dgFloat32 (1.0f);
    dgFloat32 projectFactor = m_normal % normal;
    if (projectFactor < dgFloat32 (0.0f)) {
        projectFactor *= dgFloat32 (-1.0f);
        normal = normal.Scale3 (dgFloat32 (-1.0f));

    if (projectFactor > dgFloat32 (0.9999f)) {
        for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < m_count; i ++) {
            contactsOut[count] = m_localPoly[i];
            count ++;

#ifdef _DEBUG
        dgInt32 j = count - 1;
        for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
            dgVector error (contactsOut[i] - contactsOut[j]);
            dgAssert ((error % error) > dgFloat32 (1.0e-20f));
            j = i;

    } else if (projectFactor > dgFloat32 (0.1736f)) {
        maxDist = dgFloat32 (0.0f);
        dgPlane plane (normal, - (normal % origin));

        dgVector p0 (m_localPoly[m_count - 1]);
        dgFloat32 side0 = plane.Evalue (p0);
        for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < m_count; i ++) {
            dgVector p1 (m_localPoly[i]);
            dgFloat32 side1 = plane.Evalue (p1);

            if (side0 > dgFloat32 (0.0f)) {
                maxDist = dgMax (maxDist, side0);
                contactsOut[count] = p0 - plane.Scale3 (side0);
                count ++;
                if (count > 1) {
                    dgVector edgeSegment (contactsOut[count - 1] - contactsOut[count - 2]);
                    dgFloat32 error = edgeSegment % edgeSegment;
                    if (error < dgFloat32 (1.0e-8f)) {
                        count --;

                if (side1 <= dgFloat32 (0.0f)) {
                    dgVector dp (p1 - p0);
                    dgFloat32 t = plane % dp;
                    dgAssert (dgAbsf (t) >= dgFloat32 (0.0f));
                    if (dgAbsf (t) < dgFloat32 (1.0e-8f)) {
                        t = dgSign(t) * dgFloat32 (1.0e-8f);
                    contactsOut[count] = p0 - dp.Scale3 (side0 / t);
                    count ++;
                    if (count > 1) {
                        dgVector edgeSegment (contactsOut[count - 1] - contactsOut[count - 2]);
                        dgFloat32 error = edgeSegment % edgeSegment;
                        if (error < dgFloat32 (1.0e-8f)) {
                            count --;
            } else if (side1 > dgFloat32 (0.0f)) {
                dgVector dp (p1 - p0);
                dgFloat32 t = plane % dp;
                dgAssert (dgAbsf (t) >= dgFloat32 (0.0f));
                if (dgAbsf (t) < dgFloat32 (1.0e-8f)) {
                    t = dgSign(t) * dgFloat32 (1.0e-8f);
                contactsOut[count] = p0 - dp.Scale3 (side0 / t);
                count ++;
                if (count > 1) {
                    dgVector edgeSegment (contactsOut[count - 1] - contactsOut[count - 2]);
                    dgFloat32 error = edgeSegment % edgeSegment;
                    if (error < dgFloat32 (1.0e-8f)) {
                        count --;

            side0 = side1;
            p0 = p1;
    } else {
        maxDist = dgFloat32 (1.0e10f);
        dgPlane plane (normal, - (normal % origin));

        dgVector p0 (m_localPoly[m_count - 1]);
        dgFloat32 side0 = plane.Evalue (p0);
        for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < m_count; i ++) {
            dgVector p1 (m_localPoly[i]);
            dgFloat32 side1 = plane.Evalue (p1);

            if ((side0 * side1) < dgFloat32 (0.0f)) {
                dgVector dp (p1 - p0);
                dgFloat32 t = plane % dp;
                dgAssert (dgAbsf (t) >= dgFloat32 (0.0f));
                if (dgAbsf (t) < dgFloat32 (1.0e-8f)) {
                    t = dgSign(t) * dgFloat32 (1.0e-8f);
                contactsOut[count] = p0 - dp.Scale3 (side0 / t);
                count ++;
                if (count > 1) {
                    dgVector edgeSegment (contactsOut[count - 1] - contactsOut[count - 2]);
                    dgFloat32 error = edgeSegment % edgeSegment;
                    if (error < dgFloat32 (1.0e-8f)) {
                        count --;
            side0 = side1;
            p0 = p1;

    if (count > 1) {
        if (maxDist < dgFloat32 (1.0e-3f)) {
            dgVector maxPoint (contactsOut[0]);
            dgVector minPoint (contactsOut[0]);
            dgVector lineDir (m_normal * normal);

            dgFloat32 proj = contactsOut[0] % lineDir;
            dgFloat32 maxProjection = proj;
            dgFloat32 minProjection = proj;
            for (dgInt32 i = 1; i < count; i ++) {
                proj = contactsOut[i] % lineDir;
                if (proj > maxProjection) {
                    maxProjection = proj;
                    maxPoint = contactsOut[i];
                if (proj < minProjection) {
                    minProjection = proj;
                    minPoint = contactsOut[i];

            contactsOut[0] = maxPoint;
            contactsOut[1] = minPoint;
            count = 2;

        dgVector error (contactsOut[count - 1] - contactsOut[0]);
        if ((error % error) < dgFloat32 (1.0e-8f)) {
            count --;

#ifdef _DEBUG
    if (count > 1) {
        dgInt32 j = count - 1;
        for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
            dgVector error (contactsOut[i] - contactsOut[j]);
            dgAssert ((error % error) > dgFloat32 (1.0e-20f));
            j = i;

        if (count >= 3) {
            dgVector n (dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f));
            dgVector e0 (contactsOut[1] - contactsOut[0]);
            for (dgInt32 i = 2; i < count; i ++) {
                dgVector e1 (contactsOut[i] - contactsOut[0]);
                n += e0 * e1;
                e0 = e1;
            n = n.Scale3 (dgRsqrt(n % n));
            dgFloat32 val = n % normal;
            dgAssert (val > dgFloat32 (0.9f));
    return count;
コード例 #23
dgUnsigned32 dgBallConstraint::JacobianDerivative(dgContraintDescritor& params)
  dgInt32 ret;
  dgFloat32 relVelocErr;
  dgFloat32 penetrationErr;
  dgMatrix matrix0;
  dgMatrix matrix1;

  if (m_jointUserCallback)
    m_jointUserCallback(*this, params.m_timestep);

  dgVector angle(CalculateGlobalMatrixAndAngle(matrix0, matrix1));
  m_angles = angle.Scale(-dgFloat32(1.0f));

  const dgVector& dir0 = matrix0.m_front;
  const dgVector& dir1 = matrix0.m_up;
  const dgVector& dir2 = matrix0.m_right;
  const dgVector& p0 = matrix0.m_posit;
  const dgVector& p1 = matrix1.m_posit;

  dgPointParam pointData;
  InitPointParam(pointData, m_stiffness, p0, p1);
  CalculatePointDerivative(0, params, dir0, pointData, &m_jointForce[0]);
  CalculatePointDerivative(1, params, dir1, pointData, &m_jointForce[1]);
  CalculatePointDerivative(2, params, dir2, pointData, &m_jointForce[2]);
  ret = 3;

  if (m_twistLimit)
    if (angle.m_x > m_twistAngle)
      dgVector p0(matrix0.m_posit + matrix0.m_up.Scale(MIN_JOINT_PIN_LENGTH));
      InitPointParam(pointData, m_stiffness, p0, p0);

      const dgVector& dir = matrix0.m_right;
      CalculatePointDerivative(ret, params, dir, pointData, &m_jointForce[ret]);

      dgVector velocError(pointData.m_veloc1 - pointData.m_veloc0);
      relVelocErr = velocError % dir;
      if (relVelocErr > dgFloat32(1.0e-3f))
        relVelocErr *= dgFloat32(1.1f);

      penetrationErr = MIN_JOINT_PIN_LENGTH * (angle.m_x - m_twistAngle);
      _ASSERTE(penetrationErr >= dgFloat32 (0.0f));

      params.m_forceBounds[ret].m_low = dgFloat32(0.0f);
      params.m_forceBounds[ret].m_normalIndex = DG_NORMAL_CONSTRAINT;
      params.m_forceBounds[ret].m_jointForce = &m_jointForce[ret];
//			params.m_jointAccel[ret] = (relVelocErr + penetrationErr) * params.m_invTimestep;
          (relVelocErr + penetrationErr) * params.m_invTimestep, params);
    else if (angle.m_x < -m_twistAngle)
      dgVector p0(matrix0.m_posit + matrix0.m_up.Scale(MIN_JOINT_PIN_LENGTH));
      InitPointParam(pointData, m_stiffness, p0, p0);
      dgVector dir(matrix0.m_right.Scale(-dgFloat32(1.0f)));
      CalculatePointDerivative(ret, params, dir, pointData, &m_jointForce[ret]);

      dgVector velocError(pointData.m_veloc1 - pointData.m_veloc0);
      relVelocErr = velocError % dir;
      if (relVelocErr > dgFloat32(1.0e-3f))
        relVelocErr *= dgFloat32(1.1f);

      penetrationErr = MIN_JOINT_PIN_LENGTH * (-m_twistAngle - angle.m_x);
      _ASSERTE(penetrationErr >= dgFloat32 (0.0f));

      params.m_forceBounds[ret].m_low = dgFloat32(0.0f);
      params.m_forceBounds[ret].m_normalIndex = DG_NORMAL_CONSTRAINT;
      params.m_forceBounds[ret].m_jointForce = &m_jointForce[ret];
//			params.m_jointAccel[ret] = (relVelocErr + penetrationErr) * params.m_invTimestep;
          (relVelocErr + penetrationErr) * params.m_invTimestep, params);

  if (m_coneLimit)

    dgFloat32 coneCos;
    coneCos = matrix0.m_front % matrix1.m_front;
    if (coneCos < m_coneAngleCos)
      dgVector p0(
          matrix0.m_posit + matrix0.m_front.Scale(MIN_JOINT_PIN_LENGTH));
      InitPointParam(pointData, m_stiffness, p0, p0);

      dgVector tangentDir(matrix0.m_front * matrix1.m_front);
      tangentDir = tangentDir.Scale(
          dgRsqrt ((tangentDir % tangentDir) + 1.0e-8f));
      CalculatePointDerivative(ret, params, tangentDir, pointData,

      dgVector normalDir(tangentDir * matrix0.m_front);

      dgVector velocError(pointData.m_veloc1 - pointData.m_veloc0);
      //restitution = contact.m_restitution;
      relVelocErr = velocError % normalDir;
      if (relVelocErr > dgFloat32(1.0e-3f))
        relVelocErr *= dgFloat32(1.1f);

      penetrationErr = MIN_JOINT_PIN_LENGTH
          * (dgAcos (GetMax (coneCos, dgFloat32(-0.9999f))) - m_coneAngle);
      _ASSERTE(penetrationErr >= dgFloat32 (0.0f));

      CalculatePointDerivative(ret, params, normalDir, pointData,
      params.m_forceBounds[ret].m_low = dgFloat32(0.0f);
      params.m_forceBounds[ret].m_normalIndex = DG_NORMAL_CONSTRAINT;
      params.m_forceBounds[ret].m_jointForce = &m_jointForce[ret];
//			params.m_jointAccel[ret] = (relVelocErr + penetrationErr) * params.m_invTimestep;
          (relVelocErr + penetrationErr) * params.m_invTimestep, params);

  return dgUnsigned32(ret);
コード例 #24
dgUnsigned32 dgUniversalConstraint::JacobianDerivative (dgContraintDescritor& params)
	dgInt32 ret;
	dgFloat32 sinAngle;
	dgFloat32 cosAngle;
	dgMatrix matrix0;
	dgMatrix matrix1;

	CalculateGlobalMatrixAndAngle (matrix0, matrix1);

	const dgVector& dir0 = matrix0.m_front;
	const dgVector& dir1 = matrix1.m_up;
	dgVector dir2 (dir0 * dir1);

	dgVector dir3 (dir2 * dir0);
	dir3 = dir3.Scale3 (dgRsqrt (dir3 % dir3));

	const dgVector& p0 = matrix0.m_posit;
	const dgVector& p1 = matrix1.m_posit;

	dgVector q0 (p0 + dir3.Scale3(MIN_JOINT_PIN_LENGTH));
	dgVector q1 (p1 + dir1.Scale3(MIN_JOINT_PIN_LENGTH));

	dgPointParam pointDataP;
	dgPointParam pointDataQ;
	InitPointParam (pointDataP, m_stiffness, p0, p1);
	InitPointParam (pointDataQ, m_stiffness, q0, q1);

	CalculatePointDerivative (0, params, dir0, pointDataP, &m_jointForce[0]); 
	CalculatePointDerivative (1, params, dir1, pointDataP, &m_jointForce[1]); 
	CalculatePointDerivative (2, params, dir2, pointDataP, &m_jointForce[2]); 
	CalculatePointDerivative (3, params, dir0, pointDataQ, &m_jointForce[3]); 
	ret = 4;

//	dgVector sinAngle0 (matrix1.m_up * matrix0.m_up);
//	m_angle0 = dgAsin (ClampValue (sinAngle0 % dir0, -0.9999999f, 0.9999999f));
//	if ((matrix0.m_up % matrix1.m_up) < dgFloat32 (0.0f)) {
//		m_angle0 = (m_angle0 >= dgFloat32 (0.0f)) ? dgPI - m_angle0 : dgPI + m_angle0;
//	}

	sinAngle = (matrix1.m_up * matrix0.m_up) % matrix0.m_front;
	cosAngle = matrix0.m_up % matrix1.m_up;
//	dgAssert (dgAbsf (m_angle0 - dgAtan2 (sinAngle, cosAngle)) < 1.0e-1f);
	m_angle0 = dgAtan2 (sinAngle, cosAngle);

//	dgVector sinAngle1 (matrix0.m_front * matrix1.m_front);
//	m_angle1 = dgAsin (ClampValue (sinAngle1 % dir1, -0.9999999f, 0.9999999f));
//	if ((matrix0.m_front % matrix1.m_front) < dgFloat32 (0.0f)) {
//		m_angle1 = (m_angle1 >= dgFloat32 (0.0f)) ? dgPI - m_angle1 : dgPI + m_angle1;
//	}

	sinAngle = (matrix0.m_front * matrix1.m_front) % matrix1.m_up;
	cosAngle = matrix0.m_front % matrix1.m_front;
//	dgAssert (dgAbsf (m_angle1 - dgAtan2 (sinAngle, cosAngle)) < 1.0e-1f);
	m_angle1 = dgAtan2 (sinAngle, cosAngle);

	if (m_jointAccelFnt) {
		dgUnsigned32 code;
		dgJointCallbackParam axisParam[2];

		// linear acceleration
		axisParam[0].m_accel = dgFloat32 (0.0f);
		axisParam[0].m_timestep = params.m_timestep;
		axisParam[0].m_minFriction = DG_MIN_BOUND;
		axisParam[0].m_maxFriction = DG_MAX_BOUND;

		// angular acceleration
		axisParam[1].m_accel = dgFloat32 (0.0f);
		axisParam[1].m_timestep = params.m_timestep;
		axisParam[1].m_minFriction = DG_MIN_BOUND;
		axisParam[1].m_maxFriction = DG_MAX_BOUND;

		code = m_jointAccelFnt (*this, axisParam);
		if (code & 1) {
			if ((axisParam[0].m_minFriction > DG_MIN_BOUND) || (axisParam[0].m_maxFriction < DG_MAX_BOUND)) {
				params.m_forceBounds[ret].m_low = axisParam[0].m_minFriction;
				params.m_forceBounds[ret].m_upper = axisParam[0].m_maxFriction;
				params.m_forceBounds[ret].m_normalIndex = DG_BILATERAL_FRICTION_CONSTRAINT;

//			CalculatePointDerivative (ret, params, dir0, pointDataP, &m_jointForce[ret]); 
			CalculateAngularDerivative (ret, params, dir0, m_stiffness, dgFloat32 (0.0f), &m_jointForce[ret]);
			//params.m_jointAccel[ret] = axisParam[0].m_accel;
			SetMotorAcceleration (ret, axisParam[0].m_accel, params);
			ret ++;

		if (code & 2) {
			if ((axisParam[1].m_minFriction > DG_MIN_BOUND) || (axisParam[1].m_maxFriction < DG_MAX_BOUND)) {
				params.m_forceBounds[ret].m_low = axisParam[1].m_minFriction;
				params.m_forceBounds[ret].m_upper = axisParam[1].m_maxFriction;
				params.m_forceBounds[ret].m_normalIndex = DG_BILATERAL_FRICTION_CONSTRAINT;
			CalculateAngularDerivative (ret, params, dir1, m_stiffness, dgFloat32 (0.0f), &m_jointForce[ret]);
			//params.m_jointAccel[ret] = axisParam[1].m_accel;
			SetMotorAcceleration (ret, axisParam[1].m_accel, params);
			ret ++;

	return dgUnsigned32 (ret);
コード例 #25
void dgCollisionTaperedCylinder::Init (dgFloat32 radio0, dgFloat32 radio1, dgFloat32 height)
	m_rtti |= dgCollisionTaperedCylinder_RTTI;
	m_radio0 = dgAbsf (radio0);
	m_radio1 = dgAbsf (radio1);
	m_height = dgAbsf (height * dgFloat32 (0.5f));

	m_dirVector.m_x = radio1 - radio0;
	m_dirVector.m_y = m_height * dgFloat32 (2.0f);
	m_dirVector.m_z = dgFloat32 (0.0f);
	m_dirVector.m_w = dgFloat32 (0.0f);
	m_dirVector = m_dirVector.Scale3(dgRsqrt(m_dirVector % m_dirVector));

	dgFloat32 angle = dgFloat32 (0.0f);
	for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < DG_CYLINDER_SEGMENTS; i ++) {
		dgFloat32 sinAngle = dgSin (angle);
		dgFloat32 cosAngle = dgCos (angle);
		m_vertex[i                       ] = dgVector (- m_height, m_radio1 * cosAngle, m_radio1 * sinAngle, dgFloat32 (0.0f));
		m_vertex[i + DG_CYLINDER_SEGMENTS] = dgVector (  m_height, m_radio0 * cosAngle, m_radio0 * sinAngle,  dgFloat32 (0.0f));
		angle += dgPI2 / DG_CYLINDER_SEGMENTS;

	m_edgeCount = DG_CYLINDER_SEGMENTS * 6;
	m_vertexCount = DG_CYLINDER_SEGMENTS * 2;
	dgCollisionConvex::m_vertex = m_vertex;

	if (!m_shapeRefCount) {
		dgPolyhedra polyhedra(m_allocator);
		dgInt32 wireframe[DG_CYLINDER_SEGMENTS];

		dgInt32 j = DG_CYLINDER_SEGMENTS - 1;
		polyhedra.BeginFace ();
		for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < DG_CYLINDER_SEGMENTS; i ++) { 
			wireframe[0] = j;
			wireframe[1] = i;
			wireframe[2] = i + DG_CYLINDER_SEGMENTS;
			wireframe[3] = j + DG_CYLINDER_SEGMENTS;
			j = i;
			polyhedra.AddFace (4, wireframe);

		for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < DG_CYLINDER_SEGMENTS; i ++) { 
			wireframe[i] = DG_CYLINDER_SEGMENTS - 1 - i;
		polyhedra.AddFace (DG_CYLINDER_SEGMENTS, wireframe);

		for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < DG_CYLINDER_SEGMENTS; i ++) { 
			wireframe[i] = i + DG_CYLINDER_SEGMENTS;
		polyhedra.AddFace (DG_CYLINDER_SEGMENTS, wireframe);
		polyhedra.EndFace ();

		dgAssert (SanityCheck (polyhedra));

		dgUnsigned64 i = 0;
		dgPolyhedra::Iterator iter (polyhedra);
		for (iter.Begin(); iter; iter ++) {
			dgEdge* const edge = &(*iter);
			edge->m_userData = i;
			i ++;

		for (iter.Begin(); iter; iter ++) {
			dgEdge* const edge = &(*iter);

			dgConvexSimplexEdge* const ptr = &m_edgeArray[edge->m_userData];
			ptr->m_vertex = edge->m_incidentVertex;
			ptr->m_next = &m_edgeArray[edge->m_next->m_userData];
			ptr->m_prev = &m_edgeArray[edge->m_prev->m_userData];
			ptr->m_twin = &m_edgeArray[edge->m_twin->m_userData];

	m_shapeRefCount ++;
	dgCollisionConvex::m_simplex = m_edgeArray;

	SetVolumeAndCG ();
コード例 #26
dgInt32 dgCollisionCone::CalculatePlaneIntersection (const dgVector& normal, const dgVector& origin, dgVector* const contactsOut) const
	dgInt32 count = 0;
	if (normal.m_x > dgFloat32(0.99f)) {
		contactsOut[0] = dgVector(m_height, dgFloat32(0.0f), dgFloat32(0.0f), dgFloat32(0.0f));
		count = 1;
	} else if (normal.m_x < dgFloat32(-0.995f)) {
		if (normal.m_x < dgFloat32(-0.9995f)) {
			dgMatrix matrix(normal);
			matrix.m_posit.m_x = origin.m_x;
			dgVector scale(m_radius);
			const int n = sizeof (m_unitCircle) / sizeof (m_unitCircle[0]);
			for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < n; i++) {
				contactsOut[i] = matrix.TransformVector(m_unitCircle[i].CompProduct4(scale)) & dgVector::m_triplexMask;
			count = RectifyConvexSlice(n, normal, contactsOut);
		} else {
			dgFloat32 magInv = dgRsqrt(normal.m_y * normal.m_y + normal.m_z * normal.m_z);
			dgFloat32 cosAng = normal.m_y * magInv;
			dgFloat32 sinAng = normal.m_z * magInv;

			dgAssert(dgAbsf(normal.m_z * cosAng - normal.m_y * sinAng) < dgFloat32(1.0e-4f));
			dgVector normal1(normal.m_x, normal.m_y * cosAng + normal.m_z * sinAng, dgFloat32(0.0f), dgFloat32(0.0f));
			dgVector origin1(origin.m_x, origin.m_y * cosAng + origin.m_z * sinAng, origin.m_z * cosAng - origin.m_y * sinAng, dgFloat32(0.0f));

			count = dgCollisionConvex::CalculatePlaneIntersection(normal1, origin1, contactsOut);
			if (count > 6) {
				dgInt32 dy = 2 * 6;
				dgInt32 dx = 2 * count;
				dgInt32 acc = dy - count;
				dgInt32 index = 0;
				for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < count; i++) {
					if (acc > 0) {
						contactsOut[index] = contactsOut[i];
						acc -= dx;
					acc += dy;
				count = index;

			for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < count; i++) {
				dgFloat32 y = contactsOut[i].m_y;
				dgFloat32 z = contactsOut[i].m_z;
				contactsOut[i].m_y = y * cosAng - z * sinAng;
				contactsOut[i].m_z = z * cosAng + y * sinAng;
	} else {
		dgFloat32 magInv = dgRsqrt(normal.m_y * normal.m_y + normal.m_z * normal.m_z);
		dgFloat32 cosAng = normal.m_y * magInv;
		dgFloat32 sinAng = normal.m_z * magInv;

		dgAssert(dgAbsf(normal.m_z * cosAng - normal.m_y * sinAng) < dgFloat32(1.0e-4f));
		dgVector normal1(normal.m_x, normal.m_y * cosAng + normal.m_z * sinAng, dgFloat32(0.0f), dgFloat32(0.0f));
		dgVector origin1(origin.m_x, origin.m_y * cosAng + origin.m_z * sinAng, origin.m_z * cosAng - origin.m_y * sinAng, dgFloat32(0.0f));

		count = 0;
		int i0 = 2;
		dgVector test0((m_profile[i0] - origin1).DotProduct4(normal1));
		for (int i = 0; (i < 3) && (count < 2); i++) {
			dgVector test1((m_profile[i] - origin1).DotProduct4(normal1));
			dgVector acrossPlane(test0.CompProduct4(test1));
			if (acrossPlane.m_x < 0.0f) {
				dgVector step(m_profile[i] - m_profile[i0]);
				contactsOut[count] = m_profile[i0] - step.Scale4(test0.m_x / (step.DotProduct4(normal1).m_x));
			i0 = i;
			test0 = test1;

		for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < count; i++) {
			dgFloat32 y = contactsOut[i].m_y;
			dgFloat32 z = contactsOut[i].m_z;
			contactsOut[i].m_y = y * cosAng - z * sinAng;
			contactsOut[i].m_z = z * cosAng + y * sinAng;
	return count;
コード例 #27
dgInt32 dgCollisionChamferCylinder::CalculatePlaneIntersection (const dgVector& normal, const dgVector& origin, dgVector* const contactsOut) const
	dgInt32 count;
	if (dgAbsf (normal.m_x) < dgFloat32 (0.999f)) { 
		dgFloat32 magInv = dgRsqrt (normal.m_y * normal.m_y + normal.m_z * normal.m_z);
		dgFloat32 cosAng = normal.m_y * magInv;
		dgFloat32 sinAng = normal.m_z * magInv;
		_ASSERTE (dgAbsf (normal.m_z * cosAng - normal.m_y * sinAng) < dgFloat32 (1.0e-4f));
		dgVector normal1 (normal.m_x, normal.m_y * cosAng + normal.m_z * sinAng, dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f));
		dgVector origin1 (origin.m_x, origin.m_y * cosAng + origin.m_z * sinAng, 
									  origin.m_z * cosAng - origin.m_y * sinAng, dgFloat32 (0.0f));
		dgPlane plane (normal1, - (normal1 % origin1));
		count = 0;
		dgVector maxDir ((normal1.m_x > dgFloat32 (0.0f)) ? m_silhuette[0].m_x : -m_silhuette[0].m_x,
						 (normal1.m_y > dgFloat32 (0.0f)) ? m_silhuette[0].m_y : -m_silhuette[0].m_y, dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f));  

		dgFloat32 test0 = plane.Evalue (maxDir);
		dgFloat32 test1 = plane.Evalue (maxDir.Scale (dgFloat32 (-1.0f)));
		if ((test0 * test1) > dgFloat32 (0.0f)) {
			test0 = plane.m_w + plane.m_y * m_radius;
			if (dgAbsf (test0) < m_height) {
				contactsOut[count] = normal1.Scale (-test0);
				contactsOut[count].m_y += m_radius;
				count ++;
			} else {
				test0 = plane.m_w - plane.m_y * m_radius;
				if (dgAbsf (test0) < m_height) {
					contactsOut[count] = normal1.Scale (-test0);
					contactsOut[count].m_y -= m_radius;
					count ++;

		} else {
			dgVector dp (m_silhuette[1] - m_silhuette[0]);
			dgFloat32 den = normal1 % dp;
			_ASSERTE (dgAbsf (den) > dgFloat32 (0.0f));
			test0 = -plane.Evalue (m_silhuette[0]) / den;
			if ((test0 <= dgFloat32 (1.0)) && (test0 >= dgFloat32 (0.0f))) {
				contactsOut[count] = m_silhuette[0] + dp.Scale (test0);
				count ++;
			if (count < 2) {
				test0 = plane.m_w - plane.m_y * m_radius;
				if (dgAbsf (test0) < m_height) {
					dgFloat32 r = -m_radius;
					dgFloat32 d = plane.m_w + r * plane.m_y;

					dgFloat32 a = plane.m_x * plane.m_x + plane.m_y * plane.m_y;
					dgFloat32 b = dgFloat32 (2.0f) * plane.m_y * d;
					dgFloat32 c = d * d - m_height * m_height * plane.m_x * plane.m_x;
					dgFloat32 desc = b * b - dgFloat32 (4.0f) * a * c;
					if (desc > dgFloat32 (0.0f)) {
						_ASSERTE (dgAbsf (a) > dgFloat32 (0.0f));
						desc = dgSqrt (desc);
						a = - dgFloat32 (0.5f) * b / a; 
						dgFloat32 y0 = a + desc;
						dgFloat32 y1 = a - desc;
						if (y0 > dgFloat32 (0.0f)) {
							y0 = y1;
						_ASSERTE (y0 < dgFloat32 (0.0f));
						_ASSERTE (dgAbsf (plane.m_x) > dgFloat32 (0.0f));
						dgFloat32 x = - (plane.m_y * y0 + d) / plane.m_x;
						contactsOut[count] = dgVector (x, y0 + r, dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f));
						count ++;

			if (count < 2) {
				dgVector dp (m_silhuette[3] - m_silhuette[2]);
				den = normal1 % dp;
				_ASSERTE (dgAbsf (den) > dgFloat32 (0.0f));
				test0 = - plane.Evalue (m_silhuette[2]) / den;
				if ((test0 <= dgFloat32 (1.0)) && (test0 >= dgFloat32 (0.0f))) {
					contactsOut[count] = m_silhuette[2] + dp.Scale (test0);
					count ++;

			if (count < 2) {
				test0 = plane.m_w + plane.m_y * m_radius;
				if (dgAbsf (test0) < m_height) {
					dgFloat32 r = m_radius;
					dgFloat32 d = plane.m_w + r * plane.m_y;

					dgFloat32 a = plane.m_x * plane.m_x + plane.m_y * plane.m_y;
					dgFloat32 b = dgFloat32 (2.0f) * plane.m_y * d;
					dgFloat32 c = d * d - m_height * m_height * plane.m_x * plane.m_x;
					dgFloat32 desc = b * b - dgFloat32 (4.0f) * a * c;
					if (desc > dgFloat32 (0.0f)) {
						_ASSERTE (dgAbsf (a) > dgFloat32 (0.0f));
						desc = dgSqrt (desc);
						a = - dgFloat32 (0.5f) * b / a; 
						dgFloat32 y0 = a + desc;
						dgFloat32 y1 = a - desc;
						if (y0 < dgFloat32 (0.0f)) {
							y0 = y1;
						_ASSERTE (y0 > dgFloat32 (0.0f));
						_ASSERTE (dgAbsf (plane.m_x) > dgFloat32 (0.0f));
						dgFloat32 x = - (plane.m_y * y0 + d) / plane.m_x;
						contactsOut[count] = dgVector (x, y0 + r, dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f));
						count ++;

		for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
			dgFloat32 y = contactsOut[i].m_y;
			dgFloat32 z = contactsOut[i].m_z;
			contactsOut[i].m_y = y * cosAng - z * sinAng; 
			contactsOut[i].m_z = z * cosAng + y * sinAng;

	} else {
		count = dgCollisionConvex::CalculatePlaneIntersection (normal, origin, contactsOut);
	return count;

コード例 #28
hacd::HaI32 dgPolygonSoupDatabaseBuilder::FilterFace (hacd::HaI32 count, hacd::HaI32* const pool)
	if (count == 3) {
		dgBigVector p0 (m_vertexPoints[pool[2]]);
		for (hacd::HaI32 i = 0; i < 3; i ++) {
			dgBigVector p1 (m_vertexPoints[pool[i]]);
			dgBigVector edge (p1 - p0);
			hacd::HaF64 mag2 = edge % edge;
			if (mag2 < hacd::HaF32 (1.0e-6f)) {
				count = 0;
			p0 = p1;

		if (count == 3) {
			dgBigVector edge0 (m_vertexPoints[pool[2]] - m_vertexPoints[pool[0]]);
			dgBigVector edge1 (m_vertexPoints[pool[1]] - m_vertexPoints[pool[0]]);
			dgBigVector normal (edge0 * edge1);
			hacd::HaF64 mag2 = normal % normal;
			if (mag2 < hacd::HaF32 (1.0e-8f)) {
				count = 0;
	} else {
	dgPolySoupFilterAllocator polyhedra;

	count = polyhedra.AddFilterFace (hacd::HaU32 (count), pool);

	if (!count) {
		return 0;

	dgEdge* edge = &polyhedra.GetRoot()->GetInfo();
	if (edge->m_incidentFace < 0) {
		edge = edge->m_twin;

	bool flag = true;
	while (flag) {
		flag = false;
		if (count >= 3) {
			dgEdge* ptr = edge;

			dgBigVector p0 (&m_vertexPoints[ptr->m_incidentVertex].m_x);
			do {
				dgBigVector p1 (&m_vertexPoints[ptr->m_next->m_incidentVertex].m_x);
				dgBigVector e0 (p1 - p0);
				hacd::HaF64 mag2 = e0 % e0;
				if (mag2 < hacd::HaF32 (1.0e-6f)) {
					count --;
					flag = true;
					edge = ptr->m_next;
					ptr->m_prev->m_next = ptr->m_next;
					ptr->m_next->m_prev = ptr->m_prev;
					ptr->m_twin->m_next->m_prev = ptr->m_twin->m_prev;
					ptr->m_twin->m_prev->m_next = ptr->m_twin->m_next;
				p0 = p1;
				ptr = ptr->m_next;
			} while (ptr != edge);
	if (count >= 3) {
		flag = true;
		dgBigVector normal (polyhedra.FaceNormal (edge, &m_vertexPoints[0].m_x, sizeof (dgBigVector)));

		HACD_ASSERT ((normal % normal) > hacd::HaF32 (1.0e-10f)); 
		normal = normal.Scale (dgRsqrt (normal % normal + hacd::HaF32 (1.0e-20f)));

		while (flag) {
			flag = false;
			if (count >= 3) {
				dgEdge* ptr = edge;

				dgBigVector p0 (&m_vertexPoints[ptr->m_prev->m_incidentVertex].m_x);
				dgBigVector p1 (&m_vertexPoints[ptr->m_incidentVertex].m_x);
				dgBigVector e0 (p1 - p0);
				e0 = e0.Scale (dgRsqrt (e0 % e0 + hacd::HaF32(1.0e-10f)));
				do {
					dgBigVector p2 (&m_vertexPoints[ptr->m_next->m_incidentVertex].m_x);
					dgBigVector e1 (p2 - p1);

					e1 = e1.Scale (dgRsqrt (e1 % e1 + hacd::HaF32(1.0e-10f)));
					hacd::HaF64 mag2 = e1 % e0;
					if (mag2 > hacd::HaF32 (0.9999f)) {
						count --;
						flag = true;
						edge = ptr->m_next;
						ptr->m_prev->m_next = ptr->m_next;
						ptr->m_next->m_prev = ptr->m_prev;
						ptr->m_twin->m_next->m_prev = ptr->m_twin->m_prev;
						ptr->m_twin->m_prev->m_next = ptr->m_twin->m_next;

					dgBigVector n (e0 * e1);
					mag2 = n % normal;
					if (mag2 < hacd::HaF32 (1.0e-5f)) {
						count --;
						flag = true;
						edge = ptr->m_next;
						ptr->m_prev->m_next = ptr->m_next;
						ptr->m_next->m_prev = ptr->m_prev;
						ptr->m_twin->m_next->m_prev = ptr->m_twin->m_prev;
						ptr->m_twin->m_prev->m_next = ptr->m_twin->m_next;

					e0 = e1;
					p1 = p2;
					ptr = ptr->m_next;
				} while (ptr != edge);

	dgEdge* first = edge;
	if (count >= 3) {
		hacd::HaF64 best = hacd::HaF32 (2.0f);
		dgEdge* ptr = edge;

		dgBigVector p0 (&m_vertexPoints[ptr->m_incidentVertex].m_x);
		dgBigVector p1 (&m_vertexPoints[ptr->m_next->m_incidentVertex].m_x);
		dgBigVector e0 (p1 - p0);
		e0 = e0.Scale (dgRsqrt (e0 % e0 + hacd::HaF32(1.0e-10f)));
		do {
			dgBigVector p2 (&m_vertexPoints[ptr->m_next->m_next->m_incidentVertex].m_x);
			dgBigVector e1 (p2 - p1);

			e1 = e1.Scale (dgRsqrt (e1 % e1 + hacd::HaF32(1.0e-10f)));
			hacd::HaF64 mag2 = fabs (e1 % e0);
			if (mag2 < best) {
				best = mag2;
				first = ptr;

			e0 = e1;
			p1 = p2;
			ptr = ptr->m_next;
		} while (ptr != edge);

		count = 0;
		ptr = first;
		do {
			pool[count] = ptr->m_incidentVertex;
			count ++;
			ptr = ptr->m_next;
		} while (ptr != first);

#ifdef _DEBUG
	if (count >= 3) {
		hacd::HaI32 j0 = count - 2;  
		hacd::HaI32 j1 = count - 1;  
		dgBigVector normal (polyhedra.FaceNormal (edge, &m_vertexPoints[0].m_x, sizeof (dgBigVector)));
		for (hacd::HaI32 j2 = 0; j2 < count; j2 ++) { 
			dgBigVector p0 (&m_vertexPoints[pool[j0]].m_x);
			dgBigVector p1 (&m_vertexPoints[pool[j1]].m_x);
			dgBigVector p2 (&m_vertexPoints[pool[j2]].m_x);
			dgBigVector e0 ((p0 - p1));
			dgBigVector e1 ((p2 - p1));

			dgBigVector n (e1 * e0);
			HACD_ASSERT ((n % normal) > hacd::HaF32 (0.0f));
			j0 = j1;
			j1 = j2;

	return (count >= 3) ? count : 0;
コード例 #29
ファイル: dgMatrix.cpp プロジェクト: Kaoswerk/newton-dynamics
void dgMatrix::EigenVectors (dgVector &eigenValues, const dgMatrix* const initialGuess)
	dgMatrix& mat = *this;
	dgMatrix eigenVectors (dgGetIdentityMatrix());
	if (initialGuess) {
		eigenVectors = *initialGuess;
		mat = eigenVectors.Transpose4X4() * mat * eigenVectors;

	dgVector d (mat[0][0], mat[1][1], mat[2][2], dgFloat32 (0.0f)); 
	dgVector b (d);
	for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
		dgFloat32 sm = dgAbsf(mat[0][1]) + dgAbsf(mat[0][2]) + dgAbsf(mat[1][2]);

		if (sm < dgFloat32 (1.0e-12f)) {
			// order the eigenvalue vectors	
			dgVector tmp (eigenVectors.m_front * eigenVectors.m_up);
			if (tmp % eigenVectors.m_right < dgFloat32(0.0f)) {
				dgAssert (0.0f);
				eigenVectors.m_right = eigenVectors.m_right.Scale3 (-dgFloat32(1.0f));

		dgFloat32 thresh = dgFloat32 (0.0f);
		if (i < 3) {
			thresh = (dgFloat32)(0.2f / 9.0f) * sm;

		dgVector z (dgVector::m_zero);
		for (dgInt32 ip = 0; ip < 2; ip ++) {
			for (dgInt32 iq = ip + 1; iq < 3; iq ++) {
				dgFloat32 g = dgFloat32 (100.0f) * dgAbsf(mat[ip][iq]);
				if ((i > 3) && ((dgAbsf(d[ip]) + g) == dgAbsf(d[ip])) && ((dgAbsf(d[iq]) + g) == dgAbsf(d[iq]))) {
					mat[ip][iq] = dgFloat32 (0.0f);
				} else if (dgAbsf(mat[ip][iq]) > thresh) {

					dgFloat32 t;
					dgFloat32 h = d[iq] - d[ip];
					if (dgAbsf(h) + g == dgAbsf(h)) {
						t = mat[ip][iq] / h;
					} else {
						dgFloat32 theta = dgFloat32 (0.5f) * h / mat[ip][iq];
						t = dgFloat32(1.0f) / (dgAbsf(theta) + dgSqrt(dgFloat32(1.0f) + theta * theta));
						if (theta < dgFloat32 (0.0f)) {
							t = -t;
					dgFloat32 c = dgRsqrt (dgFloat32 (1.0f) + t * t); 
					dgFloat32 s = t * c; 
					dgFloat32 tau = s / (dgFloat32(1.0f) + c); 
					h = t * mat[ip][iq];
					z[ip] -= h; 
					z[iq] += h; 
					d[ip] -= h; 
					d[iq] += h;
					mat[ip][iq] = dgFloat32(0.0f);

					for (dgInt32 j = 0; j <= ip - 1; j ++) {
						dgFloat32 g = mat[j][ip]; 
						dgFloat32 h = mat[j][iq]; 
						mat[j][ip] = g - s * (h + g * tau); 
						mat[j][iq] = h + s * (g - h * tau);
					for (dgInt32 j = ip + 1; j <= iq - 1; j ++) {
						dgFloat32 g = mat[ip][j]; 
						dgFloat32 h = mat[j][iq]; 
						mat[ip][j] = g - s * (h + g * tau); 
						mat[j][iq] = h + s * (g - h * tau);
					for (dgInt32 j = iq + 1; j < 3; j ++) {
						dgFloat32 g = mat[ip][j]; 
						dgFloat32 h = mat[iq][j]; 
						mat[ip][j] = g - s * (h + g * tau); 
						mat[iq][j] = h + s * (g - h * tau);

					dgVector sv (s);
					dgVector tauv (tau);
					dgVector gv (eigenVectors[ip]);
					dgVector hv (eigenVectors[iq]);
					eigenVectors[ip] -= sv.CompProduct4 (hv + gv.CompProduct4(tauv)); 
					eigenVectors[iq] += sv.CompProduct4 (gv - hv.CompProduct4(tauv));

		b += z; 
		d = b; 

	eigenValues = d;
	*this = eigenVectors;