コード例 #1
ファイル: dgbmatrix-lapack.hpp プロジェクト: phelrine/NBTools
/*! solve A*X=Y using dgbsv\n
  The argument is dgematrix Y. Y is overwritten and become the solution X.
  A is also overwritten. */
inline long dgbmatrix::dgbsv(dgematrix& mat)
#ifdef  CPPL_DEBUG
  if(m!=n || n!=mat.m){
    std::cerr << "These matrix and vector cannot be solved." << std::endl
              << "Your input was (" << m << "x" << n << ") and (" << mat.m << "x" << mat.n << ")." << std::endl;
  dgbmatrix newmat(m,n,kl,ku+kl);
  for(long i=0; i<m; i++){ for(long j=std::max(long(0),i-kl); j<std::min(n,i+ku+1); j++){
    newmat(i,j) =operator()(i,j);
  long NRHS(mat.n), LDAB(2*kl+ku+1),
    *IPIV(new long[n]), LDB(mat.m), INFO(1);
  dgbsv_(n, kl, ku, NRHS, newmat.array, LDAB, IPIV, mat.array, LDB, INFO);
  delete [] IPIV;
    std::cerr << "Serious trouble happend. INFO = " << INFO << "." << std::endl;
  return INFO;
コード例 #2
    void GravityColumnSolverPolymer<FluxModel, Model>::solveSingleColumn(const std::vector<int>& column_cells,
                                                              const double dt,
                                                              std::vector<double>& s,
                                                              std::vector<double>& c,
                                                              std::vector<double>& cmax,
                                                              std::vector<double>& sol_vec)
	// This is written only to work with SinglePointUpwindTwoPhase,
	// not with arbitrary problem models.
        int col_size = column_cells.size();

        // if (col_size == 1) {
	//     sol_vec[2*column_cells[0] + 0] = 0.0;
	//     sol_vec[2*column_cells[0] + 1] = 0.0;
        //     return;
        // }

	StateWithZeroFlux state(s, c, cmax); // This holds s by reference.

	// Assemble.
        const int kl = 3;
        const int ku = 3;
        const int nrow = 2*kl + ku + 1;
        const int N = 2*col_size; // N unknowns: s and c for each cell.
	std::vector<double> hm(nrow*N, 0.0); // band matrix with 3 upper and 3 lower diagonals.
	std::vector<double> rhs(N, 0.0);
        const BandMatrixCoeff bmc(N, ku, kl);

	for (int ci = 0; ci < col_size; ++ci) {
	    std::vector<double> F(2, 0.);
	    std::vector<double> dFd1(4, 0.);
	    std::vector<double> dFd2(4, 0.);
	    std::vector<double> dF(4, 0.);
	    const int cell = column_cells[ci];
	    const int prev_cell = (ci == 0) ? -999 : column_cells[ci - 1];
	    const int next_cell = (ci == col_size - 1) ? -999 : column_cells[ci + 1];
	    // model_.initResidual(cell, F);
	    for (int j = grid_.cell_facepos[cell]; j < grid_.cell_facepos[cell+1]; ++j) {
		const int face = grid_.cell_faces[j];
		const int c1 = grid_.face_cells[2*face + 0];
                const int c2 = grid_.face_cells[2*face + 1];
		if (c1 == prev_cell || c2 == prev_cell || c1 == next_cell || c2 == next_cell) {
                    F.assign(2, 0.);
                    dFd1.assign(4, 0.);
                    dFd2.assign(4, 0.);
		    fmodel_.fluxConnection(state, grid_, dt, cell, face, &F[0], &dFd1[0], &dFd2[0]);
		    if (c1 == prev_cell || c2 == prev_cell) {
                        hm[bmc(2*ci + 0, 2*(ci - 1) + 0)] += dFd2[0];
                        hm[bmc(2*ci + 0, 2*(ci - 1) + 1)] += dFd2[1];
                        hm[bmc(2*ci + 1, 2*(ci - 1) + 0)] += dFd2[2];
                        hm[bmc(2*ci + 1, 2*(ci - 1) + 1)] += dFd2[3];
		    } else {
			ASSERT(c1 == next_cell || c2 == next_cell);
                        hm[bmc(2*ci + 0, 2*(ci + 1) + 0)] += dFd2[0];
                        hm[bmc(2*ci + 0, 2*(ci + 1) + 1)] += dFd2[1];
                        hm[bmc(2*ci + 1, 2*(ci + 1) + 0)] += dFd2[2];
                        hm[bmc(2*ci + 1, 2*(ci + 1) + 1)] += dFd2[3];
                    hm[bmc(2*ci + 0, 2*ci + 0)] += dFd1[0];
                    hm[bmc(2*ci + 0, 2*ci + 1)] += dFd1[1];
                    hm[bmc(2*ci + 1, 2*ci + 0)] += dFd1[2];
                    hm[bmc(2*ci + 1, 2*ci + 1)] += dFd1[3];

		    rhs[2*ci + 0] += F[0];
		    rhs[2*ci + 1] += F[1];
	    F.assign(2, 0.);
            dF.assign(4, 0.);
	    fmodel_.accumulation(grid_, cell, &F[0], &dF[0]);
            hm[bmc(2*ci + 0, 2*ci + 0)] += dF[0];
            hm[bmc(2*ci + 0, 2*ci + 1)] += dF[1];
            hm[bmc(2*ci + 1, 2*ci + 0)] += dF[2];
            if (std::abs(dF[3]) < 1e-12) {
                hm[bmc(2*ci + 1, 2*ci + 1)] += 1e-12;
            } else {
                hm[bmc(2*ci + 1, 2*ci + 1)] += dF[3];

            rhs[2*ci + 0] += F[0];
            rhs[2*ci + 1] += F[1];

	// model_.sourceTerms(); // Not needed
	// Solve.
	const int num_rhs = 1;
	int info = 0;
        std::vector<int> ipiv(N, 0);
	// Solution will be written to rhs.
        dgbsv_(&N, &kl, &ku, &num_rhs, &hm[0], &nrow, &ipiv[0], &rhs[0], &N, &info);
	if (info != 0) {
            std::cerr << "Failed column cells: ";
            std::copy(column_cells.begin(), column_cells.end(), std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cerr, " "));
            std::cerr << "\n";
	    THROW("Lapack reported error in dgtsv: " << info);
	for (int ci = 0; ci < col_size; ++ci) {
	    sol_vec[2*column_cells[ci] + 0] = -rhs[2*ci + 0];
	    sol_vec[2*column_cells[ci] + 1] = -rhs[2*ci + 1];
コード例 #3
    if (theSOE == 0) {
	opserr << "WARNING BandGenLinLapackSolver::solve(void)- ";
	opserr << " No LinearSOE object has been set\n";
	return -1;

    int n = theSOE->size;    
    // check iPiv is large enough
    if (iPivSize < n) {
	opserr << "WARNING BandGenLinLapackSolver::solve(void)- ";
	opserr << " iPiv not large enough - has setSize() been called?\n";
	return -1;

    int kl = theSOE->numSubD;
    int ku = theSOE->numSuperD;
    int ldA = 2*kl + ku +1;
    int nrhs = 1;
    int ldB = n;
    int info;
    double *Aptr = theSOE->A;
    double *Xptr = theSOE->X;
    double *Bptr = theSOE->B;
    int    *iPIV = iPiv;
    // first copy B into X
    for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
	*(Xptr++) = *(Bptr++);
    Xptr = theSOE->X;

    // now solve AX = B

#ifdef _WIN32
    {if (theSOE->factored == false)  
	// factor and solve 
    else  {
	// solve only using factored matrix
	unsigned int sizeC = 1;
	//DGBTRS("N", &sizeC, &n,&kl,&ku,&nrhs,Aptr,&ldA,iPIV,Xptr,&ldB,&info);
	DGBTRS("N", &n,&kl,&ku,&nrhs,Aptr,&ldA,iPIV,Xptr,&ldB,&info);
    {if (theSOE->factored == false)      
	// factor and solve 	
	// solve only using factored matrix	
    // check if successfull
    if (info != 0) {
	opserr << "WARNING BandGenLinLapackSolver::solve() -";
	opserr << "LAPACK routine returned " << info << endln;
	return -info;

    theSOE->factored = true;
    return 0;