static void get_contact() { DictionaryIterator *iter; app_message_outbox_begin(&iter); dict_write_cstring(iter, DICTATED_NAME_KEY, dictated_name); dict_write_int(iter, STATE_KEY, &s_state, 1, 0); dict_write_int(iter, ATTEMPT_NUMBER_KEY, &contact_try, 1, 0); app_message_outbox_send(); }
// Write message to buffer & send void send_values(int x, int y, int z){ DictionaryIterator *iter; app_message_outbox_begin(&iter); dict_write_int(iter,XVALUE_KEY,&x,sizeof(int),true); dict_write_int(iter,YVALUE_KEY,&y,sizeof(int),true); dict_write_int(iter,ZVALUE_KEY,&z,sizeof(int),true); dict_write_end(iter); app_message_outbox_send(); APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "**WATCH**: A message has been sent from pebble to the phone"); }
void pbl_capture_send() { struct GContext *gctx = app_get_current_graphics_context(); unsigned char *ptr = (unsigned char *)(*gctx->ptr); int pbl_capture_sentLen = 0; DictionaryResult ret; DictionaryIterator imgChunk; uint8_t buff[MAX_OUT_MESSAGE_SIZE]; int len = 0; for (int y=0; y<168; y++) { for (int x=0; x<18; x++) { http_capture_frameBuffer[len++] = *ptr++; } ptr++; ptr++; } app_comm_set_sniff_interval(SNIFF_INTERVAL_REDUCED); while (pbl_capture_sentLen < IMAGE_SIZE) { DictionaryResult res = dict_write_begin(&imgChunk, buff, MAX_OUT_MESSAGE_SIZE); if (res != DICT_OK) { return; } uint8_t msg = mMT_SendImage; ret = dict_write_int(&imgChunk, KEY_COMMAND, &msg, 1, false); if (DICT_OK != ret) { return; } uint16_t pos = pbl_capture_sentLen; ret = dict_write_int(&imgChunk, KEY_IMG_SIZE, &pos, 2, false); if (DICT_OK != ret) { return; } ret = dict_write_data(&imgChunk, KEY_IMG_START, http_capture_frameBuffer + pbl_capture_sentLen, BODY_LEN); if (DICT_OK != ret) { return; } pbl_capture_sentLen += BODY_LEN; dict_write_end(&imgChunk); mq_post(&imgChunk); } }
void checkWeatherUpdate() { APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "> checkWeatherUpdate"); char* apiKey = getApiKey(); if (apiKey == NULL) { APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "< checkWeatherUpdate - No api key to send."); return; } if (!isJsReady()) { APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "< checkWeatherUpdate - PebbleKit JS is not yet ready."); return; } bool weatherUpdateNecessary = false; if (weatherConfigChanged()) { weatherUpdateNecessary = true; APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Weather update necessary due to config change."); } else { unsigned int diff = time(NULL) - getLastWeatherUpdate(); unsigned int maxDiff = 60 * getUpdateFrequencyInMinutes(); if (diff >= maxDiff) { APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Last update was %i seconds ago > configured maximum %i. Updating.", diff, maxDiff); weatherUpdateNecessary = true; } } if (weatherUpdateNecessary) { // Begin dictionary DictionaryIterator *iter; AppMessageResult result = app_message_outbox_begin(&iter); if(result == APP_MSG_OK) { // Construct the message - add a key-value pair APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Sending api key."); dict_write_cstring(iter, MESSAGE_KEY_OWM_APPID, apiKey); int value = useCelsius() ? 1 : 0; dict_write_int(iter, MESSAGE_KEY_UNIT_TEMP, &value, sizeof(int), true); int localeValue = getWeatherLocale(); dict_write_int(iter, MESSAGE_KEY_WEATHER_LOCALE, &localeValue, sizeof(int), true); // Send the message! app_message_outbox_send(); } else { // The outbox cannot be used right now APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Error preparing the outbox: %d", (int)result); } } APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "< checkWeatherUpdate"); }
DictionaryResult dict_write_tuplet(DictionaryIterator *iter, const Tuplet * const tup) { const TupletData* const tuplet=(const TupletData* const) tup; switch (tuplet->type) { case TUPLE_BYTE_ARRAY: return dict_write_data(iter, tuplet->key, tuplet->, tuplet->data.bytes.length); case TUPLE_CSTRING: return dict_write_cstring(iter, tuplet->key, tuplet->; case TUPLE_INT: return dict_write_int(iter, tuplet->key, &(tuplet->, tuplet->data.integer.width, true); case TUPLE_UINT: return dict_write_int(iter, tuplet->key, &(tuplet->, tuplet->data.integer.width, false); } return DICT_INVALID_ARGS; }
static void updateSunTimes() { DictionaryIterator *iter; app_message_outbox_begin(&iter); int value = 1; dict_write_int(iter, KEY_UPDATE_SUNTIMES, &value, sizeof(value), true); app_message_outbox_send(); }
void request_from_phone() { // Declare the dictionary's iterator DictionaryIterator *out_iter; // Prepare the outbox buffer for this message AppMessageResult result = app_message_outbox_begin(&out_iter); if (result == APP_MSG_OK) { // A dummy value int value = 0; // Add an item to ask for weather data dict_write_int(out_iter, MESSAGE_KEY_phone_battery, &value, sizeof(int), true); } else { // The outbox cannot be used right now APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Error preparing the outbox: %d", (int)result); } // Send this message result = app_message_outbox_send(); // Check the result if (result != APP_MSG_OK) { APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Error sending the outbox: %d", (int)result); } }
static void select_click_callback(MenuLayer *menu_layer, MenuIndex *cell_index, void *callback_context) { switch(cell_index->row){ case 0: finish_init(); DictionaryIterator *iter; app_message_outbox_begin(&iter); char * phone_num = (char*)malloc(11 * sizeof(char)); phone_num[0] = cont_num[0]; phone_num[1] = cont_num[1]; phone_num[2] = cont_num[2]; phone_num[3] = cont_num[4]; phone_num[4] = cont_num[5]; phone_num[5] = cont_num[6]; phone_num[6] = cont_num[8]; phone_num[7] = cont_num[9]; phone_num[8] = cont_num[10]; phone_num[9] = cont_num[11]; phone_num[10] = '\0'; Tuplet value = TupletCString(1, phone_num); dict_write_tuplet(iter, &value); int number = (int)(amount * 10); dict_write_int(iter, 2, &number, sizeof(int), 0); app_message_outbox_send(); break; case 1: amount = 0; was_back = 1; show_home(); break; } }
static void ask_hub2watch_to_refresh() { // Sends a dumb appMessage to Hub2Watch to force it to refresh DictionaryIterator *iter; app_message_outbox_begin(&iter); int dumbVariable = 111; dict_write_int(iter, 1, &dumbVariable, sizeof(dumbVariable), true); app_message_outbox_send(); }
void battery_handler(BatteryChargeState charge) { // Sends an appMessage to Hub2Watch with the new Battery state DictionaryIterator *iter; app_message_outbox_begin(&iter); int percent = charge.charge_percent; dict_write_int(iter, 0, &percent, sizeof(int), true); app_message_outbox_send(); }
static void send(int key, int value) { DictionaryIterator *iter; app_message_outbox_begin(&iter); dict_write_int(iter, key, &value, sizeof(int), true); app_message_outbox_send(); }
static void send_settings_to_phone() { if (!JS_ready) return; DictionaryIterator *iter; app_message_outbox_begin(&iter); int dummy_int; dict_write_cstring(iter, KEY_APP_VERSION, app_version); dummy_int=CURRENT_STORAGE_VERSION; dict_write_int(iter, KEY_VERSION, &dummy_int, sizeof(int), true); dummy_int=data_timestamp; dict_write_int(iter, KEY_TIMESTAMP, &dummy_int, sizeof(int), true); dummy_int=settings.Show_clock; dict_write_int(iter, KEY_SHOW_CLOCK, &dummy_int, sizeof(int), true); dummy_int=settings.Auto_sort; dict_write_int(iter, KEY_AUTO_SORT, &dummy_int, sizeof(int), true); dummy_int=settings.Hrs_day_x10; dict_write_int(iter, KEY_HRS_PER_DAY, &dummy_int, sizeof(int), true); dummy_int=settings.Last_reset; dict_write_int(iter, KEY_LAST_RESET, &dummy_int, sizeof(int), true); if (timer.Active) dict_write_data(iter, KEY_TIMER, (void*) &timer, sizeof(timer)); jobs_list_write_dict(iter, KEY_JOBS); if (export_after_save) { dummy_int=true; dict_write_int(iter, KEY_EXPORT, &dummy_int, sizeof(int), true); export_after_save=false; } dict_write_end(iter); LOG("sending outbox..."); app_message_outbox_send(); }
static void send(int key, int message) { DictionaryIterator *iter; app_message_outbox_begin(&iter); dict_write_int(iter, key, &message, sizeof(int), true); APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "SEND for KEY %d is %d", key, message); app_message_outbox_send(); }
void communication_request_weather() { int use_celcius = config_get_use_celcius() ? 1 : 0; APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Sending weather request"); DictionaryIterator *iter; app_message_outbox_begin(&iter); dict_write_int(iter, KEY_USE_CELCIUS, &use_celcius, sizeof(int), true); app_message_outbox_send(); }
static void timer_callback(void *data) { DictionaryIterator *iter; uint8_t value = 1; app_message_outbox_begin(&iter); dict_write_int(iter, TEMPERATURE_KEY, &value, 1, true); dict_write_end(iter); app_message_outbox_send(); weather_timer = app_timer_register(getInterval() * 60 * 1000 /* milliseconds */, timer_callback, NULL); }
void netdownload_request(char *url) { DictionaryIterator *outbox; app_message_outbox_begin(&outbox); // Tell the javascript how big we want each chunk of data: max possible size - dictionary overhead with one Tuple in it. uint32_t chunk_size = app_message_inbox_size_maximum() - dict_calc_buffer_size(1); dict_write_int(outbox, NETDL_CHUNK_SIZE, &chunk_size, sizeof(uint32_t), false); // Send the URL dict_write_cstring(outbox, NETDL_URL, url); app_message_outbox_send(); }
static void request_weather(void) { DictionaryIterator *iter; APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "requesting weather"); app_message_outbox_begin(&iter); if (!iter) return; // Error creating outbound message int value = 1; dict_write_int(iter, 1, &value, sizeof(int), true); dict_write_end(iter); app_message_outbox_send(); }
void imagedownload_request(char *url) { DictionaryIterator *outbox; app_message_outbox_begin(&outbox); // Tell the javascript how big we want each chunk of data: // max possible size - dictionary overhead with one zero-byte Tuple in it (since rest of tuple is our data). uint32_t chunk_size = app_message_inbox_size_maximum() - dict_calc_buffer_size(1, 0); dict_write_int(outbox, MYQR_CHUNK_SIZE, &chunk_size, sizeof(uint32_t), false); // Send the URL dict_write_cstring(outbox, MYQR_REQUEST_CODE, url); app_message_outbox_send(); }
bool pge_ws_add_int(int key, int value) { if(!s_outbox_iter) { if(PGE_WS_LOGS) APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "pge_ws_packet_begin() has not been called!"); return false; } AppMessageResult result = dict_write_int(s_outbox_iter, key, &value, sizeof(int), true); if(result != APP_MSG_OK) { parse_result(result); return false; } return true; }
/** * Called when select button is clicked * Sends the action to the phone and removes the alert */ static void select_click_handler(ClickRecognizerRef recognizer, void *context) { // Get the selected item in the menu MenuIndex selected = menu_layer_get_selected_index(action_menu); // The menu only has section 0 at the moment, if it is not this then we have an erroneous state if (selected.section == 0) { // Build the message DictionaryIterator *iter; app_message_outbox_begin(&iter); // Write the message type and hazard ID fields in int type = DICT_TYPE_ACTION; dict_write_int(iter, DICT_TYPE_KEY, &type, sizeof(int), true); dict_write_int(iter, DICT_HAZARD_ID_KEY, &(current_alert->alert_id), sizeof(int), true); // Determine which action the user has selected int action; switch (selected.row) { case 0: action = DICT_ACTION_ACK; break; case 1: action = DICT_ACTION_DIS; break; } dict_write_int(iter, DICT_ACTION_KEY, &action, sizeof(int), true); // Send the message app_message_outbox_send(); // Remove alert from the Pebble and show the notification remove_alert_node(current_alert); refresh_alert_window(); show_action_sent_window(); } }
static void select_click_handler(ClickRecognizerRef recognizer, void *context) { if(image){ gbitmap_destroy(image); image = NULL; bitmap_layer_set_bitmap(image_layer, image); } text_layer_set_text(text_layer, "Updating image..."); DictionaryIterator *iter; uint8_t value = 1; app_message_outbox_begin(&iter); dict_write_int(iter, KEY_IMAGE, &value, 1, true); dict_write_end(iter); app_message_outbox_send(); }
static void request_weather(void) { DictionaryIterator *iter; app_message_outbox_begin(&iter); if (!iter) { // Error creating outbound message return; } int value = 1; dict_write_int(iter, 1, &value, sizeof(int), true); dict_write_end(iter); app_message_outbox_send(); }
static void select_click_handler(ClickRecognizerRef recognizer, void *context) { if(ErrorExists == 0 && Loading == 0){ show_details(); DictionaryIterator *iter; uint8_t value = 1; app_message_outbox_begin(&iter); dict_write_int(iter, KEY_DETAILS, &value, 1, true); dict_write_end(iter); app_message_outbox_send(); } else { APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Select disabled."); } }
static void up_click_handler(ClickRecognizerRef recognizer, void *context) { if(Loading == 1){ text_layer_set_text(message_text_layer, "PATIENCE!"); layer_mark_dirty(text_layer_get_layer(message_text_layer)); } else if(ErrorExists == 0 && Loading == 0){ load_next(); DictionaryIterator *iter; uint8_t value = 1; app_message_outbox_begin(&iter); dict_write_int(iter, KEY_PREVIOUS, &value, 1, true); dict_write_end(iter); app_message_outbox_send(); } else { APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Up disabled."); } }
static void send_final_message() { DictionaryIterator *iter; app_message_outbox_begin(&iter); dict_write_cstring(iter, CONTACT_NAME_KEY, contact_name); dict_write_cstring(iter, CONTACT_NUMBER_KEY, contact_number); // APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "contact id %s", contact_id); dict_write_cstring(iter, CONTACT_ID_KEY, contact_id); DictionaryResult res = dict_write_cstring(iter, FINAL_MESSAGE_KEY, dictated_message); if (res == DICT_OK) { // APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "added"); } if (res == DICT_NOT_ENOUGH_STORAGE) { APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "not enough storage"); } if (res == DICT_INVALID_ARGS) { APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "invalid args"); } dict_write_int(iter, STATE_KEY, &s_state, 1, 0); app_message_outbox_send(); }
static void getForecast() { if (!isJSRunning) return; time_t fore_age = (cur_time-temp_fore_age)/3600; if (fore_age > 12) { // 12 hours old APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Forecast data is old, asking for more"); // Prepare dictionary DictionaryIterator *iterator; app_message_outbox_begin(&iterator); // Write data int key = MESSAGE_KEY_REFRESH; int value = 2; dict_write_int(iterator, key, &value, sizeof(int), true /* signed */); // Send the data! app_message_outbox_send(); temp_age = cur_time; // only ask every 60 minutes.... } }
void send_request (int value) { APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Sending request : %i", value); // Declare the dictionary's iterator DictionaryIterator* out_iter; // Prepare the outbox buffer for this message AppMessageResult result = app_message_outbox_begin(&out_iter); if (result == APP_MSG_OK) { // Add an item to ask for weather data dict_write_int(out_iter, MAKE_REQUEST, &value, sizeof(int), false); // Send this message result = app_message_outbox_send(); if (result != APP_MSG_OK) { APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Error sending the outbox: %d", (int)result); } } else { // The outbox cannot be used right now APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Error preparing the outbox: %d", (int)result); } }
static void webcam_window_load(Window *window) { Layer *window_layer = window_get_root_layer(window); GRect bounds = layer_get_bounds(window_layer); image_layer = bitmap_layer_create(bounds); bitmap_layer_set_alignment(image_layer, GAlignCenter); layer_add_child(window_layer, bitmap_layer_get_layer(image_layer)); webcam_status_text_layer = text_layer_create(GRect(0, bounds.size.h - 16, bounds.size.w, 16)); text_layer_set_text(webcam_status_text_layer, "Please wait..."); text_layer_set_font(webcam_status_text_layer, fonts_get_system_font(FONT_KEY_GOTHIC_14)); text_layer_set_text_alignment(webcam_status_text_layer, GTextAlignmentCenter); text_layer_set_background_color(webcam_status_text_layer, GColorClear); layer_add_child(window_layer, text_layer_get_layer(webcam_status_text_layer)); DictionaryIterator *iter; app_message_outbox_begin(&iter); dict_write_int(iter, KEY_WEBCAM, &webcam_current_id, sizeof(int), true); dict_write_end(iter); app_message_outbox_send(); }
DictionaryResult dict_write_int32(DictionaryIterator *iter, const uint32_t key, const int32_t value) { return dict_write_int(iter, key, &value, 4, true); }
DictionaryResult dict_write_uint16(DictionaryIterator *iter, const uint32_t key, const uint16_t value) { return dict_write_int(iter, key, &value, 2, false); }